Textile content exchange. The best copywriting exchanges for making money

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today I propose to figure out what a copywriting exchange is and which of them are best suited for beginning copywriters. Almost all copywriters, even the most successful ones, began their careers on stock exchanges. This is a survival school for beginners, where it has its own rules and features.

I offer you an overview of the best copywriting exchanges for beginning authors, I hope this will help you start earning your first money today.

The best exchanges for copywriters






Work-zilla.com– you can find my detailed review of this resource in the article where I talked about it. There are also many orders for copywriters on this site.

Monica.pro is a young resource that is confidently gaining popularity. Compared to other exchanges, its main advantage is that there is no need to search for orders. You choose the topic that interests you the most and write articles, which is not a copywriter’s dream? Next, the editors either accept your work or ask you to revise it.

The requirements for texts and design are quite feasible. The cost of 1,000 characters varies depending on the chosen topic from 40 to 60 rubles for beginners. With constant cooperation with the content workshop and high-quality work, the cost of 1,000 characters can rise to 120 rubles.

  1. Register.
  2. Take a test on your knowledge of the Russian language (spelling, punctuation, syntax).
  3. Attach your article on the chosen topic and write a short essay about why your articles can be useful and interesting to readers.
  4. After successfully completing all tasks, you receive an invitation to join the team of workshop authors and you can start creating.

This resource offers a very convenient payment system where you can withdraw your earned money either to an electronic wallet or directly to a bank card.

Every owner of his own website sooner or later had to order content to fill it. But how can you avoid being deceived by paying for the work and not getting the desired result? Of course, resort to the help of one of the many intermediary services that facilitate the process of interaction between the copywriter and the webmaster. Thanks to them, the customer can be confident in the accurate and timely completion of the task, and the contractor can be confident in guaranteed payment for his work. The Etxt article exchange became such a platform. Appeared back in 2008, it rightfully occupies a leading position today in the field of writing and selling quality articles, providing work for more than 100 thousand people.

General information about the eTXT exchange

This exchange does not have too many differences from similar resources, however, it can offer a much more convenient and highly functional interface. In comparison, for example, with, where the interface with its cumbersomeness can easily confuse even the most advanced user, in Etxt everything is extremely intuitive and simple. The left side panel is navigation, the top working panel contains all the necessary sections. On weekdays, online exchanges range from 2 to 4 thousand people.

Pay attention! Payment systems from WebMoney and Yandex.Money are supported. You can specify 2 or more wallets, but it is worth remembering that they are activated only 3-5 days after depositing. In addition to withdrawing funds, you can transfer them to other users of the service. This operation will cost you a 10% commission.

Unfortunately, the Etxt resource, like many other exchanges, was unable to avoid dumping (artificially lowering the cost of the performer’s work). It’s not uncommon to see orders costing 10, 7, or even 5 rubles per thousand characters. However, the level of skill of the performer and his rating play a significant role. The higher they are, the correspondingly higher the payment for the completed task.

The level of skill is one of the main innovations that has made Etxt so popular. After all, this gives an experienced performer the opportunity to immediately prove himself without having to spend a long and tedious time earning a rating. Although it is present on this exchange as a traditional measure of a copywriter’s experience.

To improve your qualifications, you need to pass a test by choosing the direction you are interested in (SEO copywriting, rewriting, translation, ordinary copywriting). It consists of writing text on a specific topic. The completed work undergoes a thorough check, based on the results of which a decision will be made to assign one or another level of skill (beginner, intermediate or high).

Another pleasant feature available to both performers and customers is the ability to place advertising offers. They can be placed on a special user announcement page. In addition, there is our own software that allows you to evaluate any text for the presence of fragments borrowed from any sources. The application is called Etxt Anti-Plagiarism and is not inferior, and some are even superior, in the effectiveness of similar programs.

Finally, it is worth mentioning arbitrage. In fact, this is a team of highly qualified moderators who sort out all controversial issues that arise between webmasters and copywriters. Arbitration on Etxt boasts the speed of resolving the problem and fairness in making a decision.

