A psychological test with recommendations for identifying a person’s leadership qualities. Self-tests Tests to determine the level of responsibility

The key difference between managerial responsibility and executive responsibility is that the performer is responsible for the results of only his own activities, and the manager is responsible for the results of the entire department.

The higher the level of management, the higher the level of executive responsibility. The department head must take managerial responsibility for the actions (or inactions) of all department employees. The head of the department - for the actions (or inaction) of all employees of the department. General manager- for the work of the entire organization.

Managerial responsibility: tasks of a manager

  • form and consolidate agreements;
  • provide possible risks and think about ways to minimize them;
  • monitor and analyze the results obtained;
  • provide options for adjusting the situation in case of failure

It is for this difference in responsibilities that managers are paid an order of magnitude more than performers. Managerial responsibility is a high level of qualifications and professionalism.

What kind of leader are you?Managerial Responsibility Test

This project is for Managers who want to see the management capabilities of all their subordinates in an absolutely transparent business environment; Managers looking for unclaimed talent; Company managers who want to understand who really generates effective solutions, and who will just join or sabotage)


From 30 to 24 points inclusive: Happy for you! You are veryresponsible leader.

When setting a task, you clearly record the agreements with the employee, and when monitoring execution, you directly point out his personal shortcomings. At the same time, you are ready to admit your mistakes and take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. Even if some issue requires approval from senior management, and the document bears his signature, you do not waive responsibility for the ideas you propose. You understand that there are no objective reasons for failure to complete tasks, there are only ill-considered risks and poorly planned actions to minimize them. You are proficient in constructive ways. non-material motivation employees and techniques for developing their responsible attitude towards their activities. You respect subordinates who openly express their disagreement with your decisions, and are ready to discuss with them the most effective ways development of the situation within the framework of achieving common goals.

From 23 to 11 points inclusive: We will be glad to meet you! You still have a lot to learn.

It is important for you that in conditions of uncertainty “at the top”, long-term goals are clearly and clearly defined. Otherwise, you will shift responsibility for complex and risky decisions to higher management. In relation to your subordinates, you have a fairly democratic leadership style: you are ready to discuss in detail with the employee how to achieve the goal and possible difficulties, as well as provide help and support in difficult situations for him. However, if an employee proposes a path with which you do not agree, then, most likely, you will shift responsibility for the lack of results to a subordinate. In problematic situations, you spend a lot of time discussing, helping the employee cope with the task, but perhaps the subordinate does not expect explanations from you, but specific and decisive actions. Your employees can often get away with failing to complete tasks, especially when they have strong communication skills and can convince you that they did not have the necessary resources to complete the task. At the same time, you do part of the work that your subordinates should do yourself, thus leaving them unloaded.

From 10 to 0 points: Are you really a leader?

You give employees the opportunity to avoid personal responsibility for the results of their work, because you do not demonstrate by personal example your willingness to admit your shortcomings and mistakes. In difficult situations, you prefer to justify the lack of results by the actions of other people or circumstances that are difficult for you to influence. You do not form clear agreements with the employee about what you would like to see as the final result. In connection with this, it is difficult for you to hold him accountable for failure to fulfill the plans, since he can always say that he did not understand the task, or you did not give clear instructions on what should have been done and when. You rely too much on material methods stimulating staff by spending budget funds where additional costs could be avoided. To deal with employee resistance, you often use authoritarian management methods, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to take initiative and take responsibility for results.

Purpose of the training:
Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills using cause-and-effect analysis tools, collecting information, generating ideas, assessing alternatives and risks to a level that allows you to independently develop and propose ready-made solutions to senior management.

Are you a responsible person, can you be relied upon, or do your colleagues and superiors consider you not a very reliable employee? If you answer this test honestly, you will probably find out what other people think about you.

1. Having returned from vacation, you discover that the person who replaced you made a lot of mistakes and confused everything. You...

a) silently correct mistakes, believing that there is no need to offend anyone;

b) go to your superiors and declare that the mistakes were not made by you, therefore you have nothing to do with the poor work;

c) call your deputy for a conversation, then go with him to the authorities to sort it out.

2. You promised your colleague your help in solving some problem, but you forgot about it and...

a) pretend that you didn’t promise anything to anyone;

b) apologize and say that you will definitely keep your promise;

c) state that you are overwhelmed with things to do and cannot remember everything in the world.

3. You were invited to visit a colleague. A friend suddenly came to you. You...

a) call your colleague, apologize and say that you cannot come;

b) you will go with a friend;

c) no matter what, you will still go to visit the person who invited you.

