Assigning a prefix to the code in 1s. Rules for automatic generation of document prefixes in information bases of standard program configurations of the 1C:Enterprise system



In accordance with Article 30 Federal Law dated May 8, 2010 N 83-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 19, Art. 2291; N 31, Art. 4209; N 46, Art. 5918; N 49, Art. 6409; 2011, No. 7, Art. 900; No. 4587; No. 7039; No. 19, Art.

1. Approve the attached Procedure territorial authorities Federal Treasury cash transactions with funds from budgetary institutions.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Order of the Federal Treasury dated October 29, 2010 N 16n “On the Procedure for carrying out cash payments by territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury at the expense of budgetary institutions” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 28, 2010, registration N 19406, Russian newspaper, 2010, December 31);

Order of the Federal Treasury dated November 25, 2011 N 14n “On amendments to the Procedure for carrying out cash payments by territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury at the expense of budgetary institutions, approved by Order of the Federal Treasury dated October 29, 2010 N 16n” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 13, 2011, registration N 22573, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2011, December 21).




by order of the Federal Treasury





1. This Procedure establishes the procedure for the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Treasury bodies) to carry out cash transactions with funds from budgetary institutions, their separate divisions charged with the responsibility of conducting accounting(hereinafter - a separate division), on personal accounts opened by him in the Federal Treasury or in the financial authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity) (hereinafter - the financial authority) in the case of a conclusion in accordance with Part 12.1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of May 8, 2010 N 83-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with improving the legal status of state (municipal) institutions” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 19, Art. 2291; N 31, Art. 4209; N 46, art. 5918; 2011, art. 900; art. 4587; 2013, art. 2331 authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local administration of a municipal entity) of an agreement on the opening by a body of the Federal Treasury of an account in the institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for conducting, in the manner established by the Federal Treasury, transactions with funds of budgetary institutions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation ( municipalities), personal accounts for which are opened and maintained with the financial authority in the manner established by it (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement on opening a separate bank account).

2. When carrying out transactions with funds of budgetary institutions (their separate divisions), for which, in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Treasury, personal accounts have been opened with the Federal Treasury body (hereinafter referred to as clients) or with a financial body, information exchange between the client (financial body) and the Federal Treasury body carried out in electronic form using funds electronic signature(hereinafter referred to as electronic form) on the basis of an exchange agreement (agreement) electronic documents, concluded between the client (financial authority) and the Federal Treasury.

If the client or the Federal Treasury body does not have the technical ability to exchange information in electronic form, the exchange of information between them is carried out using document flow on paper with the simultaneous submission of documents on machine media (hereinafter referred to as paper).

When carrying out transactions with client funds, document flow containing information constituting state secrets is carried out in accordance with this Procedure in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of state secrets.

3. The Federal Treasury authority opens accounts at the institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the bank) to account for client funds.

If an agreement is concluded with the highest executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local administration of a municipal entity) on opening a separate bank account, the Federal Treasury body opens an account in the bank for conducting transactions with funds of budgetary institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal entities) (hereinafter referred to as a separate bank account), personal accounts for which are opened and maintained with the financial authority in the manner established by it.

4. To make cash payments, the client submits the following payment documents to the Federal Treasury authority at the place of service in electronic form or on paper: Application for cash expenses (code according to the departmental classifier of document forms (hereinafter referred to as the form code according to KFD) 0531801), Application for cash expense (abbreviated) (form code according to KFD 0531851) (hereinafter referred to as the Application for cash expense), Application for receiving cash (form code according to KFD 0531802), Application for receiving cash, transferred to the card (form code according to KFD 0531844) (hereinafter referred to as the Application for cash), Application for return (form code according to KFD 0531803).

5. Carrying out cash payments from funds provided to federal budgetary institutions in the form of subsidies in accordance with paragraph two of paragraph 1 of Article 78.1 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3823; 2010, N 19, Art. 2291) (hereinafter referred to as other subsidies), is carried out after verification by the Federal Treasury of documents confirming the occurrence monetary obligations, and compliance of the contents of the operation with the classification codes of sector operations public administration(hereinafter referred to as the KOSGU code) and the purposes of providing a subsidy in accordance with analytical codes assigned by the body exercising the functions and powers of the founder in relation to budgetary institution, to account for transactions with targeted subsidies (hereinafter referred to as the subsidy code), in the manner established by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2010 N 72n “On authorization of federal expenses government agencies, source financial security of which are subsidies received in accordance with paragraph two of paragraph 1 of Article 78.1 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 27, 2010, registration N 18269; Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2010, N 39)<1>(hereinafter referred to as the Authorization Procedure).

