Handmade soap like... Handmade soap

In the past, making handmade soap at home was common. Using ash and animal fats, families produced their own detergents for your needs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the discoveries of German scientists, it became possible to produce inexpensive soap at the industrial level, which gradually replaced homemade soap.

But lately, interest in everything natural and homemade has been increasing. Therefore, soap making at home is becoming popular. Handmade soap has significant advantages:

Security measures

When making handmade soap at home, you will be working with a caustic substance called sodium hydroxide, or lye. In any form - grains, flakes, granules - it can damage various materials, peel paint, and, most seriously, burn the skin and eyes.

Use extreme caution by wearing high-cuff gloves and eye protection when adding lye to water. Avoid inhaling its vapors. They are flammable, so ventilate the area when working.

If alkali gets on your skin, it must be neutralized with a vinegar solution; if it gets on other objects, immediately remove it and wipe the area with detergent.

Before starting work, make sure that children or pets will not disturb you. Do not use foil, tin, wood or aluminum containers when making soap. Take only glass containers, strong plastic, enamel or stainless steel containers. Store your soap making materials out of reach of children.

How to make handmade soap at home?

Now that you are familiar with the safety precautions, we can get down to business.

First, make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients on hand; searching for them during the process will be very inconvenient. You will need:

  • Lye, namely caustic soda (in other words, caustic soda).
  • Water (or other liquid, according to the recipe).
  • Fat, oil.
  • Rubber gloves and eye protection.
  • Two mixing bowls. It’s better if one has a spout (for easy pouring of liquid).
  • Kitchen scales.
  • Different spoons for mixing and measuring. At least one heat-resistant plastic or stainless steel for stirring the lye, one wooden, whisk or rubber spatula. You will need a measuring spoon when using essential oils.
  • Two accurate kitchen thermometers
  • An electric blender (preferably) will save you a lot of effort when making handmade soap at home.
  • Measuring cup for liquids.
  • Soap molds. Glass, plastic, silicone or stainless steel are best. Wooden or cardboard can also be used, but only if you line them on the inside with waxed or greased paper.
  • Rags or disposable towels to wipe up spills.

This sample list, it will change depending on what kind of soap you make and whether you add essential oils, fragrances, natural decorative elements, etc. to it.

Measure seven times

When making homemade handmade soap at home, measure each ingredient accurately.

Whether you make it from scratch or use scraps to make new pieces, you need to follow the recipe exactly.

One inaccurate measurement can result in soap that is foul-smelling, unappealing, or unusable.

To ensure a good result you need: scales, 2 thermometers and a so-called lye calculator or soap calculator. As a rule, this is an online service for calculating the required amount of ingredients.

Different oils require different amounts of lye, so make sure you know their saponification number.

How to turn individual ingredients into a finished product?

There are three main ways to make handmade soap at home:

The most complex handmade soap. We make it from scratch

This method has two subtypes - cold and hot. The sequence of work in the first case:

Hot way

The initial steps for making soap this way are the same as for cold soap, namely up to the “trace” stage. Then we simply continue to cook the saucepan with the mixture in a water bath or in the oven (if it can clearly maintain the required temperature). The liquid needs to be stirred periodically until it becomes gel-like. It will then begin to harden and become wax-like. This means the soap is almost ready, it’s time to add essential oils and other ingredients and pour into molds. With this manufacturing method, you don't have to wait a month for the product to be ready. The soap can be used after a day, but if you let it sit for two days, it will only get better.

Which method should I choose?

Each method has its pros and cons, as well as a lot of variations.

If you are a beginner, then you will like the second method - the simplest and cheapest. But since baby soap is opaque, it will not be very decorative. Therefore, if you want to make beautiful pieces, but are afraid to work with alkali, then choose method 1. But do not forget that the further you move away from soap made from lye and fats, the more expensive the final product becomes and the less natural its composition becomes.

And if you have carefully read the safety precautions and are determined to do serious and careful work, you can try making homemade handmade soap from scratch. Of course, this is the most difficult, but also the most interesting method, but you control every ingredient that goes into the soap.

Space for creativity

Perhaps one of the main reasons why homemade handmade soaps are so popular is the opportunity to use different ingredients and experiment with shape, color, scent and caring properties. If you decide to get into this business, then make the most of your freedom of choice.

