Energy of pleasure. How to learn to enjoy life Start enjoying life

They say that to enjoy life you need to have a special mindset, to perceive the world in in a positive way and thank heaven for every day you live. Since most of us simply don't have the free time to go somewhere to a temple on top of a mountain to find bliss, best way becoming happy is about making practical, everyday changes. If you understand that it is worth appreciating the people who surround you and can take the time to do what you love, then you will soon feel how happiness and satisfaction with life are born bit by bit from pleasant little things.


Improved emotional health

    Get a pet. Pets are an endless source of love, companionship and entertainment. In addition, pet owners enjoy good health, since thanks to their smaller brothers, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the development of hypertension is reduced. Moreover, having a pet helps you acquire wonderful qualities such as empathy and the ability to care for others. A special bond develops between the owner and the pet, which only grows stronger over the years.

    • Adopt a pet from a local shelter. Thanks to this, you will be able to establish a warm connection with him.
  1. Develop an interest in music. Music develops imagination and a sense of self, raises self-esteem and helps in the fight against loneliness. Music opens up wide possibilities for us. Insert a disc with your favorite compositions into the player, turn up the volume, and let nothing distract you from enjoying the music. Thanks to this, you can experience the full power of music.

    Start your day with a smile. Our face is the mirror of the soul. Facial expression reveals the inner state of the soul or the content of our thoughts. Moreover, it is capable influence to our mood. Therefore, be sure to smile, thanks to which you will have good mood. Greet yourself with a smile as you look at your reflection in the mirror. Your happy face can charge you with positivity for the whole day.

    Take a break. This doesn't mean you have to sit in front of the TV screen or hang out in world wide web. It means putting things aside and doing something special. Take a little vacation for yourself, a change of scenery, even if it's just a picnic in the yard or building a fort in the living room with your children. Take a break from the usual routine of your life and allow yourself, even for a short time, to break away from your work schedule. You will notice changes in your mood and sense of humor. In addition, a door with new opportunities will open for you.

    Spend time with interesting people. People who have many friends live longer. As you know, “whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” Therefore, friends have a huge influence on our behavior. Communicate with positive, interesting people, thanks to which your life will become brighter and richer.

    • Do you keep putting off meeting an old friend? Call him today! If you can't reach him by phone, take some time to write him an email or a letter.
    • Are you tired of an unhealthy relationship with your friend? Turning a blind eye to his bad behavior will not benefit you or him. Therefore, try to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether it is worth trying to have an honest conversation with your friend, or whether it is better to simply stop communicating with him.
    • Do you find it difficult to meet new people? Get out of your comfort zone, take a walk to new places, strike up conversations with strangers, discuss your new hobby, or even join a group of people with interests similar to yours.
  2. Learn to manage stress if you cannot remove sources of stress from your life. Think about whether you can eliminate the source of stress from your life? If yes, then take action! Very often the cause of stress is related to our work, money or family. Of course, it's not that easy to change jobs, but you can learn to manage the stress that comes with it.

    Learn new things. Receipt higher education will increase your self-esteem and interest in life. However, this is not the only way to understand the world around you. Reading, traveling, engaging workshops, interesting lectures, and meeting people from other cultures can also teach us something new. Or take online courses that will help you deepen your knowledge and hone your skills in your free time. Ultimately, instead of passing up the opportunity to gain new experiences, accumulate them and expand your horizons. Remember, we have one life, and we need to live it interesting and fun.

    Find a passion. It doesn’t matter whether it’s stamp collecting or kickboxing, the most important thing is that the hobby should be a source of joy and inspiration. You should not subject your life to a monotonous daily routine; spontaneity and surprise will bring bright colors to it. Do what you love because you enjoy doing it and because it helps you stay motivated. You should not devote time to your favorite activity just because others are doing it or in order to meet generally accepted social standards.

    Read good books. Of course, it is very easy to sit on the sofa in front of the TV screen in the evening. However, in this case, you will only be a passive observer, your imagination will not work, and when you turn off the TV, you will feel tired, as if you were a zombie and not a person. Choose a book that you will enjoy reading. If you don't really like to read, try to approach this activity outside the box, perhaps you should look for special literature that will relate to your hobby: if you are interested in baseball, read the autobiography of Bill Wick; if you are a biker, pick up the appropriate literature.

