Regulations on the personnel service department. Approximate regulations on the personnel service Regulations on the personnel service

Modern requirements for personnel service(department) Ponomareva Natalya G.

6.1. Regulations on the personnel service (personnel department) (Appendix 15)

The regulation on the personnel service (personnel department) is also a local act regulating the activities of this service (department). This provision is developed by the head of the HR department. The position has the following structure.

1. General provisions . This section indicates: the full name of the department in accordance with the staffing table; the procedure for the creation and liquidation of this department, subordination; the procedure for appointing and dismissing the chief and his deputies; department management principles.

2. Structure . This section indicates the structure and staffing levels of the department, and also schematically shows the structural subordination of department employees.

3. Tasks . This section highlights the tasks facing the department, which it must solve on a daily basis in the course of its activities.

4. Functions . This section provides a complete list of functions, executed by the department. The list must be exhaustive.

5. Rights. This section contains a list of rights that the department has within its competence when performing the tasks assigned to it.

6. Service Interactions . The section contains which services the department interacts with and on what issues.

7. Responsibility. Here it is necessary to specify the cases of liability and the type of liability, as well as cases of personal liability of the head of the department.

This Regulation is agreed upon with the head of the HR department, as well as with lawyers regarding the legality of the provisions of the Regulation, signed by them, and then approved by the head of the organization with the date of approval. After approval, the Regulations are stitched, sealed with the seal of the organization and the signature of the head of the organization (seal of the HR department and signature of the head of the HR department).

The Regulations are drawn up in two copies, one copy is kept in the HR department, and the other is kept by the head of the organization for control (I would like to note that in the case of drawing up the Regulations on another service, for example, accounting, the Regulations on Accounting are also drawn up in two copies: one is stored directly in the accounting department, the other in the human resources department or with the head of the organization).

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Prerequisites for creating value in the HR service Since value is determined by the recipient, and not by its creator, any formulation of it begins with him. To create value, human resource managers must first

I. General provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with... (indicate the basis with reference to the date and number of the corresponding decision: order, instruction, etc.).

1.2. This regulation regulates the daily activities of the personnel service... (indicate the name of the enterprise (organization, institution) in accordance with constituent documents(hereinafter referred to as the enterprise)) and establishes:

1.2.1. Organizational and legal status of the service.

1.2.2. List of functions and tasks of the service in the field of organization personnel work.

1.2.3. The powers of the service, as well as the procedure for its interaction with other structural divisions (officials) of the enterprise on personnel matters.

1.2.4. Responsibility of the service for improper organization of personnel work.

1.2.5. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

1.3. Personnel service is a structural unit of an enterprise designed to implement its personnel policy and the tasks of personnel work arising from its content. To ensure daily activities, the service has a seal indicating its full and abbreviated name and indicating its affiliation with the enterprise (as one of its structural divisions), as well as stamps and forms of the type established by the enterprise.

1.4. The purpose of the HR service is to ensure full and timely satisfaction of the current and future needs of the enterprise in human resources by staffing it with the necessary number of workers of the required specialties and qualifications.

1.5. The direct management of the personnel service is carried out by its director, who is the direct superior of all employees of the service. The director of the service reports to the general director of the enterprise, is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director upon the proposal of the certification commission of the enterprise.

1.6. In the interests of proper organization of personnel work, departments, groups and other independent sections are formed within the personnel service. Organizational structure, as well as the qualification and numerical composition of the personnel service are established annually by the general director of the enterprise upon the proposal of the director of the service (Appendix No. 1 to the regulations).

1.7. In its daily activities, the HR department is guided by:

1.7.1. Legislative and regulatory acts of government bodies.

1.7.2. Organizational and administrative acts of territorial and sectoral (departmental) management bodies, in relation to which the enterprise occupies a subordinate position.

1.7.3. Charter and local regulations of the enterprise.

1.7.4. Organizational, methodological, regulatory and technical documents on the organization of personnel work and these regulations.

