The meatiest chickens. Features of meat chicken breeds

Fast-growing chickens are increasingly popular among small-scale farmers. By raising meat chickens, in one season you can provide your family with tasty and nutritious meat for the whole winter.

Egg production in meat breeds is low, however, the resulting eggs are of different quality and are in no way inferior to eggs from laying hens. Let's find out which meat chickens are the largest and develop best in a private backyard.

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Characteristics and differences of meat breeds

Meat chickens are significantly different from their egg breeding counterparts. They are larger, have massive bones, a strong build and looser plumage compared to laying hens. Not only external features differ, but also temperament. Birds of the meat breed are less aggressive, not timid, and better adapt to changes in their conditions.

Features of the development of meat chickens:

Meat chickens need less light than laying hens. Rapid development will be ensured by a stable temperature in the house and proper diet, especially in the first two months of development. Otherwise, the meat is almost no different from keeping laying hens.

Perches and nests are set up in the chicken coop, equipment for food and water is installed, and bedding is made of straw or sawdust. 1 m² of a chicken coop is populated with no more than 10 - 15 one-month-old chicks. Adults will need two to three times more free space.

The best breeds of chicken for meat production

Purposeful selection of chickens for meat began recently, but farmers have been breeding some breeds for many hundreds of years. We offer descriptions best breeds meat chickens:


This is the most famous meat breed in Russia and abroad. Bred by crossing Chinese Cochin chicken with Malayan chickens. Introduced from Asia to America and England, from where it subsequently spread throughout Europe. It has high decorative qualities.

The most common today are two subspecies: light brahma and partridge.

Partridge Brama is the most popular type of meat chicken in Russia. These birds are undemanding to living conditions and develop well in both southern and northern regions.

The plumage of the Partridge Brahma is dense, thanks to which individuals retain heat well. Even the birds' feet are covered with feathers, and the color of the plumage resembles that of a wild partridge.

The weight is slightly lower than that of other meat chickens, but this is compensated by good egg production - 120 eggs during the calendar year. The weight of an adult is 3.5 - 3.7 kg, of a chicken - about 3 kg.

The partridge Brahma also has a significant drawback - individuals have a phlegmatic temperament, and this affects the incubation of eggs. Chickens simply forget to sit on eggs, and young chickens don’t even eat, because they are too lazy to make their way to the feeder.

Brahma chickens are unpretentious and eat a wide variety of food; the main thing is to ensure that the food is balanced in terms of nutrients and microelements.

It has an attractive plumage of a silvery hue, less commonly found with an ashy tint. The beak is yellow with black stripes, the neck is covered with a spectacular mane.

In terms of temperament and physiological characteristics, the subspecies of the light Brahma resembles the partridge Brahma, but lays fewer eggs - 100 - 110 per year, and has a greater mass. A rooster can be up to 4.5 kg, an adult chicken - 3.7 kg.

Jersey Giant chickens were bred in America more than a hundred years ago; they are the largest and profitable view meat direction. The Jersey giant is distinguished by its enormous size, due to which individuals are not able to overcome even low obstacles.

For this reason, in small farmsteads, where it is impossible to build a spacious one, it is important to organize good walking.

The Jersey giant lays eggs well and produces up to 110–120 eggs per year. But due to the large size of the body, it cannot hatch chicks; the eggs simply cannot support the chicken’s own weight and are crushed.

The weight of a chicken almost always reaches 4.5 kg, the weight of a rooster varies between 6.5 kg - 7 kg.

Pay attention! If the Jersey Giant is kept not only for meat, but also for eggs, you need to take care of the offspring. Start an incubator or lay eggs for smaller types of chickens.

When raising chicks and young animals, one must take into account the rapid weight gain characteristic of this breed. The diet of Jersey Giant chickens should be balanced and rich in proteins, calcium and various vitamins.

The breed is unique, obtained through multi-level crossing. This species is one of the five best meat chickens. More often, Plymouthrock chickens have white or variegated plumage. Chickens have a large body, but their legs are short, so the birds move funny. Individuals are calm and slow; it is necessary to observe that the young animals are not lazy in eating the food.

The advantage of the breed is the ability to eat any food, although representatives of this breed still give preference to greens. By two months, the young gain up to 1 kg of weight. The weight of an adult male is about 4.0 kg, and that of a chicken is 3.0 kg.

The Faverolles breed appeared in France thanks to factory selection, which is why it has a second name - French meat. The breed is distinguished by a successful combination of decorative properties and productivity.

The body is massive, slightly elongated. The legs are short and covered with feathers. The beak is short, the neck is heavily feathered, and there is a feathery beard under the beak. The comb is low, the lobes are hidden by feathery whiskers.

The large amount of plumage makes the breed resistant to cold weather. Based on color, there are subspecies of the breed: Colombian Faverol with bright plumage and Salmon Faverol with delicate feathers.

Faverolles chickens grow quickly, due to which there is a tendency to obesity. However, the weight of a healthy chicken is small - about 3.0 kg.

Individuals have low egg production - up to 100 eggs per year. The advantage is the ease of plucking Faverol chickens after slaughter. The feathers are easily removed, the skin remains intact, and there is no need to singe the skin after plucking.

Disadvantage – pretentiousness to the conditions of feed consumption. Faverol chickens are prone to dry food, diluted with green matter and vegetables. Do not eat viscous food. The species is characterized by high immunity, ease of cultivation and maintenance. Faverol chickens are especially loved by owners of small plots. Individuals are not prone to loosening the soil, which is common for chickens, and therefore will not cause significant damage to the garden.

Dorking chickens originated from England almost 150 years ago, and to this day they do not lose popularity among farmers. The breed is decorative and has a wide variety of plumage - white and black, ash and motley, striped red, blue and even with a pearlescent tint. It is believed that white Dorking chickens have tender and very juicy meat, but birds with colored plumage gain better body weight.

The disadvantages of Dorkings include a poor reaction to changes in temperature and humidity. The bird does not tolerate dampness, drafts, or sudden changes in weather. Individuals are prone to encephalitis, so experts advise vaccinating Dorking chickens two weeks before laying.

Please note that beginners should not start breeding chickens with the Dorking species. Demanding conditions for breeding will cause a lot of trouble for beginning farmers.


