Problems of maintaining the quality of hotel services. Hotel service quality management

Hotels invest millions in room design and lobby amenities, but they often forget about the simpler things that matter to guests.

IN modern world any dissatisfaction of a hotel guest can be instantly transmitted to social media and spread throughout the network, harming the company's image. Therefore, it is extremely important for hoteliers to anticipate, know in advance what travelers are dissatisfied with, and try to avoid such mistakes.

The data below is based on survey results Hotel Pet Peeves Survey 2015, in which they took part 1,969 people.

As it turned out, respondents are not asking for gold-plated taps and butler service, they want to live in a comfortable, quiet and clean room.

The main problems of hotels, according to guests

    Lack of wifi or too slow speed Internet

    First in the anti-rating is dissatisfaction with access to the network, and this is not only the lack of a wi-fi zone, but also the too slow speed of the Internet, as well as the high cost of this service. This issue is especially relevant among business tourists, for whom free wifi in a hotel is more important than breakfast .Inconveniently located sockets

    The second place in the ranking, oddly enough, is occupied by inconveniently located sockets. Guests complain that in the digital age, when everyone, in addition to a smartphone, owns a tablet, laptop and other gadgets, sometimes only a detective can find an outlet in the room to charge the device. Poor room cleaning

    The third pressing problem, according to respondents, is room cleaning. It's sad, but not all hotels keep their rooms clean at the proper level. Smell of cigarettes in the room

    Few people would like to live in a room that is saturated with the old smell of cigarettes left behind by smoking residents. Therefore, it is not surprising that the fourth position is occupied by the problem of the presence of this unpleasant smell in the room. Lack of climate control in the room

    Guests would like to regulate their own temperature, and therefore the lack of climate control in the room ranks fifth in the ranking of complaints. Extraneous noise

    The next complaint, namely a noise complaint, could not help but make it onto this list. To avoid such complaints there is a new technology that allows owners to avoid guest dissatisfaction due to noise .Poor water pressure

    Unexpected additional fees for various services cause extreme dissatisfaction among guests, this complaint takes 8th place in the rating. So it's better to weigh everything pros and cons before implementing separate pricing for services .Uncomfortable pillows

    The ninth place is occupied by uncomfortable pillows. Guests complain that sometimes the pillows are as hard as concrete. Poor room lighting

    And the bottom of the anti-rating of hotel errors is poor room lighting. Travelers are surprised that some hoteliers seem to be surprised that guests can read in bed or work in their rooms, given the lack of proper lighting in the rooms.

Hotel Pet Peeves Survey 2015 conducted by Frequent Business Traveler

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Slesarenko Anastasia Andreevna

3rd year student, specialty “Hotel Service”,

RF, Novy Urengoy

Trofimova Olga Ivanovna

scientific supervisor, teacher of socio-economic disciplines,
RF, Novy Urengoy

E- mail: korneva 1707@ mail . ru

The general trend of modern social economic development Most countries, including Russia, is the expansion of the service sector and profound transformations of its organizational and functional structure. As a result, new sectors and types of services are emerging based on modern technologies. Among them, the “hospitality industry” occupies a special place, which covers the hotel and restaurant industry, tourism, transport and other types of services.

Qualitatively new types of services, service technologies, modern forms of service organization objectively require a theoretical justification of the content and principles of hospitality, the structure and mechanisms of functioning of the “hospitality industry” as an open dynamic system, where the hotel industry is an organic element.

It should be noted that theoretical foundations the development and functioning of the hotel industry in interaction with the constituent elements of the “hospitality industry” system have been little developed: the methodological basis for the formation of hotel services, their socio-economic content, quality, as well as the features of their forms remain uncertain. All this significantly hinders dynamic development hotel service and related areas, deforms the multidimensional structure of services, reduces their quality and the efficiency of functioning of the entire hotel complex in Russia.

Thus, in the structure of income of domestic hotel enterprises, the share of additional paid services extremely low, which indicates a deformed structure and an inadequate level of quality of services. Accordingly, the vast majority of them are unprofitable.

