The essence of entrepreneurial activity and its role in a modern market economy. Theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship in a market economy The basis for the development of a modern market economy is entrepreneurial

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The development of entrepreneurship is an integral part of a market economy. Entrepreneurship is defined by civil law as "an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at systematic profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law" (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1 of Art. . 2, item 1).

Business entities can be both individual individuals (citizens) and legal entities (organizations).

The most important characteristics of entrepreneurial activity are:

1) the independence of business entities. This means that an economic entity is free to choose the types of activities, methods of using economic resources, to determine the volume of economic activity, and to choose business partners. He independently manages economic and financial activities, makes decisions, bears responsibility for his obligations;

2) the risky nature of the activity. In a market economy, risk is an objective phenomenon due to the uncertainty of the economic environment, the presence of competition. At the same time, some risk parameters depend on the subjectivity of management decisions;

3) economic interest. This interest is expressed in the desire to increase the value of the enterprise, to maximize profits. At the same time, the economic interest of an economic entity in the process of entrepreneurial activity ultimately benefits the entire society. First, it is possible to make a profit only by selling the goods that the consumer needs, corresponding to the demand; secondly, the development of economic activity contributes to the growth of employment of the population, an increase in incomes of both entrepreneurs and employees; thirdly, part of the income received in the process of entrepreneurial activity in the form of taxes replenishes the state budget;

4) reliance on innovation. Innovations are of great importance in the development of the economy, and in modern conditions the role of innovations is increasing. First, this is due to the very nature of market relations, the competitive environment; secondly, innovations are becoming the fundamental factors of economic growth and profound qualitative transformations. Innovation activities are aimed at finding and implementing innovations in order to expand the range, improve the quality of products (services), improve technology and organization of production, ultimately increase efficiency. This creative, exploratory activity is transforming manufacturing and other areas of the economy. Despite the fact that innovation is associated with a certain risk, reliance on it allows the entrepreneur to remain competitive.

Entrepreneurial activity is associated with the implementation of functions important for the country's economy, the main of which are:

Combining economic resources into a single economic process;

Ensuring the efficient use of resources (production factors);

Ensuring the innovative development of the economy, the use of innovations at all stages of business (organization, management, production processes, marketing, etc.).

The development of entrepreneurship requires certain economic, social, legal and other conditions.

The economic conditions for the expansion of entrepreneurship are: the presence of a stable demand for goods and services, the availability and availability of financial resources, the level of return on invested capital, a free market for capital goods, the development of market infrastructure (banks, stock exchanges, communications, transport services, warehousing, etc.) ...

Social conditions for the development of entrepreneurship are associated with economic conditions - the attitude of members of society to work, the amount of remuneration, working conditions, life, everyday life, entrepreneurship, the desire to purchase goods and services that meet a certain lifestyle. An important social role in the development of entrepreneurship is played by the professional training of entrepreneurs, the formation of a certain socio-cultural entrepreneurial environment, and the social responsibility of an entrepreneur.

Any business activity develops in a specific legal environment. These are, first of all, laws regulating entrepreneurship, creating favorable conditions for its development, procedures for opening and registering enterprises, tax and antimonopoly legislation, etc.

Entrepreneurship can be carried out in different forms. By type (or purpose), entrepreneurial activity can be subdivided into production, commercial (trade), financial, consulting, etc. These types of activities can be carried out separately or together, for example, production and trade.

Industrial entrepreneurship includes activities aimed at manufacturing products, performing work, and providing production services.

Financial entrepreneurship can be viewed as a type of commercial entrepreneurship, where the object of sale and purchase is a special product: money, foreign currency, securities (stocks, bonds, bills of exchange, etc.). In financial entrepreneurship, the role of commercial banks, stock exchanges, insurance and leasing companies is great.

Currently, consulting activities (consulting) are distinguished as an independent type of entrepreneurship. Consulting entrepreneurship is about providing, for a fee, independent advice and assistance on management issues, including advice on solving internal problems and realizing the market opportunities of enterprises. Of greatest importance in modern conditions are consultations on the problems of developing a strategy for the development of enterprises, marketing, innovation, legal advice.

The main subjects of entrepreneurship are organizations (enterprises) - legal entities. At the same time, individual entrepreneurship of individuals is now widespread, especially in the field of trade and the provision of services to the population.

1.2. The enterprise is the main link of the economy

An enterprise is understood as an independent economic entity created in the manner prescribed by law to produce products, provide services, perform work in order to meet market needs, make a profit, maximize the value of one's company in the market and / or perform special socially significant functions.

An enterprise (organization) is the main link in the economy. It is at the enterprise that the production and sale of products is carried out (performance of work, provision of services). There is a direct connection between the worker and the means of production and objects of labor. As the main economic entities, enterprises play an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. Social and political stability in society largely depends on the effectiveness of their activities.

