Samples of business plans. Ready-made business plan with calculations using the example of a web studio Ready-made examples of business plans, sample with calculations

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine about money “”! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction to action that will allow you to turn a raw business idea into a confident step-by-step plan for implementing a clear task.

We will look at:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed?
  • How to write a business plan correctly;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

To conclude the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring your idea to fruition and success things in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply use or take as a basis for developing your project. Ready-made examples of submitted business plans can be found download for free.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of a business plan and the content of its main sections - a step-by-step guide to its preparation

1. How to write a business plan: detailed instructions on how to write it yourself 📝

7. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many important functions that no other person can do differently.

With its help, you can secure financial support and open and develop your business much earlier than you can raise a significant amount for the business.

Investors react mostly positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, because they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also a necessary plan if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the risk calculation turns out to be too daunting, you can slightly redo it, transform the general idea in order to reduce them.

Creating a Good Business Plan is an excellent solution for searching for investment and developing your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, of which there are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to our own efforts It’s worth using “other people’s brains”. A business plan involves many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, which can achieve success.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects yourself. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing your social circle, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultation on certain issues. This is the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and misconceptions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, but home- this is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current situation, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business that generates stable and regular income). This is the first step towards achieving your dreams and secure middle class status.

If you have any questions, you may find answers to them in the video: “How to draw up a business plan (for yourself and investors).”

That's all for us. We wish everyone good luck in their business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of publication.

Why do you need a business plan? Most will probably answer - to get a loan from a bank. This statement is true, but only partly. First of all, the entrepreneur himself needs a plan in order to understand the size of the initial investment for starting, how long it will take to reach self-sufficiency and projected revenue indicators, assess the level of profitability, payback period of investments and many other parameters.

Very often, a beginning businessman (and not only beginners) does all planning and calculations “by eye” on a napkin or in his head (and sometimes does not do it at all), forgetting about many costly items, which results in many mistakes and leads to bankruptcy.

Typical mistakes: when determining investments, the costs of financing activities before reaching self-sufficiency are not taken into account, the amount of inventory is incorrectly determined (the size of inventory items is set for one month, and based on the turnover period, reserves for 3 months are required), taxes and insurance contributions are not taken into account in the calculation of the wage fund , the need for personnel is incorrectly calculated and many others.

A correctly drawn up business plan with detailed calculations is the key to a successful start in any business activity, which will allow you to cut off unprofitable options at the forecasting stage and, as a result, protect yourself from losing your own investments or the funds of the investor (creditor).

Let's say you plan to install, the calculation shows that the full payback will be 5 years, it is obvious that this will not be the right investment, it is unlikely that the machine will work for such a period of time without breakdowns. (For reference: the optimal payback for this type of activity is 12-18 months.)

What’s better – buy a ready-made business plan or make it yourself? If we are talking about a small business, then you definitely need to do it yourself. This will allow you to dive deeper into the project, understand its essence, and sort out the economics of future activities for yourself. Well, if you want to organize a production that requires multi-billion dollar investments, then you cannot do without the help of specialists.

On the site you will find samples of ready-made business models with all the calculations, which you can use as the basis for drawing up a feasibility study for your specific project.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Familiarization with the provided sample feasibility study.
  2. Collection of statistical data for a specific region where business activities will be carried out.
  3. Conducting marketing research: identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the project ().
  4. Updating information on the economic part: searching for potential and raw materials, requesting commercial proposals, recalculating costs and determining the final price based on current market realities, as well as determining the level of profitability.
  5. Conducting a stress test of the figures reflected in the calculation (what will be the payback if the revenue is N percent less than planned). Based on the data obtained, drawing up several options for the development of the event: conservative, realistic and optimal.
  6. carrying out economic activities.
  7. Choosing the most profitable one (studying legal schemes to reduce the tax burden).

Based on the analysis and generalization of the information received, you draw up your own economic justification for the project, with the help of which you can determine the feasibility of investing money.

Please note that you can download any business plan you like for free. If there is no download form somewhere, you can ask a question through a special form, and within a short time we will add this feature. Through this form, you can also clarify any point regarding the described model, and we will try to find a specialist to provide competent advice on the point that interests you.

