How to make a beautiful selfie at home one. Secrets of steep selfings

Detailed instructions for selfie lovers. We will tell you how to make photos, which are gaining a lot of likes.

In the era of gadgets and Instagram, the traditional photo is a bit of their position, especially against the background of the popular selfie. Such a photo does not require a special reason: you can make a good selfie, as in line at the cashier in the supermarket, and against the background of an aslended neighbor. Selfie a priori possess spicy dynamism, so even the staged selfie usually goes an order of magnitude emotionally standard photography. However, despite the fact that the culture of photographing itself has already acquired a massive character, many still do not know how to do selfie. At least then, for which you do not have to blush.

It is not surprising, because the elementality of Selfie is just its initial level. Without additional skills, you are unlikely to make a photo capable of collecting thousands of likes. Moreover, there is a risk that your photo is simply lost in the crowd of other similar (especially if you make selfie at a mass event, concert or festival).

"Then how to properly do selfie photo? " - you ask. We will try to answer clearly, but essentially.

The main recommendations for a successful selfie intersect with traditional photographs. First, always pay attention to the back background, sometimes even a small item (for example, the sock from the cabinet) can spoil the photo. If you do Selfie at homeThis rule must be observed especially accurately. In the end, in the photo, the suspicious type in the park looks where your father's feet acceptable is before the TV.

Also, for Selfie at home, we draw your attention, how to make selfie in the mirror.To begin with, we advise not to do selfie to the frontal chamber and remember that all the inscriptions in your frame will be cranked. In addition, the photo with a flash will give a big glare half a picture. Much more fortunate your picture will be possible if you are in front of the mirror and make selfie to the main chamber (in addition, the screen of your gadget will be reflected and this will help you adjust the photo).

Of course, do not forget how to keep the phone when you do Selfie:

  • If you hold the phone with one hand, it is better to leave her slightly to the side, and tilt your head;
  • If you want to take pictures with two hands, extend your arms and take pictures of a little on top;

How to make selfie on the phone right and beautifully

The very essence of Selfi is simple, but there are its surprises here. The main formula of the successful photo on the phone is approximately the following: background + lighting + successful angle.

About the background we have already written a little. Pick interesting interiors and beautiful places (your clothing cabinet is not interesting to anyone), and then your selfie will be original and non-uncomplete (unless you want it yourself).

The issue of lighting in Selfie is very important. Remember that we talked about flaws with a flash? So, good lighting will solve this problem for you. In fact, natural lighting is half success in selfie. By the way, if you still use additional sources lighting, remember: the optimal location of the light source - in front of you at the eye level.

And finally the third component of a successful selfie - an aid. We advise you not to be photographed in the Father, and look for your "ideal angle." In now, you will not find, using the recommendations of experts, specialists advise the photo at an angle from 30 to 45 degrees, lifting the camera above the head.

How to make selfie girl

In addition to lighting, background and angle, fashionable selfie directly depends on the overall position of the body. Often the suton shoulder or inclined not in that side of the head is enough to spoil the photo. Successful poses for selfie for girls - Prevention of possible incidents. The newcomer is better to use proven poses that will allow winning to look at any outfit and hide the flaws of the figure.

The universal poses for selfie are the following:

  • "COLOR" - Frames make you slimder, well emphasize the background;
  • "From above" - \u200b\u200bemphasizes and visually enlarges the eyes and chest;
  • "In full growth" - most often, selfie in the mirror. For elegant postures, it is recommended to turn the hips to the side, but look straightforward;
  • "Closer - further" - one person holds the camera, the other - goes slightly back.

If you want original poses experiment and do not be afraid to be yourself. Sincere smile, without stretched "Duck Face" (lips of the clarification), will allow you to avoid boring patterns. Originality - that's what you should strive for. Although, of course, the originality should be relevant.

For instance, selfie Girlsit is better to do without trying to add for several years. Young lady goes to be photographed with animals, or fool in the company of friends. Such bright and cheerful selfie for girls are what you need. Girls are nothing to throw makeup, there will be a brilliance for the lips, but a bright selfie for womensomething is much better. Highlight for a facial tone, bright lipstick, mascara - all this successfully will emphasize the image and, most importantly, it will not look ridiculous.

