Summary of business plan for opening a restaurant. Typical business plan for opening a restaurant

The restaurant business is a competitive industry with many variations. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a business plan for a restaurant or food business. In most restaurants and food businesses, there are many competitions. They range from very small family establishments to those with many years of experience. A restaurant business plan not only serves as a financial tool for your restaurant business, but also an analytical tool that helps separate your restaurant business from the competition.

Business plan function

A well-thought-out restaurant business plan allows you to plan your business on paper, including startup costs, annual budget, and projected sales. Although the project may take a long time, the end result will give you a clear idea of ​​how to make your restaurant successful.

May also help reduce some risks. For example, you may discover while researching a ready-made restaurant business plan (THR) that there are two other local competitors with similar concepts to your restaurant. Since you learned early on, you can make necessary changes without spending money.

Another big reason for starting a project is to convince a bank to give you financing.

You need to show that you understand this restaurant business idea and know what you are doing. If you waltz into a bank and just tell them your idea, without any data to back it up, they'll send you waltzing right out the door. You must have the necessary arguments to support the argument that your restaurant is a viable business opportunity.

For THR, The Wrights will lease space at 1036 square meters, located in a shopping center (Shchukino district, Moscow). Although the space was previously used as a restaurant, the former tenant removed much of the furniture, fixtures and equipment that will need to be replaced. The location will also require additional renovations to update restrooms and increase dining space.

The decor will include wooden chairs with blue and white tablecloths. Dinner style tables will be surrounded by wooden chairs with comfortable seating cushions.

Business goals

The main tasks are:

  • To be the main home restaurant in the Shchukino area (Moscow).
  • Provide quality food at reasonable prices with exemplary service.
  • Achieve 1.00X coverage ratios for every lunch and dinner.
  • To achieve cost ratios below 65%.

The restaurant will be open 7 days a week according to the following schedule:

  • Monday 11:00 - 21:00.
  • Tuesday 11:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday 11:00 - 21:00.
  • Thursday 11:00 - 21:00.
  • Friday from 11:00 to 22:00.
  • Saturday 11:00 - 22:00.
  • Sunday 12:00 - 17:00.

Competitive comparison

The restaurant industry has approximately 480,000 restaurants with total annual revenue of approximately $400 billion. The industry is highly fragmented, with the top 50 companies accounting for only 20% of the market.

Local restaurant competitors within a five kilometer radius are as follows:

  • Hedarys Restaurant is a family-owned, full-service restaurant established in 1977. The SF's 5,000 sole proprietor restaurants employ 17 employees and generate $1.7 million in annual revenue. Restaurant prices are higher than THR (home restaurant) and range from $8.00 to $20 each.
  • Applebee's is a chain restaurant offering standard fare. The food quality is average. Restaurant food prices range from $6.99 to $20.
  • Chili's is a chain restaurant offering standard fare. The product selection is varied and prices range from $8 to $21.
  • Ben's Barbeque is a custom-owned business that primarily offers barbecue. Although the food offering does not compete directly with the item, the restaurant caters to the same families and has been in business since 1978. Restaurant food prices range from $8.99 to $12.


  • Ordering Guide: Will be involved in tracking order history and maintaining certain product and inventory levels.
  • Weekly inventory: Management will conduct a weekly inventory count to determine estimates for use in preparing weekly income statements.
  • Daily inventory tracking: Daily inventory will be taken on specific items. Movement will be compared to sales data to ensure proper accounting of assigned products.

Administrative systems

  • Daily cash control. Monthly totals will be compared to actual income statements for accuracy. Cash, debit card and receipts credit card will be deposited.
  • Weekly cost report. Proper cost control is the single most effective indicator management's ability to run a restaurant.
  • Purchases/Accounts Payable. The accounting department will process and record invoices and credits on a daily basis. Reports detailing cash expenses, check payments and accounts payable transactions will be available. The payment verification will be prepared by an accountant. Checking registration authority for general operating room account will be provided to the CEO.
  • Payroll processing. Will be issued once every two months.

Future services

The restaurant business plan can also plan for the future provision of catering services for family gatherings, weddings and other events that desire a “home-cooked” menu. This could potentially become a significant part

  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a restaurant

We present to your attention a standard business plan for opening a restaurant in a city with a population of 500 thousand people. Serves as an example when drawing up a feasibility study for a project for approval of a bank loan

We present to your attention a standard business plan for opening a restaurant in a city with a population of 500 thousand people. Serves as an example when drawing up a feasibility study of a project for approval of a loan from a bank.

How much money does it take to open a restaurant from scratch?

General information of the business plan:

  • City population: 500 thousand people;
  • Object location: 1st floor of an apartment building.
  • Type of property: rent, 90 thousand rubles. per month.
  • Area (177m2): kitchen - 45m2, visitors' hall - 90m2, wardrobe - 12m2, utility room - 15m2, staff room - 10m2, restroom - 5m2;
  • Capacity: 50 seats;
  • Opening hours: 11:00 - 23:00;
  • Number of jobs: 10 people;
  • Sources of funding: own funds- 640 thousand rubles, borrowed funds(bank loan) - 1,400 thousand rubles;
  • Total cost of the project: 2.04 million rubles.

