Job description for a sales specialist. Job description of sales department manager, functional responsibilities


1. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher (secondary) professional qualification and work experience in similar positions of at least six months is appointed to the position of sales manager.

3. The sales manager is hired and dismissed by order of the General Director on the recommendation of the commercial director and the head of the wholesale sales department.

4. The sales manager reports directly to the head of the wholesale sales department.

5. In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:

  • regulatory documents on the work performed;
  • methodological materials relating to relevant issues;
  • charter of the Company;
  • rules labor regulations;
  • orders and instructions of the commercial director and head of the wholesale sales department;
  • this job description.


1. Federal laws and regulatory legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including legislation and legal framework of subjects Russian Federation, municipalities, pr.

2. Fundamentals of pricing and marketing.

3. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold by the Company.

4. Conditions for storage and transportation of products sold by the Company.

5. Psychology and principles of sales.

6. Current forms of accounting and reporting.

7. Ethics of business communication.

8. Rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations.

9. The structure of the commercial service and wholesale sales department.

10. Rules for the operation of computer equipment.

11. Internal labor regulations.


1 Organization and management of sales of the Company’s products:

  • searching for potential clients;
  • working with first-time clients, with subsequent transfer of the client to the leading sales manager, depending on the client’s territorial affiliation;
  • conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the Firm;
  • promptly respond to information received from customers and bring it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and head of the wholesale sales department;
  • identifying customer needs for products sold by the Company and coordinating the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment at the Company’s warehouse complex;
  • motivating clients to work with the Company in accordance with approved sales promotion programs;

2 Planning and analytical work:

  • drawing up a monthly sales plan;
  • analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the Company’s clients;
  • providing reports on the results of work in accordance with the work regulations of the department and the Company.

3 Sales support:

  • receiving and processing customer orders, processing necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the Company’s clients assigned to themselves, as well as for clients assigned to the corresponding leading sales managers when they are out of the office;
  • providing information support to clients;
  • informing customers about all changes in the assortment, price increases and decreases, promotions to stimulate demand, and the time of product arrival at the warehouse;
  • final agreement with the client on the terms of prices, shipment date and method of delivery of products;
  • transferring requests for delivery of products to customers to the logistics department;
  • participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the wholesale sales department;
  • interaction with the Company’s divisions in order to fulfill assigned tasks;
  • participation in workshops;
  • maintaining working and reporting documentation.
  • Maintaining up-to-date client data in the information system.

4 Test:

  • control of product shipments to customers;
  • control financial discipline client based on documents received from the accounting department in wholesale trade and a warning about payment deadlines.


1. Raise the issue of increasing wages and paying overtime in accordance with the provisions, documents and orders regulating the remuneration system for the Company’s employees.

2. Report to senior management about all identified deficiencies within your competence.

3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

4. Request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and employees reports and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

5. Demand that the head of the department provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

6. Require management to provide organizational and technical conditions and registration established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.


1. For non-fulfillment ( improper execution) their official duties provided for in these instructions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation RF.

2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage and damage business reputation Firms within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


1. The sales manager provides the following reports to the following officials of the Company:

2. The sales manager carries out the following operations with documents:

  • signs:
  • endorses:

3. The Sales Manager receives the following reports from the following officials of the Firm:


Which item has been changed?

New version of the clause

Employee signature

Date modified

Who approved the change

AGREED ________


The functions of a sales manager vary from company to company.

How effectively the manager, who masterfully communicates with clients, is busy issuing invoices is decided only by the company’s management. And the manager who makes the decision.

To put everything into perspective, I suggest that the manager outline the functions that the manager will perform during the interview. And the manager should clearly ask for these responsibilities. Then you can avoid many breakups before passing probationary period and hidden dissatisfaction with work.

To ensure that the responsibilities are understood equally by the manager and the sales manager, put them on paper. Let it be official or work instructions. It is better to list all responsibilities in as much detail as possible.

Key responsibilities of a sales manager

I give an example of job responsibilities that I encountered. But I’m sure this is not the entire list of tasks that can be entrusted to a sales manager.

