How to understand that a girl is interested in you. "Dude, what are you waiting for?" How to understand that she is interested in you How to understand if I am an interesting person

There is nothing easier than understanding what a girl is interested in. There is nothing more difficult than understanding what a girl is interested in. God knows what is going on in their heads, they are unpredictable and think according to some chaotic schemes of their own, or God knows how. However, you can catch them literally in small things.

1. She spends time on you even when you're not around.

How to make a woman love you? Stay away from her! Let him think about you more and make himself feel worse. This is where she gets burned. If she starts commenting rather than communicating with you (commenting in our understanding means telling you something while there is no response from you). If she keeps her distance, she may be waiting for you to make the first move. Or maybe you just didn’t give in to her.

2. She follows you on social networks

This is where the information dump is! If you notice that she was digging through your profile: likes and comments on old photos, details of your account that came up in conversation - know that she spent time finding out more about you. The actions scream: “I’m curious! I want to know more! MORE!" One caveat: if she doesn't ask to be your friend, maybe she doesn't want to get involved with you in real life.

3. She doesn't want to share you with anyone

A woman who likes you will do anything to mark her territory. She will prevent you from communicating with other girls and constantly rub herself next to you so that everyone understands: it’s busy here. If she doesn’t start fighting for you in this way, it means that in her eyes you are not worth it.

4. She asks questions

Obviously: she wants to know more about you. “Aren’t you going to get married in an hour?” - she will casually insert in conversation. Does a stream of questions keep pouring into your head? Congratulations. If you give monosyllabic answers to them, she will move on and never regret it. So open your mouth, don't be shy.

5. She provokes you to show feelings.

When a woman wants you, she needs confirmation that her desires are noticed and are about to be satisfied. She will stroke your neck, lick her lips, fluff her hair to make you crack and look at her so unequivocally that she will want to jump out of her clothes right there.

6. It reflects your actions

Everyone knows a simple trick: in order to please a person and gain his trust, you need to repeat his gestures. Anyone who does this consciously and scientifically is an asshole and a strategist. Those who do this naturally, naively want to be liked. If one person reflects another, it means that he is already interested.

7. She stays close enough for a kiss

Pay attention to how she reacts when you approach her at a catastrophically short distance. She doesn’t move away, but, on the contrary, moves closer? The more she likes you, the more comfortable she is in your company, the closer she will want to be to you. When she starts to straighten up and move away, then it’s a no brainer: you’re a lousy seducer.

8. She looks at you

The longer, the better for you. Eye contact is a kind of invitation, without responding to which you can reject her. What will happen to you if you look at her longer? You'll see the boobs later, but at the very beginning, look into the eyes!

A girl will never say: “I like you, let’s be friends, date and fuck.” She will persistently beat around the bush, giving signals and subtle hints of sympathy. How to understand that she is interested in you?

Our communication is a set of symbols and signals. This may seem completely stupid, because we never think about symbols and signals - they go without saying. Human communication 55% consists of non-verbal signals, 38% of words, and 7% is the manifestation of the unconscious, which does not mean anything at all. This is an operation indicator on some devices, which lights up more to reassure you.

People are still bastards and hypocrites. You'll never know what they really mean. It seems to you that everything is fine, but then they stick a knife in your back like in “Game of Thrones”. But it was necessary to look for non-verbal signals. Of course, you shouldn’t go deeper, but you shouldn’t listen only to words either. It's been a terribly difficult life!

It goes without saying that if you want to know if a woman is interested in you, you need to focus on the nonverbal signals she is sending you. Not a single lady will really tell you what she wants from you, even if you torture her! Here we will highlight for you 10 proven ways to understand that a woman is consciously and unconsciously interested in you. Get your head around it, man! It is worth understanding that if a girl did all this in an isolated case, it does not mean anything.

1. Touching your hair

Yes, this is an old topic. Forty years of constant research into the field of verbal and non-verbal signals have successfully proven that touching your hair during a date is the very sign by which you can determine that it’s a yes! Girls' hair is like a cat's tail, an indicator of emotions and current status. You need to pay attention to light, gentle stroking of the hair, throwing it back and carefully placing a strand behind the ear. You can also tell by her hair that she is bored - the girl scratches the base of her neck, which goes into the hairline. Touching hair also works in men; we inherited all this from primates.

