How to install shing in advego. Advego Plagiatus from A to Z

Hello! Before publishing on any site, it is advisable to check the article for uniqueness. If it is low, then it is advisable to work out the article again. How can I perform a quick or deep uniqueness check?

Advego plagiatus is one of the best free programs checking the uniqueness of the text. It can be downloaded from the developer's site -. It is very easy to install and does not take up much disk space. It is extremely useful for authors - and, but even the most experienced of them do not always know how to use advego plagiarism with maximum efficiency.

Working interface

Ease of use is a distinctive feature of Advego plagiarism. The program interface consists of four main blocks:

  1. control Panel;
  2. field for verification (it is also a text editor);
  3. results field;
  4. information block.

The last one can be closed. It contains information about the Advego exchange and may not be useful for work. But it is better to stretch the field for verification, especially if a large article is being checked. This is very convenient, since you can check a huge number of characters. By the way, this option is automatically displayed when loading text in the lower right corner.

The most frequently used functions of advego plagiatus are duplicated on the quick access panel.

You can paste text into the corresponding field in two ways: by opening the file through the menu, or by copying the text. As a rule, authors use the second method. Sometimes you need to open a page on the Internet where the necessary material is located. There is a corresponding line for this. True, it must be borne in mind that it opens with all the tags that can be removed using a special menu function. But even after that, not only the desired text, but the entire reference Information about the site (for example, menu items), which will have to be removed manually. However, this function for working with advego plagiarism is more additional.

Uniqueness check

The program provides two ways to check:

  1. fast;
  2. deep.

Even if the customer does not stipulate the use of the latter, it is still recommended to work with it. This is necessary to obtain the most reliable result.

The undoubted advantage of advego plagiarism is that even a novice author can use it without special preparation. The program gives a kind of hints by which you can determine whether you need to edit the text and in what direction to work.

The result is displayed as two numbers separated by a slash. For example, the uniqueness of the text is 82% / 100%. You should focus on the first value: the second is a reference and indicates a possible rewrite. Matches are highlighted in yellow and blue, respectively. Additionally, the level of uniqueness is reported. For example, “satisfactory uniqueness of the text”, as well as “possibly rewriting”. The latest versions of the program provide for automatic termination of the check when it matches one page by 50% or more.

If the uniqueness is lower than required, then you need to refer to the advego plagiatus results field, where the values ​​for each verified site are indicated. Clicking on the metric bar only highlights matches to that specific page, allowing you to edit the text directly in the check box and then check again. By clicking on the link, you can go to the page where the borrowing was found.


This menu item is rarely used when working with advego plagiarism, because the default settings are set optimally. However, sometimes you have to change them manually. This is required in the following cases:

  • customer condition;
  • low speed connections;
  • a large number of search errors.

Sometimes the customer requires changing the shingle or the size of the search phrase. Usually in such cases, he specifies the desired values, so there should be no difficulty.

If the connection speed is insufficient, the search slows down, which leads to a significant number of errors and unreliable results. In this case, you need to set other parameters in the "Timeout" line for the response time of the checked sites. It is important not to increase them too much, otherwise the check will be unnecessarily delayed.

Errors in working with search engines usually occur with large daily check volumes. In this case, it may be useful to pay attention to the proxy settings.

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  • Abort on match more than- the program will automatically stop searching for duplicates when the specified percentage of matching documents is exceeded.
  • Count matches from- the program will take into account the checked documents if the percentage of matching is higher than the specified one.
  • Shingle size. A single is a piece of text consisting of n-words following one after another without taking into account stop words and punctuation marks. The size of the shingle is the number of words in each fragment.
  • Search phrase- the size of the phrase to be searched. The smaller the phrase size, the larger the search sample.

How to use

After setting up Advego, you can start working with the program. To use Advego, it is not necessary to immediately go to the settings, they can be left by default. That's enough for a start. Over time, you yourself will understand when you need to change the settings.

To check text for uniqueness in Advego Plagiatus do two simple steps:

1. Checking the text:

Option A. Copy the text in the editor field. You can do this in several ways:

  • button "Insert", which is located on the toolbar.
  • Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V.

Option B. In the field "Address" paste the URL of the page you want to check.

2. Press one of the buttons "Quick Check" or "Deep Check"

A quick check takes a minimum of time. Deep checking, respectively, takes more time and more carefully checks your text for copy-paste or rewriting.

After the check is completed, the result of checking our document will appear in the working window. Now we know how unique the text is, and we need to work on the uniqueness of which fragment.

In our example, on the screenshot we see the following result: 37% / 12%, where:

  • Text uniqueness - 37%
  • Originality - 12%

Note: when checking the uniqueness of a text or page, they most often focus on the second indicator - originality, which in our case is 12%.

At the bottom of the working window of the program there is a log in which all information on the program operation is recorded. If you scroll it (scroll), we can see the percentage of matches for each page separately.