World experience has made it possible to form a certain system of knowledge about theoretical aspects hotel service, patterns of its development and principles of interaction with other service sectors, which are covered in the works of foreign scientists: F. Bastiat, T. Khim, R. Brymer, S. Bartlett, K. Enerton-Thomas, J.R. Walker, H.-A. Schrepler et al.

Certain theoretical and applied aspects of the functioning of the hotel business have been studied in the works of Ukrainian and Russian scientists: L. Agafonova, V. Apopiya, S. Baylik, M. Boyko, A. Vinogradskaya, G. Volkov, S. Vasilin, I. Egorova, L. Ivanova, V. Karsekina, V. Kvartalnova, N. Kuznetsova, M. Pivovarova, A. Rumyantsev, T. Tkachenko.

It should be noted that scientific publications based on the results basic research systems of hotel services and their quality modern stage, taking into account domestic characteristics, is unacceptably small.

Thus, further development will require theoretical principles, methodological foundations for the development of the “hospitality industry” in Russia, the place of the hotel industry in its structure, the formation of a system of hotel services and their quality characteristics, the organizational and economic mechanism for the effective functioning of hotel services. All this determined the relevance of the topic of the article.

Different types of hotel businesses are an important part of creating tourism product, their main purpose is to create conditions for temporary residence of tourists and those who travel, and to provide various services. Accordingly, the market attractiveness of a hotel complex depends on the quality of creation and provision of a system of services to guests.

In conditions of transformation market economy new status received hotel services, the quality criterion of which was hospitality. But the overwhelming number of Russian hotels does not meet international standards for quality of service, just like the existing tourism infrastructure itself. This is the level of quality of service in most hotels, quality drinking water in a water supply system that does not comply with international sanitary requirements, forces hotels to have special drinking water installations and ice makers. Also, most hotels do not have modern means communications and communications, conference rooms with appropriate audiovisual equipment and technical means for simultaneous translation, etc.

Quality management in the hotel industry has always been one of the most difficult problems because the result is manifested after a certain period of time and is intangible. Hotel services have a number of features that allow you to maneuver their quality, lowering or increasing their level for different categories consumers based on their needs and purchasing power. The quality of services cannot be checked in advance, since their provision and consumption occur simultaneously, services cannot be stored, they are characterized by impermanence, intangibility, inseparability of the object and the subject (the client participates in the process of providing the service).

Among the most frequently used definitions, in our opinion, the optimal one is the following: the quality of a service is the whole essence of its features, attributes and characteristics, based on its ability to satisfy the stated or expected need of the client.

Characteristics of hotel services are reflected in the design process effective system quality management and the impact of this system on the main elements of hotel services (intangible and tangible). The intangible element of hotel services is the atmosphere, the attractiveness of the surroundings, aesthetics, comfort, feel, warmth of service, friendliness, tranquility and a high level of interpersonal communication. Material elements include rooms, inventory and service delivery technology. Physical characteristics create a contact zone in which the provider and the one who consumes the services interact during the service process.

Today, one of the most important areas in the activities of Russian hotels is the creation of an effective quality management system, which will allow the provision of competitive hotel services. The quality system is also important when negotiating with foreign tour operators and other corporate partners, which is usually considered prerequisite, check the existing quality system before signing a contract, as well as the availability of a certificate for this system issued by an authoritative body. The client must be sure that the quality of the services offered to him meets his needs.

The most important component of the entire hotel quality system is the quality of services. In modern literature and practice, there are different interpretations of the concept of quality. International organization according to standardization, quality is defined (ISO-8402 standard) as a set of properties and characteristics of the services provided by them, the ability to satisfy specified or expected needs. This standard introduced such concepts as “quality assurance”, “quality management”, “quality spiral”. Quality requirements at the international level are determined by ISO 9000 series standards. First edition international standards The ISO 9000 series was released in the late 1980s and marked the entry of international standardization to a qualitatively new level.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) summarized all the accumulated positive experience in the field of improving product quality and developed on this basis the 9000 and 10000 series standards, which formed the basis of the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM).

