You are the only one in the sky, the full moon. Lyrics of the song Turbomoda - Only you! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you are the only one, translation, words, lyrics

Lyrics of the song Turbomoda - Only you! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you are the only one

Similar to Turbomod - Only you! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you are the only song:

You are on the largest portal of texts and translations of Turbomod songs. You may ask how our site differs from many other similar resources? Especially for you, we have collected all, or almost all, songs of popular and not so popular Russian and foreign performers. Every day our database is updated with hundreds of new lyrics and translations of songs. Thanks to this, you can easily find the text and translation of the song Turbomoda - Only You! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you alone. Perhaps you would like to download the song Turbomoda - Only You! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only you, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you are the only one in mp3 format, and here we can help you. Just a couple of clicks and you will enjoy your favorite composition by downloading it from our website. You will find songs of any musical genre, direction and style. We are very glad that you were able to find on our portal the lyrics and translation of the song Turbomoda - Only You! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you alone. You may be interested in the rest of the lyrics of Turbomod's songs, or any other artist - just use the search on the site and the result will not be long in coming.

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It’s already dark outside, I’m standing,
I look out your window
You avoid meeting me
After all, I've been with someone else for a long time.

You and I have been at loggerheads for a long time,
But for you I don't care
Left room for love
Forgive me and call me.

Only you will be tender for me,
You are just a sea of ​​passion and fire.
You are the only one in the sky, the full moon,
You can be mine, only you alone.

The lights go out in the neighboring windows,
I won't see you, no
I'll stand in the wind
Repeat your native name.

For which they are punished by fate,
After all, I've been with someone else for a long time,
We must find happiness
Save yourself.

Only you will be tender for me,
You are just a sea of ​​passion and fire.
You are the only one in the sky, the full moon,
You can be mine, only you alone.

Only you will be tender for me,
You are just a sea of ​​passion and fire.
You are the only one in the sky, the full moon,
You can be mine, only you alone.

Only you will be tender for me,
You are just a sea of ​​passion and fire.
You are the only one in the sky, the full moon,
You can be mine, only you alone.

Lyrics of the song Turbomoda - Only you! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you are the only one

Similar to Turbomod - Only you! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you are the only song:

You can't find the song you like performed by Turbomod - Only You! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, are you the only one in the sky, the full moon, can you be mine, only you alone? Now this is not a problem - all songs and lyrics are collected on one site.
Now download the song Turbomoda - Only You! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only you, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you alone. mp3 has become even easier - a couple of mouse clicks and the song is downloaded. But what if you can’t understand what they’re singing about in a particular composition...
Now this is not an impossible task. Our website contains a database of more than 2,500,000 song lyrics by Russian and foreign performers of all musical genres.
Of course, it won’t be difficult to find and download on the Internet. new song in mp3 and our site is no exception.
Here you will not only find and download mp3, but also look at the lyrics of the song Turbomoda - Only You! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you alone. It often happens that you may need song lyrics to understand the words and sing along with your favorite artist. Or you got hold of a backing track and want to sing karaoke with your friends, and here again our song lyrics site will come to your aid.
So, if you found our site among millions of similar portals to download the song you liked or find the lyrics, then our work was not done in vain, and only for you we fill our site with hundreds of new lyrics of Turbomoda - Only You every day! you are the only one who will be tender for me, you are the only one, a sea of ​​passion and fire, you are the only one in the sky, the full moon, you can be my life, only you alone.

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