The most effective advertising for small businesses – which one to choose? Which advertising is the most effective: statistics and examples Watching video: user behavior.

By 2017, the CPA advertising market had become established. It has established regular players and clients, affiliate networks have occupied their niches, and small networks have ceased to multiply every year at the speed of light. launched its FaceBook-Leads product and is preparing to launch its lead generation product.

This is an extremely useful practice. In order to become a real one, it is not enough to have only experience, it is better to listen to various thematic courses. It is almost impossible to cover the entire digital world. In Russia it is already quite large.

Main trends:

  • The Internet grew by 23% compared to other media.

The volume of online advertising for three quarters of this year amounted to 115-116 billion rubles. In November 2017, the Internet became the most profitable media, overtaking TV advertising.

  • The growth in offline advertising costs has become much more modest.

Offline advertising budgets increased in 2015 for only 24% of companies; in 2016 they increased for 32% of organizations. Growth of more than 50% was recorded by only 1% and 4% of companies in these years, respectively. Growth in performance is ensured not only by existing clients, but also by newly arrived clients.

Experts from sites and technology companies noted that last year individual segments the share of new business was 70%. According to their forecasts, not all possible types of clients have yet been covered, and their number will increase.

  • The effectiveness of performance marketing is one of the drivers of cost growth in this advertising segment.

At the same time, an increasing number of clients skillfully build a sales funnel within companies in order to calculate the effectiveness of different advertising channels, process and skillfully work with the data received. At the same time, it is not always important which model to purchase traffic from. It is important to track and understand at what price the contact is ultimately paid.

  • Various CPA products are being formed.

For example, registrations and subscriptions, filling out various applications, collecting any contact information, obtaining a loan, and others. The categories of customers using the CPA channel in the overall media mix are extensive: lending, forex, real estate, work, cars, mobile applications for B2C, FMCG and others.

  • The interaction pattern between CPA market participants is simple.

Business processes resemble work advertising agency, only with more automation. There are customers and suppliers. The task of the CPA platform is to provide the highest quality advice to both parties in order to maximize profits.

Explain to customers that it is correct to create individual creatives under CPA, give recommendations on prices and on checking the quality of traffic received. Explain to suppliers that it is much more profitable for everyone to supply high-quality traffic.

Myths about CPA traffic

1. There is a myth that CPA traffic is special.

It cannot be said that it is better or worse than other channels. He's the same. The traffic structure in each grid is individual. It depends on the composition and list of advertisers and the network’s expertise. Based on the list of channels, the following list can be identified:

  • Teaser networks – 15%
  • Social networks – 25%
  • Email – 25%
  • Contextual advertising – 1%
  • Clickander – 5%
  • Motivated traffic – 3%
  • Programmatic – 1% (optional)
  • Mobile advertising – 10%
  • Thematic websites of webmasters – 10%
  • Other channels – 5%

2. There is also a myth that CPA traffic is finite.

It is directly related to the fact that there is a limited amount of traffic at a fixed price with specified parameters per unit of time. It is important to simply manage it skillfully, as well as understand the mentality of webmasters who work with a particular offer.

The webmaster's mentality consists of basic things:

  • How to make money faster?
  • How to achieve maximum conversion?
  • How to set up a campaign in such a way that leads come in without changing anything in the settings?

It is important to understand a few things when working with webmasters:

  • Monitor the correct technical execution of the platform.
  • Promptly provide or change creative.
  • Quickly confirm leads or provide prompt feedback about quality.
  • Coordinate reports on time and make prompt payments.

If the above things are observed, more and more webmasters will try to bring more traffic and work only for you.

Is there competition in CPA?

If we talk about competition in the UAW, then, on the one hand, it exists, but, on the other, it doesn’t exist. Each affiliate network is unique and has only its own expertise.

It is not entirely true to say that the traffic in each affiliate network is unique. Webmasters just get used to working with one or two grids. And if the affiliate network begins to invest in the webmaster’s earnings and increase it, then the webmaster will be happy to work only with you.

It is still not entirely clear what comes first: the “chicken” or the “egg”? Client or webmaster? Or maybe the presence of a convenient platform for collecting and storing leads? Having been involved in CPA advertising for many years, you come to the conclusion that symbiosis is important: the simultaneous presence of a high-quality technological product and “tasty” advertisers and traffic suppliers. In this case, success is guaranteed.

The importance of planning a CPA campaign

At the planning stage of a CPA campaign, it is important to come up with and agree with the CPA network on lead validity criteria. Immediately broadcast them to webmasters. Before launching a campaign, think about how to check leads within the customer.

