Sergey Zuev: what is the environment for innovation. Zuev Sergey Eduardovich

Please don't freak out! This is Sergei Eduardovich Zuev himself. Today I dug up the archive of texts and found an interview with him, which we took a year and a half ago for the magazine Meaning.

So the text is:

What is cultural policy and why does Russia need it?

People started talking about cultural policy as a term relatively recently - about 10-15 years ago. However, as a very specific political practice, it also existed in Ancient Rome, and in Byzantium, and in post-war China, and in the USSR.
If you look at it, this phrase has nothing to do with culture in the general sense, or with politics. More like management. And it is senseless today to solve managerial tasks without taking into account cultural policy. AT developed countries this factor is almost a key factor in making strategic decisions. There has long been the question “what is cultural policy and why is it needed?” does not occur - this is normal practice. In Russia, he, as a rule, does not leave the doors of university auditoriums. However, it is no longer possible to build our state, manage business, develop territories without noticing the surrounding socio-cultural factors.
In order to understand how and what cultural policy influences, we talked with Sergey Zuev, Dean of the Department of Socio-Cultural Projects Management at MHSES.

SMYSL: Sergey Eduardovich, why did it become necessary to talk about cultural policy?
Sergey Zuev: Today it becomes clear that long-term forecasts for the management of anything (be it a region or a diaspora) are starting to fail. Cultural policy implies that when making decisions at any level, it is necessary to take into account social, ethnic, cultural, geopolitical, demographic and many other factors that are often ignored. The management methods tested, for example, at the foundry are unlikely to be suitable for subsistence farming. This example is odious, but indicative - there is a factor that must be taken into account outside of economic calculations and desk calculations. This factor is called "cultural policy". During the Soviet period, this factor was not taken into account in our country. A striking example is Stalin's imperial policy in the Caucasus. It would seem that everything was calculated: both the stick and the carrot. However, now, after half a century, we are faced with the so-called "Caucasian tangle".
And until now, unfortunately, many laws are adopted without taking into account cultural policy. On the example of some recent Russian reforms, it is very clearly seen how inattention to this important factor can turn into real life. Pensioners reacted with hostility to the monetization of benefits. This is due to the fact that benefits were a symbol of recognition of services to the country in the minds of pensioners. Banknotes cannot replace this. The law is economically beneficial, but it cannot work effectively, because it does not take into account the mentality of the elderly population of Russia.

SMYSL: But there are also positive examples when the use of the socio-cultural features of the territory influenced its economic and political development?
SZ: Of course. For example, the origins of the "Japanese miracle" lie in the conscious work with national cultural traditions. And the idea of ​​a "common Europe" and the Maastricht Treaty is largely based on the concept of cultural regions. Moreover, the power of this concept is able to balance and transfer to another dimension the political and economic contradictions of individual European states.
It is extremely urgent for businessmen to take into account such factors - especially for large companies. Norilsk Nickel, Interross, Renova - in all business strategies of these corporations, they pay attention to the socio-cultural characteristics of the regions in which they operate.
AT tourism business a lot of positive examples when a properly built cultural policy revived interest in the territories. Loch Ness is a British outback, but for the opportunity to join the popular legend, many foreigners lay out a lot of money.

"SENSE": What, in your opinion, could be the use of cultural policy instruments by the state?
SZ: Ideally, the law should only designate the framework, and after the adoption within the framework of cultural policy, project it onto a specific region and specific situation your action. That is, managers and legislators, based on the rule of law and taking into account cultural and social factors, must make an adequate management decision.
These may be non-state funds to support certain segments of the population. These may be special purpose programs. AT modern world this is called "social obligation". But not as an imposed norm, but as a tool that ultimately increases the capital of the company (in the case of business), and the popularity of the authorities (in the case of managing the region). This is closely related to the problem of local self-government, issues of local communities, social and cultural identity. How people live, how they understand themselves, how they see their future is far from an idle question.
Many in our country, having survived the 90s, have lost the meaning of life. Questions "who am I?" and "why me?" in practice, few are given, but it is impossible to deny their existence. In this sense, cultural policy has become a substitute for ideology. But softer - not managing, but corrective.

Zuev. My name is Sergey Zuev. I was asked to give a lecture “Regions and regional development". Am I right? In general, when they start talking about development, I myself fall into a stupor and remember the famous tale about the hero who, you know, stands at a crossroads there, in front of this stone. Reading through glasses. It says: “If you go to the left, you will get punched in the face. If you go to the right, you will get hit in the face. If you go straight, you'll get punched in the face." He stands there, completely dumbfounded. Suddenly a voice from above: “Well, why are you standing there? Now you will get it in the face.”

So, development, and even regions and regional development. Indeed, I fall into a stupor, because some unimaginable mess begins to happen in my head. I understand that if we are talking about the development and development of regions and try to somehow define this process as having some specific characteristics in comparison, for example, with changesa. It is clear that this principle is somehow different from the very beginning. You spoke about this here in your reports and at one time there, at one of the games, someone had already agreed, having completely lost his mind about development: "it has developed to the point of death." In this sense, not every change is development. Understandable, right?

And in this sense, if we are talking about development as a certain event, we will not talk about a process, about an event as a product that has its own special characteristics, its own specific distinctive features, then at the first step it is clear what is called, according to common sense. discretion that, unlike other processes of change, development is an indication of a qualitative leap, that something has somehow changed so much that it has become unrecognizable. Other, yes.

And in this sense they say that there is today, there is tomorrow. Right there today. What do we have today? Saturday. Tomorrow will be Sunday, yes, and the fact that tomorrow Sunday will come is development, it is such a normal course of events. But if tomorrow it were not Sunday, but something else, maybe this could be called development, if it corresponded to some other parameters. And in this sense, what is regional development? If regions develop. Over a step of development, they no longer become regions, or what, turn into something else? What are we actually talking about when we start using like this? In vain, and very often, this word development flies from our language, regional development in particular, development of regions. That's how it is with that hero, right? And so we begin, it means, to rush in a circle, and this is not this, and this is not that. Since I used to go in for mountain climbing, I have since then retained this well-known saying that when a person has nowhere to go, he goes up. The devil only knows, maybe it's not only about climbers.

So, there is a kind of paradox in this, when we start discussing development, yes, trying to somehow apply it to some object. There is a development process, and there is some affect to which this process can be somehow applied, yes, and see what happens to it, to this object within the framework of this process. Well, the only move out of this situation is probably related to the fact that if we use the verbal noun - development in relation to the region, then apparently it is worth assuming that the region is also, at the discretion of the preliminary, such an artificial-technical object, that is, constructed , yes, which can be designed. And in this sense, we can somehow control the process of not only changing it, but changing the quality, otherwise the topic itself seems to lose its meaning. I don’t know if it is possible to change the regions qualitatively, but to the extent that we include such a phrase in the title of our today’s topic, then accordingly we have to make such an assumption, approve such a hypothesis that the region is an artificial and technical formation what is being done is being done intentionally, and not only is it being done, as if the process of this case can also be controlled in a special way. And these qualitative leaps are somehow planned, predicted, yes, launched, and this is what fundamentally distinguishes the concept of a region, well, let's say there from a purely geographical or historical and cultural landscape, yes, which is formed in some natural processes, that is processes that are far from always subject to the position from which we research project we start talking. And what does it mean? Now, if we accept such an assumption, it means that in general, behind the concept of a region and its various, well, such substantive content, since .. development, we assume that there may be some kind of multiplicity of phases of the movement of thought about the region, yes, then we we can assume that some interest groups are hidden behind this concept, if this is an artificial-technical education. And someone can do this consciously, although it may seem to some of us that these same regions are animals that are formed quite spontaneously, and in this sense, these are regions of education, and this is, as it were, such a river flow, yes , which obeys its immanent twists and logics and, in principle, you can enter and carry us, there, for example, on a raft or something on a boat, and we will sail somewhere into a beautiful future. So, if this is done, then it is quite obvious that one must start from the very beginning about the definition of this concept and before working with this concept, single out certain interest groups and make the following assumption. In general, there are positions that are interested in the manifestation of a certain regional configuration in certain areas. For some reason, they are interested, they can influence it, and it is interesting for them. And, consequently, the meaning of what I will speak shortly enough and rather fluently, although I am doing an outline there for possible intrusions in the form of questions and objections, will consist in tracing some such logic of the evolution of ideas about the region, which I will try to interpret as the development of thinking about the region. How did these positions, which can artificially and technically influence the formation of what is called a region, change their ideas, or did these positions themselves change there? Because it is quite obvious that if you are now, for example, well, for sure, many of you have already done it, look, for example, at the description of the programs of some European funds for giving grants. Well, for example, there on educational policy, on cultural policy, on economic policy. You can, for example, pay attention to the following circumstance. Practically all fund programs, let's say the Council of Europe or the Tasis program with all its numerous subdivisions, as a condition for giving a grant, formulates next requirement . “In this project,” they say, “which you provide for funding, at least 4 territories from three different countries should participate, and preferably from such and such, from such and such, from such and such.” And thus, by declaring such requirements for the project that you want to invest, yes, from the side of the fund, they contribute to the creation of certain models of cooperation in one format or another. For example, in the format of the Visegrad Group, yes, uniting the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary there, yes, or in the format of the Balkan region, or in the format of the region ...., yes. Here is what is near the Mediterranean Sea, yes, or (the Baltic region, the Barents region - he called it in English), Yes, and so on and so forth. So, “Different territories from different countries,” these foundations tell us. This is their interpretation of regional policy in the European space and their interest is clearly felt already behind the descriptions of these same grant applications. Well, absolutely elementary forms, yes. Now, why is this so? Why does anyone need it? Or there are completely different examples. For example, the Council of Europe is very concerned in terms of cultural policy, cultural tourism, the formation of so-called cultural routes. For example, “Viking Way”, or “Silk Road”. And they assume that the kind of programs that they agree to fund will be skewered across Europe, yes, and in certain configurations. Well, like the way from the Varangians to the Greeks, yes. Oddly enough, by the way, this way, under the terms of these grants and programs, bypasses Russia, yes ... hell, well, yes. And in this sense, of course, the region pursuing a certain regional policy for them, they say that: “The Balkan region or, say, the countries of the Balkan region, or the countries of the Mediterranean region, or the countries of the Baltic region there can participate in this grant.” And they also indicate exactly which countries are included there, and what territories they are included in. Why? What lies behind such examples and what allows us to reconstruct, for example, on these elementary examples? There are certainly more complex examples. I'm just not going to delve into it for lack of time, which allows us to reconstruct certain interest groups behind all this. It is clear that in the same way we can reconstruct interest groups, such as transnational corporations, which also. Let's say the same European space or let's say the North of Europe is seen in its own way, they initiate certain cooperative network, horizontal hierarchical, market and so on links in a certain configuration. They need it and they start calling it a region, for example, the north of Europe or the Baltic region, yes, the transit Baltic region, or something else. So, let's start with the fact that the first thesis is that the region is an artificial and technical education. In this turn of my thinking and behind the formation of the regional mosaic of the 20th - 21st century in the European space and not just in the European space, I just know Europe better, there are certain interests that manifest themselves in the form of certain configurations. The first thesis is perfection. Are there any questions, comments, objections, remarks here? Please. Is it clear what I started to discuss? It is not yet clear what this has to do with. AND?