The breed was bred in the middle of the 18th century. in Great Britain during the famine. The task of the breeder W. Gilbert was to create a type of chicken with a large mass at minimum costs for food Cornish chickens originated in the county of Cornwall, so the second name of the species is the Cornish breed.

Cornish chickens are distinguished by white plumage, sometimes with black spots. But there are also black individuals with fawn, red or blue borders. The plumage is hard and smooth, fits tightly to the body, and there is little fluff.

The body is strong with a short neck, the back is elongated. The legs are short and powerful without feathers, and are yellow in color. Since fighting breeds from Asia were initially used to breed Cornish chickens, the individuals inherited an aggressive character. Chickens do not go easy on their hands; sometimes they can bully their fellow flock members.

Cornish chickens are a fast-growing meat breed, but have high egg production. They are capable of laying up to 150 eggs per year; the productive period begins at the age of 7–8 months.

  1. The weight of an adult male varies between 3.5 kg - 4.5 kg.
  2. Chickens – 2.5 kg – 3.5 kg.
  3. At two months the weight of the young reaches 2.0 kg.

The advantages of the breed include good adaptation to any external factors and content. Chickens are not lazy, they hatch eggs well. Disadvantages include low hatchability of chicks, slow feather growth, and a tendency to obesity if not properly composed.


This breed has been known in our country since the pre-revolutionary period. Malin chickens were bred by a Belgian breeder at the beginning of the 19th century. and now enjoy well-deserved respect among farmers. Malin chickens are also known as:

Malin birds have variegated, “cuckoo” colors. Later, breeders bred individuals with blue, deep black and pearl plumage, but such chickens are rare. Malin specimens have a strong body, short wings, feathered legs, and a bushy tail.

The weight of a chicken reaches 3 - 4 kg, a rooster - 5 kg. A young individual at one hundred days of age gains a mass of 2.5 kg. Chickens grow quickly and have high egg production. One individual per year can produce up to 160 large eggs weighing 55 - 65 g. The meat is tender, with fine fiber.

Malin chickens have good immunity and get sick less often than their fellow meat breeds. Thanks to their dense plumage, they tolerate frost well. The nesting and brooding instincts are low, so artificial incubation will have to be used for breeding.

An English breed of meat chickens that is popular all over the world. It has bright, soft and very lush plumage. The body is almost square in shape, but with a small head. Compared to individuals of other meat breeds, it is considered undersized. Colors can be very diverse, but Orpingtons' paws are always black or white with pink.

Orpingtons have a calm character, they are willing to be handled, and thanks to their bright colors they often become pets. The instinct for nesting and brooding is high, chickens have maternal responsibility, so the survival rate of Orpington young is high. Disadvantages include gluttony and a tendency to obesity.

Orpington is a fast-growing breed, the weight of a rooster reaches 5 kg and can compete even with the Jersey Giant. The weight of a chicken varies between 3 and 4 kg. Egg production is 130 eggs, but in the first year a young chicken can produce 150 - 180 eggs.

A Chinese breed of chicken that was raised for a long time only in China. Langshan has English and German subspecies. The advantages of European subspecies are the high survival rate of chicks and the viability of adult chickens. Langshan has a small mass for meat species, but high egg production. The weight of a rooster is 3 kg, a chicken is 2.5 kg. In a year, the bird is capable of laying up to 180 eggs weighing 60 g.

Cochins are a rare breed today, kept for decorative purposes, but were originally bred as a meat breed. Cochins come in dwarf and ordinary varieties; there are practically no differences in appearance. Since the species is based on the Brahma breed, Cochin inherited all the characteristics of this species: lush plumage and attractive color.

By temperament, individuals are calm, even a little lethargic. They move little, mostly sitting on perches. The breed is undemanding in nutrition, but the food must be balanced.

The weight of a rooster is between 5 and 5.5 kg, and that of a hen is 4.5 kg. Cochins are frost-resistant, but have almost no instinct for nesting and hatching chicks.

About broilers - differences from meat breeds

There is a misconception that broilers are meat chickens.

In fact, broilers are a cross, the main difference of which is the preservation of characteristics only in individuals of the first generation.

Pay attention! If you purchased broilers, do not waste time breeding offspring and do not purchase broiler eggs for incubation.

Appeared due to hybridization. Due to repeated crossing, hybrids with large mass and delicate taste of meat are obtained. But such crosses can only be created in the industrial conditions of poultry farms.

The most popular are two types of chickens: birds that lay eggs with white or colored (brown or pink) shells. Chickens that lay white eggs were created based on the Leghorn breed, and those with colored shells were based on the New Hampshire and Rhode Island breeds. However, the main difference between these poultry is not the color of the shell, but the direction of productivity.

Chickens with white eggs belong to the egg breeds, and those with colored eggs belong to the meat and egg breeds. However, there are also meat and sport breeds. Most often, chickens of the Orlov, Liven and Yurlov breeds, which were bred by amateur breeders, are bred on homestead farms. The main advantage of these breeds is their high viability, although egg production is at an average level.

Recently, chickens of miniature breeds have become popular, which, with low feed consumption and low body weight, are characterized by high egg production. However, such breeds are highly demanding in terms of living conditions.

Below are descriptions of the most common breeds of various types.

Breeds of laying hens with photos and descriptions

Chickens belonging to egg breeds are often characterized by high motor activity, they have light bones, dense plumage and low body weight. Characteristic feature Most egg hens have a developed leaf-like comb.

Egg production in chickens begins as early as four to five months after hatching, when the bird reaches the required body weight. Leghorn and Russian White chickens are most often bred on homestead farms, but sometimes other breeds are also found, the characteristics of which will be described below.

  • Russian white

Chickens of this breed were bred by Russian breeders by crossing Leghorns with birds of local breeds. A characteristic feature of birds is high vitality, good weight and excellent taste of meat.

Rice. 1. Russian white chickens

Birds begin to lay eggs at the age of five months, although the incubation instinct is weak. Live body weight can reach three kilograms in males and two kilograms in females.

The appearance of Russian White chickens is similar to Leghorn birds, but Russian White chickens have a slightly larger head (Fig. 1).

  • Leghorn

The breed was bred in the Italian city of Livorno, from where it was transported to Russia. The color of birds can be very diverse: from white and black to fawn, but the most common are white birds (Fig. 2).