    • Write down phrases that reflect your inner world. When you sit down to read, take not only a book in your hands, but also a notebook in which you will write down expressions that inspire you. After some time, you will accumulate a whole lot of different phrases that will help you move towards your goals.
  3. Practice meditation. Meditation reduces stress levels and helps you calm down. Devote a few minutes a day to meditation, thanks to this you will be able to relax and feel inner harmony. While meditating, watch your posture and make sure there are no distractions.

Improved physical health

    Strengthen your immune system. No one feels happy when they are sick. Taking a multivitamin that contains vitamins C, E and A, selenium and beta-carotene will have a positive effect on your immune system.

    • A strong immune system allows you to respond more effectively to stress or physical illness. In addition, exercise, rest, and a healthy diet are important for strengthening the immune system.
  1. Exercise. Exercising stimulates the release of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones. Regular exercise not only helps fight depression, anxiety and loneliness, but also strengthens the immune system. Even ordinary walking is directly related to the production of the optimal amount of antibodies to protect our body from various ailments.

  2. Unfortunately, you can also find pathogenic bacteria in the garden. So wear gloves to protect your hands, especially if your or your neighbor's cats are using your garden as a litter box. Wash your hands thoroughly after working in the ground!
  3. Eat right. It's no secret that healthy food (without preservatives or dyes) is important for maintaining good health. In addition, cooking with fresh ingredients can give you an emotional boost: the food smells and looks delicious. When you become an experienced cook, you will enjoy the process of cooking and take your mind off the daily hustle and bustle. Plus, in addition to the health benefits, cooking at home can help you save a lot of money on your budget. If you are just taking your first steps in cooking, start with simple, proven recipes that will not discourage you from cooking. If possible, do not cook with processed ingredients. food products. This is very important if you want to be healthy and happy.

  • Although these tips are based on scientific theories about happiness, remember that the ability to enjoy life depends on us. Happiness cannot be measured by anything, because everyone has their own idea of ​​it. In other words, everyone is the architect of their own happiness, which means whether you are happy or not is up to you to decide.
  • Worries are a useless waste of strength and energy. Instead of killing yourself and worrying, do something useful. If you are so exhausted that you have absolutely no desire to do anything, rest or take a nap, and begin solving your problems with renewed vigor. You will feel much better when you correct the situation rather than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.
  • Use your imagination every day. Learn to think creatively and have fun doing it.
  • Look around you! If you do not feel pleasure in life, try to get rid of the negativity that may be present in it. Focus your attention on the things you love and the people who care about you.


  • There is no single recipe for happiness. Read articles and improve. But you should not take everything that is written in them as truth. If some advice did not help you, you should not engage in self-flagellation. Instead, find an alternative solution to your problems that works for you.

Our lifestyle forces us to move faster and faster. We suffer, but we cannot stop: we need to run further in order to do more and better.

“In yoga, the feeling of life is very connected with what is happening to us here and now,” says Yulia Makarova, teacher at the Moscow Iyengar Yoga Center. - To truly see the world, to be surprised by its depth, you need to learn to stop. Not only physically - it is also important to learn to slow down your internal dialogue: constantly thinking about our actions, we become fixated on useless experiences.

In India I have met many poor people who know how to rejoice in the most simple things: warm weather, smile. They seem to remind us that we can notice and appreciate the very feeling of life. “Let go” of yourself, give yourself the opportunity to slow down and free yourself from the superficial. It doesn’t require much effort: put on comfortable clothes, go outside, look around, “turn off” your thoughts and worries and just enjoy the good things that are happening to you now.”

Open up to beauty

“We are used to living in our thoughts and anxieties, which, like a veil, block us from reality,” says Varvara Sidorova, art therapist, head of the Center for Art Therapy. - When drawing, we focus on what we are doing, on our movements, brush, paints. We can transfer our thoughts to a piece of paper, or we can depict what attracted our attention and resonated with our “I”.

Subsequently, this becomes our resource, here we can draw strength and inspiration. For example, you saw on the street beautiful tree, and then they drew him. Every time you look at this sketch, you will return to your feelings and experiences and be recharged with positive, creative energy.”

When drawing, we focus on what we are doing, on our movements, brush, paints. We can resonate with our “I”

“At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether you know how to draw: even in a small simple line there is beauty, mystery, charm,” continues Varvara Sidorova. - Blooming cherry blossoms, of course, are mesmerizing, but a petal that is invisible at first glance is also beautiful... The main thing is to draw and enjoy it.