  • Searching and filling a database (DB) for making cold calls.
  • Cold calls to clients from prepared databases.
  • Participation in exhibitions and forums.
  • Conducting initial negotiations with clients.
  • Preparation of the initial commercial offer.
  • Conducting a presentation of a product or service to a client.
  • Formation of an application for a technical solution together with the customer and transfer of the application to the technical department.
  • Expert assessment technical solution and formation with the customer alternative options technical solution.
  • Coordination of individual prices with the customer and financial services.
  • Preparing a business case for the client’s profitability to assess the possible discount limit.
  • Agreeing with the customer and the company’s lawyers on a supply/service agreement.
  • Ensuring that the contract is signed with the customer.
  • Ensuring that the accounting department and archives receive the original contract.
  • Issuing invoices for prepayment.
  • Ensuring payment from clients.
  • Preparation of instructions for the start of production of goods or provision of services.
  • Issuing primary documents and ensuring their signing by the client.
  • Ensuring receipt of signed documents from the customer.
  • Receiving claims from the customer regarding the quality of goods or services and transferring claims to the required department (depending on the type of claim).
  • Ensuring delivery of goods to the client or carrying out work at the client’s site.
  • Ensuring monthly payments by the client.
  • Ensuring monthly delivery of primary documentation to and from the client.
  • Working with accounts receivable.
  • Filling out the CRM system for any client event.
  • Completing daily call volume reports.
  • Filling out reports on meetings with clients.
  • Preparing information for the marketing department about the degree of customer satisfaction with the company's goods or services.
  • Preparation of proposals for reforming goods and services for the marketing department.
  • Receiving commercial offers from competitors from clients.
  • Planning sales volumes for future periods.
  • Preparation of data for commission calculation.
  • Preparation of presentation and handout materials, etc.

In some companies, the job responsibilities of a sales manager are reduced to two or three points, and the remaining functions are assigned to specially trained people. This is the optimal situation when the sales manager is only involved in negotiations with clients and signing contracts. All other functions of the so-called back office are performed by female students. They will be much more effective in the role of a clear and accurate performer, and can also perform unskilled work.

Forcing a sales manager to issue invoices and control deliveries is like hammering nails with a microscope. But the complete removal of the manager from the production process or the provision of services is also not the most best option, because the manager sells something that the company will never produce or supply.

Company management is always faced with a dilemma: either free the manager from all side functions, or save on the back office and load the sales manager with the responsibilities of an organizer. There is no universal solution; the approach is determined by the level of market development. If there are many new clients in the market, it makes sense to concentrate the manager’s efforts on finding them. Further maintenance can be transferred to other managers. If the market is quite dense and there is fierce competition for each client, it makes sense to reduce the load on the client search manager and concentrate his work on providing quality service

Sales manager is a relevant profession today, related to ensuring the financial well-being of the company. The main task of a specialist is to sell goods and services to consumers, find new clients and maintain partnerships with them. Job description sales manager, which can be downloaded below, determines the range of his functional responsibilities.

Job description of a specialist

This document regulates the relationship between the employer and the hired employee; it contains requirements for the employee’s qualifications, a list of his rights, types of responsibilities and other important points. The job description of a sales department manager allows you to avoid disputes and disagreements regarding the employee’s performance of job functions. Therefore, the drafting of the document must be taken as seriously and thoughtfully as possible. And all wording should be written clearly; double interpretation is unacceptable here.

The legislation does not establish a unified sample job description for a manager. Employers have the right to develop it at their own discretion and make changes depending on the employee’s working conditions. The responsibilities of sales managers may vary from organization to organization.

The document must be approved by the head of the department and the general director. An employee performing the functions of a sales manager must familiarize himself with the provisions of the job description and sign it before starting work. The presence of an employee’s signature on the document confirms that he agrees with the job responsibilities assigned to him and will be held responsible for their failure to fulfill them.

Job description structure for a sales manager

The standard job description for a sales manager consists of the following sections:

How to write a job description

The job description of a sales manager (the sample can be used as a basis for drawing up a similar document in your organization) is drawn up as follows:

    The title of the document is written at the top. It is imperative to indicate the full name of the position for which the instructions are being drawn up.