Indicators economic efficiency project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year = 1,263,100 rubles;
  • Bar profitability = 21.5%;
  • Project payback = 20 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new public catering establishment;
  2. Creation of additional jobs;
  3. Assistance in the development of the city’s public catering infrastructure;
  4. Receipt of additional tax payments into the city budget.

Which tax system to choose for a restaurant

Organizationally - legal form the organization will Society with limited liability . The choice of this OPF is due to a number of advantages, including the possibility of acquiring a trading license alcoholic products.

It is planned to use the simplified taxation system (STS) as a taxation system. The tax rate will be 15% of the restaurant’s profit (the most favorable taxation option).

The restaurant's operating hours are planned to be from 11:00 to 23:00.

Currently started practical activities for project implementation:

  1. The LLC was registered with the local Federal Tax Service; the registration date was March 2018.
  2. A preliminary lease agreement was concluded for non-residential premises with a total area of ​​177 m2 in a multi-storey building.
  3. A restaurant design project has been prepared and a preliminary search for equipment suppliers has been carried out. Currently time goes by procedure for preparing permits.

Description of products and services

The main concept of our establishment will be based on traditional Russian cuisine. In the price segment, the restaurant is designed for average and lower average income levels. That is, for a wide range of consumers.

The restaurant menu will include:

  • lunches;
  • cold snacks;
  • hot snacks;
  • salads;
  • soups;
  • hot dishes;
  • dishes cooked over an open fire;
  • side dishes;
  • menu for children;
  • desserts;
  • ice cream and sorbets.

Most of the dishes will be familiar to visitors, as such dishes are prepared at home. The average markup on goods in a restaurant will be about 250%.

The average check of the establishment will be about 400 rubles.

The restaurant management will carefully select food suppliers. At least 3 suppliers will be allocated for each product group.

Download restaurant business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Marketing plan

The area in which the establishment will be located is home to about 50 thousand residents. Plus there are several large office and shopping centers. The potential circle of clients is people aged 22 to 60 years with an average and lower average income.

As a percentage, the number of residents who meet the above criteria is about 15% or 7,500 residents of the district. Of this number of residents, about 20% or 1500 people visit such establishments at least once a week.

Taking into account the fact that in addition to our restaurant there are 2 more serious competitors within a radius of 500 meters, our restaurant can count on 30% of the catering market in the area. In numerical terms, this is about 500 regular visitors per week or 2000 people per month.

Since the estimated average bill of our establishment will be 400 rubles. Projected monthly revenue will be: 400 rub. * 2000 people = 800,000 rubles.

However, taking into account the fact that a newly opened restaurant requires promotion and the development of regular customers, the establishment will reach this income level only after 6 months of operation:

Planned annual revenue will be 7,350,000 rubles.

Choosing premises for a restaurant

The premises in which it is planned to open a Russian cuisine restaurant comply with all SES standards and fire safety standards. The design will be made in light colors, creating a pleasant atmosphere and comfort for visitors.

What equipment to choose for a restaurant

Major equipment will include:

  • Heating equipment (convection oven, combi oven, pizza oven, stove, oven, etc.);
  • Refrigeration equipment(refrigerator, ice maker, blast freezer);
  • Technological equipment (mixer, vegetable cutter, meat grinder, blender, juicer, coffee machine, etc.);
  • Neutral equipment (cutting and production table, exhaust hoods);
  • Dishwasher;
  • Scales.

In addition, kitchen utensils (gastronomy containers, frying pans, pots) and kitchen utensils (cutting boards, ladles, measuring utensils, spatulas, etc.) will be purchased.

It is planned to conclude an agreement with the accountant and cleaner paid provision services or engage a third-party company for these purposes (outsourcing). Approximate monthly costs for these purposes - 12 thousand rubles. The restaurant manager will be himself individual entrepreneur. Be sure to read the article: “ How to hire an employee - step-by-step instructions»!

In addition, it is planned to conclude agreements with suppliers of products and services:

  1. To ensure the safety of the restaurant, an agreement will be concluded with security company and a “panic button” was installed (5 thousand rubles);
  2. Food and alcohol products will be supplied under contracts with wholesale organizations and manufacturers;
  3. It is planned to conclude an agreement for garbage and solid waste removal with commercial company(5 thousand rubles).

Financial plan

Opening the establishment will require an investment of 2.04 million rubles. Of these, own funds amount to 640 thousand rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) 1,400 thousand rubles.

The main monthly expenses of the restaurant will be labor costs (35%). Besides wages significant expenses of the enterprise will be rent - 26% of all fixed costs. In third place in terms of expenses will be insurance contributions for employees to extra-budgetary funds (PFR and Social Insurance Fund).

The sales break-even point with an average trade margin of 250% will be 485,800 rubles per month:

A list of all costs, including calculation of gross and net profit, is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

How much can you earn by opening a restaurant?

