Presentation on the history of counting years. Presentation on the topic "Counting years in history"

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Years, centuries, millennia

It's important to know when studying history. When did this or that event happen, what happened earlier and what happened later, and how much time passed between the events. This requires timing. People have long counted time by years, but in history we often have to use longer periods - hundreds and thousands of years.

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100 years make a century or a century, 10 centuries make a millennium. Events of history Ancient world took place many centuries and even millennia ago. For example, agriculture arose 10 thousand years ago, in other words, 10 thousand years or 100 centuries have passed since that time - this is the same thing.

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(past) BC AD (future) 1 2 3 41 2 3 4 birth of Jesus Christ 100 years make up a century or century, 10 centuries make up a millennium. The events of the history of the Ancient world took place many centuries and even millennia ago. For example, agriculture arose 10 thousand years ago, in other words, 10 thousand years or 100 centuries have passed since that time - this is the same thing. It is convenient to indicate the sequence of events on a time line.

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How time was counted in ancient times

It is convenient to count historical time in order. But you need to know the starting point. Which year is considered first? Ancient people kept track of time from a memorable event. In the ancient kingdoms, they counted by the years of the reign of the kings. In different countries, different peoples had different numbers of years.

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Our era

In our time, there is a counting of time whose starting point is the birth of Jesus Christ. Our era spans 20 centuries. Each year, century, millennium AD has its own serial number. The designation of the time of an event is called a date. For example, 988 - the baptism of Rus', 1147 - the first mention of Moscow in the chronicle, 1794 - the founding of the village of Bryukhovetskaya. Dates can be more accurate when the date, month, and year are indicated. May 9, 1945 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Centuries are usually designated by special, Roman numerals. For example, Great Patriotic War was in the twentieth (20) century.

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Counting the years BC

The history of mankind is much longer than our era. Let's say agriculture arose 10 thousand years ago. And our era began only 2 thousand years ago. This means that agriculture appeared 8 thousand years earlier, i.e. even before our era. In other words, agriculture arose in the 8th millennium BC (abbreviated as BC). Writing arose 5 thousand years ago or in the 3rd millennium BC. (5-2). Counting years BC is very convenient. Only their numbering on the time line goes in the opposite direction. For example, after 3 BC. It was 2 BC. etc.

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The 1st (1st) century BC began in 100 BC and ended in 1 BC. what year was before 100 BC? What century does it belong to? What year was before 30 BC? What year was next after that? What century came after the 3rd (3rd) century BC? And in front of him? What year was earlier: 40 BC. or 20 AD? How many years earlier? What year was the first year of the 5th (5th) century BC? What year was the last of this century? People learned to smelt copper 7 thousand years ago. In what millennium BC was this?

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Counting years in history

Historical chronology Calendar. Our era. Timeline.

Chuprov L.A. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3 s. K-Rybolov, Khankaisky district, Primorsky Krai

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Historical chronology

Turning to the study of the past, it is easy to notice that we are always interested in when this or that historical figure lived, when a city was founded, or when a war began and ended. Without dates there is no history.

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Historians build the past, historical events in a certain sequence in time. This sequence forms a chronology. The word “chronology” itself translated from ancient Greek means “the science of time.” Ten years form a decade. A hundred years add up to a century, or a century. A thousand years makes a thousand years. All of these time period designations are used in history.

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Counting time is not just for historians. IN everyday life we count days, weeks, months, years according to the calendar.

What does the word "Chronology" mean? List the periods of time designation in history.

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2. Calendar.

The name "calendar" comes from the Latin word "calendarium", meaning "debt book". The point is that in Ancient Rome Debtors were required to pay interest on debts on the first day of the month - Kalends. They began to keep a calendar so as not to get entangled in debt. A calendar is a system for counting large periods of time.

Mayan calendar

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Primitive people didn't know the calendar. They celebrated the change of day and night, the alternation of seasons. The creation of the first calendars was also associated with the emergence of the first states. At first, counting was carried out by lunar months, since changes in the lunar disk were easy to see and correlate with certain periods of time. The first solar calendar was invented in Ancient Egypt. And the most accurate calendar was created by the ancient Mayan people in Central America.