The weight of adult Leghorn chickens can reach two kilograms, but they are characterized by high egg production (an average of 200 eggs per year). Eggs have a white and strong shell. However, despite the high percentage of hatching young animals, female Leghorn chickens do not have a developed brooding instinct, so it is more advisable to breed chickens of this breed in incubators.

Rice. 2. Leghorn chicken breed

Considering the high egg-laying qualities of Leghorn chickens, it was these chickens that were taken as the basis for breeding other breeds. At good conditions keeping birds are distinguished not only by excellent egg production, but also by high live weight, and brown-colored birds have higher weight, but egg production is lower with heavier eggs.

  • Poltava breed

Chickens of this breed can be clay or cuckoo in color. A distinctive feature of the birds is a bright leaf-shaped crest and the presence of red earrings and earlobes. The birds have yellow legs and beaks, but black-feathered chickens have dark, steely beaks (Figure 3).

Rice. 3. Poltava breed of chickens

Often chickens Poltava breed divorced by amateurs. The average weight of birds does not differ from other egg breeds (2 kg for females and 3 kg for males), egg production is satisfactory (up to 170 eggs per year), but in comparison with birds of other egg breeds, Poltava chickens have a well-developed brooding instinct.

  • Orlovskaya

The details of the breeding of this breed are still not known exactly. Distinctive feature chickens of the Oryol breed is an athletic build and an exterior reminiscent of fighting birds (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Oryol egg breed

Oryol chickens lay medium-sized eggs with pale pink or white shells. Due to the original black or mahogany coloring, Oryol breed chickens are often used as exhibition specimens.

In addition, the advantage of this breed is its high vitality and adaptability to bad weather conditions, relatively good egg production (160 eggs per year) and body weight (up to 3 kilograms).

  • Pushkinskaya

Chickens of the Pushkin breed have striped-gray feathers (Fig. 5). Roosters are white with small gray spots. As a rule, chickens of this breed are bred to produce eggs, since the annual egg laying is more than 200 pieces. However, poultry meat is also distinguished by its high taste.

The advantages of Pushkin breed chickens are high survival rate in harsh climates, and undemanding conditions for keeping and feeding. Since the breed was bred artificially, chickens cannot fly and run poorly, so they are excellent for keeping in open enclosures.

  • Araucana

Araucana chickens were brought to us from South America. Externally, they are very different from the domestic chickens we are used to (Fig. 5). Firstly, they are completely devoid of a tail, and secondly, the birds have a kind of collar of feathers on their heads. In addition, the shells of eggs have a pale green color, and although Araucana chickens are good layers, for our area they can be considered not only egg-laying, but also decorative.

Rice. 5. Pushkin breed of chickens (1a and 1b) and Araucana (2a and 2b)

Despite the fact that chickens of this breed were bred in South America, they tolerate even low temperatures well, quickly adapt to climate changes and have high resilience. Besides, puberty in hens it occurs early, but they lack the instinct to incubate, so young animals can only be hatched in incubators. In addition, Araucanian roosters are very aggressive.

  • Loman Brown

The Loman Brown chicken breed was developed as a result of selection work and crossing of several species, so the birds may differ in color. The most common are golden brown and white (Fig. 6).

Loman Brown is a very unpretentious breed in terms of keeping conditions, therefore such birds are bred not only on homestead farms, but also on industrial enterprises. A distinctive feature is not only high egg production, but also early maturity. However, the characteristics of the breed are completely lost when young animals are bred in an incubator, so to renew the flock, eggs and young chickens will have to be purchased from special farms.

  • Dominant

The cross was bred in the Czech Republic, and thanks to breeding work, chickens of the Dominant breed are distinguished not only by their high egg productivity and vitality, but also by their beautiful appearance(Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Chickens of the breed Loman Brown (1a and 1b) and Dominant (2a and 2b)

The disadvantage of the breed is that the birds are almost impossible to hatch in an incubator. Despite the high egg production, one egg can have two or three yolks, which negatively affects the hatching of young animals.

Description of meat and egg breeds of chickens

Such breeds are also widespread among poultry farmers, since the birds are not only distinguished by high egg production, but also by good quality meat.

The precocity of chickens of meat and egg breeds is almost the same as that of birds of egg breeds. However, they have a calmer character and are less demanding of living conditions. In particular, meat and egg chickens do not require the installation of special high fences or fences in walking areas.

Most meat and egg breeds of chickens were developed through crossbreeding. The most common breeds and their descriptions are given below.

  • Rhode Island

The breed was brought to the USA in the mid-19th century¸ but Rhode Island chickens were brought to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th.

The distinctive characteristics of the Rhode Island Kuro's exterior are its strong build: a horizontal rectangular body with a convex chest, a long straight back, strong legs, small wings and a well-feathered tail (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Meat and egg chickens of the Rhode Island breed

The birds have yellow skin and brown-red feathers (some of the tail and flight feathers are black). Birds are different yellow beak and red bright earlobes.

The average weight of Rhode Island roosters reaches 3.5 kilograms, and hens - three kilograms. Every year the birds bring about 170 eggs with light brown shells.

  • New Hampshire

This is the second most common meat and egg breed of chicken. It was also brought to the USA in the 30s of the 20th century. The breed was based on Rhode Island chickens. However, New Hampshire chickens have higher egg production, viability and hatchability rates.

Puberty and egg production in chickens begins at the age of six months. The shells of eggs are brown, and the hatchability of chickens reaches 85 percent, although the brooding instinct of New Hampshire chickens is less developed than that of Rhode Island.

Rice. 8. New Hampshire chickens

Externally, New Hampshire chickens resemble Rhode Island chickens, but are distinguished by lighter, chestnut plumage. The birds have a very calm character, so they are often kept in cages (Fig. 8).

All New Hampshire birds are divided into two types:

  1. Broiler has pronounced meat productivity;
  2. Egg - chickens of this type can lay up to 200 eggs per year.

The live weight of birds, regardless of the direction of productivity, reaches 4 kilograms for roosters and 3 kilograms for chickens. The chick hatch rate is 78 percent, but New Hampshire chicken flocks often have few brood hens.

  • Plymouth Rock

Plymouth rock chickens were bred in the United States more than a hundred years ago by crossing several breeds of birds. The most common are the white and striped varieties of chickens. White is considered more popular for farms with meat productivity.

