The fairytale beginning of living and living is the name of the fairy tale. Russian folk tales for children

The question “What words begin with?”, he will most likely name the phrase “Once upon a time...”. Indeed, this is the most common beginning of Russian folk songs. Someone else will definitely remember: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” or “In the thirtieth kingdom, in the thirtieth state...” - and he will also be right.

Some fairy tales begin with the common word "one day." And in others, as, for example, in “The Three Kingdoms - Copper, Silver and Gold,” time is described as if more specifically, but still very vague, like a fairy tale: “In that ancient time, when the world was filled with goblins, witches and mermaids “When the rivers flowed with milk, the banks were jelly, and fried partridges flew across the fields...”

Russian folk tales from everyday life, more like jokes, do without traditional beginnings. For example, “One man had a grumpy wife...” or “Two brothers lived in the same village.”

Similar beginnings can be found not only in Russian folk tales, but also in fairy tales of other peoples.

What are all these sayings talking about? It's very simple. The listener or reader is immediately brought into action and finds out with whom, where and at what time the fabulous events will take place. And is waiting for the continuation. It is also important that these phrases are rhythmically constructed in such a way as to create a certain melodiousness.

The origins of author's fairy tales

At A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” brings together two fairy-tale beginnings:
“Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.”

Many fairy tales do not begin with traditional phrases. For example, the first line in Andersen’s fairy tale “Flint” is: “A soldier was walking along the road: one-two! one-two!”

Or here’s an example of the beginning fairy tales Astrid Lindgren: “In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson.” (“Baby and Carlson”) “On the night Roni was supposed to be born, thunder rumbled.” (“Roni is the daughter of a robber”)

But even here it can be seen that fairy tales begin either with the introduction of a hero, or with a designation of the scene of action, or talk about time.

It is very rare to find fairy tales, the beginning of which is devoted to lengthy descriptions. Usually the beginnings are quite dynamic.

For example, one of the most beloved Russian children's poets, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, without any introduction, immediately, as if on the run, introduces the reader into the thick of fairy-tale events. “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow jumped away from me like a frog.” (“Moidodyr”) “The sieve gallops through the fields, and the trough through the meadows.” (“Fedorino’s grief”)

A good beginning in a fairy tale is important. The mood with which the listener or reader will plunge into the story depends on it.

Scenario of entertainment based on fairy tales for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

Leisure activities for children 5-9 years old: “In the world of fairy tales.”

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: Leisure activities will introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to different types of fairy tales.

Purpose of work: Leisure is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age, teachers preschool institutions and parents.
Target: formation of children's ideas about diversity different types fairy tales
1. Develop in children preschool age interest in reading
2. Teach to listen carefully to literary works
3. Maintain emotional interest in the work you read
4. Expand children’s understanding of different types of fairy tales

Introductory part in verse.

Fairy tale oral retelling
Plot fiction.
Magic and miracles
They'll go around half the world.

Both heroes and villains
In a fairy tale, listeners are welcome.
Unnoticed small children
They will educate and entertain.

The value of a fairy tale is great!
A storehouse of knowledge!
Violators of the ban
There will be tests.

Who will pass with dignity
Difficulties and sorrows
Awards at the end
For deeds according to conscience!

A fairy tale is our priceless gift!
Rich in wisdom.
And with her excitement
The guys are listening.

Justice triumphs
Evil is punished with good.
She gives joy to people

Included in every home!

Fairy tale is an ancient idea
But it has survived to this day.
It contains an idea.
And messages for people!

Leisure: In the world of fairy tales.

Presenter: Great value children have a fairy tale in their lives. Fairy tales have come to us from time immemorial. People composed stories, memorized them and told them to each other. Fairy tales spread around the world from one listener to another. Each narrator added small changes and additions to the plot of the tale. Then they began to collect and write down fairy tales. This is how fairy tales have survived to this day. The plots of fairy tales are so different: funny and sad, scary and funny. From fairy tales we learn about cultural traditions, the folk way of life, and the characters of people who lived many years ago. Fairy tales are familiar and loved by all people since childhood.
What is a fairy tale?
Folk tale- an oral narrative of a work of fiction with a fictional focus, told to listeners for educational or entertainment purposes.
Listen to folk proverbs about fairy tales:
Eat the porridge and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind, and use your mind.
The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and does not stop in the middle.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
Every fairy tale will have an ending.
It's a fairy tale, nothing more can be said.

