The appearance of a business person is the first thing people see. scarf - can be bright or modest, but should be in harmony with all clothes

"They are greeted according to their clothes, but they are seen off according to their minds" - this is how a popular proverb tells us. And indeed it is. Business or career success depends on qualifications business person, professionalism, ethical qualities, ability to and from many other components. All this directly affects the success. But there are also secondary success factors that sometimes come to the fore. It's about things like the overall impression you make on others. This is the manner of speaking, posture and, of course, the appearance and the image that you want to match.

How a person's appearance affects their success

This is not to say that a person's appearance and his image can provide him with a direct path to success. For example, famous all over the world Steve Jobs preferred practical clothes: jeans and a turtleneck.

I know a lot of people who have been successful but dress like simple guys. But there are people among my circle of acquaintances who dress in good suits and always look brand new. According to them, good clothes and a neat appearance can open a large number of doors.

Good business person appearance starts with physical health.

There is no point in putting on an expensive suit if you are already standing with one foot in an ambulance and feeling unwell. If you want to start looking good, then you need to start from the very essence.

And this means that moderate physical activity, a rational diet, good long sleep, quitting smoking, alcohol and communication with hysterical women - that's what a smart business man needs. Neglect of one of these rules can get away with at a young age, but later all this will definitely make itself felt. And the sooner you take care of your health, the better it will be for you.

A fit figure, good posture - this will always give self-confidence and make a good impression on new partners. But these are all external attributes. The main thing is that in a healthy body you will be efficient and nothing will darken your working days. It is not for nothing that they say that "There is a healthy mind in a healthy body." And it really is. Who would not say what there, but "pregnant men" and with a crooked posture do not make a good impression. Rather, all this raises questions like this: "How could you start yourself up like that?"

I don't have enough time for sports

The phrase "I don't have enough time" is a convenient excuse for not changing anything in your life. It's so convenient day after day to be led by your habits. In fact, all people have approximately the same amount of time. At the same time, some find time to maintain their shape and follow a diet, others eat at McDonald's. At the same time, they consume clearly more calories than is really necessary.

In fact, due to the lack of adequate physical activity, the performance of any of us will be far from the maximum value. Scientific research show that moderate exercise improves performance and also affects intelligence. In addition, sports can partially reduce stress levels. And no one forces you to start running marathons right away. You can start small. Go to the pool once a week, start running once a week on Sundays. Even the busiest person can afford all this.

Ability to dress beautifully

The dress code of a business person is also of great importance. Business style experts say that the look of the garment should be in line with the stated goals. If you want to be the mayor of a large city or the head of the local tax office, you will have to forget about torn jeans and piercings in the nose. On the other hand, some organizations have adopted a free style of dress and to appear there in a shirt, jacket and tie is bad manners. It depends on the head of the company (what tone he sets), as well as in general on the corporate culture.

As stylists say, the appearance of a business person speaks for him. For example, yours is able to become a decisive argument - to hire you or not. A person receives 80% of the information (or even more) through the eyes. They say that we form the first impression in a matter of seconds when we first drive a person. And it is the appearance of a person in these seconds that forms an image in such a way that then it will be problematic or almost impossible to change impressions about oneself.

Numerous studies show that beautiful people earn 5-10% more on average than less attractive colleagues.

Dress well- this is one of the, tk. this way you stand out a lot among colleagues who are used to dressing at random. Numerous success stories testify: those who started dressing as a leader, but worked like everyone else, became a leader in a matter of years. The reason is that by dressing like a director, you unwittingly reinforce your own self-confidence. Self-confidence, in turn, can already affect real success at work. Not to mention the fact that colleagues begin to take such a person more seriously even before he actually becomes a leader.

The appearance of a business person is formed not only with the help of clothes, but also with other important things. Hairstyle, smile, cosmetics, accessories. I don't know about you, but I always go with a thick silver chain on my arm. It's not a fact that this accessory is perceived by other people as a stylish attribute, but it shows, to some extent, my personality.

All you have to understand is that appearance is really important both in personal life and in business or work.

Business man's clothes
The most common and most recognized clothing for businessmen today is a suit. A suit is a business card of a business person. First of all, they look at how the person is dressed. The first impression remains in the memory of the people we meet for a long time. Therefore, neglecting your appearance is an unforgivable mistake.

For example, neatness and fit in clothes are often associated with organization at work, with the ability to value one's own and other people's time. Laxity is synonymous with fussiness, forgetfulness.

Suit rules:

Rule 1.
Never wear a suit and athletic shoes at the same time. These things are incompatible in their purpose.

Rule 2.
When wearing a suit, do not bring a sports bag. It is advisable to carry papers and necessary things in a diplomat, briefcase or folder. If the need arose, the bag should be of the same color.

Rule 3.
If you are wearing a suit, always wear a tie. A tie to the suit is required. A business suit without a tie is not worn. Exceptions are sports-cut jackets, which can even be worn over a T-shirt. But these jackets do not belong to business attire.
It is unacceptable to wear double-breasted jackets without a tie.

Rule 4.
A shirt worn with a suit must have long sleeves. It is considered elegant if the shirt cuffs are visible from under the jacket sleeves by about 1.5 - 2 cm.
It is best to choose a shirt that does not have breast pockets.

Rule 5.
Do not allow the tie end to be visible, protruding from the front of the tie.

Rule 6.
Do not stand out with your clothes in work time... In everyday communication, a discreet suit is considered good form.

Don't wear suits that are too light. The most common colors are dark blue, dark gray.

Do not wear colorful or dark shirts.

Ties are not too bright and without catchy patterns.

Dark colored socks.

Rule 7.
If you don't know which shoes or shirt to choose, then go for a white shirt and black shoes.

Rule 8.
When tied, the tie should touch the lower end of the belt buckle.

Rule 9.
The width of the tie should be commensurate with the width of the lapels of the jacket.

Rule 10.
The tie should be lighter than the suit and darker than the shirt.

Rule 11
Do not allow incompatibility of patterns, that is, two elements of a suit in a row cannot have a pattern.

Some simple tips:

Wear light suits during the day, dark in the evening.

In a formal setting, the jacket should be buttoned. You can completely unfasten the buttons of your jacket during dinner or while sitting in the theater chairs. Rising, you need to fasten with the top button.

Keep your outfit tidy at all times. The same applies to shoes, socks, cufflinks.

The suit should be comfortable.

Don't always follow fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than fashionable and bad.

Have two handkerchiefs with you. The first "worker" is in the pocket of your trousers. The second - always absolutely clean - in the inner pocket of the jacket.

A bow tie, intended for official celebrations or major holidays, is worn only with dark suits. It is best to choose a tie for an evening suit made of natural or artificial silk.

If the tie is made of quality material, then the knot is untied when it is removed. If the tie is made of inexpensive material, then the knot can not be untied, but removed over the head.

1. A modern business person can be distinguished from the crowd at once. What constitutes this look, to the characteristic of which the definition of "business" can be added? Of course, a person for whom business is a serious job takes into account all the nuances that contribute to success. A confident gait, expressive gestures, a benevolent smile and other non-verbal signals of a successful business person are taken for granted by others. But do all even very business-like and successful men dress properly? What should a business man look like?

Modern production and the related problem of improving business relationships force managers to pay more and more attention not only to direct, but also to indirect factors that determine the effectiveness of business relationships.

Hardly anyone will now deny that a man's dress style influences his success in business contacts and that the right suit contributes to the creation of the right working atmosphere. Leadership clothing is part of the work environment and can say a lot about the leader's personality.

The development of the style of business attire is more like a calm river than a whimsical flow. Business clothes are not subject to casual fashion trends, and therefore are rather conservative.

The clothing options proposed by T. Molloy are universal - they are developed on the basis of a massive study of the influence of clothing on business success.

The art of combining clothing elements must always take into account color, line, texture and style. Inexperienced combination can make the appearance of the leader faded (light gray suit, light blue shirt, light blue tie with a pattern, or green shirt and blue suit).

Style. It is important for a leader to consider the appropriate style of clothing items. For example, a business, somewhat conservative suit combined with a plaid shirt will look disharmonious. The awkwardness of combining a suit with wide lapels and a narrow tie is also obvious.