2. Licking lips

This is how a girl shows that she is extremely interested in you. Perhaps this is due to oral contact, let’s not go deeper. Or maybe she just wants to kiss. But if a girl does this really often, it might just be a bad habit.

3. Teasing

Sticks out tongue, smiles, giggles or teases you. When one person teases another, it is always a test of reaction. Most often it is completely unconscious. In such a cunning way, the girl wants to provoke you into a reaction, most often a positive one. Sometimes for very decisive actions - so that you pull her towards you and kiss her. Perhaps this is exactly what she wants? Still, you should be careful, maybe this is just a test? The main thing is not to take all this to heart; they take water on the offended.

4. Moves closer

We all have a personal space into which not everyone wants to let someone not close to them.

Simply physically getting close to another person shows how close we allow them to get to us and how much we like them. Physical intimacy increases the attraction between two people. When a woman intentionally moves closer to you, she likes you and is trying to make you feel the same way. Let her take this step if your feelings are reciprocated, however, if you don't like invasion of personal space, this could be a red flag. Maybe she's not nice to you at all. If a girl moves away from you when you approach her, chances are you're reading her signals wrong.

5. She actively shares information with you.

You dumped information on her, and she shared with you about the same amount of knowledge or even more? Everything is going according to plan, comrade! She treats you positively. If we like a person, we always share something with him, albeit not too deep, but personal. Girls like to talk about themselves much more than men. If she doesn't like you, she will be terribly standoffish. All these: “Uh-huh!”, “Nice”, “Great” - these are indicators that you are not nice to her. There’s no need to guess here - it’s a 100% hit. If she not only actively shares information with you, but also tries to feed you food from her plate or buy you beer, she is really into you!

6. Very active participation in conversation

Active even for usually uncommunicative girls. Forget about all this pickup artist stuff. Sometimes, no matter how you approach a girl, no matter how you touch her or smile, it’s all useless. Monosyllabic answers, lack of smiles, tightness - all this clearly makes it clear that you are not welcome here. But a smile, laughter, active participation in the conversation are indicators that she feels at ease and is comfortable with you.

7. Open pose

If a girl is squeezed, puts some object between you, sits half-turned or crosses her arms over her chest - everything is bad. In turn, an open posture, turning her head and whole body in your direction hint that she is glad to see you and communicate with you.

8. Imitating your gestures

Another legacy from our primate ancestors. When we repeat someone's movements and words, this is a sign of great sympathy. Women often do this when they really want something from us. You touch your face - she touches your face, this gives you a feeling of a warm homely atmosphere and a sense of kinship. She mirrors your gestures and therefore seems like a congenial person to you. Sometimes it's a blatant lie.

9. Bowing your head with a smile

Another flirtatious gesture that has been vividly described and studied by scientists interested in nonverbal behavior. This means that you have caught her attention and are doing everything right. Paired with “shooting” eyes, this combination can be deadly attractive to us men. And the girls know this very well.



Teacher: Good afternoon!

I want to confess to you that the age of 13-14 years is my favorite. The age of growing up, discovering your “I”. The age of first love. Age of first big victories and defeats…. I have no doubt that each of you is an interesting person. Everyone is interesting in their own way.

And therefore, I would like to invite you to a conversation that is relevant to you today: “Who Am I?” What am I? “AM I INTERESTED IN MYSELF?”

Even the ancients said that the most mysterious sphinx on Earth is a man. Thinkers say that man is the simplest and the most complex.

Slide 2. As W. James wittily noted, “none of us would refuse to be at once handsome, healthy, beautifully dressed, a great strongman, rich, witty and at the same time a philosopher, statesman, African explorer and fashionable poet. But this is absolutely impossible.”

Slides 3-4 SURVEY

Firstly, I would like to ask you, “What does it mean to be an interesting person your age?” (children answer). We received different answers, and each is right in its own way.

Slide 5. The poet Evtushenko E. A wrote “There are no uninteresting people in the world...”