Replica. All clear.

Replica. Wonderful.

Zuev. This is bad.

Replica. And you?

Zuev. What about me? It's not very good for me. Now for the third time.

Replica. And the potential? When the regions of Russia were not mentioned. Somehow you talked about more.

Zuev. What the hell is the difference?

Replica. Are you considering the region?

Zuev. No, I'm just saying that from my point of view, the logic behind the creation of certain territorial configurations called regions is, in general, more or less the same everywhere, yes. It is based on the artificial-technical principle, that is, the regions are constructed. They are designed for specific tasks, but I would not call regions what are now becoming administrative districts, yes, but in principle, regions can be made from districts. The question is, does anyone need it? Or do they need a different configuration of regions, right?

Replica. Regions that are in Russian Federation.

Zuev. But this is a difficult question, because you understand, because we will come to this a little later. Look, there is the Barents region. Heard about this, right? The Barents region includes the territory of northern Norway, northern Finland, Sweden, as well as the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. So what is this?

Replica. This is a gradation that implies, say, Russian and the West.

Zuev. Why did they make this region?

Replica. A question. Can it be answered?

Zuev. No, in principle it is possible, yes. Of course, if... Yes.

Vladislav. Well, actually, at least as far as the Barents region is concerned. In my opinion, everything is there, well, a little bit, as it were. You can at least designate such a small one, yes. That is, there are countries. There are boundaries between them. On present stage there is an integration process. These borders are slowly dying away, but in fact, not only the state, but someone else, become acts, that is, players on the international field, right? This time. So, from here, yes. To remove these borders in the north somehow, yes. How? If consider.

Zuev. Who needs it?

Vladislav. It is necessary for economically interested persons. Sorry, this is my personal opinion. I believe that at the heart of any policy.

Zuev. Corporations?

Vladislav. Lies economic. Wait. Not only. Economic interests, maybe even state ones. Wait. Okay? So, at the heart of everything is economic interest, an element. Sorry, you have a religion in places, yes. Here. Well, how about what to do? It turned out, well, so let's say Russia, yes, Finland, Norway - countries are completely different, despite the fact that they belong, if you are around an international problem, in general, somewhere, maybe somewhere different, well, not poles, but to different ones, let's say, yes? According to the same gradation Neso and so on. What to do? How can cooperation be developed without forcing, as we had an offer to join a country, for example, the EEC, knowing that it would not be accepted there? It is necessary at the first stage, in fact, it may even be somewhere simple to recreate economic ties, without going to the interstate level. How? To cooperate not with entire states, that is, can you imagine, all of Norway would begin to cooperate with all of Russia, yes, and how can some projects of Norway be carried out in the Far East? Yes, none. That is, from here follows, as it were, the very first step of reasoning, yes. I'm not saying she's the only one. I say that it is the most obvious, that it is necessary to unite the regions that have immediate borders. Those who primarily operate in these regions.

Zuev. Who is this? Can you enumerate?

Vladislav. Wait, I'm just trying to figure out what level you want to drop to. That is, it may be. By the way, I absolutely respect these republics.

Zuev. Stronger.

Vladislav. It's embarrassing in front of people who can hear me here. And why, in fact, you laughed for nothing about the level.

Replica. Rise above.

Vladislav. Okay, get up. All the same, it is necessary to rise, as it were, from the very, very, very, very, as it were, the bottom, from the economic units that are located in these regions. How, say, some kind of, well, some kind of pulp industry in Finland and in Murmansk can interact in principle in some way. How can environmental projects be carried out? There, let's say, the river flows through the territory of Finland, yes, and it ends somewhere near Monchegorsk. How can you combine all these situations? You can of course ask the government. This is generally a wonderful way out: “Gentlemen, there it means, would you please?” The Lord wills. In fact, how would each ecological project then go through the catastrophic bureaucratic ladder. Correctly? That is, if you initially set the premise of opportunity at the level, well, let's say, well, it's more of an area, yes, of individual countries that are somehow formed in regions. It will be more efficient.

Zuev. You do not answer the question of who needs it, because, for example, the introduction of environmental issues, on the one hand, seems to have a purely ecological meaning, but on the other hand, it also has a meaning, I would say not ecological.

Vladislav. Quite right.

Zuev. Correctly? Correctly. So the question is, who initiates environmental projects?

Vladislav. You know, here too, not because.

Zuev. And on the basis. Sorry, based on these environmental projects is starting to sell some regional borders.

Vladislav. Typically, there are more than two stakeholders. These are, firstly, the economic elites, who will benefit from financing this project, and make a profit from it, and receive some deductions for it, and let's say a state that will take care of the health of its population in this region with its specific tasks.

Zuev. You know, let's put it this way. I affirm what regional formation we are talking about is.

Vladislav. Specifically about this or in general?

Zuev. No, in principle, how would you single out some models of regional formation, yes. It has its own stakeholders.

Vladislav. Oh sure.

Zuev. And this is a way of managing processes of a certain kind, different, maybe economic ones too, right?

Vladislav. Oh sure.

Zuev. Even and for sure, but the region is a tool for managing one of the parties.

Vladislav. One side of what?

Zuev. Look here. If you are talking about, say, the Barents region or the Baltic region, then someone initiated the creation of this kind of region. And in this sense, he had his own interests.

Vladislav. That is, you want to find.

Replica. Whose project?

Zuev. Yes, look here. Let's step back a little, yeah. This is how the idea of ​​regions arises, for example in Europe, well, let's say somewhere around the 60s? This means that at this time the idea of ​​a united Europe, a common Europe, begins to be very actively discussed. It is clear that this idea is actively promoted by certain political forces, in particular the Social Democrats, yes, European ones. Behind this lie certain economic interests and the main obstacle that these international political forces have to face, let's say so, the selfishness of traditional nation-states that do not want to lose their prerogatives of government, yes. Since the idea of ​​a common Europe is the idea of ​​creating a transnational bureaucracy, strengthening the role of the Council of Europe, the European Union, various kinds of commissions, well, and up to the introduction.

Vladislav. Is it only states?

Zuev. Not only states, but states too, yes.

Vladislav. Well, states too.

Zuev. States too. Excellent. It is at this moment that the so-called idea of ​​cultural regions appears, yes, which cultural regions do not coincide in their borders with these same nation-states. And in this sense, there is not just Belgium, but there is the Flanders community, there is the Walloon community, there is the French-speaking community, and there is not just Spain, but there is Catalonia. Well, and so on, yes.

Vladislav. Well, obviously, yes.

Zuev. Understandable, right?

Vladislav. I hope not only me.

Zuev. Well, yes. Well, look here and in this sense.

Replica. Are we interfering?

Zuev. No, you don't interfere. Basically… And in that sense from a point of view.


