Why do we need a subdivision clause? Development of regulations on structural divisions

The most diverse and least regulated group of documents of an organizational and legal nature represents regulations on departments, samples of which can be found in any organization, regulations, instructions, rules. They are developed by the relevant departments of enterprises in all areas of the company’s work.

Substance of the document

Regulations on departments, samples of which are often located at personnel workers organizations is legal acts, which establish the basic rules for the operation of companies, their structural divisions, subordinate institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Another interpretation of the regulation is a collection of rules that regulate certain areas of activity (political, cultural, economic, etc.).

A separate group of documents is being developed to regulate a set of labor, organizational, and other relations on various specific issues. For example, a sample of a standard regulation on the personnel department, a regulation on document flow, etc.

In addition to standard acts, documents of an individual nature are being developed. The purpose of developing these provisions by higher-level organizations is to regulate the activities of specific subordinate structures, divisions, bodies, etc.

Regulations on departments, samples of which are developed at each enterprise, relate to local regulatory acts. Their goal is to regulate all areas of work of specific divisions of the company.

Regulations on departments according to the sample are drawn up on forms general type and include the following details:

  • Name of the enterprise.
  • Name of the type of act developed.
  • Date of document creation.
  • Registration serial number of the act.
  • Place where the document was compiled.
  • Stamp "Approved".
  • Document text.
  • Signature of the head of the organization.

An order approving the regulations of the department (sample below) is drawn up by employees of the HR department and signed by the head of the enterprise.

The regulations on structural divisions consist in most cases of six sections:

  1. General information.
  2. Tasks and goals of the unit.
  3. Functions of the department.
  4. Rights and responsibilities of a structural unit.
  5. Department responsibility.
  6. The relationship of the unit with other structural units.

General information

IN general information The regulations on the department (sample section below) indicate the following information.

  • The full name of the structural department (and abbreviated name if it is recorded in the statutory documents).
  • An indication of the place occupied by the unit in the structure of the enterprise (organization).
  • Determining the degree of economic and business independence.
  • Information about who directly reports to the specified unit.
  • Information about the position of the person who manages the structural department, the procedure for his appointment (dismissal) from position.

A sample regulation on the HR department of an enterprise is one of the first to be developed, since these entities are engaged in hiring new employees.

A separate paragraph of the first section of the act is a list of basic legal, regulatory, instructional, policy documents that are taken as the basis for the activities of the unit.

If the department is divided into subdivisions or sectors, the general provisions may include a subclause on the internal structure. This subsection contains information about the internal division of the department, indicating the name (full, abbreviated), positions of the heads of each of their divisions, indicating directly subordinate persons and bodies.

The final paragraph contains information about whether the department has a separate seal. If it is present, a description of the item, purpose, and storage conditions are indicated.

Tasks and goals of the unit

The regulations on the personnel department, a sample of which was presented above, and other organizational structural units in the second section contain goals and tasks developed on their basis. This point should justify the existence of the corresponding department in the structure of the organization.

The goals that management sets for the division must meet the requirements of reality, long-term and connection between themselves and other plans and objectives of the enterprise as a whole.

Department functions

A sample regulation on the personnel department and other structural divisions must contain a complete list of the functions of a specific department with the distribution of which powers are assigned only to the specified entity, and which powers are vested in the unit together with other departments.

If any functions are of a general nature, the section indicates in what form this or that department is involved in the process of exercising powers. If there is an internal structure, the names of each subdepartment and its functional responsibilities are written down.

Rights and responsibilities of a structural unit

In the fourth section of the document (sample provision on legal department organization below) contains information about the rights and responsibilities of the structural unit.

This paragraph contains a list of the powers of this unit and the responsibilities that it bears in the process of carrying out its activities. The section also records the characteristics of rights of a specific nature that do not have similar structure departments.

If a division is endowed with any powers in relation to other structural units, a separate column indicates to what extent the subject can exercise the legalized ability to offer (demand, prohibit, use) something from a subordinate department.

The scope of rights is established depending on the extent to which their implementation will help effectively fulfill assigned duties and perform functions.

Department Responsibility

The section on responsibility is considered one of the most important in the act (for example, in the regulations on the legal department of the organization, a sample of which was presented above). It sets out the types of administrative, disciplinary and, in exceptional cases, criminal liability.

A great responsibility lies with the employees of the procurement department (sample position below), which is directly stated in the relevant federal laws.