Composing a fairy tale is not an easy task. Each fairy tale has a plot plan:
1. Saying- an aesthetic element in a fairy tale. It is an optional condition in constructing the plot of a fairy tale.
The purpose of the saying is to prepare listeners for the perception of the fairy tale, to set them up. The saying exists on its own; it is not related to the content of the work. The presence of a saying depends on the talent of the storyteller and his character.
Example: “Hey, should I amuse you with a fairy tale? And the fairy tale is wonderful, there are marvelous wonders, wonderful miracles in it!”
2. Beginning- the beginning of a fairy tale.
The opening takes the listener into a fairy-tale world, emphasizing the unusualness of the fairy-tale world about which the story will go further.
Example: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived Ivan Tsarevich”
The beginning of a fairy tale has a huge role; it determines the place of action and time, and introduces the main characters of the fairy tale. With the help of the beginning, the author captivates the reader or listener into a fairy-tale world and fascinates him with mystery and uncertainty.
3. The main part of the tale- This is the central action of the tale and the denouement. It is in this part that magical transformations occur, magic words are pronounced, objects or animal helpers with a magical gift are encountered, etc.
Example: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass!”
4. Outcome or ending- the final part of the fairy tale. It sums up the results of the fabulous action.
Example: “They began to live well and make good things.”
The famous collector of fairy tales, Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev, collected a great variety of folk tales and divided them according to the plot into: magical, everyday, adventurous, boring, tales about animals.

Let's get acquainted with the amazing and diverse world fairy tales

1. Tales about animals.

Tales about animals are the most ancient works. Ancient man animated nature, endowed animals with properties and qualities inherent in humans.
In fairy tales about animals, animals can talk to each other and perform household chores. Animals in folk tales cannot think, they do not think about their actions, they only act.
In fairy tales about animals, animals are carriers of one character trait: the fox is cunning, the bear is clumsy, the wolf is stupid.
Tales about animals are interesting, simple, unpretentious, based on dialogue between animals, and sometimes short expressive songs are used in the plot.
Example: I am Kolobok, Kolobok! I'm scraping the box
The bottom line is methen, There is meshon in sour cream, And there is pryazhon in butter,
There is a chill on the window; I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother,
And it’s not smart to get away from you, hare!
Guys, what fairy tales about animals do you know? (Children's answers)
Examples of fairy tales about animals: “Teremok”, “Tops - Roots”, “Fox Sister and Wolf”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Kolobok”, “Ice and Bast Hut” and others.

2. Boring fairy tales.

Boring tales are tales with endlessly repeating content. From the word “bother” - to bother. With their help, the storyteller either sparked interest in listening to fairy tales, or, on the contrary, stopped those who were ready to listen to them endlessly. Guys, how many of you are already familiar with such fairy tales?
Example: Once upon a time there lived a grandmother near the river.
The grandmother wanted to swim in the river.
And the grandmother bought herself a washbasin
This fairy tale is good - Start over!

3. Household fairy tales

Everyday fairy tales are extraordinary, unheard of stories, stories about the impossible. The heroes of everyday fairy tales are boyars, officials, judges endowed with all sorts of vices: stupidity, greed, irresponsibility.
On the other hand, there are smart, cunning, brave, resourceful peasants and soldiers. There are no magical objects or helpers in these fairy tales. The events of the tale are ordinary events from life, but are described with humor. In everyday fairy tales, such negative traits as stupidity, greed, and injustice are ridiculed.
Example: The Tale of the Priest and the Worker Balda, Porridge from an Axe.

4. Adventurous tales

Adventure tales - a short entertaining story, a plot from real life, which ridicules universal human vices. These are tales about talkative and greedy wives, about lazy and sloppy housewives, about naivety and human simplicity. Guys, remember and name such fairy tales? (children's answers)
Example: Greedy old woman, slanderous water, penless.

