Profession: manager in education. Manager in the field of education Manager in education educational portal

Viktor Bolotov, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education

Federal Law 83 provides for the transition of educational institutions to the status of state-owned, budgetary or autonomous. The process should be completed by mid-2012. By this time, every school director should become a manager in the full sense of the word. He will, first of all, have to plan the work of his institution as an independent financial structure.

— Viktor Alexandrovich, how can you define the essence of the profession of “school director”? Is this a senior teacher - first among equals in his team - or a specially trained manager who does not necessarily have to come from a teaching background?

— The discussion about who a school director is—he is a senior teacher or a manager—was going on all over the world not so long ago, and in Russia it continues today. There were times when the first position won, but now we are increasingly leaning towards the second.

After the adoption of the 83rd federal law on the transition of educational institutions to the status of state-owned, budgetary or autonomous in the period until 2012, the school director must become a manager in the full sense of the word. He will, first of all, have to plan the work of his institution, subject economic activity as an independent financial structure, determine development steps.

In this situation the same professional managers All employees of educational authorities should also become involved - for example, employees of municipal education departments, in the old way - RONO.

— If you analyze the work of a school director, what are its fundamental differences from the work of, for example, a director manufacturing enterprise or a store? What scientific knowledge should he have to guide teachers?

— It seems to me that the current school director knows how to cope with teachers without any science. Another question is that, with the exception of the Unified State Exam and final exams for basic school, the director has no other sources of objective information about the work of the teacher. Judging by the reports, everything is fine, but what in reality? They often say that there are still results from the Olympiads, but if children from difficult families study at school, they often have no time for Olympiads at all.

Therefore, one of the tasks of the director is to create a system for assessing the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities in the school. If the director is experienced, he already understands everything, but does not articulate it, does not systematize it. The main thing that a principal needs to consider is “value added”: what exactly a particular teacher brought to the class or to a particular student. The children were like this, then they learned from him, and such and such changes were evident. Technological approaches to such assessment are known.

— The school has a certain budget, which the director must manage wisely. How can this be done to take into account all aspects of the educational process in a situation where, as always, there is not enough money?

“The new standards involve teaching, raising children, developing their thinking skills, and much more. But the director, when planning expenses, proceeds, first of all, from the number of lessons that each teacher gives to the class; there are even corresponding tables for this. If a school should not only teach children, but also educate them, where will they get the money for this if only lessons are financed?

This is a difficult question for a manager, and they are now trying to find answers to it. It is assumed that there will be a transition from financing lessons to financing orders, but the order does not indicate that for the money received it is necessary to conduct 100 mathematics lessons and 100 Russian language lessons. Money is given for the operation of the school as a whole, and the director needs to understand how to spend it. A purely managerial task: you have won a government contract and are planning your work. Today's school principal has never had to solve such problems.

— There is also so-called extra-budgetary money. There is hardly a school principal whom parents do not accuse behind their backs of extortion. In some cases, it comes to the point that the prosecutor’s office also brings forward similar accusations...

— Not a single educational institution in any country lives without extra-budgetary money, with the exception of very difficult subsidized situations. There is always one or another amount of parental money, and the director must make decisions on how to correctly collect it, how to use it wisely - both in the sense that you will not be held accountable for the collections, and so that they are most effective in achieving the goals set before school. This is also a question that arises among our directors today and the answer to which most of them also cannot give, again due to the lack of managerial training.

By the way, many directors are already faced with a broader managerial problem - interaction with the public, the basis of which is parents.

— It is clear that teachers are trained in pedagogical universities. And where can you learn to become an education manager - a school director, a department employee?

— Traditionally, Russian pedagogical universities do not train education managers. There are only a few examples when such training was carried out within the framework of a second higher education, including using distance learning forms, but the quality of training often gave rise to criticism.