Often, sanction measures are applied only to the head of the relevant department if he inappropriately performs the duties assigned to him. The section must also contain precise formulations of economic responsibility in relation to the management of internal economic accounting.

Relationships of the unit with other structural units and organizations

An important aspect of the work of departments is the interaction of departments within the organization and with external entities. An important role here is played by the provision on the legal department (a sample is presented in the article), which should reflect the ways of exercising powers outside the enterprise, since specialists legal sphere due to the specifics of the work, they often interact with third parties and organizations.

The sixth part should record the document flow process within the department and in interaction with other departments. A list of basic documents that should be developed by the relevant structural units personally and jointly with other departments is also indicated here.

An important aspect of the sixth section is the determination of the frequency and timing of the submission of developed acts.

At the end of the business paper, which completes the drawn up act, the signature of the head of the structural unit and a mark confirming the approval of the document by the head of the entire enterprise are placed.

Regulations on collegial and advisory bodies

A separate point is the provision on collegial and advisory bodies. It is a document organizational type, which is of a regulatory nature.

The provision under consideration includes the following subparagraphs:

  • compound;
  • features of the formation order;
  • competence;
  • operating procedure;
  • rights and responsibilities.

Bodies of an advisory or collegial type can be governing (for example, a board of directors, a board of directors) and specialized (academic, scientific, technical or pedagogical council).

The regulations on an advisory or collegial body record the following information:

  1. Subject status.
  2. The procedure for drawing up work plans.
  3. Features of the preparation of materials considered at the meeting.
  4. Submission of approved materials and other papers for consideration.
  5. The procedure for examining documents and making the final decision made at the meeting.
  6. Maintaining written minutes.
  7. Formalization of the final decision.
  8. The procedure for announcing the decision to all performers.
  9. Providing the meetings with material and technical equipment.

Features of drawing up some provisions

The personnel regulations can be drawn up in relation to all employees or employees of a separate unit. For example, a regulation on a commercial department (sample below) can be developed separately, and on members of a structural department - separately.

The personnel document should reflect the following aspects:

  • issues of social and professional development of members of the work team;
  • establishing the basic principles of labor relations between staff and the employer;
  • determining ways to organize work;
  • disclosure of the personnel concept of the enterprise - the principles and system of recruitment, drawing up plans, stimulating performance, policy in social sphere companies, etc.;
  • formulation of mutual responsibility of staff and employer.

Regulations on the personnel department, a sample of which is taken from office work practice foreign countries, is a document designed to regulate social and labor relations in the process of forming commercial organizations and enterprises in the country during the formation of the institution of private property relations.

Due to the fact that the emergence of a new type of acts is associated with the emergence of financial and commercial relations, the role of relevant documents has increased. The regulations on the commercial department, on the basis of which an act regulating the specifics of personnel work is often drawn up, together with the document in question, is developed by specialized specialists: employees of the payment and labor organization department, HR departments, legal service, etc.

In most cases, a group of employees is headed by the HR director, deputy head of the enterprise development department, or the head of the company himself. Labor Code does not contain requirements for the drafting of provisions of this type. In this regard, its paragraphs are not relevant to citizens who provide services to organizations under civil law contracts.

The Personnel Regulations contain principles for building relationships between the administration and employees, the list of which includes the following aspects:

  • compliance with legal regulations;
  • equality of subjects;
  • voluntariness of taking on obligations;
  • authority of legal representatives of subjects;
  • prevention of compulsory or forced labor, discrimination in the work process;
  • reality of fulfillment of undertaken obligations.

In the process of developing the regulation, the employer must take into account the specified principles of interaction between the parties, as well as other rules for building relationships between the employer and employees. Failure to comply with recorded requirements may result in social and legal liability.

Often, business owners demand the inclusion of clauses prohibiting criticism of the company's policies when talking with competitors and clients. In addition, it is not allowed to disclose information about the difficulties that the enterprise has to outsiders. It is also strictly prohibited to perform actions that undermine the reputation of the organization.

There are no uniform layouts and forms for the position under consideration. Therefore, each enterprise must develop an act independently.

The next special type of provision is an act of moral and material encouragement. It is considered a document of a local type, therefore insurance and pension authorities, when controversial issues arise regarding payments, often do not accept acts developed at the enterprise.

The purpose of developing the regulations is to motivate employees to improve the quality of productivity in fulfilling the tasks assigned to employees, conscientious and timely performance of duties, and increasing the degree of responsibility.