The restaurant's net profit for the first year of operation will be 1,263,100 rubles. In the future, profits will only increase, as the number of regular customers of the establishment will also grow. Approximate net profit establishment for the second year of operation will be about 3,500,000 rubles.

Restaurant profitability according to business plan calculations it is 21.5%. The project will pay off after 20 months of operation, which is a good indicator for such a business.

Important point! In a restaurant, it is necessary to organize a consumer corner with a book of reviews and suggestions, as well as information for customers of the establishment (telephone numbers of government agencies that control the activities of cafes and restaurants, legislative acts etc.).

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Restaurant business plan (64 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Cafe business plan (63 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Pub business plan (53 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business providing restaurant services

According to All-Russian classifier species commercial activities, this line of business belongs to the category of enterprises with OKVED 55.30 (operation of cafes and restaurants).

What documents are needed to open a restaurant?

Legal operation of a restaurant in our country is possible only if the following documentation is available:

  • Certificates of business registration in tax office , state funds and Rosstat.
  • Licenses for the sale of strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Premises rental agreements.
  • Coordination with SES and fire inspection.
  • Local administration permits.
  • Contracts with personnel.
  • Agreements with suppliers and service companies.
  • Certificates and invoices for food products.

In addition, the establishment's employees working in the kitchen and common room, health records must be issued.

Do you need a permit to open a restaurant?

It is impossible to even imagine the line of commercial activity under consideration without the sale of vodka, whiskey, wine and other alcoholic products. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an appropriate license is required for its sale. Read also a very useful article

We invite you to familiarize yourself with ready-made business plan for the opening of the restaurant. A real example with calculations, marketing plan, financial costs and possible risks.

Hello, dear readers!

Over the past 4 years, the public catering market has experienced many shocks: a ban on European delicacies, a drop in household incomes, a reorientation to the use of domestic products. Taking into account these transformations, the restaurant business in Russia is experiencing another round of development, introducing new trends and mastering different directions in the fight for customers.

My name is Alexandra Kadyntseva, I am a financial expert on the HeaterBober website. I'll tell you how to develop a restaurant business plan, launch a business and attract customers. They are waiting for you real examples, actual calculations and a lot of other useful information.

1. What is the relevance of the restaurant business?

According to RBC, in 2018 there was an increase in the market volume of the restaurant business. Presumably in 2019 its size will reach 1261 billion rubles.

The forecast is based on several factors:

  • reduction in the value of commercial real estate;
  • adaptation of clients to the established price level;
  • insufficient filling of the niche (the number of restaurants per thousand people in Russia is several times lower than in European countries and the USA);
  • crisis conditions left only players with effective management who know how to adapt to changing market conditions and “catch” the mood of customers.

According to experts, during periods of crises and currency fluctuations, our citizens try to control expenses, but this does not lead to a refusal to go to a restaurant, but rather affects the amount of tips. This means that with a competent approach to running a business, you will not only not go broke, but will also recoup your expenses within the planned period.

A small cafe with 50 seats, the launch of which will cost the owner 2 million rubles, will pay for itself in 12-20 months. The net income of the establishment for the first year of operation will be 1.3 million rubles with well-placed management.

2. Market and competitor analysis

Large projects (restaurant chains, large companies) are more resistant to market fluctuations compared to small establishments or shops. If you intend to open your own business, consider opening a large restaurant franchise in your city.

Opening a franchise - great option for beginning entrepreneurs

I have prepared a good proposal for aspiring entrepreneurs. This chain of restaurants serving Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine is represented not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Kazakhstan, and China.

The chain began its work in 2013 with the opening of the first restaurant in Tyumen. In 2016, there were already 53 of them. In 2018, there were 300 locations in 80 cities.

Advantages of choosing a franchise for a novice entrepreneur:

  1. Acquisition and development of a ready-made business model.
  2. Invaluable experience of working under the guidance of experienced business “sharks”.
  3. Free training from leading business trainers.
  4. Ongoing support for your branch.
  5. Guarantee of success: you open a restaurant under a brand already familiar to the buyer, with ready-made, proven production technology marketing strategy, established clients.

3. Detailed production plan

Regardless of whether you are going to open a franchise business or intend to set sail on your own, you need a good production plan that covers all aspects of opening a restaurant - from finding premises to purchasing products, developing menus and starting the business.

Let's look at each stage of production in detail.

Stage 1. Selecting a room

The main requirement for the premises is compliance with SES and fire safety standards. Optimal options- buildings located close to office centers, metro stations, busy places (near shopping centers).

The main rules of “face control” for the selected premises are compliance with SES and fire safety standards

It is not necessary to consider premises whose purpose is catering. Consider any non-residential square meters for free use. Pay attention to the terms of the lease and its terms, the possibility of extending the terms, and the fixed amount of the rent.