Puberty begins as early as six months of age, and hens lay eggs with light brown shells. The advantage of Plymouth rock birds is the high hatchability of chicks (up to 80 percent) and a well-developed brooding instinct. Chickens are also distinguished by their calm nature (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Appearance of Plymouth Rock chickens

A characteristic feature of chickens of this breed is rapid development, but slow plumage growth. The birds are distinguished by excellent meat qualities: chickens can be sent for slaughter at the age of 56 days, when their weight exceeds one and a half kilograms. A one-year-old rooster weighs 3.6 kilograms, and the live weight of an adult male exceeds 4 kilograms.

  • Jersey giant

Chickens of the Jersey Giant breed are one of the largest. Despite their high meat productivity, chickens are also distinguished by their excellent egg production (up to 180 eggs per year). Since chickens are quite large, they require special living conditions, in particular, extensive walking. In addition, laying hens often crush eggs in nests, so they need to be removed in time.

  • Orpington

Despite the fact that Orpington chickens belong to the meat-egg production direction, they are valued precisely for their meat qualities (Fig. 10). Weight adult is up to 5 kg, while the annual egg production of laying hens is 160-180 eggs.

Rice. 10. Chickens of the Jersey Giant (1a, 1b) and Orpington (2a, 2b) breeds

Chickens grow slowly and require high-quality feeding. At the same time, caring for chickens of this breed can be called simple, since the birds have a calm character and are unpretentious to climatic conditions.

  • Legbar

Legbar chickens are characterized by an average weight (up to 3 kg) and egg production (up to 200 eggs per year). A distinctive feature is the light green or blue color of the shell. However, birds have high endurance and good health, which makes caring for them much easier.

  • Russian Crested

Russian Crested chickens can be safely called universal. They are distinguished by high egg production, which practically does not depend on the season, and the weight of an adult individual can reach 3-4 kg. In addition, Russian crested chickens come in a variety of colors, and the presence of a small crest on the head also gives them decorative value (Fig. 11).

  • Foxy Chick

This is a fairly common breed in homesteads, since Foxy Chick chickens do not require special conditions content, are in good health and high level hatchability of young animals. At the same time, they have tasty and tender meat with almost no fat, and the annual number of eggs from one hen reaches 250 pieces.

Rice. 11. Breeds of chickens for meat and egg production: 1 - Legbar, 2 - Russian Crested, 3 - Foxy Chick

Others, less common ,include(Fig. 12):

  1. Moscow: Birds have a long body and a convex chest. The plumage is black, but there are patches of yellow feathers on the neck (hens) or on the neck and back (roosters). A distinctive feature of chickens is the high hatchability of chickens (about 90 percent).
  2. Wyandotte- a breed of chickens with an average live weight (up to 3.5 kg for roosters and 3 kg for hens) and egg production (up to 180 eggs annually). The feather color of Wyandotte chickens can be black, white, yellow or golden.
  3. Kuchin anniversary The breed is distinguished by good meat qualities and high vitality. The plumage of hens is often light red with a golden mane, while roosters, in addition to red plumage and a golden mane, have black plumage on the chest and tail. The egg productivity of Kuchin Jubilee breed chickens reaches 180 eggs per year.
  4. Yerevan breed of chickens was bred in Armenia by crossing local birds with Rhode Island and New Hampshire chickens. Chickens have an average body weight (up to 3.5 kilograms) and egg production (160-180 eggs per year).
  5. Sussex- chickens are silver-gray in color with a fairly high egg production (up to 200 per year). Birds are also distinguished by early sexual maturity, but their brooding instinct is poorly developed.

Rice. 12. Common meat and egg breeds: 1 - Moscow black, 2 - Wyandotte, 3 - Kuchinskaya, 4 - Yerevan, 5 - Sussex

These are also often grown at home. breeds of chickens for meat and egg production(Fig. 13):

  1. Zagorsk salmon. It was developed in the middle of the last century in Russia. The color of the feathers is light brown. The advantages of birds are not only high egg production and meat quality, but also unpretentiousness to living conditions. Since the breed was bred specifically for the climatic conditions of Russia, the birds tolerate even the most severe frosts.
  2. Master Gray. Chickens of this breed grow quickly and gain weight, while maintaining high egg production (up to 300 eggs per year). Since the birds are quite large, they need to be equipped with special spacious chicken coops and extensive paddocks.
  3. Maran. Compared to other meat and egg breeds, Maran chickens have an average egg production (up to 150 eggs), but the meat is characterized by high taste. The main feature of Maran chickens is mobility, so extensive walking areas are provided for them.
  4. Bielefelder- a productive meat and egg breed of chickens. The egg production of females practically does not decrease in winter, and the weight of an adult chicken can exceed 4 kg. Bielefelder chickens are sensitive to drafts, so the house is insulated for the winter.
  5. Adler Silver. Laying hens of this breed produce large eggs and are highly productive. At the same time, they are also suitable for slaughter for meat, as they quickly gain weight.
  6. Amrox. One of the most popular breeds for meat and egg productivity. Amrox chickens are characterized not only by high egg production (up to 200 eggs per year), but also by good quality meat and almost 100% rearing of young animals at home.

Rice. 13. Other popular meat and egg breeds of chickens: 1 - Zagorskaya Salmon, 2 - Master Gray, 3 - Maran, 4 - Bielefelder, 5 - Adler Serebristaya, 6 - Amrox

It is worth noting that in various regions they quite often breed local breeds, which are distinguished not only by high quality meat, but also by good egg production. These breeds include the Orpington, Yurlovskaya, Pervomayskaya, Livenskaya and Australorp breeds, which have not become very widespread lately. A distinctive characteristic of these breeds is the rapid growth of young animals, whose weight at ten days of age exceeds a kilogram. You will learn even more from the video useful information about the peculiarities of breeding and keeping chickens of meat and egg breeds using the example of the Amroks species.

A distinctive feature of meat breed chickens is their large size and more compact horizontal body (compared to egg breed chickens). Chickens have loose plumage, dense bones, short legs and a phlegmatic character.

Since the main breed of chickens is meat production, their egg production is poorly developed, but the brooding instinct is developed quite well. Below are the distinctive features of the most common meat breeds of chickens, and Figure 14 shows the characteristic external features of meat-producing birds.

