Cash register shift error with examples. Processing Closing a cash register shift

When using online cash registers in trade, at the beginning of a cash register shift, you must open the shift. The information is sent to the OFD and contains information about the equipment, fiscal drive, shift and cashier. Don't open a shift unless you're sure you'll have a sale today. It is recommended to open a shift before the first customer pays.

Note: If the recommendations below are not clear to you, then I recommend contacting us -

So, the list of actions for opening a shift (using the example of Complex Configuration 1.1, Trade Management 10.3):

If you use Wi-fi technologies to connect to the network and Windows 10, when you turn on the "Airplane" mode, 1C is disabled. To disable this mode, you must perform the steps indicated.

Shift closing and collection

At the end of the working day, the cashier closes the shift and hands over the cash. The closing report must be printed no later than 24 hours after opening. If the shift lasts longer, the cash register will stop processing receipts.

To close a shift:

  1. Open the tab – Service – Trade equipment – ​​Working with cash registers – Cash shift
  2. Press the “Z report, Close shift” button; when closing a shift, the cash register issues receipts.

A report on the closure of a shift is also sent to the OFD. It states:

  • How many receipts were printed per shift;
  • How many checks did not reach the OFD;
  • Information about the shift, cashier, etc.

If you have any difficulties working with the 1C program, I recommend contacting us - This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Methods for closing a cash register shift

Step-by-step instructions on how to close a shift through the cashier's workplace (RMK)

Step 1. Go to the “Cashier Workplace” menu

To close a shift, you need to exit “Sales Registration” to the “Cashier Workplace” menu.

Step 2. Closing the shift

Click on the "Close shift" button. Then “Yes” to continue.

Rice. 2. Confirmation of shift closure

After confirmation, the program will check the unbroken checks in the database and provide information about them. Click on the "Close shift" button.

The program will close the shift.

Step 4. Print the receipt

A check with a Z-report and a report on the closure of the shift will be issued from the fiscal device. The program will display a notification about the successful closing of the cash register shift.

Rice. 4. Shift closed

Step-by-step instructions on how to close a cash register shift through the “Sales” menu

Step 1. Select “Sales”

In the main menu of the program, select “Sales”.

In the window that opens, in the “Service” section, find the item “Closing a cash register shift” and click on it.

Step 2. Select a cash register

In the “Closing cash register shift” window, select the desired cash register and click on the “Close shift” button.

Rice. 7. Closing a shift

Step 3. Checking unpunched checks

The program will check for unbroken checks in the database and provide information about them. Click on the "Close shift" button.

Rice. 8. Checking unpunched checks

The program will generate and display a notification.

Step-by-step instructions on how to close a cash register shift through fiscal device management

Step 1. Select “Finance”

In the main vertical menu, select “Finance”.

Find the "Service" section. Select “Fiscal device management” item.

"Fiscal device management"

Step 2. Fiscal device management

A separate window will open with commands for managing the cash register. Click on the “Close shift” button.

The program will prompt you to select from the list the shift that needs to be closed.

Rice. 13. Selecting a cash register shift

After the successful operation, the shift will be closed.

Published 08/18/2017 15:25 Views: 8257

In the last article, we examined documents that can be used to print checks in the program “1C: Public Institution Accounting 8, edition 2.0” (). After you have selected a document for printing receipts, you need to understand the algorithm of the cash register shift as a whole.

It includes several points:
1. To start working, you need to make sure that the cash register is turned on. This is a simple and logical procedure, but it is not always followed. In order for the cash register shift and receipt printing to be carried out without problems and hesitations, make sure that the cash register is turned on and there is an Internet source.
2. Open a cash register shift. You can do this as follows:

A processing form opens, which allows you to manage cash register shifts:

In this form, you need to select the cash register whose shift you plan to open, and use the “Open cash register shift” button:

When opening a shift, a “Cash Shift” document is generated with the status “Open”.
3. Generate the necessary documents for printing checks and print checks at the cash register during the cash day.
4. After the cash register day is over, you need to close the shift. This is also done using the “Fiscal device management” processing:

If checks were printed from the “KKM Receipt” document, after the cash register shift is closed by the cashier, the accountant needs to reflect the received funds in accounting. To do this, a report on cash register shifts is generated, you can find it:

We indicate the necessary data and, using the special button, fill out the document:

Based on the report, we create the document “Cash receipt order”, which will generate the necessary transactions:

In general, the algorithm for working with an online cash register is simple; it is important not to forget to open cash register shifts at the beginning of the day and close them after the end. I would like to draw your attention to the importance of opening/closing cash register shifts. Firstly, if the cash register shift is not open, then printing checks is basically impossible (1C will give an error when trying to print a check). This is a mandatory regulatory procedure. It should also be remembered that cash discipline rules require closing the cash register shift at the end of each day. Unfortunately, you can open a cash register shift in the morning, even if you forgot to close the shift yesterday. But still, it is methodically correct to open and close shifts within one cash day.
I would also like to mention what type of checks should be issued to the buyer. In accordance with the law, the buyer has the right to receive an electronic check, which will be equivalent to a paper one. But it is possible for the buyer to receive both types of checks at his request. If the buyer requests to receive both checks, the seller must provide both.
There is also another important point that needs to be reported. Among the requirements for the check is the indication on it of the position, surname, first name, patronymic and INN (when creating a cash correction check, among the additional requirements is the cashier’s INN). Therefore, in the user manual:

Let's find a user who will print checks:

For this user, it is necessary to indicate in the “Individual” detail the employee who is responsible for the operation of the cash register:

It is also necessary to check that the selected individual has correctly and completely filled in the data: last name, first name, patronymic and TIN:

Also, for an individual, the “Employees” directory must reflect the corresponding element - an employee indicating the position.