1.7.5. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

1.8. The activities of departments, groups and other independent sections within the personnel service are regulated, in addition to what is listed in clause 1.7, by relevant provisions, regulations and instructions for the implementation of certain components of personnel work.

1.9. The work of personnel service employees is regulated by the relevant job descriptions.

1.10. Organizational, legal, information, personnel, financial and logistical support of the personnel service is carried out at the expense of the enterprise's resources.

1.11. Labor standards for personnel service employees, calculation of their total number, as well as distribution and assignment of tasks are carried out on the basis of the current Unified Standards of Time and Output..., inv. N... (specify).

1.12. The working conditions of HR employees should be established in accordance with employment contracts.

1.13. The procedure for remuneration of personnel service employees is established by the regulations on financial incentives enterprises in accordance with the conditions provided for in the relevant employment contracts.

1.14. The procedure for bringing personnel service employees to disciplinary liability is established by the regulations on discipline and the internal rules labor regulations enterprises.

1.15. The regulations on the personnel service are approved by the general director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of the director of the personnel service. The norms and rules contained in this regulation are binding for all structural units of the personnel service and its employees.

II. Functions and tasks of the personnel service

2.1. Realization of the goals of the HR service.

2.2. The main functions of the personnel service are:

2.2.1. Organizational (administrative).

2.2.2. Informational.

2.2.3. Test.

2.2.4. Regulatory.

2.2.5. Methodical.

2.2.6. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

2.3. As part of the implementation of the functions listed in clause 2.2, the personnel service solves the following main tasks:

2.3.1. Set of organizational (administrative) tasks: Organization of employee recruitment. Organization of social and professional adaptation of employees. Organization of training (training) for employees. Organization of employee control. Organization of employee motivation. Organization of employee rotation. Organization personnel records management. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

2.3.2. Set of information tasks: Registration and maintenance of work books, personal cards, personal files, insurance certificates of state pension insurance (SPI), medical policies of compulsory health insurance (CHI). Maintaining an up-to-date database of company employees. Conducting accounting and reference work. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

2.3.3. Set of control tasks: Monitoring compliance at the enterprise with legislation, regulations, local acts, organizational and administrative acts in the field of personnel work. Monitoring the accuracy of information (personal data) provided by employees. Organizing internal audits and investigations. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

2.3.4. Set of regulatory tasks: Formation and optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise. Determination and clarification of the maximum number and wage fund for employees of the enterprise. Planning, status analysis and summing up of personnel work. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

2.3.5. A set of methodological tasks: Methodological management of personnel work in the structural divisions of the enterprise. Consulting officials on personnel matters. Handling employee requests, organizing their reception on pressing issues. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

2.4. Depending on changes in the direction and content of the enterprise’s personnel policy, the tasks of the personnel service may be clarified.

III. Powers of the HR department

3.1. In the interests of proper implementation of its activities, the personnel service is vested with the appropriate powers: rights and responsibilities.

3.2. The personnel service has the right:

3.2.1. Request from officials of the enterprise, as well as management bodies (authorities), third-party organizations (enterprises, institutions) information about employees in order to clarify the relevant personal data, and when hiring and relocating employees - the opinion of the heads of the relevant structural divisions on the appropriateness of the proposed reshuffles.

3.2.2. Require, when hiring and in other established cases, that employees present the relevant documents: a passport or a document replacing it, work book, document on education (availability of special knowledge (skills), GPS insurance certificate, etc.

3.2.4. Give mandatory instructions to company officials on issues within the competence of the personnel service.

3.2.5. Submit proposals on the organization of personnel work for consideration by the enterprise management.

3.2.6. Conduct correspondence on issues within the competence of the HR department.

3.2.7. Interact with authorities (management), third-party organizations (enterprises, institutions) on issues within the competence of the personnel service.

3.2.8. Endorsement of draft documents prepared by other divisions of the enterprise, if such documents address issues within the competence of the personnel service.