  • Corniche

Birds of this breed are a cross between English fighting and Malayan chickens. However, until the mid-20th century, Cornish chickens were not very common. This was explained by the fact that birds low egg production and low egg mass, chicks hatch poorly and fledge slowly.

A selection was made, as a result of which chickens with relatively high egg production with light brown shells were obtained.

Rice. 14. Meat breeds chickens: 1 - Cornish, 2 - Brama, 3 - Cochin

Chickens are white in color; in addition, the birds are distinguished by their large body weight (more than 4.5 kg for roosters, and about 3.5 kg for chickens).

It was the Cornish birds that were taken as the basis for many crosses intended for breeding broilers.

  • Brahma

Chickens of the Brahma breed differ in appearance from others. They have almost no crest and have fluffy feathers on their legs. In addition, all roosters of this breed have a unique collar around their necks made of feathers that contrast with the main color.

There are many subspecies of the breed, but the weight is approximately the same: up to 3.5 for hens and up to 4.5 for roosters.

  • Cochin

This is another fairly common meat breed of chicken. The live weight of birds reaches 5.5 kg for males and 4.5 kg for females. Chickens lay eggs with light brown shells, and the color of the feathers of Cochin chickens can be black, white, fawn or even blue.

  • Faverolles

Birds of this breed gain weight very quickly and by the first year of life reach a weight of 3.5-4 kg. At the same time, their egg production is quite high for meat production: up to 160 eggs per year. The appearance of Faverol chickens can be seen in Figure 15.

Rice. 15. Chickens of the Faverol breed

Additionally, dwarf chickens of the Faverol breed were bred, whose weight does not exceed 1 kg, but egg production is significantly higher and practically does not decrease in winter.

The video provides detailed information about breeding and keeping chickens of the Brama meat breed.

Sports and decorative breeds of chickens

In addition to the breeds described above, some homestead farms also breed sporting and ornamental birds.

Most famous sport chicken breeds include(Fig. 16):

  • English fighters are the most common chickens. The birds have a very unique appearance: a head with a wide forehead and a small crest, a vertical neck, dense plumage, long and strong legs. In addition to their strong build, the birds have a very aggressive character and featherless legs. Egg production is low (about 100 eggs per year), but English fighting breed chickens are often used for crossing with meat breeds to improve the strength of the physique and greater development of the pectoral muscles.
  • Kulangi most common in Uzbekistan. Feather color can be brown, black or red. The weight of roosters can exceed 4 kg, and hens - 3 kg.

Rice. 16. Sports and decorative breeds of chickens: 1 - English fighting, 2 - kulangi, 3 - bantam, 4 - shabot

Ornamental chicken breeds are often bred on homestead farms for aesthetic purposes. Birds can be much smaller standard size, have a long tail (or no tail at all) or have unusual plumage.

The most famous decorative breeds of chickens are(Fig. 10):

  • Bantams are the most common ornamental chickens, since this breed includes many subspecies of dwarf birds. The first group includes the bantams themselves, and the second group includes dwarf copies of other breeds (Langshans, Cochins). The birds have low egg production (up to 100 eggs per year), and their body weight does not exceed a kilogram.
  • Shabo - dwarf breed chickens, which are often bred for decorative purposes. Feathers can be white, yellow, porcelain or calico. The weight of adult roosters reaches only 600 grams, and hens - 500 grams.

Pavlovskaya is also considered one of the most famous ornamental breeds of chickens (Fig. 17). Such birds are not bred for meat and eggs, since the weight of an adult individual rarely exceeds one and a half kilograms, and laying hens produce only about 80 eggs per year. Pavlovsk chickens have a very beautiful unusual golden-brown color and a large crest on the head. From a maintenance point of view, Pavlovsk chickens are very demanding: they cannot be kept in cages, and the range must be spacious.

Rice. 17. Chickens of the Pavlovsk breed

More useful information about chicken breeds is given in the video. You will learn how to properly care for birds and keep them for profit.

Modern poultry farming is represented by breeding the most different types chickens: from decorative mini-breeds to egg-laying and meat-bearing ones. Meat breeds of chickens have gained immense popularity all over the world due to their record size, rapid weight gain and quality of meat. Many experienced farmers note that such birds have a calm character, and the hens make excellent brood hens.

Meat chickens are characterized as large birds with majestic posture and dense bones. They are often bred on private farms not only to produce a carcass, but also to decorate the yard, because many of them boast extraordinary plumage or unique coloring.

Despite the existing differences in appearance, common features of all meat breeds can be identified:

  • In terms of exterior characteristics, chickens are characterized by a stocky, horizontal build with a powerful body, a pronounced chest and massive hips. The legs are strong and short, the plumage is quite loose. Most often, the ridge is poorly or moderately developed.
  • The live weight of adult roosters reaches 5.5 kg, and that of hens – 3.5-4.5 kg.
  • Egg production is at a minimum, because the selection process was aimed specifically at increasing body weight. As a rule, laying hens are capable of producing no more than 130 eggs per year; some species have completely lost these skills.
  • Meat chickens need a large feed intake - at least 150-160 g per day for each individual.
  • Unlike egg hens, meat hens have well preserved their instinct for incubating and raising chickens.

Attention! Despite their fighting genes, birds have a calm, phlegmatic disposition and an extremely balanced psyche. Thanks to this, it is possible to grow representatives of the meat family in any conditions.

Free-range birds have delicious meat, but the rate of weight gain leaves much to be desired. The most common method of fattening on large farms is cage feeding. This type of maintenance allows birds to quickly gain weight and have meat. high quality, however, there is a likely risk of increased specific gravity fat layer in the carcass.

Free range for the birds gives the meat a special taste.

A compromise between cage keeping and free range is cage farming. This method is often used in small private farmsteads and farms.

The best breeds of chicken for meat production

It is known that the history of some meat breeds goes back many centuries. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to say when work began on breeding the first meat chicken. For a long time, birds were kept more for decorative purposes, but with an increase in demand for meat products, their breeding on a production scale began to gain momentum. The breeds were constantly subjected to changes, their qualities were improved and improved.

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which meat breed is best. After all, every poultry farmer has his own preferences: black choughs can be valuable due to the special taste of the meat, its structure and even color. However, over the many years of existence of the poultry industry, the most popular meat breeds have been identified.


Cornish chickens are characterized by rapid weight gain.