Let's give a simple example of a business plan. It should be borne in mind that this is only one of the possible options, and presented in a very compressed form.

Target: Produce confectionery products, mainly cakes, for city residents. Take a leading position in the upper price segment of this market.

1. Create a compact confectionery shop.
2. Provide the production process with the necessary raw materials and labor, some of which will be hired.
3. Initially occupy 30% of the market segment through the implementation of a developed marketing strategy, which involves squeezing out the main competitors with dumping prices and new recipes for the consumer.
4. Raise the missing investment funds from the bank using available real estate as collateral.

An example of drawing up a business plan for an enterprise

Let's look at an example of a manufacturing business plan. It is planned to open a small tailoring shop. Let's consider how promising this business is in a specific market.

1. Summary. Opening of small production on January 1, 2014. Form of ownership – LLC. The planned period is 42 months.

2. General provisions. Purchasing equipment that will allow you to use a variety of fabrics and perform different finishes. It is planned to partially raise borrowed funds for the purchase of equipment and rental of premises. The tailoring service will be provided to the population, as well as to legal entities in need of special clothing, as well as sewing curtains and bedding for subsequent sale.

3. Market analysis and marketing plan. Currently there are 350 enterprises represented on the market. Through strict adherence to deadlines and quality, it is planned to create a positive image of the company, which will allow it to occupy a niche in the market.

4. Costs. Estimated direct and variable costs, including wages and rent of premises, for 3 years will amount to 13.5 million rubles. Of these, 50 million rubles are own funds. The planned sales volume will be 15 million rubles, which, minus tax deductions, will allow the project to reach payback by the end of the third year.

5. Production schedule. Release of 1000 units of goods.

6. Investments. Attracting partners on the terms of joint business.

Brief example of a business plan

If you are about to open a shoe repair shop, then in the most general form, developing a business plan using an example looks like this:

  • — Fixed costs (equipment) – 300 thousand rubles.
  • — Variable costs (threads, glue, rent) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • — Investment required: 100 thousand rubles in the form of a bank loan at 23% per annum for 10 years with a progressive scale and deferred repayment for 1 year.
  • — Form of ownership – individual entrepreneur
  • — Tax deductions 24 thousand rubles.
  • — Planned revenue is 20 thousand rubles per month.
  • — Revenue for 1 year – 97 thousand rubles.
  • — Financial result – 73 thousand rubles.

As a result, the entrepreneur has reasons to invest money in this project. The margin of safety is large enough so that possible deviations from the predicted values ​​do not lead to financial collapse.

Example of a business plan with calculations

Opening a small store selling used children's items also requires a preliminary assessment. Enterprise business plan example:

The assessment of goods purchased from the population will be based on the cost of 1 kg.
To begin with, you will need to create an assortment of 100 units.
The cost of 1 kg is 400 conventional units. One product weighs on average 1 kg. Thus, the cost of the product will be 100 * 100 = 40,000 USD. The cost of replenishing working capital will be 100 units, which equals 10,000 USD. per month
The rent of the premises will be 10,000 USD.
Variable costs, including advertising and unforeseen expenses - 10 USD.

Sales volume in the first 6 months will be 130 products per month;
in subsequent years - 280 products per month.
The average unit price will be 250 USD.
Revenue for 1 year = 130 * 250 * 12 + 280 * 250 * 12 = (10,000 * 12,000 + 40,000 + 10,000 * 12 + 10,000 * 12,000) = 420,195 – 361,240 = 58,955.
The tax will be 25,000 USD.
Financial result – 33,955 USD

At first glance, the business seems attractive, given the low input costs and quick payback, but after performing a simple calculation, the entrepreneur will come to the conclusion that the profitability is very low and, although the risk is small (the product is in stable demand), it is unprofitable to engage in this business without achieving scale .

View an example of a business plan

Schematically planning, for example, growing vegetables looks like this:

1. Summary. A summary of the remaining pages is shown here.
2. Marketing part. Who will be the buyer and how will it be possible to conquer the market? Settlement part – 5 tons of carrots for 100,000 USD
3. Costs. Rent of land and equipment – ​​27,000 USD
Payment for hired labor - 30,000 USD.
4. Revenue— 23 USD
5. Sources of financing. Bank loan for 50,000 USD at 18% per annum for 10 years.
6. Financial result— 9 USD

If the pessimistic scenario is fulfilled, this activity will not generate income at all in the first year. In addition, the entrepreneur will be able to work fully and invest in development only after repaying the entire loan amount.