3.2.9. Represent (through authorized proxies).

3.2.10. Draw up and issue, in accordance with the rules in force at the enterprise, upon written requests (applications), certificates, conclusions, extracts and other similar documents.

3.2.11. Carry out regular monitoring of the fulfillment by officials of the enterprise of the requirements for the organization of personnel work, periodically inform the relevant persons, as well as the management of the enterprise, about the results of control.

3.2.12. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

3.3. The HR department is obliged to:

3.3.1. Perform assigned tasks in a timely and high-quality manner, in full compliance with legislation, regulations, local acts, organizational and administrative acts in the field of personnel work.

3.3.2. Maintain conditions that ensure the required efficiency of personnel work.

3.3.3. Ensure the safety of received information about employees from disclosure (loss) during processing.

3.3.4. Provide management bodies (authorities), third-party organizations (enterprises, institutions) with information on issues within the competence of the personnel service, in accordance with the rules in force at the enterprise.

3.3.5. Submit a report on the results of personnel work to the management of the enterprise no later than... the day of the month following the reporting month.

3.3.6. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

IV. Human resources interaction

4.1. In the interests of proper implementation of its activities, the personnel service organizes interaction with other structural divisions and officials of the enterprise, and, if necessary, with government bodies (management), third-party organizations (enterprises, institutions) in accordance with the procedure established in the company.

V. Responsibility of the personnel service

5.1. The HR department is responsible for:

5.1.1. Proper implementation of the tasks assigned to it.

5.1.2. Compliance with the requirements of legislation, regulations, local acts, organizational and administrative acts in the field of personnel work.

5.1.3. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

5.1.4. The director of the personnel service is personally responsible for managing the daily activities of the service to the extent provided for by the employment contract concluded with him and the job description. The procedure for bringing the director of the personnel service to responsibility is determined by the regulations on the discipline of the management staff of the enterprise.

5.1.5. Service employees are responsible for the performance of their duties to the extent provided for in the relevant employment contracts and job descriptions. The procedure for holding HR employees accountable is determined by the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

5.1.6. ... (Other - specify specifically.)

Organizational structure and numerical composition of the personnel service

1. The organizational structure and qualification and numerical composition of the personnel service are determined based on the content and volume of tasks assigned to it by the calculation method. For calculations the following are used:

a) initial data on the organizational structure and staffing levels of the enterprise for the planned period;

b) standards for the maximum number of personnel services;

c) standards (norms) of time for performing work on staffing activities of enterprises (organizations, institutions).

2. The preparation of initial data and the production of calculations are organized by the director of the personnel service. The results of the calculations are submitted for consideration to the general director of the enterprise no later than... (specify specifically).

3. Based on the results of the review, the organizational structure and qualification and numerical composition of the personnel service are approved by order of the general director of the enterprise. Changes in the organizational structure and qualification and numerical composition of the personnel service are made by order of the general director on the recommendation of the director of the service.

4. The organizational structure of the personnel service includes the following divisions (independent areas of work):

administrative department;

recruiting department;

personnel training department;

controlling department;

rotation department.

5. The qualification and numerical composition of the personnel service is distributed into categories (managers, specialists, performers) based on the content and volume of tasks assigned to the service, and between its structural divisions - based on the tasks of the relevant departments (groups).

Regulations on the personnel department

The regulation on the personnel service unit is a document that establishes systemically interconnected rules on issues within the competence of the relevant unit and regulates the procedure for carrying out its daily activities. Like the regulation on the personnel service, the regulation on a structural unit relates to organizational and administrative documentation and represents one of the local acts issued by the enterprise (organization, institution).

General procedure The development of regulations on the personnel service division is basically consistent with what was discussed above. The development of the regulations is carried out in accordance with the decision of the head of the personnel service and includes the preparation of a preliminary version of the text, its clarification, approval, execution and submission for approval.

After approval by the head of the personnel service, the document is registered in accordance with the procedure established at the enterprise. The required number of copies are made from the approved original (for use in everyday work).

