Marketing concepts. Concept of enterprise marketing activities Marketing concepts and management

Marketing Concepts

Over time, everyone involved in the exchange process learns, marketing improves, and concepts are formed on the basis of which management in this area is carried out.

Marketing Management- this is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain profitable exchanges with customers in order to achieve certain organizational goals, such as increasing market share, increasing sales volume, making a profit.

The most popular job is that of a marketing manager as a specialist who finds as many clients as necessary to sell the entire volume of products produced by the company at the moment. But this is too narrow a view of the range of his tasks. The marketing manager deals not only with the creation and expansion of demand, but also with the problems of changing and sometimes reducing it.

The goal of marketing management is to influence the level, timing, and nature of demand in a manner that helps the organization achieve its goals.

Marketing Managers - These are officials who analyze the marketing situation, implement planned plans and exercise control. These include sales managers, advertising executives, sales promotion specialists, marketing researchers, product managers and pricing specialists.

Marketing concepts are problems whose solution is necessary to achieve the desired levels of sales in different markets, principles and methods for solving them. What concept should guide marketing efforts? What is the relative importance of the interests of the organization, clients and society? Often these interests conflict with each other. It is obvious that any activity in the field of marketing must be carried out within the framework of a single concept.

There are five main concepts of marketing activities. They arose at various periods in the development of the world economy as a response to the social, economic and political changes that occurred during the 20th century.

Production improvement concept. This is one of the oldest approaches that businesses follow. This concept is based on the assertion that consumers will buy products that are widely available and affordable, therefore management should focus its efforts on improving production and distribution systems.

The concept of production improvement finds application in two situations: when demand for a product exceeds supply and when the cost of a product is too high, that is, it needs to be reduced, which requires increasing labor productivity. This concept was and continues to be adhered to by a significant part of Russian enterprises and organizations, which is one of the reasons for the plight of many of them. This is the concept of consumer indifference and is applicable in rare cases, such as the production of standardized goods and raw materials such as oil, bullion metals, matches, and ammunition for automatic weapons.

Product improvement concept. This is another old fundamental approach that guides businesses. The concept of product improvement is that consumers will buy products of the highest quality, with the best performance and characteristics, therefore, the organization should focus its efforts on continuous product improvement.

Many manufacturers believe that if they can improve the mousetrap or the scooter, the path to their doorstep will not be overgrown. However, they often face a severe blow. Buyers are looking for a way to get rid of mice, but not necessarily with an advanced mouse trap; they want to ride, but not on a scooter. The solution to the problem may be a chemical anti-mouse spray or a motorcycle. Moreover, an improved scooter will not make it in the market unless the manufacturer takes steps to make it attractive through design and price. If he does not organize product distribution through convenient distribution channels, does not attract the attention of those who need a scooter, and does not convince these people of the superior qualities of his product, then he will fail.

The concept of product improvement leads to “marketing myopia” because it loses sight of customer needs. The use of this concept by enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex is one of the reasons for their difficulties and troubles.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts. Many manufacturers follow this approach. The concept of intensifying sales efforts is that consumers will not buy enough of an organization's products unless it makes significant sales and promotion efforts.

They aggressively use the concept of intensifying commercial efforts in relation to everyday goods that the buyer does not think about purchasing for a long time. In these industries, various techniques for identifying potential buyers and “hard selling” goods to them have been developed and perfected. “Hard selling” is also practiced in relation to other goods, such as cars.

Aggressive and intrusive advertising is used. As soon as the client appears at the counter or enters the showroom, the salesperson immediately begins “psychological treatment.” If the client liked the item on display, he may be told that it is the last one, that someone else is going to buy it. Therefore, it is necessary to decide without delay. If the buyer is not satisfied with the price, the seller offers to talk with the owner and get a special discount. The goal of all this is to “get the customer” and get him to make a purchase as soon as possible.

The long-term results of a business operating under this concept can often be unfavorable.

Marketing concept. This is a modern approach to entrepreneurial activity, characteristic of the post-industrial period of economic development. According to this concept, the key to achieving organizational goals is to identify the needs and requirements of target markets and provide the desired satisfaction in ways that are more effective and more productive than those of competitors.