The role of enterprises is as follows:

1) at the enterprise level, the main economic issues of society are resolved: what to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce;

2) the socio-economic situation of the regions and the country as a whole depends on the results of the activities of enterprises;

3) the enterprise creates jobs, providing employment for the population;

4) the quality of goods, services, satisfaction of consumer demand depends on the activities of enterprises;

5) enterprises ensure the formation of incomes of the population, social development of labor collectives, create conditions for training, advanced training of personnel;

6) enterprises participate in the formation of regional infrastructure;

7) enterprises through the tax system form the revenue side of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

The functions of enterprises depend on the profile of their activities (production of products, performance of work, provision of services) and are specified depending on the industry. In carrying out their functions, enterprises solve a number of tasks, the main ones of which are:

1) making a profit, increasing the market value, providing income to the owners;

2) providing consumers with products, goods (works, services) of appropriate quality;

3) provision of personnel with wages, normal working conditions and opportunities for professional growth;

4) rational use of production resources;

5) ensuring the competitiveness of products (works, services) and the enterprise as a whole.

As you know, economic activity in a market economy at the micro level is characterized by such concepts as entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, business and commerce.

Entrepreneurship is the most important attribute of a market economy that permeates all of her ... The nature of entrepreneurship has been studied by many economists throughout the history of the existence of market relations.

For the first time, entrepreneurship as an institution of market economy was studied by R. Catillon. He noted the discrepancy between demand and production, the constant flow of capital, the disturbance of the market equilibrium, which allows individuals to extract speculative income. R. Catillon introduced the concept of "entrepreneur" (French "intermediary") into the economic lexicon.

R. Catillon's entrepreneurship is understood as a production and economic activity of a special kind, which includes elements of risk, and an entrepreneur is a subject endowed with the ability to foresee, take risks, and take full responsibility for the decisions made.

Later, J. B. Say in his "Treatise on Political Economy" (1803) gave such a definition of entrepreneurial activity - it is "a combination, a combination of three classical factors of production - land, labor, capital."

According to A. Smith, entrepreneurship in a market economy is "a self-initiating and self-regulating activity, which, in the presence of the main factors of production, arises spontaneously."

Representatives of the Austrian school of economists made a great contribution to understanding the essence of entrepreneurship, its economic nature: Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek.

According to F. Hayek, "entrepreneurship is primarily associated with personal freedom, which gives a person the opportunity to rationally manage his abilities, knowledge, information and income." The essence of entrepreneurship is "the search and study of new opportunities, a characteristic of behavior, not a type of activity."

Modern economists often equate the concepts of "entrepreneurship" and "business", meaning that the first term is of foreign origin, and the second is Russian. At the same time, the term "entrepreneurial activity" is used when one wants to emphasize the innovative side of business activity.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines entrepreneurship as an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

Based on the above, we will reveal essence and content of entrepreneurship :

Functions of entrepreneurial activity in a developed market economy

In a developed market economy, entrepreneurship (business) performs the following functions : general economic, creative search (innovative), resource, social, organizational. Some scholars believe that entrepreneurship is also characterized by a political function, which, as a rule, is performed by associations (unions) of entrepreneurs.

General economic function of entrepreneurship , as decisive, is objectively determined by the role of entrepreneurial organizations and individual entrepreneurs as market entities.

Entrepreneurial activity is aimed at the production of goods (performance of work, provision of services) and their delivery to specific consumers: households, other entrepreneurs, the state and is carried out by its subjects under the influence of the entire system of economic laws of a market economy (supply and demand, competition, cost, etc.) , which is the objective basis for the manifestation of the general economic function.

The progressive development of entrepreneurship is one of the main conditions , an increase in the volume of gross domestic product and national income, and this factor also acts as an expression in the system of economic relations of the general economic function.

Resource function of entrepreneurship is essential. The development of entrepreneurship involves the effective use of both reproducible and limited resources. Resources should be understood as all material and non-material conditions and factors of production of course, first of all, labor resources, land and natural resources, all means of production and scientific achievements, as well as entrepreneurial talent.

An entrepreneur can achieve the greatest success if he is able to generate scientific and technical ideas, innovations in the field of activity in which he creates his own business, will use a highly qualified workforce, and efficiently consume all types of resources.

But the pursuit of the maximum income (profit) of entrepreneurs often leads to the predatory use of resources belonging to the entire society, which means that entrepreneurs can harm the environment and the population with their activities.

The dual nature of the resource function is obvious: the entrepreneur, as the owner of resources, is interested in their rational use and at the same time can be ruthless about public resources. This is evidenced by the history of the development of entrepreneurship and the history of scientific and technological revolutions, the consequences of which for a person are contradictory.

In this regard, the regulatory role of the state acquires great importance, establishing the forms of responsibility of entrepreneurs for the misuse of resources.

Creative search (innovative) function characteristic of entrepreneurship as a new type of anti-bureaucratic economic management. It is associated with the use of new ideas in the process of entrepreneurial activity, with the development of new means and factors to achieve the set goals, as well as with all other functions, complementing them.

This function is determined by the level of economic freedom of business entities, the conditions for making decisions, which is inherent in the entrepreneur as an owner.

Social function of entrepreneurship lies in the possibility of every capable individual to be the owner of the business, to better show his individual talents and capabilities. This function is increasingly expressed in the formation of a new layer of people - enterprising, inclined to independent economic and economic activities, able to overcome the resistance of the environment and achieve the set goal.