The requirements for the design and presentation of the text of the document are similar to those discussed above. An example text of the regulation on the HR department is presented below.

Source - " Personnel issue", 2012, № 8

The HR department is a department without which it is difficult to imagine the company’s activities. However, in small organization it may not exist - the employer has the right not to create a personnel department. Depending on the number of employees who work in the company and the volume of personnel documentation, the manager may decide to entrust these duties to an employee of the organization in order to combine positions (for example, a secretary or accountant can perform certain functions of a personnel officer), as well as hire third party organization for outsourcing.

If a decision has been made to create its own personnel service, the head of the organization needs to determine the structure of the department, appoint its head, and calculate the number of employees. The legislation does not contain specific requirements for the number of employees in the HR department; the employer determines the staff and structure of the department independently.

Then the head of the company issues an order to create a personnel service. An important document is the regulation on the personnel department. This document is not mandatory, but helps to establish the functions of the department, its main tasks, determine its place in the structure of the organization, and the procedure for interaction with other departments.

Regulations on personnel service

The provision is a local regulatory act. It is advisable to include the following sections in the HR Service Regulations:

  • general provisions (purposes of creating a department, etc.);
  • structure of the personnel service (positions included in the department, to whom the department employees report, etc.);
  • main tasks of the HR department;
  • functions performed by the human resources department in an organization;
  • rights and responsibilities of department employees;
  • responsibility of the personnel department.

Regardless of the number of employees, the HR department is created and liquidated by order of the general director (manager) of the company. He also appoints the head of the personnel department, to whom the employees of the unit report. As mentioned above, the number of specialists who will work in the HR department remains at the discretion of the employer. The larger the organization, the greater the workload of the HR department, therefore, the greater the number of employees who work in this department.

The Regulations on the HR Department (we will provide a sample document at the end of the article) necessarily contain the tasks assigned to the HR service, including:

  • Search and selection of qualified personnel to work in the organization;
  • Conducting personnel records (registration of employees for work, registration of vacations, dismissals, keeping records of hours worked, etc.);
  • Organization and conduct of employee certification;
  • Development and implementation of the company's personnel policy, etc.

In the course of its activities, the HR department often interacts with other departments and divisions of the company. The HR department provides accounting documents for accrual wages, vacation pay, bonuses, etc. The security service of an organization can work closely with the human resources department when employing employees for certain positions in the company. Managers of other departments can contact you with questions about employee selection, time tracking, etc. Information about the interaction of the personnel department with other structural divisions must also be reflected in the regulations on the personnel department.

Does the regulation on the personnel department of a state government have any special features? budgetary institution? In general, the document will include the same sections as the HR department of any other organization. However, the contents of the document may vary depending on the specifics of the company’s activities. Thus, the functions of the HR department of a state university may have features that differ from the functions of the HR department of an outsourcing company or other commercial organization.

documentation personnel personnel reference

The Regulations on the Personnel Service determine the status of this unit in the integrated management system of the organization, its internal organization, tasks, functions. The general procedure for developing the Regulations has been determined Standard instructions on office work in federal executive authorities, Methodological recommendations on the unification of texts of management documents, as well as GOST.

As a rule, the structure of the Regulations includes the following sections:

  • 1. General provisions.
  • 2. The main tasks and functions of the personnel service.
  • 3. Structure of the personnel service.
  • 4. Rights and obligations of the service and its employees.
  • 5. Basic requirements for the qualifications of personnel service employees.
  • 6. Workplace HR employee.

The personnel regulations determine the procedure for labor and personnel relations established in the organization, the conditions labor activity the entire workforce. It reflects: issues of organizing the activities of the institution; terms of remuneration for its employees; the procedure for granting vacations, business trips, transfers to a new place of work and release from work, rewards and disciplinary action; rights and obligations of employees and management of the organization and a number of others directly related to personnel management.

