Technical support. Instructions for installing an electronic signature Cryptopro technical support portal csp

CryptoPro CSP is a new generation of crypto provider, developing three main product lines of the CryptoPro company: CryptoPro CSP (classic tokens and other passive storage of secret keys), CryptoPro FKN CSP/Rutoken CSP (unretrievable keys on tokens with secure messaging) and CryptoPro DSS (keys in cloud).

All the advantages of products from these lines are not only preserved, but also multiplied in CryptoPro CSP 5.0: the list of supported platforms and algorithms is wider, performance is higher, and the user interface is more convenient. But the main thing is that working with all key media, including keys in the cloud, is now uniform. To transfer the application system in which CryptoPro CSP of any version worked to support keys in the cloud or to new media with non-removable keys, no software reworking will be required - the access interface remains the same, and work with the key in the cloud will occur exactly the same in the same way as with the classic key carrier.

Purpose of CryptoPro CSP

  • Formation and verification electronic signature.
  • Ensuring confidentiality and monitoring the integrity of information through its encryption and imitation protection.
  • Ensuring authenticity, confidentiality and imitational protection of connections using the TLS and IPsec protocols.
  • Monitoring the integrity of system and application software to protect it from unauthorized changes and violations of trusted functioning.

Cost of services

Supported Algorithms

In CryptoPro CSP, along with Russian ones, foreign cryptographic algorithms are implemented. Now users have the opportunity to use familiar key media to store RSA and ECDSA private keys.

Algorithm table

Supported key storage technologies

Cloud token

In the cryptoprovider CryptoPro CSP 5.0, for the first time, it became possible to use keys stored on the CryptoPro DSS cloud service through the CryptoAPI interface. Now keys stored in the cloud can be easily used by any user applications, as well as most Microsoft applications.

Media with non-retrievable keys and secure messaging

CryptoPro CSP 5.0 adds support for media with non-retrievable keys that implement the protocol SESPAKE, allowing authentication without transmitting the user’s password in clear text, and establishing an encrypted channel for the exchange of messages between the crypto provider and the carrier. An attacker located in the channel between the medium and the user's application can neither steal the authentication password nor replace the signed data. When using such media, the problem of secure work with non-removable keys is completely solved.

The companies Active, InfoCrypt, SmartPark and Gemalto have developed new secure tokens that support this protocol (SmartPark and Gemalto starting from version 5.0 R2).

Media with non-removable keys

Many users want to be able to work with non-retrievable keys, but not upgrade tokens to the FKN level. Especially for them, the provider has added support for the popular key carriers Rutoken EDS 2.0, JaCarta-2 GOST and InfoCrypt VPN-Key-TLS.

Classic passive USB tokens and smart cards

Most users prefer fast, cheap and convenient key storage solutions. As a rule, preference is given to tokens and smart cards without cryptographic coprocessors. As in previous versions of the provider, CryptoPro CSP 5.0 retains support for all compatible media produced by the companies Active, Aladdin R.D., Gemalto/SafeNet, Multisoft, NovaCard, Rosan, Alioth, MorphoKST and SmartPark.

In addition, of course, as before, methods for storing keys in the Windows registry, on a hard drive, on flash drives on all platforms are supported.

CryptoPro Tools

As part of CryptoPro CSP 5.0, a cross-platform (Windows/Linux/macOS) graphical application appeared - “CryptoPro Tools”.

The main idea is to provide users with the opportunity to conveniently solve common problems. All basic functions are available in a simple interface - at the same time, we have also implemented a mode for advanced users, which opens up additional opportunities.

Using CryptoPro Tools, the tasks of managing containers, smart cards and crypto provider settings are solved, and we have also added the ability to create and verify a PKCS#7 electronic signature.

Supported Software

CryptoPro CSP allows you to quickly and securely use Russian cryptographic algorithms in the following standard applications:

  • office suite Microsoft Office;
  • mail server Microsoft Exchange and client Microsoft Outlook;
  • products Adobe Systems Inc.;
  • browsers Yandex.Browser, Sputnik, Internet Explorer ,Edge;
  • application signature generation and verification tool Microsoft Authenticode;
  • web servers Microsoft IIS, nginx, Apache;
  • Remote Desktop Tools Microsoft Remote Desktop Services;
  • Microsoft Active Directory.