The more efficiently entrepreneurial organizations function, the more significant the receipt of funds in the budgets of various levels and state extra-budgetary funds. At the same time, the development of entrepreneurship ensures the growth of jobs, a reduction in the unemployment rate, and the strengthening of the social status of employees.

Organizational function of entrepreneurship manifests itself in the adoption by entrepreneurs of independent decisions about organizing their own business, its diversification, in the formation of entrepreneurial management, the creation of complex entrepreneurial structures, changing the strategy of the entrepreneurial firm, etc.

The organizational function is especially clearly expressed in the rapid development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as in "collective (network) entrepreneurship", in the creation of people's enterprises.

Types of entrepreneurship according to various classification criteria

In the theory of entrepreneurship, there are various approaches to establishing the classification features of entrepreneurship. For most specialists, when establishing the types (types) of entrepreneurship, the objects of entrepreneurial activity, the legality of its implementation, the final results, growth rates, the introduction of innovations, etc., are of decisive importance.

From here entrepreneurial activity is classified according to the following characteristic features .

By ownership in a market economy, entrepreneurship develops as private and state property. Private property is manifested in the form of sole (individual) and collective (partnership). In Russia, state property exists in two forms: federal and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Entrepreneurship develops on the basis of municipal ownership, as well as on mixed and joint forms of ownership and ownership of foreign investors.

On grounds of legality entrepreneurship is divided into legal and illegal.

Illegal entrepreneurship - carrying out entrepreneurial activities without registration or without a license in cases where such a license is required, if this act has caused large damage to citizens, organizations or the state, or is associated with the extraction of income on a large or especially large scale.

Illegal formation (creation, reorganization) of a legal entity - the formation (creation, reorganization) of a legal entity through dummy persons, as well as the submission of data to the body carrying out state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, which entailed the entry into the unified state register of legal entities of information about dummy faces.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes measures of criminal liability for illegal entrepreneurship and illegal banking activities, as well as for the illegal formation of a legal entity.

On the spread of activities in various territories entrepreneurship is subdivided into local, regional, national, international and global.

By the composition of the founders (participants) of their own business women and youth entrepreneurship is highlighted. In many countries, women and youth entrepreneurship associations are active to support their development. For example, in Russia the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Russia has been created.

By growth rate, profitability and profitability entrepreneurial organizations can be subdivided into fast-growing, slowly increasing rates of development, high-profit and low-profit, carrying out low-risk and high-risk types of business. Although it is impossible to directly equate the type of business and the level of risk of a particular company, since a whole set of factors affects the final results of activities.

On the use of innovations, innovations, new technologies in the process of their activities, constant search for new opportunities for the production of new goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the conquest of new sales markets, the formation of supply and demand based on a new combination of factors of production, the use of innovative management, progressive marketing, entrepreneurial activity is:

  • creative search, productive, revolutionizing the economy;
  • routine, stereotyped, reproductive, aimed at reproducing known products of labor through outdated technologies.

By the number of participants (founders) of their own business entrepreneurship is subdivided into individual and collective (partnership).

By the number of all personnel , the share of other entities in the authorized (pooled) capital is determined by small and medium-sized businesses. In countries with developed market economies, the classification of business entities as small enterprises is carried out according to almost 50 criteria.

If, along with Russian participants, foreign founders (participants) take part in the creation of an entrepreneurial organization, such entrepreneurship is joint. There are also enterprises with foreign investments.

By forms of responsibility of participants (founders) entrepreneurial organizations for the results of their activities distinguish between organizations with full responsibility, as well as with joint and subsidiary responsibility. According to the mechanism of creation, the number of founders (participants), the processes of functioning and management, simple and complex entrepreneurial organizations should be distinguished.

Taking into account the direction of entrepreneurial activity, the object of capital and obtaining specific results, the following types of entrepreneurship are distinguished :

  • Industrial entrepreneurship is the process of producing specific goods, performing work and providing services for their implementation (sale) to consumers (buyers). Since industrial entrepreneurship is carried out in the sphere of material production, it is classified depending on the branch of economic activity into industrial, construction, agricultural, etc. Accordingly, entrepreneurship is distinguished by sub-branches, for example, in industry, entrepreneurial activity is organized in mechanical engineering, machine-tool construction, etc.
    From the national economic point of view, industrial entrepreneurship is decisive

  • Commercial and trade entrepreneurship as the second type of entrepreneurial activity is developing at a relatively high rate. This activity is mobile, quickly adapting to needs, as it is directly related to specific consumers.
    Trade entrepreneurship is associated with a relatively high level of risk, especially when organizing trade in industrial durable goods.