Thus, the accumulated positive experience has become the property of manufacturers of products and services from all countries of the world.

Thus, main idea TQM is that the company must work not only on the quality of the product or service, but also on the quality of the organization as a whole, including work. Constant simultaneous improvement of these three components - products, organization, personnel - allows us to achieve the fastest and most effective business development. Quality is determined by achieving customer satisfaction, improving financial results and increased employee satisfaction with their work in the company.

Let's consider the quality of services provided using the example of hotels in Tyumen. Hotels in the center of Tyumen are concentrated near Tsvetnoy Boulevard. It consists of five squares: Fontannaya, Lovers, Arts, Sports and Circus, and its center is decorated with a light and music fountain. Also located nearby shopping malls, restaurants and cafes where you can spend a pleasant evening, and then go to the amusement park (where there is a large Ferris wheel with a gorgeous view of the boulevard) or the Tyumen Circus.

In 2014, the hotel sector of Tyumen consisted of about 140 collective accommodation facilities of various categories and forms of ownership (hotels, hotel-type apartments, hostels, campsites, etc.). Tyumen hotels offer comfortable accommodation options in the most comfortable urban areas. According to statistics, the majority of visitors are businessmen, while the share of tourists is small - about a tenth of all city guests. For this reason, Tyumen hotels focus mainly on the so-called. "Congress tourism" Perhaps this is why there is a clear shortage of decent economy class establishments among Tyumen hotels. For example, despite the fact that three-star hotels in Tyumen are the most common, the level of service in most of them is an order of magnitude lower than that of similar hotels in other regions of Russia.

According to Federal service statistics, as of January 1, 2014, there were more than 64 hotel enterprises operating in Tyumen, of which 13 were hostels and 51 were apartments.

Four-star – six enterprises (Hotel Tyumen, Hotel Eurasia, Best Western Plus Spasskaya, Hotel Remezov, Boutique Hotel Green House). Four-star hotels in Tyumen are different good service and quite high level comfort. The rooms are equipped necessary equipment(there is always a safe and minibar) and toiletries. Guests in four-star hotels in Tyumen also have access to a swimming pool, gym, bars and restaurants.

Three-star hotels in Tyumen are very popular among tourists, as they provide everything you need for a stay and at the same time are quite affordable. These hotels always have a cafe or restaurant where they serve Tyumen's traditional breakfast. Hotellook lists 24 three-star hotels in Tyumen with an average price of RUB 2,699. and you can easily choose the one that meets all your requirements.

2* - two (Astoria Hotel, Algorithm Hotel), twenty-five others. The cost of hostess services starts from 500 rubles per day (bed), in 4-star hotels from 4,000 rubles, 3 stars from 800 rubles, 2 stars from 900 rubles. So, regarding the cost of accommodation prices, as we see, there are budget economy, business and first class. Hotel rates in Tyumen are affected by the season and prices can vary greatly depending on the dates you choose. The graph below shows the dynamics of changes in prices for hotel rooms in Tyumen by month. Yes, the most low prices– on average 3185 rub. - happen in May, and by January the cost of hotels in Tyumen increases to an average of 3,590 rubles.

Figure 1. Dynamics of changes in prices for hotel rooms in Tyumen

In the structure of the number of rooms (Fig. 2) by capacity in the city of Tyumen, the largest share belongs to medium hotels - 37% and small hotels - 35%.

Figure 2. Structure of hotel rooms in Tyumen

Most of the rooms in Tyumen hotels are one-room with washbasins and without amenities, but a significant number are one-room single and double rooms with a full bathroom. It all depends on the category of the hotel and the strategic goals pursued by the management or owner.