<1>As amended by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2011 N 98n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 30, 2011, registration N 21939; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2011, October 7) and dated August 2, 2012 N 132n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 11, 2012, registration N 26067; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2012, December 19).

If, in accordance with the agreement concluded by the Federal Treasury with the supreme executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the local administration of the municipality) on the opening and maintenance of personal accounts for accounting of transactions of budgetary institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal budgetary institutions) (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the authorization authority payment of expenses of budgetary institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal budgetary institutions) at the expense of other subsidies received by them are transferred to the Federal Treasury body, the authorization of these expenses is carried out in accordance with the Agreement (if the Federal Treasury body has the organizational and technical capabilities).

6. The Federal Treasury authority accepts payment documents for execution if the following conditions are met:

the payment document complies with the requirements established by this Procedure, the Authorization Procedure (Agreement);

there are no corrections in the payment document (if the payment document is submitted on paper);

the KOSGU codes indicated in the payment document are valid at the time of submission of the payment document;

the KOSGU codes specified in the payment document correspond to the text purpose of the payment;

the amounts specified in the payment document do not respectively exceed the balance on the personal account opened for the client in the Federal Treasury, intended for accounting for transactions with funds of a budgetary institution (except for other subsidies) (hereinafter referred to as the client’s personal account), or a personal account intended for accounting transactions with funds provided to a budgetary institution from the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation in the form of other subsidies (hereinafter - a separate personal account of the client), or a personal account intended for accounting for transactions with funds of compulsory medical insurance received by a budgetary institution (hereinafter - the personal account of the client to record transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds) specified by the client in the payment document.

7. If the payment documents submitted by the client meet the established requirements, the Federal Treasury authority generates payment orders, on the basis of which transactions are carried out to write off funds from accounts for accounting client funds, issued in accordance with the Regulations on the rules for the transfer of funds, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation June 19, 2012 N 383-P (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2012, registration N 24667; Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, 2012, N 34) (hereinafter referred to as Regulation N 383-P), taking into account the requirements established joint Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 2006 N 298-P/173n “On the features of settlement and cash services of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury, financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipalities)” (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation January 26, 2007, registration N 8853; Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, 2007, N 6)<1>(hereinafter referred to as settlement documents).

<1>As amended by joint Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2010 N 2449-U/53n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 15, 2010, registration N 17844; Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, 2010, N 42) and dated September 27, 2012 N 2885-U/128n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 20, 2012, registration N 25855; Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, 2012, N 67).

Transactions on executed settlement documents are reflected on the personal accounts of clients, personal accounts of clients for accounting for transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds according to KOSGU codes, on separate personal accounts of clients according to KOSGU codes and subsidy codes provided for by the Authorization Procedure (Agreement) specified in Applications for cash expenses, Applications for refunds, Applications for receipt of cash submitted by clients to the Federal Treasury.

8. The payment document can be revoked by the client before the Federal Treasury body sends the settlement document to the bank on the basis of the Request for cancellation of the application (consolidated application) submitted by the client to the Federal Treasury body (form code according to KFD 0531807) (hereinafter referred to as the Request for Cancellation).

9. For the transfer (return) of funds by the client to another client for whom a client’s personal account has been opened (client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds, a separate personal account for the client) within the same account for accounting for client funds, as well as for transfer to in cases established by the client, funds to the client’s personal account opened for him (client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds, a separate personal account of the client), the client submits to the Federal Treasury an Application for cash expenses (form code according to KFD 0531801) (Application for return) .

An application for cash expenses (form code according to KFD 0531801) (Application for return) is the basis for the Federal Treasury to carry out an operation without debiting or crediting funds to the account for accounting customer funds and for reflecting it on the corresponding personal accounts.

10. Transfer of funds by a budgetary institution (separate unit) separate division(budgetary institution) is carried out on the basis of an Application for cash expenses. Refunds from a separate division (budgetary institution) to a budgetary institution (separate division) are carried out on the basis of a Refund Application.