The document must contain the following sections:

  • principles of application of incentive measures;
  • basic performance assessment indicators;
  • types, measures, forms of encouragement;
  • procedure for selecting employees;
  • the competence of the manager regarding the application of measures;
  • grounds for rewarding employees (directive, order);
  • procedure for carrying out relevant activities.

Often, acts on the application of incentive measures are drawn up within the framework of the regulations on the financial department of the enterprise, a sample of which is developed together with other similar documents.

The signing of the relevant papers is carried out by the deputy heads of the enterprise, who regulate the work of these areas (often most of the regulations are made up of personnel employees and specialists from the legal department).

The organization most often provides for the need for approval of all documents compiled by the head of the legal service or other official who is responsible for legal aspect activities of the enterprise.

Some companies require that the documents being compiled are also checked by chief accountant, especially if the situation involves large financial costs. The final approval is carried out by the head of the enterprise.

Document structure layout

The paragraphs of the document in question are similar to the sections of the regulations on the accounting department (sample below) and other divisions of enterprises. The act must disclose the following aspects of the company’s work:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Basic principles for building the work of an enterprise and the relationship between the organization’s management and staff.
  3. The procedure for recording labor relations.
  4. Basic powers and responsibilities of the employer.
  5. Rights and obligations of company employees.
  6. Time of work and rest.
  7. Payment procedure.
  8. Social guarantees.
  9. Methods for assessing employee qualifications.
  10. Ensuring employment of workers.
  11. Disciplinary measures (penalties and rewards).
  12. Final points.

If the company has developed a document regarding personnel, then new employees are introduced to the situation before signing an employment contract.

Regulations on departments and structural divisions, samples of which are available at each enterprise, are developed with the aim of regulating the work of all departments of the organization, distributing responsibilities between them, fixing the powers of each entity of the company and determining the limits of responsibility of each unit included in structural system companies.

On many government and commercial enterprises The Regulations on structural divisions are being developed as one of the local documents. This act, in addition to issues related to the development of the team, may cover the rules of staff communication, the procedure for employee participation in the distribution of profits, features of advanced training for employees, and so on. Let us consider further in detail how the Regulations on structural unit. A sample document will also be presented in the article.


The document under consideration acts as an organizational and technological act. It defines:

  1. Place of the department in the enterprise system.
  2. Functional load, technological responsibility.
  3. Regulatory documents that regulate the activities of an organization's division.

The act is drawn up directly in the department of the enterprise. His boss is responsible for this. The head of the organization must review and sign the document. An enterprise may have one department or several. The creation of divisions should be carried out on the principle of expediency. Their activities must be justified and effective.


Structural unit (examples: personnel department, accounting, finance department etc.) performs certain functions. When drawing up documentation, the specifics of the activity, schedule, presence/absence financial liability employees. The act in question contains the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Tasks.
  3. Structure.
  4. Functions.
  5. Interaction with other departments.
  6. Responsibilities, rights and powers.
  7. Responsibility.

The “General Provisions” section establishes the subordination of the department to a specific person. It may also define the scope of distribution of the document. In particular, we are talking about requirements for the content, rules for drawing up, accepting, registering, and making additions/changes to the act. This is where it is installed legal status divisions. The “Tasks” section formulates the key areas of the department’s activities. For any separate division are assigned the responsibility to resolve issues taking into account the requirements of modern times. Thus, the tasks of the HR department may involve more than just hiring and firing employees. His responsibilities may include comprehensive solution issues related to the formation of an effective team.

System and functions

This section covers the organization of the department's work. In particular, the numerical composition and specific responsibilities of employees are established. In the process of compiling this section, a matrix for the distribution of management functions can be used. If it is missing, then information from Qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees. When establishing the functions of employees, you can also use GOST standards.

Service connections with other departments

The organization of work should be carried out in such a way that the relationships between different parts of the enterprise are as effective as possible. When compiling this section, it is necessary to take into account that it is not the interaction of individual employees that needs to be described, but of entire departments. Therefore, it is necessary to focus, first of all, on official connections between superiors. In this section, you can point out the need to coordinate interactions between ordinary employees of different departments. That is, the Regulations on Structural Units determine whether an employee needs to obtain permission to interact with other specialists. It is separately specified with whom exactly certain activities should be coordinated: with your boss or an official of another department.