5. Fairy tales

A fairy tale is the most vivid and widespread in the world. The fairy tale is filled with miracles and adventures.
In fairy tales, you will definitely encounter objects and things endowed with magical powers (tablecloth - self-assembled, boots - walkers, hat - invisible and others), words can have magical power (By the command of the pike, at my request), magical helpers (The Little Humpbacked Horse, Pike sorceress and others)
In fairy tales there are positive heroes and negative heroes.
The main features of the fairy tale: the presence of a prohibition (don’t drink from the hoof, you will become a little goat), violation of the prohibition (brother Ivanushka did not listen to his sister and drank from the hoof), a test (turned into a little goat), reward (the little goat threw himself over his head three times in joy and turned around boy Ivanushka).
In the fairy tale, those who violate the ban always take the path of correcting the troubles that they themselves have caused. In the process of overcoming trials and difficulties, the hero atones for his guilt good deeds and pure spiritual thoughts.
Fairy tale- an optimistic work in which good always triumphs over evil. Fairy tales always have a hidden moral. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for a good fellow. While reading fairy tales, children try on the roles of certain fairy-tale characters, their imagination draws images. Children sincerely worry about the fate of their favorite fairy tale heroes.
Guys, what fairy tales Do you already know? (children's answers)
Examples: Geese - Swans, At the behest of the pike, Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, The Frog Princess, Cinderella and others.

Quiz: Guess the fairy tale
1. In what fairy tale on the sea and ocean did the miracle Yudo the fish, the whale, live? (Humpbacked Horse)
2. In what fairy tale did a vegetable grow that three people and three animals could not pull out of the ground? (Turnip)
3. In what fairy tale did a simple village man go to the palace on a stove? (At the command of the pike)
4. In what fairy tale did the evil stepmother send the girl into the forest to get snowdrops? (Twelve months)
5. In what fairy tale was the old woman punished for her greed? ( Goldfish)
6. In which fairy tale did the girl outwit the bear? (Masha and the Bear)
7. In what fairy tale did the father leave a cat as an inheritance to his son? (Puss in Boots)
8. In which fairy tale did the girl help a sick swallow recover? (Thumbelina)
9. In which fairy tale did all the animals live in one house? (Teremok)
10. In what fairy tale did the wolf reforge the blacksmith’s voice? (Wolf and seven kids)
11. In which fairy tale the girl and her dog were carried away by a hurricane fairyland where did she find friends? (The Wizard of the Emerald City)
12. In which fairy tale was there a Flower City where the short people lived? (The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends)
13. In what fairy tale did a pumpkin turn into a carriage? (Cinderella)
14. In what fairy tale main character the naughty boy who lives on the roof? (Carlson, who lives on the roof)
15. In what fairy tale did the sisters one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed live? (Little Khavrochechka)

Presenter: Well done guys, you listened to the stories attentively, everyone fairy-tale heroes You know, and you named the names of the fairy tales absolutely correctly!
Do you know how to write fairy tales yourself? (children's answers) And this is what we will check now.
I start, and you take turns continuing.
So, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived King Eremey. He had three sons. One was tall, the other was of average height, and the youngest was short, as tall as a stool. And so the father gathered his sons and said: ...(Then the plot of the fairy tale is put together by all the children of the group in turn).

An integral part of any fairy tale is the presence in it of such structural components as a beginning, a saying or chorus, and an ending. Each of these parts plays its own specific and very important role in the system of the entire genre. All this is a special formula of style, which determines the enduring interest in the fairy tale, with its rich ideological content, clarity and purity of expressed thoughts, artistic precision and entertaining plot.


Usually fairy tales, and especially fairy tales, open their narrative with a saying. The main task of such a beginning is to immerse the reader in the special atmosphere of a fantasy world and tune him, the reader or listener, to the desired perception of the fairy-tale events of the entire work.

From the first lines, magical space seems to envelop us thanks to the saying, despite the fact that it is relatively small in size. One has only to remember the well-known cat Bayun, who walks rhythmically and sings his songs along a powerful oak tree towering on an island in the middle of the “ocean”.

It is surprising that a special mood designed to help comprehend the full depth and wisdom of folk thought is born not from pompous edification, but with the help of humor, which is characteristic of the saying. The use of wordplay and elements of some confusion help rid the tale of an unnecessary moralizing tone, but retain its educational purpose.


Next integral component any fairy tale is the beginning. Its goal is to perform several important tasks, and, first of all, it is to provide the reader with sufficient information to help him form a correct idea about the heroes of the fairy tale, and in the further course of the story, correctly understand and evaluate their characters, way of thinking, cause-and-effect connections between their behavior and actions.

Thus, the beginning introduces us to fairy-tale characters and sends us to the right time and place of the events described. Already from the beginning it becomes obvious that the language of the fairy tale is completely special, not similar to the speech familiar to our ears - it is worth remembering the traditional “once upon a time” or “the fairy tale is told.”


