How to design the first page of a project sample. Is the design different for different items? What is a title page

As is known, any administration presents high demands to the preparation of documentation. Therefore, it is important not only to compose the text of the work well, but also to format it according to all the rules.

The title page of the project is drawn up on an A4 sheet. The fields are formatted as follows:

  • Right margin of the sheet - 10 mm
  • Left sheet margin - 20 mm
  • Top and bottom margin - 15 mm
  • Line spacing - 1.5 or select “Exactly” “18 pt.”
  • The title page is not numbered. To do this, when entering page numbers, check the box in the “Special footer for the first page” section.

At the top of the title page the full name of the educational institution is indicated in 16 pt font. Times New Roman. The department is indicated in its full name just below.

In the middle of the sheet is written “... Project” in bold 24 pt. Instead of an ellipsis, the type of project is indicated (creative, diploma, etc.). The next line states the topic in capital letters, without a period at the end of the sentence and without quotation marks in 28 pt font. In some cases, the project name is indicated without the word "Subject:", but sometimes you will need to indicate this. The title must correspond to the content of the project, be very brief, but complete. The title may contain a small title, which should also be very brief so as not to become a new project title.

The position of the project manager or managers is indicated on the left, and the names of the project managers are indicated in a column on the right, as well as information about the author of the project (last name, first name, class/group/team, etc.).

At the very bottom the place where the work was performed is indicated (for example, St. Petersburg), and even lower - the year without a period and quotation marks in a 14 pt font.

Now check all the necessary points again:

  • Full name of the educational institution
  • Project name
  • Last name and first name of the person who performed it, class/group/team, etc.
  • Last name, initials and position of project leaders
  • Location where the project was completed
  • Year of completion of work

This design of the title page is the most often required, but depending on the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the country or region, it may change.

A research paper consists of an introduction, 2-3 paragraphs, a conclusion, and a list of references. The work may include applications as needed.

The work must be written in scientific language. The pronoun “I” is not used in scientific papers. When expressing the author’s own views, expressions such as “in the author’s opinion,” “in our opinion,” “the author believes,” etc. should be used. The use of newspaper expressions and cliches, monosyllabic sentences, etc. is unacceptable.

When borrowing any theoretical provisions or data used for analysis, it is necessary to provide a link to the source used. A reference to the literature is required if the author of the work directly refers to the opinion of another researcher.

For example:

Definition of the concept presented by the author in the source, sounds like this "... ... ...".

The work must contain figures and tables. After each table, it is necessary to analyze the data presented in the table.

In the introduction, totaling 1-2 pages, you need:

Justify relevance the selected topic (the significance of the selected topic is justified),

Define target work (according to the title of the work),

Define tasks, to be decided in the process of writing the work (the formulation is based on the content of the paragraphs. In this case, the following keywords, how to “conduct research...”, “identify the essence...”, “carry out an analysis...”, etc.).

IN 1st paragraph needs to be stated theoretical foundations, concepts and principles that, in the author’s opinion, will allow solving the assigned problems. Particular attention should be paid to critical understanding of the material presented. Based on comparison and contrast of different points of view, it is necessary to justify your own approach to solving the problems under consideration. It is advisable to analyze existing theoretical positions, justify and reasonably select the most appropriate concepts and theories.

In 2nd paragraph it is necessary to present practical results obtained as a result of experiments, surveys, etc.

In z conclusion the main conclusions are presented. It is advisable to begin the conclusion with the phrase: “As a result of the research carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: …”. In the conclusion, as well as in the introduction, the presence of tables, graphs, and references to literature is not allowed.

The list of references includes all literature studied in the process of writing the work.

The work is performed on A-size sheets on a computer. Sold bound and in a plastic folder. The total amount of work is 25 - 30 sheets. The pages are numbered. There is no page number on the title page.

The work must be completed on a computer with 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 font.

Page margins.

top - 2.5 cm,

lower - 2.5 cm,

left - 3.0 cm,

right - 1.5 cm.

Applications are not included in the total scope of work.

The chapter begins on a new page. No text is written between the title of the chapter and the paragraph.

There are no periods in headings.