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Each ancient civilization there was a counting of years; all nations counted time differently. Scientists had to work a lot to be able to date the events ancient history according to our usual calendar.

Ancient Greek calendar

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The modern calendar is based on the solar year. A solar year is the duration of one revolution of planet Earth around the Sun. It is 365 days plus approximately 1 hour. When compiling a calendar, it is impossible to accurately take into account this small additional particle of “about 1 hour”. Because of this, even the modern calendar accumulates slight inaccuracy in measuring time over the centuries. It is no coincidence that they are now proposing to introduce a new, more accurate world calendar.

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3. Our era.

Of particular importance for the calendar is the event from which time is counted. The main reference point for time according to our modern calendar is the year of the Nativity of Christ. This chronology is called Christian or AD. Sometimes it is also called new era. Our era is usually abbreviated as AD. e. Thus, we live in our era and count the years of our era.

Counting years in history.

Place the events in your life in order.


1st class

7th grade


The result is your personal timeline

The events of the life of all mankind can also be arranged in order. You will get a very long timeline.

Timeline - this is the “road” from the past to the future through the present.

In order to talk about what happened a long time ago or recently, we need words that denote units of time. What units of time do you know?






Counting time

The need to measure time arose a long time ago. In the beginning, the unit of time was the day.

From dawn to dusk = day

From dusk to dawn = night

Together -


Counting time

Later, people paid attention to the changing appearance of the Moon and began to measure time by lunar months.

Month (lunar) = 29.5 days

Residents of Mesopotamia divided it into 4 parts - weeks

Counting time





Larger units of time are required to describe historical events

Century – 100 years.

Millennium – 1000 years.

An era is a period of time of several thousand years.

- 1 century = 100 years





Find on the timeline: 1st century AD

3rd century BC, 4th century AD


How to determine the age?

Close last 2 digits

To what's left to add 1

Determine and write down which century these dates belong to.

  • 1147 –
  • 1267 –
  • 1789 –
  • 1088 –
  • 2007 –
  • 1655 –
  • 989 –
  • 1947 –

Write down the century in Roman numerals

  • 1147 –
  • 1267 –
  • 1789 –
  • 1088 –
  • 2007 –
  • 1655 –
  • 989 –
  • 1947 –


  • 1354 –
  • 1767 –
  • 1989 –
  • 1188 –
  • 2010 –

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Years, centuries, millennia When studying history, it is important to know. When did this or that event happen, what happened earlier and what happened later, and how much time passed between the events. This requires timing. People have long counted time by years, but in history we often have to use longer periods - hundreds and thousands of years.

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Years, centuries, millennia 100 years constitute a century or a century, 10 centuries constitute a millennium. The events of the history of the Ancient world took place many centuries and even millennia ago. For example, agriculture arose 10 thousand years ago, in other words, 10 thousand years or 100 centuries have passed since that time - this is the same thing.

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Years, centuries, millennia (past) BC AD (future) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 birth of Jesus Christ 100 years make up a century or century, 10 centuries make up a millennium. The events of the history of the Ancient world took place many centuries and even millennia ago. For example, agriculture arose 10 thousand years ago, in other words, 10 thousand years or 100 centuries have passed since that time - this is the same thing. It is convenient to indicate the sequence of events on a time line.

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How time was counted in ancient times It is convenient to count historical time in order. But you need to know the starting point. Which year is considered first? Ancient people kept track of time from a memorable event. In the ancient kingdoms, they counted by the years of the reign of the kings. In different countries, different peoples had different numbers of years.

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Our era In our time, there is a counting of time whose starting point is the birth of Jesus Christ. Our era spans 20 centuries. Each year, century, millennium AD has its own serial number. The designation of the time of an event is called a date. For example, 988 - the baptism of Rus', 1147 - the first mention of Moscow in the chronicle, 1794 - the founding of the village of Bryukhovetskaya. Dates can be more accurate when the date, month, and year are indicated. May 9, 1945 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Centuries are usually designated by special, Roman numerals. For example, the Great Patriotic War took place in the 20th (20th) century.