    In the upper right corner indicate information about the approval of the job description by the head of the company.

    In the “General Provisions” section they indicate: to whom the specialist directly reports, what level of qualifications he must have, who will perform his job duties during absence, the procedure for appointing an employee to a position, what rules and regulatory document a sales manager should know and what he should be guided by while performing his job functions.

    The section “Job responsibilities of a sales manager” lists the functions that the employer assigns to a specialist holding this position. Job responsibilities largely depend on the specifics of the organization's activities. But in any case, they should be described in as much detail as possible.

    The “Rights” section describes the powers that are granted to the manager for effective implementation labor responsibilities. As a rule, this is an opportunity to increase professional qualifications by attending training courses, master classes and other events, sending proposals to senior management to improve the organization’s activities, interacting with others structural divisions for official matters, etc.

    The “Responsibility” section contains a list of indicators for which the employee is responsible. This section also lists violations that will result in punishment by the organization’s management.

    In the final part of the job description, a mark indicating agreement with the responsible employee and a mark indicating familiarization are placed. Here, the employee holding the position of sales manager needs to sign and date the document.

What are the job responsibilities of a sales manager?

Generally labor functions Managers can be divided into 4 groups:

    Sales of products and services.

    Sales planning and detailed market analysis.

    Checking shipments of goods and settlements with customers.

    Carrying out activities aimed at increasing sales and expanding the customer base.

The responsibilities of a sales manager may also include:

    Searching for clients and conducting negotiation processes with potential clients.

    Strengthening existing business connections companies.

    Collecting information about potential clients, increasing clients’ motivation to cooperate with the company.

    Maintaining client base.

    Reception and processing of orders.

    Informing dealers and distributors.

    Concluding contracts with customers, preparing documents, working with reports.

    Calculation of expected profit from product sales.

    Carrying out business meetings with potential clients whose goal is to conclude new contracts.

    Collection and processing of information in order to optimize the sales process.

    Development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department.

    Selection and training of sales personnel ( sales agents, sales representatives, merchandisers, etc.).

A true professional will do everything possible to exceed sales targets. He will also ensure that clients are satisfied with the cooperation. In turn, management should periodically send its employees to advanced training courses, trainings, and master classes to improve the quality of work.

When simply distributing goods between clients is no longer enough - you need to organize the process of selling this product, know that you need not just a seller, but a sales manager. Now we will understand the responsibilities of a sales manager and the requirements that are put forward for this position, and also consider the areas of business in which this profession plays a big role.

Profession sales manager, description

Sales in any company depend on many factors, but to a greater extent, they depend on the effectiveness of sales managers. They influence sales volumes, company profits, and customer satisfaction. Only they can connect the entire sales chain, starting from the manufacturer and ending with after-sales support.

If you will, a sales manager is a worker bee, whose responsibilities include bringing honey non-stop, more and more, but there are a lot of requirements for such a bee! The ability to work with people and knowledge of your product are two things that not everyone can master. Those who believe that anyone can work as a sales manager are deeply mistaken, and there are several convincing reasons for this.

Requirements for the position of Sales Manager

A person who works with a company’s clients, represents it on the market for goods and services, acts as the face of the company, must have certain personal and professional qualities and this is included in the basic requirements for the position. An employer often requires that a candidate meet certain personal and professional qualities.

Personal qualities

  • Eloquence.
  • Charm.
  • Sociability.
  • Determination.
  • Persistence.
  • Composure.
  • Analytical thinking.

Professional qualities

  • Stress resistance.
  • Communication skills.
  • Knowledge of sales techniques and the basics of customer focus.
  • Knowledge of the basics of communication psychology.

Basic employer requirements

  • Experience in sales (50% of cases).
  • Availability of average or higher education(sometimes students)
  • Ability to work on a computer (find and process information, compose commercial offers, work in a CRM system, send letters to clients, etc.).
  • Having a car or driving license vehicle(regional managers, in FMCG or in the field of active sales).
  • Having your own client base (rare, but sometimes required).
  • Registration or certain citizenship.
  • Passport, code, military ID, medical certificate and other documents depending on the employer’s requests.