The personnel regulations are discussed and agreed upon with representatives of the workforce, endorsed by a legal adviser, signed by the deputy head and approved by the head of the organization. In accordance with the law “On State civil service PMR" the organizational and legal status of a civil servant is regulated by the official regulations, which are an integral part administrative regulations government agency. It includes:

  • - qualification requirements to the level and nature of knowledge and skills required of a civil servant;
  • - job responsibilities, rights and liability for non-fulfillment ( improper execution) job responsibilities;
  • - a list of issues on which a civil servant has the right or obligation to independently make decisions or participate in the preparation of draft decisions;
  • -- terms and procedures for preparation, consideration of draft decisions and the procedure for their approval;
  • -- the procedure for official interaction with other civil servants, citizens and organizations;
  • -- list public services provided to citizens and organizations;
  • -- indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of official activities.

Organizational and administrative documentation of the personnel service includes orders (instructions) on making changes to staffing table, on the distribution of responsibilities between the deputy heads of the organization, on the procedure for granting and duration of annual paid leave for the organization’s employees.

The main purpose of reference and information documentation is to inform about the actual state of affairs in the management system, communicate information that initiates management decisions, provision feedback between the control and managed systems. Therefore, in contrast to organizational and administrative documents going from the governing body to the governed body, reference and information documents are sent from bottom to top - from structural unit to the organization represented by its head and his deputies or through horizontal connections - between departments and officials.

The regulation on the personnel service of an enterprise is a document that establishes systematically interconnected rules on issues within the competence of the service and regulates the procedure for carrying out its daily activities.

The regulation relates to organizational and administrative documentation and represents one of the local acts issued by the enterprise (organization, institution).

The development of regulations on the personnel service is carried out in accordance with the decision of the head of the enterprise. Such a decision is made by the manager in pursuance of the decision of a higher management body (authority), on his own initiative, in accordance with the planning documents of the enterprise’s activities, or on the basis of a considered written request from an official of the enterprise (for example, an official memo), whose competence (supervision) includes personnel issues work.

The decision to develop a regulation is formalized in the form of an order (instruction), instruction (instruction) or resolution (in a written application, see above) and is brought to the attention of the relevant executor. As a rule, the procedure for developing a draft regulation includes the preparation of a preliminary version of the text, its clarification, approval, execution and submission for approval.

The document comes into force after its approval by the head (other authorized official) of the enterprise or by issuing an administrative document on approval (for example, an order). The approved position is registered in accordance with the procedure established at the enterprise, after which the required number of copies are made from the approved original (for use in daily work).

The structure of the provision consists of sections: -

general provisions; functions; -

tasks; rights; responsibilities; -

responsibility; -

relationships (interaction) with other departments (officials).

The text of the provision is stated business style, from a third person sole or

plural (“guided”, “executes”, etc.). For presentation, predominantly continuous coherent text is used, including grammatically consistent management information, which is the most significant for the proper regulation of the daily activities of the personnel service.

Individual sections of the regulation can be presented in table form. When including table provisions in the text, you should provide columns and rows with headings expressed by nouns in the nominative case, and also coordinate the subheadings of the columns and rows in the table with the corresponding headings.

The title to the text of the provision is formulated in the prepositional case (i.e., it answers the question “About what?”). Sections of the regulation must have headings and be numbered in Roman numerals, separated from the headings by a period and a space.

Section headings are written in capital letters; there is no period at the end of headings. Clauses and subclauses within the sections of the regulation are numbered in Arabic numerals, separated by dots, with a dot at the end, within the corresponding sections (clauses): 1.1, 1.1.1,

2.1, 2.1.1,, etc.

The second and subsequent pages of the document are numbered. Pages are numbered in ascending order using Arabic numerals. Page numbers are indicated in the middle of the top margin; dots are not placed after the numbers indicating page numbers. An example text of the regulation on the personnel service of an enterprise is presented below.

More on topic 3.1. Regulations on the personnel service of the enterprise:

  1. §2. Participation of a lawyer in the development of the legal service and the economy of the enterprise
  2. 16.3. Legal service at an enterprise: its role and functions

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