Vessel hull completeness coefficients. Main dimensions

There are structural, design, largest and overall dimensions of the ship's hull. The constructive dimensions, which are understood as the main dimensions, include:

H - bow perpendicular, K - stern perpendicular, L - length of the vessel, B - width of the vessel, H - side height, F - freeboard height, d - draft.

- ship length(L) - the distance along the vertical line between the extreme points of its intersection with the DP. –

vessel width(B) - the largest width of the vertical line.

- side height(H) - the distance measured in the plane of the midship frame from the main plane to the deck line at the side.

- ship's draft(d) - the distance between the KBL and main planes, measured in the section where the mid-frame and diametral planes intersect.

The dimensions corresponding to the vessel's immersion along the design waterline are called calculated. The largest dimensions correspond to the maximum dimensions of the body without protruding parts (stems, outer plating, etc.). And the overall dimensions correspond to the maximum dimensions of the case, taking into account protruding parts.

The shape of the body is determined by the relationships between the main dimensions and the coefficients of completeness. The most important characteristics are the relationships:

L/B- largely determining the vessel’s propulsion: the higher the vessel’s speed, the greater this ratio;

V/d- characterizing the stability and propulsion of the vessel;

N/d- determining the stability and unsinkability of the vessel;

L/H- on which the strength of the ship’s hull depends to a certain extent.

To characterize the shape of the hull contours of various ships, the so-called completeness coefficients. They do not give a complete picture of the shape of the hull, but they allow a numerical assessment of its main features. The main dimensionless coefficients of the completeness of the shape of the underwater volume of the ship’s hull are:

- displacement coefficient(general completeness) δ - this is the ratio of the volume of the hull immersed in water, called volumetric displacement V, to the volume of a parallelepiped with sides L, B, d:

Completeness factor midship frame area β- the ratio of the area of ​​the midsection frame ω Ф to the area of ​​the rectangle with sides B, d;

Coefficient vertical completeness χ - the ratio of the volumetric displacement V to the volume of the prism, the base of which is the waterline area S, and the height is the vessel’s draft d:

χ = V/(S×d)=δ/α

The above fullness factors are usually determined for the vessel sitting at the load line. However, they can also be attributed to other drafts, and the linear dimensions, areas and volumes included in them are taken in this case for the current waterline of the vessel.

Ship architecture.

Ship architecture is the general arrangement of hull elements, equipment, devices, and the layout of ship premises, which must be carried out in the most rational way, in compliance with safety requirements.

The main architectural elements of any vessel are: the hull of the vessel with its decks, platforms, strong transverse and longitudinal bulkheads, superstructures and deckhouses.

Deck is called a continuous floor on a ship, running in a horizontal direction. A deck that does not extend along the entire length or width of the ship, but only on part of it, is called platform. The internal space of the hull is divided in height by decks and platforms into inter-deck space, which are called twin decks(minimum height 2.25m).

Upper deck(or design) is the deck that makes up the upper cross-sectional zone of the strong part of the ship's hull. The name of the remaining decks is given from the upper deck, counting down, depending on their location (second, third, etc.). A deck extending above the bottom over some part of the length of the vessel and structurally connected to it is called second bottom. The decks located up from the upper deck are named according to their purpose (promenade, boat, etc.), the deck above the wheelhouse is called the upper bridge.

The ship's hull is divided along the length strong transverse watertight bulkheads, forming waterproof spaces called compartments.

The premises located above the second bottom, and intended for placing dry cargo in them, are called holds.

The compartments in which the main power plants are located are called engine room.

Any container formed by the hull structures and intended to contain liquid cargo is called tank. A container for liquid cargo located outside the second bottom is called deep tank.

Tanks are called compartments on liquid vessels designed for the transport of liquid cargo.

Some compartments have special names:

Terminal - the first compartment from the stem is called forepeak, and the first transverse watertight bulkhead is called forepeak or ram

Terminal – the last compartment before the afterpeak is called after peak, and the bulkhead is called the afterpeak.

Narrow compartments separating tanks from other rooms are called rubber dams. They must be empty, well ventilated and convenient for inspection of the bulkheads forming them.

To divide the ship's hull along the width, in some cases, strong waterproof longitudinal bulkheads

Fences On ships, all sorts of light watertight bulkheads separating rooms are called.

Mines- are called compartments limited by vertical bulkheads, passing through several decks, and not having horizontal ceilings.