Zuev. Yes. and in this sense, the idea of ​​cultural regions, look, cultural ones, which are based there on the language, on some historical and cultural tradition, on a certain way of reproducing life in these territories, the idea of ​​cultural regions is beginning to be used by this emerging transnational bureaucracy as a tool to overcome these administrative and political borders of individual European states and as a way to strengthen their influence. And the idea of ​​a cultural region becomes political tool promoting the idea of ​​a common Europe. Is it clear what I'm talking about?

Vladislav. Oh sure.

Zuev. And here we are very easy.

Replica. One alien structure, ... which of its own?

Zuev. Look, though. After all, the state cannot be abolished. And there the system on the system begins to be drawn, and the regional configuration appears as some, well, not an alternative, but a certain opposition to state institutions, and a certain division of functions takes place.

Replica. Such a matrix structure is obtained.

Zuev. A matrix structure, quite right, or a system upon a system, as they say, but we will not delve into these subtleties, but for me now it is important just to discuss with Vladislav that the region is becoming an instrument for carrying out a certain group of interests.

Replica. Not the region itself, but here.

Zuev. The idea of ​​regions. Well, here's an example.

Replica. …

Replica. The idea of ​​formation and maintenance, let's say.

Zuev. Well, you can clarify there, but it is quite clear that this kind of different configuration allows this group of interests to do something. Understandable, right? And here it is clear and understandable. Yes please.

Replica. I just want to clarify... holding interests.

Zuev. Only louder.

Replica. But then you said that the region is a tool for carrying out someone's interests, did you mean the region, for example, as a state subject, or the region, how?

Zuev. You simply die. Like you have. A little louder. Not heard here.

Replica. Do you mean a region as a subject, for example, a region of the North-West of Russia, or a European region… and so on?

Zuev. But Vladislava and I will now answer. Please.

Vladislav. As far as I understood. No, in fact, I really like this situation very much. I just don't know no, ... because there are things being said that I absolutely kind of agree with, yes. This is not about a region, as about some kind of territory or something else, but, let's say, about a limited territory in general, which they are trying to unite by creating cultural, economic and other ties. That is, to rally not, say, some territorial pieces, but in fact the population, economic entities in the given territory. Correctly?

Zuev. Perhaps.

Replica. Generally ….

Vladislav. Thank you.

Zuev. And we already like it.

Replica. Can you say? Specify.

Zuev. Now I'll add a little, a little. At the moment, it is important for me, on the one hand, to say a little about the region, and on the other hand, to share with Vladislava. We are developing and say that not only economic interests. Look, the 60s - 70s - this is a period of such a rather significant revival of the humanities.

Vladislav. I said: cultural and others.

Zuev. Humanities. Why? I agree with you. Why? Because it is precisely the reliance on the humanitarian aspects of history that makes it possible to draw these new frontiers. Interest in the language and the restoration of already dead languages ​​​​including Frisian. interest in specificity legal regulation and the history of legal regulation in these territories, such institutional development mechanisms, interest in literature, philology, linguistics, and so on and so forth.

Tupitsyn. But I do not understand what this has to do with the humanities.

Zuev. Look, a very curious moment. Now Lyosha, I will answer. A very curious moment, by analogy, takes place in the 19th century and for a completely different reason. The research of the German romantics somewhere in the first half of the 19th century, their developments of a humanitarian sense, humanitarian in terms of dividing disciplines into natural sciences and the humanities, were used by Bismarck when forming the concept of the people and during the unification of Germany, but then these humanitarian developments were used to create of the nation state, and now humanitarian developments are used in exactly the opposite way - to de-form the nation state and to identify the boundaries of cultural regions. But it is important for me to emphasize that the first thing is that the idea of ​​the region is beginning to be used instrumentally in European politics, at least once. And the second, which is very significant in this, answering Alexei Yuryevich, is the so-called revolution of humanitarian managers in this case. By analogy with the revolution of industrial managers that took place, say, at the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries, when natural science knowledge was applied in an applied way in, say, engineering for the production of manufactories, locomotives, factories, engineering knowledge, design developments and etc. And now, during this period, approximately starting from the middle of the 20th century, maybe a little earlier, the applied use of humanitarian knowledge in the so-called humanitarian or humanitarian applied technologies, which are used to control public consciousness, to control social processes, for psychological human hygiene, for some kind of socio-cultural programs, and this is very actively stored in this idea of ​​cultural regions. This is the content of the process that begins to emerge at this time, somewhere in the 60s - 70s, and lies at the base of this new configuration of European regions, which by that time have not yet affected Soviet Union. And many of the problems that we face today are related to the fact that this phase of humanitarian saturation has not been carried out.

Tupitsyn. But still, it is important for me to emphasize this stretch that, on the one hand, the region is really interpreted as an artificial and technical object, the assumption of which is necessary for us to perform a number of managerial actions, but on the other hand, the idea of ​​the region almost simultaneously arises as a frame and as the last basis for planning certain actions.

Zuev. Not yet then. I'm trying to look at this historically. In principle, I agree that the region now, or the concept of the region, stands, well, for example, in relation to the understanding of what the Northwestern District is. Here, the concept of a region for understanding the essence for the essence of the North-Western District acts as a frame, as some such milestone, with the help of which we are trying to answer the question, what kind of territory is it now, but then the region is used instrumentally.

Tupitsyn. My thesis now concerns not the region, but the humanities. Because if the humanities becomes a means of incomprehensible activity, and not a framework for a number of other activities, then all this pathos of humanitarianism disappears somewhere. In this sense, it is, as it were, not a humanitarian activity.

Zuev. No, it’s just a humanitarian action, because I just kind of don’t continue this logic any further, but you can say that this new configuration that regionalism offers, let’s say, the 60s-70s, it is connected with the fact that for example, certain economic laws or processes, ways of managing the behavior of communities, some political models are rethought there, and they are rethought within the framework of this particular regionalism. And to the extent that we are talking primarily about cultural regions, and 10 years later, the Council of Europe launches this famous project No. 10, about the cultural region, to the extent that this is a rethinking, including a rethinking of economic processes, then talk about the introduction of the euro currency and certain things there, a certain system economic relations horizontal, about network structures of interethnic management, and so on and so forth. And these conversations are conducted precisely within the framework of the interests of the transnational bureaucracy, which is based on the idea of ​​cultural regions. Further it is possible to discuss how it was specially transformed. I just. We can talk about this, but we don’t seem to have time. I have three more steps, but you can. In principle, if you consider it important, then you can do it somehow now.

Tupitsyn. Agreed without question.

Replica. You know, you can go on.

Zuev. No, you can. I'm ready, though.

Replica. Actually, this is important. They want to answer this in more detail.

Zuev. But I can suggest a polyactive. I am ready to specifically discuss this topic of humanities and the methodology of applied humanitarian knowledge there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Replica. In private or what?

Zuev. No, why? Discuss it publicly, yes, but if they find a place, I'm ready to go there.

Tupitsyn. No, we can just really split it in two and continue tomorrow evening. The only thing.

Zuev. But only with a bath.

Replica. Note that we did not touch on this topic.

Zuev. For me with a bath. I didn't bring up this topic.

Tupitsyn. No, I just had the following suggestion. Since we have completed the first part, and there are several people who simply enter this Barents region.

Zuev. The first part is not finished.

Tupitsyn. Not finished.

Zuev. Sorry I am. Now it is important for me to draw exactly this evolution of the idea of ​​the region. So far, I've only done this first step. Now on to the next step. I'm going now purely historically, quickly. As if there are no logical connections between these phases. The next step is a new conceptual understanding, at least, of European humanities. Now I will continue. European humanities and, in principle, the hierarchy of regions becomes such a fairly common typology. Look, here's the first step. The region is considered as some self-sufficient entity with its own historical and cultural specifics, with its own cultural substrate, and then the so-called hierarchy of regions arises. That is, regions are beginning to be classified in methodological, philosophical, political literature as regions, well, for example, regions - capitals, regions - provinces, regions - borders, regions - peripheries, and so on and so forth. What lies behind this? In fact, there are very simple things behind this. The next step of these groups, already transformed groups, is the transnational bureaucracy in measuring itself with the processes of globalization, with world processes. And in fact, it is important for him to indicate the place of a particular territory or supra-territorial formation in relation to these global processes. And depending on the selection of the main process, regions can arise - capitals, regions - peripheries, regions - borders. Behind this typology lies an implicitly smuggled idea of ​​some important basic or main processes, primarily the processes of globalization, with which this very transnational European bureaucracy is working. So far, I am not talking about Russia either, although I see quite a lot of analogies. What are the regions - the capitals of the performance, say, the 70s - early 80s? Well, it is clear that these are regions that set these very points of growth, points of growth and development, based on those basic processes of globalization that seem to be the most important to one or another group. And if you remember, and install, and reconstruct for yourself, let's say, this history of technoparks, technopolises, all sorts of innovative ideas about these very points of growth, free economic zones, and so on. So they begin to appear somewhere in the late 60s, in the 70s, and the peak of this idea reaches its peak somewhere in the late 70s - 80s. A book by Tatsun, Japanese technopolises has already appeared, the understanding of Silicon Valley has already taken place, there are already, as it were, these projects there for the development of the valley. . pensions happened and so on and so forth. Growth points, yes, regions are capitals. Along with them there are regions - provinces. Regions are provinces that maintain a stable infrastructure that is characteristic of, well, these ideas about the correct civilizational process, a fairly stable way of reproducing life, calmness, I will return to it later - about the method of reproducing life, but in this sense they are not leaders in this or that process, but as if they are in the second echelon. It is more or less clear what is invested in the concept of regions - the periphery. And, finally, regions-boundaries exist, as it were, due to certain ideas about inter-civilizational differences. For example, there the north-south line that runs in Europe between the so-called socialist and the so-called capitalist camp is often interpreted as a region - a border with a corresponding system of requirements there. Or somehow. At the same time, it is completely clear that, well, such a concept as a region - a border can have multiple interpretations and is generally very productive and creative. Where there are clashes, where there is a possibility of the emergence of transit corridors, inter-civilizational, intercultural and other interactions, there arise, well, some new opportunities, but this needs special work. Again, I do not go into depth, but it is important to emphasize this here. Unlike the first step, when each cultural region was self-sufficient and equal to itself, this typology of regions - capitals, regions - provinces, borders and peripheries has a hierarchical character and fits into some idea of ​​progress.