Advantages and disadvantages of eTCT

This service has a whole list of advantages that make it stand out among similar resources. The most significant include:

  1. Fair and impartial arbitration.
  2. One of the lowest commissions among similar services is only 5% per participant, that is, the total is 10% from the order.
  3. There are always many users on the site, which makes it possible for copywriters not to sit idle, and for customers to choose the most suitable contractor.
  4. Etxt Anti-plagiarism is an absolutely free proprietary program that automatically checks the text for uniqueness. Finds copies using search engines such as Yandex, Google, Yahoo and so on.
  5. Prompt resolution of almost any problem by support service.
  6. Opportunity to communicate with other performers and customers in a special chat.
  7. Tactful and attentive approach of the administration in working with users.
  8. Availability of very high quality texts in the article store.

It is also worthy of mention that withdrawal of funds is not subject to WebMoney commission. These costs are covered by Etxt itself.

However, there are also some negative points. These include:

  1. The amount available for withdrawal starts from 250 rubles.
  2. The moderation of an article for posting it in the store takes too long (up to 7 days).
  3. A relatively small commission and a huge number of copywriters become the reason for dumping, and, in addition, for the active resale of purchased texts.
  4. The withdrawal process takes too long. On average from 3 to 7 days. However, there is an urgent withdrawal function, for which you will have to pay an additional commission.

Basics of working on eTXT as a customer

First of all, you need to register. To do this, click on the “Registration” button in the upper right corner, then fill in the required fields, indicating your login, password, email address and user status (in our case, customer). Next, you need to top up your balance using one of the available payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex.Money).

However, to place an order it is not necessary to have funds in your account; copywriters will be able to make applications. They will start fulfilling it only when you top up your balance and choose a contractor. To create a task, you will need to go to the “Orders” section and click on the “Place an order” button. A form will open, all fields of which must be filled in (the only exceptions are “Project Folder” and “Category”).

First, of course, you need to name the order, approaching this with great care. After all, a well-chosen title significantly increases the likelihood of finding a suitable artist. Then we choose the type of work - copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting or translation. Next, we describe the order in detail, indicating the basic requirements for the text. This item is also incredibly important, since the accuracy and correctness of the work performed largely depends on its correct completion.

Next, the deadline for submission, the price of the article, the number of characters in it, the required uniqueness and the level of qualification of the performer are determined. If necessary, you can attach a file with a task or a draft version of an article, as well as specify some other parameters (the ability to auto-accept, multi-order). Once you have completed all the manipulations listed above, all you have to do is click on the “Save order” button, and it will be published on the main page.

Important! Many contractors use price filters when searching for jobs, which allows them to exclude orders that are too cheap. Therefore, by setting a low price, you automatically weed out a large number of experienced copywriters.

There is a very useful function of adding to the white or black list. In the first one, you can include a performer who has successfully completed the job, and you would like to continue mutually beneficial cooperation with him. The second one adds copywriters whose work performance turned out to be unsatisfactory, and you want to avoid submitting applications from them in the future.

Finally, if you don’t have time to put together an order, you can always turn to the ready-made article store available on the exchange. Incredibly intuitive and convenient search will allow you to find the article that is right for you.

Principles of working on the stock exchange as a performer

One of the main advantages of this service is its fair and humane treatment of performers, regardless of their rating, level of skill or number of positive reviews. This is why the Etxt exchange is considered the best platform for beginners.

To begin completing your order, you must first register. The process is no different from that of customers, with the only exception that “performer” must be indicated in the status. Next, click on the “Order Search” item located in the left sidebar, set the search parameters and, if you select an order, submit an application for it.