Superstructure called a closed structure on the upper deck, extending from one side to the other, and not reaching the side at a distance not exceeding 0.04 of the width of the ship. The space on the upper deck from the stem to the bow bulkhead of the bow superstructure is called tank. The space on the upper deck from the aft bulkhead of the aft superstructure to the sternpost is called Utah The space on the upper deck between the bow and stern superstructures is called waist.

Chopping refers to any kind of enclosed space on the upper or higher decks of superstructures, the longitudinal external bulkheads of which do not reach the sides of the main hull at a distance of more than 0.04 of the width of the ship's hull.

By the bridge called a narrow transverse platform that runs across the ship from one side to the other. The part of the bridge protruding beyond the outer longitudinal bulkheads of the deckhouse located below it is called wing of the bridge.

False side is called a continuous fencing of an open deck made of sheet material. At the upper end edge the bulwark is trimmed with a horizontal strip called gunwale. The bulwark sheathing is supported to the hull by oblique struts called buttresses. Holes are made along the length of the bulwark to quickly drain water that gets on the deck, which are called storm porticoes. The space at the bulwark running along the side of the upper deck around the entire perimeter, serving for water drainage, is called waterway gutter(waterweiss). The hole with a tube used to drain water from the waterway gutter is called scupper.

Spar are round wooden or steel tubular parts of the weapons of ships located on the open deck and are intended to carry signals, structures of communication devices, serving as supports for cargo devices. Spars include masts, topmasts, booms, yards, gaffs, etc.

Rigging – the name of all the cables that make up the armament of individual masts. The rigging serves to hold and permanently secure the spar in the proper position is called standing rigging. All other rigging that can move on blocks is called running.

The main dimensions of the vessel are length, width, draft and side height (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Main dimensions of the vessel: a - vessels without permanently protruding parts; b - vessels with permanently protruding parts; c - vessels with a transom stern; d - main dimensions in the cross sections of the body; d - examples of determining theoretical lines and nasal perpendicular

Vessel length L. There are:

  • length along the design waterline L KVL- the distance between the points of intersection of the bow and stern parts of the structural waterline with the centerline plane of the vessel. The length for any design waterline is determined similarly L VL;
  • length between perpendiculars L PP. For nasal perpendicular(NP) take the line of intersection of the DP with the vertical transverse plane passing through the extreme bow point of the design waterline of the vessel. For stern perpendicular(CP) take the line of intersection of the vessel's DP with a vertical transverse plane passing through the point of intersection of the stock axis with the plane of the structural waterline. In the absence of a stock, the stern perpendicular of the vessel is taken to be the line of intersection of the vessel's DP with a vertical transverse plane passing at a distance of 97% of the length along the vertical line from the bow perpendicular;
  • longest length L NB- the distance measured in the horizontal plane between the extreme points of the theoretical surface of the ship’s hull (excluding the outer plating) at the bow and stern ends;
  • overall length L GB- the distance measured in the horizontal plane between the extreme points of the bow and stern ends of the vessel, taking into account permanently protruding parts.

Vessel width B. Distinguish:

  • width according to KVL V KVL- the distance measured in the widest part of the vessel at the level of the vertical line perpendicular to the DP without taking into account the outer plating. Similarly, the width along the waterline is determined for any design waterline In VL;
  • width at midship frame B- the distance measured at the midship frame at the level of the waterline or design waterline without taking into account the outer hull plating;
  • greatest width in NB- the distance measured in the widest part perpendicular to the DP between the extreme points of the body without taking into account the outer skin;
  • overall width in GB- the distance measured in the widest part perpendicular to the DP between the extreme points of the body, taking into account the protruding parts.

Vessel draft T- vertical distance measured in the plane of the midship frame from the main plane to the plane of the design waterline (T VL) or to the plane of the water line (G KVL).

Control over the landing of the vessel (average draft, trim and roll) during operation of the vessel is carried out according to recess brands. Recess marks are applied in Arabic numerals on both sides, the stem, in the midship frame area and on the stern post and indicate the recess in decimeters (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Recess marks.

Vessel side height N- vertical distance measured in the plane of the midship frame from the main plane to the side line of the upper deck of the ship. Under side line refers to the line of intersection of the side surface (without taking into account the plating) and the upper deck (without taking into account the thickness of the flooring).

Freeboard F- is the difference between the height of the side and the draft F=H - T.