Style consistency is easiest to achieve by choosing monochromatic clothing items. Many men think that such combinations are not attractive, but they are not. For example, if the boss is wearing a navy blue suit, white shirt, and dark red tie, then this indicates his good taste. A solid color suit should be the main item of clothing business man... Such a suit has the property of combining well with solid colors and patterns of other elements of clothing, which greatly simplifies the choice of the right combination: suit - shirt - tie. The suit can be blue, gray, beige, brown.

Combinations with a plain suit. Any shirt pattern is combined with a plain suit. If you also add a plain tie, you get a wonderful trio: monotony - pattern - monotony. Leaders should remember that the same patterns are never combined, they should always be separated by a single color element. For example, a plain gray suit, a light shirt with dark red stripes, a plain gray tie that repeats the color of the suit look good together. Another option is also possible: the same color suit and shirt and a dark red tie, repeating the color of the stripes of the shirt. In the examples given, the tie completely repeats the color of one of the elements, and the combination of a suit and a shirt is quite picturesque.

So, for a solid color suit, there are three main options:

* plain shirt, plain tie;
* shirt with a pattern, plain tie;
* plain shirt, patterned tie.

Striped suit. It is not advisable to wear plaid shirts with him, because the cells are discordant with the stripes of the suit and do not go well with his business-like, serious style. A plain blue or white shirt works well with such a suit, and the stripes on the suit and their color combination with the shirt will give a refreshing general form.

A striped suit and a striped shirt are a good combination if the stripes of one of the elements are not too prominent and dazzling, it is much more difficult to find the right combination if both the suit, shirt and tie are patterned.

Ties with polka dots, rhombuses, triangles are more suitable for a striped suit with a plain shirt.

Checkered suit. The shirt should be only one-color, the tie - without a strict direction of the pattern or one-color. If the checkered suit is faded, then it can be revived with a shirt. For example, a blue suit in boring colors will refresh a bright blue shirt, especially if it matches the stripes of the suit. A good effect can be achieved with a light gray or light blue tie.

Not everyone knows that the combination of brown and blue tones gives the appearance of authority and solidity. For example, a brown and blue plaid suit, a blue shirt and a tie with an abstract pattern in blue and brown tones.

If a man chooses a suit in orange, brown or gold tones, then he must remember that in combination with a white shirt, only a tie will suit, emphasizing the orange, brown or golden component of the suit.

Every businessman should know that in business situations it is not recommended to give preference to clothes of bright colors, because such a suit attracts attention and requires a particularly delicate taste and great experience.

Tie. The combination of a shirt and a tie changes the overall look of any suit. For example, in the summer version, it is good to use a light beige three-piece suit, a light plain shirt, a dark tie, which gives the effect of a fresh appearance combined with efficiency.

A tie can be one of the main indicators of external taste and status. Unfortunately, most men pay little attention to it.

To choose the right tie, you need to remember the following:

* the length of the tie should be such that, when tied, it reaches the belt buckle;
* the best material for ties is silk, wool and cotton. Silk-like synthetic fabric looks great. Silk ties go to different fabrics and are suitable for any situation, Cotton ties are worn mainly in the summer.

Patterns on the tie. A solid colored tie will match any shirt and any suit. It is only important to monitor the harmony of color.

A polka dot tie is also popular, but more elegant than a plain one. The main background of the tie should dominate the color scheme of the clothes. It is advisable to match the color of the polka dots on the tie according to the color of the shirt. The most common is a navy blue tie with small white polka dots, it gives charm to men. The smaller the polka dots, the more sophisticated the appearance, the polka dot tie suits business people.

A tie with dark, crisp diagonal stripes is also suitable for business wear. Conservative ties (with circles, rhombuses, triangles) are indispensable for a person with an authoritative position. With their severity, clarity of lines, and poise such ties emphasize the position of its owner.

A tie with a variety of patterns is perceived by others playfully, therefore it is not recommended to wear it on a serious business meeting... But on the other hand, he can bring freshness if a man is dressed in a dull, gloomy suit. The variety of tones in the abstract drawing suits almost any costume, especially on travel and long-term business trips.

Ties with images of symbols, emblems, newspaper text and "masterpieces" of painting spoil the business look of a man. Business people should avoid black, purple, purple colors, intersecting and overlapping patterns, very short and massive ties, the latter especially do not suit overweight men with a short neck.

Shirt. The best fabric for a shirt is cotton, these shirts are pleasant to wear, they are soft and look solid. Shirts made from a mixture of synthetics and cotton always look good and hardly wrinkle, but in such a shirt it is very stuffy in hot weather.

In order to choose the right shirt, you should pay attention to three main points:
# the shirt should not gather in folds and bubble around the waist, but also should not crawl out from under the belt;
# the number of buttons and where they are sewn is of great importance (especially for tall and plump men), because when moving, the lower button slips out from under the belt, risking exposing the belly, i.e. it is necessary to make sure that the lower button is 8 cm below the belt, and if it is not there, sew it on;
#the collar is the most important place. It should always be in size. The height of the collar depends on the age, for example, a high collar hides the wrinkles on the neck. The collar itself should be wrinkle-free and form a single whole with the tie knot.

The cuffs of the shirt should be just below the wrist and protrude 1 cm from under the sleeve of the jacket, fit snugly to the arm and at the same time give the opportunity to freely look at the wrist watch.

Only white and plain shirts testify to good taste, authority, and competence. Only white and plain shirts go with any suit and tie. Pastel colors are also good - the paler the better.

Under no circumstances should a manager wear bright red shirts.

If a man has a painful complexion, he should forget about gray, yellow and green colors.

A business man should remember that only a “new Russian” will wear a shirt darker than a suit and a tie lighter than a shirt. A business man should always have a shirt lighter than a suit and a tie darker than a shirt.

Stripes are quite suitable pattern for a business shirt. The distance between the stripes can be very different, but the closer the strips are to each other, the better. You should not wear shirts with stripes of different colors, the distance between which is more than 6 cm. On a white background, stripes can be of any color, but they should be combined with the color of the suit. The darker the bar, the better. For example, a maroon stripe is better than bright red, dark blue is better than blue.

The requirements for a checked shirt are the same as for a suit: the cage should be simple and delicate. Various carpet designs, ribbons, chains, circles, flowers, wavy lines are not suitable for a business man. And of course, no business man will allow himself to appear at work in a shirt with shoulder straps.

The situation determines the clothes. An experienced leader knows that he plays different roles in different situations and should be dressed accordingly.

For example, working meetings of the head. On Monday he meets with the director of the association. For this meeting, you need to look authoritative, solid and not defiant. You should dress in much the same way as on Monday for your meeting with department heads. On Wednesday - a general conversation with employees of his department. For the atmosphere to be friendly and the psychological climate to be supportive, the chef should look simpler and more “accessible” than when meeting with high-ranking officials. If you have a conversation with an employee of the enterprise equal in position on Thursday, then you should try to look the same as the person with whom you will meet. And if a meeting is scheduled on Friday to conclude a contract with an employee of a small enterprise, then the appearance of the manager should not suppress him, it is recommended to dress more simply. All these techniques should be invisible, unobtrusive, only then they acquire psychological significance for business contacts.

Here are some advice N. Kozlov gives on this matter:
# To make a good impression you should wear:

* plain suits, such as gray with a pale blue shirt and maroon tie;
* beige suit with a blue shirt;
* dark blue suit with a pale shirt;
* checkered suit in beige and soft brown tones.

# Do not wear

* nothing flashy;
* nothing contrasting:
* black suits with a white shirt.

# If a novice leader still needs to assert his authority, then he should wear a pinstripe suit and a white shirt.

Speech to an audience. It is very important not to go unnoticed. You should not control people's attention! If a leader appears in front of an audience in a pale blue suit, pale blue shirt and pale blue tie, then they will simply not pay attention to him and, most likely, will not listen.

It is also important not to blend in with the background. It is better to know in advance what will be behind your back during the performance. If it suddenly turns out that the speaker merges with the background, then the best thing in this situation is to take off his jacket.

It's better to look a little extravagant than letting your audience ignore you. The leader should take into account that from some distance small details merge, for example, a suit in a small cell can cause dizziness, and stripes - ripples in the eyes.

If the leader for the performance wears a dark blue or dark gray suit, necessarily a plain, white or very pale plain shirt and a tie that matches the color of the suit, then he will definitely be in the spotlight, he will be heard in the hall.

Accessories. The very word "accessories" implies something secondary. But very often it is secondary objects that create the appearance of a business and collected person.