Integration with the CryptoPro platform

From the very first release, support and compatibility with all our products are provided:

  • CryptoPro CA;
  • CA Services;
  • CryptoPro EDS;
  • CryptoPro IPsec;
  • CryptoPro Java CSP.
  • CryptoPro NGate

Operating systems and hardware platforms

Traditionally, we work in an unrivaled wide range of systems:

  • Microsoft Windows;
  • Mac OS;
  • Linux;
  • FreeBSD;
  • Solaris;
  • Android;
  • Sailfish OS.

hardware platforms:

  • Intel/AMD;
  • PowerPC;
  • MIPS (Baikal);
  • VLIW (Elbrus);
  • Sparc.

and virtual environments:

  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • VMWare
  • Oracle Virtual Box
  • RHEV.

Table of operating systems supported by different versions of CryptoPro CSP.

Classification of operating systems for using CryptoPro CSP with a license for a workstation and a server.

Interfaces for embedding

For integration into applications on all platforms, CryptoPro CSP is available through standard interfaces for cryptographic tools:

  • Microsoft CryptoAPI;
  • PKCS#11;
  • OpenSSL engine;
  • Java CSP (Java Cryptography Architecture)
  • Qt SSL.

Performance for every taste

Years of development experience allows us to cover all solutions from miniature ARM boards such as Raspberry PI to multiprocessor servers based on Intel Xeon, AMD EPYC and PowerPC, with excellent performance scaling.

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Wholesale and retail sales in 1C:UNF

Automate the sales process using a trading scheme that suits you.

  • Registration of customer orders with a list of purchased goods, delivery times, costs.
  • The manager and managers can visually receive information about the status of customer orders, completed and planned shipments, and overdue orders.
  • Formation of a complete set of documents: delivery notes, invoices, invoices.
  • Before the transaction, you can make a preliminary calculation of the order to estimate the cost and calculate the amount of the discount / markup.
  • Customer orders can be shipped and paid for by KKM checks.

Automate the sales planning process using a trading scheme that suits you.

  • Sales plans can be drawn up both for the enterprise as a whole and for divisions, managers and individual product positions.
  • Planning can be carried out in physical and monetary terms.
  • Combining individual plans into a consolidated enterprise plan.
  • Means are provided to monitor the implementation of plans comparative analysis data on planned and actual sales: by individual employees, product groups and product items.

Automate the retail sales process by connecting the necessary retail equipment and conducting full accounting of activities.

  • Maintaining quantitative-cumulative or total accounting is supported.
  • It is possible to generate a TORG-29 product report, a report on movements and balances of goods at retail prices, and a report on sales at retail prices.
  • It is possible to connect a barcode scanner, fiscal recorder, data collection terminal, buyer display, magnetic card reader, electronic scales, acquiring terminal.
  • Full support of 54-FZ, EGAIS, GISM.

1C:UNF – solution for accounting and control of works and services

Keep detailed records of all work performed with efficiency analysis.

Track the completion of tasks by employees, analyze the services and work performed.

  • Monitoring the status of customer orders.
  • Analysis of employee task performance.
  • Identify deviations from planned schedules.
  • Analysis by clients, work orders.
  • Analysis of specialist workload.
  • Plan-actual analysis provision of services/works.

Plan the load of employees, equipment and other resources, provide regular services.

  • Formation of a schedule for the provision of works and services.
  • Sales planning.
  • Planning the load of employees, equipment and other resources.
  • Organization of repeat sales.

Accept and send products for repair with detailed record keeping.

  • Accounting by serial numbers.
  • Issuing warranty cards.

Issue invoices for regular services and send them to clients in 1 click.

  • Automatic invoicing for regular services (billing).
  • Additional services will be included in the invoice as a separate column.
  • Mass mailings invoices for regular maintenance.

Keep detailed records of contract (design) work, tracking each operation and performing all necessary calculations.

  • Accounting for orders, work orders, order states..
  • Maintaining a database of standard time costs for performing work.
  • Accounting for work performed, direct and indirect costs.

Online trading in 1C:UNF - full-fledged and effective work with an online store

Typical integration with popular content management systems (CMS): 1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, InSales, HostCMS, Rugento, Diafan.CMS, Shop-Script.