If we talk about prices in CPA, then you can easily understand the level of purchases by checking prices in various CPA catalogs. It is important not to make prices in the CPA much lower than in the context. Otherwise, you yourself will provide a flow of not very suitable traffic.

How will performance advertising develop in 2018?

  • Mobile advertising

For companies involved in performance marketing, mobile advertising has become a standard placement channel. Thus, among advertisers using performance tools, 82% do not consider mobile advertising to be an experimental area. And for 49%, mobile advertising is neither an innovation nor priority direction, but simply one of the channels of communication with the audience.

A mobile application is developed for products and services with a large number of user requests and interactions, while a mobile website is more informational in nature.

So the answer is simple.

  • Analytics.

The most used web analytics systems are Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica; they are installed in 82% of companies, and almost always together. In addition to these, 51% of companies also use their own analytical and statistical services, and 38% use paid web analytics systems. For example, for mobile applications separate tracking platforms are used, such as AppsFlyers or AppsMetrika.

  • Technology development.

Changes come quickly.

Another trend is the integration of technologies into each other. For the best analytics of the user’s journey, information about each step is needed. To obtain this information, technologies tend to integrate with each other.

For example, modules that analyze targeted calls. And remarketing systems work not only with site visitors, but also with the CRM client base recruited by the advertiser.

  • Offline complements online.

Although the budget for other performance advertising is lower in absolute terms, its growth rate is higher than search. Thus, in 2016, the growth in placement volumes in other performance formats was 40%, and in search advertising - 21%.

What advertising is the most effective? How necessary is it in small and big business? These and other questions arise for everyone who starts doing business and is faced with the fact that in order to grow sales and promote their own product, they need to talk about their business.

Types of advertising

Today you can present information about your activities in completely different ways. Before you start promoting your business, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of existing advertising and choose the most suitable one for yourself. This is required in order to understand what the most effective advertising For construction company, For example.

Most of the information messages we see are commercial advertising aimed at attracting buyers, but there are also social and political ones.

  • external - presented in the form of billboards, posters on public transport, signs, signs, etc.;
  • through the media - television, radio, newspapers and magazines;
  • internet banner, social networks, contextual advertising, hyperlinks.

The role of advertising in business

Advertising is not just a luxury. This tool is necessary for every entrepreneur to disseminate information about themselves. target audience and promoting your name in the ranking of enterprises. This will help present you as a reliable, solvent and responsible company.

When using competent marketing, you can easily answer which advertising is the most effective for your business, and in addition create a positive image, emphasize the advantages and form a loyal attitude towards the company.

You should not assume that small businesses do not need advertising, that only word of mouth works here. This is wrong. In any case, advertising helps to tell potential buyers about the company and promote the company’s product on the market.

It is important to choose a type that will not affect your budget too much, but at the same time will help you promote yourself and increase recognition.

Small business: how to advertise it

Small businesses, like big ones, require advertising, which you shouldn’t refuse, even if you don’t have extra funds. You should know: the decisive period in the development of any activity is the first 2 years, when initial acquaintance, adaptation and recognition occur. During this period, promotion should be as intense and eventful as possible.

Before deciding on the method of promoting an enterprise, it is worth studying as much information as possible on the question: what advertising is the most effective? Statistics are a convincing thing and, with the help of specific data, will help you make your choice.

It is important to focus on specific offers and avoid using formulaic words such as “cheap”, “fast”, “with guarantee”, “profitable”, etc. If such methods once worked well on potential buyers, then now it does not attract, but even repels. People need specific numbers, an understanding of what they will pay for.

Methods to increase sales

There are several methods and types of advertising, each of which is aimed at increasing sales and making profits, but all these are not spontaneous actions, but a clearly thought-out strategy. Which advertising is the most effective for small businesses can be understood after some time, but it is a fact that any type is subject to a certain structure:

  • problem - if you are selling a product or service that can help with a solution, then when advertising you can use interrogative sentences: “Tired of waiting for prices to fall?”, “Are you tired of paying too much?” etc.;
  • solution to the problem - after the question has been asked, you give the answer in advance that it is your company that is able to solve it and on favorable terms;
  • the offer is unique - many companies can provide assistance, but you must be different from them and offer something that will further attract the target audience;
  • restrictions - people may be interested in your product and service, but they will think about purchasing later in order to think thoroughly about everything. It’s worth introducing a time or availability limit so that people can make purchases faster;
  • call - after interest and desire to purchase appears, the buyer must immediately see where to call, how to order, how to pay.

How to attract consumers?