How to do selfie guy

Contrary to possible beliefs, modern guys love to Selfie at no less girls. At least because selfie mencan become an exclusive business card: what places is visited than it is fond of where it works.

And although the overall idea and approach to the fulfillment of selfie are universal (remember about the background, lighting and perspective), in terms of choosing POS for men, the rule is valid: the easier, the better. A man who accepted a sophisticated pose will most likely be considered not original, and narcissus "narcissus".

Male is better focused on the background, or action. For example, very often men make selfie during the exhibition of extreme sports, using monopodor in the gym. Such selfings are perceived with a bang on social networks. And, men, little trick: to emphasize your shoulders, expand the body to the camera, and hips - to the side.

By the way, do not believe those who say that monopods "only for girls". Selfie, made on monopod not tied to the gender. The main thing is to use monopod to the place. That is, selfie on the yacht, cable car or ... horses are cool. But Selfie, made on monopod, lying in bed - surplus.

For those who read to the end, we inform the secret ingredient of a successful selfie: the main thing is that you sincerely liked yourself in the photo. Love your photos, and thousands of likes will not make yourself wait long.

A few years ago, most people did not even hear about such a thing as Selfie. But now, only the lazy does not photograph himself on the front chamber and does not lay out these pictures in Instagram. However, not all of them are gaining a lot of likes and receive comments. What is the reason for the popularity and antipopularity of "self-", and how to make all your selfie cautious enthusiasm at subscribers? We offer to familiarize yourself with some lifehams that will definitely use you to create beautiful photos.

Many people believe that Selfie is an exclusively portrait shot, on which the face is captured or part of the person who did it. In fact, any part of the body may be present at such a photo, the most important thing is that the picture is made personally. Therefore, try to maximize the content of your profile in social networks so that your instagram does not take the same "myself", on which your face is visible exclusively. How to do it, read below.

1. Find a good light

For selfie, a good illumination option will be natural. Therefore, it is best to shoot yourself on the street or near the window. On such frames, there is almost no shortcomings of the skin, and their eyes always shine and it seems much more expressive. Good snapshots can also work with artificial lighting. The main thing is to remember that it should be not only qualitative, but also rightly directed.

But about pictures with a flash or photo in dark rooms it is better to forget. In the first case, you will probably get on Selfie red eyes, and also distort the complexion. In the second, the quality of photographs will deteriorate and most of the parts will be blurred.

2. Correct the background.

Scattered things, dirty plates, old wallpapers can not be called a beautiful background. In order for selfie to be successful and the attention of the subscribers was focused on you, try to find a monophonic "back" or a background that will be less bright than your clothes and makeup. You can go from the opposite: taking pictures next to a bright wall, put the outfit of pastel shades and make a nude makeup so that the contrast is noticeable.

Ideal background options for Selfie are sand, sky, bed, brick walls. But in nature, make a beautiful picture is unlikely to succeed. People who will look at such a frame will be able to distract the riot of paints and many details.

3. Find successful postures and angles

There are no uniform rules here, since each girl has its own advantages that she wants to demonstrate in the photo. Someone is slender legs, someone has long thick hair, someone has a beautiful figure. Therefore, the pose must be selected on the basis of our own advantages.

Before making selfie, try to determine the most successful angles and find your "working" side that will look perfectly in the frame. Professional photographers advise to avoid making photos in Afas: such an angle emphasizes the face asymmetry. In addition, due to insufficiently good illumination, the chin can merge with the neck. But the pictures in the half turn look beautiful, especially if the look is directed not to the camera. Another successful option - photos in which only one part of the face is visible.

4. Find an interesting lesson for Selfie

Simplicate "Headers", where only your face can be seen, will very quickly reduce the popularity of the profile in Instagram. Subscribers are wondering how you spend your weekdays, what is your hobby. So why not demonstrate with selfie, what is your daily life filled?