Jewelry - the less the better. Tie pins, all kinds of badges on the lapel of a jacket will not give shine. It is advisable to wear only a wedding ring. Cufflinks should be simple, small and discreet.

The belt can be anything, but without the pretentious buckle.

A business man is not dyed with thick gold chains and medallions.

It is desirable to have a wallet made of good dark brown leather.

The attaché case (diplomat) should become an indispensable item for a business man, preferably dark brown in color without metal decorations.

Every business man should always have a pen and pencil with him. Men should not write with very cheap pens.

Gloves are all good, but best of all brown leather with a thin lining, gray looks good. Suede gloves are more suitable for sports and leisure.

For a business man, a scarf made of wool and silk of any discreet color, combined with clothes, will suit. The white scarf looks too formal.

It is advisable to have handkerchiefs only in cotton and white. It is undesirable to buy colored handkerchiefs or handkerchiefs to match the tie.

For business men, shoes of black and brown colors of any shades with or without laces are suitable, but in no case are they lacquered.

Executives need to pay attention to their socks, which should be dark in color, taller than their calves, and free from a single wrinkle.

Raincoat. The most suitable color for business people is beige, blue is good, but not black.

If a man wears a coat, then it should be of good quality fabric, monochromatic, the color of camel hair is well suited. The coat should fit very well. A business man can wear a suede or leather coat, but not black.

Hairstyle and stuff. The characteristic features of a business person are neatly combed hair and polished shoes.

The leader should choose a hairstyle that suits his environment and circumstances. Not everyone knows that a hairstyle does wonders for a human face, it can hide protruding ears and an irregular skull shape.

Leaders should be aware that a beard and mustache have never been successful. A beard and mustache can be present only when it is necessary to hide imperfections on the face. But even then, one should not forget that a lush mustache and mustache-strings make an unfavorable impression. The beard and mustache should always be well trimmed, and during business meals, crumbs should not get stuck in them ...

Glasses can affect a person's overall appearance. If no glasses go, contact lenses should be worn. The metal frame is more suitable for young men, and visually makes the older ones look younger. Heavy plastic or horn frames - people look older than their age in them. For men with a developed lower jaw, it is advisable to wear glasses with heavy frames. Lightweight frames are suitable for narrow faces.

The colors of your success.

Black - has the property of somewhat depressing - and wearing a suit, and looking at it.

Brown - gives a neutral impression on first contact. However, afterwards, a well-chosen combination of brown with others looks very elegant.

Green is soothing and creates a sense of trust, it is good for a business suit, but bright green tones are only suitable for evening gatherings.

Blue is almost universal for clothing. It makes a good impression in any setting.

White and gray - fit well into the framework of a business style, but in an informal setting they get lost against the background of other, more lively colors.

Red is ideal for short-term communication in an informal setting: the person in red is well remembered. However, with prolonged contact, it will be perceived as an irritant.

If there are many women among the subordinates, then the boss should dress in solid dark striped suits that fit well on the figure. The manager must carefully ensure that his shirts and ties are combined with the color of the suit, and his entire appearance is extremely neat. A male leader in a female team at work should dress in such a way that he is respected, not loved ...

Some men look messy in any outfit. The manager needs to make sure that his shoes are spotlessly clean, his hair is neat, his shirt is fresh, and the tie knot is in place.

In conclusion, several rules can be distinguished:
# Dress as soundly as possible;
# Keep your clothes clean and tidy;
# If in doubt what to wear in some specific situation then it is better to dress conservatively;
# Dress as much as possible in the same style as the people you are supposed to meet;
# Do not wear anything flashy, bright;
# Keep your hair clean;
# Try to remember your actions, words and clothes with better side;
# Wear a briefcase;
# Always have an expensive pen and pencil with you;
# Wear expensive ties and, if possible, do not take off your jacket;
# Before going to a business meeting, you should look in the mirror again, and you yourself will be surprised how many small errors you find in your appearance;
# If you are demonstrating your company's products at an exhibition, remember that your clothes and the whole appearance are a piece of information about the general level of your company and about the quality of the products supplied.


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

2. Appearance business person

3. Business man suit

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

3.2 Men's shoes

4. Business woman's suit

5. Accessories


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

When they first see a person, people involuntarily pay attention to his appearance. "Clothes make up ninety percent of what people see in front of them when they look at you," emphasizes Debra Guy Cox, Image Consultant. Clothing affects others, since, regardless of a person's consciousness, it is instantly fixed by his senses. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they say that a person is first judged by his appearance, then by conversation, and then by the interior of his office. The appearance, as a rule, reflects the inner, moral content of a person. “People judge us - that is, they define who we are, where we live and where we have been - based on just looking at our clothes,” says Cox. A person's culture is emphasized by his clothes. She is, in a way, a visiting card of a person. Clothing carries communication partners information about a person, his tastes, belonging to a particular social or professional stratum.

Tastefully selected clothes, accessories, neat appearance make him confident, collected, energetic. It was not for nothing that Rockefeller started his business by buying himself an expensive suit with his last money and becoming a member of the golf club. "The ability to dress is more important than the ability to enter a room or the ability to bow. Nothing is so striking as a person's clothing," they instructed in the old days. Looking at an entrepreneur for the first time, one immediately gets an impression of himself and his well-being. The color of the clothes is of great importance. Exposure to color is a powerful psychological irritant: it can be used to calm down, set up partners in a "businesslike way", in a certain situation, you can cause hostility or, on the contrary, positive emotions. Color signals are perceived by partners on a subconscious level. This explains the "secret" power of their influence. According to M. Luscher, the creator of the color test widely known in modern psychodiagnostics, each color has its own psychological meaning. This is also confirmed by domestic psychologists. Clothing should correspond to the place, time, nature of the event. You need to know how to wear it correctly. The lighter the suit, the better quality it should be.

2. The appearance of a business person

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner, his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

Only those who are well-dressed and well-combed, who have a sense of taste and proportion, inspire confidence. It can be said that in the field of business, "they are greeted by their clothes," and only then other qualities are assessed - punctuality, clarity, qualifications, fidelity to the word, etc. That is why there are many requirements for the appearance of a business person, his everyday suit (not to mention solemn occasions).

At the same time, you do not need to try to overwhelm partners with the wealth of your appearance, which indicates your powerful creditworthiness. In most industrialized countries, heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, conspicuous watches, or an oversized tie can only raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Platinum lighters with monograms, watches with diamonds, cufflinks with precious stones, and ultra-expensive cars are such "signs of success".

3. Business man suit

A business suit is like a business card of a businessman. No business suit - no for the community of business people and the businessman himself. It is not for nothing that in the distant 19th century, the future billionaire Rockefeller began his path to success with investments not in business, but in himself: he literally spent his last money on two important acquisitions: the first acquisition was an expensive business suit, the second - a membership card in a prestigious golf club ... The suit created the image, the card gave acquaintances and personal connections. He was a wise and far-sighted man, this Rockefeller!

Both for the first contact and for subsequent business meetings with important domestic and foreign partners, it is worth wearing a carefully cleaned and ironed suit with a light shirt and tie to match.

You should not appear at business meetings in jackets, sweatpants, jeans, as well as in leather jackets, which self-respecting businessmen wear at best for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of brand and a sign of belonging to the workshop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a "heavy metal" concert might sport an earring in his ear and have a ponytail tied with a ribbon. And the art dealer is quite befitting the bohemian-colored jackets and silk scarves.

Successful businesspeople keep a close eye on the details and meticulously take them into account in their conclusions. For example, short, folded socks, which reveal the white calves of a businessman when he sits cross-legged, make a monstrous impression. Clean and hole-free socks are especially needed in Japan, where you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant.

A stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping glasses with the end of a tie spoil the impression.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression even of a quite decent suit. It is necessary to discard the ingenuous domestic habit of complementing a suit pair with a tie with sandals, from which thread socks peep out, to avoid too odorous colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing to strive for is the general impression of neatness, accuracy and even some pedantry in clothes. This should make your partner think that you will be so "fit" in business.

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

Outwardly, a businessman is easy to distinguish from all other men: he looks confident, stable, dressed rather conservatively. If a rich slacker chooses expensive and sophisticated clothes with a claim to chic, people of free professions - non-standard, workers - simple and reliable, youth - sports, then a business man is unthinkable without a man's suit, which in its entirety consists of a "three" (jacket, trousers , vest), and in the standard one - the same without a vest.

