Castle of the Guardians of Time - Russian general education portal. Workshops of the Galactic Ark project

Life without love has no meaning Love is the water of life, Drink it with both heart and soul

Life without love has no meaning
Love is the water of life,
Drink it with both heart and soul.

What does the mystery of hearts look like?
To the abyss, where you will see your end...
You will disappear like a speck of dust in Him,
When you understand why we live here...

Every pain brings healing.
Ask the toughest question! and look...
The beautiful answer will be reborn from within!
Build a ship... and the Ocean will come in an instant!

Your mind is unable to comprehend Nothingness.
Love is a sea of ​​worldly oblivion.
Between the fact that there is power and service - She!
The Lover's Path is an abyss without a bottom...

If you didn't take off, who broke your wings?
And who at that moment you didn’t recognize in yourself...

He who has seen through the Truth knows no compulsion.
He serves Us as the Desire of eternal burning.

This world is like a Tree, but we are
Unripe, growing fruits...

Coming to the Truth! Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise.

Know, constant, who is free from the clock,
A liberated spirit knows no fetters.
And for those who know Time, life is patience.
There is only one way to leave slavery, through frenzy...

He who is naked is afraid to change his clothes,
He who is poor is in a hurry to protect his wealth.
The worldly man owns nothing
Only death explains to him what, why...
The rich man finds out that he has no gold with him,
And the smart one will understand that talent is light...

When you forget about your own self,
That happiness will find you with love.

Sew up your eyes, let your heart become your eye.
And with this eye you will see a different world.

An ignorant person does not see the beauty of a rose, but clings to its thorns.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.

Make friends with smart people, because each other is a fool
Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed
Not weak, ugly and unlucky
There is no need to be afraid of such a death
Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life.
Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

The worst loneliness is to remain among those who do not understand you.

Find the sweetness in your heart
Then you can find the sweetness in everyone's heart.

When wise men teach a fool,
They throw the crops into salt licks,
And no matter how you darn - wider than yesterday,
Tomorrow there will be a hole of nonsense.

Why do you knock on every stranger's door?
Go and knock on the door of your own Heart.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams:
the echo of our scream in the mountains always comes back to us.

A smart person wants to control himself, but a child wants sweets.

Someone asked me: what is this knowledge that I speak of and how to feel the love that I mention.
I answered: if you don’t know, what should I say? And if you know, what should I tell you?

Every loss is a gain. Every gain is a loss.

Your job is not to look for love, but only to look for and find barriers
inside yourself, the very ones that you erected to hide from it.

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to become an animal.
I died like an animal and I became a Man.
What should I be afraid of?
When have I suffered the loss of dying?

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.

So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.

If one day you find yourself in great trouble, do not turn to the Almighty with the words: “Oh Almighty, I am in great trouble.” Tell trouble: “I have a Great Supreme One.”

And as for the thought - from her game
Sometimes entire worlds depend.

I lived on the edge of madness. Wanting to know the reasons, he knocked on the door.
It opened. I was knocking from inside!

What to an ordinary person seems like a stone, but to those who know it is a pearl.

You love yourself, admiring yourself,
You are protected from me by a strong wall,
You yourself are that barrier, you yourself are that barrier.

Without being awake in heart, you and I can hardly
Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.

