Job description of the head of subsidiary agriculture. Job description of the manager of the department (farm, agricultural plot) Job responsibilities of the director in agriculture

auxiliary agriculture

Typical sample


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of organization, pre- ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other official)
legal form) official person, authorized
what must be asserted
nal instructions)

" " ____________ 20__

Job Description
head of department
subsidiary agriculture
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)
" " ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description was developed and approved by
basis employment contract With __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________________ and in accordance with
this job description has been compiled)
provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions

1.1. The head of the subsidiary agriculture department belongs to
categories of managers.
1.2. For the position of head of the subsidiary agriculture department
a person with a higher agronomic or zootechnical degree is appointed
education and work experience in the specialty in management and other
positions for at least 5 years.
1.3. Appointment to the position of head of the auxiliary agricultural department
economy and release from it is carried out by order of the head
1.4. The head of the subsidiary agriculture department must know:
- resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities,
methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on the organization
subsidiary agriculture, procurement and processing
agricultural products;
- technology of agricultural production;
- technology for processing agricultural products;
- agricultural technology of cultivated crops, rules for keeping animals
- the procedure for preparing and storing feed;
- standards, technical specifications and requirements for
quality of manufactured products;
- rules for operating the machine, tractor and vehicle fleet,
organizing its repair;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience livestock development
and production of agricultural products;
- basics of labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- fundamentals of economics, labor organization, agricultural
production and management;
- methods of economic calculation;
- current regulations on remuneration and forms of material
- basics of land legislation;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,
industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- _________________________________________________________________.
1.5. The head of the subsidiary agriculture department reports to
directly to the head of the enterprise and in his practical
activities is guided by his orders and this official position
1.6. During the absence of the head of the auxiliary rural department
economy (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.) his duties are performed by
deputy (if there is none - a person appointed in the established
order), who is responsible for their proper execution.
1.7. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities

Head of subsidiary agriculture department:
2.1. Manages all types of
production and economic activities of subsidiary rural
2.2. Ensures the fulfillment of planned procurement tasks and
processing of livestock and agricultural products across all
quantitative and quality indicators, achieving effective
use of assigned land, high productivity
crops and animal productivity (poultry),
rational use of the machine and tractor fleet, technological
equipment and other fixed assets assigned to the farm.
2.3. Organizes agricultural work at optimal times
terms and for high level agricultural technology using scientific
justified system of crop rotation, soil cultivation, application procedure
fertilizers, methods and plant protection products.
2.4. Ensures proper maintenance of animals (poultry) and
safety of livestock, timely procurement of feed, its storage and
use in accordance with established requirements and standards.
2.5. Takes measures for timely processing of produced
products and sending them to consumers.
2.6. Monitors the maintenance of rural buildings and structures
farms, their timely repairs.
2.7. Works to ensure high culture
agricultural production.
2.8. Organizes timely and correct accounting,
compilation and presentation in established deadlines reporting,
ensures compliance with financial discipline.
2.9. Monitors compliance by employees with labor protection rules,
safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection
protection, organizes the improvement of their qualifications.
2.10. _____________________________________________________________.

3. Rights

The head of the subsidiary agriculture department has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management,
relating to the activities of the department.
3.2. Attend meetings and company meetings
issues related to the activities of the department.
3.3. Interact with all (individual) structural
divisions of the enterprise.
3.4. Sign and endorse documents within your
3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in
performance of their official duties and rights.
3.6. Submit submissions to the head of the enterprise for consideration
on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of department employees, proposals for
their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.
3.7. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility

The head of the subsidiary agriculture department is responsible for
4.1. For improper execution or failure to perform their duties
duties provided for in this job description - in
limits defined labor legislation Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and
civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits specified
labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)

Head of structural unit (initials, surname)

" " _____________ 20__


Boss legal department

(initials, surname)

" " ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check of this document carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General provisions

1.1. The position "Director of a small agricultural enterprise" belongs to the category "Managers".

1.2. Qualification requirements- complete higher education corresponding field of training (master, specialist). Postgraduate education in management. Work experience in agriculture at lower level management positions - at least 5 years.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- resolutions, instructions, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials;
- production technology of the enterprise’s products, production capacity of the enterprise, features of its structure;
- current industry and enterprise standards and technical conditions;
- systems, methods and means technical control;
- organization of accounting, procedure and timing of reporting;
- basics market economy, labor organization, production and management;
- labor legislation;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The director of a small agricultural enterprise reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The director of a small agricultural enterprise manages the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The director of a small agricultural enterprise during his absence is replaced by a person appointed to in the prescribed manner, which acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of the duties assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Benign and to a certain extent general meeting the term carries out their orders.