Clothing forms the appearance of a business person. It attracts the attention of people concerned with interpersonal relationships. In the words of Alison Lurie, author of The Language of Clothes: "... sociologists tell us that fashion ... is a language of signs, a non-verbal communication system." The main thing in men's clothing is a suit. The following styles of men's suits are most common: English; European; modified European; American "bag".

A must-have accessory for a classic men's suit is a jacket. It must be worn at any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, at the entrance to any room, etc. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can unfasten it only if you are sitting at a table or in the auditorium. Take off your jacket on official events can only be done after the host, the guest of honor - in a word, the first person at the reception has done it. And if this very first person, despite the exhausting heat, as if nothing had happened, sits in a jacket, those of a lower rank can only mentally send curses to this blockhead, immune to high temperatures and other people's problems. Only when visiting close friends, you can take off your jacket without waiting for the owner to do it. But first you should ask the owner for permission to do this. In late autumn, winter, early spring, in the evening, it is better to wear a dark jacket. In the daytime and in summer, a light suit is preferable, in the heat - a cotton one. The suit can be monochromatic, as well as in pinstripes or in a cage, but without sharp contrasts. For business negotiations, it is recommended to wear plain suits in gray, dark gray, dark blue or black. The most common in the business world is a two-piece suit, but a three-piece suit is also allowed. The black suit is designed for the most formal occasions. All other details of clothing are matched to the suit.

The cut of the jacket - double-breasted or single-breasted, with wide or narrow lapels - depends not only on fashion. A single-breasted jacket with two buttons shows the mobility of a businessman, his reaction speed, dynamism. A double-breasted jacket speaks of the ability to retain achievements, reasonable allocation of funds or investments, reliability and resilience in any disasters. Double-breasted suits are contraindicated for all overweight people, even of normal or relatively tall stature. They make their owners real fat men.

In addition to the width of the smell, jackets also differ in the presence of cuts, of which there can be two, one or none at all. A jacket without a slot is called European. It only looks attractive on slender men. Fat men and even men of normal physique, but with a tummy or wide hips, the European type of jacket is contraindicated. It fits perfectly only on tall and thin people. And then if they are. You can sit in such a jacket without inconvenience, only by completely unbuttoning it.

An American jacket with one slot is more comfortable when walking, less associated with a person's complexion. But it is also not very comfortable: in order to sit down, it must be unfastened. The most reliable in this regard is an English jacket with two slots. It is quite easy to sit in it, since the jacket immediately spreads to the sides from behind and does not interfere with the fit. You do not need to unfasten it completely. The fact is that it is customary never to put the bottom button through the loop, so as not to interfere with free movement.

Characteristic of appearance

Social role-playing purpose of clothing

Influence of color in clothes

· Men's business suit

· Women's Business suit

"They meet by their clothes ...". This saying succinctly and exhaustively answers the question of how important clothing is in creating an image. The ability to choose clothes "for themselves", and even more importantly - to wear them in a good manner, is an important part of the image.

Clothes are a kind of visiting card. It has a psychological effect on communication partners, often predetermining their relationship to each other. Why does clothing acquire such importance that the entire image can be instantly destroyed by an incorrectly chosen detail?

Since time immemorial, clothing, in addition to its main functions - protection and decoration - carries information about the owner, a kind of code that must be able to read. An experienced eye will immediately notice how skillfully you are dressed, whether the suit suits your figure, whether it matches the character and temperament, helps or not to hide flaws, whether you can understand and feel the situation in which you are. Your status, psychological characteristics, social role, thoughts and feelings - everything will be reflected in the costume.

I would like to emphasize that it is very important to remember two important concepts proposed by the Swiss psychologist Max Luther: “aesthetic elegance” and “psychological elegance”.

Aesthetic elegance- when each item of clothing is matched in color, shape, pattern and all items are consistent with each other.

Psychological elegance- the ability to create your own harmony, "zest" inherent only to you. By combining these two concepts, you can dress individually and tastefully, feel comfortable in the "second skin", knowing what you want to tell the world about yourself and what kind of reaction you get in return.

First of all, it should be noted the social and role purpose of clothing. So, there is the concept of "white collars", "blue collars". Many people know that it refers to the technical intelligentsia and departmental officials. A number of enterprises have branded clothing. It is characterized not only by a certain style, but also by a variety of colors. In such enterprises, workers, employees and managers can be easily distinguished by work clothes. By the way, this disciplines employees, facilitates their communication contacts.

Of course, the importance of clothing in our life cannot be absolutized. However, let's not forget that it is expressive, attracts the eyes of people, evoking specific emotions in them.

One of the principles of self-presentation of a business person strongly recommends: if you want to be at the forefront of business people, your clothes today should correspond to the position that you would like to take tomorrow. So, a leader just needs a respectable look, and some conservatism in his clothes is usually perceived as a symbol of stability.

Clothes can tell a lot about our personality. For example, extroverts prefer fancy outfits, while introverts prefer sophisticated outfits. The former prefer bright colors, while the latter prefer cold ones. Extroverts love a lot of jewelry, while introverts tend to be simple and modest.

1) with her functional purpose(work, home, guests, official reception);

2) with his age;

3) with their physical data.

The cut of the garment determines how the shape of the body will look. Even a thin person will look fuller if wearing a jacket with square shoulders and wide baggy trousers. Choosing the right clothing cut can often hide what we consider to be flaws in our figure.

If you do not want your clothes to distract the interlocutor from yourself and what you say to him, avoid outfits with an excessive amount of details - pockets, locks, complex collars, shiny buttons.

Colour also creates emotional associations. Warm, bright, light colors (such as red and yellow) "come" and can make you cuter and friendlier, while cold, dark, dark colors (for example, black, dark blue, gray) "recede", create distance, and you will look more imperious and unapproachable. Warm, neutral colors (beige, brown-yellow) give the impression of being very accessible.

Brightly colored clothing can overwhelm a person, especially if they have the palest skin color. But it’s even worse if people pay attention to your loud clothes and don’t look at you.

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties should be of such shades that suit the complexion and adorn it. So, if a person wants to emphasize the whiteness of his face, he should wear red clothes, but the yellow color will give a purple hue to the whiteness of the face.

Bad taste, extravagance, non-compliance with seasonality and simply sloppiness are the characteristics of clothing that are detrimental to the image. They negate many of the wonderful qualities of people and create a false impression of them.

How can you balance the need to maintain certain clothing standards and the desire to express your individuality? Only by developing a sense of proportion, and creating a holistic external image.

There is such a concept - "dress with taste." It is universal in its interpretation, because people's tastes depend on many circumstances: general culture, material capabilities, age, ethnopsychological characteristics, etc. In addition, there is a standard of "good taste" to be reckoned with. For a long time, “dressing tastefully” meant dressing strictly and monotonously. During the democratization of tastes, you can dress in a variety of ways and in an original way, however, you should observe the principle of the ensemble, take into account your kinetic data, aesthetics of time, social status, and the specifics of professional activity.

Undoubtedly, there are features of a business suit for men and women.

Men's business suit.

In the ensemble of clothes for business men, a shirt occupies a special place. You can have a pair of suits and a pair of blazers with trousers, and that will be enough to look effective and fresh. But with one mandatory condition: have at least a dozen different shirts in your wardrobe. At one time, the palm was given to white shirts, but today color television clearly demonstrates how unreliable a white shirt is in "sculpting" an image. Of course, there are situations when, according to etiquette or ritual, it is necessary to be in a white shirt. However, men look much more advantageous in those shirts that set off the face in the best way and are harmoniously combined with a tie.

The main adornment of a man is tie... Looking at a tie, you can unmistakably appreciate the taste of its owner. An elegant suit may go unnoticed, a beautiful tie - never. Choosing the color, pattern and size of the tie allows a man to showcase his personality and sometimes his mood. But the desired effect is achieved only by the correct selection of the tie to the suit: the dominant color of the tie should repeat one of the tones of the suit.

A solid colored tie will match any shirt and any suit. It is only important to monitor the harmony of color.

A polka dot tie is also popular, but more elegant than a plain one. The main background of the tie should dominate the color scheme of the clothes. It is advisable to match the color of the polka dots on the tie according to the color of the shirt. The most common is a navy blue tie with small white polka dots, it gives charm to men. The finer the peas, the more sophisticated the look.

A tie with dark, crisp diagonal stripes also works well for business wear.