Structure of research or project work


Minimum number of pages


Front page

There is no page numbering

There is no page numbering


Goal, objectives, object of research

Basic theoretical information

Research part


Printout of the presentation with comments











Saint Petersburg

Tagging table of contents items using built-in heading styles


    If you can't find the style you want, click the arrow to expand the Quick Styles gallery.

    If you don't see the style you want in the Quick Styles gallery, press CTRL+SHIFT+S to open the task pane Apply Styles. In the field Style name select the desired style.

Marking individual pieces of text as table of contents items

If the elements of the table of contents should be fragments of text to which the heading style has not been applied, then you can mark such fragments as elements of the table of contents as follows.

Creating a Table of Contents

Once all table of contents items have been labeled, you can begin assembling the table of contents.

Create a table of contents using built-in heading styles

This procedure should be used if the document was created using heading styles.

The tables are double numbered. The first digit corresponds to the number of the chapter in which the table is located, the second digit is the serial number of the table in this chapter. Tables are formatted in single spacing.

The most cumbersome tables (more than two pages), if they do not contain basic information, can be placed in an appendix.

1. Table 2.1 shows the amounts...

2. Gross costs correspond to the volume of output (Table 2.1) and can be reduced...

Table 1.1

Table name

R The figures are double numbered. The first digit corresponds to the number of the chapter in which the table is located, the second digit is the serial number of the table in this chapter. Tables are formatted in single spacing.

The most cumbersome diagrams and graphs, if they do not carry basic information, can be placed in the appendix.

Drawings, diagrams, graphs, algorithms and other illustrations are designated as drawings.

1. In Fig. 1.1 is shown...

2. The dynamics of development of the process under study (Fig. 1.1) shows...

Rice. 1.1. Title of the figure (interaction diagram, graph, dynamics of development, etc.)

The bibliography should consist of at least ten sources, which include textbooks, scientific publications, periodicals, sites.

Bibliographic design literary sources is carried out in alphabetical order as follows.

For books and textbooks by one to three authors:

Last name I.O. Title of the book. - City: Publisher, year of publication. - Number of pages.

Ivanov A.A. Petrov A.B. Management in the organization: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Yarosvet, 1997. - 120 p.

For books edited.

Book title / Ed. I.O. Surname. - City: Publisher, year of publication. - Number of pages.

For an article from a collection of articles.

Last name I.O. Title of the article // Title of the collection: Sat. scientific tr./ Ed. I.O. Last name. - City: Publisher, year of publication. - pages on which the article is posted.

For an article from a periodical.

Last name I.O. Title of the article// Title of the magazine, newspaper. - Year of publication. - No.__. - S. from-to.

Methodological development“Requirements for the design and research work of students
and product presentations" (group consultation)

According to paragraph 11 of the regulations on the design and educational and research activities of students of the MBOU DO "CTR "Salyut", the registration of design and educational and research work is required the following requirements:
11.1. Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of goal, task, object, subject, research hypothesis). The introduction should include a statement of the problem, reflect the relevance of the topic, a definition of the goals and objectives set for the performer of the work, a description of the object, subject, research hypothesis, and a description of the personal contribution of the author of the work to solving the selected problem.
Introduction is a very important part of the work. The introduction should clearly answer the following questions:
1. Why is this problem interesting from the point of view of science or its practical application?
2. What place do the results of this work occupy in the overall solution of the problem?
3. Why was the work done, what was its purpose and to what extent was it achieved?