Competence and responsibility

Sections “Responsibility” and “Rights and Obligations” are compiled in accordance with the functions assigned to the department. The contents of these sections can be taken from job descriptions. However, it should be taken into account that the Regulations on structural divisions provide opportunities, establish responsibilities and duties not for a specific employee, but for the entire department as a whole. If you wish, you can write them down for each employee. However, it is more expedient to establish powers and responsibilities for all employees, singling them out separately for the head of the department. Responsibility can be established individually or collectively. The first, accordingly, will apply to the boss, and the last to the employees. The approval of the Regulations on the structural unit is carried out after its agreement with the company’s lawyer.

Content requirements

The regulations on structural divisions are not considered a mandatory document provided for labor legislation. But it is precisely this act that establishes the distribution of tasks, responsibilities and functions between departments and employees within one enterprise. Content requirements can be established by local documents (standards). If they are not available at the enterprise, then you can use a “template” Regulation on a structural unit - a sample. In any case, in the process of drawing up a document, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it must contain the following information:

  1. Place in the enterprise system (a separate division or part of a management, department, etc.).
  2. Regulatory framework. Documents regulating activities (Federal Law, Charter, etc.) are indicated here.
  3. Department structure.
  4. Immediate boss.
  5. Key tasks.
  6. Responsibility, duties, rights.

In order to avoid disputes on issues of competence, it is necessary to carefully consider the content of the document and try to make it succinct and detailed.

Regulations on the structural division of the organization: purpose

The document acts as an internal (local) act. It is drawn up for the organizational and legal assignment of management functions to the department and the rational division of competence between employees. The act defines the responsibilities and duties of the chief. The position appears as compound element enterprise documentation. It is the basis for the development of standard, personal (if necessary) job descriptions for employees. The document is developed in accordance with current organizational and management acts.


The provision includes:

  1. Front page.
  2. Name.
  3. Main purpose.
  4. Regulatory basis for the department's activities.
  5. Description of the structure.
  6. Department functions and distribution of responsibilities.
  7. Information and material support.
  8. Interaction.
  9. Confidentiality and records management.
  10. Ensuring safety and proper working conditions.

The composition and order of sections, the names of individual blocks may change in accordance with the specifics of the unit.

Department characteristics

The "Main Purpose" section describes:

  1. Place of the unit in the enterprise system.
  2. Subordination.
  3. Purpose.
  4. Rules for the formation and liquidation of a department.

The block “Regulatory basis for activities” contains a list of documents in accordance with which the Regulations are developed and the unit will operate. The next section provides department-specific information. It describes, in particular:

  1. The structure of the unit, the order in accordance with which it is formed and approved.
  2. Rules for appointment to the position of chief, dismissal and replacement. If necessary, describe qualification requirements(experience, category, education).
  3. Tasks of the head of the department.
  4. The presence and number of substituents, the order in which they are distributed among them job responsibilities.
  5. Rules for approving the Regulations regulating the activities of the structural units of the division, service instructions for employees.
  6. The procedure in accordance with which the staff of the department is formed.

Ways to display information

The structure of the unit can be described:

  1. Graphic method. It is a schematic reflection of structural units. Administrative relationships are highlighted with solid lines, functional relationships with dotted lines.
  2. By text method. In this case, a listing of structural units is used (groups of employees performing duties in specific areas, or individual employees), and a description of interactions is given.

Functions and distribution of responsibilities

This section describes:

  1. The main types of activities or work that the department must perform to implement the tasks assigned to it.
  2. The procedure for distributing responsibilities and functions among employees.
  3. Job responsibilities, individual rights of the chief in accordance with current regulations. His responsibilities are also described here.

Functions are presented in the order of priority of execution or their importance. The Regulations, as a rule, stipulate that the responsibility of employees is determined by their job descriptions.


This section defines:

  1. The relationship of the unit with other departments and officials at the level of information and material flows. The latter include connections related to activities and the movement of values. Information interaction carried out through the transfer of documentation.
  2. Timing and frequency of work, provision of information, material assets, etc.
  3. The procedure in accordance with which conflict situations arising between departments are resolved.

Information and material support

This section contains information about:

  1. Internal and external sources, the procedure for equipping the department with furniture, equipment, organizational and technical means, and so on.
  2. Maintaining records and ensuring the safety of valuables.
  3. The procedure for providing regulatory documents, literature and other information resources.

Confidentiality and records management

This block includes information about the range of cases handled by the department. This section also indicates the person who is responsible for their production. In case of a large volume, the list of cases is given in a separate document (appendix). If necessary, the section includes types of confidential information, rules for handling it and responsibility for disclosure.