We drink because we're having fun
We share the flame of fun with our friends.
Crazy people call us crazy
But we are not smitten by madness, but by intoxication.
* * *
You stole the aroma and color from red roses:
I took the color for rosy cheeks, the scent for black braids.
The waters where you wash your face will turn pink.
Spicy musk will waft from loose hair.
* * *
Like Rudaki, I became in love, I see only trouble in life.
My eyelashes turned red: I’m crying blood, I’m delirious.
In short: I’m waiting with such longing and fear of parting,
That I'm burning with jealousy, although I'm not burning in hell.
* * *
I gave my heart cheaply for the right to look at her.
The kiss was not expensive either: I handed my life to the merchant.
However, if my swindler is destined to become a huckster,
Then a clever trader will immediately take away my life for a kiss!
* * *
I know: not all of us are born generous,
But we must thank everyone for their generosity.
Since the Khoja is not to blame for what is unlawful,
Then let me avoid guilt to the extent permitted.
* * *
Following the cruel beauty we followed all the roads,
We walked all over the world in search of a friend in confusion and anxiety.
The hands have become unaccustomed to work, the legs have learned to wander,
They hit me on the head with my hands, my feet were broken on the stones.
* * *
If I collapse lifeless, killed by passion,
And a cry of love will not flow from your open lips,
Darling, sit on the rug and say with a smile:
“How sad! He died, poor thing, unable to bear my insults!”
* * *
Although I was separated from you, I knew bitter suffering,
Suffering is joy if it contains anticipation of a meeting.
I think at night, happy, I repeat: oh God!
If such is the separation from her, then what is the meeting with her!


He who is naked is afraid to change his clothes,
He who is poor is in a hurry to protect his wealth.
The worldly man owns nothing
Only death explains to him what, why...
The rich man finds out that he has no gold with him,
And the smart one will understand that talent is light...
When you forget about your own self,
That happiness will find you with love.
Sew up your eyes, let your heart become your eye.
And with this eye you will see a different world.
An ignorant person does not see the beauty of a rose, but clings to its thorns.
What you are looking for is also looking for you.
Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.
Make friends with smart people, because each other is a fool
Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.
In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed
Not weak, ugly and unlucky
There is no need to be afraid of such a death
Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!

What does the mystery of hearts look like?
To the abyss, where you will see your end...
You will disappear like a speck of dust in Him,
When you understand why we live here...
Every pain brings healing.
Ask the toughest question! and look...
The beautiful answer will be reborn from within!
Build a ship... and the Ocean will come in an instant!
Your mind is unable to comprehend Nothingness.
Love is a sea of ​​worldly oblivion.
Between the fact that there is power and service - She!
The Lover's Path is an abyss without a bottom...
If you didn't take off, who broke your wings?
And who at that moment you didn’t recognize in yourself...
He who has seen through the Truth knows no compulsion.
He serves Us as the Desire of eternal burning.
This world is like a Tree, but we are
Unripe, growing fruits...
Coming to the Truth! Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise.
Know, constant, who is free from the clock,
A liberated spirit knows no fetters.
And for those who know Time, life is patience.
There is only one way to leave slavery, through frenzy...

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life.
Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

The worst loneliness is to remain among those who do not understand you.

There is a voice that does not use words. Listen.
Find the sweetness in your heart
Then you can find the sweetness in everyone's heart.
When wise men teach a fool,
They throw the crops into salt licks,
And no matter how you darn - wider than yesterday,
Tomorrow there will be a hole of nonsense.
Why do you knock on every stranger's door?
Go and knock on the door of your own Heart.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams:
the echo of our scream in the mountains always comes back to us.
A smart person wants to control himself, but a child wants sweets.

Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.
Someone asked me: what is this knowledge that I speak of and how to feel the love that I mention.
I answered: if you don’t know, what should I say? And if you know, what should I tell you?
Every loss is a gain. Every gain is a loss.
Your job is not to look for love, but only to look for and find barriers
inside yourself, the very ones that you erected to hide from it.
I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to become an animal.
I died like an animal and I became a Man.
What should I be afraid of?
When have I suffered the loss of dying?
Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.
So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.
If one day you find yourself in great trouble, do not turn to the Almighty with the words: “Oh Almighty, I am in great trouble.” Tell trouble: “I have a Great Supreme One.”

And as for the thought - from her game
Sometimes entire worlds depend.
What seems like a stone to an ordinary person is a pearl to someone who knows.
You love yourself, admiring yourself,
You are protected from me by a strong wall,
You yourself are that barrier, you yourself are that barrier.
Without being awake in heart, you and I can hardly
Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.