The essence of the marketing concept is expressed by calls such as “Find a need and satisfy it” or “Produce what you can sell, instead of trying to sell what you can produce.”

The concept of intensifying business efforts and the concept of marketing are often confused with each other. T. Levitt distinguishes them as follows.

Commercial sales efforts are about taking care of the needs of the seller. This is the concern of converting his goods into cash. Marketing is the concern of satisfying customer needs through a product and the factors involved in the creation, delivery and ultimately consumption of that product. She is rewarded with profit.

Marketing concept is a focus on customer needs and demands, supported by comprehensive marketing efforts aimed at creating customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the basis for achieving the organization's goals.

The marketing concept reflects a commitment to theory consumer sovereignty. The organization produces what the consumer needs and makes a profit by maximizing the satisfaction of his needs. The concept of marketing was adopted by many companies, such as Procter and Gamble, IBM, McDonald's.

The concept of social and ethical marketing. Socially ethical marketing is a phenomenon of the present time. The task of the organization, according to this concept, is to establish the needs, requirements, interests of target markets and provide the desired satisfaction in more effective and more productive ways than competitors. At the same time, the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole is maintained or strengthened. The concept of social and ethical marketing is generated by doubts about the relevance of the concept of clean marketing to our time with its deteriorating environmental quality and scarcity of natural resources.

The Coca-Cola Company is considered a highly responsible corporation that produces excellent soft drinks that satisfy the tastes of consumers. But consumer advocacy groups charge that Coca-Cola has little nutritional value and contains sugar and caffeine that are harmful to health.

These and similar circumstances gave rise to the concept of social and ethical marketing. This concept requires an enterprise to link three factors within its marketing policy, namely: making a profit, satisfying consumer needs and improving the general well-being of people.

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Marketing functions

  • Analytical function.
    • studying the market as such;
    • consumer research;
    • study of corporate structure;
    • product research;
    • analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.
  • Production function.
    • organizing the production of a new product;
    • supply organization;
    • quality management.
  • Sales function.
    • organization of a product distribution system;
    • service organization;
    • organization of the FOSSTIS system (demand formation and sales promotion);
    • formation of product and pricing policies.
  • Management and control function.
    • organization of strategic and operational planning and control;
    • management information support;
    • communicative function.

Marketing functions form the following concepts: need, requirements, demand, product, exchange, transaction and market.

The original idea underlying marketing is the idea of ​​human needs.

Need is a feeling of lack of something. People's needs are diverse and complex, but in general their number is finite, unlike needs. Here are the basic physiological needs for food, clothing, warmth and safety; and social needs for spiritual intimacy, influence and affection; personal needs for knowledge and self-expression. Most of these needs are determined by the basic components of human nature. If a need is not satisfied, a person feels unsatisfied and strives either to find an object that can satisfy the need or to try to drown it out.

The second basic idea of ​​marketing is the idea of ​​human needs.

Need is a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual.

For example, for an elderly person, the need for communication can be compensated by a television, for young people - a disco. Needs are expressed in objects that can satisfy the need in a way that is inherent in the cultural structure of a particular society or social group.

Concepts of marketing activities.


There are five main approaches on the basis of which commercial organizations manage their marketing activities: the concept of production improvement, the concept of product improvement, the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, the concept of marketing and the concept of social and ethical marketing. These concepts were formed during various periods of development of a market economy. The general trend in marketing development is a shift in emphasis from production and goods to commercial efforts, to the consumer and an increasing focus on consumer problems and social ethics.

The production concept assumes that consumers will be favorable to goods that are widely available and affordable, and therefore management should focus its efforts on improving production and increasing the efficiency of the distribution system.

Application of the concept of production improvement is suitable in two situations. The first is when demand for a product exceeds supply. In this case, management should focus on finding ways to increase production. The second is when the cost of goods is too high and it needs to be reduced, which requires an increase in productivity (but at the same time, part of the products that will be in warehouses due to the fact that the cost of production is too high and, therefore, the demand for it is not high, will have to be sold at reduced prices. This may negatively affect the company involved in the production and/or sale of this product).