Each of us can create many things with our own hands. During the trainings we make cups: we mold them from clay, fire them in the oven... The result is a warm, living, real cup. And it’s a pleasure to drink from it: every time we get that warmth, that energy and joy that we put into it at the moment of creativity.”

See funny

“We, adults, are often very serious and ponderous,” says Irina Baranova, laughter therapist, author and presenter of the training “Laughter for the Creativity of Your Life.” - It’s not often that we allow ourselves to go beyond the generally accepted and do cute, funny pranks: tie a bow, make a surprise, write a poem. Relax, stop controlling yourself and everything around you, behave like children - many of us don’t even realize how nice it is to be frivolous sometimes...

We analyze almost all our actions from the perspective of society. We don't see the little things, we don't notice the funny. We should learn to notice details in order to free ourselves from the pressure of self-importance and become lighter. And finally see your own life, linger in it. Good joke tickles the mind, turns the world upside down and brings hidden truths to light. If we feel good and comfortable internally, it will be easier for us to catch the funny even in serious matters.”

Touch someone else

Our acquaintance with the world begins with the touch of our hands, and tactile sensations forever remain for us a reliable source of information about another person. When greeting, saying goodbye or congratulating each other, we hug.

“Hugging is a non-sexual way of expressing affection,” says psychotherapist Virginia Satir. “If people paid more attention to their needs for tactile contact, they might be less aggressive.”

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we easily forget the power of gentle touches. And it only takes a few minutes to feel another person, hug him, touch his arm or shoulder with your fingertips. Slowly, delving into your feelings...

Behind the small joys of touch lies the great joy of being in the world.

“To be here and now, we need tactile experiences,” says Aida Ailamazyan, psychologist, head of the Heptakhor studio of musical movement and improvisation. - Alas, today we experience an extreme lack of physicality and movement... The body has turned out to be almost excluded from the life of modern man.

We sit in front of a computer all day long, with only our eyes working among our sense organs... To regain a sense of our own physicality, you just need to change your habits a little, overcome fear or an existing stereotype of behavior.

Of course, without violating someone else's personal space - the boundaries of other people are inviolable. The point is only to be more flexible, to act in such a way that maintaining boundaries, decency and distance does not turn into a cell closed on all sides. Otherwise, we risk losing access to our natural bodily and emotional needs, turning from living beings into a set of roles and functions.”

Savor the taste

“Don’t just swallow a hastily heated dinner, but taste the dish using all your senses: feeling the taste, observing the color, feeling the aroma, being inspired by the sound (the appetizing crunch of a radish, the sound of sizzling meat in a frying pan). The drinks deserve no less attention.

“Pour some good wine into a glass and let it “breathe,” suggests Alexander Pavlov, head sommelier at the Elardzhi restaurant, presenter of seminars and author of a course of lectures on wine. - Then inhale its aroma, sip a little without swallowing, and - freeze. From the sensations, colorful images will be born: a grapevine, a cherry pit, or maybe vanilla or honey. A good wine reveals itself every moment, giving us new undertones. It is important to try it slowly, listening - and then in a few minutes a completely different palette will open: from meadow mushrooms to black currants.

The variety of aromas is unimaginable, everything depends only on whether we give ourselves time to feel them. Each glass contains an entire era, history, destiny... But it is impossible to feel this without paying attention, respect, and patience to the drink. To get real pleasure, you need to immerse yourself in the process with all your heart, mind, and soul. Catch a thread of taste and reel it in as if on a ball... And this principle works in everything: in life, as in wine, each shade of taste diverges into other shades - and this process is endless and beautiful.”

Listen to yourself

In a sense, the search for pleasure is a search for yourself. Each of us has our own attachments, passions, interests. We need to turn to them if we want to get our own, “private” pleasure.

For example, many people find joy in gardening - and not because they cannot live without their cucumbers or herbs. They just like physical effort, the spirit of the earth, and communication with plants. Ultimately, the question of pleasure is a question of choosing the right strategy in the relationship between the individual and society. Our job is not to go against society, but to be ourselves: to accept what is necessary, reject what is alien and develop what is characteristic of me.”