2.2. Prepares and ensures the holding of general meetings and board meetings within the time limits established by the current Charter.

2.3. Organizes and provides leadership and management of the affairs of the enterprise within the limits of its rights during the periods between general meetings.

2.4. Ensures the implementation of resolutions of the general meeting.

2.5. Represents the company in relations with government agencies and other institutions and organizations.

2.6. Develops and submits for approval by the general meeting projects and plans for economic and social development enterprises.

2.7. Determines the amount of expenses within the specified amounts, adopts, together with the directorate (board), resolutions and decisions on the organization, liquidation and reorganization of divisions of the enterprise.

2.8. Approves the Charter and regulations on the divisions of the enterprise, regulations on the formation and use of funds.

2.9. Prepares reports on his work and the work of the directorate (board) and reports on it to the general meeting.

2.10. Monitors employees' compliance with labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.11. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.12. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his official duties and management orders.

3.7. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The director of a small agricultural enterprise has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for failure to comply with internal rules labor regulations, occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The director of a small agricultural enterprise is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

1. General provisions.

1.1. The deputy director for animal health services is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.2. The Deputy Director for Animal Health Services reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.3. In its work it is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, normative legal and legislative acts Ukraine, normative, methodological, scientific, guidance materials published in specialized literature and this job description.

1.4. Qualification requirements: a specialist who has a higher specialized education and work experience of at least 5 years, who has undergone training and testing of knowledge on labor protection issues before taking up the position, can be appointed to the position of deputy director for the veterinary service; thereafter, recertification once every 3 years, not having medical contraindications. B Be sociable and have a wide circle of acquaintances in poultry laboratories and institutes.

1.5. Deputy Director for Animal Health Services should know:

1.5.1. poultry production technology, study everything new and advanced;

1.5.2. study new poultry crosses and introduce them into your farm;

1.5.3. resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities, regulatory and guidance materials;

1.5.4. fundamentals of economics, labor organization, management;

1.5.5. rights and obligations of poultry farm workers;

1.5.6. number of poultry farm workers;

1.5.7. operating hours of the branches;

1.5.8. labor legislation;

1.5.9. internal labor regulations of the enterprise;

1.5.10. standards and requirements for labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

2. Responsibilities

The Deputy Director for Animal Health Services is obliged to:

2.1. Lead the work on operational regulation production process, ensuring rhythmic production of products in accordance with the production plan.

2.2. Ensure compliance with technological discipline and implementation of production plans.

2.3. Manage development and submit for approval executive director calendar schedules of work execution, carries out their adjustments during the planned period.

2.4. Develop a scheme of veterinary and preventive measures for the prevention and control of poultry diseases.

2.5. Monitor the implementation of veterinary legislation, veterinary and sanitary rules and instructions.

2.6. Conduct periodic clinical veterinary examination of poultry, Pat. autopsy, establish a diagnosis of a bird's disease, make decisions on drug treatment of the bird or its slaughter.

2.7. Makes timely requests for the purchase of medicines, biological products, misinformation. funds, veterinary tools and techniques for using disinfection. funds.

2.8. Develop instructions and give orders for the use of biological products and medications.

2.9. Require officials involved in poultry farming to take measures to ensure the prevention of the spread and elimination of contagious poultry diseases

2.10. Monitor the maintenance of records and established reporting on veterinary medicine.

2.11. Prepare draft orders regulating production activities.

2.12. Responsible for execution production programs production.

2.13. Monitor the rational and economical use of material resources.

2.14. Resolve industrial conflicts.

2.15. Make decisions on production issues, study and identify opportunities to increase labor productivity.

2.16. Develop and submit current and long-term production plans and reports on their implementation to the executive director for approval.

2.17. Provide employment for temporarily released employees of subordinate structures and divisions.

3. Rights.

The Deputy Director for Animal Health Service has the right:

3.1. Apply to the management of the enterprise for personnel changes.

3.2. Take measures to prevent and eliminate disruptions in the production process.

3.3. Monitor compliance with mutual requirements of poultry departments.

3.4. Analyze with specialists the results of activities of subordinate departments for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacity and equipment.

3.5. Monitor compliance by subordinates with the requirements of regulations on occupational safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

3.6. Take part in the training and certification of poultry workers on the certification of workplaces in poultry farming on health and safety issues.