4. Having overslept, you are late for work. Your actions...

a) carefully slip into the office, hoping that the bosses will not notice your tardiness. If he does notice, honestly admit that you overslept;

b) try to come up with some plausible story to justify your lateness (someone close to you got sick, the bus broke down, etc.);

c) call the boss from home and notify him in advance that you will be late.

5. Do you work overtime?

a) yes, if necessary;

b) yes, but then you definitely require time off;

c) no, if you haven’t finished something, then leave it for the next day.

6. The boss is on a business trip, your immediate superior suddenly fell ill. However, an urgent matter must be completed, and there is no one else to do it except you. You...

a) you are nervous, afraid that you will make mistakes, so you wait until one of your superiors appears at work;

b) take everything into your own hands and start doing this business;

c) you won’t even think about it: it’s not within your authority.

Calculate your points using the table.

9-12 points. You can be relied upon, and your superiors appreciate this. You are able to control the situation, are independent and can act and make decisions without instructions from your boss. It is not difficult for you to calculate all the consequences of your own actions. Just don’t boast about your responsibility to others, behave modestly and calmly, don’t emphasize that you are more capable than others. There will always be envious people in any team.

5-8 points. You are a good, efficient worker, however, if you need to take responsibility and make an independent decision, you feel uneasy. You are afraid because you are not confident in your capabilities, business abilities and professional skills. You are afraid to take risks, but it is known that those who do not work make no mistakes. If you become a more confident and determined person, you will achieve a lot. 0-4 points. Your bosses and colleagues do not consider you a responsible person. You are not given important tasks because you might fail. If you want to change your opinion about yourself, try to offer your help to your colleagues more often, even if you need to do very uninteresting, routine work. This will show that you are committed to working as part of a team, and you will gain more trust and confidence. Here are selected tests for non-professional use. Anyone can test themselves using these tests. The results obtained from these tests should not be taken too seriously. However, they are good for expanding the “inner horizon”, developing self-criticism, and a source of ideas for self-improvement. Polish doctors from the Institute of National Health, together with graphologists and psychologists, developed a test to determine a person’s susceptibility to certain diseases based on handwriting. Do you tend to plan your time and not be at the mercy of external circumstances? The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty and openness of the subject. Designed for professional psychological diagnostics. The “Honesty” questionnaire goes well with those questionnaires that do not include a lie scale: with low scores: Square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag - hard work, leadership, transition, harmony, creativity. Equal or unequal union. Many of us, self-aware people, are able to assess the degree of our activity and manifest it in accordance with our own potential. At the same time, there are many people who are endowed by nature with great vital activity, but do not realize it and do not even know about its existence. Anankast has a powerful force of unjustified resistance to circumstances. Instead of adapting to them, he tries at all costs to keep them unchanged. But in life everything changes, much of it is relative or does not matter at all for human existence. Diagnosis of aptitude for artistic professions. Diagnosis of the general psychological climate in the family. Prudent people love comfort; before doing anything, they will “measure seven times.” Others rush through life headlong: they don’t care! They are able to risk everything, even if the success of the enterprise is not guaranteed. If you are a girl or young woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to understand her feelings for another person ( young man), then let's hope that this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will to some extent help you understand your feelings. This test will help for self-analysis in determining the nature of the relationship with your spouse. Irritability. How important is sex and things related to it to you and your life? Rate each five years of your life according to the degree of saturation with events that are important to you. Aggressive or peaceful. If the number of points matches your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activity, it is desirable that the psychological age does not exceed the passport age. Do you have significant creative potential, which presents you with a wide range of possibilities? If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you. Choleric. Sanguine. Phlegmatic person. Melancholic. The level of general communicative tolerance is evidenced by the fact that you cannot or do not want to understand or accept the individuality of other people. The individuality of another is, first of all, what is special about him: given by nature, brought up, learned in his environment. Veiled cruelty in relationships with people, in judgments about them. Open cruelty in relationships with people. Justified negativism in judgments about people. Grumping, that is, the tendency to make unfounded generalizations of negative facts in the field of relationships with partners and in observing social reality. ... Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Test for women. Bodily health. Well-being. Relationships with friends are very important. What are they like for you? Some experts argue that you can learn a lot about each of us by our initials. Imbalance. Excitability. Some people find it very difficult to look at themselves from the outside. It seems to many that they are “darlings”, they are pleasant in communication, and it is pleasant for their interlocutors to communicate. In fact, it often happens that we underestimate the feelings of our neighbor, we are rude and insulting without noticing it ourselves. This test (the so-called Leary questionnaire) is very popular among professional psychologists because it is easy to administer and informative. Try it for yourself. There are people who are always on the alert - nothing can surprise them, stun them, or baffle them. They are the opposite - people are absent-minded and inattentive, getting lost in the simplest situations. The purpose of this test is to help you understand your inner feelings. The main idea of ​​the test is to find the keyword that will help unravel the tangle of a person’s pressing problems. Keyword - this is just the end of the thread that you need to grab in order to unravel the tangle of problems. This test was developed by English psychologists. He will help you find out how stingy you are in gifts. Are you kind and attentive to others? Are you able to give your last shirt to someone who needs it most? What is the dominant aspect of the organization in which you work, male or female? To find out, just answer a series of questions. Your dominant psychological defense strategy when communicating with partners. Level of