Download ready-made examples of business plans

On this resource you can download examples of business plans for free. Downloading the file makes it possible to get acquainted with more detailed calculation options, which will allow you not only to understand the essence, but also to make, by analogy, your own calculation to justify the feasibility of investing funds.

If you have no experience at all, it is not at all necessary to order development from a specialized company. It is enough to get acquainted with an example of planning for a similar activity, where you can study in detail the features of market analysis and calculation of production costs for a particular business.

To download, click on the link:

Be sure to watch the video: “What is a business plan?”

It is a document that highlights all the characteristics of the future organization, analyzes possible problems and risks, predicts them and methods by which they can be avoided.

Simply put, a business plan for an investor is the answer to the question “Should I finance the project or throw it in the trash?”

Important! A business plan is drawn up on paper, taking into account some procedures and rules. This presentation of the project to some extent materializes your idea and shows your desire and willingness to work. Also, putting it on paper makes it easier for investors to perceive the idea.

Drawing up a business plan yourself

Making a business plan yourself is not that difficult, you just need to think about the idea carefully. Before you grab a calculator and calculate your income, there are several steps you need to take.

  1. Identify the “pros” and “cons” of the idea that has arisen. If the number of “minuses” is off the charts, don’t rush to give up. Some aspects can be turned in the opposite direction, think about ways to solve such “cons”.
  2. Important characteristics are competitiveness and market sustainability.
  3. The sales market needs to be thought through to the smallest detail.
  4. The payback of the product (service) and the time of receiving the first profit will allow you to determine (approximately) the required amount for investment.

If after such a superficial analysis you don’t want to abandon your brainchild, then it’s time to take a clean slate and start creating a business plan.

Important to know! There is no single structure and step-by-step instructions on how to calculate a business plan. Therefore, the presence and order of items included in the plan are determined independently. However, experts have established the most optimal plan structure option. If you have no experience in drafting such documents, you need to use these recommendations to correctly compose your work.

Structure and procedure for drawing up a business plan

The structure of a good business plan, according to economists, should include 12 points. Each of them is described below.

Front page

The following parameters are specified here:

  • name of the project;
  • name of the organization where the project is planned to be implemented, indicating telephone numbers, addresses and other contact information;
  • head of the above organization;
  • developer (team or manager) of a business plan;
  • date of document preparation;
  • It is allowed to include the most significant indicators of financial calculations for the project on the first sheet.

This document is necessary to protect the copyright of the idea and business plan. This reflects the reader's awareness that he does not have the right to distribute the information contained in the document without the permission of the author. There may also be an instruction prohibiting copying, duplicating the document, or transferring it to another person, or a requirement to return the read business plan to the author if the investor does not accept the agreement.

An example of a confidentiality memorandum can be seen below.

The next 2 sections of the plan – “Brief Summary” and “Main Idea of ​​the Project” – are introductory. They can be used as a preliminary proposal (for review) to partners and investors until negotiations are scheduled.

Brief summary

Although a brief summary of such a document is at the beginning, it is written at the final stage, as a summary. A summary is a short description of the project idea and a list of the most significant characteristics of the financial component.

The following questions will help, answering which can lead to an excellent resume:

  1. What product does the company plan to sell?
  2. Who would want to buy this product?
  3. What is the planned sales (production) volume for the first year of the company’s operation? What will be the revenue?
  4. What is the total cost of the project?
  5. How will the enterprise be formed according to its organizational and legal form?
  6. How many workers are planned to be recruited?
  7. What is the required amount of capital investment to implement the project?
  8. What are the sources of funding for this project?
  9. How much is the total profit (profitability) for a specific period, the payback period, the amount of cash at the end of the first year of operation of the enterprise, profitability. Net present value.

Important to know! The summary is read by the investor first. Therefore, the future fate of the project depends on this section: the investor will either become interested or bored. This part should not exceed 1 page.

Main idea of ​​the project

  1. What is the main project goal?
  2. What are the objectives of the enterprise to achieve the main goal?
  3. Are there any obstacles to your goal and how to get around them?
  4. What exact actions does the author propose to perform in order to achieve results and achieve the goal as soon as possible? What are these deadlines?