Truthfulness of speech is good and smoothness,
But how beautiful is the brevity of truthful words.

Words can prevent death
Words can bring the dead to life.

Know that everything good and everything bad is given from God on High,
So call the good good, and call the bad bad.
If you make mistakes and call bad things good,
The moment is not far off when you, my dear friend, will call good evil.

Mortal people consider their vile actions worthy, they imagine their obscene children as good-natured, like poets who compose bad poetry. After all, these are their brainchildren - both children and poems. Whether they are good or bad, they seem good to their creator. Reasonable people don’t act like that, they don’t exaggerate or diminish anything, everything is in natural form perceive. Mesnevi:
If the word brings shame to anyone,
Is it necessary for your mouth to say it?
Keep silent, and your friend will not be in debt,
Leave this enemy business to the enemy.

One strives for only one thing, just to quench his anger,
And the other has a selfish goal - he wants to get benefits for himself.
And if you don’t meet them halfway in all their desires,
One will become your sworn enemy, the other your detractor.

The evil person with a sour face is unhappy, no matter what he does, it will always be bad. His character is an enemy who shames him, it is a cruel enemy who crushes him. A good-natured person with a smile on his face, who avoids quarrels and troubles, achieves earthly blessings and heavenly paradise.
His joyful face is dear to people, people admire his words. He conquers hearts with his humanity and captivates souls with his love for humanity. Both foe and friend are happy with him, may no illness visit him in life.

An ignoramus is an ass, even worse than him, because you can take him anywhere and load anything on him. The donkey does not pretend to be superior and witty, he is always humble, whether you give him food or not. He is a pack slave, but he is a mighty worker.
An ignorant person does not have the qualities of a donkey; his soul has acquired evil properties. He is proud and arrogant, and has hundreds of depraved dreams in his head. He harbors hundreds of thoughts harmful to people in his soul; people can expect thousands of troubles from him. The cry of a donkey is unpleasant to hear, but there are no other vices in it. He brings flour to your home from the mill, and so that you can make food from it, he brings you firewood. He is always ready to work. An ignorant person will be angry if you call him a donkey, and a donkey does not respond with anger to any words.

When deception is hidden in words, it seems bad to us,
And only a sage, when composing poetry, makes deception good.

Speech without eloquence may not be beautiful, but it is quite enough if it is decorated with truth. The more red the liar’s speech, the clearer his abomination becomes. The truthful one, although his speech will be unceremonious, will not regret the simplicity of his expressions. A rose is beautiful even in torn clothes, a pearl in an ugly shell is beautiful.

Anyone who is not aware of himself in speech makes mistakes in his deeds. Anyone who talks nonsense later repents.

The one who seeks vices in others is vicious; the one who tells others about them is unfortunate. The one who sees the good in people, notices the merits of people, is the owner of correct vision and pure eyes. He who has a darkened mind speaks incoherently. From those who are mentally healthy, we hear many wonderful words.

Truthful speech is impressive, short speech is captivating. The one who talks for a long time becomes boring; the one who repeats the same thing over and over again is stupid.

The word will show us what is in the heart of the one who speaks.
Who is wise
He finds out what is stored in the treasury - pure pearls or mother-of-pearl.
Language is a spiritual treasury lock, and the word is the key to this lock.
Anyone who is about to lie goes astray from the path of caution and prudence. Every word that is untruthful is not accepted by truthful people. A liar can deceive people once or twice, but no one will believe his words after he is disgraced by his lies.
The one who spreads gossip from one person to another takes upon himself the absolved sins of people. Denunciation is undesirable even about what actually exists, but what to say about it if it is false.
Anyone who connects his false word with someone smears his black face with oil. A lie is a grave sin, even if it is insignificant, because poison, even when it is small, is destructive.
Even if there is very little poison, the danger from it is not small,
The point of the needle is thin, yet the sharp needle is blinding.
Speech has many varieties, but the worst of all is lying. Anyone who kills time for the sake of a lie does not regret it, he even turns up his nose. If he finds a naive listener who accepts his lies as the truth, this delights him. He is the worst of God's servants; he will be ashamed by both God and people. Since such an unfortunate person has his face turned towards evil, he leaves the house of happiness.

super surprising! ...