  • Financial and credit entrepreneurship is a specialized area of ​​entrepreneurial activity, where the subject of sale and purchase is securities (stocks, bonds, etc.), currency values ​​and national money (Russian ruble).
    For the organization of financial and credit entrepreneurship, a specialized system of organizations is formed: commercial banks, financial and credit companies (firms), stock, currency exchanges and other specialized organizations. The entrepreneurial activity of banks and other financial and credit organizations is regulated by both general legislative acts and special laws and regulations of the Central Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Thus, entrepreneurship is a product of the market economy system, which is its main link ... Entrepreneurship and the market are inseparable; they exist and develop together. In the process of evolution of the market economy, the economic organization of entrepreneurial activity also changes along with changes in the conditions of its existence.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship, business is an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law. The efficiency of entrepreneurial activity can be assessed not only by the size of the profit received, but also by the change in the value of the business (market value of the enterprise, goodwill). Entrepreneurship, business is the most important attribute of a market economy, permeating all its institutions. It can be carried out by a legal entity or directly by an individual. In Russia, as in many countries, in order to conduct business, an individual needs to register as an individual entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship can be engaged in various fields. In addition to general entrepreneurship, social and technological entrepreneurship is distinguished. For various reasons, most new enterprises fail (bankruptcy). Start-up capital Sources of start-up capital for starting an entrepreneurial activity can be: Own funds. For an individual entrepreneur - his personal funds and savings, his own property (premises, equipment, car). For a legal entity - its authorized capital, formed by the founders. Most often this is equity financing. Venture funds and business angels are active participants in new projects. Loans from a bank or from friends (debt financing). Free assistance (grants or subsidies). In addition, to help start-up entrepreneurs, there are government and public organizations, technology parks and business incubators. Entrepreneurship concept

The modern Russian economy as the main characteristic has the active formation and development of market relations and institutions. Entrepreneurship must play a key role in this process. As world experience shows, the more opportunities the entrepreneurial class has to expand their activities, the higher are the rates of development of the national economy. In these conditions, a very significant factor is the provision of favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity in the country.

The realities of Russian economic life are such that entrepreneurs in their practical activities are faced not only with economic, organizational, legal difficulties in the process of starting their own business and its development, but also with the negative impact of some entities, often of an illegal nature. This, in turn, necessitates maintaining a sufficient level of economic security of entrepreneurship. What is entrepreneurship, in what forms it is implemented, what are the threats to its security, and what are the methods of protection against them based on - all these issues have been and remain relevant in Russia.

Entrepreneurial activity can be characterized from two points of view - economic and legal.

From an economic point of view, entrepreneurial activity performs a specific function in the economic development of any country. This function was most vividly described by the Austrian scientist Joseph Schumpeter. He called entrepreneurs "economic entities whose function is precisely the implementation of new combinations" (1). The function of entrepreneurs is that they implement innovations that play a leading role in the development of the economy. Innovations include the introduction of new products, technologies, the development of new sales markets and sources of raw materials, the use of organizational innovations, etc. The synonym for the Russian term “innovation” is the more and more frequently used concept of “innovation”.

Consequently, from an economic point of view, entrepreneurship is an innovative (innovative) activity, and the entrepreneur himself is the bearer of an innovative function.

The legal point of view assumes other criteria for entrepreneurial activity. Under Russian law, entrepreneurship is an activity:

1. independent;

2. carried out at its own risk (that is, the entrepreneur himself bears full responsibility for the results of his activities);

4. may consist in the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services;

5. presupposing state registration of persons as entrepreneurs.

Forms and types of entrepreneurial activity

Private entrepreneurial activity can be carried out both on an individual and collective basis.

The Russian peculiarity in the legislative regulation of individual entrepreneurial activity is that entrepreneurship can be carried out both without the formation of a legal entity, and with the formation of one.

In the first case, a citizen (natural person) is registered as an individual entrepreneur.

In the second case, carrying out entrepreneurial activity after obtaining the status of a legal entity (registering a private enterprise), the entrepreneur performs all actions on behalf of this legal entity (and no longer on his own behalf).

Collective entrepreneurial activity is represented in Russian legislation by a wide variety of forms. It is carried out by commercial organizations that pursue profit-making as the main goal of their activities. These include: business partnerships and companies, production cooperatives.

The forms of collective entrepreneurial activity (non-state) under Russian law can be as follows.

1. A general partnership is a partnership, the participants of which (general partners), in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, are engaged in entrepreneurial activity on behalf of the partnership and are responsible for its obligations with property belonging to them.

2. A limited partnership is a partnership in which, along with participants who carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are responsible for the partnership's obligations with their property (general partners), there is one or more contributing participants (limited partners) who bear the risk of losses associated with activities of the partnership, within the amount of their contributions and do not take part in the partnership's entrepreneurial activities.

3. A limited liability company is a company founded by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of the sizes determined by the constituent documents; members of a limited liability company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their contributions.

4. An additional liability company is a company founded by one or several persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of the sizes determined by the constituent documents; its participants jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property in a mandatory for all multiples of the value of their contributions.

5. Joint-stock company is a company, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares; members of a joint-stock company (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares. A joint-stock company can be closed - its shares are distributed only among the founders or another predetermined circle of persons, or open - its members can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders.

6. A production cooperative is a commercial organization with the status of a legal entity, which is a voluntary association of citizens for the purpose of carrying out joint production or any economic activity. The ownership of such a cooperative consists of shares.

The practice of Russian business shows that the most common forms of entrepreneurial activity at present are such as: individual entrepreneurial activity without the formation of a legal entity, a private enterprise, a limited liability company, a joint stock company.