Don’t be confused by the rather large list of requirements for the position of sales manager, it can be doubled, but now we will move on to areas of business in which the profession of a sales manager is worth its weight in gold!

Where are sales managers needed?

The main directions are wholesale B2B or retail B2C, sale of goods or services.

There are 10 main areas for selling goods:

  1. (consumer goods products, household chemicals etc.).
  2. Household goods (furniture, interior items)
  3. Electrical goods (electronics, household appliances, tool, etc.).
  4. Clothes, shoes, accessories, personal care.
  5. Sales of the industrial sector (raw materials, equipment).
  6. Transport (sale of cars, special equipment and other vehicles).
  7. Construction materials.
  8. Energy and fuel.
  9. Medical products.
  10. Agricultural sector.

Areas for selling services:

  1. IT products (programs and applications for business and everyday life).
  2. Tourism business.
  3. Insurance and credit products ( insurance companies, banks).
  4. The sphere of recreation and entertainment (sports, entertainment centers, restaurants, recreation centers, etc.).
  5. Construction and economic sphere (repairs, improvement).
  6. Advertising, design.
  7. Real estate (sale or rent).

As you already understand, a sales manager will never be left without work, there will always be something to sell, but there are also responsibilities!

Key responsibilities of a sales manager

Despite the fact that all salespeople perform similar tasks, there is a division of sales managers according to the specifics of their activities. Those who think that the words: seller, implementer, sales representative, sales manager are synonyms, they are greatly mistaken.

For example, a medical equipment sales manager will have slightly different responsibilities than a metal wholesaler. Let's take a closer look at the responsibilities of a sales manager, taking these features into account.

This list of responsibilities can be called standard, regardless of the specifics of sales:

  • Fulfillment of sales plan (quantity and quality).
  • Consulting clients both on the product itself and on the terms of its purchase. A sales manager must master: establishing contact, identifying needs, presenting a product, making an offer, closing a deal. This can happen either through direct contact with the client in the store or over the phone.
  • Concludes purchase and sale agreements with clients. The types of contracts and their complexity depend on the specifics of the product, for example: furniture, windows, equipment, cars, raw materials, components, services, etc.
  • Issues invoices, acts, invoices, and other documents accompanying the transaction - all this is the responsibility of the sales manager.
  • Control: accounts receivable, cash and non-cash receipts, bill payments.
  • Organizing delivery of goods to the buyer on time. Communication with companies delivering goods to the warehouse or directly to the customer, as well as the logistics department.
  • Possible business trips, attendance at trainings and sales seminars. Which is correct?
  • Conducting presentations and placement when a new product enters the market. Who, if not the sales manager, knows his product better? Study a new product, think through the manner of communicating innovations to potential buyer, be prepared for public speaking and video recording, if necessary. Sometimes, new product exhibited in large shopping centers and you need to be prepared for thousands of people and active communication. Not all companies attract promoters; many want to see their professional employee next to your product.
  • Coordination of the actions of several departments, for example: logistics-accounting-importer-warehouse. At every stage of the sale, random failure may occur. The task of the sales manager is to keep control of his orders and, if anything happens, make timely decisions agreed with the client.
  • Transfer of goods to the buyer and preparation of accompanying documents. The goods have arrived at the warehouse. It needs to be inspected, prepared for showing to the client, the documents on acceptance and transfer must be checked: inspection report, checklist, transfer acceptance certificate.
  • Instruction on use, if required by the specifics of the product. These include: any equipment, mechanisms, structures, compositions, etc. The sales manager must explain in clear language what is turned on and where, how it works, and what should not be done.

Responsibilities of a Senior Sales Manager

  • Coordinating the work of sales managers.
  • Replacing a manager during his absence.
  • Development of measures to achieve the sales plan.
  • Participation in events related to the promotion of the company's product.
  • Maintaining the company's image.
  • Working with VIP clients and participating in resolving disputes and conflict situations.
  • Collection and processing of marketing information necessary to achieve the required share of sales.
  • Participation in the selection and training of sales personnel.
  • Compliance monitoring.