What can you find in the ancient Castle?

Each tower of this Castle contains one book from one Author about Time...

In the farthest turret on the right we found the book "Chronos"...

Here is a small fragment from it...

Everyone wants to learn something new and even apply it. Otherwise why do people live, move,

think? We are all driven by Desire. Desire is the feeling of Time, realized by the mind or

mind, consciousness or subconscious thanks to material manifestation. Let me remind you how

Rumi expressed this idea beautifully:

Full of indescribable desire O!

It opened its lips for the birth of the Word.

This is how the world was created, its first principle!

It will be like this in the future, and it was so long ago...

Any pain brings healing to itself.

Ask the hardest questions! and look...

The beautiful answer will be reborn from within,

Build a ship...and the Ocean will come in an instant!

Let me note that the Main Desire that governs all worlds is called God

or the Absolute. It is unknowable and unprovable, but quasi-exists in Nowhere, since the worlds

exist thanks to Him, the unity of opposites. Monad "cause-effect" or

“existence - non-existence” can have different dimensions and manifestations. This is where

consists of the diversity of the phenomena we observe. Please note that the different dimensions

brings into existence size and dimension, which means Number and Property (essence), and

manifestation causes about or subsequent phenomena. And the carrier means the One who carries

existence. Beautiful meanings of words familiar to everyone, aren’t they...

C hronos - time, Chronos - god of Time

There is value that O and above all.

More expensive than wealth, more beautiful than flowers! of charge forever...

It's Time for Life!

Let's spend what...

For reasons

Time is a Mystery...

Mystery attracts the mind...

The unknown makes you know...


Unquenchable Desire!

What could be stronger than You?

You are the essence and mystery of the universe,

The whole Earth breathes with you!

Inexplicable languor -

That feeling from inside,

Where aspiration awakens

Inhale, see, find!

And to feel higher, to dare.

Reach the limit, hear before

And have time to fully understand everything!

Uncontrolled currents

Magnetic fields, those that are in us,

They dictate their lessons to us,

So that one day the hour will come...

Unquenchable Desire!

No body, no mind - soul!

Understanding matures in her...

Time demands - do it!


The world is our unique idea of ​​the world, the movement of our common sensations, thoughts,tel... Indeed, peace for the sea mollusk and peace for the mosquito, peace for the lion and peace for man... the world of demons (astral) and the world of geniuses (mental)... are completely different in perception. They do not exclude, but endlessly complement each other. There is no equal to the observer and observed object. The objective world is the world of the object perceived by the observer or subject, although the subject may be not only the human mind, but an association of minds, the noosphere of the planet, stars, ahasphere and so on...

So, here is the usual, somewhat elevated perception of the Time of the world, therefore...

The deep boat floats through life,

And in it is an invisible secret,

Where the juices of life ripen,

The answer is hidden in their being...

Passionate waves are raging around:

Unknown worlds to us,

Either calm or windy storms,

A flicker of light in the depths of darkness.

The shuttle rocks will not break,

In his own world he is alone.

There are no islands where there are berths,

There is nothing. But... there is a Source.

Istokdar And that answer is desired, but imagine it, behold,

Then you will receive what you have been waiting for,

Your first glimpse of dawn...

We all sail, alas, separately, although the ties with loved ones are strong.

Everything that appeared here is ultimate, within it there are sprouts of infinity.

Modern physics (in the words of the poet) believes that the border of the gravitational world and

anti-gravity "space" is the nuclear layer of light magnetic flux.