Stage 2. Purchase of equipment

Restaurant equipment necessary for the operation of an establishment is divided into several groups:

  1. Thermal- oven, stove, oven, combi oven.
  2. Refrigeration- blast freezer, ice generator, chest refrigeration.
  3. Technological- juicer, coffee machine, vegetable cutter, blender, mixer, meat grinder.
  4. Additional- hoods, cutting tables, knives, boards, kitchen scales, measuring cups.
  5. Small kitchen utensils- dishes, plastic containers and containers, ladles, spatulas, skimmers.
  6. Dishwasher And washing machine.

Purchasing equipment is one of the most important stages preparation for production launch

In addition to the above technological equipment We need tableware, tablecloths, furniture, and a bar counter. Ask an experienced chef to help you select equipment.

Stage 3. Recruitment

A restaurant with an area of ​​180 square meters and a capacity of 50 seats requires 2-3 waiters, 1 chef, 4 cooks, 2 kitchen workers, 2 bartenders.

To clean the premises, engage personnel under an outsourcing agreement. Accounting work It’s also better to entrust it to an outsourcing specialist. This is a good saving at the start, as well as a guarantee of the quality of services and the competence of the accountant.

Take on the responsibility for managing the enterprise for economic and marketing reasons. This way you will “test” the market, correct your mistakes, and monitor strict execution production plan.

All employees of the establishment must have health certificates

Stage 4. Menu creation

The menu is determined by the concept of the restaurant. The main trends of the current year are simple healthy nutrition based on natural farm products.

If we are talking about an establishment with ethnic cuisine, for example, Chinese, Filipino, use original spices and traditional serving and dishes. Give the visitor the most truthful idea of ​​the cuisine of China or the Philippines or another country, without distorting it in your own way.

An alternative to exoticism is an emphasis on regional cuisine. Use locally sourced ingredients: fish, crayfish from local rivers and lakes, and offer traditional local treats.

Regardless of the chosen concept, the menu should include hot dishes, appetizers, soups, side dishes, salads, dishes cooked over an open fire, desserts, and drinks. It is advisable to print photos of dishes on the menu and brief description composition.

Current trends in restaurant menus:

  1. Switch to small portions.
  2. Author's cuisine. Most visitors are looking for “clear” tasty food, good service and reasonable prices.
  3. Homemade ingredients. Offer your customers what they have long wanted to try: homemade sausages, delicious pickles and marinades. The simpler, tastier and closer the ingredients are, the sooner you will win the heart of your audience.
  4. Products from mini-farms, cheese dairies, wineries, private bakeries. Do you want to offer something special? Focus on the exclusivity of the products from which the dishes on your menu are prepared.
  5. Children's kitchen. Beautifully decorated dishes of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, light desserts for little visitors are another way to expand the client audience.

Stage 5. Starting a business

To start a business you will need to complete the following list of documents:

  • register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, for this area of ​​activity select OKVED 55.30;
  • open a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages;
  • conclude a rental agreement for premises;
  • obtain permission from the SES, fire inspection and permission from the local administration;
  • conclude employment contracts or staff contracts.

Before opening, enter into agreements with product suppliers and service companies.

How not to delay the start? Compose calendar plan openings and ensure deadlines are met. This way you will be well prepared and will make the desired impression on your first visitors.

4. How and where to look for clients - marketing plan

The main tool for attracting customers is the Internet. Make your own restaurant website with high-quality, beautiful photographs of dishes. An appetizing picture, photographs of the interior of the room, the kitchen area - all this attracts attention and increases the confidence of visitors.

Take advantage of opportunities social networks. Create a thematic group and publish news about your restaurant or cafe, new photos and videos, and customer reviews in it. Post your daily specials great deals, invite us to lunches and breakfasts. Hold drawings for discounts on visiting the establishment.

Advertising is a great way to express yourself and increase the prestige of a company

Don't forget about the spectacular outdoor advertising: big boards, banners, bright signs, POS materials, car stickers. Use all the ways to attract attention, but don’t go too far. From attention to irritation intrusive advertising- one step.

The main secret of success- targeting a specific target audience. Imagine who he is, yours potential client. His age, level of income, range of interests. The clearer your concept is, the faster regular customers will appear.

Special offers (children's animator services, live music, cooking classes for adults and children, catering) will also help you attract an audience.

You will need all these methods if you open a catering establishment on your own. If you open a franchise restaurant, there is no need for a large-scale advertising campaign, since you are opening a branch of a well-known restaurant brand with a ready-made effective marketing strategy.

5. Income and expenses - financial plan

As an example, consider the costs of opening a Sushi Master restaurant with an area of ​​40 square meters in your city:

We add to this list the costs of advertising campaign- 60,000 rubles, as well as 180,000 for the initial purchase of products. 2,170,000+ 60,000+180,000=2,410,000 rubles. To this amount you still need to add lump sum, which you will pay under the concession agreement.

The total cost of opening a restaurant business under a franchise is 2,800,000 rubles. This is 800,000 rubles more than in the example own business from scratch, given at the beginning of the article. By choosing franchising, you greatly minimize the risks of failure.

Therefore, when making your final decision, weigh the pros and cons of saving 500-800 thousand rubles.

The estimated monthly average profit for the first year of operation is RUB 209,300. Payback period - 14 months. This is 6 months earlier than in the case of starting and promoting a business on your own.