The most popular hotels in Tyumen are:

·Remezov Hotel – 8.5 points (out of 10 possible). Hotel Remezov prices depend on the season and prices may vary greatly depending on the dates you select. The graph below shows the dynamics of price changes for Hotel Remezov by month. Thus, the lowest prices are an average of 5,056 rubles. - happen in June, and by November the cost of the Remezov Hotel increases to an average of 7,829 rubles.

business hotel Eurasia – 8.5 points. The cost of Business Hotel Eurasia depends on the season and prices can vary greatly depending on the dates you select. The graph below shows the dynamics of price changes for Business Hotel Eurasia by month. Thus, the lowest prices are an average of 6,218 rubles. - happen in May, and by March the cost of the Eurasia Business Hotel increases to an average of 8,010 rubles.

· Vostok Hotel – 7.9 points. The cost of Vostok depends on the season and prices can vary greatly depending on the dates you select. The graph below shows the dynamics of Vostok price changes by month. Thus, the lowest prices are an average of 3,036 rubles. - happen in April, and by September the cost of Vostok increases to an average of 5,398 rubles.

· Hotel Algorithm – 7.8 points. The cost of the Algorithm is affected by seasonality, and prices may vary greatly depending on the dates you select. The graph below shows the dynamics of Algorithm price changes by month. Thus, the lowest prices are on average 1,100 rubles. – happen in December, and by April the cost of the Algorithm increases to an average of 1,372 rubles.

·5 Stars Apartments – 50 Let VLKSM – 7.1 points. The cost of 5 Stars Apartments – 50 Let VLKSM depends on the season and prices may vary greatly depending on the dates you select. The graph below shows the dynamics of price changes for 5 Stars Apartments – 50 Let VLKSM by month. Thus, the lowest prices are on average 1,343 rubles. – happen in August, and by March the cost of 5 Stars Apartments – 50 Let VLKSM increases to an average of 1,472 rubles.

·Bits Hotel – 6.8 points. The cost of Biz depends on the season and prices can vary greatly depending on the dates you select. The graph below shows the dynamics of Bits price changes by month. Thus, the lowest prices are on average 1,070 rubles. - happen in April, and by September the cost of Bits increases to an average of 1,591 rubles.

Let us consider in more detail the specifics of the services provided by hotels with four and three stars, since they are designed to provide the maximum number of services and comfortable service to residents.

Take, for example, the Green House Boutique Hotel, which has four stars. Green House Boutique Hotel located in an ecologically clean area, not far from the center of Tyumen. He has great restaurant with 9 halls designed in various themes. At the restaurant, guests can taste a variety of European, Caucasian, Oriental and Japanese cuisine. Guests can also visit the Signora Cappuccino coffee shop, which serves a variety of drinks and light snacks. Every morning the hotel serves delicious buffet breakfast.

Business services are offered to business people. Available on site free wifi . The hotel has a beauty salon.

Green House Boutique Hotel features rooms various categories. Each room has air conditioning, LCD TV, minibar, safe and telephone. Bathrooms have robes, slippers, and toiletries.

Of the three-star hotels, we will choose the Urartu Hotel, it located in Tyumen in a quiet residential area.

IN restaurant The hotels serve Russian, European and Caucasian cuisine. A delicious and satisfying breakfast will be a great start to the day.

IN spa offer wide choice cosmetic and wellness treatments, including various types massage. There is the opportunity to relax in the sauna and cool off in the indoor pool. There is a children's playground for the youngest guests.

Available in public areas of the hotel free wifi. Paid private parking is also available.

Hotel "Urartu" decorated in a classic style. Each room has a flat-screen TV and minibar.

For convenience, we will formulate in Table 1 the main and additional services for the analyzed hotels.

Table 1.

Basic and additional services of the analyzed hotels

List of services

Boutique Hotel Green House(4*)

Hotel "Urartu"(3*)


number 42

41 number

Minimum cost per day

From 4000 rub.

From 500 rub.

Bonus program for regular customers

"Dream Bank"

- Every night spent outside the house will add more dreams to the bank.