Light propagates along the magnetic meridians of gravitational contraction. Perhaps

the speed of light is the boundary of the gravitational world of the flow perceived by us

Time. In the light of the theory of the Terrestrial Monochord, developed in the sixth century BC

era by the great Pythagoras, this border is located in " plane spiritual sun"

called the Sphere Equality. It is logical to call this Sphere generally accepted in our time

wordmonad. Pythagoras called the monad God. At every time people's perception

various... for example:


B-infinity O-inverse G-gravity

Around Time Thought creates,

Decorating the universes with grace,

And gives spiritual wealth.

God is the creative Mind,

God is the infinity spectrum.

Ultra-sensitive pulse from plasma,

From the emerging wind.

B-infinity O-brother G-nev,

B-timeless O-blichnm in G-ods,

Creator of the Mother Queen,

Preserving feelings for centuries.

The great initiate Pythagoras, who gave the world the Teaching of the highest spirituality, healing

the practice of integrity of worldview, ethics, philosophy and many exact sciences, taught

cosmic past and future of people, saying that humanity came from other planets,

where the material substance is different. Other sages of other times also speak about this,

sacred texts, legends and tales of the peoples of the world. This coincidence is not accidental, but

Time... until the Time of maturity, the mind hides this secret...


Among the Oceans of wonderful thoughts,

Among countless worlds,

Among the radiance of brief truths...

I'm going deep into the seven winds...

There, where their source lurks,

Where the moment speaks with its wings,

Sensitive currents - birds

They pour from the point. It’s boiling there...

Compressed Time-Morning:

Divine desires surge,

And plasma fiery twists,

The birth of peace and miracles...

All creating Forces of invisible fields in one

The universal field... they returned me to the windy house.

And I came in... through my breath!

I was inspired by Everything - Nothing...

I dissolved into understanding myself in everything...

But even so... Who

There was One whose breath was deep

Showed to me in its entirety

Countless life-currents,

To whom do I pray with all my heart?

Among the radiance of brief truths, among the collapsing stars,

The sounds of a choir of past lives.

My God...lifted up with living water...

The persistent state of the world is caused by the inertia of opposite, that is, mirror moving masses. Based on the hypothesis of an expanding visible universe, it can be assumed that the expansion corresponds to an equivalent, mirror compression of the universe invisible to us, as well as evolution (visible) bodies correspond to the simultaneous involution of the (invisible) spirit, as unity opposites (yin-yang) in the monad. It is important to note that these two movements: rotation (of different signs) and removal (convergence), in essence, are an expression of expansion energy and simultaneous compression under the conditions of the flow of time and anti-time. Persistent state The hypothetical “point Daat” corresponds to... the absence of the passage of time.


When one short thought broke into the abyss of meaning,

What playfully gives to life, like a galactic whim,

Giving birth to a world of wonderful Universes, where the Mind is looking for a sage

In the noisy material waves, calling on the eternity of the Creator...

Then...Harmony...Explosion A lass!

And ringing with asymmetry,

Surprised by a short thought, the stewing at the point was interrupted...

And, as if Eve had ordered, for a little whim, “I want”

And only at the point did she promise to return that thought to the beam again.

And Reason, like a drop from the Ocean, became proud and rebelled.

And the Archetype is like a three piano,

He splashed it into thought forms.

I began to expect fruit from the tree

On galactic branches.

The world has invested in the energy sphere,

And the key... lost through the centuries...

And something happened to Time:

Paradoxical ring

Iso-one-dimensionality has spilled

To the Milky Way, like milk...

And Star Trek, breaking the law,

He began to multiply, sin, create,

And Chronos, released from bondage,

He began to take revenge on the gods - the heirs...

He gave them a thirst for power,

Having interrupted the return to Harmony...

This is where the source of all misfortunes and endless gates of hell are.