Important! It is necessary to provide clear, real and explicit arguments that will confirm confidence in the profitability and success of the project. The volume of this part is optimal within 1-2 pages.

In this section, it is customary to use the conducted SWOT analysis assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, opportunities (prospects), as well as possible threats. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a business plan correctly and as completely as possible without such an analysis.

A SWOT analysis reflects two aspects that influence the life of an organization: internal, relating to the enterprise itself, and external (everything outside the company that it cannot change).

Don't forget: You are describing a company, not a product! A common mistake authors make is that they start writing product characteristics in the “strength” column.

Here are some parameters you can use to describe strengths or weaknesses:

  • high-tech production;
  • service and after sales service;
  • versatility of the product (without affecting its specific properties);
  • level of qualifications and professionalism of employees;
  • level of technical equipment of the enterprise.

External factors (“opportunities” and “threats”) include:

  • market growth rate;
  • level of competition;
  • political situation in the region, country;
  • features of legislation;
  • features of consumer solvency.


Characteristics of the industry on the market

  • dynamics of sales of similar products in the industry in recent years;
  • market industry growth rate;
  • trends and features of pricing;
  • comprehensive assessment of competitors;
  • search and identification of new and young enterprises in the industry, as well as characteristics of their activities;
  • description of the consumer market, their desires, intentions, requirements, opportunities;
  • assessment of the possible impact of scientific, social, economic aspects;
  • prospects for development in the market.

Essence of the project

This section reveals the idea, the subject of the business plan. It also reflects the level of preparedness of the enterprise to go “into the world”, the availability of all the funds required for this.

The most important provisions in this section:

  • primary goals;
  • description of the target consumer segment;
  • key performance factors for market success;
  • a detailed presentation of the product, the characteristics of which must be within the market segment defined above;
  • stage of product development (if production has started), patent and copyright purity;
  • characteristics of the organization;
  • the total cost of the project, indicating the financing schedule by periods and investment amounts;
  • required initial expenses for a marketing campaign and the formation of a coherent organizational structure.

Marketing plan

The objectives, goals of marketing policy and methods for solving and achieving them are indicated here. It is important to indicate which task is intended for which personnel, in what time frame it is required to be completed and with the help of which tools. The funds needed for the latter also need to be indicated.

Marketing plan is a strategy, a set of sequential and/or simultaneous steps created to attract consumers and provide effective returns on their part.

The investor will be attentive to such points as:

  • a well-developed system of comprehensive market research and analysis;
  • the planned volume of sales of goods (services) and its assortment, scheduled by time periods until the enterprise reaches full capacity;
  • ways to improve products;
  • description of product packaging and pricing policy;
  • procurement and sales system;
  • advertising strategy – clearly formulated and understandable;
  • service planning;
  • control over the implementation of the marketing strategy.

Production plan

Everything that directly concerns the creation of products is reflected in this part. Therefore, it is advisable to compile this section only for those companies that plan not only distribution, but also production of products.

Points that must be specified:

  • required production capacity;
  • detailed interpretation of the technological process;
  • a detailed description of the operations entrusted to subcontractors;
  • necessary equipment, its characteristics, cost and method of purchase or rental;
  • subcontractors;
  • required area for production;
  • raw materials, resources.

It is important to indicate the cost of everything that requires expenses.

Organizational plan

At this stage, the principles of organizational strategic management of the company are developed. If the enterprise already exists, then this point is still mandatory: the compliance of the existing structure with the intended goals is determined here. The organizational part must certainly contain the following data:

  • name of the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, JSC, partnership and others);
  • an organizational management system that reflects the structure in the form of a diagram, regulations and instructions, communication and dependence of departments;
  • founders, their description and data;
  • management team;
  • interaction with staff;
  • supplying the management system with the necessary material and technical resources;
  • location of the company.

Financial plan

This chapter of the business plan provides a comprehensive economic assessment of the written project, accompanied by calculations of the level of profitability, payback period, and financial stability of the enterprise.

A financial plan is very important for an investor; here it determines whether a given project is attractive to him.