Responsibilities of a Wholesale Sales Manager

Standard list, plus:

  • Processing incoming calls and requests.
  • Working with catalogs and databases.
  • Organization of sales and delivery of goods in large quantities.
  • Work with distribution data (organization of sales and distribution of goods). Production plans, warehouses, supply chains, orders. When working with a client, the manager wholesale sales can sell not only its own goods in stock, but also the goods of another supplier.
  • Searching for clients in the local and international market.
  • Analysis of the sales market and new suppliers.
  • Ability to negotiate at any level.

Responsibilities of the Regional Sales Manager

To the standard list of responsibilities, feel free to add:

  • Selling your product in a specific region in accordance with the sales plan.
  • Business trips and trips related to checking retail outlets.
  • Development of a trading network.
  • Maintaining regular reporting and sales planning.
  • and assortment.
  • Competitor analysis.

Service Sales Manager responsibilities

Unlike the sale of goods that can be touched after purchase, the sale of services differs in its intangible component, or rather, you do not immediately feel that you have bought. For example, a trip or insurance policy, massage or English lessons. You are purchasing a benefit, not a tangible product. Therefore, the responsibilities of a service sales manager differ from the usual ones, but do not exclude them:

  • Communicating the benefits and benefits of the service to the client.
  • Formation and distribution of individual selling offers, including to corporate clients.
  • Conducting presentations and demonstrations of the benefits of the service.
  • Conducting lengthy negotiations.

By the way, useful information for the sale of services such as .

Responsibilities of a Real Estate Sales Manager

  • Search and familiarization with the object (house, apartment, plot, etc.)
  • Preparation and verification of documentation for the sale, purchase, rental of real estate.
  • Informing interested parties and searching for new clients.
  • Showing the property to clients.
  • Organization of both the sale and purchase of an object across all legal norms legislation.
  • Communication with other agencies.

Responsibilities of a Corporate Sales Manager

In addition to standard duties, also:

  • Searching for clients, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
  • Making cold phone calls to expand your customer base using . Under a lying stone - water does not flow! You need to constantly look for new clients from a prepared database, and it doesn’t matter which method you use. How cold selling has changed, read more.
  • Making outbound visits to potential clients. Active sales– searching for interested parties and concluding transactions with them. After a successful one, it’s time to go to the client with a commercial offer.
  • Formation and communication to potential clients
  • Participation in exhibitions and promotions.
  • Participation in tenders and large projects.
  • Outgoing visits to top management of large organizations, networking.


As you can see, the concept of a seller is very flexible. What a sales manager does can safely be called - organized sales. If you decide to become a sales manager, and you are not intimidated by this list of job responsibilities and requirements, you may well be able to achieve success in this interesting and profitable craft. You can read about the advantages and disadvantages of the profession.

What do you think about the profession of sales manager? Write your comments, your opinion is very important to us!

General manager
Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The sales manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order general director companies.
1.3. The Sales Manager reports directly to commercial director company / head of sales department / regional manager on sales.
1.4. During the absence of the sales manager, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.5. A person responsible for following requirements: education - higher or incomplete higher education, experience in similar work of at least one year.
1.6. The sales manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts RF;
- Company Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, others regulations companies;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Searches for potential clients.
2.2. Conducts commercial negotiations with clients.
2.3. Receives and processes customer orders and prepares necessary documents.
2.4. Finds out customer needs for products sold by the company and coordinates orders with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of the range.
2.5. Motivates customers to work with the company in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.
2.6. Draws up a monthly sales plan.
2.7. Maintains reporting on sales and shipments to the company's customers.
2.8. Participates in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department.
2.9. Maintains a client base.
2.10. Controls the shipment of products to customers.
2.11. Controls payment by customers for goods under concluded contracts.

3. Rights

3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.2. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and that of the company.
3.3. Require management to create normal conditions for fulfillment official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.
3.4. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

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