3.7. Participate in the accident investigation commission.

3.8. Provides healthy and safe conditions labor of workers of the farm's veterinary service.

3.9. Monitor compliance with environmental and environmental legislation.

3.10. Report to management any identified deficiencies within your competence.

3.11. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

Reviews and approves the following documents:

Work plans;

Production plans;

Certificates of completed work;

Poultry death reports;

Poultry picking and unloading schedules;

Job descriptions of the veterinary service;

Operational reports on bird movements;

Production orders;

Schedules for receipt of raw materials, biological products, disinfectants. funds;

Directly manages the following structural divisions:

Department No. 1 (production of chicken eggs);

Department No. 2 (production of chicken eggs);

Department No. 5 (growing workshop);

Animal Department;

Cargo yard;

Production laboratory.

4. Responsibility.

The Deputy Director for Animal Health Services is responsible for:

4.1. The quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by this job description.

4.2. Prevention of panzootic diseases on the farm common to poultry and humans.

4.3. Implementation of a complex of veterinary and preventive measures on the farm.

4.4. Timely consideration of claims of the Yuzhny branch regarding the quality of products.

4.5. Compliance with internal labor regulations.

4.6. Compliance with instructions on labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

The job description was developed by the Deputy Director for Animal Health Services.

Agreed: Chief.

I have read the job description.

The livestock brigade is the main form of organization on a dairy farm. Labor organization on a dairy farm ensures rational use machines, favorable working conditions, production of high-quality products.

In connection with the technology of milk production on the farm, the number of workers, the functions of individual team members and the degree of specialization are determined.

Responsibilities of the maternity ward on duty: cleaning premises and stalls, cleaning the dispensary, walking animals, receiving calvings and feeding colostrum to calves. He also bears financial responsibility for the material assets assigned to him, etc.

Responsibilities of calf sheds: preparing feed, obtaining and preparing milk for drinking, feeding and watering calves, cleaning feeders, feed and manure passages, cleaning cages, and they must also take part in tagging, weighing, receiving and transferring calves. Bears financial responsibility.

Responsibilities of milkmaids in the maternity ward: receiving cows 15 days before calving, preparing cows for calving, handing over newborn calves to female calves, milking cows, caring for milking equipment, driving cows for a walk.

Logistics support for the farm.

Logistics include: materials (fuels, detergents, disinfectants, dairy laboratory reagents, etc.), as well as milk cooling and spare parts, workwear (robes, boots, aprons, etc.).

Logistics support depends on the profit from product sales. The amount of equipment and other necessary technical means is determined by the livestock specialist and other managers using requests.

Each employee is given special clothing and the necessary equipment, and everything is recorded in a special sheet, where the time of issue and the name of the customer are recorded.

Wages in livestock farming.

On farms, when performing work manually with a planned load of 1800 kg, 20 cows are assigned to one milkmaid. With an increase in milk yield for every 200-300 kg, this maintenance rate is for 1 head and with a milk yield of 4 thousand kg. is 30 heads. With mechanized technology, these standards increase by 12-18 heads.

On farms, 1 worker is assigned 30 cows. At milking complexes there are 50 heads in the milk line.

Milkmaids receive payment for each centner of milk and for each head of offspring.

At the beginning of the labor year, it is necessary to develop wage rates for these indicators. To do this you need:

    Determine the standard of production based on the established standards of service.

    Determine the annual tariff wage fund. Currently, the labor of milkmaids is charged according to the 4th-6th category of the UTS.

    Calculate annual fund wages for products.

    The annual fund is distributed between two types of products - 90% for milk, and 10% for offspring.

Standard for securing calves and remuneration of workers


On farms, 1 worker is assigned 50 calves, and on complexes 3-4 times more. Payment for labor is made for each centner of live weight.

Norms for assigning cattle keepers.

On farms there are 100-150 heads per worker, depending on the level of mechanization, and on complexes there are 500 heads. Payment for labor is made according to the 4th category on farms and 5th at the complexes.

    Studied the organization of logistics for the economy.

    Familiarized himself with the economic tasks and annual reports of the farm.

    Mastered the organization of agricultural production.



Organizational structure is one of the main elements of organization management. It is characterized by the distribution of management goals and objectives between departments and employees of the organization.