The likelihood of being selected depends on certain indicators, which include:

  1. Availability of qualification level. To obtain it, you must pass a test. As a rule, its volume does not exceed 2 thousand characters. There are various topics to choose from. Article moderation most often takes 5-7 days, upon completion of which you will receive a system message. Based on the results of the test, a copywriter can be assigned an initial, medium or high level of qualification. This indicator should not be neglected, since customers are undoubtedly more inclined to trust experienced performers.
  2. Number of positive reviews. Receiving them is not particularly difficult if you fulfill orders received without delay and with high quality. Webmasters do not skimp on flattering and kind words, leaving detailed reviews and adding you to the white list. If you suddenly receive an undeserved minus, you can always appeal it through arbitration.
  3. The rating is also important. It is directly dependent on earnings - the more you work and earn, the faster your rating increases.
  4. Samples of work in the portfolio. It should be filled with only the best articles so that the client can see your writing style, as well as your level of skill and language proficiency. It will be enough to post 5 works. There is no point in posting too many articles, since the webmaster most often reads only the first ones.
  5. The assignment you receive must always be submitted on time, otherwise you will be subject to certain sanctions - bad feedback, blacklisting, downgrading, or even removal from the order.

One of the noteworthy features is the ability to sell your texts in the article store, which, by the way, are bought much better than in other services. Between completing orders, you can chat with colleagues in a special chat. In addition, it should be noted that performers are also free to blacklist or whitelist webmasters.

Compared to writing,
horse racing is a solid, reliable business.
John Steinbeck.

L best exchanges, sale of articles on which it is well-debugged and convenient. Any exchange from the list below will allow the optimizer to buy articles on the desired topic, and the copywriter to sell his texts and. Plus, you can order an article, have it written and designed to suit your requirements.

Ordering or purchasing articles from these ready-made content stores is one of the best ways to fill your site with unique material, which will certainly be appreciated by both search robots and visitors. The uniqueness of texts is checked by the exchanges themselves and articles are put up for sale only after this check is completed.

In general, an optimizer on these exchanges can either order an article with the necessary parameters, or buy ready-made articles, available in stock. And these article exchanges provide a copywriter with a convenient tool for selling his articles at his own price.

  • Etxt

    Etxt Article Exchange is the best system for selling or buying an article. Personally, I really like this service with the choice of texts sold in it and their quality. There are plenty of webmasters who want to buy these articles and copywriters who write them. Prices vary widely (as they say, to suit any budget). In general, on this exchange the processes of buying and selling articles are a pleasure.

  • TextSale

    TextSale article exchange is the most famous and popular exchange for buying and selling articles with a huge number of existing customers and performers. The widest selection of ready-made articles and copywriters for every taste and budget has made it a leader for many years! Here you can buy or sell texts on virtually any topic!

  • Advego

    Advego, in addition to allowing you to fill customer sites with posts and comments, also includes an article store. This circumstance makes this service doubly beneficial for both optimizers and copywriters, because allows the first to not only order resource promotion through forums and blogs, but also fill the site with unique content, and the second to earn money in different ways: fulfill orders for promoting customer sites or sell articles and translations.

  • Copylancer

    Copylancer is one of the oldest article exchanges. Copywriters undergo a small aptitude test there, which, at least, cuts out frankly bad workers. But those who remain receive lucrative orders for articles and a decent level of income.

  • ContentMonster

    ContentMonster is an article exchange with almost professional copywriters. When registering with ContentMonster, each performer must pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language, and then write a test rewrite. Only after successfully passing the test is a copywriter allowed to work in this article exchange. In addition, performers in ContentMonster have a dynamically changing rating, the value of which depends on the current achievements of the copywriter. So I can highly recommend ContentMonster to all article customers.

  • TurboText

    TurboText is a good article exchange with a simple and user-friendly interface. In addition to standard features (ordering articles and purchasing ready-made ones), TurboText also offers the services of translating articles, automatically filling sites with content, and checking texts with proofreaders. Performers (copywriters) at TurboText can sell ready-made articles and write texts to order. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 50 rubles.

  • Text.ru

    Text.ru is a very powerful article exchange. Here the texts are of extremely high quality at surprisingly reasonable prices. Everything about Text.ru is impressive: user-friendly interface, thoughtfulness and solidity, quality of articles, additional services and much more.
    I highly recommend this exchange for buying or selling articles.