Tupitsyn. But still, hierarchical or direct, when there is a certain point of concentration of the field and, well, actually a wave that weakens towards the periphery?

Zuev. Well, in principle, you can kind of say that there are actually two types here, only two. Here the capital, province and periphery belongs to the first type, and the border belongs to the second type. To the extent that there is an idea of ​​the capital, province and periphery, then this idea of ​​points of growth is possible. That is, there is an assumption that if you make a sharp investment at a certain point, then, as it were, the waves of modernization will go wider and capture all other adjacent or non-adjacent territories in their field of influence.

Tupitsyn. I wanted to emphasize that the meaning of the hierarchy between the capital, the periphery and the zone is not always respected.

Zuev. It is not always observed, because this will be the next step, connected with the fact that the type-activity characteristics of the regions arise and economic, educational, cultural regions, and so on, arise. That is, on the basis of one or another priority type of activity. This is the third step. This is the destruction of this hierarchical structure, when at the same time the same region can be the capital, province and border. This begins to complicate even more this map of the system on the system, and by now we have all these layers and at the conceptual level, when we cannot distinguish there what we are talking about when we pronounce the word “region” and at the level of those processes that are captured in one or another concept of regions. And this is an important point, but this is, as it were, the moment of rethinking the concept of regions, this is the evolution of the idea of ​​what a region is and what type of processes it participates in, or what it can be used for, what interest groups are behind it, why all this is being done and so on, and so on, that forms such a very complex stereoscopic configuration. .. runner style. As they say. And in principle, I would say that this third step, to which Alexei Yuryevich pushed me, did not allow me to discuss these capitals, borders, provinces and peripheries in more detail, although this is a very interesting topic. Because. Right now, we are generally present at the clash of completely different economic, political, and humanitarian logics. Well, for example, the Baltic countries are in many ways trying to present themselves to Western Europe, in slightly outdated terms, as regions are borders, and therefore they demand a certain type of infrastructure from there to be pumped up with certain technologies that befit a region - a border, which, well, sort of is at the breaking point of civilizational tendencies. Other forces behind the formation of regions in Europe consider the same Baltic countries not as regions - borders, for example, as regions - provinces of Northern Europe. This is another way of regionalization. Further it turns out. Interest groups within these countries, as well as outside them, collide, and a political game begins. A real regional policy arises, which arises not because this or that specific project is being implemented in the region and this or that decision is made, but politics, regional policy arises at the moment when there are various regional representations, various configurations in relation to these territories. regions.

Replica. And how does it relate to the problem of investment?

Zuev. Here in the North-West, we, as it were, are faced with this. Now we are starting to get a little, a little closer to where you asked. Since, after all, we are ourselves, we, while I am a little generalized stratifying, are trying to translate inside and out, as a region - a border, the answer will be investments as a region - a border, for example.

Replica. Goals?

Zuev. And it turns out complete. Or we kind of begin to demonstrate ourselves as an educational region and say, for example, the following, that the North-West is certainly an educational region, in which I agree. Because the first is a very high level of training, a relatively high qualification of personnel, dumping prices for education, absolutely dumping for Europeans, the possibility of setting up distance education, the possibility of quickly establishing campus infrastructure, you can turn yourself into an educational region, or at least in part of the North-West to create just such an educational university network as the core of the educational region. We start, and then we say: “We are the border.” Everything, but the educational region cannot be a region-border.

Replica. Why can't it be?

Zuev. I take back my assertion. Maybe, and maybe in some special projects there.

Zuev. Well, I'm just saying that these seemingly different horizons and elements need to be configured correctly. All Yes.

Tupitsyn. You just need to split the concept of the border, well, at least.

Zuev. Borders are like a membrane, borders are like impassable, like a launch pad, and so on and so forth. And this one is multiple. Yes now. Wait a second. I see. This multiplicity of meanings that accumulate in the process of evolution of representation, the region gives these bifucational effects. These are the points of development when the same thing is different and some decision must be made. Yes.

Replica. I would like to make a clarification. As I understand it, you say that regions cannot be structured both in European... and in other educational areas. And this is one thing. The second thing I wanted. Some interested groups use the following forces and factors when forming a certain region. This is power. If the state is politics, general, anniversary, that is, it is the force of pressure of politics, as the core in the main, then other forces are the economy, history. Suppose, using these factors, you can .. in your own way this. … I have a question from this. Do you think, perhaps, let's say at that scene, ... the factor that the Finns originated from China, came out of China and create the region as a Sino-Finnish region? ...


Zuev. Your question is understandable. Wait a second. Now. Yes, you can.

Replica. You know, really like. No, that's how I understood it. In general, in fact, it is very interesting, because it sounds like a provocation. Don't leave me, yeah

Replica. Yes, and there is a provocation.

Replica. Still, I am very sure that initially, in general, we are talking about retaining some initial capital, resources, yes, that is, after all, it is initially some kind of economic. Secondly, look, there is a division into regions. It's just great. One essential feature, you listed everything. It's about proximity. What do you think, in principle, perhaps some region, you said China and Finland. Russia lies in the middle. Can they do it without Russia?

Side B.

Zuev. Dear Colleagues.

Replica. Are there interest groups that really want it? Are there elites who would like to create this region? I actually talked about this when I talk about the redistribution of resources. Therefore, the wave of migration is completely different.

Zuev. In general, who told you that I said anything about geography?

Replica. If you say.. this region. Scandinavian countries.

Zuev. But they say Europe, I don’t know there.

Replica. From the Atlantic.

Zuev. From the Atlantic, yes, yes, Vladivostok.

Replica. Vladivostok with Europe.

Zuev. So what? Actually, I'll tell you another story. I spoke very cultural tourism. Well, it so happened that I am very fond of the management of socio-cultural processes. There is such a place in Scotland, wild, dreary, useless. It's called Loch Ness.

Replica. Dreary.

Zuev. Every year, 500,000 idiots live in these boarding houses that are built there, insanely boring.

Replica. And they scare each other.

Zuev. They sit on the shore of this lake and wait for it to surface.

Replica. You can't take away people's faith in miracles.

Zuev. Correctly. Therefore, I am absolutely familiar with Vladislava. Do you want the Finnish-Chinese border? And what is it like: “I want nothing, I want nothing”? Yes please. Colleagues, a little quieter. Yes please.

Replica. Just the opposite.. I don't know how correct it is, but if we say that a region is a kind of artificial constructor, can we divide, dismember some fairly close-knit community in the new regionalization? Directly take Catalonia let's say in half. The problems it has. They have solidarity. There is, in general, next to Spain and so on. Is it possible to take it and dismember it?.. One region, yes.. They wanted to cut Bashkiria into federal districts. Well, here, to a lesser extent.

Zuev. By chance. Yes please.

Vladislav. In fact, there are, as it were, historical examples. Korea South and North.

Replica. Germany.

Vladislav. China, Germany. I mean, yes, but I don't know. I think it is.

Replica. It was regionalization.

Zuev. It was that regionalization. No, well, now of course, now there are more humanitarian technologies.

Vladislav. It can be different. We can change the more ancient status.

Zuev. OK then. I'll tell you one more story, which Vladislav supported, which I also like to tell. I tell my colleagues and students quite often. You know that Hong Kong, having lost Britain, ended up as part of China. And the Hong Kongers have a problem that they are now being stolen. Well, big China. They have there, well, as it were, some kind of their own culture, some certain wishes, already developed habits, the reproduction of their traditions there, and so on and so forth. And there was the problem of identifying Hong Kong as something separate. With that, pay attention, mainland China, through its government, claims that Hong Kong is a single territory with China, and these have a need for some internal identification of themselves as separate. A group of egg-headed Hong Kongers there starts to just joke. They, therefore, throw out the following information in the press that the so-called Luantins were the ancestors of the Hong Kong people. Here, in my opinion, these are luantines. All clear.