Ensuring safe working conditions

This section provides rules for maintaining proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises assigned to the unit. It also describes how to ensure safe operations. This section may contain links to regulatory documents establishing such rules. Responsible persons must be indicated.

Drawing up and approval of the document

The development of the Regulations is carried out by the division independently. As a rule, this task is assigned to the head of the department. First, a draft document is drawn up. It is coordinated with higher administration and interested employees. The latter, in particular, may include:

  1. Heads of departments with which the department interacts.
  2. Boss personnel service.
  3. Head of Legal Department.

A specific list of coordinating units and employees is established by the boss. He also organizes familiarization of employees with the Regulations.

Changes, cancellation and revision of the document

Adjustments to the Regulations are made by department heads in the following cases:

  1. During a planned revision of the document.
  2. When renaming, reorganizing a department, changing its subordination, making adjustments staffing table.
  3. On the initiative of employees and the head of the department to improve operational efficiency.
  4. When the regulatory framework changes.

The procedure in accordance with which changes are agreed upon is similar to that established for the adoption of the Regulation itself. The period for making adjustments is 1 month. If it is necessary to make a large number of changes, a new version of the Regulations is drawn up. A planned revision of the document is carried out at least once every 5 years. Cancellation of the Regulations is made upon acceptance new edition or in case of liquidation of the department. If necessary, changes are made to the charter or constituent documents enterprises.


The head of the enterprise determines the list of employees who must put approval marks in the Regulations in accordance with the order on the distribution of responsibilities. In order to avoid inaccuracies, as well as duplication of certain service interactions, functions and, accordingly, to prevent possible disagreements between heads of departments in the future, it is practiced to endorse documents for specific services by the administration of those sections of the enterprise with which they are in constant official communication. If there are more than three stamps, then they are drawn up on a separate page or an “Approval Sheet” is created. Some enterprises provide for the approval of the Regulations by the head of the legal service or legal adviser. The signing of the document is carried out, as mentioned above, by the general director. This right, however, may also be granted to other management employees. They may be deputy directors who ensure the functioning of department groups.


All employees of the enterprise must familiarize themselves with the approved Regulations on divisions. Employees are required to sign the document. For this purpose, a special column is provided for informing or familiarizing employees with the Regulations. Signatures are placed in order of seniority - the head of the department signs first, then all employees. To record familiarization with the document, the method provided for job descriptions can be used. It consists of drawing up a separate sheet for bringing the Regulations to the attention of employees. The basis for making changes to the document is an order from the director of the enterprise.

The methods and procedure for its execution are similar to those established for adjustments to job descriptions. At the same time, an important point must be taken into account. Making adjustments to the Regulations on departments may, and in some cases must necessarily, entail changes in the job descriptions of employees. Otherwise, there will be inconsistency in the activities of the entire enterprise. Regulations on divisions are not necessary, but it is highly desirable to develop them, since they significantly optimize the activities of departments. With the help of this document, the interaction between the company’s employees, bosses and deputies becomes clearer and more harmonious. This document greatly simplifies the control and management of the enterprise.

Each department solves its own problems. In order for all divisions of the company to work harmoniously, approve the regulations on the department - convenient regulations that establish the functions of a structural unit and the procedure for interaction with other services.

From the article you will learn:

Regulations on the department are a local organizational and administrative document, often used in large companies with independent structural divisions. The development of regulations for each department allows you to regulate its daily activities, determine the main tasks, outline the internal structure and distribute areas of responsibility. Such a document can be drawn up for each service or laboratory, for individual workshops, sections and bureaus.

At the same time, small businesses with simple organizational structure and a limited number of employees usually do not need regulations of this kind. If there is no division into independent structural units (departments, services), then the provisions regulating them legal status and establishing the procedure for interaction with other departments are not needed. Read more about labor legislation standards developed specifically for small organizations, read the articles “ . What rules for micro-enterprises will be useful for other companies" and "Checks: can on an employee's complaint?

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Regulations on the department: structure and content

To competently draw up regulations for the HR department, accounting department or any other structural division of the enterprise in 2018, we recommend using a convenient template.

The standard regulations on the department contain the following sections:

  1. general provisions;
  2. structure;
  3. main tasks (missions);
  4. functions;
  5. rights and responsibilities;
  6. responsibility;
  7. relationships with other departments.