Product improvement concept assumes that consumers will be interested in products that offer the highest quality, performance and features, and therefore the organization should focus its energy on continuous product improvement.

The use of this concept may provide the company with certain advantages only in the short term, but in general the concept of product improvement leads to “marketing myopia.” By paying all the attention to this type of product, the seller may lose attention to the needs of consumers. For example, in the United States, railroad management believed that consumers needed trains, not a means of transportation, and did not notice the threat from airlines and road transport. Manufacturers of slide rules believed that engineers needed rulers, not the ability to do calculations, and missed the threat of pocket calculators.

Selling concept assumes that consumers will not buy a firm's products in sufficient quantities unless the firm makes sufficient sales and promotion efforts.

According to this concept, various methods have been developed for identifying potential consumers and so-called “hard selling” of a product to them, when the buyer is actively influenced, actually forcing them to make a purchase.

Marketing concept ( marketing concept) Based on the premise that the key to achieving organizational goals is to identify the needs and demands of conditional markets and provide the desired satisfaction in more efficient and more productive ways than competitors. The object of attention in the marketing concept is not the product, but the company’s clients with their needs and requirements. In this case, the company receives profits by creating and maintaining consumer satisfaction.

Comparing the last two concepts, it can also be noted that the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, or, as it is also called, the “sales concept” is characteristic of the Russian market as a whole, and the marketing concept is used extremely rarely, in particular in the construction of luxury housing.

The concept of social and ethical marketing ( societal marketing) recognizes that the firm's mission is to identify the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to provide desired satisfaction in more efficient and more productive ways (than competitors) while preserving and enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

This concept was formed relatively recently, after it was concluded that the concept of clean marketing is insufficient from the standpoint of environmental protection, lack of natural resources and a number of other social and ethical problems. Ultimately, the concept of pure marketing does not address the problem of possible conflicts between the needs of the buyer and his long-term well-being. The concept of social and ethical marketing requires a balance of three factors: the company's profits, purchasing needs and the interests of society.

Concept holistic (holistic) marketing is based on the planning, development and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities, taking into account their breadth and interdependence. Holistic marketing recognizes that everything matters in marketing and that an expanded, integrated approach is often necessary. Holistic marketing has four components: relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing and socially responsible marketing. Thus, holistic marketing is an approach that attempts to recognize and balance the various competencies and complexities of marketing activities.

Related information.

The task of marketing management is to influence the level, timing and nature of demand in a way that will help the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management. There are five main approaches (concepts) on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities:

  • 1- concept of production improvement;
  • 2- concept of product improvement;
  • 3- concept of intensifying commercial efforts;
  • 4- marketing concept;
  • 5- concept of social and ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is mandatory and, first of all, raises the question of what should be the balance of interests of producers, consumers and society as a whole. Indeed, quite often these interests come into conflict with each other.

  • 1) Production concept, or concept of production improvement. Enterprises that adhere to this concept have predominantly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of their goods is carried out through numerous trading enterprises. The main prerequisites for the existence of this concept of managing marketing activities include the following: a) most of the actual and potential consumers have low incomes; b) demand is equal to or slightly exceeds supply; c) there is a rapid reduction in high production costs (usually for new products), which leads to the conquest of a larger market share.
  • 2) The main idea of ​​the concept of product improvement is to orient consumers toward certain goods or services that are superior in technical characteristics and performance to their analogues and thereby bring more benefits to consumers. At the same time, manufacturers direct their efforts to improve the quality of their goods, despite higher costs, and, consequently, prices. The factors supporting the existence of such a marketing concept may include the following: a) inflation; b) monopolistic market restrictions; c) rapid obsolescence of goods.
  • 3) The sales concept, or the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, assumes that consumers will buy the goods offered in sufficient quantities only if the company makes certain efforts to promote the goods and increase their sales.
  • 4) Marketing concept. This concept replaces the marketing concept and changes its content. The difference between the sales concept and the marketing concept is as follows: activities based on the sales concept begin with the product available to the company. Activities based on the concept of marketing begin with identifying actual and potential customers and their needs. The firm plans and coordinates the development of specific programs to address identified needs.
  • 5) The social and ethical concept of marketing, characteristic of the current stage of development of human civilization, is based on a new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of the carriers of effective demand. Its goal is to ensure the long-term well-being of not only an individual enterprise, but also society as a whole.

