Birds. Essential characteristics of birds

Test "Birds"

Option – 1


    five-fingered limb

    rib cage

    keel on the sternum

2 In which chamber of the heart does the pulmonary circulation originate?

    left atrium 3) right atrium

    left ventricle 4) right ventricle

3 The ducts of which gland empty into the cloaca?

    pancreatic 3) sebaceous

    genital 4) coccygeal

4 Participates in respiration in birds

    chest 3) pectoral muscle

    oral cavity 4) carina

5. Annual life cycle migratory birds consists of periods (select a complete set of stages):

1) wintering, reproduction 3) reproduction, preparation for winter, wintering

2). Nesting, molting, wintering 4) spring migration, nesting, molting, autumn migration, wintering

6 The presence of what characteristic is characteristic of Birds and Reptiles?

    Warm-blooded 3) air sacs

    chest 4) modified forelimb

7 Which group of organisms is considered the closest ancestors of modern birds?

    flying lizards 3) Archeopteryx

    protoavis 4) stegocephali

8. What part of a bird's egg serves as a source of water for the development of the chick embryo?

    cords 3) protein

    yolk 4) air chamber

9 Choose three correct answers out of six. The presence of what characteristics distinguishes Birds from other vertebrates?

    closed circulatory system

    double breathing

    use of atmospheric oxygen for breathing

    air bags

    growth of the sternum - keel

6) internal fertilization


The basis of bird plumage is ______ ______(A) feathers. They create the outline of the body. The feathers located on the tail are called _____ (B), and those located on the edges of the wings are called ___________________ (B). In the structure of the feather, there is a part that is formed by the barbs of the first and second orders; this is _______________ (D). The part of the feather immersed in the skin is called the feather.

List of terms:

    flywheel 5) contour

    fan 6) steering

    rod 7) fluff


    A 2) B 3) C 4) D

12 .


Environmental group

Tawny Owl



1) river coast 3) swamp

2) taiga 4) floodplain meadow

13 . What feature is an adaptation of birds to flight?

1) five sections of the spine 3) shoulder girdle

2) thin dry skin 4) presence of a tarsus

14. VWhich chamber of the heart originates the systemic circulation?

1) left atrium 3) right atrium

2) left ventricle 4) right ventricle

15. U birds perform the function of grinding food

1) beak 3) intestines

2) esophagus 4) muscular stomach

16. Which of the following birds belongs to the order Falconiformes?

    kestrel 3) pigeon

    black grouse4) yellow

17. Long, thin legs and neck are adaptations for obtaining food in






    Muscular stomach -

    Goiter –

    Shank –

    Pteria –

    Nomadic birds

    Brood birds

    External outline –

    Bird class

Test "Birds"

Option – 2

    The role of air sacs is manifested

    in flight 3) when swimming

    calm movement on the ground 4) when warming the chicks

    What feature distinguishes Birds from Reptiles?

    presence of a chest 3) growth of the sternum into a carina

    internal fertilization 4) blood movement through a closed vascular system

    The barbs of the second order in the contour feather of a bird are connected to the barbs of the first order using

    coccygeal gland secretions 3) skin secretions

    gluing 4) hooks with horny substance

    Which reproductive organ is underdeveloped in birds due to flight?

    oviduct3) left testis

    vas deferens4) right ovary

    Choose three correct answers out of six. The presence of what characteristics distinguishes Birds from Reptiles ?

    trachea and bronchi 4) rapid digestion of food

    pulmonary respiration5) double breathing

3) cloaca 6) high metabolic rate

6. Insert the missing terms from the proposed list into the text, using numerical notations.


The lungs of birds are dense, spongy bodies.

(A) included in them are highly branched. Some of them end in bubbles, densely entwined with capillaries, and some of their branches extend beyond the lungs and form ____________ (B). As the wings rise, the sternum moves away from the spine, ________ (B) expands, and inhalation occurs. When the wings lower, it contracts and exhalation occurs. When flying, the bird’s body is supplied with oxygen through __________ (D) respiration.

List of terms:

    simple 5) air bag

    trachea 6) chest

    bronchus 7) double


    Arrange the names of systematic units in order of their subordination, starting with the largest.