Main dimensions L, V, H And T determine only the dimensions of the vessel, and their ratios L/B, H/T, H/T, L/H And B/H to a certain extent characterize the shape of the ship’s hull and influence its seaworthiness and strength characteristics. For example, increase L/B contributes to the speed of the vessel, the more B/T the more stable it is.

Rice. 4. To determine the coefficients of completeness: a - waterline area; b - midsection frame area; in - displacement.

An additional idea of ​​the shape of a ship's hull is provided by dimensionless quantities called ship fullness coefficients.

Waterline completeness coefficient α- the ratio of the area of ​​the waterline S to the area of ​​the rectangle with sides circumscribed around it L And IN(Fig. 4):

Midship frame completeness coefficient β is the ratio of the immersed part of the midsection to the area of ​​the rectangle with sides circumscribed around it IN And T:

Displacement completeness coefficient δ is the ratio of volumetric displacement V to the volume of a parallelepiped with sides L, B And T:

Longitudinal completeness coefficient φ V to the volume of a prism having the base area of ​​the midship frame and the height L:

Vertical completeness coefficient χ- volumetric displacement ratio V to the volume of a prism whose base is the area of ​​the structural waterline S and the height T:

Like the ratios of the main dimensions, the coefficients of completeness affect the seaworthiness of the vessel. Decrease δ, α And φ contributes to the speed of the vessel, and an increase α increases its stability.

The vessel is characterized by volumetric and mass indicators, which include: volumetric displacement V, m 3, - the volume of the underwater part of the vessel, and displacement D, t, - weight of the vessel: D = ρV, Where ρ - density of water, t/m3.

Each vessel draft corresponds to a certain volumetric displacement and weight of the vessel (displacement). The displacement of a fully built ship, but without stores, consumables, cargo or people is called displacement of an empty vessel. The displacement of a ship loaded to the load line is called displacement of the vessel with full cargo

Completeness factor

The shape of the underwater part of the ship's hull is characterized by completeness coefficients.

Load waterline coefficient (GWL) is the ratio of the area of ​​the load waterline to the area of ​​the circumscribed rectangle:

where S is the area of ​​the waterline

The midsection frame fullness coefficient b is the ratio of the immersed area of ​​the midsection frame (A) to the area of ​​the circumscribed rectangle:

Overall completeness coefficient d - the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel V to the volume of the described parallelepiped:

Vertical fullness coefficient h - the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel to the volume of the cylinder, the base area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the waterline (S), and the height is equal to the draft of the vessel (T):

Longitudinal fullness coefficient c - the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel to the volume of the cylinder, the base area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the midship frame (A), and the height is equal to the length of the vessel (L):

Theoretical drawing

The shape of the vessel is most fully determined by the theoretical drawing of the vessel - a set of projections of sections of the surface of the vessel onto three main mutually perpendicular planes of the vessel.

The main planes of the theoretical drawing projections are: the center plane, the main plane and the mid-frame plane.

The lines of intersection of the ship's surface with planes parallel to the center plane are called buttocks. The lines of intersection of the ship's surface with planes parallel to the main plane are called waterlines, and the lines of intersection of the ship's surface with planes parallel to the midship frame plane are called theoretical frames.

The projection of all these lines onto the diametrical (vertical) plane is called “SIDE”. Buttocks in this projection are depicted without distortion, and waterlines and frames are visible as straight lines. The projection of the intersection lines onto the horizontal (main) plane is called “HAMILATITUDE”. Waterlines on this projection are depicted without distortion, and buttocks and frames in the form of straight lines. Since the waterlines are symmetrical (with a symmetrical shape of the vessel), they are depicted at half-latitude only on one side of the DP. The line of intersection of the deck and the side is also depicted at half-latitude. The projection of all intersection lines onto the plane of the midship frame is called “HULL” (profile projection). On the hull, on the right side of the DP, the projection of the bow frames is depicted, and on the left side - the stern frames. Projections of waterlines and buttocks are depicted as straight lines

A theoretical drawing is necessary for calculating seaworthiness - buoyancy, stability, unsinkability, construction of the ship's hull, as well as for operation - to determine the size of rooms and distances to holes in the ship's hull.

The hull completeness coefficients are shown in Fig. 2.5.

Overhead line completeness coefficient α – ratio of the area of ​​the waterline to the area of ​​the circumscribed rectangle:

where S VL is the area of ​​the waterline.