The above concepts characterize the various periods and major social, economic and political changes that have occurred in developed countries in the past century. The dominant trend of the changes that have occurred is a shift in emphasis from production and goods to sales, as well as to the problems facing consumers and society as a whole.

Marketing is an important tool for establishing communications between the manufacturer and the buyer. The development of marketing concepts allows us to develop a number of ways to achieve commercial goals that are important for the enterprise. There are several basic concepts on which every company makes demand management decisions. The first marketing concept of marketing and management appeared more than 100 years ago, but in some conditions it has still not lost its relevance. Let's talk about the main modern marketing concepts and their specifics.

Marketing concept

At the end of the 19th century, due to the growth of industrial production and competition in the markets for consumer goods, prerequisites for the formation of marketing arose. At the beginning of the 20th century, it emerged as an independent science of managing the actions of market participants in order to increase business profitability. Later, marketing is specified as a set of measures for interaction between producer and consumer. the need to satisfy consumer needs and make a profit is recognized. In the 1930s, the first theoretical principles of the new science began to take shape. General provisions for demand management are developed and basic marketing concepts are born. At the same time, marketing does not become a dry theory; it always remains largely a practical activity.

In its most general form, marketing is considered a special type of human activity, which is aimed at studying and satisfying human needs. However, its main goal is to manage the market and demand in order to maximize the organization's profits. Marketing thus becomes one of the most important functions of management.

The essence of the marketing concept

Entrepreneurs are constantly in search of a new, optimal program of action that would help increase business profitability. From these needs, marketing and its concepts grew. one of the world's main marketing theorists, argues that the marketing management concept is a new approach to management. Marketing concepts answer the strategically important question of what is the most important means and opportunity to make a profit. The answer to this main question is the essence of this phenomenon. At the same time, marketing concepts are not some abstract theories, but the most applied management decision.

Objectives of Marketing Concepts

In modern conditions, a manufacturer of goods is forced to constantly think about how to sell it. Today there are almost no empty markets left, so everywhere you have to fight with competitors and look for techniques that would help increase sales. Based on this, the main goal of the marketing concept is the formulation of tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve the desired indicators. The marketing concept allows a company to adapt to changing market conditions, helps manage demand and is an essential tool for strategic planning.

Marketing Concepts and Management

Marketing is one of the components of management; the manager must understand for whom he is producing the product and how it should be promoted to the buyer. An organization's marketing concepts are an element of strategic planning. At any level of management, a manager must plan the activities of his organization or department for the relatively distant future; for this he needs to understand where to move. And the marketing management concept answers this question. However, it is not a ready-made recipe; in each specific case, the manager needs to analyze the market situation and create his own interpretation of the generalized concept. Therefore, marketing management work is a complex process that includes analytical, creative and strategic components.

Evolution of Marketing Concepts

For the first time, marketing concepts begin to take shape in the era of the birth of marketing. These were natural reactions to the market situation. Understanding and formulating the provisions of the concept occurs after the fact, after manufacturers have begun to use this model. The actual development of a marketing concept as part of management activities appears later. Researchers note that the evolution of marketing concepts moves along a trajectory from the goals and needs of the manufacturer to the needs of the consumer. And the more markets develop, the more profound interests and characteristics of the consumer are taken into account when planning marketing. The peculiarity of the evolution of marketing concepts is that when new models appear, the old ones do not lose their viability. They may become less effective, and not in all cases. New concepts do not “kill” the old ones, it’s just that for many areas of production these “newcomers” become more productive, but the old models continue to work and may well be used in some markets.