Entrepreneurial activity in a modern market economy is characterized by a significant variety of not only organizational and legal forms, but also of various types. Types of entrepreneurial activity can be distinguished according to certain criteria.

1. By the nature of the activity, entrepreneurship can be:

· Production (associated with the creation of goods);

· Scientific and technical (development of new types of equipment and technologies);

· Commercial and intermediary (purchase, sale, resale);

· Service (provision of consumer services);

· Banking (provision of banking services);

· Insurance (provision of services for life insurance, property, transactions, etc.);

· Managerial (provision of management services);

· Advisory (providing advice on organizational, economic, legal and other issues);

· Marketing (provision of services for market research);

· Other.

2. By size (depending on the number of employees or the annual turnover of the company), entrepreneurship is divided into:

· average;

· Large.

3. By the form of ownership, entrepreneurship can be:

· Private;

· State;

· Mixed.

The above classification is certainly not exhaustive - in economic practice, a wide variety of types of entrepreneurial activity can take place.

Business stages

Entrepreneurial activity is a complex phenomenon, it is not limited to just making a profit. Entrepreneurial activity must be evaluated in development, in dynamics. In this case, it appears as a process, that is, a sequential change of various states, stages. So, among entrepreneurial firms, the following stages of entrepreneurial activity are distinguished.

The first stage is preparatory. It includes the search for partners, the preparation of constituent documents, the search for the necessary resources, the development of a business plan, the state registration of the company. This is the most difficult period in the formation of a firm as an integral organizational entity.

The second stage is the functioning (direct activity) of the firm. This stage is the basis for the reproduction of the firm itself, that is, the resumption of its activities in the future. Depending on the type of entrepreneurial activity, the content of activity at this stage in different firms is different.

For example, for a manufacturing enterprise, it includes:

1. Pre-production stage. This is the period of preparation for production: the purchase and delivery of raw materials, materials, fuel, that is, the implementation of operations for the supply of production.

2. The actual production stage. This is where all production resources are used and the finished product is created.

3. Post-production stage. It is associated with the sale of manufactured products, sales.

The third stage is the termination of entrepreneurial activity. The liquidation of a company can be carried out on the initiative of the founders, or by a court decision.

The allocation of stages is necessary in connection with the definition of actions that must be taken by an entrepreneur (head of a company or department, for example, a security service) in order to ensure the safety of activities.

Business security

The normal functioning and development of the business sector in the economy of any country requires certain conditions to ensure these processes. One of the most important conditions is the safety of entrepreneurship.

The concept of security is generally introduced in the RF Law of March 5, 1992 “On Security” - this is “the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats” (Art. 5).

The concept of business security is generally different from security. The safety of entrepreneurial activity should be understood as the state of protection of a business entity at all stages of its functioning from external and internal threats that have negative, primarily economic, as well as organizational, legal and other consequences.

An enterprise security system can include a number of subsystems (2):

1.economic security;

2. technogenic safety;

3. environmental safety;

4. information security;

5. psychological safety;

6. physical security;

7. scientific and technical safety;

8. fire safety.

Business security can be assessed using various criteria, that is, signs on the basis of which the assessment is made.

First, it can be assessed from the organizational point of view. In this case, the preservation of both the company itself and its organizational integrity is assumed, the normal functioning of the main divisions (departments, services, etc.). The main divisions of the firm (for example, the purchasing department, the production department, the financial department or accounting department, the marketing department) perform all their functions to achieve the main goal of the company.

Secondly, this is an assessment from the legal side. This refers to the constant provision of compliance of the firm's activities with the current legislation, which is expressed in the absence of claims from law enforcement agencies (or counterparties) to the firm. In addition, there are no losses from transactions with external partners due to violations of the law by the latter (intentionally or unintentionally). This is ensured by legal expertise of all ongoing operations and transactions, contracts concluded.

Thirdly, from the informational side. Security can be assessed as maintaining the state of protection of internal confidential information from leakage or disclosure in various forms.

Fourth, from the economic point of view. This is manifested in stable or tending to growth of the main financial and economic indicators of the firm's activities (such as equity, annual turnover, profit, profitability). They reflect the general results of ensuring security from the organizational, legal, informational and proper economic aspects. This may include such indicators as the absence of fines, sanctions from government bodies for violation of legislation (for example, tax, antimonopoly), the absence of losses from transactions with unscrupulous counterparties.

Thus, in the most general form, the safety of a company is evidenced by its preservation as an integral structural entity and a legal entity and stable (or growing) values ​​of the main financial and economic indicators. With regard to a specific side of a firm's activities, specific indicators of its safety can be used.

However, in the process of business, business entities may experience the impact of various individuals and legal entities, which have negative consequences, primarily for the economic condition of the company. In this case, the concept of a threat to the security of entrepreneurship arises. Moreover, the most important for a business entity are threats to economic security, since all losses (organizational, informational, material, company image) are ultimately expressed precisely in economic losses, that is, financial losses (and all other threats are based on usually economic motives). This problem is of particular importance in modern economic conditions in Russia, when the processes of criminalization of the economy have intensified (see also: Economic crime in modern Russia), and according to the calculations of some scientists, the real prevalence of only criminal encroachments on the economic security of non-state economic entities exceeds the calculated recorded indicator in 60-65 times (3).