What advertising is the most effective? Statistics confirm that not every company can afford to talk about itself on television or radio, since it does not have large in cash. Of course, before placing an advertisement on one or more sources, the owner studies the data showing the most effective ways. But it’s worth remembering that each area of ​​business has its own type of promotion and its own indicators that are effective.

According to statistical data using an example plastic windows in the city of Ufa, the cost of one attracted client differs greatly in different ways. Advertising was given on the radio, in newspapers and magazines, outdoor advertising, help desk and Internet. The cheapest promotion was on the Internet, where 42 rubles were spent, and the most expensive on the radio was more than 15 thousand rubles. This suggests that on the Internet you can customize advertising specifically for your client, control the budget and determine the cost of the contact.

Budget advertising in small businesses

  1. Telemarketing - calls potential clients may attract buyers, but may also repel them. Advertising in this way must be correctly composed: the text must be short, but succinct and understandable. However, this method is ineffective and can repel people.
  2. Sending messages to email addresses and social networks- this type takes time, but does not need cash investments. It is also ineffective, but it can attract a certain percentage of buyers.
  3. Leaflets. Certain investments this type advertising, of course, requires: it is necessary to print the material in a printing house, preferably in color, which will attract people more. This is a recognized marketing tool, but only if designed correctly - good text, bright picture, high quality paper. It should be distributed on streets with high traffic.

How to evaluate effectiveness?

What is the most effective advertising method, and how to evaluate it? After this tool will be launched, the owner will want to know how advertising affected sales, whether it is worth using it in the future or whether it is better to change something.

There are two measures of advertising effectiveness: communication (i.e., how well and accurately the message conveys information to the target audience) and financial. It is worth knowing that this indicator partly depends on the owner, who determines the budget, strategy, parameters, and partly does not depend, because there are uncontrollable factors: characteristics of the audience, advertising time, legal requirements.

But the assessment of effectiveness depends on specific situation on the market: how many similar companies are there, what methods were chosen and why? For small businesses, it is recommended to organize promotions using direct click methods, i.e. the result should be comparable: they launched an advertisement for ten rubles - they received thirty, which means it works. They launched it for five rubles - they received three, the method does not work and the company goes into the red.

Integrated approach

It is impossible to give the same assessment of the effectiveness of advertising for each area of ​​​​business and use the statistics of the results of one company to analyze another. This method will only waste your budget and will be of no use.

Every product or service, small business and large corporations - absolutely all of them, one way or another, need advertising. Even teams that have been in business for decades periodically use advertising, but why is this necessary if they have already established themselves? This is done in order not to miss a hot spot in the market.

Fresh advertising for an old product can radically change the opinion of even the most ardent opponents of this product. If a large company does not use advertising tools, sooner or later its popularity will fade away. The empty space will immediately be taken by younger and less developed people, but who competently declare themselves in all information sources. It just so happens that our people are accustomed to following a beautiful wrapper, hence the conclusion that advertising plays a huge role in running any business.

A novice businessman must ask about advertising in parallel with building a business plan, and regard it as another investment. It will be much easier to manage an advertising campaign if you initially know the approximate potential income that it will bring.

There is an opinion that business sharks do not ask the question “What is the most effective advertising?”, They are helped by many years of experience in navigating the world of marketing, but this is not at all true. Information tools, like any other area, are developing rapidly. If you don’t keep abreast of all the innovations and subtleties, you can remain in place, losing promising profits, and for large companies this is a colossal loss.

An unspoken law of business is that profit margins are closely related to advertising costs, and vice versa. Hence the conclusion is that the cost of carrying out advertising campaign will increase as income grows and the business expands in general.

Can be done effectively with small investments present your product, but this requires a lot of knowledge of advertising tricks, and this is also possible when working with a small audience.

Which advertising is the most effective for small businesses, as well as for larger companies, you can’t decide right away. It is customary to act taking into account many features relating to the direction of the business, the intricacies of the work, right up to the bosses in particular. Much also depends on the regional location, the mentality of the audience that will be exposed to advertising and much more.

As such, there is no ideal formula for the most effective advertising, but there is a set of tools and subtleties that allow each businessman to individually solve the problem with the advertising message. Downside is that each advertisement acts differently in certain cases, there is always a risk of losing money, and you should not forget about it.