    Anseriformes3) Swans

    Birds4) Black swan

8. Which of the following birds belongs to the order Anseriformes?

    mallard duck 3) peregrine falcon

    lapwing 4) turtle dove

    The simplest nests are built by nesting birds

    in hollows 3) between tree branches

    on land 4) near water

    The probable ancestor of birds is considered

    Protoavisa 3) Ichthyostega

    Archeopteryx 4) Stegocephalus

    Where do waders live?

    on trees 3) along the banks of rivers and lakes

    in forests 4) in open steppe spaces

    Life is connected with tree trunks

    swift 3) sparrow

    peregrine falcon 4) nuthatch

    Which group of birds has a well-developed crop, which serves to soften food?

    Insectivores 3) Granivores

    Scavengers 4) Carnivores

    Fast and easy flight ensures

    large, compact body, short tail

    long, narrow wings, notched tail

    long neck, small head, short tail

4) hard, sharp wings and short legs

    There is a connection between the bird and the ecological group to which it is classified as indicated in the columns of the table below.


Environmental group

City swallow

Open air spaces


What concept should be entered in the blank in this table?

1) hazel grouse 3) bustard

2) pika 4) sandpiper

16. The presence of what feature in Archeopteryx indicates its similarity to birds?

    exoskeleton 3) eyes

    tarsus4) teeth

17. Short wide wings and a long tail promote flight

    in the steppe

    in the forest

    over water

    in the field


    Nesting birds –

    Sedentary birds -

    Chalazy –

    Extrapolation –

    Guessing –

    Glandular stomach -

    Kiel –

    Apteria –

All these birds are runners and use their underdeveloped forelimbs for balance. Penguins have fin-like wings and webbed feet that allow them to swim excellently. Penguins live off the coast of Antarctica and are able to withstand the most severe frosts that occur on Earth (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. King penguins ()

Bird bones are light and strong, many are filled with air. The skeleton is rigid, the neck is flexible and mobile. With its help, birds can easily build nests, clean feathers and get food. The neck for birds is similar in function to the human hand.

A unique feature of birds is their plumage. Only they have feathers, for which they are also called feathered. Birds have different feathers: some cover the body and help birds fly, others protect them from the cold (such feathers are soft and fluffy). The feathers of waterfowl are covered with a fatty film. This helps birds dive and stay dry at all times. The feathers of the wings and tail help birds fly and change direction in the air, for which they are called flight feathers and tail feathers. Bird feathers naturally differ not only in size, but also in color. The scarlet ibis has red feathers (Fig. 5), the blue nightingale has blue feathers on its upper body (Fig. 6), the black swan has black feathers (Fig. 7), and the peacock has large upper tail feathers that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow (Fig. 8).

Rice. 5. Scarlet ibis ()

Rice. 6. Blue nightingale ()

Rice. 7. Black Swan ()

Feathers protect birds from bruises, from cold, retain heat and help them fly. The type and size of its feathers also depends on the bird’s lifestyle. The owl's feathers are soft and fluffy, they help it fly, although not fast, but almost silently (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Owl in flight ()

The hawk's feathers are shorter and close to the body, which helps it move quickly (Fig. 10).

Feathers help woodpeckers not only to fly, but also to sit, tightly clinging to a tree trunk (Fig. 11).

Albatrosses soar on narrow and long wings, which allows them to save energy and avoid flapping their wings for hours. That’s why they are considered tireless flyers (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Wandering Albatross ()

Birds take care of their feathers, smoothing and cleaning them with their beaks. Feathers naturally wear out, but are gradually renewed.

A bird's beak can perform various jobs. It can catch fish, tear meat, crack nuts, get seeds, build a nest, but the bird does not know how to crush and chew food. The shape of a bird’s beak depends on its lifestyle. The curved beak of a flamingo filters the water, sharp beak herons are a tool for catching fish, pelicans use their beak with a bag as a net for fish, sparrows have to grind even fairly small grains. The parrot's beak is similar to tongs, with its help it crushes nuts, the curved beak of a predator is adapted for tearing meat, and the crossbill's forked beak is adapted for quickly extracting grains from spruce cones (Fig. 13-16).

Rice. 14. Pelican with fish in its beak ()

Rice. 16. Harpy Eagle ()

Birds do not have teeth, so they swallow food without chewing it. Sometimes birds swallow small pebbles, which then help them grind food inside their stomach.