The essence and signs of threats to the economic security of entrepreneurship

What should be understood by threats to the economic security of entrepreneurship, what is their content? Threats to the economic security of entrepreneurship are potential or real actions of individuals or legal entities that violate the state of security of a business entity and can lead to the termination of its activities, or to economic and other losses.

It should be borne in mind that not every action that has negative consequences can be a threat to the economic security of entrepreneurship. So, one should not consider the activity of the company's management to invest in securities (public or private), the introduction of new organizational forms, the organization of the production of a completely new product, as a threat to the economic security of entrepreneurship. All these managerial decisions are risky and can have negative economic consequences due to the fact that the situation on the securities market, the needs of the population, or new organizational forms may not justify themselves. But it must be borne in mind that ultimately all this is aimed at achieving the main goal of the company, at its further development. Such decisions are an integral part of the entrepreneurial activity itself, which is carried out at its own risk and involves certain losses (see the definition of entrepreneurship). The establishment of low prices for products by the management of the firm at the initial period of the firm's activity cannot be considered a threat to the security of entrepreneurship. Although in this case there may be no profit and, conversely, there may be a loss, but this is a standard marketing technique aimed at attracting buyers to a seller they do not know. Later, the price difference will be corrected.

Actions defined as threats are deliberately aimed at obtaining any benefit from the economic destabilization of the firm, from encroachments on its economic security.

The activities of the company's management, despite their risky nature, generally comply with the current legislation. Threats, as a rule, imply a violation of legislative norms (of a particular branch of law - civil, administrative, criminal) and imply a certain responsibility of the persons carrying them out.

Thus, three features can be noted that are characteristic of threats to the economic security of entrepreneurial activity:

· Conscious and selfish character;

· Focus of actions on causing damage to the business entity;

· Illegal nature.

Classification of threats to the economic security of entrepreneurship

Threats to the economic security of entrepreneurial activity can be very diverse.

So, V.I. Yarochkin provides the following expert assessments of the threats to entrepreneurial activity in the Russian economy (4):

1. Economic suppression

Disruption of transactions and other agreements

Paralyzing the activities of firms using the powers of state bodies, the media

Compromise of the firm's activities

Blackmail, compromise of managers and individual employees

2. Physical pressure

Robbery and robbery on offices, warehouses

Physical threats

Mercenary murders

3. Industrial espionage

Bribery of employees

Transfer of documents and developments

Copying programs and data

Penetration into personal computers

Eavesdropping on negotiations

4. Financial suppression

5. Mental suppression

Here is a classification of threats according to various criteria.

1. According to the source of occurrence, all threats can be divided into external and internal. External can include, for example, the theft of material assets and valuables by persons not working in this company, industrial espionage, illegal actions of competitors, extortion from criminal structures. Internal - disclosure of confidential information by its own employees, low qualifications of specialists who develop business documents (contracts), ineffective work of the economic security service and persons responsible for checking counterparties. The greatest danger, as a rule, is posed by external threats, since internal threats are often the implementation of external "orders".

2. By severity of consequences: threats with high, significant, medium and low severity of consequences.

High severity means that these threats can lead to a sharp deterioration in all financial and economic indicators of the business entity, which causes an immediate termination of its activities or cause such irreparable harm that will lead to the same consequences later. In this case, the company is liquidated.

A significant degree of severity of the consequences of the implementation of threats suggests the possibility of inflicting such financial losses on the company that will have a negative impact on the main financial and economic indicators of the company, on its activities in the future and are overcome over a long period of time.

Moderate severity means that overcoming the consequences of the implementation of these threats requires costs (causes losses), comparable to the current costs of the firm and does not require significant time.

The consequences of the implementation of threats with a low degree of consequences do not have any significant impact either on the strategic position of the firm, or even on its current activities.

In general, with regard to the quantitative assessment of threats, there are different approaches and opinions. The simplest technique for assessing damage from emerging threats is proposed by V.V. Shlykov (5). The methodology is based on the calculation of the damage coefficient (K), the value of which makes it possible to make a decision on more effective protection of one's own economic interests.

The following data are used to calculate the damage ratio:

· Actual losses (FU);

· Costs of loss reduction (ZSU);

· Costs of compensation for damages (ZVU).

The sum of these values ​​characterizes the actual amount of losses (DWL), that is


The ratio of the actual value of losses and own resources of the enterprise (firm) is the coefficient of damage:

Ku = fiberboard / Q,

where Ku is the damage coefficient; Q is the volume of own resources.

3. In terms of likelihood, threats may be unlikely and real.

Low-risk threats include, for example, a homeless person visiting a firm's premises and demanding that money be given to him using foul language. Factors of low probability of this threat:

• one person threatens (not an organized group);

· There are no real opportunities to enforce the threat;

· There are quite simple ways of protection (by physical expulsion of this person, or handing him over to law enforcement agencies).