Large chickens with a powerful muscular physique, thanks to the use of fighting species in breeding. In large-scale production conditions, they are used both to obtain high-quality meat products, and in breeding work to improve other meat species. Currently, there are white, black, brown and double-edged colors.

The live weight of roosters reaches 3.5-4.5 kg, and hens – 3-3.5 kg. Egg production is about 100-150 eggs annually, weighing about 55 g each. All about the Cornish breed -


Faverol is the most elegant meat breed.

The breed has gained popularity among farmers not only because of its high meat productivity, but also due to its interesting feather decoration in the form of a beard and sideburns. In the homeland of these chickens, in France, there are two types of faverolles: light with a predominance of egg-laying qualities and heavy meat. The most common plumage colors are salmon and white.

Roosters can reach a weight of 3.5-4 kg, and chickens - 1.5-2 kg. Laying hens produce about 160-180 snow-white eggs per year, weighing 50 g with photographs and descriptions.


Cochin partridge.

An ancient Chinese breed, which is actively used for breeding highly productive crosses. These large chickens are also decorative, having quite loose and lush feather cover, covering even the metatarsus and toes. Cochins are most often characterized by a yellow or white color.

Mechelen cuckoo – malin

The Mechelen cuckoo reaches a weight of 4 kg.

A real pride of the Belgian people, with excellent taste. Birds are endowed with a massive shoulder girdle, a wide back and chest. A distinctive feature of the breed is short tail and unique “cuckoo” plumage in the form of inclusions or stripes. Colombian, silver, white, black or blue colors are allowed.

Every year, laying hens lay up to 160 eggs, but they categorically refuse to hatch them. Cockerels grow up to 5 kg, and feathered ladies - up to 4 kg. More information about this breed of chickens


Brahma chickens.

One of the most profitable breeds to breed. Main feature Brams are fully feathered legs that prevent them from digging the ground. They are fairly large birds, with strong legs, a small tail and a red, rose-shaped, three-part crest. The color of the plumage can be either dark or light.

The breed is very calm and resilient, unpretentious in maintenance and nutrition, and resistant to disease. Brahma can lay about 160 eggs per year. The weight of a rooster is about 5 kg, and that of a chicken is 4 kg. Description of the breed and characteristics of birds.


Rooster of the Langshan breed.

This breed has its roots in distant China, and subsequently began to actively develop in Europe. There, breeders managed to breed two lines of these birds:

  • English - have feathering on the metatarsus;
  • German - have bare metatarsals.

Langshans have a large build, a graceful head with a leaf-shaped crest, a long neck and a short bushy tail. A one-year-old male reaches a weight of 4.2 kg, and a chicken – 3.4 kg. Egg production is very good - up to 160 large eggs of light or reddish-yellow shades.


A family of Dorking chickens.

The oldest English breed, which has two varieties:

  • white – have a high taste of meat;
  • colored ones are larger than white ones, but are significantly inferior in taste to them.

The birds have a massive body with a broad chest and almost square shoulders, a rich mane and a bushy tail. Kvochkas have 5 toes on their paws.

It is also surprising that puberty in laying hens occurs at 3.5 months. They produce about 140 eggs per year, weighing no more than 66 g. The weight of a rooster reaches 4.5 kg, hens - up to 3.5 kg.


Broiler is not a breed of chicken, but a general name for early maturing hybrids.

Broilers are more likely not a breed, but a hybrid, since different breeds were gradually crossed to breed them. This species of birds is widely used in poultry farms, because it is much more economically profitable. Broilers are ahead of many meat breeds in terms of speed and weight gain, but they are not able to pass on their qualities to their offspring.

The crosses Isa, Loman, Ross, Cobb, StarBro and others have become very popular. The average weight of adult roosters is 4-4.5 kg, and hens - 3.5-4 kg. Learn more about broilers

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth rock chickens have spectacular plumage colors.

A unique breed of chickens that has several color types from light to black. Farmers who choose beautiful individuals for their farmstead give preference to striped Plymouth rock clumps.

Birds are characterized by a bulky body, against which the rest of the small body parts look funny. Plymouthrock has a calm disposition and particular slowness.

The average egg production is about 160-190 eggs per year, weighing up to 60 g. Gentlemen weigh from 3.5 to 4 kg, and ladies - 2.3-3 kg. Charming Plymouth rock at its finest.

Bresse Gaul

Bress Gali chicken and cockerel.

These aristocratic birds have good endurance, and their meat is valued by farmers for its nutritional value and unique taste. The snow-white plumage of French tussocks is distinguished by a bright red comb and wattles, and their highlight is their massive legs with smooth skin of blue or steel color.

Young Bress Gallic breeds are rapidly gaining weight. Males reach a weight of 5 kg, and females - 3.5 kg. Egg production is no less impressive: under good conditions, laying hens produce 180-240 eggs per year. Even more information about the breed.

Barbezier chickens

Barbezier chickens.

The French variety of barbezier chicken is considered a delicacy due to its red meat and unusual taste. According to the description, the breed is characterized by a harmonious body shape and majestic posture. The birds are quite tall: roosters grow up to 70 cm, and hens - up to 65.

Laying hens are distinguished by their large egg production and can produce about 160-200 eggs annually. Having reached the age of one year, cavaliers weigh from 4.5 kg, and chickens are on average 1 kg less.

The most meat breed of chickens

The best meat breed in terms of size and weight gain activity is the Jersey Giant. These American chickens are record holders among a huge number of their brothers, as they have impressive dimensions. Roosters weigh on average about 6 kg, and hens - 4.5 kg. They begin to lay eggs at six months of age and produce about 180 eggs annually.

Real Jersey giants weigh 6 kg.

Jersey giants are distinguished by a harmonious physique, despite their heavy constitution. They have a horizontal body with a long back, a leaf-shaped crest, a broad head and a bushy tail. about this breed.

Interesting! The largest individuals of the chicken community are registered among representatives of the Jersey giant breed.

Large, fast-growing chickens of meat breeds can provide families with juicy, healthy meat in one season, and chickens of egg-meat breeds will also replenish the poultry farmer’s diet with fresh eggs. Modern meat and egg-meat products are increasingly attracting the attention of owners of private farmsteads. These birds are strong, early maturing, quite hardy and easily adapt to being kept in summer chicken coops.