neuroticism. Are you the kind of woman who can make men lose their heads? Shyness. Introspection of the manner of laughter. What is your management style: directive, collegial or laissez-faire. If you are a pedestrian, then this test is not for you. Otherwise, it won’t hurt you to find out for yourself whether you are a good driver or not. The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is also an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. Captain or passenger, leader or follower, leader or subordinate? Test for women. Contact people feel free in any company. They easily meet unfamiliar men. Level of conflict. Sixteen types of functional brain asymmetry. Fun lover or not, hedonist or ascetic? There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). Using this short test, you can determine what type of love you have with you. This test is widely used in America to diagnose entrepreneurial spirit. You can judge a person's personality by wrinkles: joy, shyness, attention to detail, honesty, intelligence, good nature, disappointment, anxiety, aggressiveness, nervousness, surprise, indifference. Self-analysis of character. This table for assessing husbands, candidates for husbands, was proposed by American and Canadian sexologists. A worthy man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. A questionnaire aimed at self-assessment of observation skills. Are you a reliable person? Or you can’t always be relied upon, are you somewhat, as they say, selfish? The technique is intended exclusively for personal use. It will help you identify people in your environment who are prone to fraud. What is independence? This is the ability to take responsibility at the right moment, this is decisiveness combined with a sober approach. Can you consider yourself one of the people who are ready to boast of their independence and self-sufficiency? “Whoever looks for a treasure rarely finds it. And whoever doesn’t look for it never finds it.” It is persistent people who clearly see goals and persistently strive for them that achieve some success in life. Is this persistence enough for you? A non-professional test to study the level of motivation for personal wealth. This test is designed to help you understand the delicate question of whether you are an overly self-confident person. Using this test, you can test your ideas about the character and behavior inherent in people of different sexes, and your knowledge of social stereotypes. Analysis of drawings that are made during boring meetings or simply because there is nothing to do: different patterns in a notebook, on a piece of paper. This test will help you figure out whether you are really touchy, as you sometimes hear. Or you are tolerance itself. Alarm level. Are you just a pessimist or a sick pessimist? Are you a healthy optimist or are you unbridledly frivolous? What is he like, the father of the family?.. To find out better, the wife must answer 24 questions. A rational prude or a violent libertine. Most people spend about 8 hours a day at work and communicate with their colleagues as much as with their families. Therefore, relationships with colleagues are an important element of a person’s life. Bad relationships with colleagues can not only damage a career or business, but can also unbalance any person for a very long time. This test to assess stress resistance was developed by a psychologist Medical center Boston University. Attitude towards current job. Possibility of masturbation. Possibility of exhibitionism. Predisposition to deformed relationships with peers. A fighter for truth or an opportunist? Designed for self-testing. Assessing your own entrepreneurial abilities. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to look at himself from the outside. This test is designed to find out how pleasant you are in communication. In countries that pay close attention workaholism studies such as Japan, the USA and Canada use semi-structured interviews to identify workaholism. One such interview is the questionnaire proposed by B. Killinger. It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behavior. Experiments by psychologists have shown that in the presence of other people these differences are doubly manifest. This is explained by the fact that we are accustomed to playing roles, the roles of men and the roles of women. As Shakespeare used to say, “All the world is a stage, and the people in it are actors.” Do you know your role? Are you vigilant and meticulous or dreamy and distracted? Self-analysis of the degree of jealousy. Are you decisive? Take the test, and probably after that you will be able to answer this question more boldly. Level of ambition and career readiness. Is there some tendency towards manipulation or have engrams become familiar to you on the spectrum of emotional expression. Impulsiveness. Emotional excitability. Affectivity. Reproducibility of unreacted experiences. Excessive hyperthymia usually leads to non-critical manifestation of activity. A person pretends more than he knows, knows how and does, he strives to take on everything, criticize and teach everyone, tries to attract attention to himself at any cost. Excessive energy interferes with clear and logical thinking, which is why hyperthymia often gets carried away. Level of unmotivated anxiety. The test is intended for self-testing. Diagnoses the presence or absence of self-destruction syndrome, that is, a tendency to self-destruction, self-aggression, and self-injury. Tendency to low mood. Tendency to frustration. Tendency to cyclothymia. Tendency to euphoria. Tendency to exaltation. This test was compiled by American doctors. I advise you to answer most sincerely, without prevarication. It is especially important to note that the results of this test are not a definitive “diagnosis”. Maybe you need to change your lifestyle in some way. Sometimes it helps to be a tough leader. Here, however, a sober assessment of the characteristics of your leadership style and your character is necessary. To help you with this self-assessment, American management experts have developed a simple but useful test. It is based on the thesis that every leader has two types of mental resources: D-resources and B-resources. ... The degree of tension in the relationship. Level of respect for your partner's feelings. The ability to give in. The test is intended for self-testing. Do you have a real passion for travel or are you a homebody? The questionnaire is designed to identify a person’s level of anxiety in relation to their own mistakes. Indirectly, it also helps to judge the attitude towards the opinions of others, the desire for objectivity, the tendency to self-deception and the use of psychological ones. Are you adamant and, excuse me, stubborn? Does the firmness of your convictions go well with the great subtlety and flexibility of your mind? According to Carl Gustav Jung, there are two options to adapt to the world around you. One of them is expansion: constantly communicate, expand contacts, business connections, take everything that life gives. That's what an extrovert is. Introverts, on the contrary, limit their contacts and withdraw into themselves, as if hiding in a shell. Very insecure, self-confident, or overly self-confident? Questions for my husband. Questions for my wife. Are you a good diplomat? Do you conduct the discussion in an authoritarian, domineering and unceremonious manner? Your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team?