After checking the text for uniqueness with Advego Plagiatus, it can be painted over in yellow or blue. It says the following:

  • Yellow- exact copies (doubles) of the text (copy-paste). In other words, non-unique text.
  • Blue(turquoise) - a fragment of text with the same meaning, but written with different synonymous words (rewrite) - non-original text.


The Advego Plagiatus text uniqueness checker is an easy-to-use tool that is used for one purpose, but different specialists. Works on all versions of Windows, starting with Windows 2000. The advantage of the program is the ease of working with it, a simple minimal interface that is not overloaded with additional functions. Getting started with Plagiarism is easy, so we can say with confidence that this program is quite suitable for beginners.

If you don't need to go to the settings, you can use the default settings in Advego Plagiatus. Usually the default settings are more than enough for a simple user.

The disadvantage of Advego Plagiatus is that it only works under Windows and does not work on operating systems Unix and Linux families. Accordingly, it is not suitable for Mac users.

How to make money on Advego? How to set up advego plagiatus? The answers to these questions are in the article. We will also answer the question, how much can you earn on advego?

Good day, dear friends.

Advego is a website where you can sell your articles for money. This work is also called "Copyright". How to make money on advego? Everything is very simple. First you need to register on the site. We pass a simple registration. There shouldn't be any problems. But just in case, I made a small instruction in the form of screenshots. Understand what anyone can do.

Step 1

Step 2(fill in your details))

After registering on advego, go to your account, then using the horizontal menu, click on the "To Author" tab, then " sell article". After completing these steps, you will find yourself on the page for adding text for further sale. In order for your article to appear in the sales list, enter all the items correctly, for example: article language, article type, category. After you have added an article, after a while the administration, after checking it for errors, uniqueness, etc., put it up for sale. I can please you that the administration on this site is very responsive, so 80% of the articles successfully pass the administration. Here you have briefly learned how to use advego.

Also a big plus of the site is the program Advego Plagiatus - checking the uniqueness of the text. The program is very convenient for those who earn money on articles. I am glad to announce that this program is free. Every writer can use it.

Advego Plagiatus is in public beta testing. The program is provided as is. The developers of the program are not responsible for any consequences of installing the program on the user's PC.

How to set up advego plagiatus?

Click "Check Uniqueness" and edit the options for your article. Also go to "Settings" and set the time for yourself.

Advego plagiatus what do the colors mean?

Yellow color indicates the uniqueness of your article. The more yellow, the smaller the percentage of uniqueness. It is recommended to replace the yellow words with others.

The advego article exchange is a paradise for selling your articles online. A huge advantage of Advego is that you yourself choose the price of your article. On the Internet, they often ask the question “How much can I earn on advego?” There is no answer to this question. Because each of us writes differently.

If you are a beginner of this earnings, then for a start I propose to work on the project. Prices are lower there, but tasks are easier.

That's all, dear friends. If there are problems? leave comments. I'll be glad to help.

Advego Plagiatus (Advego Plagiatus) is the most popular program for checking text documents for uniqueness. Sometimes it can also be called Advego Antiplagiarism. The program greatly facilitates the work of both the authors of the articles and the buyers of the content. It is easy to use for beginners and available for every user to download.

Where to download Advego Plagiatus

The Anti-plagiarism program can be found on the developer's website - the article exchange of the same name. For downloading, this is the best and safest option. What is called "From the manufacturer." It's free. File weight - 1.6 Mb, in WINZIP format - 1.2 Mb.

An alternative to Plagiarism can be called

How to install

When the file has downloaded, open it. You will see a dialog box for choosing a language: English or Russian. Select "Russian", click on "OK".

The installer will notify you about installing the program on your computer. Click: "Next >"

In the next window, you need to specify the path where the program will be installed. By default, it will be installed in the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Advego Plagiatus

We create shortcuts in the start menu or wherever we see fit. Click the button: "Next >".

Select the items where you want to create additional icons, and check the boxes. Click: "Next >" and "Install".

The utility is being installed. We wait a few seconds. Click: "Finish".

Advego Antiplagiat is installed.

Program settings

Settings are set by clicking on the gear icon. I do not undertake to give specific parameters. Since for each customer they must be specified and may differ.

My settings look like this:

Shingle size - 4

Search phrase - 5

You can choose your best option work with the program.

How to use Advego Plagiatus

The program interface has several blocks:

  1. Text editor;
  2. Control Panel;
  3. Results window (log);
  4. Information window.

Key Features

The size of the program window is adjustable as desired. It can be stretched across the width of the screen. This is convenient for working with large texts.

The information window can be closed altogether.

The functions of the control panel are extremely simple and clear.

Line "Address" allows you to check the uniqueness of the entered web page URL.

Line "Ignore domains" - here enter the domains of the sites that need to be ignored during the check.

In field "Text editor" the document is placed for verification. Its volume is not limited.