Do you like sports? Make a few photos in the gym. Embroider pictures? Lay out the snapshot on which the process of creating a work will be visible. Do you love to cook? Selfie, together with your culinary masterpieces, will definitely collect a lot of likes. Some girls are often photographed in the fittings and then ask for subscribers, whether this dress / jeans / skirt take place in their wardrobe.

5. Show what you are capable

Making the lips of the clarification and send air kisses in the photo can all. And you show Follovers, which are capable of greater. You may love to dance and together with your team / partner often go to some performances. Selfie on stage in a beautiful suit and in an interesting posture will definitely attract attention. Also popular pictures from the gym, because a healthy lifestyle is again in fashion and more and more people buy subscriptions. Frame from a workout will show all that you love sports and want to improve, which confirms your beautiful taped body.

6. Do not lose time

In photographs of the girl always strive, it turns out beautiful, without a single flaw. And successful makeup in a tandem with a stylish outfit is the best helpers in the struggle for a beautiful frame. But you need to take a picture immediately after you have dressed, put it on and led themselves in order. If you postpone it in a long box, then the hair will be promoted, lipstick will erase, and an ugly shine will appear on the face. You do not want to appear in such a way before subscribers?

7. Take pictures of full growth

In this difficult case, large mirrors will help you. They can be found in shopping centers or elevators. By the way, the second option is more preferable, since you will only be on the capture. Photos in full growth is the perfect option to demonstrate a beautiful outfit or tightened body, so do not miss this opportunity.

8. Do not miss the items

The original mug, an embroidered pillow, an interesting book, cozy knitted socks - all this will be an excellent entourage for perfect selfie. This picture may not be your face, but in the frame will surely include the things you want to make an emphasis: a cup of fragrant cocoa with Marshlow, a new pair of shoes, a fashionable bag, a warm scarf.

9. Use monopod

Not always the length of your hand is enough to capture all the details that you think should get into the frame. An excellent solution to this problem will be monopod. With it, you can take a picture of not only yourself, but also a guy / girlfriend, as well as the space around you. If you use a selfiete, try to use the main one instead of the front camera. So the quality of the pictures will be much higher.

10. Use photo edits

Although in instagram and there are some good filters, they are not enough to get an ideal frame. A good solution to the problem will be a photo editor downloaded to the phone. With it, you can wash the background, hide disadvantages of appearance, change lighting, trim photos, add funny lettering and smiles.

11. Smiley

Of course, various emotions should be on different selfie so that they do not look boring and the same type. But still subscribers will like a smile on the face more than despondency or sadness. So smile more often and demonstrate your good mood.

About Selfie, we told you. And if you want to know how to become the owner of an excellent classic image, read the article

Each girl can make a beautiful selfie for instagram, which will collect hundreds of likes. And let it seems that the secrets of beautiful selfie are known only to bloggers. I will prove you that it is not. In this article I will tell you what is needed for selfie and how to pose on the phone. And what should be avoided to make a really good photo. Only workers and useful tips are everything as in the photo school Alexander Slyadneva.

1. Wipe the phone camera.

Tip in style captain obvious? Believe the old sea wolf (experienced photographer) - a good half of bad calf is unsuccessful because of the dirty smartphone camera. Remember where only your phone is during the day. And the female bag is generally a portal in another dimension. There the camera phone comes into contact with such things that the owner does not even know. So take yourself a rule: Before you take pictures, wipe the phone with a special microfiber cloth or just a dry paper handkerchief.

2. Find a place with good lighting.

Good light - a prerequisite for any good photo. For example, famous instabagers love to do selfie in the bedroom in the rays of morning light. Light walls and white bedding helps to create beautiful lighting even on a cloudy day. Therefore, stand up to the window - and you will get the best lighting option that you can get home without equipment.

Do not make selfie in the bathroom, where bright yellow or painful white artificial light. Artificial lighting often gives the person an unhealthy shade, it is not necessary for us, right? If you want to always have a beautiful light at hand, buy a ring lamp for selfie. She does not take a lot of space, attached to the smartphone and is inexpensive. Similar lamps you could see the beauty masters, in hairdressers. Just do not exhibit the brightness of such a lamp to the maximum. Harmony is that important for perfect selfie.