Birds eat different foods: fishing birds (gull, loon), insectivores (swallow, swift (Fig. 17)), the serpent eagle (Fig. 18) hunts almost exclusively on reptiles, the South American harpy hunts monkeys, the yellow-billed cuckoo does not disdain even furry caterpillars, while crows are generally omnivorous birds.

Rice. 17. Swallow ()

Rice. 18. Snake eagle with prey ()

Birds are quite voracious creatures, because they require a lot of energy to fly. For example, a titmouse eats as much as its own weight in one day. A tiny hummingbird can drink twice its own weight in nectar in a day, and a starling can eat three times its own weight in locusts. People have noticed this for a long time, which is why birdhouses are often hung in gardens.

The shape of birds' paws is also adapted to their lifestyle. Climbing birds have two fingers directed forward and two back, like parrots, so it is easier for them to cling to tree trunks. Birds of prey have sharp, curved claws, which are good for catching prey. Waterfowl have webbed feet to make rowing easier and moving faster in the water (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Paws of birds: predator, waterfowl, crawling ()

Some have short paws (the capercaillie (Fig. 20)), and some have long ones (the secretary bird (Fig. 21)), two-toed toes for running (ostrich) and four-toed toes with long toes for walking ( white stork, sandhill crane, great blue heron), which helps these birds walk through marshy swamps.

Rice. 21. Secretary bird ()

Birds have excellent eyesight and keen hearing. High speed movement requires quick recognition of terrain objects, both distant and close. For example, a falcon can view its prey from a distance of 1 km, and a vulture can see its prey from a distance of 3 km. An owl can find its prey in complete darkness, relying only on hearing.

All birds lay eggs, which come in different sizes and colors. The largest eggs are ostrich eggs; they can weigh up to 5 kg. In the smallest bird in the world, the hummingbird, they are less than 1 cm and weigh only 0.2 grams (Fig. 22).

Rice. 22. Eggs of a hummingbird, an ostrich and the now extinct elephant bird ()

Eggs can be of different colors (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Song thrush eggs ()

Birds that lay eggs in closed nests or hollows often have white shells. The eggs of birds that hatch them on the ground most often have a camouflage color (American plover, common tern) (Fig. 24), in emu eggs can have an unusual blue-black color, and the cuckoo lays eggs of different colors depending on the which nest she lays the egg in (Fig. 25). Scientists estimate that cuckoos throw their eggs to 150 species of birds.

The world of birds is interesting and diverse. Birds bring great benefits. There is even International Bird Day and it is celebrated on April 1st.


  1. Pleshakov A.A., The world around us. Textbook and slave tetr. for 1 class. beginning school, part 2. - Education, 2011.
  2. Vakhrushev A.A., Bursky O.V., Rautian A.S. The world around us. Textbook for 1st grade elementary school. - Balass.
  3. Vinogradova N.F. The world around us. - VENTANA-COUNT.
  1. ().
  2. ().


  1. Draw several birds, write down how they differ from each other.
  2. Using the lesson materials, write down several types of flightless birds, flying and waterfowl.
  3. Go for a walk in the yard or forest. How many and what kind of birds did you manage to see, how different are their voices? Write down your observations.
  4. *Make a crossword puzzle using the names of birds that you know.

Test on the topic “Poultry class”

Option 1

1.Complete the sentence:

1. Birds originated from...

2. The Bird class includes highly organized animals adapted to...

3. It is typical for birds to…. breath

1. Sign of birds' adaptation to flight

1) the appearance of a four-chambered heart 2) horny scutes on the legs

3) the presence of hollow bones 4) the presence of the coccygeal gland

2. A trait that a pigeon has but a crocodile lacks is

1) four-chambered heart 2) warm-blooded
3) an egg with egg membranes 4) the presence of a cloaca

3. Which of the following is characteristic not only of birds, but also of most reptiles?

1) double breathing 2) keel-outgrowth of the sternum

3) warm-blooded 4) lay eggs

4. Name the section of the bird's body in which the tarsus is located

1) hind limb girdle 2) chest

3) forelimb 4) hindlimb

5. Due to its adaptation to flight, the skeleton of birds is distinguished by its lightness, which is ensured by

1) fusion of many bones

2) the presence of air cavities in the bones

3) transformation of the forelimbs into wings

4) the small size of many birds

6. In birds, unlike reptiles, in the process of evolution

1) body temperature has become unstable

2) a cover of horny substance has formed

3) a four-chambered heart has formed

4) reproduction began to occur using eggs

7. In birds, arterial blood does not mix with venous blood, since their heart

1) has no valves between the atria and ventricles

2) does not have a septum in the ventricle

3) consists of three chambers

4) divided completely into right and left halves

8. The organs of gas exchange in birds are:

1) lungs 2) air sacs

3) air sacs and lungs 4) trachea and bronchi

9. This is NOT a sign that birds are adapted to flight.

1) warm-blooded 2) lack of teeth

3) presence of a carina on the sternum 4) absence of a bladder

10. Bird migrations arose due to:

1) with a lack or absence of food in the autumn-winter period;