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Counting the years BC The history of mankind is much longer than our era. Let's say agriculture arose 10 thousand years ago. And our era began only 2 thousand years ago. This means that agriculture appeared 8 thousand years earlier, i.e. even before our era. In other words, agriculture arose in the 8th millennium BC (abbreviated as BC). Writing arose 5 thousand years ago or in the 3rd millennium BC. (5-2). Counting years BC is very convenient. Only their numbering on the time line goes in the opposite direction. For example, after 3 BC. It was 2 BC. etc.

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The consolidation of the 1st (1st) century BC began in 100 BC and ended in 1 BC. what year was before 100 BC? What century does it belong to? What year was before 30 BC? What year was next after that? What century came after the 3rd (3rd) century BC? And in front of him? What year was earlier: 40 BC. or 20 AD? How many years earlier? What year was the first year of the 5th (5th) century BC? What year was the last of this century? People learned to smelt copper 7 thousand years ago. In what millennium BC was this?

Counting years in history, history lesson of the Ancient World, grade 5

history teacher

MAOU secondary school No. 8


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Historical sources

What is history?

What are historical sources?

Belorukova Elizaveta Alekseevna

History teacher

MAOU secondary school No. 8, Berezniki

Counting years in history

  • Historical chronology
  • Calendar
  • Our era and timeline

Lesson plan:





Roman numerals

Arabic numerals

Historical chronology


  • 1240 = 13th century. To determine which century it is, you need to cover the last two digits. The number that remains is 12, which means 12 full centuries have passed, and the 13th is coming, which means 1240 = this is the 13th century.
  • 2015 =
  • 882 =

X =10, its half V=5

For example - 9th century, like IX (10-1)


The name "calendar" comes from the Latin word "calendarium", meaning "debt book".

Egyptian solar calendar

Mayan calendar

Counting by lunar months

Calendar of our days

Calendar of primitive society

Our era

Our era is usually abbreviated as AD. e.

Everything that happened before the first year belongs to the time before the Common Era (abbreviated BC).

The first year of our era is considered the conventional year of the birth of Jesus Christ. Our modern calendar is dated from this first year.

Learning to solve problems

1. What year was earlier and how much earlier was it: 33 BC or 33g. AD?

The second step - if the events occurred in different eras, then we divide the time line into 2 parts and sign them - on the left side - BC. e., and on the right side - AD;

Fifth step - write down the answer.


33 BC + 33g. AD = 66 years

Answer: 33 BC was 66 years earlier

  • 2. What year was earlier and how much earlier: 33. BC or 14g. BC ?

The first step is to draw a time line using a simple pencil and ruler;

The second step is that if the events occurred in the same era, then there is no need to divide the time line;

The third step is to mark the required dates on the time line;

The fourth step is to write down the solution to the problem;

Fifth step - write down the answer.

33 BC - 14 years BC = 19 years old

Answer: 33g. BC was 19 years earlier.


  • 1. How many years ago (so-called) did the Battle of Marathon take place?

2. Which event happened earlier and how much earlier: the Battle of Kulikovo (1380) or the founding of St. Petersburg (1703)?

3. How many years ago (so-called) did the Northern War end?


1. 490g. BC + 2015 AD = 2505 t.

Answer: The Battle of Marathon took place in 2502 AD.

2. 1703 AD - 1380 AD = 323g

Answer: The Battle of Kulikovo took place 323 years earlier.

3. 2015 AD - 1721 AD = 294 t.

Answer: The Northern War ended in 291 so-called.

Do the following tasks in writing in your notebook:

  • Make 3 problems counting years in history.
  • 2. Write in Roman numerals:

    6 - …9 - …11 - …13 - …8 - …16 - …17 - …4 - …19 - …22 - …3 - …

    3. Write in Arabic numerals:

    V - …VIII - …XIX - …IV - …III - …XVI - …XIV - …IX - …VII - …XII - …XX - …XXII –

    4. Determine the eyelid:

    1132 - ...567 - ...48 - ...38 BC - ...1700 - ...309 - ...2013 - ...

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