11. The Federal Treasury authority, on the day it receives a bank statement from the account for client funds, takes into account the transactions contained therein with customer funds on the corresponding personal accounts opened for clients with the Federal Treasury authority.

Amounts of receipts to the account for accounting for client funds are recorded on the client’s personal account, the client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds according to KOSGU codes (on a separate personal account of the client - according to KOSGU codes and subsidy codes) specified in the payer’s settlement document.

The amounts of cash payments (refunds) made from the client funds account are recorded on the client’s personal account, the client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory health insurance funds according to KOSGU codes (on a separate personal account of the client - according to KOSGU codes and subsidy codes) specified in the payment document client submitted by him to the Federal Treasury.

Refund amounts credited to the customer funds account accounts receivable, formed by clients, are accounted for in the corresponding personal accounts opened for clients with the Federal Treasury as a restoration of cash payments with reflection according to the same KOSGU codes (KOSGU codes and subsidy codes) for which the cash payment was made.

The client informs the debtor about the procedure for filling out the settlement document in accordance with the requirements established by the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 2006 N 298-P/173n.

12. Amounts credited to the client funds account on the basis of settlement documents that do not indicate or indicate an erroneous (non-existent) KOSGU code are reflected in the client’s personal account (client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory health insurance funds, a separate client’s personal account) according to the KOSGU code “Other income”.

13. Amounts credited to the account for accounting client funds according to settlement documents that do not contain information that allows one to determine whether the received amounts belong to the client, or the settlement document does not indicate and (or) the incorrect number of the client’s personal account (customer’s personal account for accounting) is indicated transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds, a separate personal account of the client) (hereinafter referred to as unidentified receipts) are taken into account as part of the total balance on the account for recording client funds.

14. If in the payment document, the amounts for which are classified as unidentified receipts, the client’s tax identification number (TIN and KPP) is indicated, the Federal Treasury authority, no later than the second business day after receipt of the bank statement, forms and sends to the intended recipient of the funds - the client a Request to clarify ownership payment (form code according to KFD 0531808).

15. Clarification of unexplained receipts is carried out on the basis of the Notification on clarification of the client’s transactions submitted by the client to the Federal Treasury body (form code according to KFD 0531852) (hereinafter referred to as the Notification).

If, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of unidentified receipts into the account for accounting client funds, or after 10 working days from the date of receipt by the client of a Request to clarify the ownership of the payment sent to him by the Federal Treasury body, the client has not submitted a Notification to the Federal Treasury body, the Federal Treasury body The Treasury returns the specified funds from the client funds account to the payer on the basis of the payment document issued by him.

Amounts of receipts to the account for accounting for customer funds classified as uncleared receipts, the results of clarifying (clarifying) their ownership, as well as operations to return uncleared receipts to the payer are reflected by the Federal Treasury in the Statement of Accounting for Unidentified Receipts (form code according to KFD 0531853).

16. The client has the right, during the financial year, to submit to the Federal Treasury a Notification to clarify the KOSGU codes (KOSGU codes and (or) subsidy codes) for which transactions were reflected on the client’s personal account (client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds, a separate client's personal account).

17. If the Federal Treasury body opens a separate bank account in accordance with paragraph two of clause 3 of this Procedure, the financial body submits settlement documents to the Federal Treasury body.

If the settlement documents submitted by the financial authority comply with the requirements established by Regulation N 383-P, the Federal Treasury authority checks the availability of funds in a separate bank account for their execution.

In the event that several packages of electronic documents containing settlement documents are simultaneously received by the Federal Treasury body from the financial authority, the packages of electronic documents are executed by the Federal Treasury body in order of priority by the date and time of formation of the packages of electronic documents.

If the balance of funds in a separate bank account is insufficient to make cash payments for all settlement documents included in the package of electronic documents submitted by the financial authority, the Federal Treasury authority does not establish the order of their execution.

In this case, the Federal Treasury authority refuses to accept the package of electronic documents to the financial authority in the manner established by paragraph 18 of this Procedure.

On the day it receives a bank statement containing transactions on a separate bank account, the Federal Treasury authority sends a copy of it to the relevant financial authority.

18. Documents submitted by the client (financial authority) to the Federal Treasury authority that meet the requirements of this Procedure are executed no later than the second working day following the day of their submission to the Federal Treasury authority.