Real threats include, for example, those that:

· Accompanied by physical violence, damage to company property, abduction of employees (managers);

· Carried out by an organized group, putting forward specific requirements and certain amounts;

· Carried out with the participation of “qualified” criminal “specialists”.

4. Threats can vary in impact at the business stage. The most probable and dangerous threats are at the stage of the creation of the company and at the stage of its functioning.

In the first case, it can be illegal actions on the part of officials, hindering the organization of the company, or extortion by criminal gangs. At the stage of functioning, threats can arise at the preparatory stage (obstruction of the normal supply of raw materials, materials, equipment), the actual production stage (destruction or damage to property, equipment, theft of "know-how"), at the final stage (obstruction of sales, restriction of competition, illegal restriction of advertising).

5. Threats can vary according to the target of the attack. The objects of encroachment are primarily resources: labor (personnel), material, financial, informational. Threats to personnel - blackmail in order to obtain confidential information, abduction of employees, extortion, etc. Threats to material resources - damage to buildings, premises, communication systems, theft of equipment. Threats to financial resources - fraud, falsification of financial documents, currency, theft of funds. Threats to information resources - unauthorized connection to the company's information network, confiscation of confidential documents, etc.

6. By subjects of threats:

· Threats from criminal structures;

· Threats from unscrupulous competitors;

· Threats from counterparties;

· Threats from own employees.

7. By type of damage - threats, the implementation of which bears direct damage and threats, the implementation of which will lead to lost profits.

8. A very peculiar classification of threats can be proposed by the nature of the responsibility of subjects, whose activities can be qualified as an encroachment on the economic security of entrepreneurial activity.

In this case, the responsibility arising as a result of the consequences of activities defined as an encroachment on the security of entrepreneurship can be of both civil and criminal nature.

By the nature of the responsibility of a person (legal or physical) who carries (or implements) a threat to the economic security of entrepreneurship, one can distinguish:

· Threats, as a result of the implementation of which the norms of civil liability may be applied to the persons carrying them out;

· Threats, as a result of the attempt or implementation of which measures of criminal liability may be applied to the persons carrying them out.

There are, therefore, a wide variety of threats, which can simultaneously belong to different groups of classification.

In a market economy, the combination of factors of production to create goods and services is carried out mainly through entrepreneurial activity. Although entrepreneurial activity is close to such a factor as labor, in neoclassical theory it is singled out as an independent factor of production due to its special significance. The market economy is called "the economy of free enterprise", since free enterprise is one of its defining features. Entrepreneurs all over the world are playing a leading role. Their efforts, personal energy and capital, the ability to organize their work and the activities of collectives of workers contribute to the growth of social wealth.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. economists have recognized the critical importance of entrepreneurship to economic progress. A. Marshall added to the three classical factors of production - labor, land, capital - the fourth - organization.

The greatest contribution to the development of the theory of entrepreneurship was made by J. Schumpeter. In his work "Theory of Economic Development" (1912), he gave the factor "organization" its modern name - entrepreneurship; called an entrepreneur such a production organizer who blazes new paths, implements new combinations. Schumpeter's idea of ​​the creative entrepreneur is still the most common definition of the essence of entrepreneurship.

According to the scientist, entrepreneurship is not a profession, it is not any special type of business. Almost any economic activity can be entrepreneurial.

Schumpeter developed the theory of entrepreneurial profit. Agreeing with the previous statements of political economists that entrepreneurial profit is the difference between income and costs of an enterprise, he understands by costs all the costs of an entrepreneur, directly or indirectly related to production. They include the corresponding remuneration of the entrepreneur for his labor, the rent from the land plot belonging to him and, finally, the risk premium. In the understanding of Schumpeter, in essence, entrepreneurial profit is the result of the implementation of new combinations. The pursuit of entrepreneurial profit through a new combination of production factors is an important condition for economic development.

Entrepreneurship is a type of economic activity. The latter is stimulated by the need for labor products. Entrepreneurship and business are similar concepts, but there is a significant difference between them. Business is a business, any kind of activity that generates income or personal gain. In this sense, a scam is also a business.

But not every businessman can be fully called an entrepreneur. They cannot be considered, for example, the owner of a company that produces the same product or provides the same services from year to year. In this case, he, apparently, is engaged not in entrepreneurial, but in reproductive (repetitive) activities, reproducing the same results in traditional ways.

So, entrepreneurship - uh it is a proactive, independent, innovative activity of an economic entity, aimed at finding and implementing the most optimal solution to emerging economic problems (and thereby meeting the needs of specific consumers and society in goods), to make a profit or personal income. It is carried out on its own behalf, at its own risk and under its property responsibility for the results and consequences of its activities.

In modern Western economic literature, entrepreneurship is usually understood as a special innovative, anti-bureaucratic style of management, based on the search for new opportunities, on innovations, on the ability to attract and use resources from various sources to solve the problem.

In economic theory, the concept of "entrepreneur" has long been associated with the concept of "owner" and "capitalist". Later, in the theory and practice of management, the idea is affirmed that there is no rigid connection between the entrepreneur and the owner.