In the “General Provisions” section, the full name of the department and details of the document on the basis of which it was created are indicated, as well as the order of subordination. Ordinary employees report to the head of the department, who, in turn, reports to the director of the enterprise. The structure of the unit is explained in more detail in the second section of the document: categories of personnel are identified and its number is determined.

The “Tasks” section is very important, setting the vector of the department’s activities. The employer decides how detailed the wording should be. Usually we talk only about key areas of activity. For example, if we consider a sample regulation on the personnel department (personnel service), the list of tasks should include the selection and training of personnel, providing employees with rights and guarantees in accordance with current labor legislation and local standards, maintaining personnel records, etc.

Order approving the regulations of the department

The last stage is approval of the “Regulations” by the head of the organization (of course, in the absence of objections to the proposed project). If the content or design of the document does not suit the company management, it is sent for revision.

There are two ways to approve a local regulatory act: by issuing a separate order or by stamping “I approve” on the document itself. The employer who has chosen the first method draws up an order approving the regulations on the department in free form. As a template, you can use a sample order approving internal rules labor regulations or any other regulatory act:

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Changes and amendments to local regulations are added as needed. If in the future there is a need to revise the regulation, use the recommendations of experts (see the articles “How to develop and approve in the organization”, “How long in advance do you need to notify and other personnel issues").

In large and medium-sized organizations, management functions are performed by independent units, sometimes separated geographically and having economic and administrative independence. For the purpose of effective coordination, their activities should be regulated by the regulations on the unit, approved by the head of the organization. For small enterprises where officials implement management functions and tasks, it is sufficient to develop job descriptions.

The regulation on a structural unit is the main regulatory document regulating the purpose and place of the unit in the enterprise, its structure, the main functions and tasks of management, the rights, responsibilities and forms of incentives for the unit's employees. The regulations on the unit are developed and signed by the head of the unit, agreed upon with competent officials, communicated to employees against receipt indicating the date of review and approved by the head of the organization, indicating the date and sealed.

The initial data for the development of the Regulations on the division are: organizational structure, functional structure, staffing table of the organization, classifier of management functions, standards managerial work, standard regulations on departments, document flow diagrams.

The regulation on the structural unit consists of five sections:

1. General part.

2. Functions and tasks.

3. Unit rights.

4. Responsibility of departments.

5. Incentives for departments.


General manager

V.V. Shred

Regulations on the personnel directorate of the enterprise1

    General provisions

1.1. This provision is an internal document of Zavolzhsky Motor Plant OJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise), defining the functions of personnel management. The HR Directorate is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

1.2. The goal of the HR Directorate is: “Ensuring the enterprise’s need for qualified personnel capable of efficiently and effectively solving assigned tasks; creating the necessary conditions for motivated and productive work.

1.3. The main tasks of the HR Directorate are:

1.3.1. Development and implementation of personnel management strategy and personnel policy.

1.3.2. Satisfying the enterprise's need for qualified personnel (selection, assessment, placement).

1.3.3. Development of human resources, personnel (adaptation, training).

1.3.4. Ensuring effective labor organization.

1.3.5. Ensuring the motivation and needs of staff.

1.3.6. Management of social development of the enterprise team.

1.3.7. Social protection of employees.

1.4. The Directorate is headed by the HR Director, who is appointed to the position by order of the General Director of the enterprise based on the decision of the Board of Directors on a contract basis. The HR director is a member of the executive directorate and belongs to senior management.

1.5. A person with a higher professional (engineering, economics or legal) education and at least 5 years of experience in management positions is appointed to the position of HR Director. The HR Director reports directly to the General Director and replaces him during periods of absence by order in accordance with the rank of the senior manager.

1.6. The HR Directorate includes:

    HR department,

    management of organization and remuneration,

    department of social and labor relations,

    personnel development and training center.

The organizational structure of the directorate is shown in Fig. 2.3.2.

Note: Total number - 175 staff units, including: managers - 42 units, specialists - 107 units, employees - 3 units, workers - 23 units.

Rice. 2.3.2. Scheme of the organizational structure of the personnel directorate of JSC Zavolzhsky Motor Plant (2003)

1.7. The HR Directorate is guided in its work by:

    The current legislation of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, etc.).

    The Charter of the Company, orders, instructions and instructions of the General Director and the enterprise.

1.7.3. Security standards environment and occupational safety.

1.7.4. The philosophy of the enterprise, the collective agreement, internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the enterprise.

    Methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials regulating the activities of the HR Directorate.

    Requirements international standards ISO 9000-9002, ISO 14001 and internal quality standards.