If the document submitted by the client (financial authority) does not comply with the requirements of this Procedure, including in the event of a discrepancy between the signature of the responsible person in the paper document submitted by the client and the sample available in the Sample Signature Card (form code according to KFD 0531753), the Federal Treasury authority refuses to accept the document to the client (financial authority), registers the submitted document in the Register of Unexecuted Documents (form code according to KFD 0531804) and no later than the working day following the day of its submission by the client (financial authority):

during information exchange between the Federal Treasury body and the client on paper, returns to the client a document stamped “Rejected” with the attachment of the Protocol (form code according to KFD 0531805) (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol), which indicates the reason for the return;

during information exchange between the Federal Treasury body and the client, sends the client a Protocol in electronic form, which indicates the reason for the return;

sends a Protocol to the financial authority in electronic form, which indicates the reason for the return.

19. Payment documents and Notifications received by the Federal Treasury on paper are accepted on the day they are received by the Federal Treasury during the first half of the business day. The beginning and end of the operating day, including the time of acceptance of payment documents (Notifications) submitted on paper, are established by the Federal Treasury authority, taking into account the provisions of the agreement (agreement) on the exchange of electronic documents concluded between the bank and the Federal Treasury authority.

All documents received by the Federal Treasury on paper are marked with the marks of the Federal Treasury indicating the date of acceptance and the date of execution.

20. At the written request of the financial authority (the body exercising the functions and powers of the founder in relation to the budgetary institution), the Federal Treasury body provides it with summary information on the personal accounts of state (municipal) institutions:

in relation to federal budgetary institutions no later than five working days after the day the request was received;

in relation to budgetary institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal budgetary institutions) no later than the next working day after the day the request was received.

Federal Treasury authority at the written request of the financial authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity) (the body exercising the functions and powers of the founder in relation to a budgetary institution of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity)), daily no later than the working day following the day of reflection of transactions on personal accounts clients, provides him with copies of documents that are the basis for recording cash transactions on the corresponding personal accounts of clients.

21. Applications for cash expenses, Applications for receipt of cash (form code according to KFD 0531802), Applications for return, Requests for cancellation submitted by the client to the Federal Treasury are processed in the order established by the Procedure cash services for the execution of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets and the procedure for the implementation by territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury of certain functions of the financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities for the execution of the relevant budgets, approved by order of the Federal Treasury of October 10, 2008 N 8n (registered in Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation November 12, 2008, registration N 12617; Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, 2008, N 51)<1>; Applications for receiving funds transferred to the card (form code according to KFD 0531844), submitted by the client to the Federal Treasury authority, are processed in the manner established by the Rules for providing cash to organizations whose personal accounts are opened in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Federation dated December 31, 2010 N 199n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 5, 2011, registration N 20409; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2011, May 6)<2>; Notifications submitted by the client to the Federal Treasury are drawn up in the manner established by the Procedure for the implementation of transactions with funds by territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury State company“Russian Highways”, approved by order of the Federal Treasury of December 15, 2009 N 13n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2009, registration N 15925; Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2010, N 9), with taking into account the following features:

<1>As amended by orders of the Federal Treasury dated July 30, 2009 N 5n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 4, 2009, registration N 14714; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2009, September 15), dated December 25, 2009 N 15n ( registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 29, 2010, registration N 16751; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2010, April 7), dated October 29, 2010 N 13n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 25, 2010, registration N 19047; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2010, December 3), dated December 27, 2011 N 19n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2012, registration N 23129; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2012, February 15).

<2>As amended by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2012 N 177n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 22, 2013, registration N 27273; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2013, March 15).

the name of the client in the header must correspond to the full or abbreviated name of the client indicated in the Card of Sample Signatures submitted by the client in the prescribed manner to the Federal Treasury;

the personal account number indicated in the code zone must correspond to the client’s personal account number (client’s personal account for accounting for transactions with compulsory medical insurance funds, a separate personal account for the client) opened with the Federal Treasury;

in payment documents, the type of funds “Funds of legal entities” is indicated in the appropriate field;

in the header section in the field “Chief Manager budget funds"(Chief manager of budget funds, chief administrator sources of financing the budget deficit" (“Chief manager of budgetary funds”, “Chief administrator of budgetary funds, chief administrator of budget revenues, chief administrator of sources of financing of the budget deficit”) indicates the name of the body exercising the functions and powers of the founder in relation to the client, the field “Name of the budget” , “Financial authority” are not filled in;