  • Registration of an application using work orders.
  • Accounting for services provided and work performed.
  • Registration of time spent by employees on providing services.

Keep a history of relationships with existing and potential customers, plan contacts with them, analyze the online store’s customer base.

  • Working with the customer base: a convenient list with different grouping, downloading contacts from Google address book, loading and unloading from Excel, invoicing, creating an order and work order, issuing documents, preliminary order calculation, creating an event (call, SMS, meeting), creating and sending an e-mail.
  • Free mobile telephony for receiving calls and outgoing calls.
  • Detailed client card with complete data and the ability to monitor cooperation.
  • Sales funnel: number of orders at each stage, average time to complete the state, amount of orders, conversion.
  • Sales department management with detailed setup of workflow automation.
  • Analysis of managers' work.

Maintain a unified database of orders with detailed accounting, execution control, support for all forms of payment and preparation of necessary documents.

  • Automation of the sales process using a trading scheme that suits you.
  • Detailed planning sales are carried out in physical and value terms.
  • Maintaining quantitative or total accounting.
  • Generating all necessary reports.
  • Connection of commercial equipment.

Keep records of goods in an online store across several warehouses, automate the calculation of the need for goods, and maintain a supplier price database.

  • Creation and customization of price lists based on many parameters.
  • Formation of sales prices.
  • Analysis of product prices in the last receipt, in the last sale, for the period.
  • Registration of discount cards, assignment of discounts on them, analysis of sales turnover.

Evaluate staff performance using detailed task performance statistics.

  • Planning and control of personnel work in the form of issuing work assignments or piecework orders. Employee calendar.
  • Automatic calculation of the variable part of employee salaries based on work results.
  • Personnel accounting: registration of employment, dismissal, personnel transfer, recording of working hours (timesheets).
  • Detailed information on the balances and dynamics of accounts payable for the period, including overdue debt and debt by maturity.

Prepare and submit individual entrepreneur reports directly from the program to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat and Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

  • Calculation of taxes, generation and sending of regulated reporting to government bodies - for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system/UTII.
  • Control of deadlines and payment of taxes on a patent, using the tax and reporting calendar or directly from the patent card - for individual entrepreneurs on a patent (PSN).
  • Formation of VAT declaration.
  • Sending reports via the Internet (1C-Reporting).

Keep full records, control, analysis and planning of cash flows in banks and cash desks.

  • Payment calendar for operational financial planning and control over the fulfillment of financial obligations.
  • Recording receipts, expenses and cash movements cash; printing incoming and outgoing cash orders, accounting for funds in foreign currency.
  • Registration of deposits and debits of non-cash funds, generation of outgoing payment orders, accounting of funds in foreign currency.

Automate the process of delivering goods to customers directly in 1C:UNF.

  • Effective and simple work under several delivery scenarios: your own courier / courier service or delivery by third-party couriers.
  • The program saves all necessary information: information about the recipient, volume and weight of the parcel, date, time and method of delivery, cost.
  • Flexible settings for calculating the cost/cost of delivery.
  • Collaboration with the Yandex.Delivery service.

Production and contracting work in 1C:UNF

Maintain detailed production records, tracking each operation and performing all necessary calculations.

  • Maintaining specifications.
  • Serial number accounting ( finished products and materials).
  • Registration of production orders.
  • Accounting for production and semi-finished products.
  • Accounting for direct and indirect costs.
  • Preliminary costing of orders
  • Calculation of actual cost.

Use effective tools to analyze and control production processes.

  • Tracking order statuses.
  • Monitoring the need for raw materials and materials.
  • Monitoring the execution of piecework orders.
  • Analysis of order fulfillment.
  • Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders.

Draw up detailed plans for production processes based on the data obtained from accounting and control systems.

  • Formation of a production plan.
  • Production schedule.
  • Planning piecework orders, direct and indirect costs.
  • Calculation of inventory requirements.


1C: Integrated automation

To monitor and analyze target performance indicators of an enterprise, you can use data from the target indicator monitor. System of target indicators - dashboard management for enterprise managers at all levels.