2) sub-zero air temperature in winter;

3) on short days in winter.

4) traditions

3.1. Characteristic for birds:

1) reproduce in water

2) reproduce on land

3) warm-blooded animals

4) have bare, dry skin

6) breathe using multi-cellular lungs and air sacs

3.2. Signs of similarity between Archeopteryx and reptiles:

2) development of the chest,

6) planned well.

4.Match the match.


Features of the structure of the respiratory system

Animal classes

A) there are air bags

  1. Amphibians

B) the lungs have a spongy structure

  1. Birds

B) lungs multicellular

D) the lungs are represented by hollow sacs

D) double breathing

E) partially cutaneous breathing




A) kidneys

  1. Digestive

B) liver

  1. Removing liquid waste products from the body

B) cerebellum

  1. Enrichment of blood with oxygen

D) lungs

  1. Coordination of movements

D) ovary

  1. Egg maturation




A) emu

1) Chicken

B) mute swan

2) Cassowaries

B) black vulture

3) Anseriformes

D) common grouse

4) Daytime birds of prey

D) pink starling

5) Passeriformes

Test on the topic “Poultry class”

Option 2

1.Complete the sentence:

1. Birds are called warm-blooded animals because... ...

2. The heart of reptiles is ..., and the heart of birds is ...

3 .Nesting bird chicks are born... and...

2. Choose one correct answer from the proposed ones:

1. Birds are adapted to flight by

1) the presence of lungs 2) the presence of cavities in the bones
3) warm-bloodedness 4) development of the cerebral cortex

2. The complexity of the organization of birds compared to reptiles is evidenced by

1) internal fertilization 2) presence of yolk in the egg

3) dry skin without glands 4) four-chambered heart

3. What do birds and reptiles have in common?

1) double breathing 2) complete separation of arterial and venous blood

3) absence of sweat glands 4) warm-bloodedness

4. The girdle of birds' upper limbs includes

1) tarsus 2) clavicle

5. What features of bird reproduction distinguish them from reptiles?

1) abundance of yolk in the egg 2) laying of eggs

3) feeding of offspring 4) internal fertilization

6. Birds have a heart

1) four-chamber 2) two-chamber

3) three-chamber, with a septum in the ventricle 4) three-chamber, without a septum in the ventricle

7. What features of the skeletal structure of birds are NOT associated with flight?

1) development of the sternum with a keel;

2) the tubular bones of the skeleton are hollow inside and filled with air;

3) the spine consists of five sections;

4) formation of a complex sacrum

8. Tile-like arrangement of contour feathers on the bird's body

1) increases the amount of air between the feathers

2) reduces average body density

3) increases the streamlining of the body shape

4) helps retain heat

9. Most high level metabolism is typical for birds, since they:

1) they spend a lot of energy during flight,

2) populated the ground-air habitat,

3) live in different natural zones,

4) eat plant and animal foods.

10. Why do male birds often have bright colors?

1) attracts the attention of females of its own species,

2) scares away females of another species,

3) makes them less noticeable against a bright background,

4) scares away males of another species.

3. Choose three correct answers from the six proposed.

3.1. Characteristic for birds:

1) reproduce in water

2) reproduce on land

3) warm-blooded animals

4) have skin with many glands

5) have an unstable body temperature

6) breathe using multi-cellular lungs

3.2. Signs of similarity between Archeopteryx and birds:

1) the massive skull consisted of thick bones,

2) development of the chest,

3) the body is covered with elongated scales,

4) in the beak there are numerous teeth,

5) on the lower limb, three fingers are directed forward, one - back,

6) planned well.

4.Match the match.


Animal class

A) warm-blooded

  1. Birds

B) body temperature depends on the ambient temperature

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