    0 – 49 points– You are ready for decisive action only when you feel powerless and helpless, when you seem to be “pressed to the wall.” The rest of the time, they are ready to endure not only humiliation, but even undeserved reproaches, believing that such a sacrifice will one day be noticed and appreciated. There is a risk of falling into a dependent relationship, since you look for the much-desired confidence and self-sufficiency in another person, often ending up with an ordinary tyrant. Love to dream about how, thanks to some person or event, your life changes for the better, like in a fairy tale. Not at all daring to do anything on your own, to take risks and express yourself, your feelings and desires. But don’t despair, you just have to make an effort and work on yourself, and then everything will change. You can start with the techniques described in the article.

    50 – 99 points– You are quite harmonious. You can act decisively without backing down in the face of difficulties. You are a conscious person, not principled, therefore in situations that require quick solution You are ready to take responsibility, and where there are people who want power more than you, you will completely calmly give in. What distinguishes you from other leaders is that you are not driven by the need and thirst for power. You simply know how to organize something, but you don’t claim the laurels of the only winner, especially in moments where it is necessary to make a dishonest move. Although you are in balance, it won’t hurt you to sometimes show initiative and perseverance, this will help you move even further. To support your desire for self-development and self-improvement, I recommend reading the article.

    100 – 150 – You are simply a born leader who is sometimes even capable of going too far in your actions. You are confident in yourself and believe that there is only one correct answer - yours. Therefore, you often do not take into account the desires and needs of others. Why is this necessary, because they think incorrectly? You cope well with the assigned tasks, your team always delivers work on time, the results are excellent and the company is rapidly moving forward. But you don’t notice that employees simply “fall out” and “drive” themselves to meet your requirements. They consider you a dictator, they fear you, and at the same time they dream of being at least a little like you. I recommend reading the article to understand more about the advantages and disadvantages of such a tough position.

Responsibility is personal quality, which is quite difficult to measure. Our company uses three main methods: psychological testing, personal interview and assessment center.

Many people say that responsibility should be checked even before the interview begins: check what time the candidate arrived, whether he prepared for the interview, whether he read information about the company. I attribute this more to commitment, punctuality or deep interest in a particular place of work.

Psychological testing– the least accurate (approximately 40%) method, so we use its results only as a test of one or another assumption.

Test task, which is given to a person at home, can also indicate the responsibility of the candidate. But you also need to understand that a candidate who wants to get a job in a company will most likely complete the test task. In this case, it is more important to look at how he completed it, how much he worked out the material, how he structured it, etc.