Using a system of target indicators allows you to:

  • promptly identify problem areas at any stage of enterprise management;
  • monitor the implementation of set goals;
  • analyze the effectiveness of key enterprise processes using indicators;
  • analyze goal structures;
  • evaluate current state business;
  • top managers to accept optimal management decisions on key processes based on data on the enterprise’s target indicators.

Benefits of the Target Monitor:

  • ease of use;
  • flexible system settings;
  • predefined set of settings;
  • the ability to create and control your own indicators;
  • obtaining information, both in a compressed form and in a more expanded form.

As part of budgeting, one of the main tasks of enterprise management is solved - a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the business models used.

Key budgeting capabilities are:

Treasury is a system that allows you to effectively manage funds in cash registers, bank settlement, currency, special and deposit accounts, and exercise control over payments of organizations.

The Treasury subsystem provides solutions to the following tasks:

  • planning of cash receipts and expenditures;
  • reflection of transactions with cash and non-cash funds;
  • control of cash availability;
  • control of the intended use of funds;
  • conducting cash transactions in foreign currencies;
  • work with accountable persons;
  • control of mutual settlements;
  • accounting of credits, deposits and loans.

Customer Relationship Management, also known as CRM or Customer Relationship Management, is an integral functional area modern integrated information system enterprises. CRM is a concept for managing customer relationships in an environment of active competition, aimed at maximizing the potential of each client and partner in the interests of the enterprise.

The CRM concept involves regular collection and analysis of information about each client:

  • how the client reacted to business proposal;
  • is he satisfied with the quality of service;
  • whether his preferences change over time;
  • how accurately he fulfills his obligations;
  • how much income the client brings (or could bring) to the enterprise.

For customer relationship management, the application solution offers the following capabilities:

  • regulate preliminary sales processes that occur before the execution of specific sales documents;
  • register contacts with new partners;
  • schedule events and receive reminders for them;
  • store complete contact information on contractors and their employees, history of interaction with them;
  • manage the sales process using the business process mechanism (transactions with the client);
  • analyze unfinished and plan upcoming transactions with customers and potential clients;
  • register and promptly process customer complaints;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of managers’ work with clients.

For sales management, the application solution provides the following capabilities:

  • set sales rules individual for the client or standard for client segments;
  • expose commercial offers clients;
  • reflect the needs of customers in the purchase of goods and services;
  • reflect the operation of shipment of goods to the client;
  • organize delivery of goods;
  • formalize implementation adjustments;
  • process the return of goods from the client.

The sales process can be represented as the following diagram:

Reflection of production activities allows you to:

  • log the results of executables production processes;
  • monitor compliance with material consumption standards, including at processing sites;
  • analyze the composition of work in progress (hereinafter referred to as WIP) in order to reduce the freezing of capital in WIP;
  • provide production accounting within the framework of maintaining accounting.

The following options are available for the warehouse management process:

  • using work areas to separate warehouse areas;
  • division of storage areas in accordance with warehouse groups (milk, fish, ice cream, furniture, etc.);
  • keeping records of goods at the level of warehouse cells (address storage of goods);
  • keeping records of goods at the warehouse level with reference use of warehouse cells (reference placement of goods);
  • use of various selection strategies to optimize the placement of goods in cells;
  • optimization of the placement of goods at an address storage warehouse in accordance with the sizes of cells and packages;
  • replenishment of quick selection zones for warehouses with targeted storage of goods.

Storage of goods in a warehouse can be organized in the following ways:

  • without the use of cells - the simplest type of storage, allows you to keep track of goods at the warehouse (premises) level;
  • in warehouse cells for reference placement - allows you to keep records of goods in the context of a warehouse (premises); storage of goods is provided in cells that correspond to a specific address (section, line, rack);
  • in warehouse cells for address storage - allows you to accurately determine the location of goods in the warehouse and keep records of goods by cell.

An unlimited number of warehouses can be specified for an enterprise. For each warehouse, you can define your own option for using storage cells. If the warehouse has several premises, then the option for using cells is specified for each warehouse premises.

Various options are available for purchasing management:

  • selection of goods suppliers;
  • different procurement conditions;
  • support for various schemes for receiving goods from the supplier;
  • various options for generating orders to suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • adjusting and closing orders to suppliers;
  • supplier price monitoring;
  • registration of delivery of goods;
  • drawing up delivery schedules and payment schedules;
  • adjustment of receipts and returns to suppliers.