And here is what one of the owners of the Sushi Master chain, Alex Yanovsky, says about the advantages of the franchise:

6. Possible risks and ways to minimize them

The main risks of the restaurant business:

  1. Low quality of service. The client will never return to a place where he was rude, inattentively served, or served a low-quality dish. Carefully select your staff, check the quality of service and food, involving your friends. Motivate employees to improve their level.
  2. High competition. Monitor the interests of visitors and the offers of your closest competitors.
  3. Low quality of supplied products. Do not order a large batch of products without making sure of their quality. Work with multiple suppliers so you don't end up without the right products at the most inopportune moment.
  4. Reduced customer solvency. Create budget package offers or combined sets of dishes, offer home delivery services.
  5. Increasing food costs. Look for more affordable, but no less high-quality analogues of expensive ingredients. Give the initiative in creating the menu to the chef.

These risks are reduced to zero by working under a franchise. Management restaurant chain interested in high quality services, cooperates with reliable suppliers of products, purchasing them in bulk.

As the experience of the crisis years shows, most chains take adequate measures to minimize economic risks, trying to ensure that the crisis does not affect employees, the quality of service and dishes.

In conclusion, a few useful tips from the owners of the iconic bar in Izhevsk in the video:

7. Download the business plan

A sample of a standard business plan, the structure of which includes a summary of the project, goals and objectives, calculation of costs and projected profits, niche analysis, is necessary for any beginning entrepreneur.

This document will help you clearly structure your actions, draw up a specific plan, and work out all the options for the development of events. Even if you encounter difficulties, you will overcome them with minimal losses.

Download an example that you can adapt to your conditions (size starting capital, concept).

8. Conclusion

The restaurant business, even in crisis conditions, is a profitable enterprise. This is proven by the experience of the Sushi-Master network and similar projects. The key to success is a good business plan, a clear concept, creative leadership, innovative solutions, willingness to take risks, gain new experience and share yours.

Question to readers:

What do you choose: opening a franchise branch or your own concept?

Share your opinion with us in the comments to the article. We wish you good luck in business! Thank you for your attention!

At this point we write down the basic data of the project. Sample:

Square: total area 120 square meters, hall - 60 sq. m.

Form of ownership: rent

Model: youth mini-cafe with 10 tables.

Activity: catering services.

Location: one of the central areas of the city.

Working hours: from 8.00 to 23.00 - on weekdays, from 10.00 to 02.00 - on weekends.

Market analysis

Where to start? From an analysis of competitors and the situation. You definitely shouldn’t be located near similar institutions. And the city center is not yet a guarantee of high attendance. Pay attention to places near business centers and office buildings, hotels.

  • Proximity to roads or parks, squares, transport stops;
  • First line from the road, entrance from the street;
  • A building at an intersection with windows facing two streets at once.

To stand out among competitors, with appropriate design and targeting certain visitors (children’s, informal, kebab shop, etc.) But promoting it will be more difficult.

The most popular option is the “Russian format”. This is a cafeteria with a wide range of dishes (obligatory first and second courses and salads) and strong drinks.

Menu and pricing

The establishment is designed for a wide audience, the bulk of clients are middle class. The average check is 4-5 dollars.

On the menu– Russian and European cuisine plus a little oriental (popular sushi and noodles):

  1. 3-4 types of soups;
  2. 4-5 types of side dishes;
  3. 5-6 hot dishes;
  4. 5-6 cold appetizers;
  5. 6-7 salads;
  6. 10 desserts (cakes, ice cream, pancakes);
  7. Pizza and sushi;
  8. 3-4 types of Chinese noodles;
  9. 7-8 hot soft drinks (coffee, tea);
  10. 4-5 soft drinks;
  11. 9-10 spirits and alcoholic cocktails.

Marketing activities

Opening a cafe involves a lot of work on design, proper planning, etc.

Title and design

Customers pay more attention to places with their own style. Will need interesting name and a bright sign. To make your establishment recognizable, you should think about a logo.

The interior must match the name. , pay attention to soft coffee colors, cozy sofas, themed decorations, paintings or photographs on the walls. A youth cafe or pizzeria is decorated brightly, modernism, pop art, and hi-tech are welcomed. In terms of style, postmodernism, eco style, and country are also well suited.

Small interior details, such as flowers on tables, wall decorations, lighting fixtures - important part of design. You can turn to professional designers, or you can do everything for free, relying on your own taste and self-study materials from the Internet.

Nuances of arranging the interior space:

  • There should be no “labyrinths” inside. The room should be left in the form of a rectangle or square with evenly spaced tables. Otherwise, visitors may experience discomfort;
  • Ceiling height – from 3 meters;
  • The windows should open beautiful view. The space near the window is always the most popular.

Promotion channels

Sales promotion methods

Promotions and discounts are very popular. These are discounts for corporate customers, service free shipping to the office, as well as all kinds of promotions. Good example— business lunch at a favorable price, discount on the third order, “gift from the chef” when ordering a certain amount, etc.