The higher the number of characters, the longer it will take to receive the report.

The purpose of the Advego Plagiatus program is to find partial or complete matches in the text of an article on the Internet.

After the verification, the following indicators are given:

  • The uniqueness of the text (copy-paste / rewrite)
  • Total number of characters;
  • Number of characters in words;
  • The number of characters without spaces (indicated in the lower right corner);
  • Number of words;
  • The number of documents found;
  • Sources (links) copy-paste.

The result of checking the text of the article will show its uniqueness, expressed as a percentage in the form of two numbers. For example, 86%/61%, where:

The first figure 86% shows the uniqueness of your text, i.e. not copypasta. The program underlines non-unique text fragments in yellow.

The second figure 61% shows originality, i.e. not a rewrite.

If the program finds a match, it colors the text yellow.

If it finds elements of rewriting in the text, it will highlight them in blue.

Advantages of Advego Plagiatus

  • Clear interface;
  • Large selection of settings;
  • Checking in five search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Nigma, Bing);
  • The accuracy of the result;
  • The ability to correct the text immediately in the program. Highlighting sections of text that are not unique helps a lot;
  • performance.

At the moment, Advego Plagiatus is the most popular program for checking the uniqueness of any documents. I wish you success with her!

Good afternoon, dear readers. In this short article I will tell you how to check the uniqueness of the text using the program Advego Plagiatus (Advego Plagiatus)?

Before I start describing how to work with the interface, it is necessary to find out what a uniqueness checker is, where does Advego Plagiatus come from?

Uniqueness means unique, you write the text, and plagiarism looks at how it is written. Let's say we copy any paragraph on my blog and see what the uniqueness is. It will be 0 percent. Why? Because the search robot has already visited my site and indexed the content. I got my weight from the search engine and raised my authority a little bit.

It works in the following way. Performs text analysis and sees what matches there are, that is, such words have already been previously written in articles from another site / blog.

You need to make sure that these coincidences do not exist at all. If everything is met, then the text will be one hundred percent unique.

Advego Plagiatus is Advego's unique content exchange utility, which is the most popular in Runet.

So, let's figure it out:

How does Advego Plagiatus work?

You must download this program, type “advego plagiarism” into the search engine and go!

After the jump, open.

This is how it looks like:

Interface advego plagiarism while the program is running

In principle, even a beginner will understand its operation, but I will talk about the settings that many copywriters and bloggers do not fully know.

You open the program, there are 4 departments in the interface:

  • File;
  • Edit;
  • Uniqueness check;
  • Reference;

You only need two, which are in the middle, that is, editing and checking for uniqueness.

As a rule, I click on edit only when I need to delete text and paste another one.

For example, click on "Edit" and there the "Clear" button is in second place, you will use it regularly. The remaining items in the "Edit" section are not important when checking the uniqueness of the text. Personally, I never use them.

Section "Checking uniqueness"

It includes:

  • Deep check;
  • Quick check;
  • setting;

I advise you to always do a deep check, because it works better than a quick check.

This is understandable. Now let's go to the settings.

Advego Plagiatus after completion of work

Setting advego plagiarism

Well, let's take a look at each of these settings point by point:

  • Using a proxy. Mark with a checkmark. Why tell me now. If Advego starts to work, then she turns to search engines with requests, as a result, due to constant requests, it is blocked and asks to enter captcha, this happens quite often, so we use a proxy.
  • Time-out. The period from the first to the second, from the second to the third, etc. access to search engines. We choose not a high value, but rather a low one, while the quality of the check may deteriorate. If you don't want this situation, then increase this figure. But the verification time will be longer.
  • The percentage of uniqueness at which to interrupt the check. The default is 50%. You can put 90%. That is, if the uniqueness is below 90 percent, then the check will be disabled. This speeds up the process.
  • Match percentage. The standard is 1%, so we leave it. It is better when it is minimal, which means that plagiarism takes into account all matches, in the form of highlights.
  • Shingle and phrase size. Shingle is a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10. Above five, it is better not to think about them at all. They are used by those who multiply the text, and not by those who write to the blog.

I advise you to put shing 4, if anyone wants to test himself, then a three will do, a deuce is also very good, I have never tested it on it.

So, look guys! The lower the shingle, the better the uniqueness of the text is checked. Perhaps you write a text, one hundred percent on the 5th shingle, and 80% on the third. Feel the difference.

Concerning phrases, then it's the same.

What is this mysterious number?

Advego checks the article by phrases, and so, the number of shingles or phrases is how many words Advego takes and checks whether there is a similar entry somewhere in the search engine or not.

I hope it's clear. If you suddenly get lost somewhere, please contact in the comments. (Note: This is a quote, so no one will explain anything.)

I didn't tell you the most important thing! The check can be done very easily. Copy the text and paste it into an empty wide window. Then Open "Check Uniqueness" and click "Deep Check".

That's all!

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

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