At the Unified State Examination, an unhappy schoolboy, searched to the point of his underpants, is asked to write an essay on the topic “Is it possible to live without a goal?” Naturally, the graduate, as taught at school, writes all sorts of rubbish in the style of “I think it’s impossible, because...”. Well, why? Because they say you can't? Well, if a person does not have a goal in the global sense of this word? After all, if a person does not have a global goal to make the world a better place, but he just wants to live for his own pleasure, then what is he now, not a person?

Let's say that from birth we do not strive to quickly become a person - everything is comprehended gradually, over time and without clear awareness. If a person is happy, if his life model suits him, then looking for a goal is absolutely pointless. This model is based on life expectations, and this has nothing to do with plans to conquer the world. I just want to live. Live happily and not disturb others. If you ask you: “How do you see yourself in 5-10 years?”, so you will answer: “Healthy, rich and happy.” And this is quite adequate. But the majority still create goals for themselves, most often imposed: they say, they need to unlearn, get married, be baptized, fast and have a mistress, so that they don’t think badly. Whatever the source of the goal conveyor - family, friends, colleagues, social media, the media - we are in voluntary captivity: in dreams of the expected tomorrow or with regret about what was not achieved yesterday.

People without a goal do not want to follow a clear route. The journey itself brings them joy. They love what they have and therefore enjoy life every day. Without chasing time, without unnecessary stress, without straining your strength. Their approach is to be happy right today, at this very moment. They don’t just observe moments rushing from “tomorrow” to “yesterday”, but pass the threads of time directly through themselves. Breathe through “now.”

Spit on the norms of thinking

Other people's goals are for everything to be beautiful and expensive. How petty this is! Your task is to put your huge device on the accepted norms of thinking and beautifully, with the grace of a ballet dancer, spitting on everyone, like Evgeny Panasenkov, to do what you consider necessary.

Live in such a way that it is a joy

To live without goals, you need to give meaning to every day you live. And to do this, you need to fill your days with things that you really like. Of course, within the limits of the law and not bordering on common sense. It is desirable that these very actions give you a feeling of completeness. To do this, you don’t have to run across the road when it’s red—it’s enough to do pleasant things. What will happen tomorrow will happen tomorrow. For now, relax and have fun.

Not everything goes according to plan

Let the direction of your life be set only by your interests, and not by what is fashionable, profitable and approved by your parents. And please don’t think that everything has to be clear, specific and understandable. Because this is the framework into which you drive yourself. And over the course of our lives, we change preferences and expectations a hundred times, and then we fall into hysterics because everything turned out a little differently than expected. And if after 12 years you have not become the richest doctor, then this is solely a problem of your self-esteem and expectations. After so many years, you have managed to understand that the only thing you have in common with medicine is the alcohol content, and you are quite happy with what you have now. Why be upset?

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

There really are no right or wrong decisions, success or failure. These measures are subjective, and people will hate you, whether you are successful or insignificant. If you spent time on something not particularly necessary, take it as an experience, not a set of rules.

Don't sit in one place

For some reason, it is generally accepted that if a person under the age of 28 moves from place to place, then he has an eccentric nature, he himself is not serious, and treating him as an equal is a stupid idea. On the other hand, why has filling life with impressions become criminal? Well, you didn't get a job in large company, but you have money! And you have seen more than some: there are enough impressions for the entire Prikubansky district of the city of Krasnodar. On the contrary, don’t sit still, do new things, and you will always have time to live, grow old and turn sour like shit.

Look how many opportunities there are around

When we focus on the damn goal, we don't notice the opportunities that are scattered here and there, like hiding places in Wolfenstein. You set a goal to become a mechanic and you don’t notice how many options there are to make money without leaving home. I just spread my arms, and they jump on their own, like prostitutes on the show “The Bachelor,” and little girls on Yegor Creed. The only thing that is required of you is to look around carefully.

Filter people

Do you have problems communicating with people? Too lazy to build bridges of love and friendship, to leave the house to meet somewhere/for some reason/with someone? Well then, relax and communicate only with those with whom you feel comfortable, in the manner that suits you most. Of course, no one has canceled the homespun truth that those people from whom you do not expect it radically change your life. But they still need to be found. Unfortunately, we spend too much time on unnecessary people. And if socializing is so difficult, choose the maximum convenient way selection. Simply by communicating in a comfortable manner, you will receive in your environment what you have been fighting for.