Production concept

The first concept of marketing appeared during the period of rapid growth in manufacturing in the United States and Europe at the end of the 19th century. At this time, the sellers' market dominated, the purchasing power of the population was quite high, and demand in many markets exceeded supply. At that time, there were still no concepts of marketing analysis, and all marketing goals were concentrated on production. The interests and needs of the consumer were not taken into account in any way; there was an opinion that a good product will always find its buyer. It was also widely believed that any quantity of goods can be sold. Therefore, the source of the main profit was seen in increasing production volumes. The main struggle with competitors lay in the price area. Entrepreneurs sought to improve production, increasing volumes and reducing costs. It was during this period that there was a desire to automate production, a scientific organization of labor emerged, and an active search for a cheap raw material base was conducted. During this period, enterprises had little diversification, concentrating their resources on the production of one product. The concept of manufacturing improvement is still applicable today in markets where demand exceeds supply, especially when introducing a new product that competitors do not yet offer.

Product concept

In the first half of the 20th century, the market was gradually saturated with goods, but demand still outpaced supply. This leads to the emergence of a marketing concept for the product. At this time, production has almost been brought to perfection, it is no longer possible to increase labor productivity, and the idea arises that the product needs to be improved. The consumer no longer wants any product, he begins to make claims about its quality, so the manufacturer’s task is to improve the product, its packaging and characteristics, and also tell the buyer about it. There is a need for advertising as a tool for notifying consumers about new and special qualities of a product. At this time, the prevailing idea is that the consumer is ready to buy a good product at a reasonable price. Therefore, competition from the sphere of prices is gradually moving to the level of measuring product properties. This concept can still be applied today in those markets where demand is approximately balanced with supply, when there is sufficient purchasing power among the population who is ready to choose a quality product. This concept takes into account such important factors as product policy.

Business efforts concept

At the end of the 30s, there was a balancing of supply and demand in almost all consumer markets. There is a need to make some special efforts in order to attract a buyer. At this time, a seller's and buyer's market is formed. At this time, demand comes to the fore in increasing the company's profits. The product and production have already been improved to the maximum, but all the goods can no longer be sold or are sold too slowly. Therefore, the company's marketing concept should be aimed at improving the sales process. At this time, ideas arise about stimulating demand and the special role of points of sale and sellers. During this period, merchandising is being formed as a specific activity for organizing sales and stimulating buyers to purchase at retail outlets. Manufacturers are already beginning to understand that goods cannot be sold quickly without advertising costs. At this time, the formation of the advertising services market begins. Entrepreneurs have the illusion that with the help of good advertising they can sell anything. During this period, such a special field of activity as the training of salespeople arises, and the theory of sales begins to be formulated. Of course, this can be implemented today in markets where the consumer does not think about purchasing this product, but has the means to purchase it. The purpose of this concept is to develop a sales network and improve sales tools.

Proper marketing concept

In the 50s of the 20th century, all major markets were filled with goods, and a period began when supply exceeded demand. This concept places great emphasis on the consumer and his needs. The manufacturer no longer seeks to sell what he managed to produce, but thinks about what the buyer would like and begins to produce exactly that. In this connection, the marketing concept of the enterprise is undergoing significant changes. Marketers have to spend a lot of resources studying the characteristics of consumer behavior. They need to find out what the values, needs and interests of the consumer are, what his lifestyle is, where he goes, what he strives for. And based on this knowledge, the entrepreneur formulates his offer to the buyer. It is worth noting that all the old approaches are preserved: the product must be of good quality, production must be as efficient as possible, and points of sale must encourage the buyer to purchase the product. During this period, for the first time, the idea of ​​a marketing mix began to emerge, which covers all levels of the enterprise. In this concept, a purely marketing goal arises - meeting the needs of the buyer and the possibility of making a profit is built on this. And the concept marked a global turn in marketing towards the buyer; now in all markets the main character is the consumer, and for him the manufacturer does his best to lead to a purchase. The consumer now seeks to buy a product that best satisfies his needs. Therefore, the product must precisely meet his needs. The buyer is even willing to overpay, but get exactly what he wants.