Conservative ties (with circles, rhombuses, triangles) are indispensable for a person with an authoritative position. With their severity, clarity of lines, and poise such ties emphasize the position of its owner.

A tie with a variety of patterns is perceived by others playfully, so it is not recommended to wear it for a serious business meeting. But on the other hand, he can bring freshness if a man is dressed in a dull, gloomy suit. The variety of tones in the abstract drawing suits almost any costume, especially on travel and long-term business trips.

Ties with images of symbols, emblems, newspaper text and "masterpieces" of painting spoil the business look of a man. Business people should avoid black, purple, purple colors, overlapping and overlapping designs, very short and massive ties (the latter especially do not suit overweight men with short necks).

Best material for ties - silk, wool and cotton. Silk-like synthetic fabric looks great. Silk ties go to a variety of fabrics and are suitable for any occasion. Cotton ties are worn mainly in the summer.

The length of the tie should be such that, when tied, it slightly covers the belt buckle.

Socks play an important role in a man's business suit. They are matched first of all to the tie, then to the color of the trousers and, finally, to the color of the shoes. It is advisable to choose socks of a darker color than the suit (at least one tone).

The length of the socks should be such that not a single centimeter of bare skin is visible (especially when a man is sitting with his legs thrown over his legs) and so that they do not gather on the instep.

It is important for a business person to consider matching styles items of clothing. For example, a business, somewhat conservative suit or a striped suit in combination with a plaid shirt will look disharmonious. The awkwardness of combining a suit with wide lapels and a narrow tie is also obvious. Therefore, in the wardrobe of a business man, a single-color suit can become a basic element. It has the property of combining well with colors and patterns of other elements of clothing, which greatly simplifies the choice of the right combination: suit - shirt - tie; monotony - drawing - monotony.

It should also be remembered that the same patterns are never combined, they must always be separated by a single-color element. Therefore, for example, for a monochromatic suit,

ü plain shirt, plain tie;

ü shirt with a pattern, plain tie;

ü plain shirt, tie with a pattern.

According to experts, a business man should have three suits: work, business and evening.

Work suit- this is an ordinary (everyday) suit: trousers and a jacket, which can be of different colors. A jumper, pullover or turtleneck sweater is perfectly acceptable (just not a sweater with a collar, as for a ski trip). Trousers and a leather jacket or a well-tailored jacket are acceptable options. In all cases, a shirt and tie are required. A tie is not required only for a shirt of a special cut or, for example, for a turtleneck.

A business man wears a work suit on ordinary days, when he works with papers, a computer, a calculator, draws up a report or report, that is, he spends most of the day at his desk. Leader, if he has no plans business meetings, meetings with partners, receiving delegations, can also come to work in a work suit.

Business suit these are trousers and a jacket of any color, and a shirt and tie matched accordingly.

Evening suit a business man should consist of trousers and a jacket of the same color and a white (only white!) shirt.

Do not put a pen, pencil, glasses, hairbrush and other objects in the upper outer pockets of jackets so that they look out.

Women's Business suit.

Modern women have proven that they have depth and character, that they set ambitious goals for themselves and strive to advance through the ranks. However, in achieving these goals, they tend to make one of two mistakes:

1) try to compete with men, using exclusively their external data, remaining true women and allowing fashion to determine the choice of their clothes (while in the eyes of men they look like "dummies" who are interested in the form more than the content);

2) try to imitate men, adopting their style of clothing, and at the same time and demeanor, losing their feminine individuality.

In both cases, the business woman loses. Choosing the right clothes can go a long way in helping her succeed at work. But how do you make this choice? We hope that some tips will help you:

It is better to wear a suit with a skirt to work, rather than a dress;

Preference should be given to a plain fabric, without a pattern, or various options for stripes and cells, but patterns such as flowers, birds, sailboats, etc., as well as all sorts of bright abstract patterns, are completely undesirable;

Your hairstyle should not distract the attention of others with unnecessary curls and curls;

Do not overuse cosmetics and perfumes (the whole world loves clowns who wear obvious cosmetics, but no one gives them responsible assignments in the business world);

It is not recommended to wear jewelry only as jewelry: they should be used functionally or purposefully (for example, a wedding ring should always be worn, because it indicates your reliability and efficiency; a large expensive pendant will add solidity to a short woman, etc.);

Use only a solid handle and a very good quality leather handbag (by the way, order and order should reign inside your bag).

Purpose women's clothing there was and remains an emphasis on personal originality and elegance. A woman has the right to the originality of her clothes, to her style of wearing it. A woman enjoys unconditional success, well problem solver harmonious combination colors in their clothes.

A dress with a long sleeve is most acceptable for service, and the most "authoritative" one is gray with a pinstripe. The best colors of a business dress are dark blue, reddish brown, beige, gray, light blue. Bright colors are the least suitable.

An important place in the wardrobe of a business woman is decorations... Their purpose is to give a woman grace, to create that stroke in the image, without which it will not be complete. Wearing jewelry is not an indicator of a woman's material capabilities, but of her culture and sophistication of taste.

A business woman should be careful in her choice glasses... This is an element of appearance that remains visible all the time. The shape of the frame should fit the face. Round glasses of glasses, for example, will further emphasize its roundness. In this case, rectangular glasses are more suitable. Avoid frames that are too eye-catching if you want people to remember your face, not your glasses.

Thanks to the effect of accessories, a woman can always give her visual image a special charm. A colored handkerchief (but not a colorful one), a brooch, a curly hairpin, an original belt, an elegant handbag - these and other simple details of a women's dress give her individuality to her appearance. It is noteworthy that this does not require any significant material costs... The accessories themselves lend themselves to numerous combinations. You can have two scarves or neckerchiefs in your purse, changing them during the working day. It seems that nothing is easier, but the effect is obvious. The novelty that has appeared in the appearance of a woman will not go unnoticed.

A very important element in the visual image - makeup... Make-up is decorative cosmetics, the tactical purpose of which is to give the face aesthetics and attractiveness.

The choice of makeup depends on your hair color. In creating a feminine charm, this determines the "zest" effect. Hair does not make us attractive by itself (although a similar effect is not excluded), but in combination with a hairstyle. Exactly hairstyle makes a woman attractive, and gives a man character. Hairstyle is chosen

ü taking into account the figure;

ü taking into account the type of person;

ü taking into account the shape of the head.

An image is an external reflection of a human image, a visual and expressive "cut" of his personal characteristics. The creation of an image is associated with the creation of an attractive image. Doing oneself is the most difficult job, but certainly it is of interest to every person.

Bodily image

Psychological characteristics of the body


Gait and posture of a person

Mimicry and look

Each person has his own individual bodily constitution. Psychologists in their studies have found a definite connection between a particular constitution and the psychological characteristics of a person.

Our body, independently of us, signals to others what is happening to us. Either we are all right - straight posture, smooth gait, raised head, or we are afraid of something - stooped back, shallow, mincing step, head down. Body language conveys a lot more information about us, whether we like it or not. For our part, we can learn to understand this language and use it purposefully.

If you are ashamed of your body or are too critical of it, this attitude will affect your overall image. After all, your body is ultimately seen by everyone. And under the gaze of others you are unlikely to be comfortable. If you have a positive body image, if you accept your body as it is, then your overall image will benefit in many ways.

To improve the body image, you need to work hard on the body. Remember that your body is constantly "in conversation," and how you use body language and facial language determines the success of the image you create.

We must remember that our posture and emotional reactions are controlled by habits, that is, they "work" automatically. For example, a person prone to depression slouches, moves sluggishly, apathetically. And due to the fact that the expression of depression does not disappear in him for years, characteristic easily recognizable features appear. A cheerful person who smiles endlessly has “lines of laughter” on his face, and he moves more energetically, confidently, holds himself straight.

In one of the areas of therapy - bioenergetics - developed by Alexander Lowen and based on the writings of unconventional therapist Wilhelm Reitsch, it is argued that some emotions are "stored" in certain parts of the body, creating a kind of protective shell. The jaw is capable of accumulating unhappiness, the chest is neglect, the shoulders are too much responsibility. People express these accumulated emotions through tension and loss of mobility of the corresponding parts of the body.

Sometimes a physical habit can be a reflection of "you in the past" rather than "you in the present." Perhaps there was a period in a person's life when failures literally pursued him for several years. Over time, everything changed for the better. But if a person does not make special conscious efforts, body language will bear the stamp of previous depression.