When you make soap from scratch, you can use both animal fats and vegetable fats (based on sunflower or rapeseed oil). And instead of water, you can add decoction, tea, milk.

Also added to soap:

  • essential oils: rose, mint, rosemary, bergamot, vanilla, lavender, etc.;
  • vegetable oils such as palm, coconut, olive;
  • natural dyes: clay, spices, herbs;
  • decorative elements, such as flower petals;
  • scrubbing particles: grape seed powder, poppy seeds, loofah pieces, etc.

It's best to find a basic homemade soap recipe that you like and then experiment with additions to it.

However, take the time to learn more about the additional ingredients - some of them may not be effective in soap, others may ruin it. Essential oils should be mixed with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, to neutralize their irritating properties.

While making soap, your home will be filled with many aromas. And you will inhale vapors of essential oils in high concentrations, which can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, choose them carefully and make sure that, just in case, you have the appropriate medicine in your medicine cabinet that suits you.

When you make homemade handmade soap at home, you will end up with small pieces or failed pieces. Instead of throwing them away, put them to use. Rub and rework or sprinkle shavings into water when taking a bath, or add small pieces of leftover soap to new soap to create pops of color.

On this? Wise people They say this: “Find something you like and you will never have to work!” This is partly true, because you can earn good money from a hobby and at the same time live for your own pleasure. Unusual recipes homemade soap originate from the distant past, when our ancestors used exclusively natural products.

IN modern world household chemicals such a product is in great demand, because homemade soap is not only beautiful and fragrant, but also more useful than chemically produced soap.

Regular store-bought soap often dries the skin excessively and kills beneficial microflora on it. Therefore, natural cosmetics, shampoos and soaps are now at the peak of popularity.

How to make soap at home: standard set

Every novice master should take care of standard set, which is required for making homemade soap. This includes:

  • molds for creating works of various subjects– New Year’s, spring, women’s or children’s;
  • soap base – it can be purchased in special professional or hardware stores;
  • ingredients– essential oils, fragrances, dyes, various additives for soap (oatmeal, rose leaves, herbs, coffee).

The cost of these ingredients varies from 500 to 2000 rubles for a certain volume. The fact is that some of the oils are quite rare and expensive. Most often, soap is made using orange, almond, grape, lavender and rose oils, which are considered expensive. However, it is worth noting that from such a set you can create several different products.

Advice: should be selected for purchasing soap ingredients good store or supplier to eliminate the chance to purchase poor quality product. Some soap makers advise buying molds on the Internet, actively using them - the goods there are much cheaper than in city stores.

Basic homemade soap recipe for beginners

Before making soap at home, the master chooses a basic recipe, which, if necessary, supplements at his discretion.

Advice: if you are not ready to spend money on documents, registering your business, premises and salaries for employees, then you should not advertise your activities and engage in soap making only from the point of view of a hobby.

Setting product prices

Agree that working for pennies is uninteresting, unprofitable and blasphemous towards yourself. But very often there are those who sell cheaper almost the same thing that you offer. But very often, an unrealistically low price means that the product is an order of magnitude worse than a more expensive but high-quality soap. Think: save on materials and sell low-quality goods, or slightly inflate prices and offer customers best product.

Having figured out how to make soap at home and started making it yourself, it’s worth thinking about selling it. As a rule, a standard handmade product costs 150-200 rubles. You can buy colored polyethylene bags or beautiful boxes for soap. Setting prices and being competitive is an important part of any business.

Product shelf life: the main problem

A “side effect” of using natural materials is a short shelf life finished product. Remember, maybe you have a piece of soap lying around at home since Soviet times that is more than thirty years old. This trick won’t work with homemade soap - it deteriorates after 6-8 months, it all depends on the quality of the ingredients. However, some works stand on the shelf as decoration for many years and do not lose their appearance or quality.

Important! The fewer natural ingredients in homemade soap, the longer it will last!

Therefore, it makes sense to make the bulk of products only to order.


