VKontakte: effective advertising in communities. VKontakte Advertising Exchange

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not have registration in social network VKontakte. I wrote about the founder of VKontakte Pavel Durov in an article.

Friends updates, funny pictures, interesting statuses and statements engage users. And where there are visitors, there is a great opportunity to make money. No wonder it became one of the best means, to promote goods and services.

But the opportunity to make a profit extends not only to the owners of online stores. Advertising in VKontakte groups is a great way to make a profit even without having your own website. The service may become great business from scratch.

Let's look at how it works.

Special Forces Groups

Have you ever wondered why complete strangers on VKontakte regularly ask to be added as friends? Or maybe you noticed that many of them immediately invite you to become a member of various groups.

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  1. There are more than 30 interesting, thematic publications on the wall, including all three types of content: entertaining, informational and selling;
  2. A unified group design has been selected: the avatar, group menu and publications themselves look organic;
  3. At first glance at the group, its purpose and direction become clear;
  4. Separate discussions have been created for reviews, contacts, working conditions. In the case of an online store, the key assortment is presented in the “Products” section.

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When all the formalities have been completed, you can begin to select an exchange where you can select a thematic community for advertising. First of all, of course, we advise you to consider the official exchange of advertising posts on VKontakte - a market platform.

Advertising exchange of VKontakte posts

A marketing platform is a platform through which you can find a community to place advertisements with your target audience, get a guarantee that your post will not be left unattended, and then evaluate its effectiveness advertising campaign thanks to a wide range of tools.

Operating principle

  1. You create an advertising post using all the functionality that is available when preparing regular VKontakte publications or place a link to an already published post in your community. You can write up to 16,000 characters (however, the VK administration recommends limiting yourself to a modest 280 and attaching up to 10 attachments);
  2. If you wish, place links in your publication both to your pages and groups within the social network, and to third-party resources;
  3. To select an advertising platform, you must indicate the planned budget and placement time;
  4. Afterwards, you will be asked to indicate the criteria that communities must meet: topic, regional reference, coverage, data on the average age of the audience;
  5. When choosing a community, you will be able to see detailed statistics, as well as the wishes of community administrators;
  6. After this, the advertising entry will be placed in specified time. If the community owners do not delete it within 24 hours, you will be charged for the publication;
  7. All you have to do is study the statistics, evaluate the effectiveness of the publication and make a decision about re-posting.

Posting rules

What should you not post?

  • Publications with spelling and punctuation errors;
  • Obscene language, insults (oh, how many wonderful ideas this paragraph ruined);
  • Content that may scare or shock users (we are talking about naked butts, not about a 90% discount);
  • Personal contact information(Crocodile Gena is looking for friends and a Skype address - it won’t work);
  • Publications that show competitors in an unfavorable light;
  • Advertising of alcohol, tobacco and other entertainment products;
  • Gambling (and this is what TV series fans say thank you for);
  • Political propaganda;
  • Calls for cruelty and violence;
  • Products for adults.

Not only text, but also images, photographs, video and audio recordings must comply with these rules.


The cost of publishing on the market platform starts from 147 rubles. Please note that the price you see on the market platform already includes VAT and exchange commission.

The cost of placement is determined by the owner of the community, relying on statistical data and his own vision. The average price ranges from 500 to 4000 rubles per publication.

Publications with a population of millions can charge tens of thousands of rubles for one publication, which, however, does not at all guarantee a brilliant result.

Important points: what you should pay attention to when choosing a group

Number of participants: This is the first indicator that people usually pay attention to, but it is one of the least informative. With the same number of subscribers, the effectiveness of advertising publications can vary tenfold. It is also worth remembering that the more subscribers there are in a group, the fewer percentage of people see publications in the feed.

Coverage: The higher your reach, the more community members will see your post. It is on the basis of coverage that the cost of an advertising post on VKontakte is calculated.

Engagement: One of the main indicators that you should pay attention to is the ratio of participants’ activity to their number. There are small groups, but with a very “close-knit team” that actively responds to every entry, and at the same time, there are giants in terms of the number of subscribers, the activity in which tends to zero.

Community topics: select a community in such a way that yours is guaranteed to be included in it target audience. For example, when advertising a flower shop in “women’s” groups, you will most likely get a good response: girls will join your community and be active in it, but, nevertheless, you will receive more orders (albeit with less involvement) in “men’s” groups. » communities.

Other services

Buy an advertising post without intermediaries

It is often easier to negotiate directly with community administrators than to post through the exchange. What are the advantages?

You will get the best results by carefully selecting and analyzing communities and choosing groups with a small number of subscribers and high engagement.

If you are planning a big advertising company, it will be much more convenient to use a market platform and third-party exchanges (this will allow you to accurately track statistics and find out the effectiveness of each publication); for one-time advertising, it is better to contact the administrators directly.