Be aware of imperfection

Don't try to look perfect. Identify your shortcomings and look at them as a source of life lessons. They are a part of you, even more than that beautiful creature, which for some reason was nicknamed “the other half.” There is no need to flaunt your flaws, but it is also stupid to deny their presence. You fight them best only when you recognize and acknowledge them.

Don't focus on a specific result

Don’t strive for any specifics, and you will be healthier. Do not strive for money, for a certain amount, but rather strive for comfort and prosperity. These are things of the same order, but in the first case you have a specific reason to cry, and in the second, you approach any problem philosophically.

The Art of Doing Nothing

But there is one big difficulty: in order to know this wisdom, you need to do nothing. Learn to be idle as much as possible! We sincerely hope that there are still more idlers. But don't think you can live your life lying on the couch. This is a measure to learn to relax and not look for the damn “purpose of life”.

Doing nothing at all (in the true sense of the expression) can be quite difficult. On the first try for sure. Actually, the command “do nothing” is already the goal. Therefore, start small - with 5-10 minute approaches of simply lying on the couch and contemplating the ceiling. Without TV and computers - after all, we write about serious things, and not about interviewers who have divorced on YouTube. That's all. Breathe deeply, relax and after that, after some time, try to just mindlessly look at things (a video or just out the window) that do not interest you in any way. Stupid and thoughtless. Because there is more meaning in this prostration than in the screams that you need to run somewhere.

It is important to find a comfortable place to do nothing. Once you find it, sit down and choose the most comfortable position. Make it a rule to squat and rest for at least 5 minutes. And it is advisable that you have a glass or plate with something tasty in your hand. The taste gives us almost more pleasure than what you immediately thought of. In the end, everyone has food, but what you thought about, alas, does not.

But highest level mastering the skill of doing nothing - learning to combine it with everyday life. Try to just do nothing in the middle of the workday: look at people, look around and relax. And then you can do it in the workplace. It seems silly, but it gives maximum satisfaction and pleasure. You immediately see all the nonsense of the fuss and imagine yourself as an old man, observing the planet since the time when it was a cloud of gas and dust, and during this countless time you have managed to be both God and someone worse than any worm.

I wonder if you know how to rejoice and enjoy life? Be happy with what you have now? Or are you in a constant pursuit of pleasures, working from Monday to Friday, expecting them on the weekends, and in the end you don’t get them, because everyday problems accumulate on the weekends, which we solve again, and put off the joys for later? What if we constantly don’t have enough time?

Let's learn this together. A person who knows how to enjoy life gets sick less, gets tired less and more often gets from life what he wants, what he has in mind, more often succeeds. If enjoying life becomes a habit, our problems will be solved easily, and life will give us more favorable chances.

Every person has the opportunity to enjoy, but not everyone can use it. First you need to properly set yourself and your life. If you learn to relax correctly, learn to find joy in ordinary things, you will break out of the everyday “everyday routine”, ordinary things will not burden you, and you will always have maximum energy that you can spend on getting what you want.

You need to live in such a way that every day you want to live even more. This can be achieved if there is always some kind of novelty in life: new knowledge, new acquaintances, new skills.

Typically, people who do not know how to enjoy life are people who grew up in an environment where difficulties and hardships prevailed, and who have experienced joyless emotions since childhood: anxiety, disappointment, mistrust, fear of the future. Such people always think that after several joyful events there will definitely be a period of a long “dark streak”, that they must constantly work in order to survive, because they do not have one, another, a third... And because of their insolvency they are ready to blame others: they are to blame parents who didn’t deliver something, a boss who doesn’t pay enough money, a husband who humiliates and beats, or something else like that. Such people find it difficult to relax and have fun. They begin to lose strength earlier and age faster.

What if you start just living, and not surviving? There is so much to be happy about in life! These are positive emotions from interesting relationships: personal, friendly, love, creative, partnership, etc. This is an interesting business, a hobby, new creativity, new opportunities. If you learn to use it, you can enjoy a lot.

Often pleasure can be found where you don't expect it. And if you try to get it by force, it won’t work. This is all due to the fact that we are not used to living by our desires, but living the way we “should”, as we were taught. And when a conflict arises between us, we receive negative emotions from the “wrong” development of events and fall into depression, because in life there begin to be a lack of interesting experiences for you, the creative process is absent, you stop living playfully, with passion.