Each person uses the face and body in a very individual way, with its inherent characteristics. When imitating actors appear on television, the objects of imitation are easily recognizable without comment. Imitators take notice of people's physical habits and parody them.

When we “read” each other, body language is the most fertile source of discovery. People react very strongly to it, and not always consciously. When the word and voice of someone does not inspire confidence, it is body language that allows you to make the final decision about a person. By your physical appearance, others can easily tell how tense or relaxed you are.

It is very important to remember posture. We often associate the word "posture" with old-fashioned classrooms where good manners were taught. In fact, posture reflects a lot of who you are: how you feel about yourself, how life treats you, and how you feel in a particular situation. Having good posture does not mean being in line at all. We are talking about the natural fit of the head and such a position of the spine, when the body is not tense and not constrained.

Posture can be changed by identifying habits that, when exercised, can send signals that are detrimental to your image.

When communicating, we usually look at head or neck each other. The back of the neck is an extremely common area of ​​tension.

Shoulders are also a place of concentration of stress in many people; at the same time they look slightly raised and leaned forward. If you are one of those people, we recommend that you say to yourself whenever the opportunity arises: "shoulders down and forward." Situations are especially suitable for this when you are on the train, walking down the street, driving a car. Responding to this command should become a habit. The shoulders are very important for the "formation of the image" - it is not by chance that overhead shoulders are used in clothes, giving people a visible significance. The shoulders are the “hanger” that holds the rest of the body.

The shoulders are a significant part of the body, and tension from them can quickly transfer to the forearms, hands and fingers. This is why many of us are unable to stand with relaxed hands: we drum our fingers on the table, clench our hands into a fist. Watch TV speakers closely and you will learn to recognize tense shoulders.

When characterizing movement, we are talking about the speed, direction and posture of the moving person. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, your movements will tend to be quick and jerky as you struggle to pull yourself out of the situation.

We move often and quickly even when we think we are bored. Slow, heavy movements can indicate indecision and lack of energy.

If you are satisfied with your body and feel relaxed, your movements will be energetic and smooth; you will not fuss and twitch, you will strive to take up more space. Many of us have a characteristic gait in which movement is guided by a specific part of the body.

Gait - it is a kind of personality cartogram. Its components are rhythm, pace dynamics and body weight. All these data in different people appear with more or less difference. By gait, one can judge the well-being of a person, his age and character. Can be distinguished six basic types of gait different people.

1. Confident man walks quickly, waving his arms, has a clear goal and is ready to realize it.

2. Critical and secretive, suppressing others keeps hands in pockets even in warm weather.

3. A depressed person drags his feet and, as a rule, looks at his feet, hands in motion or is in pockets.

4. A person experiencing a burst of energy walks akimbo, as if intending to reach the goal by the shortest path.

5. Preoccupied man walks in the pose of the "thinker", the head is lowered, the hands are clasped behind the back.

6. Arrogant man raises the chin high, the arms move with emphasized vigor, the legs are like wooden, the style is the pace of the leader

The most expressive component of the image is face - our mirror. In popular science literature, there is a unanimous recognition that it reflects the physical and spiritual state of a person, character and even the principles by which he is guided in his behavior.

People tend to view faces with a certain amount of prejudice. We judge people by their facial characteristics until we get to know them better: thick lips are sensual, thin lips are ordinary, a high forehead is evidence of intelligence, and small eyes a sign of dishonor. However, our facial expressions characterize our personality much more accurately than its features.

The rate of change in facial expressions depends on many factors: individual psychological characteristics of the individual, the level of her culture and even gender. If you are reluctant to express your feelings, then your face will not be very mobile either.

To be able to withstand life's trials with dignity, you need to accustom yourself to restraint in expressing emotions with the help facial expressions... You should master at least six basic variants of facial expressions - pragmatic, determined, open, closed, cautious and shy. For some professions, such as the police or the military, showing emotions in emergencies is detrimental to their work. Therefore, the officers of these services develop the skill of keeping the upper lip literally in a "stiff" state in order to hide their emotions behind a stone face.

We all have to mask our faces to one degree or another, and if the “mask” that we usually wear expresses concern or irritability, then the attitude of those around us will be appropriate.

You can learn a lot about a person by the way he smiles. A smiling face often evokes sympathy for its owner. A serious face is more successful in removing possible confrontation than a frowning one. And no matter how well brought up you are, you will not be able to shine a smile if you are in physical pain or some kind of mental distress.

Imageology specialists distinguish three zones on the face: upper (forehead), middle (eyebrows, nose, eyes, lips) and lower (chin). Eyes with the ability to present themselves are of particular importance - glance... We have already talked about eye contact in the previous chapters, but now we will focus on the role of the gaze that it plays in self-presentation.

If you want to present yourself as a confident, sincere and receptive person, be sure to establish constant and direct eye contact with your partners.

There are situations when a person does not look at the interlocutor. There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, it is possible that the interlocutor simply does not like him. In any group, everyone will look at the most famous and respected of those present more often than at the rest of the people. Secondly it is possible that the one who does not look at the interlocutor is simply timid, and avoiding eye contact is nothing more than a manifestation of nervousness. Thirdly, he can consider his status higher than the status of a communication partner and therefore is in no hurry to "notice" him. Fourth, a person finds his interlocutor very attractive and, fearing to give himself away with wide eyes, prefers not to look at him.

Without seeing a person's eyes, we find ourselves at a disadvantage, because without visual contact it is difficult to form a correct idea about him. Movie and show business stars often wear dark glasses, not wanting to be recognized. And since we cannot see their eyes, this only enhances the aura of mystery and enhances their status.

It is also important to choose the right "dose" of visual contact. If the passenger sitting opposite you on the bus or tram is staring at you, you feel uncomfortable. It seems that he is trying to overwhelm you by deliberately demonstrating his superiority. If your eyes move too quickly over the faces of others, they may feel some tension.

The habit of avoiding eye contact due to shyness is very easy to acquire. But if she begins to control your behavior, this is bad: for a person who enters the room and does not look at those present, it will be very difficult to establish any contact with them. Therefore, you need to master special exercises that help get rid of difficulties in this area.

I would like to end the conversation about bodily image with the words of L.N. Tolstoy, in whose opinion the beauty of bodily forms always coincides with the concept of active vital energy. In order to learn how to control your body, you do not need to have any special physical data. It is important to want and be able to do this.

Behavior patterns

Typology of behavior patterns

Etiquette and strategic behaviors

Criteria for the selection of a model of behavior

In our life, there are always certain stable parameters of behavior.

So, some, getting up in the morning, start the day with physical exercises. Throughout the day, we perform a series of the same actions. Thus, there is a specific set of behaviors for everyday use. This does not exclude the "wedging" in them of some other models of behavior, conditioned by a specific situation.

Model(French modele) is a sample. The choice of a model of behavior does not imply any kind of insensitive standardization of human actions, i.e. lack of a lively temperament, originality of thinking, originality, habits. The choice of a model of behavior is the reproduction of their options, which, in everyday communication, help a person to become sociable, and therefore attractive.

With the typology of behavior patterns, one can distinguish patterns of official communication and unofficial(family, comradely, household). Behavior patterns can be active(aggressive) and passive(defensive) character.

The business sphere is the most diverse area of ​​communication. Its characteristic feature is that in it all subjects of communication act in official statuses that inevitably determine the choice of their behavior models. As a result, its participants are focused on achieving some kind of business effect.

The great Goethe said that behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows himself. And not only shows. There is a kind of talent to peer into this mirror, to sensitively capture the attitude of others through it. This is one of the secrets of imaging. Everyone learns those behaviors that bring success. The more objective the idea of ​​their behavior, based on the reaction of people, the more effective the strategy and tactics of this behavior will be.

In everyday life, we perceive the behavior of another person as a holistic image. In expressing our position, we do it at the same time by various means. So, wishing to show sympathy for any person, we, as a rule, not only tell him about our feelings, but also convey them in soft intonations of the voice, in a friendly look. This complex of signs forms model or, as psychologists say, pattern behavior. The model is perceived as a whole.

The integrity of the model is violated when its constituent elements contradict each other; for example, sad news, which is spoken of with an ironic intonation.

In practice, each model of behavior in different people is embodied in different ways. Most of the models of behavior in everyday life are not an object of special study, but among the many models there are those that are comprehended by people and become the subject of special study. This is etiquette models(prescriptions) and strategic models.