If your business is tied to a specific city, be sure to pay attention to city public pages: advertising in them always gives good results. For large cities, it is better to search for communities by district.

The social network Vkontakte has long been one of the largest in Russia and the CIS countries, which makes it not only a site for recreation and entertainment of people, but also an excellent means of earning money. Advertising on VKontakte through the exchange is the main way to earn money, so everything more people want to use it.

How can a group owner connect to the VK exchange

You can connect to the exchange at automatic mode. The audience of your group should reach at least 20 thousand people per month. Attendance in the group is in the “Community Statistics” section. To see the audience of your group, go to the “Community Statistics” section

There is complete information about all the statistical data of your public. It tracks audience coverage, average daily and average monthly attendance, gender and age structure of visitors and others. important indicators, characterizing your site.

  • Despite the automation of connection, in some cases it happens that this does not happen. In such a situation, you need to independently submit an application to add your public to the system. Write by email [email protected] by first filling out the standard form.
  • After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by moderators in VK. If your decision is positive, click the “Connect to the exchange” button. Set the cost of one advertising post on your site. To more accurately formulate an objective cost for VKontakte advertising, independently analyze all the parameters of the group and propose an average market price for the post

Not everyone who wants to advertise something on VK public pages will agree to buy on such terms and overpay almost one-half for the exchange commission, because it is much easier to use third-party resources.
On the exchange, you can advertise in a group or place an advertising post in your community.

This system has a number of pros and cons.

  • One of the positive aspects is that it simplifies the planning of promotional materials, allows you to track statistics and monitor the effectiveness of a particular advertisement. The positives include the ability to purchase advertising at a lower price than purchasing directly from the community. However, the situation may be the opposite, when the cost of a post from the community administration is cheaper than through the exchange.
  • Negative aspects include long moderation, which can last more than 24 hours. Among the disadvantages is also the not very good attitude of many group administrators towards customers who bought advertising space through the exchange, so the most convenient time They often give it to those who placed an order directly from them without the mediation of VK.

How to order advertising through the VK exchange

Carefully consider your advertising post to get maximum effect.

To create an entry, click on the “Create entry” mark, which is located in the top right corner. There are two types of advertising post in VK:

  • Reposting another post.
  • Post with text and attachment.

The advertising exchange allows you to create your own creatives, but does not exclude the possibility of posting material from other VK groups that have ordered advertising from you. When choosing a repost, it would be useful to add a comment to it to note the importance of this post.

Before you publish a post to your community, it must be moderated on the social networking site. After the procedure, you will see a “Post a Post” button in your account or a notification about the reason why the post was rejected. When you start publishing it, you will have a list of available platforms for publishing ads. You have the opportunity to choose either from the list provided by the exchange or yourself, since due to filtering, some communities that suit you may not be displayed.

How to withdraw money from the VKontakte advertising exchange

Money can be easily withdrawn, but you cannot do this directly from the social network to your card or e-wallet. All withdrawal operations cash are made through the affiliate service SocialCentrum. The commission for this service is minimal.

When the payment for the service has been made, you can choose any available and convenient method for withdrawing money. The site provides the following options for withdrawing money: wire transfer, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, ePayments eWallet and bank cards. Payment is made fairly quickly; in rare cases, this process takes up to several days.

You can use the exchange as a tool for making money with the help of your group, and also act as a customer who wants to buy an advertising post in any of the presented communities. Before you start working with the system, first read the rules in the corresponding section, and the tips contained in this article will briefly introduce you to working with the exchange.

It is no secret that this year VKontakte will launch the so-called “exchange of advertising posts,” a tool for the civilized, centralized and legal sale of advertising on public pages of the social network.

AN: Yes, quite. 5k rubles * 3-6 times a day * 30 days - I think from 500 thousand to a million rubles per month. Contact is an excellent traffic generator for various kinds of affiliate programs - T-shirts, watches, credits, stickers. All this is posted in the largest public pages.

SP: And with the advent of the official exchange, will you have to close?

AN: Now we are getting in touch with VKontakte to find a place in the sun. We would like to tell VK what difficulties we encountered while working with administrators and offer our services as a COP, we have everything ready for this.

Plus, we are working on plan B. This will be a tool for social media managers, not those who are about cats, but those who are about business. On a personal note, advertising in groups is more of a burden for VK; according to our estimates, the market volume is about 300 million rubles per year, with VK’s revenue being ~5-6 billion. This is not serious.

By the way, over the weekend many auto-posting services were blocked (Buzzlike, Feedman, etc.). We also have our own, but it is still in working order (about 10 thousand posts per day).

SP: How often are posts posted now? You talked about 5-6 times a day. If they limit it to 1 time per day, will this cause a rebellion and revolution, “fools, bring back the ability to post advertisements 5 times a day,” etc.?

AN: It will cause a riot, but not a revolution. The VC has one master and leader. Therefore, most likely this restriction will be violated and there will be executions.