Replica. It was necessary to start with this.

Zuev. And who are these luantines? The Luantins are half human, half fish. Well, it's an absolute joke, okay? Half people, well, such a myth. Moreover, they are conducting some kind of excavations there, seriously. They dig up the skeleton of a luantin, put it in a museum. Organize an exhibition. Some show around. People are having fun, but everyone understands that it's a joke. And what is the process going on?

Vladislav. disintegration. They separate. They identify themselves as community and tri-community.

Zuev. Quite right.

Vladislav. Thus... himself in assimilation.

Zuev. What are you talking about Catalonia?

Replica. They were not originally.

Zuev. What does originally mean? Initially, when?

Replica. Two years ago, when they

Zuev. Ah, two years ago. And two thousand years ago?

Replica. Well, what's the difference?

Zuev. Wait. So I'm telling you the following, that the region is an artificial and technical work that allows you to reconstruct the history that you need.

Replica. No, I completely agree with you. I have a tactical question, if you will. Here you go, dismember Catalonia.

Zuev. Wait, me, and this is for you.

Replica. Society is reconstructing.

Zuev. Wait, but it is clear that I naturally push my thesis to the limit for the game, yes. And it is quite obvious that our possibility of artificial and technical influence is limited in many respects. It is limited by natural processes. It is limited by a certain tradition, inertia, and so on, but for the sake of play, I say that in principle we can think of any project action, which, as it were, will have such and such as its result.

Tupitsyn. It's actually very simple. If you remember the process of formation of the Russian elite from the time of Ivan the Terrible, they did it very simply. They simply began to speak in another language that was not understood by the general population.

Zuev. Well, by the way, yes. Good example yes, I agree.

Tupitsyn. And only Pushkin, for some reason, actually again undertook the process, as it were, of merging the elite with the people.

Replica. Then the question is, your language - what then?

Zuev. Colleagues, just a second. You.

Tupitsyn. No, well, they are with French...

Zuev. Pushkin's first poems, by the way, were written in French, and if you look at the epigraph to "Eugene Onegin". Remember the epigraph "Eugene Onegin"?

Replica. Yes.

Zuev. "He possessed that strange character which made him equally indifferent to both good and bad deeds."

Vladislav. But in fact, this is a slightly different indicator. It seems to me that it is more about such a factor as, for example, the arrival new government and at the first stage, at which it has not yet been fixed, its fixed. For example, the French Revolution and the introduction of its own calendar. Here is our Soviet revolution, the introduction of our own calendar there, the simplification of these yat and so on. That is, there was just the design of power. Therefore, the elite was forced, as it were, to introduce it as such a measure.

Tupitsyn. Another example, if you like. If you like, after the establishment of the State of Israel, within one year, all of Israel switched from Yiddish to Hebrew.

Vladislav. Yes.

Tupitsyn. In this sense, it is like a new Israeli. Another people.

Zuev. Now let's go through the hand. Now very difficult situation such. Please.

Replica. Colleagues, such a question. In my opinion, we are starting to talk about how a subculture is formed and then how we can form its culture. It is clear that there are paraphernalia, there is a place. That is, you represent the region as a subculture?

Vladislav. This is not a culture. It's a completely different thing. We are talking about the region. In order to consolidate this region in general, in principle to consolidate those who will be on it, so that it does not fall apart and that it becomes natural from an artificial one, it is necessary to establish internal ties and, above all, form the identification of the people who live in this region. region as a whole. That is why we are talking about language, that is why we are talking about economic ties.

Replica. Then why was NASA smashed yesterday? Because we offered a modification.

Zuev. And they just blew it. I didn't do it. Wait, that's not the point. Please.

Replica. That is, the easiest way is to start developing ..., so start developing the territory, define it as a region, believe in it yourself, convince it ...

Zuev. No, look here. It's true.

Vladislav. I like it better when position. The man is amazing. Thank you very much for this opportunity. I like Sergey's position more. Why? Because if you yourself now think about what you say, how you propose, initially, anyway, the very groups in which interests have formed will come first. After that, based on them, they decided to make such a region. After that already. That is, anyway, we will return to the fact that we will need to define groups and so on.

Replica. No, no, from the position of the group, I say yes. That is, the group has an interest, there is an interest in a particular territory. It is defined as a region ... itself from others and develops in that direction in accordance with its interests.

Vladislav. Well, so, and we are trying to determine now why she needs it. Is not it?

Replica. Everyone's motivation is different.

Zuev. I guess, yes. I would add the following. You know, it means that the region is a powerful, but one of the possible tools for development, the systemic development of the territory. He is now the most in demand, if you want fashionable. It is quite complex, this frame allows you to do a lot of things. It is possible that there are no equally powerful tools, but in general this is one of the tools, and if we start a normal historical analysis, be it historical-economic, historical-political, or any other, then we will see that not only regional tools were used, was used to launch development processes in certain territories.

Replica. No, I'm not trying to narrow down the toolbox at all. I'm talking about the development of the territory, including the need to use the definition as a region. I meant it.

Zuev. Yes, yes, and then. Look, and then even more fractional division. And in the history of regionalistics there are several phases of the movement of thoughts or interpretation of this framework of the region, thanks to which we can talk about different processes. Because here, I'm sorry. Now. On the one hand, the region is, for example, the realization of one's own group identity, one might say, and on the other hand, the region is a tool for globalization and the implementation of universal trends in the specifics of a given territory or a given community. And these different interpretations of regions allow you to think differently about the challenges of managing globalization. Well, for example, hermetic closure and access to some network partnerships with an attempt to influence these processes of globalization. The region allows you to do both, but, as it were, in their different historical ideas. Please, yes.

Replica. I have here. You just touched on the topic of identity. So yesterday I tried to generate and today, when .. I broke through it, but I made this topic because it seemed to me that. I just wrote part of my thesis on this topic. I was engaged in identity there, how to punch.

Zuev. What did you finish?

Replica. Faculty of Psychology. So, then, I wanted to say that I thought to present this problem as for the Northwest, because identity is such a very neat and very powerful mechanism. If we form an identity in a person, this is a separate type, then the region, if an identity is formed in it, it will fall off. Do you understand what's the matter?

Zuev. Are you going to form an ethnic, social and what kind of identity? professional, what?

Replica. I said regional.

Zuev. Regional is the scale, but the content of the identity?

Replica. I wanted to decompose the district branch as such. If you noticed, there was a joke about historical identity here. Historical identity is just something much more.

Tupitsyn. To be honest, I would recommend you, first of all, to deal with gender identity.

Replica. Is this from your own experience, Alex?

Zuev. Region …

Tupitsyn. In this sense, the mechanism, when you are told that there is a professional, a cultural or some other kind, you can quite calmly, how to say that yes, this is probably all there, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Sergey.

Vladislav. But in this case, it can be recalled that those districts were indeed created. I mean, well, in a way, in the reason that we were told as the root cause, yes. That is, these are the districts: the Northwestern Federal District was created as an artificial-technical formation by our president, our government in order to rally the so-called established centers. That is, in this case, it will form not just the identity of the region, belonging to the region, but you will form the identity of belonging to the region of one state.

Tupitsyn. No. This is a very delicate moment, but then ... it returns that as soon as you form an identity, everything will fall off for you.

Vladislav. Wait. Region.

Zuev. Dear colleagues, I would draw the attention of those present to the fact that my friend and colleague Oleg Igorevich Genisoretsky claims that there are 36 genders, and therefore gender identity is something complicated. I would for now.

Tupitsyn. Good.

Zuev. Wait a second. Closed this topic. You understand, this is a slightly, slightly omitted line related to the type-activity characteristics of the regions, the so-called floating borders. We say educational region, cultural region, economic region, administrative-political region, and all these formulations have the right to exist. We define some composition according to the type of activity, type-activity characteristic with a priority emphasis on one or another type of activity. Then we notice that when we begin to draw these boundaries, then these very educational, cultural, economic, technological, and I don’t know, any others, they do not coincide. Floating borders. That's when we start talking about the district, this is an administrative action at the federal level, which pursues certain goals from the point of view of unifying federal policy, but if we want to interpret this district, pay attention, do not bring, but interpret through the frame to the region if, then it can very well be that the borders of the region will pass somewhere not even close, but quite far from the borders of the district.

Tupitsyn. If there is a task of unification, then why actually fence the garden? The administrative-territorial division is canceled and instead of another superstructure, direct presidential rule is introduced in each region. Well, why am I talking? Which, apparently, the task of forming districts was not connected with discussing.

Zuev. The task of forming districts was related to what I am discussing.

Pereslegin. I am sorry. I have a question about this. standard.. business.. planning. That is.

Zuev. Yes.

Pereslegin. It's just a natural reaction and plan...

Zuev. Exactly.

Pereslegin. That is, you really exist, as the law has long been known.