Of course, pleasure depends on circumstances, mood, emotions, etc. People are often mistaken, thinking that without money there are no pleasures. Although pleasure is your personal emotions, and they do not depend on money. They depend only on your internal state. Of course, money is not the last factor in realizing our desires, and it helps a lot in the implementation of our plans. But, besides, there is also curiosity, thanks to which a person wants to learn more about what exists beyond his accessibility? It is similar to the curiosity of small children: they are interested in everything. And when they see something new for themselves, lights light up in their eyes. This is how you need to live - with twinkles in your eyes.

Imagine that you are climbing a path up a mountain overgrown with spruce trees. You walk along it for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, an hour - the landscape does not change. And suddenly, unexpectedly, the path emerges onto a bald slope, from which an amazing landscape opens: the sun, clouds, a lake at the foot of the cliff, blooming nature, bizarre silhouettes of other rocks in the distance. You will inevitably experience wild delight from that dramatic change. And you want to go further and see what is there next? It’s the same in life. Don’t forget that there is that little devil inside of you that sometimes wants to frolic, invent something, and catch an adventure “in one place.” Then life will become more interesting. And you want to have fun, you want to realize yourself.

There is so much beauty in life, just don’t look for something bad in every good moment. I once witnessed such a scene in a store. The girl approached the cosmetics saleswoman and asked about the shadows with sparkles: “Tell me, are the sparkles on these shadows everywhere, or just on top?” - and without waiting for an answer, she said: “I know, only on top. You lie, you can’t deceive.”

Learn to enjoy life. So that learn to enjoy life, try to treat life like a game. Then the problems won’t weigh on you so much – it’s just a game. And the game always ends and another one begins. Enjoy every period of the game. Go through life with a smile, and you won't have to wait long.

I offer you a clip about the beauty of this world.

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Few people know how to appreciate what they have. For some reason, it is generally accepted that only those who have reached the heights of success can be happy. If you don't have the latest iPhone or don't wear clothes famous brands, you are a loser and will never be able to enjoy life. But the whole secret is that all those who have huge fortunes depend on how much of their products the common man will buy. And for this, with the help of the media, they impose that you can only be happy by possessing all these things. Therefore, you should not perceive that possessing material wealth can help you learn to enjoy life. This is not true at all.

A person can only be happy when he is satisfied with his life. He rejoices in what he has, thanks for what he was able to acquire, and appreciates his friends and loved ones. In any situation, he is able to see positive aspects, but this does not mean at all that a happy person does not know how to react correctly to what is happening. Quite the opposite, when it hurts, he is unhappy, but when everything is good in his life, he does not grumble and does not think that only in the future he will be able to enjoy life, but notices the good things that exist today.

There is no need to expect others to become better, friendlier and kinder. Change yourself, and others will follow your example. To change the world around you, change your attitude towards it and yourself. Don’t rush to assess what is happening, get used to analyzing any situation from all sides. Then you will react completely differently, even to the most difficult problems in your life.

It is very easy to appreciate something when you are faced with misfortune. Start helping those in need, and you will immediately understand what you can thank life for. Health, peace of mind, kindness, care, great willpower, good manners, the ability to take responsibility, a loved one, good friends and work, and allows for self-realization, having housing and a good income - all this is worthy of enjoying own life.

Never refuse orphans, lonely pensioners, people with disabilities, children who are sick. Your help will be most welcome, by the way, in shelters for homeless animals, and by taking an unfortunate creature from the street who is innocent of anything, you will make this world a much better and kinder place. The love and devotion that it will give you cannot be compared with anything. Nobody can love you like that. Animals do not see your shortcomings, do not reproach or humiliate you, they believe in you and know that you are the kindest and best on earth. Therefore, all that remains is to live up to this belief in yourself.

Scientists have come to the unequivocal conclusion that happier person it happens not when you earn more and more, but when you give to others. Think about how you can help right now. This may be a good time to say “thank you” to your parents for what they did for you, help friends solve difficult problems, or make a small financial contribution to an orphanage and animal shelter in your city.

Start making your own long-forgotten dreams come true. Don't deny yourself to take a step forward and feel like a strong person, capable of achieving anything you want. Memories of desires that appeared in childhood or adolescence at the same time give the opportunity to again feel that faith and hope that all the best lies ahead. Don't miss the opportunity to rejoice at what you have achieved over the past years.

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