11.2. Main part(literature review, research methodology, description of the study). The main part should contain brief overview literature and sources used with the author’s conclusions, the degree of study of this issue, a description of the main facts under consideration, characteristics of methods for solving the problem, a comparison of old and proposed solution methods known to the author, justification for the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, clarity, practical significance, etc.). d.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). At the end of each chapter (paragraph) there should be conclusions. The conclusions essentially repeat what was already said in the previous chapter, but are formulated concisely, without detailed evidence.
11.3. Conclusion (conclusions and results). The conclusion should contain in a concise form the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, the direction of further research and suggestions for possible practical use of the research results).
11.4. References. The bibliography contains, in alphabetical order, a list of publications, editions and sources used by the author, indicating the publisher, city, and total number of pages.
11.5. Application(scenarios, questionnaires, results of social surveys, reviews, etc.) are attached at the end of the project as an appendix.
11.6. Front page must contain the name of the project, full name. author, name of the association, full name of the educational institution, full name. director (indicated in full), year and place of compilation.
11.7. Text of the work:
- Times New Roman font (Russified), size 12, black;
- margins top, bottom, left, right – 2 cm each;
- line spacing – single;
- paragraph indents (red lines) – 1.5 cm;
- text alignment – ​​width;
- hyphenation – automatic;
- page numbers are placed on each page, except for the title page (i.e. the contents are page No. 2).
- page parameters: paper size – A4 format;
- orientation – portrait;
11.8. The text of the main part of the work is divided into chapters, sections, subsections, paragraphs.
11.9. Headings of the structural parts of the work:“CONTENTS”, “INTRODUCTION”, “CHAPTER”, “CONCLUSIONS”, “APPENDICES”, are printed in capital letters.
11.10. Section headings are printed in lowercase letters (except for the first capital letter) from the paragraph. Do not put a period at the end of the title! If the title consists of two or more sentences, they are separated by a period. Headings and subheadings are given in the nominative singular and (less often) plural form.
11.11. Section headings can begin with either a capital or a lowercase letter, subheadings can only begin with a lowercase letter (unless, of course, they are proper names). The endings of rubrics are not marked with punctuation marks.
11.12. Chapter title, The paragraph should not be the last line on the page. The distance between the title (except for the paragraph title) and the text should be 2-3 spaces. 11.13. It is recommended to start each structural part of the work on a new sheet.

According to paragraph 12 of the Regulations on the project and educational and research activities of students of the MBOU DO “CTR “Salyut””, the following requirements are imposed on the design of the products of students’ design and research activities:
12.1. Basic requirements for the presentation:

Execution in Microsoft program Power Point 2003,2007;
File size no more than 3MB, number of slides no more than 15 pieces,
The presence of a title, introductory, informational and anchoring slide. Full name is indicated on the title slide. teaching person, full name of the educational institution, name of the association, full name. project manager; the introductory slide should contain the topic, goals and objectives of the project; the supporting slide indicates sources of information (author, year of publication, etc.), including Internet resources and illustrative material.
12.2. Basic requirements for creative work:
12.2.1. Book, magazine, newspaper, collection, almanac, reference book, etc.:
Printed text;
Compliance with a uniform design style;
A4 format;
Availability of cover, title page, table of contents;
Availability of basic information about the author, illustrator;
Availability of information about the project manager;
If documentary facts are used in the work, then be sure to indicate the source of information;
Photographs and drawings included in the work must contain information about the author.
12.2.2. Models, layouts, flat compositions and other products made in different techniques:
Materials are selected at the discretion of participants in design and research activities;
The work must be accompanied by a passport: size 5 cm * 10 cm, font 14, topic of the project, full name. author, name of the association, educational institution, full name manager (indicated in full).

According to clause 13.7. Result (product) project activities, which is submitted for defense can be:
- for research and information works: abstract message, computer presentations, instruments, layouts and other forms;
- For creative works: written description of work, script, excursion, poster reports, computer presentations, video materials, photo albums, models, prose or poetic works, dramatizations, artistic recitation, performance of a musical work, computer animation and other forms.
13.8. To defend the final individual project, students prepare:
1) product of project activity;
2) a folder with materials on project and educational research work in accordance with the requirements (clause 11 of these Regulations)
3) short explanatory note to the project (no more than one typewritten page in length) indicating for all projects:
a) the original intent, purpose and purpose of the project;
b) brief description the progress of the project and the results obtained;
c) list of sources used.
For design projects, the explanatory note also includes a description of the features of design solutions, for social projects– description of the effects/impact of the project implementation;
13.9. The defense is carried out before the IBO Commission of the Salyut Center in accordance with the defense schedule.

Criteria for evaluating design and research activities
- relevance of the selected study;
- ability to use known results and facts;
- registration of research results (according to the Regulations);
- literacy in protecting research results;
- manufacturability and technical execution;
- ability to answer questions in a reasoned manner.