1 dream = 1 ruble



Ironing services,

Luggage storage,

Air conditioner,

24-hour front desk

Honeymoon Suite,

Smoking areas,


Individual check-in and check-out,


trouser press,


Souvenir shop,

Concierge services,

shoe shine,




Bar, diet menu (on request), buffet breakfast, packed breakfast/lunch, restaurant

Cafe, restaurant



Entertainment, nightclub

Children's play area


Paid transfer, tour desk

Paid transfer

In the rooms

Allergy-free rooms, non-smoking rooms, room service, family rooms

Room service


Organization of meetings and banquets, fax and photocopier

Pool and beach

Swimming pool, jacuzzi

Beauty and health

Beauty salon

Sauna, spa center, solarium, massage

As you can see, the full list of services provided by hotels is varied, but there is much in common between them. But, in terms of the services provided, the disadvantage of the Green House Boutique Hotel is that it does not provide sports and fitness services, but the Urartu Hotel does have these services.

Additional services are provided for an additional fee to maximize customer satisfaction; the higher the range of services provided, the higher the level of comfort that satisfies the various household and economic needs of guests (hotel service), while we must not forget that the assigned categories of hotels oblige them to have an appropriate list additional services. The desire of hotel management to meet customer demand is quite natural, because the entire list of additional services must fully meet the needs of guests. The quantity and quality, justification and expediency of the hotel services provided are directly related to their demand, while we must not forget that expanding their list serves as an additional argument for visiting both the hotel enterprise itself and the city as a whole.

We must not forget about the influence of the hotel staff themselves on the provision of services.

To support the hotel business in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development Tyumen region until 2020 and for the future until 2030, measures were developed for the development of the tourist and recreational complex. The presence of a long history (the city of Tyumen was founded about 420 years ago), historical places, architectural monuments, natural conditions for the development of recreational tourism (therapeutic mud, mineral springs, forests), industrial and cultural center etc. is a springboard for the development of the city’s tourism potential. But the lack of highly qualified personnel in the tourism industry and the insufficiently high quality of training of specialists for the tourism sector reduces the potential capabilities of the region.

Conclusions. As already noted, the hotel industry in Russia is developing at a fairly rapid pace, and the number of Ukrainian hotels is increasing every year. For example, in the UK there are 260 thousand hotels. In European countries, the number of large hotels is 15–20% of the total number of hotel enterprises, 75–85 are motels and family hotels. In Russia, such forms of hotel management are developing at an accelerated pace. But, as international experience shows, it is precisely such enterprises that could give a significant impetus to the development of the industry and the creation of additional jobs. Current legislation Russia does not clearly define a hotel enterprise and its belonging to the sphere tourism services and departmental subordination. The formation of the quality of hospitality services should be carried out on the basis of many years of formation of the policy and quality management system of the hotel enterprise. This system should be based on the standards and principles of Total Quality Management and take into account:

· leadership role of management in all innovation processes;

· focus on the needs and requirements of the client;

· involving staff in solving problems of improving the quality of hospitality services;

· stimulation, development and advanced training of personnel;

· introduction of a process approach to management;

· widespread implementation information technology V management activities and other areas of operation of hotel enterprises;

· dissemination of communication with clients using best experience domestic and foreign enterprises of the hotel industry.


  1. According to the Hotellook website // [ Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL:
  2. Rating of Tyumen hotels // [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL:
  3. Tkachenko T. Quality management of hotel services // Hotel business. – 2004. – No. 4. – P.24–27.

All hotels are divided into two segments - hotel chains and non-chain hotels. Labor productivity in hotel chains (consisting of 6 hotels or more) is approximately 50% higher than in non-chain hotels, which is associated with the use of standard forms of labor organization by the chains, with cost savings due to the scale of activities in areas such as promotion trademark, acquisition of necessary resources and vocational training personnel (due to greater opportunities for career advancement).

The low labor productivity of staff at non-chain Russian hotels is explained by a drop in demand, low income levels and failure to comply with tax discipline, as well as the fact that a significant part of them are state-owned. In Russia, 47% of hotel rooms belong to municipal, regional or federal authorities. Another 36% of the room stock is partly owned by local or federal authorities, and partly by enterprises (mainly heavy industry enterprises). While management contracts that tie managers' remuneration to hotel profitability are widespread in the United States, in Russia contracts (essentially with the state) do not provide sufficient incentives for managers of non-chain hotels to get rid of excess staff and improve labor organization. In addition, some hotels of this kind are run directly by government officials, and they are usually required to hold rooms in reserve for officials, and, of course, these rooms do not generate profit.