Tupitsyn. But in this sense, this here is the dialectic of the country as a single whole and units, which, well, no matter how small it is to be able to perform some kind of managerial action or too large, again, to be able to perform a managerial action, are chosen enough exactly.

Zuev. Well, probably yes.

Replica. And there was a strengthening of the bureaucracy with all the ensuing consequences.

Zuev. Well no. After all, in this sense, I have a purely technical attitude to this, because I don’t know, maybe for someone the formation of a district is a sacred cow, but in this case not for the speaker, because I understand it that way. That there was some administrative phenomenon called the district. This is a situation that allows a number of works to be done within this administrative framework that could not be done outside of this administrative division. This does not mean that these works are aimed exclusively at strengthening these administrative boundaries or, on the contrary, at their collapse. They use it like a horizontal bar. Here is a string stretched, you can spin around it, use it as a lever, by the way, giving additional meanings to these districts, which were not conceived at the time of their creation. So what? Everything is fine here. Yes please.

Replica. The question is next. So, it turns out with this region, as it was with Kaliningrad. There is form and content. We have created a region according to certain programs. Then time passes. We do not understand what to do with them, as with the Kaliningrad, right, zone?

Zuev. And in this sense, as it were, the development of the idea of ​​the region, it also provides for the intilization, well, of the results of those projects that were launched in one or another regional framework. But we are already moving into another zone. I'm sorry, I'm not going there right now. Yes, yours.

Replica. That's because the interest group supports your point of view. You say that the process of regionalization in Europe today was initiated and the main macro was the supranational trans-European bureaucracy within the framework of the European Communities there, later the European Union.

Zuev. Well, you see, you need to correctly understand the genre of my speech, which is very short and should have been packed within an hour. Speaking of methodology, as I see it, I would say the following. Yes, of course, I understand that the objects we are considering are centaur objects in the sense that natural and artificial components are articulated in them equally in some proportions. That is, natural components associated with certain traditions of life in the territories, with the history of this language of this population, this way of reproducing life, and so on, but there are artificial components that are associated with the use of this as a resource. Understandable, right? Now I say the following, that I am focusing in this speech on artificial components due to the fact that regions are artificial and technical formations, but I do not deny the existence of others. They must be taken into account. This must be understood, and in a number of cases, the so-called artificial or excuse me, natural things there, they become fundamentally important. Well, for example, the last interpretation of the region that I wanted to discuss today is the following. A region is a combination, on the one hand, of the participation of these communities or this territory in the world processes of globalization, their special place on the world map, and on the other hand, a necessary element of the region is the preservation or interpretation of certain ways of reproducing life in this territory. That is, these global trends are realized in a given place in a special, specific way due to this natural tradition. The combination of one or the other forms regions. If there are no global trends and we do not participate in them in any way, this is called a regional province, and if there is no this lower component, a substratum, then this is also not a region, but a celluloid, you know, into which a number of countries that crush this organization turn into.

Replica. And in this case, could certain regions be organized in Europe within the framework of the European Union that do not obey this idea that descends from above the state European ....?

Vladislav. May I ask you, Seryozha? Do you think they absolutely obey? You will remember the process of introducing the euro. Did they all enter at the same time? Why did it happen that one introduced, then another, but there are a number of countries that do not want this? Maybe there are already some islands in this, as it were, a single European space, which are slowly being formed?

Replica. No, in fact, just now it was just not mentioned. It seemed to me that they were talking about the fact that this is a process that is taking place, it is happening because, let's say, the European Commission or the Council of Europe is interested in the formation of such regions.

Vladislav. In fact, Sergei did not mean the European Commission or the Council of Europe. I think that when it was discussed at all. In fact, I'm not because I somehow read minds. I'm just close to the topic of regions. At one time, I kind of really did this and was interested in this. We are talking about the real elites. This may not be necessary. I cannot say that in every country the influence of the European Parliament is really the same and terribly strong. We can't say that, no, but surely these interested groups really exist, whether you like it or not. It’s just that maybe at this stage we can’t, or maybe we don’t want them, it will be too long, yes, to fully describe, identify, say that: “Well, yes, it exists.”

Zuev. Although it would be nice.

Vladislav. Please interested countries.

Zuev. Research.

Vladislav. It would be very difficult, because on the territory of the European Union there are now member countries of NATO, the CBSS, I don't know there, and so on, and so on, and so on. That is, it was necessary to list all the forms of cooperation in which these countries participate, and I think that the easiest way would be the method of what is called deletion by majority. Well, how would that be interesting?

Vladislav. The most famous.

Zuev. The most famous, yes.

Replica. Some groups. They are not all.

Zuev. Some of course. It is necessary, in general, to draw such a detailed map and say: “These people want to be here. These want to draw the border here, and these want to be here.”

Replica... It seemed to me that you singled out, you know, such a moment.

Zuev. For example, for speed.

Tupitsyn. In the doctrine, we single out three regions in which certain territories of Russia actually participate. This is the Baltic region, the Barents region and the Arctic region.

Zuev. Arctic region, yes. So, only in the form of a comment already, not a question.

Replica. Another attempt to return. This is more understandable. A region is a society that has identified itself on the basis of an awareness of common interests.

Zuev. I wouldn't say anything. Yes.

Replica. In Russia. It seems to me that the Northwest region.

Zuev. You can only. Sorry, it's time to switch to comment mode.

Replica. Yes, it seems to me that the Northwestern region is united very conditionally. Roughly speaking, the central one is highlighted there, and the Northwestern, well, everything that lies there in the Northwest, ...

Zuev. Is this a region?

Replica. Well, at least that's the term used - the Northwest region. That's why I'm looking, because I did .., based on your judgments, that there are too many boundaries and, as it were, like this target program.. this boundary of formation is not dominant. It turns out, in Kaliningrad there. ... In the Arkhangelsk region ..., in Karelia, in general ...

Zuev. You understand our situation, don't you?

Replica. It is completely conditional. This is an institutional convention, an accident.

Zuev. You understand our situation, don't you? Please.

Replica. I would like to take the conversation from a slightly different angle. You spoke about the creation of the region, yes, as an artificial formation. I suddenly became interested, and the collapse of the region.. concessions.

Zuev. Well, yes, it's very good question basically, but let's do it.


Zuev. But the fact is that I would single out even another aspect here. You see, the processes of decay, of course, are taking place. Here I again draw an analogy with the natural sciences and the humanities. Here is natural science knowledge, its difference from humanitarian knowledge lies in the fact that natural science knowledge is eternal. Because this is how the results of the experiment should be repeated, regardless of where and when this experience was made. And this is the basis of natural science knowledge. In contrast, humanitarian knowledge is situational, and moreover, it is obtained by that observer or researcher who himself is a factor in obtaining this knowledge. That is, for example, rudely, if an example is carried out, a sociologist conducting a survey is a disturbing factor, well, and so on.

Pereslegin. The next experiment was... to the same degree.

Replica. Yes Yes.

Zuev. And this is a step towards the humanization of physics. Aly verdy. Now why am I talking about this? Same analogy. You see, here is the region - a humanitarian concept in the sense that the concept is situational, and, therefore, methods should be provided for the utilization of those projects that are implemented within the regional framework. And this is one of the needs of regional policy. Utilization, or continuation of the interpretation of some others.

Replica. Reinterpretation.

Zuev. Reinterpretation. Yes, well, here are different topics.

Replica. In this sense, the humanities are also eternal.

Zuev. In this sense, yes, probably, but let's transfer the methodology of humanitarian knowledge, but to the question of how. Here in the Soviet Union, since it was eternal, and in this sense, natural science, if we use this metaphor, then no forms of utilization or interpretation were provided, and we are now slurping the consequences of such an attitude towards ourselves. But how would modern regional studies offer ways to utilize the types of activity that it launches, yes, by strengthening the environmental component. Please.

Replica. The question is small, but what will happen to the whole structure and to the unification of Belarus as a reality?

Zuev. But this is a very curious question, because from the point of view of scale it would seem yes, but from the point of view of ideology and some principle, here .. jointly, well, at least now. I don't know what will happen.

Replica. That is, we are planning, relatively speaking, the North-Western region in such a position, yes, in space-time? Russia is uniting with Belarus, and what happens with those projects that are, as it were, developed?

Tupitsyn... Russia…

Tupitsyn. All relationships are reconfigured.

Zuev. Of course, because. Well, what is programming? Do something and you are writing a program. And you unfold several scenarios, if we talk about management techniques. This means that such a scenario is possible with the accession of Belarus. Possible without the accession of Belarus. Possible with the accession of Lithuania. Possible with something, something. Here are 4, 5, 6 most likely scenarios. The next management action is that you begin to put in place infrastructures that could equally support or compensate for the shortcomings of each of the scenarios. And this, in fact, is strategic decision based on, as it were, an understanding of these different scenarios, but we have not crawled to that yet. Since, look, I have now outlined, as it were, I affirm the following. Different ideas about the regions, including about the regionalism that can unfold in the territory of the North-West of Russia, I'm not talking about the districts or in the territory of Northern Europe, this is the basic basis for various scenarios that can unfold in this territory. If you consider the region as a hermetic community that identifies within itself, you will get one scenario. If you consider a region, well, for example, from the point of view of this division of attitudes towards globalization, the capital, province, border, and so on, you will get a different scenario. If you consider the region on the basis of activities, for example, arguing that the North-West is an educational region and there is an innovative region, you will get the third scenario. And so on, and then we need to build infrastructures that equally take into account the deployment possibilities of each of them. It seems to me, yes, this is the meaning of the doctrine, and it seems to me that the mega projects prescribed in the doctrine are the infrastructure of action, which, in fact, allows us to withstand any of these scenarios.