The title page is perhaps the most important part of the course project. From our school years We have carried over many expressions into adulthood, such as “the cover of your notebook is your face!” or “they are greeted by their clothes.” It's not hard to guess that front page course project - that same “clothes” and that same “your face”.

There are different requirements to the title pages - both local (university) and general (GOST). At the end of this material, you can download a sample title page of a course project that meets current GOSTs and the requirements of most universities.

The title page, while not being the key parameter according to which the manager gives the assessment, still carries important information not only about who the author of this creation is, where he is from and who taught him everything. But also the degree of literacy and accuracy in the design of the title page of a course project speaks of the student’s organization, his neatness and attitude to established requirements, as well as his ability to handle modern text editors.

It is no coincidence that we mentioned programs for working with text: the submission of work is carried out in electronic or printed form, and, therefore, the design is inevitably embodied in the notorious text editors. There is no need to say once again that the title page is also drawn up in this kind of programs, which is a fascinating task and, at the same time, fraught with various difficulties.

How to design a title page for a course project

We will explain in detail and, most importantly, show you how to design the title page of a course project in good old Word. We know a lot of tricks, the use of which is aerobatics in the design of title pages.

First, let's repeat the old elementary truths. The title page contains information about:

  • which ministry of our country your educational institution belongs to;
  • full name of your place of study;
  • the name of the faculties and departments where you have the good fortune to study;
  • category of work (in our case, a course project);
  • the name of the project, indicating the discipline within which the research was conducted;
  • information about the author of the work - about you (last name and initials, course, group);
  • information about the scientific supervisor, where in addition to his last name and initials, his academic degree must be indicated;
  • the city where you study;
  • the year in which your course project was written.

Of course, the easiest and wisest thing to do is ask your manager for a sample title page. However, not everyone is ready to provide a sample, and if they do, it is in words or in printed form. While the greatest difficulty is creating a title page in a text editor.

How to make a title page in Word

Before you start creating a title page for your course project, first, make sure that your page is oriented as portrait, and second, that the margins are set to normal.

So, let's go.

  1. At the top of the page you need to create a table consisting of one single cell. The created table only needs to have a lower border.
  1. Next, use the Caps Lock key to change the case of the letters to uppercase. Then the following parameters are set: font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt., line spacing - single, indent after paragraph - 6 pt., alignment - centered.

Then the first line is typed:

  1. To type the following lines, you need to change the font size from 14pt. at 12 pt. Having disabled the Caps Lock key, proceed to typing the following line:

  1. Moving from the table to the main part of the sheet, you need to make an indent of 30 pt. Then type the name of the institute (if there is one). Afterwards you need to specify a new value for the top indent – ​​0 pt. and type the name of the direction, and below (with the same indentation at the top) write the name of the department to which your course project is submitted.
  2. In the next line you need to indicate the type of work we are performing. Therefore, retreating 30 pt. down and pressing the Caps Lock button, type COURSE PROJECT. Then, using a forced line break, you must indicate the topic of the work and the discipline to which the topic relates, as follows:

  1. Next, information about you, the author of the work, is written down. Retreating 30 pt. down, you need to indicate the group (or course) and your initials and surname. In this case, your name is separated from the information about the group or course with the Tab key and brought to the right edge of the sheet.
  2. The next line is also separated by 30 pt. On this line only the word “Leader:” is written. Below, without separating the lines, the position and academic degree of the teacher are indicated, and then, using the same Tab key, his initials and surname are moved to the right edge of the sheet.

  1. The final point in the design of the title page is the indication of the city and year. This information is entered in the “Special Footer of the First Page”, where the city and year are written either separated by a comma or separated by a dash - all according to the requirements of your place of study.

Sample title page of a course project according to GOST

Many freshmen have problems with correct design report or abstract. Very often, having received an assignment to write an essay, a student thinks about how to design the title page. The key to a good grade is not only the text of the abstract itself, but also a flawlessly composed title page. Since the abstract is a scientific work, its formatting should be high level. First of all, the title page should have a neat appearance. Next, on the left side of the sheet we leave space for binding. Indentations must be made on all pages. It will be better if you take an indent of three centimeters on the left, two centimeters at the top and bottom, and one and a half centimeters on the right side.