One of the main elements of the assessment center used in our company is business game. The method is considered one of the most reliable (approximately 70–80%), because it can be demonstrated in an active, unpredictable business game unusual behavior is quite difficult.

If a person easily withstands the attention of the audience, simply gets into contact with people, then this will show up in the game. It is important that based on the results of this research, we can reasonably explain to candidates why we made this or that decision, as well as give recommendations for the development of certain qualities.

Personal interview– an interview, based on the results of which one can draw conclusions about the candidate’s responsibility with up to 99% confidence J. In this case, the quality of the result depends on the variability of the recruiter.

From my own experience, I can identify a number of questions that help to reliably assess a candidate’s level of responsibility.

  1. When identifying responsibility, I always begin with the question of what this quality is in the candidate’s understanding. This helps to even out conceptual apparatus. For me, responsibility is the willingness to do everything in order to achieve the desired result, the willingness to do more or differently if the actions that the manager asked for were not enough to achieve the goal, the ability to act, realizing the consequences. And sometimes already at this level we can conclude that we may not be on the right path, since candidates, speaking about responsibility, describe indicators of diligence or commitment, or by the way they speak, you understand that responsibility for them is a streamlined or undesirable phenomenon.
  2. You can ask a direct question: “Are you responsible?” Few of the candidates will answer “No”; more often they will say much softer things, for example, “Sometimes I can be irresponsible.” And of course, in such cases, you need to ask for clarification, to explain why this happens or why he thinks so.
  3. I find STAR questions effective: “Give me an example of a time when you took responsibility.” It would be ideal if in the example the candidate describes a situation, the tasks that were set, the actions that he took, and the result that was achieved. At the same time, if at least one part was left out of the story, then perhaps this situation did not exist in his experience.
  4. I also like questions with a little provocation. For example, if a candidate declares his high responsibility, then you can say the following: “There are no 100% responsible people, give an example of when you behaved irresponsibly.” And look at the reaction, perhaps the candidate will try to convince you - this is a good sign; if he thinks for a while and says that sometimes he forgets to buy bread at home - that’s also not bad, but if he immediately gives a clear example of irresponsibility - be careful, double-check with additional questions.
  5. It is quite effective to ask the following question: “If you ask five of your acquaintances about your three most strengths, how many times will responsibility sound?” Some are not shy and say “15”, although the maximum result is “5”. After this, you should definitely ask why they think so and how many times they have actually heard the characteristic “responsible” from others. Or like this: “And if we ask your former manager what he will say about you, will he call you responsible? Do you have his phone number? Can I call him? As a rule, after this question the fun begins. Either they say “Yes,” and then you can go all-in and call, or they begin to evade the answer: “Well, I don’t know,” “Let’s not now,” “I don’t have a number,” etc.
  6. You can also ask to tell about the boundaries of responsibility at your previous place of work. If the candidate starts talking about his job responsibilities, then this person is perhaps only a performer, ready to do what they say and not very interested in taking on “extra”. And if he describes any of his initiatives, projects in which he showed himself, difficult situation and how he came out of it, then the candidate is most likely interested and ready to take responsibility.
  7. It is also important to ask projective questions, for example, “Why do you think some people are responsible and some are not?”, “Under what circumstances do employees work effectively?” If a candidate names external circumstances: resources, manager, good weather, etc., then this can be regarded as a tendency to shift responsibility. A good candidate answer is related to his personal effectiveness, for example, “How successful I want to be.”
  8. Indirect questions can also talk about responsibility. For example, “How did you choose a university?” If the candidate answers: “Mom advised”, “I went along with a friend,” then, most likely, you should not expect high level responsibility.

Of course, asking one question is not enough; it is important to look at the candidate over time. The most effective way is to jump from one competency to another, let the candidate talk for 3-5 minutes about one, and then return to the previous questions. You can rephrase his answer to add what he didn't say. And if he agrees with this, then it’s worth thinking about: probably at some point he was lying.

Ideally, you need to test qualities, knowledge and skills using a large number of methods - the more confirmation of a particular assumption, the better.

I do not oblige every recruiter to follow a strict plan and ask only the questions described above. Each of them understands what he needs to evaluate, and what to do for this, he decides for himself, because each recruiter has his own style, his own “effective” questions and methods. In addition, the natural behavior of the recruiter and his sincere interest in the candidate are very important for the quality of the interview - not a single candidate will open up completely at a meeting that most closely resembles a dry interrogation.

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