Label models are inherent in every profession. For example, ethical attitudes towards the enemy and the diplomat differ from each other. If we thoroughly know the ethical prescriptions, then the question arises: how to achieve this pattern, by what means? The answer to this question is given by the strategic model .

Strategic models are actually recommendations on how to behave in order to achieve a particular goal. We invent a certain strategy of behavior, think over what words to say to the interlocutor in order to convince him that we are right, how to show him the willingness to cooperate, how to win his sympathy, etc.

The need to invent behavioral strategies is due to the problems that arise in the process of communication. The effectiveness of the communication process depends on many factors that are human in nature. These include the psychophysical characteristics of a person, his mental characteristics, character traits and attitudes. Some factors are obvious, and we take them into account automatically, others require special consideration. It is much more difficult to identify and take into account the influence of a person's internal positions on his behavior with one or another partner.

Let's consider one of the most important points underlying many strategies - the relationship of a communication partner to himself... This is necessary because there are many difficulties in the level of self-esteem, in the ratio of self-esteem and the assessment of others. For example, if a person, by the gestures of others, notices that their feelings do not correspond to his ideas, then he is upset. Behavior patterns appear to protect their own "I", the so-called defense mechanisms.

These reactions interfere with mutual understanding and interaction. In order not to cause a feeling of threat in a partner and not to provoke him to psychological protection, you need to help the person in understanding how we perceive his actions. And here plays a huge role Feedback. Feedback is information that we provide to others and that contains our reaction to their behavior.

Your opinion about your partner should be expressed in such a way as not to arouse feelings of resentment, indignation and protest in him and the one with whom he shares his observations and assessments. This is especially important if we are dealing with a person who is internally immature, extremely insecure, hard going through any criticism. It should be borne in mind that not only the one who suffers from "complexes" requires careful, tactful handling. Everyone, even a completely self-confident person, needs confirmation of his own importance in the eyes of others. Nothing is more painful than disrespect for the individual and an insult to self-esteem.

On the contrary, the feedback, in which the positive qualities of a person are recorded, has an enormous positive potential.

Only by realizing the positive inclinations inherent in him, believing in the possibility of their development, a person can respect himself and strive for further self-improvement. The expression of a feeling of sympathy, recognition of the merits and merits of a person, as a rule, evoke in him a reciprocal sympathy, an attitude to continue communication, to meet the wishes of the interlocutor. In this case, if we really respect and value the other person, then the expression of such feelings is not only morally justified, but also desirable for both partners.

But if psychological support is carried out only in order to obtain a one-sided benefit (it becomes a means of manipulating the consciousness and behavior of another person), then the moral assessment will certainly be negative.

The advice of D. Carnegie, formulated by him in his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People", received great popularity in our country, as in the USA, in the author's homeland. Most of D. Carnegie's recommendations are based on a person's need for self-respect, respect from the interlocutor, and attention to his needs.

The end result, for which D. Carnegie suggests using his recommendations, boils down to getting the most out of communication. As the strongest arguments in favor of his advice, D. Carnegie says that with their help you can get monetary profit, conclude lucrative contracts, and make a successful career. Some of our compatriots, having familiarized themselves with D. Carnegie's advice, did not understand his main idea, believing that they are inapplicable in our society, since they teach hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

This is, of course, not true. By itself, this model does not bear a manipulative coloring. It can also be used for partnership interaction, when both parties get a positive effect from communication. Basically, all advice is based on common sense. In addition, the vivid form of presentation, many life examples, make the book of D. Carnegie attractive and useful in many ways.

Another important psychological idea, which underlies the strategic model is the idea of ​​the need self-feed, self-presentation... The communication partner acts in accordance with his plans, based on his definition of the situation. In order for the communication to proceed according to the desired plan, each of its participants in the communication must "submit himself" in accordance with his plan.

We carry out self-presentation consciously or unconsciously, straight or indirectly... For example, we can do this directly, naming when meeting a person our status, country or city where we came from, marital status. Self-presentation can also be carried out indirectly, with the help of hints and statements ("when I was last in Paris ..."), a costume, emphasized elegant or casual, certain manners and attributes.

Self-presentation in professional communication is extremely important.

We should not forget that when choosing a model of behavior, we are not so much dependent on ourselves as on many external circumstances. This does not relieve us of personal responsibility for our behavior.

What are Criterias of choice behavior patterns?

1. Moral integrity. For all our inclination towards a subjective interpretation of morality in society, there are generally accepted approaches to explaining concepts such as honesty, justice and conscience.

2. Compliance with the law and the established order in society. One of the postulates of ancient Roman law said: "Man is a sacred thing." Any encroachment on him was unacceptable. Since it came from the people themselves, they were instructed to build their relationships in strict accordance with the spirit and letter of the law.

H. Taking into account the specific situation, in which the person acts or finds himself by coincidence.

4. Purpose, which the personality sets before itself.

5. Self-critical assessment own possibilities of using a specific behavior model.

Any copying of someone else's style is very dangerous. So, a person with external flaws cannot imitate beautiful movie heroes, famous people - it will look unnatural and ridiculous.

6. Sexual attitudes of the individual. Recommended show those qualities which are expected from either women or men. So, men value in a woman not only external attractiveness, but also a certain touch of eroticism. Women, knowing such a programming of the male psyche, cannot but reckon with this. In turn, men should not forget that women consider the most attractive qualities in them not only intellectual originality and spiritual nobility, but also purely masculine strength and charm.

Women and men have tremendous opportunities for non-standard choice of behavior models, bringing their natural charm into communication, but they often forget about it.

Women are usually in a more difficult position. After all, many men are reluctant to accept their leadership, they are not at all impartial about their professional data. As a rule, in order for a woman to achieve at least half of what men achieve, she needs to know and be able to twice as much. At the same time, men should be warned against overestimated self-esteem. According to management experts, there is a critical shortage of male leaders in the United States today. Other countries are testing it as well.

Skillful use of the criteria for choosing behavioral models together with skillful entry into one's life roles is one of the most important provisions of imageology.

Date added: 2016-11-02

  • Agroecosystems, their differences from natural ecosystems. Consequences of human activities in ecosystems. Conservation of ecosystems
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    1. Introduction. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .3

    2. General rules. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4

    3. Colors in clothes. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .five

    4. The culture of a business man's clothing. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6

    5. The culture of a business woman's clothing. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .10

    1. Introduction.

    Clothes are a "visiting card" of a business person, since when meeting, first of all, attention is paid to exactly how he is dressed. The first impression remains in the memory of the people we meet for a long time. Therefore, neglecting your appearance is an unforgivable mistake. For example, neatness in clothes is often associated with orderliness in work, the ability to value one's own and other people's time. Untidiness is synonymous with fussiness, forgetfulness.

    Specificity entrepreneurial activity makes very serious demands on the appearance of its participants. The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and respectability.

    Neat, tastefully dressed, fit - this is the appearance of a business person, who is well-wishingly perceived by the surrounding partners and clients. And the point here is not some kind of sophistication of taste, but the fact that the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people.

    Although they say that they are seen off according to their mind, they are accepted according to their clothes - the same principles apply when a person comes to you for an appointment. And the clothes are one of essential conditions how good a person's opinion of you is. Rockefeller started his business by buying himself an expensive suit with his last money and becoming a member of a golf club.

    2. General rules.

    The most common and most recognized clothing for businessmen today is a suit. Business etiquette provides for several rules for wearing a suit.

    If you are wearing a suit, always wear a tie. Exceptions are sports-cut jackets, which can even be worn over a T-shirt. But they don't belong to business attire. It is unacceptable to wear double-breasted jackets without a tie.

    A shirt worn with a suit must have long sleeves. It is considered elegant if its cuffs are visible from under the sleeves of the jacket by about 1.5 - 2 cm. It is best to choose a shirt that does not have chest pockets.

    Do not allow the tie end to be visible, protruding from the front of the tie. The knotted tie should touch the lower end of the belt buckle.

    Never wear a suit and athletic shoes at the same time. These things are incompatible in their purpose.

    When wearing a suit, do not bring a sports bag. It is advisable to carry papers and necessary things in a diplomat, briefcase or folder.

    Don't stand out with your clothes during working hours. In everyday communication, a discreet suit is considered good form.

    Don't wear suits that are too light. The most common colors are dark blue, dark gray, black

    Don't wear colorful shirts.