How to format the title page of an essay?

Let's move on to choosing the size and font. The normal font for text is twelve. However, for the title we need to choose a large font. As a rule, we use TimesNewRoman as a standard. Next, you need to highlight the name in bold or italics. When choosing a creative topic, you can make the title original by using different styles, but it is better to consult with your teacher in advance. When writing a serious topic, a standard design without any frills will be correct.

How to correctly format the title page of an essay? To make the cover page beautiful appearance you can make a frame. It is best to choose a frame that is voluminous or with pictures, but in a classic style. Next we move on to entering text. Exists state standard to format the cover page. However, it happens that higher educational institutions set their own standards regarding its preparation. To correctly format the title page of your essay, it is better to take a sample from the department or teacher. The top text should be written in a standard font - TimesNewRoman. His size is fourteen. Then we highlight the sentence in bold and align it in the middle. The line spacing should be one.

The name of the faculty should be written in the center of the page. Usually the name of the faculty is written at the top. Next, step back down and write the word “abstract” in capital letters. Below we indicate the words “in the discipline” and the name of the subject, and on the next line the word “topic” and the name of the work performed. We step back down and on the right we write the details of the student and his teacher, including the mark for the essay and leave a line for signatures. At the bottom of the sheet, in the center, indicate the name of your city, and at the bottom - the year the work was submitted.

As a rule, reports begin to be assigned from school. It is from the title page that one gets acquainted with the contents of the report. Therefore, its design must be neat and correct. Information about educational institution, the topic of the completed report, the name of the student, and also write the year and locality. Let's take a closer look at how to properly format the title page of a report. It is imperative to use large font.

At the top we write the name of our school or university, for example “Secondary school No. 12 of Ryazan municipality" Any abbreviation must be deciphered. This is usually done in capital letters. Go to the central part of the page and indicate the topic of the work. To do this, first write the phrase “report on the topic” and on the next line, capitalize the name itself, for example “Healthy lifestyle”. We step back down and on the right indicate the last and first name of the author, class, as well as the full name of the teacher. At the bottom of the page we indicate the date the report was written, and below the city with a capital letter.

A correctly designed title page of the work indicates the student’s attitude towards his project. The title page is the first page of your project, but it is never numbered. Before you begin to compile it, you should take into account the standards of the educational institution and the teacher. At the top in the middle of the page we write the name of our school. Below we indicate the name of the work performed.

By indenting down the middle of the page, indicate the name of your project, including the name of the item. Remember that when designing a title page, the title of the topic is written without quotation marks. Next, go down and on the right side indicate the name of the faculty, your group or class and the details of the author. Just below are the initials of the manager along the words “checked”. If you don’t know how to format a title page correctly, see the sample example.

At the bottom of the page, in the center, indicate your city of residence. On the next line we write the date the task was completed. It must be borne in mind that the word “year” is not indicated on the sheet. When completing a cover page, never put a period at the end of a sentence. The only exception may be the title of the work, consisting of several sentences. However, after the last sentence, we do not put a full stop.

Coursework is one of the defining forms of a student’s report on a particular subject. The rules for its registration in each educational institution may differ. But there are generally accepted standards for its design. The title page is drawn up in A4 format with a font size of fourteen. The font should be standard - TimesNewRoman. Before you start filling out the data on the page, you need to make indents: one centimeter on the right, three on the left, and two centimeters on the top and bottom.

Translated from Latin, the title page means “inscription”, “title”. This sheet contains information about the educational institution, faculty, topic course work, subject, details of the student and his supervisor, as well as the locality and year of the work. The top line is filled in capital letters, highlighted in bold, and centered. The name of the topic of the course work is also written in the middle, but with a large font size and always in capital letters. We do not put a period at the end of the sentence. If the sentence is long, it can be written on two lines.

We write student information at the bottom right, aligned to the left. The student's full name is written in the genitive case. By skipping one line, indicate the initials of the supervisor or teacher. The manager's full name is written in the nominative case. To enter this data, we use a font size of fourteen. And finally, at the bottom of the page we indicate the locality and year of delivery of our work, aligning it in the center.

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