Text checking

  • These are online services and programs for checking texts for uniqueness (plagiarism) and errors (punctuation, spelling, stop words). Will be useful for copywriters and customers of articles.

Where does an aspiring author without work experience come in? That's right, to the copywriting exchange! No matter how much they criticize exchanges, they are almost the only option for beginners. No one will hire you for a well-paid position if you only know about online texts by hearsay. Exchanges do not require a CV or portfolio. Can work there a schoolchild, a pensioner, and a housewife on maternity leave.

If you are just starting your journey in copywriting, we advise you not to rush headlong into big business, but first work on similar resources. They will give a good start. You will find out what topics are relevant, get your hands on, learn communicate with customers and get used to deadlines. In the future, it’s up to you to decide how to build a career, but for now it’s enough to choose a suitable exchange, register an account on it, start writing the text and enjoy your first successes.

How much income can you expect?

Profit remotely always depends only on your efforts. Exchanges are no exception. The harder you work, the higher the pay. Each exchange is based on a rating system: at first the participant earns little, and then his income gradually becomes more and more. The main thing is to be active and conscientiously follow the TK.

The problem with exchanges is that they have price ceiling. If an independent author increases the cost at his own discretion and over time can receive fabulous royalties, then on an average exchange it is unrealistic to earn more than 200-300 rubles per 1000 characters. At the same time, you need to start with 20-35 rubles for the same volume and work towards an increase over many months. Not everyone has enough patience.

Good news: You can really speed up your growth if you choose a suitable site. It is no secret to experienced copywriters that some exchanges encourage the author's potential, while others try in every possible way to please customers and maintain financial stagnation. Therefore, you need to find a place that matches your level and will bring at least minimal benefits.

TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges

To make it easier for you to navigate, we decided to compile the TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges in descending order. Let's see which one is worth training your custom writing skills on.

10. TextSale.

Judging by the first impression, this exchange has significantly more disadvantages than advantages. After reading reviews about it, we made several conclusions.

Big problem TextSale is a supermarket system without an alternative. A novice author cannot choose an order. In exchange, he is asked to write an article on any topic, post it publicly and wait for it to be bought. This is convenient for clients, but makes the work of performers more difficult. There is no guarantee that an article will not get lost among others, of which there can be hundreds a day. It turns out that people are working in vain.

Advertising your services doesn’t help either. On TextSale you can get space for an ad on the main page for 50 rubles per day, but many people use it. Therefore, your sign will most likely not be noticed.

From this comes the biggest disadvantage of TextSale - dumping. Here it just goes off scale. If you have several good articles, don’t even try to sell them at a decent price right away. You will have to artificially reduce the price so that at least someone will pay attention to them. And if you find a customer who is ready to cooperate with you, bypassing the exchange commission, you may be banned.

But TextSale also has its advantages. It is popular, you can try your hand at it and it does not require any special skills. For very “green” beginners - great, for more or less experienced guys - it’s already undignified.

9. Advego.

Many people started with the famous Advego, and it still evokes pleasant nostalgia in most copywriters, but objectively the exchange is not ideal. It is similar in many ways to TextSale. They were created approximately at the same time and they have almost identical advantages and disadvantages. There is nothing new to say, except that Advego has good results, as well as great loyalty to personal work with customers. But if a client suddenly complains, you will instantly be banned.

8. Etxt.

The Etxt exchange combines a content store and free orders. It seems to be nicer than its predecessors, but its weak link is its prices. Sometimes there are offers 5 rubles per 1000 characters. Another drawback is the rigid rating system, which receives a lot of attention. Customers from there will always prefer a person with a large number of “stars” under their nickname to a nameless newcomer.

But Etxt also has its strengths. Copywriters who worked there say that the administration treats the performers favorably. Although the “customer is always right” principle applies to all low-cost exchanges, Etxt moderators will not turn a blind eye to obvious injustice. Another clear plus is the user-friendly interface. It seems like a small thing, but if you are going to work on the site every day, it is important that its design does not become an eyesore.