A very serious problem in the development of the hotel industry in Russia is the lack of qualified personnel, which, in particular, explains the ineffective organization of labor. US hotel chains cope with seasonal demand labor force, turning to the existing pool of trained workers. In countries such as Russia, there are no such reserves, and it takes a lot of time to properly train an inexperienced employee. The losses from using untrained workers are obvious. Thus, a qualified housekeeper can clean 60% more rooms per day than an inexperienced trainee. To no less an extent, the increased need for workers is due to the cumbersome and imperfect accounting procedures and the great need for security services.

Almost all major international chains are present in Russia, but their activities are concentrated in the segment of four- and five-star hotels and are usually managed international companies, and their owners are joint ventures with the participation of private investors and local authorities. Here, the high quality of service dictates high prices, affordable for large businessmen, business tourists, famous artists, and athletes. But there are almost no tourist-class hotels with a good level of service for a middle-income person who comes to see our country.

The most popular segment remains three-star hotels, the shortage of which is felt in all major cities of Russia. Formally, there are such hotels, but in reality most of them do not correspond to this category either in terms of staff training or quality of service, and they received this category under the old systems.

Today, for the development of the Russian hotel industry, the problem of interaction between hotels and tour operators is relevant. Often these partners make claims against each other. The complaints relate mainly to violations of contractual discipline.

Hotels suffer losses due to the fact that tour operators who make advance reservations for their groups do not always buy the reserved rooms. Late cancellation of orders (i.e. refusal of previously made reservations within the maximum short terms, which prevents rooms from being re-listed for sale) is one of the risk factors in the hotel industry as a whole. To counter such unfavorable factors hotels include various provisions in contracts regarding advance payment and deposits, i.e. standard set measures used by all hotels, regardless of the country of origin, to reduce losses from failures in preliminary financial plans.

Tour operators, in turn, also have claims against their partners - accommodation facilities. There are often cases when hotels take a wait-and-see approach and do not confirm booking requests within the time limits specified in the contracts. Hotels do this especially often on the eve of major events and holidays that cause high demand for accommodation services. Since there are not many hotels hosting foreign tourist groups, tour operators do not agree to terminate contracts with violating hotels. Some hotels deliberately cut off group tourism, setting prices higher for tourist groups than for corporate clients, or offering accommodation without discounts. It can be quite difficult for tour operators to protect their positions, especially when demand exceeds supply.

Another problem is related to the imperfection of legislation and the complexity of bureaucratic procedures for licensing, certification, etc. And this, in turn, is the source of other problems. Thus, due to the imperfection of the legislative framework, investors invest money in the construction of new hotels in Russia, especially in Moscow, with some caution. This is mainly due to the fact that in Moscow there are no convenient places for development, and as a result the high cost of land. The capital's government has repeatedly stated its readiness to promote the development of the hotel services market, but bureaucratic obstacles are still strong. In addition, the Moscow authorities, rather unsuccessfully, according to experts, initiate the reconstruction and replacement of the existing hotel stock. Over the past three years, the Moscow market has decreased by 3.5 thousand rooms in demolished hotels alone. And this is almost a quarter of the number of rooms in the middle segment. Meanwhile, the demolition of hotels continues. This reduces competition for existing hotels, which entails higher prices for hotels and a decrease in the quality of services.

Another problem associated with legislative framework, is a classification of hotels. Currently normative document, on the basis of which the classification of Russian hotels is carried out, is the order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2003 No. 197 “On approval of the Regulations on the state classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities.” Despite the fact that the document has received state status, this classification system is voluntary and many hotels received their category according to the old systems, so more than 70% of hotels in Russia do not fit into any of the existing categories in terms of quality of service. Information about all enterprises that have received the category in accordance with the requirements state system, are published on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of tourism, as well as in catalogs and other publications distributed at exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Of course, speaking about the problems of the hotel business, it is necessary to talk about ways to solve them.