The procurement process can be represented as the following diagram:

This diagram presents all stages of procurement processing - from the moment of registration of procurement conditions (supplier prices, payment terms, etc.) until the moment the low-quality goods are returned to the supplier.

Application solution allows you to reflect material, labor and financial costs. Estimation of costs in in monetary terms provides a commensurate reflection of the consumption of various resources by activity areas.

Main features:

  • accounting and distribution of item costs;
  • registration and distribution of itemized expenses;
  • write-off of costs for releases without orders for production;
  • formation of assets and liabilities;
  • calculation of production costs;
  • accounting for other expenses and income;
  • distribution of expenses for financial results.

The application solution allows you to register and distribute expenses that form:

  • Cost of manufactured products - costs are included in the cost of manufactured products (work performed);
  • Price current assets– formation of the full cost of acquisition and ownership of commodity and material resources;
  • Cost of non-current assets - formation of the cost of future fixed assets and intangible assets, accounting for expenses capital construction and carrying out R&D;
  • Financial result– the objects of accounting are areas of activity, organizations (including for the purpose of generating profits and losses of organizations), centers of responsibility in the form of divisions.

Depending on the economic interpretation, the following groups are distinguished as part of the enterprise’s expenses with different distribution orders:

  • Nomenclature costs - used to reflect direct costs production activities with quantitative measurement;
  • Itemized expenses - used to account for direct and indirect expenses, which are taken into account and distributed only in total terms;
  • The formation of assets and liabilities is a reflection of transactions related to the formation of assets or the registration of liabilities, the management of which is carried out, as a rule, manually or the very fact of registration of which is determined by accounting requirements.

Various HR and payroll management options are supported:

  • conducting staffing table;
  • maintaining work and vacation schedules;
  • employee time tracking;
  • formation of a wage fund;
  • registration of receptions, transfers, dismissals of employees;
  • reflection of changes in working conditions;
  • maintaining military records;
  • calculation wages;
  • carrying out mutual settlements with employees;
  • generation of regulated personnel reporting.

For regulatory accounting purposes, an enterprise is described as organizational structure, the main objects of which are organizations (legal entities) and divisions (services, departments, workshops, etc.).

The Organizations list is intended to indicate the organizations that are part of the enterprise and store permanent information about them. The organization can be legal entity, a separate division or an individual entrepreneur. For each organization, the necessary information is filled in in accordance with its constituent documents and the current one is registered accounting policy, which determines the parameters of taxation and valuation. The list of Organizations also contains a predefined organization - Management organization, which is used to separately reflect operations on regulated and management accounting.



All accounting in one program

1C:Accounting 8 is designed for accounting various types financial- economic activity enterprises

  • Whatever business your organization is engaged in - wholesale or retail trade, commission trade, provision of services, production or construction - you can keep records in 1C: Accounting 8.
  • In one information base you can keep records of the activities of several organizations and individual entrepreneurs. In this case, general directories of counterparties, employees and items are used, and reporting is generated separately.
  • The program supports various taxation systems: general regime for organizations, general regime for individual entrepreneurs, simplified tax system, UTII, patent system taxation.
  • 1C:Accounting 8 stores complete information about counterparties ( contact information, bank accounts, registration codes) and employees of the organization (passport data, individual codes, position, salary).
  • 1C:Accounting 8 automatically generates various shapes accounting and tax reporting, which can be printed, saved in a file for transmission to the Federal Tax Service, or transmitted via telecommunication channels directly from the program.

Everything is ready for accounting

To work in 1C:Accounting, no special knowledge is required

Just start keeping track

To start keeping records in 1C:Accounting 8, just enter information about the organization and specify the accounting policy parameters.

Simply enter a business transaction

Account correspondence is a program navigator that can be used both during the initial development of the program and in ongoing work when registering business transactions. The correspondence directory will help you understand, based on the correspondence of invoices or the content of a business transaction, how to reflect the operation in the program. By following the link to the article in the ITS business transactions directory, you can obtain detailed information about the features of registering a business transaction.