Characteristic features of poultry raised for meat are large size, strong bones and balanced character. In terms of egg production, many breeds of chickens of universal, meat-egg specialization are almost as good as laying hens of egg varieties, and meat chickens are good brood hens. To increase productivity, poultry farmers today actively use crosses - hybrid offspring from well-known breeds that take better traits from both parents.

For example, to produce many crosses of broiler chickens, representatives of the well-known and beloved White Plymouth Rock and Cornish meat breeds in Russia were used.

The Cornish meat breed of chickens or Cornish is an ancient variety of chickens, bred in the first half of the 19th century, which in the middle of the last century was widely known not only in Great Britain, but throughout the world. The birds gained popularity due to their ability to produce excellent meat crosses.

Today, white Cornish chickens are bred on an industrial scale for this very purpose. If we talk about the use of birds in private farms, then they are quite precocious, but, like all meat breeds, they produce very few eggs.

From one white female you can get 100 - 130 large brownish eggs per year. A colored bird produces an egg with a bright brown or speckled shell.

The American bird from the Plymouth Rock state first became known in the second half of the 19th century. The ancestors of modern meat chickens were representatives of the Brahma, Langshan, Cochin and other less known varieties today.

Today, Plymouth Rock chickens can have one of eight acceptable colors. White livestock is most often bred industrially, and bright representatives of this meat variety thrive in private farmsteads. The popularity of the rather old breed is maintained due to the unpretentiousness of the birds, their pronounced meat orientation and rapid growth. In just two months of life, chickens from a union of Plymouthrock and Cornish chickens can grow up to 1.8 kg.

Adult roosters weigh up to 4.5 kg, and chickens about 3.5 kg. During the year, laying hens produce about 170 large light brown eggs.

Widely known - this is not a meat breed, as many novice poultry farmers think. These are crosses - offspring from interbreed pairs of birds of the Plymouth Rock and Cornish breeds. Sometimes other meat breeds are also introduced into the broiler chicken production program, for example, Jubilee Kuchinsky, Brama or Cochin. Such chickens exhibit record meat productivity, but do not pass on their qualities to their offspring, so they are kept only until they reach marketable weight and are sent for slaughter.

The production of the meat breed of Brama chickens dates back to the middle of the century before last. American birds were bred from Asian fighting chickens, Kikhinhins and other varieties. The extremely large bird turned out to be so interesting that within 10–15 years they learned about it in the Old World. And to this day, chickens of this breed are extremely popular both in large industrial farms and among farmers.

Several varieties of Brahma chickens are raised in the world; the photo clearly shows the differences in the color of these birds, as well as the unusual features inherent in the breed and which determines its direction as an ornamental meat breed.

By modern standards, Brahma roosters can weigh up to 5 kg, and chickens about 4.5 kg. Females are excellent brood hens, and in a year they can produce about 120 brown eggs weighing up to 60 grams.

Worthy of becoming a decoration for a private farmstead, this breed of chicken quickly adapts to any living conditions, is not picky and tolerates winter well. The bird does not need large walking areas, does not fly and ideally coexists not only with other breeds of chickens, but also with other types of domestic animals.

The Chinese breed of chickens in Russia began to gain popularity quite recently, but in the middle of the century before last it managed to serve peace between Great Britain and the Middle Kingdom. Thanks to their lush plumage and extremely large size, the birds were a success not only among peasants and cooks, but also among owners of country estates, where Cochin chickens were raised as ornamental ones.

Representatives of this meat breed quickly and very actively gain weight. Roosters grow up to 6 kg, chickens are a couple of kilograms lighter. At the same time, the bird lays eggs well, producing 120 eggs per year with a brownish shell and a bright yolk.

If at first Cochin chickens were predominantly black or blue, today farms breed white and beautiful fawn birds. Chickens of the meat or egg-meat breed are not picky, calm, and get along with other birds. However, poultry farmers need to ensure that their pets do not overeat, otherwise they risk obesity.

To develop the domestic breed of chickens, the Kuchinsky Jubilee breeders used representatives of the best varieties of egg and meat-egg varieties. The result was a bird with decent egg production and good meat productivity. Truly versatile chickens have become a godsend for owners of small private farms and farmsteads who raise poultry for personal needs. Over the course of a year, Kuchin laying hens produce up to 240 eggs, and the adult population grows to 3–4 kg of live weight.

At the same time, the quality of meat of the Kuchinskaya Yubileiny breed is better than that of industrially bred broiler chickens. The bird is not capricious, easily tolerates both heat and winter cold, is not picky when choosing a diet and is precocious.

A characteristic feature of this breed of chickens is the difference in coloring of males and females, so you can easily separate a flock even at one day of age.

Among the breeds of meat and egg-meat chickens there are both giants and dwarfs. Breeders who obtained red white-tailed chickens in the UK used a natural mutation, which manifested itself in the fact that the birds’ legs were significantly shorter than those of their ancestors. Meat-egg chickens weigh no more than 1.7 kg and produce 150 brown eggs annually.

Mini meat chickens are very popular in European countries. They consume less feed, which has a positive effect on the cost of both meat and egg products, and are also unpretentious and easy to maintain. Today, in addition to the traditional red and white color, you can see birds dressed in white, black-red, gray-black feathers, with calico and smoky colors.

Mini meat chickens are not bred within the breed, but are used to produce fast-growing crosses that retain their parental habits. They eat little and are actively gaining weight.

The Faverolles chicken breed has become widespread in France since the beginning of the last century. The bird gained fame due to its original appearance and amazing quality of meat. The excellent consumer qualities of poultry are still valued today. Chickens of the meat and egg breed grow at an enviable speed, reaching 3–4 kg of live weight, and at the same time produce up to 180 brown eggs weighing at least 60 grams.

With excellent meat production, unlike other breeds of this trend, Faverol chickens are distinguished by thin bones. They quickly adapt to seasonal temperature fluctuations, are calm, but can gain excess fat.

French meat-egg chickens Maran are not very familiar to Russian poultry farmers, but in Europe these birds are popular thanks to high speed growth, amazing colors of plumage, bright, almost chocolate eggs and decent quality of meat.

Adult birds are quite large. A rooster can weigh up to 4, and a chicken up to 3 kilograms. At the same time, laying hens produce up to 150 extremely large eggs weighing up to 80 grams per year. The uniqueness of the chicken breed lies in their colors. The breed standard stipulates that birds can have white, black, wheaten, cuckoo or motley, and golden cuckoo plumage.