Replica. Thank you.

Zuev. Everybody. Colleagues, thank you all.

How are the urban environment and innovation related? The development of cultural institutions and the number of creatively thinking people? Sergei Eduardovich Zuev, rector of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, shares his thoughts with the Archcouncil about the degree of interconnection between the urban environment, culture, technological progress and education. The interview took place as part of the City as Innovation open conference tour in Skolkovo.

— What do you think about the connection between the environmental beginning, rich social and cultural life and the development of innovations? Does it exist?

— I must say that although I have been dealing with this topic for twenty years now, it remains unclear to me what the environment for innovation is all about. Is this a metaphor? Or a strictly managerial concept? In this case, there must be a strict algorithm. But how to build it? Are there any theoretical models or at least static calculations that say that if we integrate into urban environment some kind of museum contemporary art, then after a while we will get a certain result in the form of some behavior models, and all this will somehow be connected with innovation? I think no. And no one calculated the Bilbao effect.


It seems to me that the main issue is the lack of our general knowledge of what can provoke an active innovative life.

For example, there is a certain macrohistorical line associated with the answer to the question - why did an “economic miracle” happen to some countries at one time, allowing them to break away from others for a certain historical period. How this was determined is not entirely clear.

— So, for you, the relationship between the environment and innovation still remains a metaphor?

— Yes, more like a model, similar to what Richard Florida tried to do when he discussed his “creative class”, the urban environment, conducive to the concentration of research or, conversely, not conducive.

— And what about the Soviet science cities?

— It seems to me that in the case of science cities, it is not entirely about the influence of the sociocultural environment. Those who were engaged in innovation policy in the 1950s and 60s mainly said that in these cities “behind barbed wire” there was freedom of scientific research, freedom, paradoxically, from outside world, with a slightly improved quality of life in food and housing.

- And what about "physicists and lyricists"? Couldn't the active cultural life of the same Dubna contribute to the development of the scientific environment to a certain extent?

- I'm at a loss to say, is this a by-product or a condition? Symptom or cause? Yes, we know that when our Phystech was the world's leading university in the 1960s, and the mass of professors who worked there, they were people with broad hobbies, including poetry, the history of some Chinese art .... But what is this? A classic sign of an encyclopedist or a sign that something really interesting was going on there? We do not know this, we can observe some lines purely historically, but how they are interconnected and whether they are connected at all is a big question.

— Do you think that at the citywide level, the policy aimed at the development of cultural and public spaces can influence the development of creativity among the population?

— It seems to me that such a policy rather discusses the issue of comfortable life and the quality of the environment. But it can be very different. The city of Miami, for example, is exceptionally comfortable, but for older people. In this sense, comfort itself can have a completely different purpose. By the way, this also applies to VDNKh and Gorky Park.

As for the link between culture and innovation policy, I still think we don't have a software tool, a managerial model, but maybe it's good. In any case, I myself personally believe that at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, things related to an active sociocultural policy somehow affect innovation. If on a fairly close patch to collect a bunch interesting people, it will certainly give some effect.


It is known - and Richard Florida wrote about this - that the most mobile, fast-moving cities tend to attract people with good brains.

Whereas all artificial administrative things very often fail. And I would say that there are more failures than successes.

— And what do you think about how to shape the environment of modern cities so that it becomes nutritious for the “creative class”? Should modern urban planners acquire new competencies?

— I believe that the profession of an architect in the modern world is becoming essentially systemic, that is, not limited by the scope of craft and internal professionalism. Probably, architects are also needed in the traditional sense - to draw a specific object, but it is quite obvious that the craving for a systematic view of things is very clearly manifested here. The building cannot be considered separately from the environment. This environment is very diverse - ranging from human, transport, financial, information flows to environmental compliance, etc. All this must be taken into account.


In this sense, the question is: either the architect stops at the level of craft, or he becomes a real designer, able to understand different levels of meaning and context disciplines

Not that it was entirely new. During the heyday of the Italian cities - republics, there was a similar educational model, which assumed that the architect was familiar with many aspects of education and understood not only architecture in the narrow sense. Or, for example, in a single plan for the reconstruction of Haussmann's Paris, many contexts were included in the spatial development strategy - both financial, related to attracting for future rent, and political, related to the Paris Commune and the need for wide spacious boulevards that would allow army units to get into any point, social segregation of strata, and cultural and architectural considerations.

Today, these are, strictly speaking, not architects, but professionals of a wide range, who, when drawing - no matter who does it, a machine or a person - are able to take into account a number of contexts. In the paradigm shift that academic science and social structures are currently experiencing, the demand for such designers is probably very high.


  • Themes:


Andrey VASETSKY, Sergey ZUEV


The article substantiates the need to change management technologies in the implementation of state regional policy. As the main directions for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of regional administrative bodies, integral indicators should be used, such as the growth of the quality of life, the capitalization of the territory, and the development of human potential.

The article substantiates the necessity to replace administrative technologies which are used in state regional policy. At the same time integral indicators of efficiency such as growth of life quality, capitalization of territories, and development of human potential should be used as the main principles of efficiency assessment of regional administrative bodies’ activities.


regional policy, territory development strategy, integrated performance indicators, system government controlled; regional policy, strategy of territorial development, integral indicators of efficiency, system of state administration.

One of the so far poorly understood outcomes of the reforms of the past two decades has been that branch management the economy shifted to business. The development of the oil industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, telecommunications and construction industries, as well as many others, has already become the responsibility of certain corporations and financial-industrial groups (with or even without the participation of the state)1.

A similar evolution can be expected in the budgetary areas, the commercial capacity of which is quite large, but not so obvious under the current management policy2. If not in the short, then in the medium term, health care, education, culture and sports will be gradually, “in parts” (as the draft reform social sphere) to move into the area of ​​responsibility partly business, partly - the third sector.

It would be naive to assume that in the current situation, sectoral (strict division into ministries and departments) management will retain its positions. To a certain extent and for a fairly specific period of time, especially during a crisis, this method of management remains relevant for the federal level. However, at the regional level, there should be a change in management technologies that meets the tasks of territorial development proper.

As a rule, in these areas, the state is expected to provide institutional solutions, the development of the primary and most costly infrastructures - mass children's sports, mass health prevention, maintenance and development of the basic network of educational and leisure institutions (but far from the scale and not at all in the forms as it is interpreted by paternalistic citizens3). At the same time, we are no longer dealing with a sectoral approach,

1 See: Pappe Ya.Sh., Galukhina Ya.S. Russian big business: the first 15 years. Economic Chronicles 1993-2008 - M. : GU HSE, 2009.

2 See: Shishkin S.V. Health care and education in Russia: the logic and directions of reforms // Administrative Consulting, 2005, no. 2, p. 161-177.

3 See: Tikhonova N.E. Priorities of the social policy of the state in the assessments and perceptions of Russians // Administrative Consulting, 2006, No. 3, pp. 78-91.


Anatolevich -

Doctor of Political Science,








and municipal

employees of SZAGS

Eduardovich -


art history,

Dean of the Faculty



Academy of Folk

farms at

Government of the Russian Federation

since the assessment of such “costly” activities will be carried out not from the standpoint of industry interests, but based on such integral guidelines as the growth of the quality of life, the capitalization of the territory, the development of human potential, etc.

In other words, indicators of intersectoral and suprasectoral nature will be used as management goals. Today in front of the authorities state power At the regional level, there is a tough choice: either renationalize sectoral functions, or move to the next level of management, corresponding to the challenges of the modern world1.

The need to move from sectoral logic to integral indicators (to emphasize their intersectoral and interdisciplinary nature, let's call the set of actions to achieve them not management, but policy) becomes obvious for a number of reasons.

1. Management guidelines for the implementation of such integral tasks as the growth of the quality of life or the growth of the capitalization of the territory cannot be “attached” in full to any of the existing departments. As a result, all responsibility for their implementation is automatically shifted up the hierarchical ladder and, in the end, is confined to the "first person". The volume of such tasks is constantly increasing, which cannot but lead to "blockage" of information channels and a slowdown in decision-making.

2. Rational decisions on the direction of budgetary and other investments in the most critical areas are becoming practically unattainable in the current situation. The globalization of the economy and the emergence of many additional

1 With regard to public sector sectors, as can be seen from the proposed social sector reform project, the solution is clearly unambiguous: the state will seek to rid itself of excessive (ie, overly paternalistic) budget burden. [See: Shishkin S.V. Health care and education in Russia: the logic and directions of reforms // Administrative Consulting, 2005, no. 2, p. 161-177]. On the one hand, PB (result-oriented budgeting) is proposed as an effective budget tool, on the other hand, various organizational and legal forms are provided for institutions and organizations that partially or fully enter the market of social services and services.

new systemic connections require different principles strategic planning and, accordingly, another matrix of performance evaluation criteria public policy.