Social and ethical concept

In the late 1970s, an era of intensive consumption and production led to the Earth's resources beginning to deplete. A powerful social movement is rising in defense of the environment and against excess consumption. And new marketing concepts could not ignore these changes. The concept of social and ethical marketing is being formed, which is still quite relevant today. This complex concept requires balancing three principles: the interests of society, the needs and wants of the buyer, and the profitability of the business for the entrepreneur. Within the framework of this concept, a special role began to be assigned to public opinion and the company’s image, on the formation of which the entrepreneur must spend certain resources. At the stage of saturation and oversaturation of the market, consumers begin to understand that endless economic growth leads to serious damage to the environment and they want the manufacturer to take care to stop damaging the environment. This requires companies to modernize production and introduce new products into their range that meet new assessments of environmental friendliness and safety. The manufacturer’s goal in this concept is to introduce new production standards and convince the buyer of the safety of their product. There is also such a marketing task as educating the consumer, teaching him new standards of life.

Interaction concept

In the second half of the 20th century, marketers began to understand that it was necessary not only to take into account the needs of the consumer, but also to involve him in the relationship. The consumer is accustomed to standardized relationships, typical situations, and they do not evoke emotions in him. Therefore, to differentiate from competitors, you need to form individual relationships with the consumer. Interaction with the company creates an emotional attachment for the buyer and sets the manufacturer apart from others like him. All previous marketing concepts focused on logic and reason, but this model is aimed at emotion. In this concept, communications begin to play an important role; the manufacturer establishes individual, trusting relationships by involving the buyer in interaction. New concepts of marketing communications not only require complex solutions, but are based on taking into account the individual characteristics of the buyer. This concept introduces the concept of the life cycle of relationships with customers. It distinguishes 3 stages: interest in the product, purchase and consumption. In this approach, much attention is paid to post-purchase behavior, within which it is necessary to create a feeling of satisfaction in the buyer. The purpose of communications is customer loyalty to the product or brand. Marketers understand that in conditions of market saturation and fierce competition, it becomes cheaper to retain an old customer than to attract a new one.

International concept

At the end of the 20th century, marketing began to develop rapidly, and several concepts appeared that generally fit into the interaction model system, but have significant features. Thus, the globalization of markets leads to the emergence of marketing concepts designed for intercultural and interethnic interactions. Establishing relationships with representatives of different cultures and nationalities requires a special approach. Experts identify such international concepts of marketing activities as the concept of expanding the domestic market, the concept of a multinational domestic market and the concept of a global market. In each case, the enterprise faces the goal of developing new markets. At the same time, the marketer must build communication taking into account the specifics of the internal and external environment.

Innovative concept

At the end of the 20th century, the process of emergence of highly specialized marketing concepts took place. One of the most striking models is the innovative option, which is associated with the promotion of high-tech, latest products. Just like the marketing concept of a product once was, this variety is built on the fact that the consumer is offered an improved product. However, due to the fact that the information environment today is rapidly changing, marketers are promoting digital and innovative products using new methods: Internet tools, integrated communications, social networks. The innovative concept organically combines elements of the traditional commodity model, as well as relationship marketing. The goal of marketing is not only to stimulate the buyer to purchase a product, but also to educate him. Before selling him, for example, an innovative gadget, it is necessary to develop a certain level of competence in him.

Modeling concept

At the end of the 20th century, the global world entered a new economy, which is associated with the enormous development of digital technologies. Each person is bombarded with a barrage of information and develops protective mechanisms against overload. This results in many traditional advertising messages no longer being effective. For example, there are already entire generations of people who do not watch television, and the audience of print media is sharply declining. In addition, the high saturation of the market with goods leads to the fact that a person begins to experience difficulties with choice. A person by nature cannot make a choice among 10-120 units of goods, and he himself reduces the number of alternatives to 3-5 items. He focuses on his values, myths, stereotypes, which unconsciously control consumer behavior. And here the problem arises that old marketing concepts do not allow achieving the desired goals. And marketers are developing a new model, according to which a person is instilled with thoughts about the value of certain goods, a mythology of goods is created, and the buyer develops a certain model of behavior, which leads him to purchase goods. There are many examples of such “introduction” of goods into the consumer’s unconscious. The clearest example is the Apple brand, which creates a mythology, its own ideology, and today there is a whole formation of people who are convinced that only the products of this brand are the best and exceptional.