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their destinies are like the stories of the planets.
Each one has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets similar to it.

What if someone lived unnoticed
and made friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
its very uninterestingness.

Everyone has their own secret personal world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

Slide 6. U.: Yes, every person is a mystery to others. Let's try to lift the curtain of secrets about ourselves. I suggest youexercise "Seven I"

Everyone takes paper and pencil. You need to answer the question “who am I, what am I?” seven times. You can use characteristics, traits, interests, feelings to describe yourself, starting each sentence with the pronoun “I”. Whoever finishes pins a piece of paper on the wall for others to read.

Presenter's comment:By answering the question “who am I?”, you designate the place you occupy in this world, construct an image of your “I”. Analyze your answers. Are there any criticisms among them? Or do you tend to exaggerate your capabilities? Pay attention to role and biographical characteristics. What tense are the verbs in your answers? What do you live for? If your answers contain the past, present and future, then you have a full sense of life.

Slide 7. U: The road to yourself is a journey of a lifetime.

Do you think it is important for a person to be interesting to himself?

How can you determine whether a person is interested or not?

Often in literature there is an identification between an interesting person and a successful person.

Is the statement true? Most often, a successful person is interested in himself.

Slide 8. U: Let's determine your success rate.

Slide 9. U: It is really important for a person to be interesting to himself.

I want each of you to show now how interesting a person he is..

Exercise “Announcement”

Tell me guys, which of you is registered on social networks?

Today, most people text and share news on social networks.

I suggest you compose the ad text. In it you need to tell a little about yourself, your hobbies, what you like to do in your free time. The announcement should be short and concise.

This is the kind of advertisement I would place about myself... (W. reads out his advertisement)

After completing the task, the announcements are collected and read out. Participants guess who is the author of each. Analysis of the exercise: was it difficult to write about yourself?

Why is this person interesting to you? (children read each other’s announcements, you can ask less active ones)

Slide 10. U: And now I offer youexercise “Chamomile of revelations”

Continue the sentence... The statement must be sincere.

  1. I'm happy because...
  2. Friends appreciate me for...
  3. I like it when...
  4. The most important thing for me...
  5. I love it when...
  6. Sometimes people don't understand me because I...
  7. I want...
  8. I love myself because...
  9. I'm always offended if...
  10. I'm happy when...
  11. I differ from others in that...
  12. I feel ashamed when...
  13. The world around me seems...
  14. I am a good friend because...
  15. I don't trust people who...
  16. I get angry when...
  17. I don't like it when...
  18. I'm sad when...

Slide 11. U: “People are like rivers, the water is the same in everyone and the same everywhere, but each river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet, sometimes clean, sometimes cold, sometimes muddy, sometimes warm. So are people. Each person carries within himself the rudiments of all human properties and sometimes displays some, sometimes others, and is often completely different from himself, remaining at the same time one and himself,” said L. N. Tolstoy

I wish you to always remain yourself and be interesting to others and to yourself.


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Slide captions:


“Am I interested in myself?”

Full name__________________________________________ class_____ date____________________

“Who am I? What am I?

  1. Who loves and knows how to study?
  2. Who knows how to forgive insults?
  3. Who knows how to be friends?
  4. Who believes in themselves?
  5. Who has a hobby?
  6. Who loves to read?

Combined class

“Am I interested in myself?”

Full name______________________________ class_____ date____________

“Who am I? What am I?

  1. Who loves and knows how to study?
  2. Who is sure that he has a real friend?
  3. Who knows how to forgive insults?
  4. Who participated and won in the Olympics?
  5. Who knows how to collaborate in a team?
  6. Who knows how to be friends?
  7. Who has ever been the head of the class?
  8. Who considers himself a responsible person?
  9. Who reads newspapers, magazines, books every day?
  10. Who believes in themselves?
  11. Who tries to never be late?
  12. Who feels like a healthy person?
  13. Who successfully learns a foreign language?
  14. Who owns a computer and the Internet?
  15. Who has already made a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle?
  16. Who is interested in what is happening in the world?
  17. Who has a hobby?
  18. Who has ever won prizes in competitions?

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