Recently, the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences also took over the training of managers in the field of education within the framework of the joint master’s program “Education Management”. I believe that thanks to this program, the problem of management personnel for schools in Moscow and the Moscow region will be solved in the next few years. The secret of success here is that representatives are involved in teaching different industries knowledge - at the Higher School of Economics these are professors of the faculties of management, economics, state and municipal administration.

— To what extent, when preparing managers in education, would it be worthwhile to involve school principals, whose experience is generally recognized, in teaching?

— Of course, you can’t do without this - it’s impossible to train a school principal without analyzing real stories and cases. Educational managers with work experience are invited to teach in all master's programs of the Institute for Educational Development of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and master's theses should be devoted not only and not so much to abstract research, but to field work and field practices.

When preparing directors, the experience of our most important successful schools- everyone knows, for example, Education Center No. 548 “Tsaritsyno” by Efim Rachevsky. The practice of this school needs to be analyzed, and Rachevsky will only be grateful if students of the master’s program do this, because he constantly discusses the next step of development, does not stop there, thinks about how to make the school better. In Moscow, there are at least three dozen more schools with positive experience, where master’s students could do internships, on the material of which they can write master’s theses.

Using the example of the Rachevsky Center, in my opinion, it is especially interesting to analyze how the dialogue between parents and school management is structured. This is, in fact, a dialogue during which a consensus is developed, and sometimes a compromise. There, a lot of attention is paid to the formation of individual educational programs, and for the director this is not an easy task, both financially and organizationally. There is such an informal concept as school spirit: the director, teachers, students, many parents live in the same space, work in a single team. This, of course, is no longer management - it is an art, but it also needs to be studied.

— The education sector is not the most highly paid, and one way or another the manager faces the problem of retaining qualified personnel. There is a risk that graduates of master's programs in education - be they directors, or subject teachers, or education measurement specialists - having improved their qualifications, will “sell” them at a high price somewhere outside the school? Are there any universal recipes for this?

— How to keep young people in the general education system at current salaries is a difficult subject for a manager. Yes, a person can go into business and earn the same amounts, but only in dollars or euros. Both the federal and Moscow governments are trying to solve this problem. Salaries must be decent, and until this problem is solved, there will be an outflow of talented people. It is known that upon graduation from faculties foreign languages or faculties related to computer science and computer science, few people go to schools from pedagogical universities. A systemic solution to the problem has not yet been found. And in the case of the programs of the Institute for Educational Development at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, there is a risk that they will not so much work for the school as simply train competent managers in the social sphere. There aren't enough of them there either.

— Is the problem of training managers as acute for higher schools as for secondary schools?

— I’ll be honest: I believe that most of our universities do not need management.

- Why? After all, the need to expand the independence of universities has been talked about for several years now...

“So far only a few have achieved the status of an autonomous institution. And if the university remains traditional budgetary institution, then the estimate “comes from above”, and the money earned is distributed not like a normal business entity, but according to the principle of patching up holes: mathematicians don’t earn money - let’s take it from lawyers and buy textbooks for mathematicians... This is Trishkin’s caftan, no planning.

The problem lies elsewhere. In Russia, many competitions are held for universities, as a result of which they receive significant additional funding. I had to read more than half of the applications for participation in such competitions - these are tracings from English analogues, and no one understands what they mean, for example, at the faculty level. There are no answers to questions about who your competitors in the field of education are for scientific grants.

Last year, the Institute for Educational Development of the National Research University Higher School of Economics opened the program "Management in Higher Education", and this is a program for ambitious universities that think about what will happen the day after tomorrow - not even tomorrow. But the current vice-rector of a traditional university will not want to study to become a manager. For what? He's already doing well. Training for higher education managers is for young people who expect that the knowledge they gain will allow them to take the next step in the development of the university. But I foresee difficulties in how they will settle into their universities - I am afraid that most of the current leaders will seem too smart.

Interviewed by Ekaterina Rylko

Read more about master's programs in an interview with Viktor Bolotov on the RIA Novosti portal.

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