3. Even if integrated performance indicators are adopted for execution, the managerial entity (represented by individual ministries or departments) faces a serious methodological problem. The performance indices adopted in today's managerial (regional) policy can be built on different grounds and thus come into conflict with each other.

In practice, the policy of regional authorities in all areas of the world, setting the goals of territorial development, is stratified into two major areas of work:

Capitalization of the territory in the systems of national and global economic balance, and hence, all assets of the given territory, incl. economic infrastructures, human capital, natural resources, etc.;

Improving the quality of life, i.e. redistribution of the "even layer" of the results of capitalization on the social structure of a given society.

It is easy to see that the two directions can (although not necessarily) enter into a situation of managerial imbalance, when the adoption of decisions that satisfy one of them will block the adoption of other necessary decisions. Therefore, the administrative and political reform of all executive authorities (regardless of the country and its political system) should not only solve problems of an intersectoral nature, but also build institutions for coordinating different systems of indicators.

In normal practice, the situation is resolved by the appointment of two deputies to the first person, who are in charge of "conflicting structures." This is hardly enough in the new political context. Here, rather, the regional authorities should build special ways of meaningful partnership with the second and third sectors:

With business - to discuss and implement a territory capitalization strategy;

In partnership with the third sector and small businesses - to formulate a policy aimed at improving the quality of life.

So, a number of new tasks that have emerged as challenges to the public administration system over the past decades remain outside management and regulation. We are talking not only about new economic processes that have become a consequence of globalization, but also about traditional subjects in the jurisdiction of the state. Education and healthcare, for example, are considered today as elements of a new sphere - the policy of capitalization. human resources and formation of social capital; scientific activity should be analyzed as an element of the national and transnational innovation system, etc.

It can be boldly asserted that over the past fifteen years a "revolution of managers" has been taking place in Russia. The process of mass development of new management technologies and approaches covered, first of all, the sector corporate governance. Most large companies have moved from linear to functional and matrix management structures. Project management has become the norm. The process of training managerial personnel was partially restructured both at the level of universities and especially at the level of intra-company systems of retraining and advanced training. A number of companies have moved to the development of modern technologies for managing costs, quality and risks. Advances in management technologies have led to an increase in the level of capitalization of these firms. This process was even more accelerated by the effects of the global crisis in the financial and industrial-technological spheres.

However, the systemic limitations of this process are also obvious. Most of them rests on the technological backwardness of the sphere of public sector management. Politics and technologies of public administration continue to be archaic. It can be said that during the years of reforms, only one technology turned out to be partially mastered - the budget process. However budget process specifies only one of the possible dimensions and only one of the performance criteria groups. Not being complemented by other technologies and other criteria, its implementation easily leads to its opposite - the collapse of state planning policy. It's hard to imagine a company that

sole basis for acceptance management decisions is the dividend payout level.

It is necessary to rely on at least a number of other technologies (policies), without the formation of which the task of improving management efficiency will be impossible1.

First, it is the policy of spatial development. The fact is that disproportions in the socio-economic development of territories will always exist. Objective differences in the geographical and socio-economic situation of regions, especially in countries with a vast territory, as they develop market relations not only are they not smoothed out, but they can deepen. Accelerated development generates inequality, and there are no resources for equal development in the country and regions2. In the current situation, the goal of the policy of polarized regional development for the next 10-15 years should be a significant increase in the capitalization of the leading pivotal regions, the effects of which can be invested in the development of other territories of the country. Accelerated capitalization should be expressed in a significant increase in the value of assets located in these regions and involved in the system of interregional and global exchanges. The choice of these regions and the determination of the mechanisms and sequence for creating the supporting frame of the country is the key task of this policy.

Closely connected with this task is another one related to the policy of resettlement and the availability of basic infrastructures. After all, in a new political and administrative situation, the framework for the settlement and concentration of human resources at certain points in space can follow a completely different logic than that which was characteristic of the period of industrialization.

Second is the management policy

1 The hypothesis of a set of regional policies was jointly proposed and formulated by a group of experts from the Center for Strategic Studies of the Volga Federal District, the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Center for Strategic Research "North-West".

2 Zubarevich N. Problem social inequality regions: is real easing possible? // Management consulting, 2009, No. 3, p. 154-169.

innovative process. Today, it is precisely this that is the only meaningful and feasible basis for a new industrial policy, a strategic direction for diversifying the economy and overcoming dependence on raw materials. Without assistance innovation process no long-term sustainable the economic growth. Ensuring the innovation cycle and the processes of its reproduction is today considered as the mission of the national innovation system, which includes both civil society institutions and public administration infrastructure.

Thirdly, it is the policy of ensuring the growth of the quality of human resources and the formation of social capital (anthropological policy). Understanding the traditional items of budget expenditures - for health care, education, social policy - in the logic of the investment process changes the entire system of criteria for the effectiveness of state policy and management. Calculable parameters should be: the level of social and educational mobility, labor migration, qualifications, etc. It is not only and not so much about reducing or, on the contrary, increasing the volume of social obligations, but about developing a new active social policy that can rely on partnership institutions of civil society, business and the state.

Fourth, it is the policy of managing public finances. Thus, the implementation of ambitious programs for the development of education shows that it is purely budget funds, which expert opinion make up no more than 10% financial resources educational infrastructure, means - no way to manage. Consequently, key system transmission of knowledge develops outside the area of ​​responsibility of the authorities. The competence of modern government lies in the fact that in a framework way to manage the entire set of financial resources that society has (in the broad sense of the word), on the basis of strategic agreements with all the "players" of the modern cultural and political process.

Fifth is the security policy

life of the population. In modern society, the concept of security covers a wide range of processes - from the prevention of terrorist activities to the provision of a normal (safe) living environment1. Today, the sources of danger are transnational, global in nature, therefore, no matter what sphere of security we take - whether it be physical control, Information Technology or environmental safety - the means of informing and protecting should be available to all entities whose activities may be endangered.

Sixth, it is cultural policy. The processes of globalization have actualized a number of threats aimed at the direct destruction of cultural norms and people as physical media various values. That is why a key aspect of the politics of the XXI century. was the maintenance of the environment in which values ​​are created, circulated and used, ensuring the identity of a person and various types of communities. Cultural migration, relations of trust, tolerance and mutual assistance form the background of socio-cultural solidarity (social coherence), which, apparently, is the most important factor competitiveness of the region in modern politics and economics. "Recognition" of the territory at the global level (symbolic capitalization) and the comfort of its internal environment (the identity of the communities inhabiting it) are the basic goals of cultural policy.

Thus, we are talking about recreating a single management space in which one can imagine the presence of a number of special functional zones, and then

Existing or missing subsystems and functional controls2.

What are the preliminary conclusions?

1. A modern strategy for the development of the territory and, consequently, the entire spectrum

1 See: National Security Strategy

news of the Russian Federation until 2020 // Official website of the President of the Russian Federation;

docs/2009/05/216229.shtml (Accessed 05/17/2010).

2 See for more details: Zuev S.E., Vasetsky A.A. State Regional Policy: Approaches to Evaluation of Efficiency // Administrative Consulting, 2009, No. 4, p. 52-70.

dynamic development indices and performance indicators subordinate to it are built on overcoming the “strategic trap” between the degree of capitalization of the territory and the level of quality of life. The optimal balance between these parameters depends both on the specifics of the territory itself and on specific political goals formulated at a particular time stage.

In many ways, the solution of these problems depends on the ability of the authorities to build a productive dialogue with business structures and corporations (capitalization) and civil organizations and small businesses (quality of life).

2. Political rationality and synchronization of goals are unattainable at the level of a sectoral approach. Moreover, with his further use there will be a high probability of frequent failures in the mechanisms of executive power. This applies both to the overload of the "first persons" who are obliged to make decisions, and to the inefficient use of administrative structures which are gradually “losing” their subject of jurisdiction and are forced to prove the need to preserve themselves and their budgetary powers.

3. Overcoming the sectoral managerial crisis is associated with the formation of a new regional policy that focuses on integral indicators

efficiency and development, in accordance with the challenges of neo-industrial and post-industrial state building. This task is directly related to the goals declared at the federation level - with increasing competitiveness (capitalization) Russian territories and improving the welfare (quality of life) of Russian citizens1.

4. The key focuses of the new regional policy, capable of "holding" both strategic guidelines, include:

fiscal policy;

Spatial development policy;

Anthropological policy (development of human capital);

cultural policy;

Innovation policy;

Life safety policy.

The development of performance indicators for the activities of regional authorities in general and their individual divisions should be carried out within the framework of these areas, relying on the possibility of interaction and, further, on the reorganization of specific ministries and departments in the required direction.

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