Is it possible to earn a lot on Etxt? Hardly. Consider this resource as a launching pad and use it for experience. Over time, you will want to find a more profitable location.

7. Copylancer.

There are conflicting opinions about Copilancer. Most complaints come down to modest prices and harsh administration requirements. The first one immediately catches your eye. Prices for orders for low and high levels are not very different. Relatively speaking, the cost of text for beginners is 30 rubles per thousand characters, for old-timers – 60. Does it make sense to strive to get to the top?

A free order cannot be taken into work immediately. You need to leave a request, and the client will decide whether to transfer it to you or not. Leave requests for 10 texts - there may either be no response, or 9 out of 10. This, in essence, chains the copywriter to the chair and forces him constantly monitor the site so as not to suddenly end up in arrears.

However, Copilancer also has serious advantages. One of them is arbitration. If for some reason the customer does not like your work, you can complain to the administration and they will judge you. They say that the moderators of “Copilancer” are adequate people.

6. TurboText.

Far from the worst option for beginners. One might even say optimal. You definitely won’t be left out of business: there are consistently several dozen free orders on the exchange. The topics are varied and interesting: law, design, cooking, construction, beauty and health, description of goods. Thanks to TurboText, you can collect a solid portfolio and decide on the direction of further work.

To get on TurboText, you need to write a simple test task on the proposed topic. Often these topics involve philosophical questions, such as: “Do you believe in life after death?” The test is graded on a five-point scale. If you pass it with an A, all the possibilities of the exchange will open up to you. No - you will be content with cheaper orders and microtasks.

For beginners, there are orders for 60 and even 80 rubles per 1000 characters. Darkens everything 20% commission, but characters are counted with spaces. So, this flaw is slightly compensated.

5. Text.ru.

But this exchange already has more pros than cons. And it’s not just about a convenient service for checking texts. Text.ru supports mutually beneficial cooperation between customers and performers. Prices per thousand characters are not extortionate. They depend on the rating, which is gained in multiple ways: well-executed orders, participation in competitions, answers to quizzes, etc. People who worked there say that you can earn 20,000 rubles a month by working 3-4 hours per month. day. Not bad!

To successfully stay on Text.ru, you need monitor the rating. If you pay a fine, you may be deducted 2000 points and you will again return to cheap orders.

4. Monika.

The first thing that attracts attention is tasteful interface. It doesn’t look like “hello from the 2000s”, the options are clear, all the most important things are highlighted in bright colors. It is clear that the designers did their best.

“Monica” invites the new participant to choose one topic with which he will work for the next couple of months. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, you can improve well in a complex topic (say, IT or medicine), on the other hand, there is no variety. If you don’t want to get hung up on one thing, it’s better to combine “Monica” with another exchange or individual orders.

It is also important that “Monica” rejects careless workers. This means that you will have few competitors. No bloody struggle for a single order and a minimum of dumping.

And now we come to the top three...

3. Miratext.

The glorious Miratext exchange receives bronze. If you have no work experience but are a really good writer, this is the place for you. Good employees are always welcome there and are ready to appreciate their efforts.

On Miratext you need pass a mandatory exam, consisting of a test and a written assignment. When you submit it, you will notice that the technical specifications on the exchange are mostly adequate, without “sheet” requirements. Customers accommodate copywriters halfway, without forcing the latter to spend several hours adjusting “nausea” or “wateriness.”

This is not to say that the exchange is ideal in all respects. If you are planning a big career, sooner or later you will feel cramped within Miratext. But as a first step it is more than suitable.

2. Smart Copywriting.

The second place in our TOP 10 rightfully deserves the Smart Copywriting exchange. It lives up to its name: smart people who know how to work effectively and sell their services are welcomed there.

Smart Copywriting is not like an exchange in the traditional sense. It's more of a site that hosts vacancies for copywriters. Many offers are designed for long-term cooperation (for example, write 50 texts for an online store). Most of them have a negotiable price. This is very good for independent authors who know the value of their work.