Well, the last interesting nuance regarding online cash registers, which I would like to tell you about: this is the indication of the default buyer in the cash register settings. You can find a list of cash registers:

Each cash register on the second tab has the ability to specify the buyer and the agreement when printing a receipt from the document “KKM Receipt”:

It’s convenient because you can simplify your work and not have to fill in the corresponding field every time in the document. The program will substitute this data directly from the details specified in the cash register settings.
In this article, we figured out how the online cash register works and what interesting nuances exist when working with it in the 1C: Government Accounting program, edition 2.0. And if you missed the previous materials about working with online cash registers in 1C, they can be found at the following links:
Online cash registers (part 1) - general information and connection to 1C
Online cash registers (part 2) - printing receipts in 1C

For a new type of cash register equipment with data transmission, you need to create an entry in the list Master data and administration – Master data – KKM cash registers and specify the settings for sending checks (registration number, serial number of cash register equipment).

To start sales, you need to open a cash register shift. You can open a cash register shift in the following ways:

  • from the list by button Open shift;

  • within Cashier's workplace before performing a payment operation (for example, by clicking Operations with cash register – Open shift);
  • as part of button processing Open shift.

When working with cash register equipment (cash register with data transfer) to print receipts from documents Receipt cash order, Expense cash order, Payment card transaction(button Print check) you must first open a cash register shift.

When opening a cash register shift, a new document is automatically created Sales - See also - Cash shift. This document records the basic data of the current cash register shift ( Organization, KKM cash desk, to which the fiscal cash register device is connected with data transmission, start date of opening the cash register, status Open).

Based on the result of punching a cash receipt on a fiscal device CCP with data transmission a new document is created KKM check, which records the data of the current cash register shift ( Organization I, KKM cash desk, to which the equipment is connected, date and time of shift start, status Open).

Information about all checks is shown in the list Sales – Retail sales - Cash register receipts.

You can close a cash register shift:

  • from the list Sales – Retail sales - Cash register receipts by button Close shift;
  • within the cashier's workplace using a button Operations with cash register – Close shift;
  • as part of processing Sales – Service – Fiscal registrar management by button Close shift.

Based on the result of closing a shift, a report for the cash register shift based on issued checks and a document are generated Sales – Retail Sales - Retail Sales Report.

When closing a shift, the date and time of the end of the shift are filled in the cash register shift card, the status changes to Closed, and also fill in the details on the tab Fiscal data e. The composition of the details depends on the version of the fiscal document formats supported by the fiscal drive and the cash register.

Processing "Closing a cash register shift"

When registering the operation Closing a cash register shift, a Retail Sales Report document is created based on completed cash register receipts for the sale and return of goods.

In the Products panel, select a list of sold goods, and in the Returned Goods panel, select a list of goods returned during the cash register shift.
In the Payment by payment cards panel, select the amount of payments for different payment cards, and in the panel
Sales using discount cards – the amount of discounts provided.

If goods were sold on credit, then another panel, Payment by bank loans, is created in the document, which shows the amount of loans provided to customers during the registration of retail sales.

Cash register receipts that were issued for a cash register shift are not deleted from the information base; they are saved in the program, but the archiving flag is determined for them. Such documents serve only as additional reference information; no actions are allowed with such a document.

Handling fiscal registrar errors during shift closure.

Cash register checks, during the execution of which an RF error occurred, are not processed and are not assigned the status “Punched”.

If the user’s additional rights have the checkbox “Check unpunched checks during shift closure” checked, then when processing starts, checks that were not punched due to an RF error are analyzed. If there are no such checks, then the modal processing “Information about the shift being closed” appears. It is possible to print an X-report from the form and, based on the data received, continue or refuse to close the shift.

If there are such checks, they are displayed as a list in the “Checking unpunched checks” window. It is possible to print an X-report from the form, fill in its data, and select the required receipts. The user has the opportunity to select the necessary checks, controlling the amount accumulated during selection. The user punches or cancels the selected checks. In the first case, the amount is included in the amount of FR sales and the checks change their status to “broken”; in the second case, the checks are saved in the system as canceled.

The shift is not closed if not all outstanding checks have been processed.

If the user has the ability to go to the manager order, then he has the opportunity to call a cash register check from the table for reading or changing. The availability of the “Cancel” and “Report without cancellation” buttons depends on the user’s additional rights to these actions.

Transfer of proceeds from cash register

The mechanism for transferring revenue depends on how the cash collection mechanism is organized in the store.
If cash collection is carried out for each cash register cash register, then a Cash Outflow Order document is created for each cash register cash register. In the document, select the type of operation (Operation button) Other cash expense. In the Amount field, select the amount of money transferred for collection. On the panel
The stamp reflects data on the basis for issuing money from the cash register, to whom the funds were issued, etc.

If collection is carried out from the central cash register of a store or central office, then all funds from cash register cash registers will initially be transferred to the cash desk from which collection will be carried out. This operation is created by the Money Transfer document. After a cash movement transaction has been registered, a cash collection transaction is created using the Cash Expenditure Order document with the specified transaction type Other Cash Expense.

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