An entrepreneur may or may not be the owner of the resources he uses, for example, to use borrowed capital. At the same time, the owner can receive income from his property without engaging in entrepreneurship, for example, by leasing land that belongs to him by right of ownership. In this case, the tenant will be the entrepreneur. The coincidence in one person of the owner and the entrepreneur was characteristic of small private property and the initial stages of capitalist entrepreneurship. With the massive development of credit, joint-stock companies and the formation of a managerial technostructure, such a coincidence is very rare. According to Schumpeter, owner status is not a defining and mandatory property of an entrepreneur. The nature of entrepreneurship is determined not only by property, but primarily by the nature of the environment in which it operates, i.e. the market.

Reward for entrepreneurship is entrepreneurial income, which is a payment that an entrepreneur receives for his organizational ability to combine and use the factors of production, for innovation and monopoly market power, for risk.

The economic content of entrepreneurship covers its characteristics as an economic category, as a method of management and as a type of economic thinking.

Entrepreneurship as an economic category expresses the entire set of economic, social, organizational, personal and other relations associated with the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services and obtaining the desired result in the form of profit (income). These relations arise among entrepreneurs as business entities with each other, with consumers, suppliers of all factors of production (raw materials, materials, equipment, etc.), with banks and other market participants, with employees and, finally, with government authorities. Entrepreneurship reflects the commodity nature of the relationship of entrepreneurs with other business entities based on the operation of the economic laws of a market economy.

Subjects entrepreneurship can be individuals (or families), collectives (a group of individuals) and the state represented by its respective bodies. The activities of private entrepreneurs (organizers of individual, family, as well as larger production) are carried out both on the basis of their own labor and with the involvement of hired workers. The subjects of collective entrepreneurship are various types of associations: joint stock companies, rental collectives, cooperatives, etc.

The entrepreneur takes the initiative to combine the main factors of production into a single process for the production of goods and services in order to make a profit. The implementation of the most effective combination of these factors in order to maximize income is object entrepreneurship.

In addition, the object of entrepreneurship is not only production, but also innovative, trade and purchasing, intermediary activities, operations with securities.

The creation of all kinds of new ways of combining economic resources, new technologies and new areas of capital investment is what distinguishes an entrepreneur from an ordinary business executive.

In the process of competitive interaction of subjects of the market economy, entrepreneurs strive to create the best business conditions for themselves, to gain competitive advantages. In this sense, we highlight the main features of entrepreneurship as a method of management.

1. Economic freedom of an economic entity. Each of them has the right to independently choose the types and spheres of activity and decide what goods or services in what quantity to produce and where to sell them, seek funding sources and access to resources, market products, set prices for them, dispose of profits, etc.

Economic freedom determines the degree of manifestation of entrepreneurial initiative, the ability of an entrepreneur to realize his potential, to benefit by meeting social needs. Hence - the importance of creating conditions for enhancing the initiative activities of entrepreneurs

2. Economic responsibility for the decisions made, for their consequences and the associated risk. Business activity not related to responsibility does not characterize entrepreneurship, but simple management on behalf of.

3. Focus on achieving commercial success, striving to increase profits. This is the main goal of the entrepreneur, stemming from the very nature of entrepreneurship. Noting the importance of this feature, we emphasize at the same time that in modern business it is not self-sufficient. The activities of many entrepreneurs go beyond purely economic tasks, they take part in solving many social problems of society, protecting the environment, sometimes allocating funds for these purposes free of charge.

4. Innovation, creative search. This feature is pivotal. In the words of Schumpeter, the entrepreneurial task is "creative destruction", and the functional role of entrepreneurship is "the implementation of new combinations", i.e. in getting something new, different from the previous one. The implementation of new combinations, according to Schumpeter, included: 1) making a new product; 2) introduction of new technologies; 3) development of a new sales market; 4) development of new sources of raw materials; 5) carrying out the corresponding reorganization of the structure.

Innovation is primarily due to the nature of the entrepreneurial activity. For example, an inventor should be considered an innovator only when he realizes himself as an entrepreneur, i.e. when it gets the best economic results. The real reason that encourages entrepreneurs to innovate is the competition between them, the desire for profit.

Finally, we emphasize that entrepreneurship is not only a special type of economic activity associated with the formation and use of capital, it is also a fundamentally new type of economic thinking that determines the style of behavior, characteristic social psychology and culture in the broadest sense of the word. The personality of the entrepreneur plays a central role in entrepreneurship.

Innovation is an integral part of entrepreneurship. This is understood as a complex process of interaction between science, technology and the market, as a result of which a scientific discovery and invention are brought to commercial success, are implemented in the form of a new product, production technology, a form of business organization, etc. Innovative entrepreneurial activity is the main engine of scientific and technological progress, gives the production process an intensive character, activates the satisfaction of personal and social needs.

According to R. Barr today, in connection with the development of large corporations, entrepreneurship acquires the following features

1. Scientific nature of the leadership. "Sense of business" is giving way to the competence of many individuals. In other words, management based on intuition is giving way to scientific management.

2. The main goal of entrepreneurial activity is not making a profit at the moment, but constancy, stability, sustainability of making a profit over a long period.

3. Expanding the economic horizons of the entrepreneur.

4. Development of a sense of social responsibility (towards shareholders, suppliers, consumers).

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