    This provision.

1.8. The reorganization of the personnel directorate is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise on the basis of:

    decisions of the board of directors;

    administrative document of the executive directorate;

    changes in the nature and volume of production and economic activities;

Making decisions on the need to optimize the number of personnel or improve the organizational management structure.

* internal labor regulations
* collective agreement
* wage regulations
* documents establishing the procedure for processing personal data
* job descriptions, who develops their form and content
* procedure for changing job descriptions
* job description options
stages of development of regulations on structural divisions, coordination and signing
* HR department work plans, personnel movement and analysis

Regulations on structural divisions

Many modern state and non-state enterprises and organizations are developing personnel regulations as an organizational document, in which, in addition to general issues development of the workforce, other important issues can be considered: staff development; staff participation in profits; rules business communication personnel, etc.
Regulations on the division is an organizational and technological document, concepts:
1. Place of the unit in the organizational structure.
2. Functional load of the department. Technology responsibility throughout the organization.
3. Interaction with other departments of the organization.
4. Regulatory documents regulating the activities of this division.
Development of the Regulations about the unit is carried out directly in the unit. The head of the unit is responsible for the development of the Regulations.
Organizations consisting of several structural units are required to develop Regulations on the structural unit, which defines the tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of each unit.
For example, the text of the Regulations on Personnel Services should contain the following main sections.
  1. General provisions.
  2. Main tasks.
  3. Structure and functions.
  4. Relationships with other departments of the organization.
  5. Rights and responsibilities.
  6. Responsibility.
Section "General Provisions" determines the legal status of a structural unit and establishes the subordination of the HR department to a specific official.
The “Main Objectives” section contains the main activities of the HR department, which modern conditions are no longer limited to issues of hiring and firing employees and drawing up personnel documentation, but comprehensively solve the issues of forming an effectively working team.
Section "Structure and Functions" determines the structure of the personnel service, its numerical composition, and the specific work of each division of the service.
To the section "Relationships" with other divisions of the organization”, service relationships with other services and departments on organizational and production issues are determined.
Sections “Rights and Responsibilities”, “Responsibility” determine the rights and responsibilities of personnel in connection with the functions assigned to them, establish the responsibility of the head of a structural unit for the work of the personnel department and the responsibility of the employees of the unit in accordance with their job descriptions.
Regulations on the structural unit after agreement with a lawyer and other officials approved by the head of the organization.

Regulations on structural divisions

Regulations on structural divisions are not a mandatory document in accordance with labor legislation, however, it is in them that the distribution of “roles” is fixed between departments and employees within one organization.
Requirements for the content of the Regulations can be determined by internal documents of the organization (for example, an enterprise standard). If you do not have such documents, then when developing the Regulations, you can use the standard template of the Regulations on the structural unit. In any case, when developing the Regulations, proceed from the fact that it must indicate: place in the structure of the organization (an independent unit or part of a department, management, etc.); what documents does it follow in its activities ( federal laws, Charter, other documents of the enterprise); division structure; immediate head of the department; main tasks of the unit; functions, rights, responsibilities of the unit. In order to avoid disputes about the competence and responsibility for performing certain functions, carefully consider the content of the Regulations on structural divisions and make it as detailed as possible.
The regulation is endorsed by the head of the unit and approved by the head of the organization


"Regulations on structural divisions"