Home soap making is quite common and it will not be easy for creative individuals to fight with pragmatic entrepreneurs, but there will still be a return on the work After all good soap everyone needs it and the more attractive and natural it is, the better it will sell. But to learn how to create a truly high-quality product, you will need a lot of diligence, patience and a desire to work for people, and not just for your own wallet. Video on how to make soap at home:

Today, many people are starting to make their own soap, and the process of home soap making is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because with just a little effort and imagination, you can create real soap masterpieces, and also be confident in the quality and naturalness of the product. How to make soap at home?

There is a whole list of reasons why you should try soap making at home.

  1. Handmade soap is a clean, environmentally friendly and natural product. You yourself will come up with its composition, thanks to which the product can be adapted to suit any needs (for dry/oily skin, exfoliating, with a whitening effect, etc.).
  2. Unlike its “brothers” stuffed with chemicals, homemade soap not only does not dry out the skin of the hands, but has caring and moisturizing properties.
  3. Price is also a pretty strong argument in favor of making soap yourself. You will be able to significantly save your finances, plus rationally use small “smiles” that are usually thrown out as unnecessary.
  4. And of course, home soap making - This is a very exciting creative process. Using all your imagination, you can create soap in the form of various funny figures, animals, decorative elements - in general, feel like a real master.

To create this cosmetic product you will need the following ingredients:

Cooking methods

Before you find out, we will consider all currently known methods for obtaining this cosmetic product.

How to make soap at home? Cooking technology

Photo: Soap making at home

The first step that needs to be taken is to cut the base for the future soap in the form of small pieces. Or you can grate it - this way the product will melt faster to the desired consistency. Now you need to melt the soap base (this is done in a water bath). It needs to be stirred periodically. Add the selected base oil to the soap at the rate of three teaspoons per 100 grams of base.

During all the time until soap base will be on fire, periodically add a little cream or milk to it until a creamy mass is formed. You can replace milk with water or herbal infusions, but in this case the product may not be hard enough. It is better to use sugar instead of milk and water - this way the base will melt better and faster.

When the soap is completely melted, remove the pan from the stove and add various additional ingredients: essential oils, glycerin (a teaspoon), fragrances, dyes and any other ingredients. In this process, be guided solely by your taste preferences.

Then pour the product into the molds and sprinkle alcohol on top, this will eliminate the appearance of bubbles on the surface. Leave the soap in the molds until it completely hardens, you can also put it in the refrigerator or just a cool place. After about two to three days it will completely harden and be ready for use.

Homemade Soap Recipes

We have prepared for you several simple and interesting recipes for homemade soap and invite you to bring them to life.

Photo: Homemade soap recipes

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • plastic cup (as a mold);
  • soap base - 100 milliliters;
  • glycerin - one teaspoon;
  • honey - one teaspoon;
  • half a teaspoon each of chopped cinnamon, ginger and cloves.

Melt the soap base in a double boiler (alternatively, use the microwave). Then pour glycerin into a glass of melted base and mix well. Add honey to the mixture, as well as ginger, cloves and cinnamon. Pour the resulting soap liquid into a glass and place in the freezer for 60 minutes. When the product hardens, carefully remove it from the glass and enjoy the result.

Thanks to its components, the product has pronounced antibacterial properties, ideal for those with problem skin, where acne often appears.

Required ingredients:

  • bar of baby soap - 100 grams;
  • water – 400 milliliters;
  • a tablespoon of camphor and ammonia;
  • half a tablespoon of citric acid;
  • glycerin - one tablespoon;
  • hydrogen peroxide – 100 milliliters.

Baby soap should be grated on a fine grater, then poured into a pan and pour water on top. Leave to stand for 3-4 hours so that the soap dissolves a little in the water, then transfer to a water bath in which to bring to complete melting.

Then you need to add citric acid, as well as ammonia and camphor alcohol, mix all the ingredients very well and remove the pan from the stove. At the very end, pour in hydrogen peroxide in a thin stream; you can also add a few tablespoons of tea tree oil. Mix the mixture very thoroughly again and pour into the molds. The soap will harden completely in about two days.

If you want to create such a soap composition, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • baby soap – 100 grams;
  • water – 200-250 milliliters;
  • olive and sea buckthorn oil;
  • essential patchouli oil;
  • ground coffee.