Marketing concepts and strategies

Marketing is always associated with planning the future activities of an enterprise. A company that is seriously thinking about its future development has its own concept of a marketing strategy. Typically, such private models include elements of several models: socio-ethical, interaction, innovation, product or sales. The main value of the existence of marketing concepts is the ability to use them when developing your own company strategy. All modern concepts are based on integrated communications. And today it is difficult to find a manufacturer who would not use a media mix in their promotion. Therefore, it is the harmonious synthesis of the components of several concepts that allows each manufacturer to find its own path to success.

Doing business in market conditions, i.e. consumer-oriented.

Marketing is working with the market to carry out exchanges, the purpose of which is to satisfy human needs and wants.

F. Kotler. "Fundamentals of Marketing Short Course"
Translated from English - M "William", 2007 - 656
ISBN 978-5-8459-0376-1

Definition of the term given by F. Kotler
The marketing concept is a focus on customer needs and demands, supported by integrated marketing efforts aimed at creating customer satisfaction as the basis for achieving organizational goals

Philip Kotler. Marketing management. Ex press course. 2nd ed.
/ Per. from English edited by S. G. Bozhuk. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 464 p.: ill. - (Business Bestseller Series). ISBN 5-94723-952-3

Marketing concept– a system of basic views, regulations and tools for the company’s activities, which make it possible to better meet the needs of the end consumer and, thereby, optimally and quickly achieve the company’s goals.

Marketing concept in a philosophical sense - the organization of entrepreneurship, doing business with the understanding that only activity in market conditions, focused on the consumer, allows one to better solve the problems of the consumer himself, the company and society as a whole.

The concept defines The goal of marketing is a satisfied consumer, as the fundamental basis for solving the company’s problems.

Depending on the specific state of the market, the level of development of market relations (seller market or consumer market), traditional, production, sales, commodity, socio-ethical and service marketing concepts are distinguished. With the development of the market and relations on it, marketing undergoes qualitative changes, as market relations themselves are rethought. Known five successive transformations of the concept market activity. They arise in different periods of economic and social development, as a response to new economic and social challenges of the time:

  • concept of production improvement (Early 20th century);
  • concept of product improvement (20s of the twentieth century);
  • the concept of intensifying commercial efforts (30-50s of the twentieth century);
  • concept of market activity (50-60s of the twentieth century);
  • the concept of social and ethical marketing (since the 60s of the twentieth century).

In the marketing concept, as a trend of changes that have occurred, a shift in emphasis from the production of goods to their sales can be traced. Subsequently, from sales to solving problems facing consumers and society as a whole.

Production Improvement Concept is based on the proposition that consumers will buy products that are widely available and affordable, therefore management should focus its efforts on improving production and distribution systems. The concept of production improvement finds application in two situations: when demand for a product exceeds supply and when the cost of a product is too high, that is, it needs to be reduced, which requires increasing labor productivity.

Product improvement concept is the belief that consumers will buy products of the highest quality, with the best performance properties and characteristics, therefore, the organization must focus its efforts on continuous improvement of the product

Concepts for Intensifying Business Efforts many manufacturers adhere to. The concept of intensifying sales efforts is that consumers will not buy enough of an organization's products unless it makes significant sales and promotion efforts. They constantly use the concept of intensifying commercial efforts in relation to everyday goods that the buyer does not think about purchasing for a long time. In these industries, various techniques for identifying potential buyers and “hard selling” goods to them have been developed and perfected.

Market activity concept assumes that the key to achieving the company's goals is a clear understanding and satisfaction of the needs and requirements of target consumers (direct marketing) and markets (mass marketing).

Social and ethical marketing concept came to replace the concept of market activity due to changed paradigms, due to the changed society and relations in it. What they have in common is the same need to focus on needs and ensure that they are met in an effective and efficient way. However, the modern concept of marketing implies the need to simultaneously ensure the preservation and strengthening of the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole. This requires the company to integrate three factors into its marketing policy.

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