One of the main criteria for choosing advertising is the placement method. Based on the characteristics of your activity, you can choose among:





Outdoor advertising

This type of advertising is located in open space. One of the most budget-friendly advertising methods. Prices for this method vary depending on location. As an example, in the periphery large expenses will not be required, when in the city center the cost of a banner or billboard can reach the highest limit. In regions and small towns, a similar method is also cheaper to use than in a metropolis.

    billboard along the road; very effective advertising, but it also requires some conditions for proper results. Considering that a motorist on the move will not always be able to read a number written in small font, or a long advertising message, a presentation of this kind should be concise, but eye-catching. Required condition are capital letters and numbers.

    guy wires on bridges, above the road; These messages lend themselves to longer reading than the previous version.

    pillars; small structures with an advertising message, which are usually installed near the establishment. For example, they usually write promotions on these on the menu and display them near restaurants.

    and nimators; back to topic restaurant business, in their example, this could be a person dressed in a hot dog costume and luring visitors into the establishment with an advertising chant.

    pneumatic figures; inflatable advertising structures. It can be either a huge mascot of your company or just a funny little man in a T-shirt with the company logo moving in the wind.

    leaflets; There are a huge number of options for distributing leaflets. They can be distributed by a person in a crowded place, posted on poles, buses, bus stops, and much more.

This list will not answer your question about what is the most effective advertising now, but it will significantly help in promoting any product or service.

There are two main types of posts:

Static is the one that is physically possible to devote time to. These messages are posted in the subway, at bus stops, on buses, etc.

Creative execution of advertising must be mandatory; the opportunity to attract as much attention as possible to your message will also be a significant advantage. This could be lighting, colorful design, contrast with location, etc.

The price component is influenced by both the materials used, the location, the complexity of the work, the size and much more.

Internet advertising

The question of what is the most effective advertising on the Internet worries both those who decided to attract people to promote their product information Technology and keep up with the times, as well as those who directly work with advertising on the Internet. Since development does not stand still, if you do not keep abreast of innovations, you can significantly lose ground.

Advertising on the Internet is not on par with traditional methods, but it is also quite effective. Its greatest advantage is its relatively low price component. Combined with reaching a huge audience from data advertising tools there is a significant result. Social networks and thematic sites allow you to narrow the circle of audiences that will be exposed to advertising; it is possible to “filter” the categories of people to whom the information message will be shown.

What is the most effective advertising on the Internet? This question does not provide an exact answer, since much depends on various details, the totality of which will allow everyone to choose a productive option for themselves. However, banners are considered to be its most popular means:

    the banner is not limited in size, but a larger size entails a higher price;

    it can contain any information regarding products or services;

    You can place your own link under the banner;

    the ability to clearly present information and arrange it colorfully, unlike other methods of advertising on the Internet.

To advertising banner brought the desired result - you should post it on websites of the relevant topic. One of the main conditions is to observe contrasts with color scheme website so that the banner is eye-catching, but not boring. Bright design and pleasing to the eye text will only benefit the person who posted it.

Another method is text advertising, which contains a variety of informational content. Such messages are published in the middle of the main text of the site, or close to it. This can be either a few words about the product or its full description.

Advertising in videos is a very effective way, however, it costs serious money. It works on the principle of placing hidden advertising in an educational (or any other) video. As an example, a popular blogger may appear in a video wearing your T-shirt, or eat your company's products. This method is similar to advertising in movies and television shows. Due to its cost, it is often used large companies, but also the effect of such viral advertising corresponding.

The site contains information similar to the content of the site and is located on banners, as well as in text form. This method less irritable and in greater favor with advertisers.

Search advertising is given to the user when making a request in the search window. Information specialists consider such advertising to be the most productive. It works on the principle of key query positions; the higher it is, the more expensive advertising will cost.

The cost of advertising on the Internet depends on the duration of placement of advertising messages, as well as the number of views. That is, you can pay for a month of placing your banner on the main page of the selected site, or you can pay as the number of views of the advertising message. In addition to these tools, it is possible to pay for clicks on your link, which more people If it goes over, the more you pay. Or agree on fixed transfers and pay the agreed amount.

Guerrilla Marketing

The option that is most suitable for small businesses and is gaining immense popularity. It works on the principle of discussion on social networks, where the opinion of a person like you and me is regarded as an authoritative opinion rather than hidden advertising. The product is promoted through relatively objective criticism of it on various social platforms.


Printed publications are full of solvent audiences, which is why they are valued by advertisers.

Divided into:

What is the most effective advertising can take a long time to decide, because individual cases require separate tools. As an example, for TV it is better to use short videos, but as informative as possible. Advertising on television is the most expensive and for small businesses it is an unprofitable option. It is better to insert commercials first in the block, or last. So that the audience sees it before the channel changes.

There are many young people among radio listeners. Contact information rarely and poorly remembered, but creative rhymes can bring results. Evening broadcasts are most suitable for placement.

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