Grate a bar of baby soap. Melt in a water bath. Remove from heat and add all oils, mix thoroughly. Add ground coffee and stir well again. Pour the resulting product into molds and leave until completely hardened. For this soap, it is better to use coarsely ground coffee. In general, to prepare scrub soap, you can take poppy seeds, ground grape seeds, oatmeal, and also use any cosmetic clay.

The production of this cosmetic product differs from previous versions not only in its recipe, but also in its unusual appearance - the soap is very reminiscent of marble.

For this option you need to prepare:

  • one bar of baby soap;
  • milk in the amount of 150 milliliters;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of olive and;
  • 3-4 drops of orange oil;
  • chocolate – 3-4 slices.

The soap is grated, placed in a water bath, and milk and honey are added to it. Don't forget to mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. When the mass melts, remove it from the heat and divide it into exactly two parts. Add sea buckthorn and orange oil to the first part, and olive oil to the second. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater. When the mixture has hardened, it is poured into molds, alternating orange and chocolate layers. Finally, stir the mixture several times and leave to harden.

It will require the following components:

  • bar of baby soap;
  • water – 200-250 milliliters;
  • three tablespoons of coconut flakes, as well as vanilla and coconut oils.

As in previous cases, grate the soap, heat it in a water bath, then add water. Grind coconut flakes using a coffee grinder. Remove the melted soap from the stove, add shavings, vanilla and coconut oil to it. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and pour into molds. In this recipe, you can replace the water with milk, then you will get a more delicate foam and a rich coconut flavor.

Prepared from the following ingredients:

  • baby soap - 100 grams;
  • water – 50 milliliters;
  • olive oil - two tablespoons;
  • ground coffee and coarse sea salt - two tablespoons each.

First, rub a bar of baby soap and place it in a water bath. Then add olive oil and pour in boiled water in a thin stream. Do not stop stirring the mixture throughout the entire preparation. Wait until the mixture is homogeneous, then remove from heat and add coffee and salt. Mix everything again and pour into molds, leave to harden for 2-3 days.

This soap helps fight cellulite; it should be used several times a week. But do not forget that the sea salt included in the product can greatly dry out the skin. Therefore, after using soap, it is recommended to use moisturizing body milk or caring lotion.

Now you know for sure. We hope that the information obtained from this article will be useful to you and will help you create real soap masterpieces in your kitchen.

Warp homemade soap- regular soap, preferably baby soap, with a minimum amount of fragrance. In addition, you can buy a more advanced composition - a soap base. It is odorless, white or transparent.

Base oils form the basis of soap shavings. These include olive oil, cedar oil, almond oil, vitamin E, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, sea buckthorn and others. They improve the meltability of soap. Essential and aromatic oils will give the soap a pleasant aroma. You can also add coffee, cocoa, various herbs and much more to soap.

To make one bar of homemade soap you will need:

  • Baby soap - 2 pieces.
  • Water (or any other liquid) - 100-200 milliliters per piece. The melted soap should have a batter-like consistency or a little thicker.
  • Base oil - 2-3 tablespoons per 100 grams of soap.
  • Essential oils - 3-5 drops.
  • Soap molds.

How to make beautiful soap at home:

Step 1. Grate the soap on a fine grater. For this you can also use a food processor, blender, or electric graters.

Step 2. First you need to boil the water. We will need a “water bath”.

Step 3. Pour the carrier oils into a saucepan and place in a water bath for a couple of minutes.

Step 4. Pour soap shavings there and mix well.

Step 5. While stirring the soap shavings, carefully and slowly pour in hot (but not boiling) water/milk/coffee/cocoa/orange juice (it can be diluted with boiling water). It is important not to overfill the liquid; it is better to top it up later in the process. On average, a bar of soap takes a little more than half a glass.

Step 6. Stir the resulting soap solution for a long time, slowly until the lumps are completely dissolved. On average, the melting process takes from 30 minutes to three hours.
Recommendation: If you don’t want to wait that long, you can grate the soap, pour in the required amount of warm water and leave it overnight. Overnight the soap will dissolve and you will get a wonderful soap base. After that, you just need to warm it up.

Step 7. When the soap dissolves, you need to add additives to it and keep it in the bathhouse for a little longer.