Here you need to make some calculations and summarize them:

Risk analysis

In a risk analysis, the author must examine the project and identify potential threats that could lead to decreased revenue. It is necessary to take into account financial, industry, natural, social and other risks. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a detailed and effective plan to prevent them or minimize the impact on the company. Therefore, the business plan must indicate:

  • a list of all potential problems;
  • a set of techniques and tools that prevent, eliminate or minimize risks;
  • models of the company’s behavior when events occur that are not conducive to its development;
  • justification for the low probability of such problems occurring.


This is the last link in the structure of a business plan. It includes documents, quotes, sources, copies of contracts, agreements, certificates, letters from consumers, partners, statistical data, calculation tables used in the preparation of this document. It is required to insert links and footnotes to the appendices in the text of the business plan.

General requirements for the document

  • it is necessary to write a business plan in clear, precise language, without long and complex formulations;
  • desired volume – 20-25 pages;
  • the business plan must cover all the information required by the investor in full;
  • the document must necessarily be based on real facts, substantiated rational proposals;
  • the plan must have a strategic foundation: strict, delineated and complete, with clear targets;
  • interconnectedness, complexity and consistency are important features of drawing up a plan;
  • the investor must see the future, prospects for the development of the project idea;
  • The flexibility of the business plan is a significant plus. If adjustments can be made, amendments to the written project are a pleasant bonus for the investor;
  • conditions and modes of control over the functioning of the enterprise should become part of the business plan.

Making a business plan from scratch without the help of a specialist is not easy, but it is possible. It is important to adhere to the above rules, construction structure and avoid mistakes.

The most common mistakes

  • Illiterate syllable

The rules of language cannot be ignored. It often happens that the most incredible and promising idea goes into the trash bin along with a bunch of plans of mediocre IP specialists. And all because errors in spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and poor presentation of the text completely discourage any investor.

  • Careless design

The design should be the same throughout the document: bullets, headings, lists, font, size, numbering, spacing, etc. Contents, headings, numbering, names of figures and tables, designation of data in graphs are required!

  • Incomplete plan

To properly draw up a business plan, you need a comprehensive amount of information. The sections of the document listed above are the minimum that should be unconditionally included in the project.

  • Vague plan

The work should be “like in a pharmacy on a scale.” Clear, defined, specific statements of goals and (important!) ideas.

  • Too many details

An abundance of technical, financial, and marketing terms will only help in exams. For a business plan, you need to select only the most significant details. If there is a great need for a thorough description of a process, then you can add it to the appendix.

  • Unrealistic data

Business proposals like these are based on assumptions. Therefore, the author needs to approach the idea rationally and have a reasonable background, a real reason, supported by calculations.

  • Few facts

For each assumption there is its own justification - real, valid. Facts give work meaning and confidence. You shouldn’t create a fountain of facts either, but if you get carried away, then look at the rule about details.

  • “We have no risks!”

The main rule: there is no business without risk. There is no such business in which it is “quiet and calm.” The investor knows this, and the author should know this. Therefore, it’s time to come down from the clouds to the ground and study, explore, analyze.

  • “And we have no competitors either!”

There is always a competitor, as well as a risk. It can be direct or indirect. Study this topic carefully and meticulously, and a rival will definitely appear on the horizon, waving his hand at you.

  • Neglecting outside help

Creating a business plan yourself does not mean doing absolutely everything yourself. Moreover, obtaining a high-quality result is possible through the joint efforts of several specialists. Don't be afraid of helpers!

Business plan has many definitions, but in short: This is a step-by-step instruction for bringing any business idea to life. Planning a future business or improving an existing enterprise is not only a basic requirement for investors, creditors and partners, but also a necessity for a businessman.
Drawing up a business plan implies a deep and accurate analysis of all aspects of the future enterprise, and this allows you to turn the idea into specific goals and numbers. And also, a business plan is always an unfinished book, since in the process of changes in economic conditions, the competitive environment, and the investment market, adjustments can always be made to successfully promote the business.

Any business idea can become a successful business if the future entrepreneur clearly understands what he needs to implement his plans. It is the business plan that is the starting point for starting a business, which makes it possible to assess the real state of affairs, study the market and competitors, give an adequate assessment of your capabilities, and think about how to make your business unique, and therefore in demand.

Basic principles for preparing a business plan

So what should must be in the business plan .