SP: What sanctions can be applied to violators? Excluded from search? How scary is this? This does not prevent elite groups like MDK or Borsch from being elite, as far as I understand.

AN: This even emphasizes her elitism. There are two sanctions - get out of the search and ban. The ban can be temporary or eternal, depending on the wishes of the moderator

SP: Let’s be honest - it’s unlikely that VK will start massively banning groups for violating advertising rules - after all, this is its cash cow, in a sense the only source of content, albeit often specific, don’t you agree?

AN: Fully. But some semblance of order needs to be restored. It’s interesting how Durov feels about the current VK brand trends - MDK, billionaires, collections of quotes.

SP: Well, Durov is a billionaire himself and loves quotes, judging by his profile. I think it applies very well.

SP: Oh, I also missed about blocking auto-posting services. Do you have any details about this? Nobody has complained to us yet (update: they are already complaining)

AN: On Friday afternoon and evening, Buzzlike (probably the largest auto-posting) was covered. Without declaring war, VK blocked the authorization application. After this, Feedman and others fell ill.

There is still no clear answer as to why. Officially, all this was prohibited from the very beginning. But after ~6 months of work, it’s somehow rude to ban quietly.

SP: Well, they are generally strange guys, these services - if it was prohibited, then why was it necessary to do it? Not clear.

If you want to convey something to Durov (even though he doesn’t read us anyway), you can convey it into the void.

SP: Understood. Thank you for your time. I think that everything will work out.

AN: And thank you.

Community administrators had a lot of questions about working with . In this article I collected the main questions and answers to them.

Is participation in the exchange mandatory?
Vk.: No, the community administrator himself decides whether to advertise using the exchange or not.

How to get to the exchange?
Vk: Currently, the “Advertising Exchange” section in “Community Management” is seen by administrators of groups and public pages with an average daily subscriber coverage of over 100,000. If your community has fewer users, but you want to connect the exchange, try writing to [email protected], your application will be reviewed within a few days.
We really want to connect the exchange to all communities before the end of the year.

Can I publish ads through third-party exchanges or directly?
Vk.: Yes, you can. Participation in the exchange – new way attracting clients. If your advertisers don't need the benefits of the exchange, you can work with them directly.

Are exchanges of advertising between communities (mutual PR) allowed?
Vk.: Allowed, but they are also considered full-fledged advertising. (For more information on what is considered third-party advertising, see the article “Advertising in Communities.”)

How many advertising messages can be placed through the exchange?
Vk.: Regardless of the posting method (via the VKontakte exchange or directly), you can post no more than 3 advertising messages per day (including mutual exchanges and third-party advertising). Perhaps in the future we will increase the amount of advertising allowed. (For details about existing restrictions on placing third-party advertising in communities, see the article “Placing advertising in communities.”)

Are there any other restrictions when using the exchange?
Vk.: After publishing an advertising message, it is technically impossible to post other news in the community within an hour. Neither manually nor using timers (ours or others). If you are unable to post an entry received through the exchange, check to see if you have pending entries for the next hour.

How can I get the money I earned?
Vk.: In the near future, the interface will have the ability to withdraw funds. We plan to cover all popular payment systems.

What commission does VKontakte take?
Vk.: The size of the commission depends on the size of your community and is indicated in the exchange interface. Small communities receive 80% of what the advertiser pays. The largest communities (with a coverage of over 500 thousand users per day) will receive 55%.

Will there be a targeting option?
Vk.: On current moment we plan targeting by geography, gender and age, as well as depending on mobile devices. However, this is not certain yet, and plans may change.

How can I comment on a submitted advertising application?
Vk.: At the moment, you can only reject the application with a comment. Soon it will be possible to communicate with advertisers.

Who is responsible for advertising? What happens if the link is replaced when posting through the exchange?
Vk.: There will be no hard blocking if the advertisement was placed through the exchange, but if you see a violation of the rules, reject the application (or delete the already published news) and write to Support.
We are considering the possibility of pre-moderating all advertising requests in the future.
Responsibility for all advertising messages placed outside the exchange, as before, lies entirely with community administrators.

I connected to the exchange, is it possible to leave it now?
Vk.: Yes, for this you need to select “do not accept applications” in the community settings.

Hyperlinks were blocked in my community “until the launch of the official advertising exchange.” The exchange has started, what now?
Vk.: First, you should make sure that your community is connected to the ability to use the exchange. If this is not the case, you can request a connection to [email protected]. When the exchange is connected to the community, you can contact Support and ask to lift the ban on publishing hyperlinks.
It should be remembered that such punishment is applied in very serious violations of the site rules, in particular when, due to the negligence of the administration, malicious advertising links were published in the community. With the help of the exchange, you will be able to earn money from advertising, and the risk for users will be minimized. But be extremely careful: if malicious links appear again in messages not published through the exchange, this may lead to the blocking of the community.

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