Step 8. Remove from heat and quickly, quickly drip in the required amount of essential oils. They erode when heated, so stir thoroughly but quickly.

Step 9. Pour everything into pre-prepared forms. Any mold will do plastic container: mayonnaise jar, cup, packages of pastries, cakes, cookies. It is important that its neck diameter is wider than the bottom. Otherwise, it will be difficult to remove the soap. It is also good to use various children's molds.

Step 10. Let it cool. Leave for several hours (preferably a day) in the refrigerator.

Step 11. When, when pressing on the soap, it does not press through and moves well away from the walls of the container, it can be removed. After which the soap will need to be dried.

Step 12. Place the soap in a warm, dry place, preferably on a piece of newspaper, so that the moisture is well absorbed. Soap needs about 2-7 days to mature.

How to make baby soap

for 100 grams of solid piece you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of base oils;
  • 100 grams of liquid, including milk, decoctions, and so on;
  • 6-7 drops of essential oil;
  • 4-5 drops of dye;
  • other additives (chocolate, sugar, honey, coffee, oatmeal, etc.) 50 grams per 100 grams of soap.

To make soap based on baby:

  • “Melt baby soap”
  • To do this, first grate the pieces of baby soap. You should end up with soap shavings.
  • Now prepare a water bath: pour water into a saucepan that you place on the stove, so that the plate with the shavings is submerged to the brim in water. Heat must be transferred from the boiling water to the plate.
  • To make the chips melt well and quickly, add water to it, but milk is better, as it will give it special soft properties. You can also use melting agents: sugar (you can use vanilla sugar), honey or chocolate. These components speed up the melting process. Alternatively, add a decoction of herbs, but first dilute it with milk. Add all these components when the soap is in the bath. After 15-30 minutes the melting process will be completed. Make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise there will be unwanted bubbles in the soap.
  • As soon as the soap melts and becomes viscous without lumps, feel free to add base oils (1 tablespoon per 100 grams). Remove from the bath and add essential oils, dyes and other components to the warm mass. Since they are volatile, it is better to do this at the very end.
  • Stir the prepared mass thoroughly and pour into molds. You can also add ingredients in molds if you are making different soaps at once.
  • Leave the soap to cool in the refrigerator until it becomes hard.
  • Then place it in the air to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate. The water will cause the soap to dry out, so use a knife to cut off the excess.

Baby soap with jojoba oil

Add 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil to 100 grams of melted baby soap. Mix thoroughly so that the oil does not come to the surface. Soap with jojoba oil softens the skin well and is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. You should not add more oil, because... the soap will not lather well.

Soap based on chocolate (white or black).

You can add chocolate to soap with jojoba oil. If you use chocolate, use it while melting the baby soap as it will act as a melter. No more than 50 grams of chocolate should be added per 100 grams. To add a scrub effect, add ground coffee (no more than 1 teaspoon), this soap will exfoliate dead cells. To enhance the aroma, add orange essential oil. You'll get a New Year's piece of fragrant soap!

Soap with oatmeal

Melt baby soap and add jojoba oil to it. For 100 grams of prepared base, add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (can be ground). Stir the mixture until the flakes stop settling to the bottom of the pan. You should stir with a spoon so as not to form unnecessary bubbles in the soap. After this, rub your soap well with a spoon and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

Beginner soap makers are recommended to train on ordinary children's soap without additives or fragrances. If you are confident in yourself, then purchase professional soap base in specialized stores. They sell white, transparent and multi-colored bases with added oils in packages of 250, 500 and 1,000 grams.


What to buy:

Base oil

It can be anything: coconut, almond, olive, castor, grape and apricot seeds. The oil consists almost entirely of organic compounds: fatty acids, vitamins, waxes, microelements, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Add no more than ½ teaspoon of oil to 100 g of soap base. An overdose of essential oils can cause severe allergies, and the soap will stop lathering.

There are many varieties of base oils, each of which has its own therapeutic effect and imbues homemade soap with skin-beneficial properties.