Probably, you had to hear from actors or TV presenters that there is a "working profile" or "working side". This is a good view from which the face looks as attractive as possible. Find your successful angle and you will forever forget about the bad calf.

You do not know which angle is more successful for you? Stand in front of the mirror, smile yourself and make sure you are beautiful. And give yourself an hour of vague - make selfie until several hundred photographs are scored. I promise, among all the selfie you will find an angle, which you will like. It remains only to remember this magic angle.

And it is not necessary to shy the fact that most photos in your instagram will be with one angle. Look at the accounts of bloggers in social networks. Most simply knows their successful angles. Therefore, most of the photo is made from one corner. Makeup, hairstyle, clothes and furnishings are changing. Successful angle - unchanged.

4. Make a bright makeup.

Just do not perceive this advice literally, please. If you are in ordinary life, do not wear brightly alive lipstick and never tried smoky eyes, then ... try it! Do you want to make a beautiful selfie? The front camera of a modern smartphone often "eats" bright colors.

5. Add accessories.

Make hundreds of interesting selfie can be just at home. And during even one day. Accessories will help this. Carry everything: hats, berets, fan, glasses (you can even take grandparents), decorations, scarves and scarves. Deliver a beautiful cup, a glass. Fill coffee or wine. Improvise, experiment! Enjoy shooting. Your sincere emotions will help get excellent memories and photos.

6. Lifehak for hair: how to make a hairstyle volume.

I saw many times like girls worry because of laying on a photo shoot. Take the curls, trying to make a hairstyle more voluminous. For you a simple lifehak, which is used by all bloggers: just throw your hair on one side. This trick is working, even if there is no combs and hair is not so fresh, as the first photo shoot. So throw your hair on one side and turn to the camera with your successful angle - the photo will be excellent.

7. Pick up suitable clothing.

If you urgently need to make a beautiful selfie, it is better to leave a leopard dress or a jacket of all shades of the rainbow in the closet. Simple, pleasant to eyes color - what you need. Of course, choose clothes in which you feel comfortable.

8. Do not forget to straighten and relax.

Often, trying to make a good selfie, people too much values \u200b\u200bgive the external attribute. In fact, the use of a stick for selfie, an exotic landscape around and even the perfect makeup is not so important. The main thing is to look natural and be able to emphasize their advantages.

How to make a beautiful selfie to the phone? To create a beautiful selfie, you need to consider several basic moments.


Any photographer will tell you that the light plays a priority value in any shooting. A person can change beyond recognition, depending on the illumination angle. You can pick up perfect illumination angles for yourself only by the method of trial and errors, because each face is unique.

  • However, there is a general rule - the most beautifully natural daylight looks. Therefore, it is best to take pictures on the street or indoors with the lights off during the day. The lamps give too sharp contrast - therefore, in professional studios in artificial lighting conditions, the dissipated light is specifically created.

  • Never take pictures against the light. Often the face in a good view is too dark, and it is difficult to fix it even in Photoshop.
  • It is also worth avoiding excessive direct lighting - on an excessively lit person, perhaps not visible flaws, but it looks such a selfie carefully.

Successful poses for selfie

No less important and poses for selfie. Many people just like to photograph face face, however, even if this angle comes out successfully, you can not constantly exploit it so that the photos do not look unlikely.

Here are some successful poses:

  • The position of the head of the invention is almost all and adds a variety of photographs. This situation can hide many flaws, because in nature there is no perfectly symmetrical person - photographing in the FAS you attract attention to the little things. Try to take a picture of the face in turning three-quarters to the right and left to understand which angle is despicable.
  • Photos in the profile are not found too often and look unusual. If you want to try a new one - this option is for you. Watch your eyes to look at the camera at the same time, and strictly right in front of yourself - then Selfie will look organic.
  • Head slot down visually increases forehead and top and reduces chin.
  • Head, raised up, weighting chin, but makes the forehead.
  • Hands of the face may noticeably revive the photo. Hold your hair with your fingers or pour the cheek with your palm - it will look advantageously and makes a variety of Selfie Collection.