Midship - frame completeness coefficient β – the ratio of the immersed area of ​​the midship frame to the area of ​​the circumscribed rectangle:

Rice. 2.5. Fullness coefficients: a – waterline area;

b – midsection frame area; c – displacement

Total completeness factor δ – ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel V to the volume of the described parallelepiped:

. (2.3)

Vertical fullness coefficient χ – the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel to the volume of a cylinder, the base area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the waterline ( S), and the height is the vessel’s draft ( T):

or or (2.4)

Longitudinal completeness coefficient φ the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel to the volume of the cylinder, the base area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the midship frame (), and the height is equal to the length of the vessel (L):

or or (2.5)

The second designations are accepted in foreign literature.

    1. The ratio of the main dimensions of the vessel

Main dimensions of the vessel L.B.N AndT determine the dimensions, and their ratios give an idea of ​​the shape of the hull and characterize some of the seaworthiness of the vessel.

Attitude L/B gives an idea of ​​the speed of the vessel, since the greater this ratio, the faster the vessel.

Attitude L/N characterizes the rigidity and strength of the ship’s hull, i.e., with its growth, the rigidity and strength of the hull decreases.

Attitude N/T characterizes the degree of unsinkability of the vessel and with its growth the unsinkability increases.

Attitude H/T affects the stability and propulsion of the vessel and with its growth the stability increases, but the propulsion deteriorates due to an increase in water resistance.

The characteristic values ​​of the coefficients of completeness and the ratio of the main dimensions are given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Completeness factors and ratios

Main dimensions of transport vessels

Vessel types







Dry cargo







Bulk carriers










0,78-0, 89


Container ships






Ro-Ro vessels






    1. Theoretical drawing

The shape of the vessel is most fully determined by the theoretical drawing of the vessel - a set of projections of sections of the surface of the vessel onto three main mutually perpendicular planes of the vessel (Fig. 2.6).

Rice. 2.6. Theoretical drawing of the vessel

The following are taken as the main planes of projections of the theoretical drawing: the center plane, the main plane and the midsection - frame plane.

The lines of intersection of the ship's surface with planes parallel to the center plane are called buttocks. The lines of intersection of the surface of the ship with planes parallel to the main plane are called waterlines, and the lines of intersection of the surface of the vessel with planes parallel to the midship - frame plane are theoretical frames.

The projection of all these lines onto the diametral (vertical) plane is called - "SIDE". Buttocks in this projection are depicted without distortion, and waterlines and frames are visible as straight lines. The projection of the intersection lines onto the horizontal (main) plane is called “ HALF LATITUDE"Waterlines on the projection are depicted without distortion, and buttocks and frames are shown as straight lines. Since the waterlines are symmetrical (with a symmetrical shape of the vessel), they are depicted at half-latitude only on one side of the DP. At half-latitude, the line of intersection of the upper deck and the side, as well as all decks of the ship, is depicted. The projection of all intersection lines onto the midship - frame plane is called "FRAME"(profile projection). On the hull, on the right side of the DP, the projection of the bow frames is depicted, and on the left side - the stern frames. Projections of waterlines and buttocks are depicted as straight lines.

A theoretical drawing is necessary for calculating seaworthiness - buoyancy, stability, unsinkability, construction of the ship's hull, as well as for operation - to determine the size of rooms and distances to holes in the ship's hull. The straight lines of a theoretical drawing are called "mesh" and inclined sections - "fish».

When developing a theoretical drawing of a vessel, reduction scales are used: 1:200, 1:100, 1:50, 1:20, 1:10 depending on the size of the vessel.

When building a ship at shipyards, some sections of the hull are drawn on a 1:1 scale on the floor of a special workshop called a “plaz.”

The main, or main, geometric dimensions of the vessel are length L, width B, side height H, freeboard height F, draft T and overall height of the vessel with superstructures h (Figure 5). The ratio of these dimensions characterizes the shape of the vessel and its basic qualities.

Figure 5 - Theoretical and overall dimensions of the vessel

The following main dimensions are distinguished:

a) theoretical (calculated), measured according to a theoretical drawing without taking into account the thickness of the outer hull plating;

b) practical (constructive), measured taking into account the thickness of the skin;

c) overall (largest), measured between the outermost non-removable protruding parts of the vessel.

The length of the vessel L is measured in DP between perpendiculars along the GVL, and in the presence of a cruising stern - between the bow perpendicular and the stern perpendicular, drawn along the axis of rotation of the rudder. The greatest length of the vessel L max is distinguished as the greatest distance in the center plane. The beam of vessel B is measured at the load line at its widest point. Overall width B max is measured in the midship plane between the fixed parts (including fenders).