Just fill out the document

  • When filling out documents in 1C: Accounting 8, a significant part of the data is filled in automatically. For example, the main organization, warehouse, item and contractor accounts.
  • You can simply transfer the entered information from one document to another. For example, based on an invoice, you can issue a delivery note.

Simply analyze the accounting status

For operational analysis of the accounting status in 1C: Accounting 8, various reports are provided: balance sheet, account analysis, account card and others. Each report is customized to provide only the information you need.

Easy to prepare tax and accounting reports

  • The program includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended for presentation to the organization’s owners and supervisors. government agencies, including forms financial statements, tax returns, reports for statistical authorities and government funds.
  • The mode for checking control ratios of tax returns in accordance with the recommendations of the Federal Tax Service allows you to identify methodological and arithmetic errors made by the user when preparing the report. If accounting is carried out using staff documents"1C: Accounting 8", and reporting is generated based on data information base, in most cases the control ratios will be met automatically. The function of checking control ratios is necessary when using manual entry of transactions or adjusting reporting indicators.
  • Prepared reports are saved in the program, which makes it easy to return to them in subsequent periods. Report indicators can be adjusted manually; the program will remember all the changes you make. Batch mode allows you to print reports and upload them to electronic form without preview.
  • The 1C-Reporting service allows you to send reports to regulatory authorities directly from 1C: Accounting 8, as well as conduct correspondence, carry out reconciliations and exchange other documents with regulatory authorities.

Completeness and timeliness of VAT accounting

VAT accounting is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter. 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Automated filling of the purchase book and sales book. For VAT accounting purposes, separate accounting is carried out for transactions subject to VAT and those not subject to taxation in accordance with Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Complex economic situations are monitored in accounting for VAT during sales using a 0% VAT rate, during construction using an economic method, as well as when an organization performs the duties of a tax agent. Amounts of VAT on indirect costs in accordance with Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be distributed among sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.

Simplicity and clarity of tax accounting

Accounting and tax accounting are recorded in one entry. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data and compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” The correctness of income tax calculation can be analyzed using the report Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax.

Determination of income and expenses under the simplified tax system

The amount of income and expenses recognized when applying the simplified taxation system is determined automatically by the program. A book of income and expenses and a tax return are also automatically generated.

Personal income tax, taxes (contributions) to the Pension Fund

Personal income tax and taxes (contributions) are calculated automatically. It is enough to indicate the amount of monthly accrual to employees. Information for transfer to the Federal Tax Service and tax reporting is automatically generated.

Functionality and ease of management of standard accounting reports

  • In standard accounting reports, you can analyze accounting and (or) tax accounting data, as well as the amounts of permanent and temporary differences. In addition, it is possible to immediately monitor compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” For this purpose, the ability to control the implementation of the rule BU = NU+PR+VR has been implemented.
  • Reports contain new possibilities for grouping, selecting, and sorting information. For example, you can display in reports not only the name of the item, but also other details - code, VAT rate, etc.
  • Report data can be presented graphically - display a diagram. It is possible to change the design of reports - apply different colors and fonts, highlight amounts with negative values etc.
  • Reports meet requirements Federal Law 402-FZ “On Accounting” to accounting registers.

Automation of the most time-consuming calculations

1C:Accounting 8 automates the most time-consuming and complex calculations.


1C: Trade Management

1C: Trade Management 8" is a modern tool for increasing the business efficiency of a trading enterprise.

"1C: Trade Management 8" allows you to comprehensively automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning trading operations, thereby ensuring effective management modern trading enterprise.

The subject area automated using "1C: Trade Management 8" can be represented in the form of the following diagram.

"1C: Trade Management 8" automates the following areas of business activity:

  • customer relationship management;
  • sales rules management;
  • sales process management;
  • control sales representatives;
  • inventory management;
  • procurement management;
  • warehouse management;
  • goods delivery management;
  • financial management;
  • control and analysis of target performance indicators of the enterprise.

The program can register both already completed and planned business transactions. "1C: Trade Management 8" automates the preparation of almost all primary trade and warehouse accounting documents, as well as cash flow documents.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is designed for any type of trading operations. Accounting functions have been implemented - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to maintain management accounting for trading company generally. For an enterprise with a holding structure, documents can be drawn up on behalf of several organizations included in the holding.