1) Project summary. This is a concise description of a business idea, a vision of development and tools to achieve results. The resume should also show what advantages you see in your business compared to other players in the market. In one word, this section should give a brief description of your business idea.

2) Information about the company. Here it is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise, form of ownership, legal and actual address of the company, and describe the structure of the enterprise.

It is also necessary to describe the goods or services that you intend to enter the market with the production or sale of.

Indicate the main goals of the enterprise.

3) Market analysis.
This part involves considering the conditions in which you are going to enter the market - the competitive environment, demand, what price you are going to set, and what profit you will make over the next three years. It is also necessary to indicate exactly what advantages of your products or services will be especially attractive to consumers.

4) Product. This part should contain a detailed description of the future goods or services that you will offer the consumer. You also need to indicate which target audience your activities will be aimed at, indicate future suppliers, partners, contractors and other contractors with whom you plan to cooperate.

5) Development strategy. This section involves a description of the development tools for the future enterprise - growth rates, advertising, possible expansion.

6) Tools for the operation of the enterprise. This chapter needs to reflect information about what equipment you are going to use, how to package the goods, deliver them, and if these are services, then where you will provide them and by what means.

Also in this section it is worth including information about your team - from management to auxiliary workers.

7) Financial analysis. This section is key in a business plan , which should support your idea in numbers. Here it is necessary to analyze and calculate all the costs associated with the organization of the enterprise, its location, maintenance costs, payment of employees, payments to suppliers, etc. You need to take everything into account, right down to buying a pack of paper.

Also in this section, include information about your actions in the event of debt from partners, customers or suppliers. What debt repayment schemes are you going to use, and how can you protect yourself from such situations.

8) Accompanying documents. This is certainly not a section, but an important component of the business plan. It is necessary to attach all documents directly related to the enterprise as a legal entity, lease agreement, resume, job descriptions, etc.

Common mistakes in business plans

Examples of business plans
can be viewed endlessly, but a beginner cannot always see the main shortcomings of a business plan. Often, a business idea does not come to fruition because it is absolutely impossible to see the main essence and advantages of the future enterprise in the business plan.

So let's consider main mistakes that inexperienced businessmen make when working on a business plan:

  • Unnecessary information. Often business plans are written in such a way that behind the description of the professional skills of employees, information about the business itself is lost, or a story about competitors turns into an essay “Who today offers the same products as mine and what a great guy I am, what can I do better (or cheaper) )". In fact, a list of competitors, a few words about the pros and cons of their work, pricing policy and an indication of your advantages in comparison with them is enough.
  • Unreasonable numbers . As mentioned earlier, financial analysis is decisive for the business plan, so all calculations must be made based on real numbers. Of course, it’s easier and faster to estimate by eye, but if you seriously decide to run your own business, then remember that any business loves accuracy.

In order for an investor to become interested in you, work hard to ensure that everything the numbers in the business plan were reasonable. Keep in mind that investors and creditors go into negotiations prepared, since it is their money that is at stake. And, if there is even a slight uncertainty about the reality of your calculations, you can forget about investing in your business.

  • Vague information about goals and tools for achieving them . This problem usually arises when there is an idea, but there is no vision for its implementation, or this vision does not have a finished form. Roughly speaking, if the future businessman has not thought everything through.

A business plan must disclose a list of specific goals and ways to implement them, work with the target audience, assessing their solvency, a clear definition of the place in the market that you plan to occupy, and who exactly will be your main competitor. Indicate what is the basis for such conclusions (analysis, market research, survey, etc.).

  • Overestimated expected result . Often, when calculating the potential profitability of a future business, entrepreneurs' dreams take precedence over real numbers. You shouldn’t get carried away by what you want, but rather take an honest look at reality. If adequate numbers are taken into account in the financial analysis, then the expected financial result will also have a realistic appearance.

Don't try to impress creditors, partners and investors with profits of 500%. Believe me, they will calculate your result much faster and more accurately in their heads, because their experience and knowledge will be greater than yours. And if the idea presented is worthwhile, even if not profitable from the first day, but promising in the future, it will not be ignored.

Example of a business plan

So let's consider example of a business plan for a cafe " Goodtime ».

  1. Resume .

Name – Cafe “Goodtime”.