The head of the farm is Kokash A.N. All specialists and workers of the farm report directly to him. Schematically, the management structure of an agricultural enterprise will look like this:




Deputy Director of Social and Economic Affairs issues

Deputy director of


Deputy Director of Administrative and Household work

Rice. 1. Diagram of the organizational management structure

The main specialists of the farm set work assignments taking into account the qualifications, age and health status of the performers; familiarize workers with load standards and prices for manufactured products, assign equipment to units and individual workers; create safe working conditions; monitor the quality and timing of work; ensure compliance with labor and production discipline.

The head of the livestock department (chief livestock specialist) manages all livestock work and production activities in the livestock sectors. Its main task is to fulfill production plans and sell agricultural products, improve the breed composition of animals, increase their productivity, and reduce labor costs.

To solve these problems, the chief livestock specialist develops plans for the development of livestock industries, organizes the development and implementation of progressive technologies, and monitors the timeliness and accuracy of primary accounting documentation.

The connecting link in the farm is the dispatch service. The use of mobile phones contributes to the rational use of material and labor resources, significantly increases the efficiency and effectiveness of managing the entire economic mechanism,

Every day at eight o'clock in the morning, a planning meeting is held in the administrative building of the farm, where all the main specialists gather and discuss the daily routine, and resolve issues that make it difficult to achieve certain goals. Every week at 15-00 the management of the farm holds a meeting, which can be attended by both specialists and ordinary workers. Here, a thorough and careful consideration of cases for each type of agricultural activity takes place, each specialist is listened to, the results of production over the past week are studied, and issues are resolved for the future. The management of the farm accepts applications and requests from workers and the public.

The sources of staffing the economy with young personnel are universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. RUSP “Mir” employs both young specialists and specialists with extensive work experience, whose opinions are listened to and respected.

Acquired skills and abilities:

1. Familiarized himself with the existing management structure on the farm.

2. Studied the organization of work of the management apparatus.

3. Familiarized myself with the personnel selection system

Name of organization APPROVED POSITION Name of position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of signature Place of compilation Date TO THE HEAD OF THE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY SHOP


1. The head of the livestock workshop belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization.

2. A person with a higher zootechnical education and at least 5 years of experience in zootechnical work is appointed to the position of head of a livestock workshop.

3. In his activities, the head of the livestock workshop is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

Charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions from the head of the organization (immediate supervisor);

This job description.

4. The head of the livestock production department must know:

Guiding, normative, instructional and methodological materials on issues agro-industrial complex, production activities enterprises;

Production technology, breeding, biological features various types farm animals, scientific basis their maintenance and feeding;

Achievements of science and best practices of domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of animal husbandry;

Current standards and prices for livestock products;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of land and labor legislation;

Fundamentals of environmental legislation;

Rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of the head of the livestock workshop, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper execution.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of the livestock workshop is obliged to:

6.1. Managed the production and economic activities of the livestock workshop.

6.2. Participate in the development of promising and annual plans development of livestock farming, ensure their implementation.

6.3. Organize the introduction of progressive technology for keeping livestock and poultry, breeding and zootechnical work to improve the breeding and productive qualities of livestock and poultry, and work to create a feed supply.

6.4. Participate in the preparation of veterinary preventive and therapeutic measures.

6.5. Carry out measures to intensify production and increase labor productivity.

6.6. Ensure the rational use of feed, pastures and other feeding grounds, efficient use labor and material resources, livestock buildings and mechanization equipment.

6.7. Supervise accounting and reporting.

6.8. Coordinate the work of farms, manage zootechnical personnel.

6.9. Organize the implementation of scientific achievements and best practices.

6.10. Organize the application and use of PCs in the industry.

6.11. Monitor compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules and regulations.

6.12. Ensure compliance with environmental legislation.

6.13. Carry out labor safety measures, instructions of state supervision and control bodies, and labor protection services within the established time limits.

6.14. Train workers in safe work methods and techniques.

6.15. In the event of an accident at work, organize first aid to the victim, report the accident to the immediate supervisor, and carry out other measures provided for by the Rules for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.


7. The head of the livestock workshop has the right:

7.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the workshop's activities for management's consideration.

7.3. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

7.4. Interact with managers of all structural divisions organization, receive information and documents necessary to perform job duties.

7.5. Submit for consideration to the head of the organization proposals on the appointment, relocation, dismissal of subordinate employees, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.

7.6. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

7.7. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The head of the livestock department reports to ________________________. 9. The head of the livestock department interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - with _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; represents: ________________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; represents: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of the head of the livestock workshop is assessed by the immediate supervisor (other official).

11. The head of the livestock workshop is responsible for:

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date

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