in the code zone codes “by Consolidated register", "Chapter on BC", "Execution deadline" and "Accounting number of obligation" are not indicated;

in the column “BK Code” the KOSGU code is indicated;

in cases provided for by the Authorization Procedure (Agreement), in the “Note” field of Applications for cash expenses (form code according to KFD 0531801), Applications for cash receipt, Notifications, in the “Purpose of payment” field of Applications for cash expenses (abbreviated) (code forms according to KFD 0531851) the subsidy code is indicated;

in the cases provided for in paragraphs 7, 9 and 10 of this Procedure, the subsidy code is indicated in the “Purpose of payment (note)” field of the Refund Application.

When filling out an organization card in 1C, accountants are faced with the concept of Prefix. But not everyone understands why it is needed.

In this article we will look at:

  • what is a prefix;
  • Why introduce it into 1C.

In 1C, the default numbering of documents is continuous, regardless of the organization for which the document is issued. But in addition to the organization prefix, 1C also contains other prefixes, which will also have separate numbering:

  • infobase prefix;
  • additional prefix.

Prefix by organization

To have separate document numbering, set for each organization Prefix in the directory Organizations , chapter Main - Settings - Organizations.

Prefix is included in the document number and consists of 2 characters (letters, numbers).

Examples of prefixes:

  • Shtorkin Dom LLC - SD;
  • LLC "Cozy House" - UD.

Prefix It makes sense to install only if records are kept for several organizations. Prefixes should not be the same for different organizations.

Separate numbering will be only for those organizations for which Prefix. In our case - by Exporter LLC And Importer LLC. And for Organizations PBU 18/02 LLC And Tax agent LLC There will be continuous numbering.

Let's consider the numbering of documents when filling out the field Prefix .

If documents are created according to Organizations , in which it is specified Prefix, That Prefix indicated at the very beginning of the number.

If Prefix is not specified, zeros will be displayed instead.

If Prefix entered after documents have been created, then the numbers for already entered documents are not corrected, and the new numbering starts over.

Document number on printed form

When printing Prefix is not displayed in the document number.

See also filling out the Organization directory

Infobase prefix

The infobase prefix is ​​set if the database is synchronized with other 1C databases, i.e. exchange is configured, for example, between configurations Enterprise accounting And Trade management.

Unlike the organization prefix, the infobase prefix is ​​added not only to document numbers, but also to directory codes. This is done so that there is no conflict when transferring documents or directories from another configuration.

Install Prefix of this infobase in section Administration - Program settings - Data synchronization.

The prefix of this information base also consists of 2 characters (letters, numbers).

Examples of prefixes:

  • Configuration Enterprise Accounting - BP;
  • Configuration Trade Management - UT;
  • Enterprise accounting (main base) - 01 ;
  • Enterprise accounting ( additional bases) - 02 , 03 , 04 etc.

Additional prefixes in 1C

Additional prefixes are installed automatically by the program for certain documents:

  • for document Invoice issued for advance payment :
    • A- if separate numbering of advance invoices is specified in the section Directories - Taxes - VAT;

When exchanging and transferring data from other configurations, for example:

  • with Trade Management configuration:
    • WITH- type of operation for the document Transfer from another account - analogue of the document Moving funds type of operation Transfer to another account ;
    • R- for document Receipt to the current account type of operation Cash deposit to the cash desk - analogue of the document Moving funds type of operation Delivery to the bank ;
    • P- for document Debiting from current account type of operation Cash withdrawal - analogue of the document Moving funds type of operation Receipt from the bank ;
  • etc.

When filling out an organization card in 1C, accountants are faced with the concept of Prefix. But not everyone understands why it is needed.

In this article we will look at:

  • what is a prefix;
  • Why introduce it into 1C.

Prefix in 1C

In 1C, the default numbering of documents is continuous, regardless of the organization for which the document is issued. But in addition to the organization prefix, 1C also contains other prefixes, which will also have separate numbering:

  • infobase prefix;
  • additional prefix.

Prefix by organization

To have separate document numbering, set for each organization Prefix in the directory Organizations , chapter Main - Settings - Organizations.

Prefix is included in the document number and consists of 2 characters (letters, numbers).

Examples of prefixes:

  • Shtorkin Dom LLC - SD;
  • LLC "Cozy House" - UD.