Organizational and legal form – Limited Liability Company.

Location – Kyiv

Services provided - Cafe, bar, karaoke, holding festive events, conducting trainings, seminars.

Working hours – 8.00-23.00 without breaks and days off.

Staff – 1 manager, 2 administrators, 1 bartender, 4 waiters, 2 cooks, 1 art director, 1 cleaner, 2 dishwashers.

The required starting capital is UAH 500,000.00.

Expenses per month – 197,000.00 UAH.

The planned return on investment period is 18 months.

Competition is high

Demand is high

Planned income per month – 180,000.00 UAH.

Planned consumption – 120,000.00 UAH.

Planned net profit – 60,000.00 UAH.

  1. Cafe services and products .

Cafe "Goodtime" will provide the following services:

1) Cafe, bar services.

2) Conducting trainings and seminars.

3) Themed parties.

4) Karaoke services.

5) Providing Wi-Fi for visitors.

6) Separate playroom for children.

Products that the Goodtime cafe will sell:

1) Confectionery products of our own production.

2) Semi-finished products of our own production.

3) Lunch/dinner delivered to your home or to-go.

4) Sale of coffee and tea by weight.

  1. Target Audience .

The cafe is aimed at people aged 18-55 with average and above average income. They should be interested in spending time in a cozy atmosphere, with the opportunity to participate in interesting programs and sing karaoke songs. Each client must generate income in the amount of 50-250 UAH.

Also planned consumers of services are small companies that are interested in holding events for small groups of people of 10-30 people.

  1. Marketing methods .

1) Distribution of flyers-invitations to the opening.

  1. Customer Retention Tools .

1) Interesting menu, the ability to prepare dishes to order.

2) Promotions, discounts for regular customers.

3) Holding interesting themed parties.

4) Gifts for regular customers in the form of desserts and drinks.

5) Service at the highest level.

  1. Competitors .

The Goodtime cafe will be opened in the center of the residential area, where there are also 4 cafes of a similar level. But our cafe will have the following advantages:

1) Availability of karaoke;

2) Availability of a children's playroom;

3) Possibility of ordering food at home;

4) Theme evenings.

5) The location of the cafe has convenient access and parking space.

  1. Action plan for opening a cafe .

1) Market analysis.

2) Team selection.

3) Renovation of the premises.

4) Purchase of necessary equipment and supplies for work.

5) Development of the menu and plan for upcoming events.

6) Registration of activities and obtaining all necessary permits.

8) Checking the cafe for functionality.

9) Opening.

  1. Financial analysis .

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment and inventory – 350,000.00 UAH.
  2. Repair of premises – 150,000.00 UAH.

Total: 500,000.00 UAH.

Recurrent costs:

  1. Rent – ​​50,000.00 UAH.
  2. Salary – 48,000.00 UAH.
  3. Utility bills, internet – 8,000.00 UAH.
  4. Purchase of products – 70,000.00 UAH.
  5. Taxes and fees – 21,000.00 UAH.

Total: 197,000.00 UAH.

Payback period:

Provided that the cafe will be visited by 50 people per day and the income from each will be 150 UAH, the payback period will occur in 18 months.

50 people *150 UAH*30 days =225,000.00 UAH.

225,000.00 UAH. – 197,000.00 UAH. = 28,000.00 UAH.

500,000.00 UAH/28,000.00 UAH. = 17.86 ≈18 months.


Provided that the idea is implemented correctly and the advertising company, cafe administration and art director work effectively, you can count on profit after the first month of work. Considering that the cafe opens in the fall, high traffic is expected in the next 6-9 months. To retain customers in the summer, it is possible to open a summer area in the future.

So, it is possible to draw up a business plan yourself. A simplified version is given here due to the fact that it concerns production issues. Also, keep in mind that this is just an example, so the numbers shown are very approximate. If you decide to use it as a basis, conduct a thorough analysis of the financial side of the issue yourself.

And yet, if you are not sure about the issue of business planning, then you can always use the services of professionals who will work through your idea well and turn it into quality business plan.

But, the main thing is to persistently move towards your goal and not despair, because mistakes are always possible. The most important thing in business is not that you should not make mistakes, but the ability to quickly navigate the situation and choose the right direction to solve problems.

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