    Wear ties that are not overly bright and without flashy patterns. The tie should be lighter than the suit and darker than the shirt.

    Do not allow incompatibility of the patterns of the details of your clothes.

    Always wear dark colored socks.

    A few simple tips:

    1. Wear light suits during the day, dark - in the evening. It is best to choose a tie for an evening suit made of natural or artificial silk.

    2. In a formal setting, the jacket must be buttoned. You can completely unfasten its buttons during dinner or while sitting in a theater chair. Getting up, you need to button up your jacket with the top button.

    3. Always keep your outfit tidy. The same applies to shoes, socks, cufflinks.

    4. Do not try to keep up with fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than fashionable and bad.

    5. Have two handkerchiefs with you. The first, "worker", should be in the pocket of your trousers. The second - always absolutely clean - in the inner pocket of the jacket.

    3. Colors in clothes.

    If a person wants to emphasize the whiteness of his face, then he should wear red clothes; in any other combination, the red color of the clothes suppresses the natural complexion. The yellow color gives a purple hue to the whiteness of the face.

    Usually, the color of the clothes is selected with the following calculation:

    blondes are most suitable for blue

    brunettes - yellow

    white color suits people with a pink complexion on the face

    black absorbs shine from other colors.

    But when choosing a color, you should take into account the time and place of stay, your occupation.

    You should not wear too bright clothes if you have a formal reception or meeting.

    4. The culture of a business man's clothing.

    If you ask what a "business man" is, you are unlikely to be told anything specific. But if you ask to describe how he should look, then the overwhelming number of answers will start something like this: "This is a man in a suit." Of course, politeness, neatness, smart appearance, and many other factors will be mentioned. But the main, inalienable attribute of his appearance, almost unanimously and without hesitation, will be called a suit. And indeed it is. The most common and most recognized clothing for real men today is undoubtedly the suit. It is safe to say that it has become the "workwear" of the modern business person in all countries of the world.

    During working hours, it is customary to wear suits that are not too light. Tones of costumes in summer time lighter than in winter. A navy blue or dark gray pinstripe suit is the most common type of suit for every occasion. The fact is that sometimes it is difficult to know in advance where you will be invited in the evening and whether it will be possible to return to the hotel or home in order to change. It is best to buy yourself a suit for every day as a "basic model". a suit made of a material of a discreet color in a small cage or strip, and another suit, more strict, made of a material of dark gray, dark blue or black, in which it is appropriate to be present at festive or solemn events.

    If both suits are skillfully matched by color, then in some cases they can be used by combining one with the other. These two suits can be well complemented by a combined sports suit for every day. Such a suit is now more and more often put on for work. It consists of trousers and a jacket, which may differ in color and pattern, but should complement each other harmoniously. So, plain trousers are best suited to a checked or striped jacket, and a plain jacket is best suited to checked or striped trousers. A light suit made of cotton or artificial fiber for the warm season has now become an indispensable props for a man's wardrobe. The material of such a suit can be monochrome or patterned, light or dark tones - it depends on the shirts and shoes at your disposal, which should be in harmony with the suit in color.

    Light, so-called "pastel" tones are not completely suitable, but if they are already used, then it is advisable to choose only "warm" ones (for example, shades of ivory), since cold light tones - bluish, greenish - optically increase the figure. Black is recommended, as a rule, for special occasions. He especially goes fair-haired with fresh skin. Black color is successfully combined with other colors - white, yellow, red. However, contrasts are good for young people, and older people are better off avoiding such combinations. Brown looks good in woolen fabrics, and its shades - chocolate and chestnut - are suitable for fair skin. Green color it is unfairly rejected by many, although its warm shades - olive and lime - refresh the natural colors of the face well. Yellow is very selective and good for summer. Blue is the most suitable color for casual wear. In combination with white, it rejuvenates at any age, because white is the king of all colors. For men of average height and normal physique, there are no restrictions on clothing. Tall, slender clothes are made from two parts and from fleecy fabrics. A full figure requires discretion in choosing both material and model.

    I would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that shirts play a great role in the ensemble of men's clothing. The shirt should always be lighter than the darkest thread in the suit. Checkered and checkered are usually worn without a tie. If with a tie, it is better - smooth. Sports shirts are fastened under the throat. Shirts with short sleeves should not be worn, as the cuffs of the shirt should protrude from under the sleeves of the jacket by about two centimeters. For all types of receptions, it is recommended to wear a white (not knitted) shirt with a starch collar.

    In a business man's suit, a tie plays a special role. The tie almost always reflects the taste of the wearer. Sometimes it is very difficult to choose it, so it is recommended, along with colorful ties made of silk, artificial silk or artificial fiber, to purchase two or three plain woolen ties that can be worn with any suit. However, crimson and burgundy were and remain the universal colors for a tie. A black tie is worn only as a sign of mourning or, if appropriate, to uniforms... The choice of a tie depends on the color and pattern of the fabric of the suit, as well as its style. Ties made of natural and artificial silk are suitable for a strict business suit. "Butterflies" are accepted only on official occasions. They should be in sophisticated colors. The bow is pinned only to festive and formal suits. Whether the bow is solid or colorful, dark or light - this, first of all, depends on the purpose of the costume. Any tie is suitable for a suit made of fabric in a small pattern. It will be correct to take a monochromatic tie to a motley suit, if they are in harmony in tone. In this case, you must follow two rules. Either a tie is selected so that it is the same tone as the suit, but lighter or darker, as a result of which the color of the tie and the suit will complement each other, or the suit and tie should be in contrasting tones. But this contrast should be the only one in your closet. Difficulties also arise when you want to wear a colorful tie to a suit made of fabric, also with a colorful pattern. General rule that could be followed is not here. However, in this case, it should be borne in mind that the pattern of the suit and tie (for example, a strip) should not be repeated. And one more recommendation - you can combine two patterns that differ from each other, but no more. A tie is only a tie when it is properly tied, and does not dangle around the neck like a rope. Tie clips do not indicate good taste and are not worn by those who dress with taste. As a last resort, you can pin the knot of a plain tie with a pin.

    There are all kinds of fashionable additions to the costume. So, a white shirt, black shoes and black socks are required for a festive dark suit. A corner or edge of a white scarf should look out of the breast pocket. For a strictly formal suit, you must also have gloves that can be held in your hand in hot summer weather. However, one should not too literally interpret the concept of "strict suit". In the thirty-degree heat, even at diplomatic receptions, you can sometimes appear in light suits. Combined suit (gray striped trousers, black jacket) wear a white shirt with double cuffs (cuffs and collar must be starched), gray tie, black shoes and dark socks.

    During the day at work, a club-style suit is quite acceptable, most often it is a dark blue jacket with shiny buttons. A true club jacket requires the club logo on the breast pocket on the right.

    The role of a hat in men's clothing is very significant, which is worn mainly with a coat or raincoat to protect against the cold. The hat should always match the outerwear. Hats are worn lighter in spring and summer, and dark in autumn and winter. It is not recommended to wear velor hats, as well as even hats for coats and suits that are not black.

    As for shoes, you need to know that for formal suits it is recommended to wear dark brown or black shoes or boots. Light brown or brown shoes do not go well with a black suit, while black shoes go well with a brown suit. In the summertime, you can wear colored shoes with a non-dark suit. No sandals or sandals should be worn at receptions. Thick-soled boots, coarse athletic shoes, and sandals are only suitable for sportswear, not for weekend wear. Lacquered are worn only for a tuxedo.

    Gloves are best kept light brown as they go well with a dark brown or gray winter coat. Black gloves are worn only for a very dark coat. When putting on a festive costume, it is best to choose cloth or leather gloves in neutral tones. For a business suit, you should also choose an appropriate coat, which is not purchased as often as other garments, if only for purely financial reasons.

    A budding politician or middle-aged businessman should have at least two coats in his wardrobe. One coat is made of lightweight fabric of such a style that it is comfortable to wear every day, and so that in cold weather you can fasten a warm liner to it. Another coat - dark in color - is suitable for any celebrations and official meetings.

    However, you do not need to try to overwhelm those around you with the wealth of your suit, which testifies to your powerful creditworthiness. In most industrialized countries, heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, conspicuous watches, or an excessively variegated tie can only raise suspicion of your frivolity.

    5. The culture of a business woman's clothing. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .10
    6. Clothes for the reception. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .13
    7. Image of a business person. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... fifteen
    8. Conclusion. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... sixteen
    9. References. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .18

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