Business registration

The company is registered as . It will be more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to work with suppliers, and such a company will not be able to sell alcohol (only beer). OKVED codes:

  1. 56.1. – “Restaurant activities and food delivery services”;
  2. 56.10.1. – “Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service";
  3. 56.10.2. – “Activities involving the preparation and/or sale of food ready for immediate consumption on site, with vehicles or mobile shops";
  4. 56.3. – “Serving drinks”;
  5. 47.1. – “Retail trade in non-specialized stores.”

, you will need the following documents and permits:

  • Rental agreement for premises and permission for accommodation in a certain building from the local administration;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor for retail trade;
  • Conclusion from Rospozharnadzor. Conditions for obtaining: fire alarm, two emergency exits, evacuation plan, availability of fire extinguishers;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological certificate issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you need to comply with the sanitary conditions specified in SanPiN In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”;
  • Technical report on the premises. This includes communications drawings, engineering drawings, architectural drawings, BTI plan;
  • Registration documents of cash register equipment;
  • Quality certificates for products. They must meet government regulations. Certification is carried out by private companies.
  • Agreement with private security. A “panic button” to call security is installed inside the cafeteria;
  • Program production control, agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Documents confirming that personnel have undergone a medical examination;
  • License to sell alcoholic beverages. Issued Federal service regulation of the alcohol market. To obtain a license, a company must have authorized capital from 15-16 thousand dollars. The requirements are specified in Law No. 171-FZ “On state regulation production and turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products." The cost of registration is 600-650 $.

Organizational events

The project provides for how and with whom the enterprise will work. What does it take to open a cafe?

Preliminary agreements with food suppliers on daily deliveries. This farms, wholesale centers, confectionery shops, bakeries. All products must be certified.

Agreements on waste disposal and regular disinfection.

Production plan

Renting the premises will cost approximately $2000-2500 per month. Of the 120 square meters, the visitor hall occupies 60 square meters. m., 40 sq. m. - kitchen, 20 sq. m. - warehouse and 10 - toilet.

Premises requirements:

  1. The dining room and production area should be separated;
  2. Ventilation, sewerage, cold and hot water, fire extinguishing system, air conditioning;
  3. When making repairs, it is necessary to comply with building regulations; you can familiarize yourself with them in SNiP 06/31/2009"Public buildings and structures."

Technical base

Dining room

The hall should be equipped with chairs and soft sofas. When purchasing furniture, be sure to take “with reserve”, just like dishes. This business requires reserve resources, especially in terms of dishes (10% for slaughter and loss). All calculations are given in dollars.

  • Tables (12 pcs.) – $1100. The best manufacturing companies: Delacosa, Equivalent;
  • Chairs (25 pcs.) – $300-350. Delacosa, PremierDecor, Equivalent;
  • Sofas (11 pcs.) – $1500-1700. HoReCa, Delacosa;
  • Reception desk – $80-90. SmartDecor, Pioneer;
  • Cash register – $350-400. Evotor-Standard, Mercury;
  • Racks and hangers for tables (11 units) – $300. HoReCa, PremierDecor.


  1. Four tables for cooking and cutting food - $200-300. Hicold, ATESY, CRYSPI;
  2. 2 refrigerated cabinets, freezer – $1,500. Polair, "Nord", "Marikholodmash";
  3. Two electric stoves – $1000-1200. Convito, LOTUS;
  4. Two cabinets each for cooking and frying – $1000-1300. Amitek, ABAT, CRYSPI;
  5. Grill cabinet – $200-250. Indesit, CORA, LOTUS;
  6. Pancake machine – $150. ERGO, ATESY;
  7. Microwave oven – $70-100. CONVITO;
  8. Combi oven – $1500.TECNOEKA, ABAT, ATESY;
  9. Dishwasher – $700-900. Hansa, Smeg, Mach, ABAT;
  10. Coffee machine – $600-800. Philips, Nespresso, De Longhi;
  11. Pizza oven – $600-700. PRISMAFOOD, ABAT, ERGO;
  12. Two food warmers – $90-100. LOTUS, ABAT, ERGO;
  13. Air fryer – $60. ABAT, LOTUS;
  14. Electric kettle – $50. Redmond, Galaxy;
  15. Electronic scales – $15. AKAI, Galaxy;
  16. Four sets of knives – $200. Supra, Thomas, Mo-V, Shadow;
  17. Containers for spices and bulk products(4 units) – $40-50. RESTOLA;
  18. Meat grinder – $80-100. FAMA, Supra, Panasonic, BORK;
  19. Mixer – $100. QUAMAR, ERGO;
  20. Slicer – $250-300. CONVITO, Airhot;
  21. Electric vegetable cutter – $40. Wellberg, CONVITO;
  22. Dough mixer – $300-400. ERGO, CONVITO;
  23. Small equipment (graters, dispensers, measuring cups, can openers, cutting boards, tongs, spatulas) – $100. TECNOEKA, MAC.PAN;
  24. 2 holders for kitchen utensils – $10-13. CRYSPI;
  25. 3 placemats – $16-20. TECNOEKA;
  26. Two sinks – $120-150. HESSEN, RADA;
  27. Cabinet and racks for dishes – $70-80. CRYSPI, ATESY;
  28. Food trays (20 pcs.) - $30. RESTOLA;
  29. Wall shelves (5 pcs.) – $120-150. CRYSPI;
  30. Dishes for visitors (15 sets) – $800-1000. Collage, Verona, Baltic, Tvist.