Beautiful silver birds with decent egg and meat production were bred in the Russian south. The Adler breed of chickens has a silver Colombian coloration and begins to lay eggs at six months. They produce from 170 to 200 cream eggs per year. Birds raised for meat, of course, are inferior to the original meat breeds of chickens, but they are also quite weighty. The rooster grows up to 4 kg, and the chicken up to 2.8 kg of live weight.

Decent egg production in laying hens of the Adler breed of chickens is maintained for 3–4 years, which makes it possible not to change the flock each year to collect a large amount of valuable dietary eggs.

Black-and-white Pushkin chickens received breed status not so long ago, but have already won sincere respect from poultry farmers. Some even call this variety of meat-egging birds the best for personal backyards. And there is every reason for such an opinion. First of all, chickens of this meat-egg breed are distinguished by their endurance and rapid acclimatization to any, even the most severe, conditions.

They are unpretentious, are excellent at finding food on their own when walking, are early maturing, and stand out from their relatives by their high egg productivity.

Roosters weigh up to 3 kg, chickens are a kilogram lighter. In a year, a laying hen can produce about 220 eggs with light cream or white shells. Chickens of this breed are distinguished by the fact that, with a relatively modest weight, they produce a well-fed, attractive carcass.

The ancient American breed of Amrox chickens has a characteristic “cuckoo” coloration, and according to the standard, each feather must end with a dark stripe. Due to the wider black markings on their plumage, females appear darker than males.

Having appeared in Europe, meat-egg chickens have established themselves as excellent layers, producing up to 220 eggs annually, as well as good meat birds. An adult rooster grows up to 4.5 kg, a chicken is one kilogram lighter. Amrox chickens have a calm disposition, quickly get used to new living conditions and grow well.

The ancient breed, originally from Romania, was originally called the Transylvanian Hollowneck. But after the improvement of the infusion of new blood, the indication of origin disappeared, and bare-necked chickens spread throughout the world.

The bird got its name due to the complete absence of any traces of plumage on its neck. On the rest of the body, the feather also grows unevenly, and some parts of the body are bare, like the neck of birds. With such an original appearance, naked chickens are a meat-egging variety that regularly produces up to 150–180 eggs annually and grows up to 3.5 kg in weight.

The domestic breed of chickens, Moscow Black, belongs to the meat-and-egg category and enjoys the well-deserved love of owners of small farms and household plots. The characteristic qualities of the breed include unpretentiousness in the choice of feed, the ability to be kept even in regions with harsh climates, and resistance to common diseases. poultry, as well as decent meat and egg productivity.

Already at four months of age, Moscow black hens begin to lay eggs and produce up to 250 light brown or cream eggs per year. Egg production continues in winter.

Adult roosters and chickens are not as well-fed as their meat relatives, but they show good performance for poultry. The live weight of a rooster is 3.5 kg, and that of a chicken is 2.5 kg.

Collection of chickens of different breeds - video

Today we can confidently say that chicken meat is the most popular and diverse. This type of bird provides its owners with a sufficient amount of meat that has excellent taste.

General characteristics of chicken breeds for meat production

If we compare meat chickens with other trends, we can say that these birds are distinguished by more massive dimensions, stocky physique, short and thick limbs, loose plumage and a rather calm disposition. As a rule, meat chickens demonstrate average egg production. Their superbly developed maternal instinct makes them excellent hens.

Breeds of meat chickens

Among the many meat chicken breeds on the territory Russian Federation The most widespread are:


This breed also has a second name - Cornish. The homeland of these birds is England. The ancestors of the Cornish breed were local fighting breeds. Chickens gained popularity around the world in the 60s of the last century. Females reach sexual maturity by six months of age and are capable of laying up to 160 eggs per year, each of which weighs about 60 grams.

As for the weight of an adult chicken, it ranges from 3.2 to 4 kilograms. Roosters are 1 kilogram heavier than their female companions. Cornish hens demonstrate excellent maternal qualities, being responsible for the process of incubating eggs.

Plymouth Rock

This breed of meat chicken was bred by American breeders at the end of the century before last and was the result of a rather long and difficult crossing. One Plymouth Rock hen can produce up to 180 eggs per year.

At the same time, the weight of an adult female can reach 3.5 kilograms, while the weight of an adult rooster starts from this bar and can reach 4.3 kilograms.


Cochins are a very ancient breed of chickens, dating back about 11 centuries. The breed owes its birth to Chinese breeders. It was they who managed to achieve excellent meat qualities for chickens of this breed.

European farmers became acquainted with Cochins in the mid-19th century and have enjoyed breeding these birds ever since. The Cochin chicken can lay up to 120 eggs within a year. The weight of each egg can reach 60 grams. Most often, chickens lay brown eggs. As for weight, females are able to gain up to 4 kilograms of live weight, while males weigh 1 kilogram heavier.


Chickens of this meat breed are called real giants, because their weight can reach 5 kilograms. However, most often they prefer to breed these birds exclusively for decorative purposes. This can be explained by the luxurious appearance of chickens, as well as the fact that they produce slightly tough meat.


This chicken breed, like Cochins, is a true long-livers. Due to their meat qualities, Langshans are often invited as improvers of outbred chickens. The Langshan hen is capable of annually delighting its owner with egg production of up to 120 light brown eggs, each weighing at least 55 grams.

Langshan hens in adulthood gain weight up to 3.5 kilograms, and adult roosters - up to 4 kilograms.

Jersey giant

Another meat breed. Belongs to one of the most large breeds, known to the world. It was bred by American breeders. Jersey Giants are hardy, tough and very strong chickens.

Adult males and females gain weight up to 5.5 and 4.5 kilograms, respectively. A chicken can lay up to 180 eggs per year, the shells of each of which are brown.

Features of breeding chicken meat breeds

As a rule, meat chickens do not require any special housing conditions. Of course, they must have a clean and well-kept enclosure, not experience a shortage of water and food, and also have the opportunity to shelter from light, wind and precipitation.

The size of the pen should be calculated based on the ratio of 10-15 birds per 1 square meter. In order for chickens to grow healthy and quickly gain weight, their diet must include millet, crushed oats and wheat, as well as cottage cheese, boiled eggs and whey.

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