The ship's draft T is measured in the midship plane as the distance from the main plane to the load waterline. If the ship has a trim, then the draft T av is measured as half the sum of the draft in the bow T N and in the stern T K

The draft in the bow ТН and in the stern Тк, in turn, is measured from both sides of the vessel and calculated according to the dependences

Maximum draft T max. there is an overall dimension perpendicular from the gypsum liner to the protruding outer edges of the bottom plating or protruding parts of the rudder, propulsion unit or their guards.

The height of the side H is the vertical distance from the main plane to the top line of the side, measured in the midsection plane. The freeboard height F is the distance from the GVL to the top line of the side in the midship plane. The height of the vessel h is the overall dimension from the GVL to the highest point of the vessel. This size needs to be known when ships pass under bridges. To characterize the shape of the vessel and its some qualities, the ratio of the above dimensions of the vessel to each other is of great importance.

The L/B ratio affects the ship's performance. The larger it is, the sharper the vessel, the less resistance to movement. Most often this ratio is within 48.

The L/H ratio affects the strength of the vessel. The larger it is, the greater the weight of additional materials needed to ensure the desired strength of the vessel. For tugboats this ratio is within 812, for cargo ships it reaches 50.

The B/H ratio affects the stability of the vessel. As it increases, the initial stability increases.

The W/T ratio affects stability, propulsion and course stability. The higher the W/T, the more stable the vessel; for tugboats V/T = 2 4, for cargo ships up to 12.

The L/T ratio affects the maneuverability of the vessel; the smaller it is, the more maneuverable the vessel is (excluding water-jet vessels, where agility is ensured by the release of water through special side nozzles).

The H/T ratio affects the stability, strength and capacity of the vessel. For motorboats it ranges from 1.2 to 3.6; for cargo ships - from 1.05 to 1.6.

For a better understanding of the shape of the vessel, dimensionless coefficients of completeness are also used, obtained from comparing the areas and volumes characteristic of the vessel with the correct simplest geometric areas and volumes. Completeness coefficients are used in the initial design stage, as well as in solving many practical issues to quickly and approximately determine some of the main elements of the vessel. To obtain these coefficients, it is customary to denote the area of ​​the GVL by S (it characterizes the completeness of the contours of the vessel in plan - in a horizontal section); the midsection area through and (it characterizes the completeness of the vessel’s contours in cross section); the area of ​​the diameter through A (it characterizes the completeness of the contours of the vessel in the longitudinal section); the volume of the underwater part of the vessel through V, which is a volumetric displacement characterizing the overall completeness of the vessel’s contours.

The ratios of the named areas and volumes to the areas and volumes of geometrically regular figures with the same overall dimensions are called the coefficients of completeness of the underwater part of the vessel.

GVL completeness coefficient b is the ratio of the area of ​​the load waterline S to the area of ​​a rectangle with sides L and B, i.e.

navigation vessel buoyancy cargo capacity

Its values ​​for river cargo ships range from 0.84 to 0.9.

The midsection fullness coefficient b is the ratio of the area of ​​the midsection frame to the area of ​​a rectangle with sides B and T, i.e.

Its values ​​for river cargo ships are 0.96? 0.99.

The fullness coefficient of the diameter r is the ratio of the area of ​​the diameter A to the area of ​​a rectangle with sides L and T, i.e.

This coefficient is rarely encountered in calculation practice.

The coefficient of completeness of volumetric displacement d is the ratio of the volume of the vessel V to the volume of a parallelepiped with sides L, B and T, i.e.

Its values ​​fluctuate within 0.85? 0.90.

The coefficient of longitudinal completeness of displacement μ is the ratio of the volumetric displacement of the vessel V to the volume of a prism with a base equal to the midsection area and height L, i.e.

The coefficient of vertical displacement h is the ratio of the volumetric displacement V to the volume of a prism with a base equal to the area of ​​the load waterline S and height T, i.e.

The coefficient of lateral fullness of displacement w is the ratio of the volumetric displacement of the vessel V to the volume of a prism with a base equal to the area of ​​the diameter A and height B, i.e.

This coefficient is almost never encountered in calculation practice.

Thus, the completeness coefficients b, c, d and d are basic, and c, h and w are derivatives.

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