The functionality of the solution can be flexibly adapted by enabling/disabling various functional options. For example, in this way the program can be significantly simplified for small organization, disabling many features necessary only large companies(disabled functionality is hidden from the interface and does not interfere with users’ work). The following will be a description of the functionality of the solution including all options.

"1C: Trade Management 8" provides automatic selection of data necessary for accounting and transfer of this data to "1C: Accounting 8".

Using the Trade Management program together with other programs allows you to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The Trade Management program can be used as control system for the solution "1C: Retail 8".

The 1C:Enterprise thin client update process is an installation new version programs. At the same time, deleting old versions is not necessary; old versions remain functional. If there is no need for old versions, they can be removed using normal methods without affecting the functionality of current versions.

To install new versions of the 1C:Enterprise thin client, the following scenarios can be used:

  • Manual update;
  • Automatic update using the 1C:Enterprise platform;
  • Automatic update by OS administration tools.

The choice of a specific scenario is determined primarily by the security requirements of the local information system. The key security criterion is the level of user rights, generally represented as limited or administrative.

In the case of a limited set of rights, the user usually does not have the right to install the software. In this case, installation of the software can be carried out by the user with a temporary increase in the level of rights or operating system. The installation script must allow for this need.

If the user has administrative privileges, then the question of sufficiency of rights to install the software does not arise and it is permissible to use any scenario.

Manual updating is used, as a rule, on a small number of workstations. In this case, the program installation process must be launched with elevated privileges.


1C:Web client


1C: Document flow

"1C: Document Flow 8" is a software product that helps automate all stages of processing internal, incoming and outgoing documents.

The principle of accounting for all types of documents included in the program corresponds to Russian legislation, GOSTs and domestic office work practice. Multi-user work supported local network or over the Internet using a web browser or thin client.

Features of "1C: Document Management 8":

  • centralized secure storage of documents;
  • prompt access to documents taking into account user rights;
  • registration of incoming and outgoing documents;
  • viewing and editing documents;
  • document version control;
  • full-text search of documents by content;
  • work with documents of any type: office documents, texts, images, audio and video files, design system documents, archives, applications, etc.;
  • collective work of users with the ability to coordinate, approve and control the execution of documents;
  • routing of documents (configurable for each type of document);
  • automated loading of documents from the scanner and from e-mail;
  • accounting and control of employee working hours.

The program "1C: Document Flow 8" allows you to:

  • Organize work with documents, eliminating possible loss of versions or intersections of fragments during simultaneous work;
  • Reduce search time and total document processing time;
  • By resolving a large number of issues and streamlining the work of users, it allows you to improve the quality of the finished material (projects, documentation, etc.).

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Today I would like to talk about how technical support for products in our online store works, as this raises many questions. So what to do if you have " nothing works"?

Write us an email or call

Technical support for cryptographic software or related hardware is not an easy task.

  • Firstly, cryptography itself as a field of knowledge is quite complex.
  • Secondly, there are many products, and each has many features.

Therefore, our capabilities, as an online store, are to provide technical support for all these products are quite limited. We can answer your questions about the product, help you choose the right one, tell you how to activate your license and perform the simplest operations.

If your question turns out to be beyond our competence, we will redirect you to the software manufacturer’s support service and help you correctly voice the problem to technical support specialists.

I would also like to note the service that we added due to numerous requests from our clients: " Remote installation and configuration of software". Often the process of installing and initial software configuration turns out to be too complicated for the user, and technical specialist not within reach or the result is needed urgently.

For such clients we have added to our catalog Certificate for remote installation service. It works like this: after the purchase, we contact the client within a couple of hours, and using a remote connection to his workplace, install and configure software which he purchased from us. We usually install and configure programs such as CryptoPro CSP , CryptoARM , CryptoPro Office Signature, we help you start working with tokens or smart cards(install drivers and all necessary utilities).

CryptoPro support service

The CryptoPro company is a manufacturer of such software products as CryptoPro CSP, CryptoPro Office Signature and a number of others (the name must contain the word CryptoPro). Free technical support from CryptoPro is provided in two ways: on the company forum and via email. However, if the problem needs to be solved urgently, then the response time to such requests may not be satisfactory. For those who need quick technical support over the phone, the company has issued special certificates for technical support.