1. Scope of application
This standard specifies general requirements for the content, as well as general rules development, adoption and registration, amendment and revision of the Regulations on the structural divisions of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on divisions, Regulations).
This standard is applied by all divisions of the Company.
2. Purpose and status of the Regulations on divisions
  1. Regulations on a division are an internal organizational document developed with the aim of organizationally and legally assigning management functions to a division, rational delimitation of powers, establishing the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the division.
  2. Regulations on divisions are an integral part of the Company's documentation.
  3. Regulations on departments are the basis for the development of standard and, if necessary, personal job descriptions for department employees.
  4. Regulations on divisions are developed in accordance with current organizational and management documents and this standard.
For departments directly reporting general director, The provisions are approved by order of the General Director. For other divisions, the Regulations are approved by the director, whose competence, in accordance with the approved organizational structure and distribution of powers, includes these divisions
3. General requirements to the construction, content and execution of the Regulations on divisions.
3.1. Subdivision provisions generally include the following: structural elements and sections:
  1. front page;
  2. Name;
  3. main purpose;
  4. regulatory grounds for activity;
  5. division structure;
  6. functions of the unit and distribution of responsibilities;
  7. interactions;
  8. material and information support;
  9. ensuring working conditions and personnel safety;
  10. records management and confidentiality.
3.2. The composition and arrangement of sections of the Regulations, the names of individual sections can be changed taking into account the specifics of the unit.
3.3. In the section "Main purpose" indicate:
  1. the location of the division in the structure of the enterprise (the division can be either independent or part of a larger division);
  2. subordination of the division (to whom the division reports - directly to the general director or director of the area, head of the department, service, department, etc.);
  3. purpose (main tasks) of the unit;
  4. procedure for creating and liquidating a division (if necessary).
3.4. In the section “Regulatory grounds for activity” a list of external and internal regulatory documents is provided in accordance with which this Regulation was developed, 3.5. In the section “Division structure”, in accordance with the specifics of the division, indicate:
  1. the structure of the unit, the procedure for its formation and approval;
  2. the procedure for appointing, removing and replacing the head of a department (if necessary, indicate the qualification requirements for the head - education, length of service, qualification category);
  3. main tasks of the head of the department;
  4. the presence of deputies, their number, the procedure for distributing the main tasks of the unit (job responsibilities) among them;
  5. the procedure for approving the Regulations on the structural units of the division, approving job descriptions of employees;
  6. the procedure for forming the staff of the unit.
Division structure reflect:
in a textual way - by listing structural units (divisions or groups of workers performing work in certain areas, or individual workers) and describing the relationships between them;
graphically - in the form of a diagram that shows the structural units of the department, administrative (solid lines) and, if possible, functional (dashed lines) relationships between them.
3.6. In the section "Functions of the unit and distribution of responsibility" reflect:
the main actions or types of work that the unit performs to solve the main tasks assigned to it;
distribution of functions (responsibilities) and responsibilities between employees of the unit;
job responsibilities, personal rights and responsibilities of the head of the unit in accordance with current legislation(if necessary).
Functions are presented in order of importance or order of execution.
The regulations on divisions, as a rule, indicate that the responsibility of division employees is established by job descriptions.
3.7. The “Interactions” section describes:
interaction of the unit with other units and officials at the level of material (work, material assets) and information (documents) flows;
frequency and timing of work, provision of information, documents, material assets;
procedure for resolving disagreements that arise between departments.
3.8. The section “Material and information support” describes:
internal and external sources and the procedure for providing the unit with equipment, furniture, office equipment, etc.;
organization of accounting and safety of material assets;
the procedure for providing regulatory documents, literature and other information resources.
3.9. In the section “Office work and confidentiality”, a list of cases conducted in the department is given and the official responsible for office work is indicated. If the volume is large, the list of cases is given in the appendix. If necessary, this section establishes the types of information (documents) of a confidential nature, as well as the rules for handling this information.
3.10 In the section “Ensuring working conditions and safety of personnel,” the rules for maintaining the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises assigned to the department and ensuring the safety of work are given or references to regulatory documents establishing these rules, and also indicate the responsible officials.
4. Development, approval, implementation and registration of Regulations on divisions
4.1. Structural divisions carry out the development and approval of Regulations on divisions independently. The development of the Regulations is usually carried out by the head of the department.
4.2. The contractor is developing a draft Regulation on the division.
4.3. The draft Regulations on the unit are agreed upon with the superior manager and interested officials. Coordination can be carried out, for example, with:
heads of departments with which this department interacts;
head of the personnel department;
head of legal service.
The specific composition of the coordinating units and officials is determined by the head of the unit,
4.4. The head of the unit organizes the familiarization of the department's employees with the approved Regulations.
5. Change, revision and cancellation of the Regulations on divisions
5.1. Changes to the Regulations on divisions are made by heads of divisions in the following cases:
during a planned revision of the Regulations;
when reorganizing, renaming a unit and changing its subordination, as well as changing the staffing table;
when the regulatory framework for activities changes;
at the initiative of the management and employees of the unit in order to improve performance.
5.2. The procedure for approving amendments to the Regulations is similar to the procedure for approving the Regulations. The period for making changes is one month.
5.3. If it is necessary to make a large number of changes, a new edition of the Regulations is developed.
5.4. A planned review of the Regulations is carried out by department heads at least once every five years.
5.5. Cancellation of the current Regulations on a division is carried out upon approval of a new edition or liquidation of this division. If necessary, make appropriate changes and additions to the current organizational and management documents of the Company.

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