Regulation of the hotel industry should occur “from above”, i.e. by the state. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to develop a unified marketing concept development of the hotel business in Russia, which should provide solutions to all problems in a complex. The state must determine tourism concepts regions, the need for additional infrastructure, territorial zoning, a plan to attract investors and much more. Thus, the hotel market in Moscow and St. Petersburg is already quite developed and should be reoriented cash flows to regional cities with a population of over a million, important centers of trade and industry. Separately, it is worth considering the prospects of the Golden Ring and resort areas.

Significant work needs to be done in the area of ​​legislation. Registration and clearance processes should be simplified and understandable in order to attract foreign investment in hotel business.

Also, do not forget about the problem of quality of service in hotels. The introduced classification system is an important step towards improving quality, but it is not enough. Firstly, this system has many complaints from hotel owners and requires improvements, and secondly, it is not mandatory and many hotels do not correspond to any category. To improve the situation, the state should invest in these hotel enterprises, as well as stimulate them to improve the level of services.

But solutions to problems require active participation hotel owners. They must strive to provide quality services, efficient work with clients, close cooperation with the government. The problem of personnel requires special participation of hotel owners. Many of them can be solved by closer work with universities, compensation policies and non-material motivation personnel.

Thus, the hotel business in Russia faces many problems and the solution to these problems must be comprehensive, i.e. the state and hotel owners must implement joint activities on planning and implementation of programs to eliminate them.

Quality issues play a vital role in the production and consumption of hotel services. Without quality service, a hotel company is unable to achieve its main goals. The history of the development of various hotel corporations and chains, as a rule, indicates that profit is the result of quality.

The hotel enterprise is faced with the task of providing and maintaining the quality of service at the proper level, timely eliminating deficiencies in the provision of services, and developing a strategy for improving service.

Research shows that the main reason why a customer will visit a business again or not is the good or bad service they receive. The first time a guest can be lured by good advertising, a rich interior or a varied menu, but the second time he comes thanks to professional work staff and high quality service received previously.

Why is quality so important? If we consider service enterprises from the point of view of their development dynamics, quality will have the greatest impact on their viability. The successful sale of a quality product to the consumer is the main source of existence of the enterprise.

What is "service quality"? Quality refers to the conformity of the services provided to expected or established standards. Thus, standards, their actual form and content are a criterion for the quality of service. The criterion for assessing the quality of the service received for the consumer is the degree of his satisfaction, i.e. correspondence between what was received and what was expected. The criterion for the degree of customer satisfaction is the desire to return again and recommend it to your friends and acquaintances.

One of the main documents defining the relationship between the administration, hotel employees and the client is the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation”. They were developed in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1997. No. 490.

In the section “Procedure for the provision of services” it is noted: “The quality of the services provided must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence or incompleteness of the terms of the contract - with the requirements usually imposed on these services.

If regulatory legal acts provided mandatory requirements to services, the quality of the services provided must meet these requirements.

Materially - technical support hotels, the list and quality of services provided must meet the requirements of the category assigned to it.”

For quality service in hotel company the following factors influence.

First of all, the state of the material and technical base, namely: convenient layout and high-quality finishing of the hotel premises, equipping its public premises and residential rooms with comfortable furniture and equipment, complete sets of high-quality linen, modern high-performance kitchen equipment, convenient elevator facilities, etc.

The next factor is advanced service technology. It implies the order and methods of cleaning public spaces and residential rooms; registration and settlement with clients; recipes for preparing dishes and drinks in restaurants and bars; forms of service in trading floors etc.

High professionalism and competence of the service staff, their ability and willingness to serve the guest clearly, quickly and culturally.

The most important factor in modern hotel enterprises is service quality management, which involves the development and implementation of quality standards, staff training, control, adjustment, and improvement of service in all areas of the hotel’s activities.

Factors influencing quality service in hotel facilities require more detailed study. Let us consider the problems of service quality in a hotel enterprise using the example of hotels in St. Petersburg.

competitive quality hotel marketing

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