The only small negative is the rating system where seats are purchased. This may influence the decision of the customer, who will prefer mediocrity with a high position to a talented newcomer. But, fortunately, people often come to the stock exchange who look at real skills, and not at numbers.

1. TextBroker.

And the first in our ranking is the famous copywriting bureau TextBroker. It is, at a minimum, head and shoulders above all other exchanges. TextBroker is not just a temporary shelter, but a full-time job with good pay. Many authors stay there for several years, simultaneously fulfilling individual orders and working for other studios.

To get into TextBroker, you need to have a good background. At a minimum you should have some strong lyrics. When registering, the administrator will ask you for examples of articles or the name of an account on some other exchange. There is no need to take a test task - you will be accepted (or not accepted) immediately after the test.

When joining TextBroker, remember that this is not a place for everyone. There are no need for dummy accounts. Inactive users are banned, as are those who overstay their orders. Therefore, you will have to appear at the office periodically, even if you are busy with other orders.

However, the difficulties are worth it. The old-timers there not only earn from 300 to 700 rubles per 1000 characters, but also receive powerful support. TextBroker administrators know literally every participant by sight. If a copywriter succeeds in a particular topic, they help him find other paying clients. Become a valuable personnel and you will forget what unemployment is.


Each exchange is good and bad in its own way. When choosing, try to focus on your own strengths, and not on other people’s value judgments. Don't be discouraged if you fail to pass the test for a closed copywriting community. Perhaps you need to improve your skills on a simpler resource. And, of course, value yourself. If you see that you are being treated unfairly, find another place to work.

July 10, 2015, Nadezhda

Exchange of articles– a site for selling articles (such as this article). On the article exchange, authors offer their finished articles.

This is where articles for sale are stored.

Under content exchange refers to an online market where texts are sold. An article sales exchange is a source of income for a copywriter. And at the same time article content exchange is a place where website owners can find inexpensive material for their brainchild.

Popular article exchanges

Articles to order must have a clear narrative thread and be interesting. If being a copywriter is in your blood, it makes sense to start working with the largest job exchanges for writers:

TextSale – article exchange with low prices. The cost of articles on the TextSale exchange is reduced, because... texts are checked only for uniqueness. They don't check for errors. But you can always watch an excerpt from the article on the TextSale ru exchange to evaluate its quality. Click TextSale article exchange entry to be halfway to achieving your goal. I wrote about it earlier.

Exchange of articles Etxt– an excellent exchange with complete information about the article being sold. Here you will see the uniqueness score (in percentage). In addition, you will also be warned about the presence of errors in the article. Everyone sets their own prices for articles on the Etxt exchange. If you search, you can find excellent articles at very modest prices. Read about how and what they are.
Article exchange site– this is Advego, and Text.ru, and Content Monster, and Copylancer, and Neotext. On any of these sites you can sell your articles. Unlike the aforementioned Etxt and TextSale, prices here will be higher. But you won't have to complain about the quality either. Since articles with errors are simply not allowed for sale. Therefore the data article content exchanges can rightfully be called the best sites.

Article Exchange Text is a unique exchange where you can only find deep rewriting or copyright. , with which search engines are fighting, will soon depreciate. And then we will all purchase articles for our website on Text.ru. I gave advice on this in one of the first articles.

Advego article exchange- perhaps the most profitable place for a copywriter and rewriter, for a webmaster and advertiser. The site's many features, once you get used to them, allow you to post articles for sale and search for texts by keywords. I cited it in one of the previous articles. The advantages of the Advego exchange can be identified as follows:

Popular article exchanges– Advego and Etxt. Advego attracts with its wide capabilities and the largest number of customers, and Etxt lures with reduced prices for content. On Etxt, the minimum price is 5 rubles/1000 for a unique rewrite with possible typos and other errors. You can order the text here and correct the mistakes yourself, or buy a ready-made text from Advego at a price of 15 rubles and more.

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