For everyone software product there is a certificate, for example here " Certificate for annual technical support of CIPF "CryptoPro CSP"“at one workplace” entitles you to technical support only for the CryptoPro CSP program, and for other products you will need to purchase a different certificate.

Phone numbers and email addresses for CryptoPro technical support can be found on this page:

Technical support service for the CryptoARM program

If you have problems with the program CryptoARM, then you can contact the company's technical support service" Digital technologies ". The situation there is similar to CryptoPro - there is no free telephone support, but there is email support. Paid technical support is also present: a certificate for CryptoARM technical support at one workplace is possible.

Rutoken product support

Support for tokens (or smart cards) Rutoken is provided by the manufacturing company "Active". Here, all technical support is provided free of charge, both by phone and by email. You can find answers to frequently asked questions, ask a question or find a technical support phone number on this page:

Technical support for eToken and JaCarta products

Support for tokens, eToken and JaCarta smart cards provided by the manufacturing company " Aladdin R.D."The Aladdin R.D. company provides technical support free of charge; you can contact technical support on this page:

What to do if you urgently need paid technical support, but have not purchased a certificate?

If you urgently need to fix software problems, and free technical support does not satisfy you with the speed of response, then the best option would be to purchase a technical support certificate. We will send you the certificate number within 10-15 minutes after payment (we really have a lot payment methods), and you will immediately be able to receive prompt technical support from the manufacturer.

1 . Launch CIPF “CryptoPro CSP”. On the “Service” tab, click the “View certificates in container” button:

2 . Insert the digital signature media and click the “Browse” button:

3 . In the list that appears, select the desired certificate and click “OK”:

For electronic signatures issued at the Alta-Soft certification center after July 26, 2018, two containers will be shown. One of them was formed according to the new GOST R 34.10-2012, valid from 01.01.2019. You need to install both by repeating steps 3 - 9 for each container.

Note: On current moment With the new GOST R 34.10-2012, only the CryptoPro CSP cryptographic information protection system version 4.0 works. CIPF “CryptoPro CSP” 3.9 and older versions will give an error when installing the container according to the new GOST.

5 . In the window that appears, click the “Install certificate” button:

8 . Click the “Finish” button:

9 . Click the “OK” button:

Note. When installing the Alta-GTD program on terminal-server you need to follow the above installation procedure on the server itself.

In order for the terminal-server to “see” the digital signature media connected to the client, it is necessary to check the “Smart cards” checkbox in the “Local devices and resources” section in the properties of the RDP client (must be version no lower than 6.1 - Windows XP SP3 and later) .

When starting to work with an electronic signature, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1. Crypto provider

To work with an electronic signature, a crypto provider must be installed on your computer. A cryptographic provider is a special software that implements all cryptographic algorithms. It makes it possible to use them, namely: creating an Electronic signature, verifying an Electronic signature, encrypting and decrypting information. The crypto provider with the help of which we issued your electronic signature keys, electronic signature verification keys and an electronic signature verification key certificate is CryptoPro CSP. CryptoPro CSP can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website - the CryptoPro company at To download, you will need to complete a free registration on the CryptoPro website.

Step 2. Key media

The keys and certificates that you receive from the Certification Authority are recorded and stored on secure media that looks like a flash drive, but is actually specialized electronic device, providing secure storage of keys and electronic signature certificate. For the correct operation of the Rutoken key media, driver installation is required. Drivers are downloaded from the Aktiv company website at

Step 3. Install the certificate

Before you start working with an electronic signature, you must install the certificate at your workplace. The certificate is installed using CryptoPro CSP. To install the certificate, you need to connect the key media to your computer and launch CryptoPro CSP. In CryptoPro CSP, go to the “Service” tab and click on the “View certificates in the container” button. In the window that opens, click the “Browse” button, select a container from the list and click the “OK” button. Click the “Next” button and information about the certificate will appear. Click the Install button to install the certificate.

Step 4. Pin code

The key media on which your electronic signature keys, electronic signature verification keys and the electronic signature verification key certificate are recorded is protected from unauthorized access by a PIN code.

Default PIN codes installed on key media:
Rutoken – 12345678
USB flash – 1234567890
The PIN code can be changed by you, if necessary, using CryptoPro CSP.

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