Base oil Skin type Property
From apricot kernels Any Saturates the skin with vitamins: A, B, C, E, F. Moisturizes, softens, increases elasticity, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands
From grape seeds Oily and mixed Regulates the function of sweat glands, restores the natural oiliness of the skin
Castor Dry and mixed Removes pigment spots well, whitens and nourishes the skin, fights fine wrinkles
Almond Any Saturates the skin with vitamins E and F, moisturizes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, prevents expansion
Coconut Any Protects skin from ultraviolet rays, smoothes and makes it softer
Eucalyptus Oily and mixed Used for skin whitening, treatment of furunculosis and acne
Sage Oily and mixed Smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. An excellent remedy for combating acne and other skin problems
Palm Any Is an antioxidant and natural source of vitamin E
cocoa Any Accelerates the process of restoration of damaged skin cells, eliminating various cosmetic defects

What to buy:

Single-color handmade soap can be made using water-soluble food dyes.

  • Cocoa and coffee will make the soap chocolatey.
  • Chamomile infusion will give the soap a yellow tint.
  • Saffron and curry - bright yellow.
  • Spinach, dill and parsley - green.
  • Beet juice - red or pink.
  • Chamomile essential oil - blue.

Do not use red rose petals (gives a dirty gray color) or hibiscus tea (gives a dirty green color) to create red shades.

Natural dyes have low light fastness and fade quickly in the sun. Therefore, such soap must be stored in a dark place.

For multi-color pour-over soaps, liquid or dry pigment is used in standard and neon shades. Pigment dyes give a bright, rich color and make the soap slightly matte. Before adding to the soap base, the dry pigment must be ground with oil or glycerin.


Mother of pearl, a mineral dye in powder form, gives homemade soap a beautiful shimmer and shine. It perfectly emphasizes the relief of the product. Mother of pearl is used in soap with transparent base and applied to the surface of the product with a brush or fingertip.


This dye does not need to be pre-dissolved and is added dry to the molten base.

What to buy:


To give homemade soap additional properties, various additives are used: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers.

For example, during the preparation process you can add finely ground coffee, oatmeal, and ground nut shells to the scrub soap. Some of these compositions are easy to prepare yourself. But, for example, you will have to purchase bamboo or baobab fruit powder.


What to buy:

What tools are needed?

  1. Heat-resistant containers with spouts that can be heated in microwave oven or in a water bath.
  2. Silicone 2D and 3D molds for soap.
  3. Alcohol for lubricating the surface of molds and better connection soap layers. The alcohol must be kept in a spray bottle with a volume of 30–150 ml.
  4. Glass or wooden sticks for mixing the soap base.
  5. Thermometer for liquids.

What to buy:

How to make homemade soap

Step 1

Prepare all the necessary components in advance: dyes, oils, fillers, and so on. Cut the soap base into small cubes and melt it in a water bath. Make sure that the base temperature does not rise above 60 °C. Otherwise, bubbles will form in the soap and its quality will deteriorate.

Step 2

When the soap base is completely melted, add any base oil you like, dye and one teaspoon of filler, for example, ground. In this case, coffee will act as a dye and give the product a deep chocolate shade.


Step 3

Pour the mixture into the mold, after sprinkling it with alcohol from a spray bottle. If you are working with several layers, then when pouring a new one, do not forget to spray the previous one with alcohol and lightly scratch its surface for better adhesion of the layers. The surface of the soap can be decorated with whole coffee beans.


Step 4

Place the mold in a cool place for 2 hours (never in the freezer!). Then remove the soap from the mold by letting it soak for a few minutes. hot water, and place on paper to dry for 1–2 days. The finished soap must be stored in breathable packaging. For example, in cling film.


Bonus: 4 homemade soap recipes

Homemade face soap

  • white soap base;
  • 2 tablespoons lanolin oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of any aromatic oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon ground almonds.

Chocolate and vanilla

  • soap base;
  • a few drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
  • a few drops of honey and ylang-ylang oil.

Strawberries and cream

  • opaque soap base;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon strawberry seed oil;
  • red or pink dye;
  • 2 tablespoons cream;
  • strawberry and cream flavorings.

Pink dream

  • white soap base;
  • 1 tablespoon pink clay;
  • 1 teaspoon apricot essential oil;
  • 5 drops vanilla oil;

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