Separate numbering will be only for those organizations for which Prefix. In our case - by Exporter LLC And Importer LLC. And for Organizations PBU 18/02 LLC And Tax agent LLC There will be continuous numbering.

Let's consider the numbering of documents when filling out the field Prefix .

If documents are created according to Organizations , in which it is specified Prefix, That Prefix indicated at the very beginning of the number.

If Prefix is not specified, zeros will be displayed instead.

If Prefix entered after documents have been created, then the numbers for already entered documents are not corrected, and the new numbering starts over.

Document number on printed form

When printing Prefix is not displayed in the document number.

Infobase prefix

The infobase prefix is ​​set if the database is synchronized with other 1C databases, i.e. exchange is configured, for example, between configurations Enterprise accounting And Trade management.

Unlike the organization prefix, the infobase prefix is ​​added not only to document numbers, but also to directory codes. This is done so that there is no conflict when transferring documents or directories from another configuration.

Install Prefix of this infobase in section Administration - Program settings - Data synchronization.

The prefix of this information base also consists of 2 characters (letters, numbers).

Examples of prefixes:

  • Configuration Enterprise Accounting - BP;
  • Configuration Trade Management - UT;
  • Enterprise accounting (main base) - 01 ;
  • Enterprise accounting (additional databases) - 02 , 03 , 04 etc.

Additional prefixes in 1C

Additional prefixes are installed automatically by the program for certain documents:

  • for document Invoice issued for advance payment :
    • A- if separate numbering of advance invoices is specified in the section Directories - Taxes - VAT;

When exchanging and transferring data from other configurations, for example:

  • with Trade Management configuration:
    • WITH- type of operation for the document Transfer from another account - analogue of the document Moving funds type of operation Transfer to another account ;
    • R- for document Receipt to the current account type of operation Cash deposit to the cash desk - analogue of the document Moving funds type of operation Delivery to the bank ;
    • P- for document Debiting from current account type of operation Cash withdrawal - analogue of the document Moving funds type of operation Receipt from the bank ;
  • etc.


Rules for automatic generation of document prefixes in information bases of standard program configurations of the 1C:Enterprise system.

Buy 1C:Accounting 8 Basic version for 3,300 rubles.

Typical configurations of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, developed on the basis of the Library of Standard Subsystems (BSS), support the automatic generation of document numbers with the assignment of prefixes, which contain unique identifiers of organizations, information bases and other additional information.

Starting from version BSP 2.2, the document number has the following format, which determines the location and length of the prefixes:

AA BB-DD 000123

  • AA - Organization prefix.
  • BB – Infobase prefix.
  • DD – Additional user prefix.
  • 123 – Serial number of the document.

For configurations using earlier versions of the BSP, or developed without using the BSP, the prefix format may differ.

Organization prefix

The first two characters of the prefix are the organization identifier and are specified in the organization directory.

Some source documents require continuous sequential numbering within each organization. If in one information base of the 1C program records are kept on behalf of several organizations, then for each one you should set an internal prefix of document numbers, which within this database will be a unique identifier of documents for this organization, which will allow you to organize continuous sequential numbering of documents separately for each organization.

The organization prefix is ​​indicated in the corresponding field of the Organization card.

We recommend setting the organization prefix so that it matches its name for the most clear and intuitive identification of documents in the lists. For example, for organizations with the names MegaService LLC and IP Ivanov A.N., accounting for which is maintained in one program, you can set the prefixes MS and IP, respectively.

Please note that you must set the organization prefix before entering primary documents.

If the organization prefix is ​​not set, then when generating the document number it takes the value “00” (zero-zero).

If the prefix is ​​not set for several organizations (or several organizations have a common prefix), then a common numbering will be used for these organizations when generating document numbers.

The organization prefix is ​​not printed in printed forms of documents, because The name of the organization is already displayed in the printed form of the document and printing a separate organization identifier is not required.

Infobase prefix (IB Prefix)

The third and fourth characters are the infobase identifier.

Infobase prefixes are used when setting up synchronization of information bases of different configurations (for example, BP and UNF) or when setting up synchronization of distributed databases of the same configurations (RIB) in order to avoid duplication of directory element codes and document numbers created during work in different information databases.

When using a distributed information base, the IS prefix number determines the RIB node number.