But any fairy-tale action must inevitably be brought to its logical conclusion, and here comes the time of the ending with the goal of finishing the story being told. Usually, this task is accomplished by already familiar and quite stable sayings: “they live and live and make good things” or “it flowed down your mustache, but didn’t get into your mouth.”

But the ending is not always some obvious conclusion; the author may well end his story unexpectedly and suddenly. But he must not forget that the ending, nevertheless, must be composed competently, so that it certainly contains conclusions about what was told.

The fairy tale genre is also characterized by the abundant use of repetitions, the true purpose of which is to bring the action of the work closer to its completion, denouement. Repetitions, each time pointing to certain details of an object, character or phenomenon, serve the purpose of strengthening the impression on the reader.

A special role here is played by details repeated three times: three sons, three heads of the serpent Gorynych, three tests given to the hero.

Poetic parts of fairy tales

In many fairy tales there are also parts that are poetic, with a special rhyme. In this way, the fairy tale’s own melody, motive, melodiousness and musical mood in general are created. A “fairy tale” verse can usually include a different number of syllables, but the stresses are predominantly equal in number.

This leads to another feature of fairy-tale storytelling - you can often find a fairy tale akin to a song. Often beautiful maidens sing their sad thoughts on the shore of a clear lake, or a vociferous cockerel calls for help with a song, having fallen into the cunning clutches of an agile fox.

From the last example, we can also conclude that onomatopoeia is also widespread in fairy tales.

Dialogues in a fairy tale are always lively and natural. Through intonation, characters often betray their true intentions and not always their inherent positive qualities - for example, the speech of a fox will certainly be filled with flattery, and the voice of a soldier will remain brisk, even and harmonious in any situation.

The richness of the tale with various kinds of repetitions, parallelism, rhythmic structures and other unique means of expressive speech undoubtedly proves the colorfulness and richness of the living folk language. Preserving and passing on from generation to generation high concepts about the content of good and evil, justice, truth and other moral values, a fairy tale is the source of all the most important life definitions and patterns.

Yulia Korotkova spoke about the structure of fairy tales

Russians folk tales- a fundamental element of the folk art of our ancestors. In these stories we are faced with the unforgettable adventures of the heroes, with descriptions of their everyday life, including everyday life and work, with fantastic creatures and mystical phenomena. Children's are our first encounters with good and evil, with joy and sadness, with laughter and enthusiasm, and even with fear. We have known their heroes since childhood and our love for them continues throughout our lives, continuing to touch and surprise us in adulthood. More than once we are faced with the fact that after reading a Russian folk tale to a child, we always find something new and instructive there for ourselves. At all times, fairy tales have inspired creative people to stage children's plays, paint pictures, and create true masterpieces of cinematography.

Fairy tale composition:

Typically, Russian folk tales for children have a clear composition. The standard composition of a fairy tale includes the beginning, that is, what the beginning of the fairy tale is. It could be “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” and “Once upon a time...” and other options that, from the very first words, set us in a fairy-tale mood. Next comes the main part of the fairy tale, in which all the events of the fairy tale plot take place, and the fairy tale usually ends in a special way. There are a huge number of options for ending a fairy tale, the most familiar of them are:

  • They began to live - to live and make good
  • And I was there, drinking honey beer...
  • They threw a feast for the whole world...

Features of Russian folk tales:

Just remember the phrases that we even then unwittingly use in our lives: go wherever your eyes lead you; soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done... And what poetry the simple movement of the adjective after the predicate gives to fairy tales, like a song, then the fairy tale is read in one breath: the sun is red, the beauty is written...

The peculiarities of Russian folk tales, of course, also lie in their writing and in the abbreviation of words. When we start reading a fairy tale, we immediately understand that this fairy tale is Russian. Just by words alone. Why are you sad, hanging your head violently?

And what about children's children with their affectionate names? This is the cockerel and the sun and brother and sister and many others. Due to such writing, these fairy tales are so loved by our kids when their mother reads them, they are so affectionate and kind.

They say that now is the century high technology and new progressive means mass media, but can you imagine not reading a single fairy tale to your child? It seems impossible, even a little stupid and funny. Fairy tales have become part of our lives for so long and so firmly that we can only rejoice at the huge number of them and choose our favorites to read to their children.

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