  • Pots (6-7 units) – $130-150. Merxteam, APS, Westmark;
  • Boilers (2-3 units) – $90. Luxstahl;
  • Frying pans (2-3 units) – $50. Luxstahl, BOK;
  • Saute pans (3-4 units) - $80. Merxteam, Lacor;
  • Bowls and gastronomy containers (15-20 units) – $40-50. RESTOLA;
  • Baking sheets (4-5 units) – $40. RESTOLA, UNOX;
  • Colanders, sieves, spice grinders (5-6 units) - $150-200. Lacor, Fortuna.

Non-production base

  1. Napkins, towels, dryers for the bathroom – $40-60;
  2. Uniform washing machine -$250. BEKO, Electrolux;
  3. Computer and printer – $400-500;
  4. Plumbing for a bathroom – $300-400;
  5. Garbage cans (3 pcs.) – $40-50;
  6. Mirror – $30.

When calculating how much it costs to open a cafe, the purchase of equipment and inventory takes up a large share of the funds.


To work in two shifts, it is necessary to hire 4 cooks, 2 auxiliary workers, 2 administrators, 6 waiters, and an accountant. Salary fund – 6-7 thousand dollars per month.

All employees must have a medical certificate. It is also worth sewing uniforms for workers ($400-500).

Launch strategy

It is necessary to assume that the preparation will take at least five months. Event planning looks like this:

  • Finding a suitable building, concluding a lease agreement;
  • Repair and decoration of premises;
  • Engineering and technological design, laying communications;
  • Registration stage, paperwork, obtaining permits and licenses;
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory, its installation;
  • Hiring staff;
  • Promotional events.


It is necessary only by appreciating possible risks and developing ways to overcome problems. What threatens a new business in the catering industry?

Lack of visitors. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to intensify promotional events, expand the list of promotion channels, hold an interesting promotion.

Opening and operating costs are higher than those indicated in the business plan. This can be solved by clearly recording income/expenses. At least temporarily, you can reduce costs by reducing staff (usually waiters) and partially using semi-finished products.

Low quality food and service. Since you personally will not be able to control the work of the establishment “from” to “to”, there is a risk of dissatisfied customers. Be sure to study reviews about your establishment on the Internet and keep a book of complaints. To ensure that the visitor remains satisfied, carefully select your staff and change workers if necessary.

Economic instability in the country. This is usually reflected in the cost of cooking products, equipment, and the purchasing power of customers. To avoid this, long-term contracts must be concluded with suppliers.

Financial calculations

Below is ready plan financial costs for starting a business:

  1. Registration, permits, licensing – approximately $2000;
  2. Rent for a year in advance – $28,000;
  3. Renovation of the premises – $2000;
  4. Interior design development – ​​$1500;
  5. Process design – $500;
  6. Engineering design – $800;
  7. Installation of lighting, fire safety system, necessary communications - $4,000;
  8. Finishing work, purchase of decorative items – $3,000;
  9. Furniture, equipment, kitchen utensils – $17,000;
  10. First purchase of products – $1,500;
  11. Advertising campaign and illuminated sign – $2000;
  12. Incidental expenses – $1500.

Total capital investments in the business will be 64-65 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses in the first year are in the range of $9,000-10,000, taking into account paid rent.

Efficiency and profitability

You can count on income when attendance exceeds 80-100 people per day. In this case, the revenue will be about $14,000 per month, and the net profit will be 5-6 thousand. In a year or two, with a constant increase in “workload”, you can earn up to 15-20 thousand dollars “net” monthly.

Only after carefully planning and calculating is it worth taking on this matter. You also need to have some kind of financial reserve, because the payback period for public catering establishments ranges from one to four to five years.

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In this article you will learn how to create a business plan for opening a restaurant from scratch, and you can also download finished sample with calculations.

Experts call the catering business one of the most reliable ways to invest money.

For right organized business This area is characterized by: Start-up investments can quickly pay off due to stable demand. Every year this segment grows by 4%. True, it will be possible to bring the establishment to break even after good preparation before the start. It will require a lot of patience, but it will lead to a stable high income.

In this article, we will look at an example of a business plan for opening a restaurant from scratch. Let our establishment target visitors with an average income and slightly above average income, have 50 seats and a menu consisting of dishes of European and Russian cuisine. At the opening stage, a summer playground is not provided. Let's do the calculations and consider the important aspects associated with such an enterprise.