To set or change the infobase prefix, enable the Data synchronization flag in the "Administration" > "Data synchronization" section.

When working in the cloud service "1C:Fresh", the IS prefix number determines the serial number of the infobase, if for one account Several information databases have been created.

Information security prefixes are automatically assigned to all documents and directory elements that have an automatically assigned code and number.

If the infobase prefix is ​​not specified, then the default prefix "00" (zero-zero) is used.

If the IS Prefix is ​​changed or deleted, the numbering of all documents will start from scratch. To continue working, prevent duplication of document numbers and return automatic document numbering for each type of document, you will need to manually correct the number of the first created document to the one required to continue continuous numbering (when correcting the number, you must maintain the number of characters in the number and not remove insignificant zeros, for example, a serial number the last created document before changing the prefix was No. 356, and after changing the prefix the program offers to create new document with number OK01-000001. To restore automatic numbering, you need to change the number to OK01-000357).

Additional custom prefix

An additional custom prefix is ​​optional and is usually used in “special” cases, for example, the prefix “A” was used for separate numbering of invoices for advance payments, the prefix “P” is assigned to the document Receipt of additional payments. expenses loaded into the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration when uploading the document Receipt of goods and services, registered in "Trade Management", and the prefix "U" is assigned to the document Receipt of additional expenses. expenses loaded into the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration when uploading the document Receipt of services and other assets, registered in "Trade Management", also the prefixes "U", "T" and "M" are assigned when transferring documents to "Enterprise Accounting" from the old version "1C: Accounting 7.7" (documents are transferred with the prefixes "U" - services, "T" - sales, "M" - materials).


If the printed form of a document does not assume the presence of any alphanumeric designations in the number in addition to the serial number of the document, then in many typical configurations, when printing, prefixes are not displayed automatically, and if necessary, leading zeros (insignificant digits) are removed. For example, for the document “Payment order” with the number KU01-000123, only the number 123 will be printed, without prefixes and insignificant zeros.

In the configuration "1C: Management of our company" there is a special setting that allows you to set or exclude the display of each type of prefix in printed forms of documents.

The window for setting up printing of prefixes in UNF is located in the "Company" > "Administration" > "Print forms, reports and processing" section.

"1C: Accounting 8" allows you to maintain accounting and tax records of several organizations in a common information base.

IN basic version"1C:Accounting 8" disabled the ability to keep records of the activities of several organizations in one information base. Keeping records of the activities of several organizations is possible only in separate information databases

Information about organizations is stored in the directory "Organizations"(menu "Enterprise" › "Organizations").

To correctly automatically fill out documents and reports, you should enter the following data here:

  • short and full name of the organization;
  • organization registration codes;
  • contact information (addresses and telephone);
  • props "Legal/Individual";
  • prefix.

Props "Legal/Individual" The directory determines whether the enterprise is a legal entity or whether an individual entrepreneur acts as an organization. If the value is selected "Individual", accounting economic activity individual entrepreneur the program is conducted in accordance with the features provided for this category of citizens

The prefix is ​​needed to ensure continuous numbering of documents for each organization. A prefix is ​​a set of characters, no more than three, with which document numbers will begin.


The company has two legal entities: Gulfstream LLC and Sidorov and Partners CJSC. For LLC "Gulfstream" we will assign the prefix "GLF", and for CJSC "Sidorov and Partners" we will assign the prefix "C&P". Then, when you select the organization Gulfstream LLC, the number “GLF00001” will be assigned in the document “Cash receipt order”; when creating the next document for the same organization, the number “GLF00002” will be assigned. If you then enter the document "Cash receipt order" for the organization ZAO "Sidorov and Partners", then by default the number "SiP00001" will be used. Thus, continuous numbering of documents for each organization will be maintained.

One of the organizations is set as the main one (using the button "Set main" organization directory list forms). It is the main organization that will be substituted by default by “1C: Accounting 8” in those forms where there is a corresponding field.

The newly created information base will already contain one organization with the name "Our organization", set as main

User settings (menu "Tools" › "User settings...") contain the sign of permission to keep records for all organizations. If this flag is set, then the user will be able to select any organization when filling out a document or any other form containing the corresponding field, although “1C: Accounting 8” will first substitute the main organization in this field. If the specified attribute is not set, then the user will not be able to replace the main organization with another organization in this field. The user will not be able to see documents and transactions of other organizations entered into the information base..

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