Mimica for a good selfie

Mimica for Selfie is no less important. Inflated sponge bows have long been outdated and look ridiculous, if only you do not do it in a joke. Mimica for Selfie should be alive and natural: Then the photo will be perfect.

  • Laughter or at least a slight smile will look most beautifully, but only if they are alive and sincere.
  • In order for the smile to look natural, the look should be expressive. Fake smiles We recognize precisely on the lack of fun in the view, as well as in the absence of mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, you do not need to smile only with lips. Try to think about happy moments when you make a photo.
  • However, look important not only for smiles. Any facial expression requires the participation of the view - if you can not feel that emotion that you are trying to photograph, the eyes will be empty, and Selfie is inconclusive.
  • If you do not always work correctly with a look, you can be photographed in sunglasses. With them, any photo looks more successful - moreover, they can be interested in to beat.

10 ideas for beautiful selfie

We all need inspiration - even in this case, as creating selfie. These ideas will help you to make a more interesting selfie and benefit from emphasizing your beauty.

  • Pet Selfie

We all love love animals. Exotic selfie from foreign trips on vacation, dolphinariums and zoos are popular. However, it is not at all necessary to look for something amazing to just take a picture. A dog or cat is perfectly suitable for selfie: usually animals are extremely photogenic. In addition, they can cause you genuine emotions, and the photo will be truly alive.

  • Selfie in the wind

The wind allows you to create stunning photos. Flipping hair and clothing give any photo a highlight. In addition, the hair falling on the face, by themselves create an interesting effect, so, even if you failed to make an expressive look and a natural smile, several strands on your face will easily hide disadvantages.

  • Selfie with a loved one

How to make a beautiful selfie guy? Often, men are difficult to force to pose on the camera. Joint Selfie can become out of position. There are many popular poses that usually use lovers in the photo, and they all usually look successfully. After all, you give each other sincere emotions that cannot but affect the snapshot.

  • Spontaneous selfie

It is not necessary to wait for selfie suitable moment or a significant event. The best shots are often happening by chance. Take a picture of yourself in the usual atmosphere right now - in a cafe for a cup of coffee, in the office or in the bus. Probably such unexpected selfie will be even more successful than thoughtful options.

  • Selfie with children

Children always bring positive pictures. Next to them any adult looks happier and younger. You probably noticed that children almost do not have bad pictures. It is necessary to learn from their immediacy and bright expression of emotions. If you have a smile on your face, the surrounding situation on Selfie will play a secondary meaning.

  • Selfie lying

When you lie, you are relaxed as much as possible - it is such a person who can look good in the photo. These selfie worth doing with natural make-up and hair, gently lying on the pillow. Soft daylight will be especially appropriate here. Such a gentle and simple selfie will allow not to take into account external attributes and emphasize your natural beauty.

  • Selfie in an unusual image

Photos on which you look not as usual, always attract attention. Bright makeup, wigs, carnival costumes will help you. These are usually photos from parties and other entertainment events. Such a selfie is a great way to not only show how fun you spend the evening, but also demonstrate yourself from the new side.

  • Photos in Male T-shirt

Men's shirts and T-shirts for several sizes always look sexy, selfie is no exception. It is especially interesting to play in contrast and make selfie in a male T-shirt with an emphasized feminine makeup and styling.

  • Sexy selfie

Selfie in swimsuits and underwear always look attractive. However, if you choose this option, you need to think about the details so that the photo looks stylish and not vulgar. How to make erotic selfie? To begin with, follow the fairytale. The facial expression should not be deliberately sexual, often it looks tasteless. Calm relaxed facial expression is best. Also try not to emphasize the possible disadvantages of your figure, do not make such selfie if you have eaten skin or unwashed hair.

  • Selfie with a look over the shoulder

Such options always look playfully, beautiful and naturally. Rotate the head back adds selfie the wrath: it looks like you are wrapped on a passerby. The facial expression here can be any, but a light smile is best suited.

As you can see, there is a lot of simple, but effective ideas that will help you make a good selfie. Do not limit yourself to this list. Find your most beautiful angles and boldly experiment with the poses, makeup and the surrounding environment.