How and where to look for clients - marketing plan

Where to start? It is necessary to decide on the target audience and price level. Most likely, people aged from 25 to 55 years old who have average income. Statistically, this is 14–15% of people who live in the surrounding area. About a quarter of that 15% will log in once a week. Presumably, guests of an establishment with Russian and European cuisine will enjoy the calm music and the decoration of the room in a restrained color scheme

Important! When creating a business plan for a cafe or restaurant, you should remember: if at least two establishments with the same pricing policy and the target audience will be located at a distance of ~500 m, they can take up to 2/3 of new visitors. Therefore, take your choice of location very seriously.

As of 2019, there are 2,000 restaurants and other types of establishments of this profile in Moscow. Their greatest concentration is observed in the center; closer to the outskirts, the pricing policy of catering enterprises becomes more democratic.

Let’s assume that our establishment is located in a residential area of ​​Moscow, far from the center, and is open from 10 o’clock in the afternoon to 1 o’clock in the morning. Those wishing to open a restaurant according to a business plan in 2019 will certainly want to receive not only individual visitors, but also hold banquets and buffets.

The main promotion channel will be advertising aimed at people with higher education, visiting establishments of a similar profile, mainly at lunchtime and in the evening. should be based on the following advertising channels:

  • Internet and posts on social networks;
  • vertebral advertising - from a satisfied visitor to his friends;
  • distribution of coupons and leaflets in hypermarkets and beauty salons;
  • e-mail newsletter;
  • advertising articles in print media;
  • street signs near the establishment.

How to write a business plan that will definitely give you a loan

In an effort to obtain a loan, companies often draw up a formal business plan and tailor it to the bank’s requirements. As a result, they do not take into account the specifics of the project and make mistakes. See six tips that will help you objectively assess the effectiveness of your future project and increase your chances of funding.

Production plan

The production plan must be drawn up in such a way that the establishment meets fire safety standards and SES requirements. Let's go through the main stages.

Stage 1. Selecting a room

There are two options for choosing premises - rebuilding the building from the foundation at your own expense or long-term rent. Reconstruction is associated not only with serious financial and time costs, but also with the need to obtain a lot of documents permitting construction. Therefore, let our restaurant business plan for 2019 be aimed at long-term rental of premises with a total area of ​​350–360 sq.m.

Having decided to place an establishment on a rented space, its owner will have to undertake repairs and arrangement of utilities (ventilation, split system). He also cannot do without developing the interior and facade design.

Our business plan is focused on the following standards:

  1. The minimum area of ​​the hall for 50 guests is 250 sq.m. The rest of the area will be occupied kitchen equipment, the room in which the administrator will work, and various utility rooms.
  2. The minimum ceiling height is 3.5 m (otherwise it will not fit industrial equipment for the kitchen).
  3. The minimum area for installing one table and chairs is 5 square meters. m. The production hall must be divided into workshops - hot and cold - and do not forget to allocate dispensing areas. Separate premises will be needed for food supply and food waste disposal.

Stage 2. Purchase of kitchen equipment, dishes, utensils

For a restaurant it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • equipment for hot processing: ovens and ovens, convection ovens, gas stoves;
  • equipment for storing food at low temperatures: refrigerators and freezers, blast freezing chambers;
  • equipment for grinding products: meat grinders, cutters, mixers, juicers;
  • exhaust devices and tables for working with semi-finished products;
  • dishwashers;
  • electronic scales.

Also, do not forget about the costs of purchasing utensils and equipment. In addition, you will need a set of gastronomic containers and containers with measuring divisions, cutting boards, pots, pans, and ladles.

Stage 3. Recruitment

In the business plan of an establishment for 50 guests, we will include wages for the following employees:

  • 2 waitresses;
  • 1 chef and 1 main cook;
  • 2 bartenders (shift work);
  • 1 accountant;
  • 1 cleaner
  • kitchen workers.

Each month, ~180,000 rubles will be spent on salaries for the listed personnel; the manager/administrator will be the founder himself. It is also necessary to include in the business plan payment for the services of product suppliers and the company that will provide security for the establishment:

  • installation and maintenance of a “panic button” – 7,000 rubles;
  • removal of food waste – 6,000 rubles;
  • Wholesaler companies will supply food and alcoholic beverages under an agreement.

Stage 4. Menu creation

Our restaurant is focused on Russian cuisine: most often people with average income prefer traditional dishes that are familiar to them.

The menu will include:

  • cold appetizers, salads, side dishes;
  • liquid and hot dishes;
  • set meals and lunches;
  • grilled/barbecued dishes;
  • children's dishes;
  • soft and alcoholic drinks;
  • confectionery and desserts.

Let the recipes resemble home cooking as much as possible - most guests will like it. The recommended markup for dishes is 250% of the cost of raw materials.

Pay attention! Food products must be selected strictly and carefully. The management of the establishment must be responsible for this process: if there are expired raw materials in the kitchen, guests may be poisoned and damage to the reputation will be caused.

Stage 5. Starting a business and development prospects

To implement a business plan and open a restaurant, you will need licenses and permits from regulatory authorities:

  • sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • fire inspection;
  • LLC registration documents;
  • license for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Permissions from the SES and firefighters can only be obtained after drawing up a lease agreement for the hall.

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