Video: 10 Lifehas for perfect selfie

Today we will tell about several simple techniques, how to make the right selfie, emphasizing your beauty and hiding disadvantages. Below are several basic rules that will help you get the perfect selfie:

1 Remember about the angle (review)

For perfect selfie the right corner is extremely important. To avoid a frightening double chin, selfie needs to always be removed from above. The face automatically becomes thin, and the area around the eyes is optically lighter. The best way to make the face is more attractive - it is slightly turning your head and slightly tilt it to the camera. In such a basic position, you will avoid focusing right on your face. To find the position, the most advantageously emphasizing your beauty, for perfect selfie, first, experiment with the poses. Also to search for your perfect perspective, we recommend trying to take pictures with a monopod for selfie. For example, if you need to shoot from the upper anoint, the SMARTSELFIE ZOOM monopod from Cullmann can be installed on any tripod. Read more about the possibilities of monopods for selfie - in our next advice.

2 Use a stick for selfie

To make the shooting of perfect selfie easier, use a stick for selfie. You can "lengthen" your hand as much as you want to achieve the right angle view. For example, a monopod for selfie SmartSelfie Zoom is extended to 84 cm long and has advanced control functions. Built-in connection mode via Bluetooth allows you to control the shutter of the smartphone camera shutter on the IOS and Android platform. With the help of a free app, you can control the full range of the zoom via SmartSelfie Zoom, and the position of the camera can be changed from the mode for selfie to the usual shooting mode. If you need a simpler model, try SmartSelfie Free from Cullmann. This monopod has almost the same opportunities as the SmartSelfie Zoom, in addition you can choose to taste one of the four bright colors of the gadget. In addition, the ability to develop makes a monopod to a compact assistant on trips and travels. With the help of a stick for selfie, you can even shoot group selfie and much more. Experiment!

3 Right light - the basis of the perfect selfie

You, of course, will not surprise the fact that when shooting Selfie, the right light is as important as the right angle. As with the shooting of the traditional portrait, the lighting should be minimal as possible. You need to look directly to the light source. Natural daylight is preferable to artificial. Also avoid bright light flashes. Continuous and too bright outbreak light can lead to the effect of "red eyes" and the unnatural pallor of the face.

4 Do not forget about the beautiful background

Before shooting perfect selfie, you need to find the right background. Make sure that no awkward situations are happening. The most suitable are neutral backgrounds or nature. If you want to make selfie in nature, do not remove directly against the light.

5 Use photo filters and applications

Brilliant forehead, dark circles under the eyes or even the first wrinkles - such things can be visible on selfie without filter processing. To remove the perfect selfie, you should choose and use a variety of photo filters. Recently, many photographs have appeared for free download from the AppStore. Processing takes a little time and not at all difficult. Just remove, download the picture into the filter application, edit - and ready! But be sure to look at your photo again before placing it somewhere.

6 Clothes are very important

If you want to make perfect selfie, carefully choose clothes for the perfect onions - it is very important. When shooting Selfie, the camera usually focuses on the face, but the picture will still be visible all the details of your image.

6 Do not overestimate the features of the front camera

As you know, the front camera of all ordinary smartphones has a much lower resolution compared to the classic rear chamber. At first glance, the use of a front camera for shooting Selfie seems much easier, but quality often leaves much to be desired. If you are then in addition to apply the filter to the photos made on the front camera, your selfie will lose its entire effect. However, by training and the acquisition of the desired skill, you can remove the perfect selfie using the back chamber. In this you will help the monopod for Selfie, which we told above. To do this, use the function of extension and control via Bluetooth. After all, the most important thing is to get the perfect selfie.

7 Make a variety

Be sure to make sure that you do not remove Selfie constantly in the same position, with the same smile. It will quickly bother your friends and subscribers. If in your account one smile with the "Specification Sponges" alternates on the other, it has time to change the time in your profile. Experiment from Selfie and show fantasy!

Full line of products for Selfie from Cullmann:

SmartSelfie Zoom

SmartSelfie Free.

SmartSelfie Easy.

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