And the paradise to which the world strives for its goodness,

It is in the abyss of meaning, there is no way to get to it, bypassing the Daat point.

"The worlds are heading towards destruction..."

Of course, yes...Worlds are not Spirit!

There is only one way - to change,

And break the vicious circle!

According to the Kabbalists, the Universe is divided into four worlds, each of which consists of ten

spheres Their location and relationship with each other are determined by the Tree of Sephiroth,

depicted by the mirror-material Tree. The creative force of the First World is Will,

Divine Cause. In the second world - hypothetical DAAT - the Word emanating from

Divine Thought.

* - Time is the Old Russian word “time”, the Common Slavic word is “time” or “vertmya”, the Indo-European “vartman”, which means “rut”, “wheel mark”.


Co-creation means co-creation, the combination of creative efforts of people or others

entities. Otherwise, no creative action can manifest itself. Even this book is about

time serves as proof of this. The time of creativity comes when the soul

open to Heaven, harmony, when her memories come true...

Our meeting requires... parting.

So the time of ripening must

Sprout your grain from the darkness

For the future light of Awareness.

One turn comes after another,

And feelings fly away like birds of things,

And the grapes ripen,

And the heart... lights up like a star.

There is no law for our farewell,

That Time will tell you not to go,

But there is a law for a bright path.

The path of farewell is not familiar to him.

When we part, true friend,

Let's transform the circle of life into a spiral.

Philosophy of reasons

The reason for any movement (time) is the presence of the opposite, that is, peace. If soon

movement can be relative, then rest can also be relative. But! Kohl

there is a relativity of movement and rest, then there must be Something absolute movement

and peace. I believe absolute peace is the absence of manifestations of time - space, and

I believe absolute motion is an integral of the manifestation of all times and spaces. Both

absolute essences are indivisible, do not have internal duality and are united in One, then

there form the primary potential duality of the Absolute, Monad, Unity.


The reason for misunderstanding is the existence of understanding. The Relativity of Misunderstanding and Understanding

presuppose the existence of their absolute.


The cause of time is timelessness, that is, the absence of time for a temporary observer or the absence

the temporary observer himself. The reason for the existence of the observer is his non-existence. So

"proof" of the Absolute. But, as can be seen from all of the above, the basis of all evidence

I use the duality of the original worlds alone, and I use ordinary logic, like

a tool that carves a certain logical pattern of meaning into the stone of illogicality.


Everything that the mind can imagine, even the unthinkable state of thoughtlessness, can be

characterized by the duration of the condition, the lifespan of a certain quality. Therefore,

time (duration) appears with the emergence of any quality. And quality comes with

the emergence of someone who perceives this quality, that is, a pair: a qualitative object (or

thought) and the observer (reflecting the thought in the mind). Everything appears initially in duality.

The interaction of the original duality occurs in one, therefore already

the act of creation is actualized, giving rise to all the countless diversity. But all the diversity of everyone

multiple relationships exist simultaneously, in the unity of timelessness.

Ah, thought, you will never tire of pretending,

Wanting to achieve a goal and clarity of vision.

So be more beautiful than your young outfit

Spring foliage, let me not enjoy...

By you!

Lady of the heart!

You rush around, creating the colors of the world

And the forms of the invisible ether,

You reign, you make us turn around

Around the center!

Around the one Creator.

Sorceress, pour the wine glass fuller,

And you will go straight to the heart of an Aquarius,

So that the drunken mind forgets the porch


Give him some more joy,

Oh, my thought, let Veriton be with you,

Like God, who was burned by fire Chronos is permanent and wise

Chaos, a gaping abyss of anticipation...

Chaos from Chronos, the Essence of the Universe:

Tartarus is gloomy and Niktu showed Black-breasted.

Nikta-GoddessNight And, called Eurynoma,

She rose from the Chaos of existence and shouted:

- There is nothing to rely on, the end and the beginning

Not surrounded by a naked couple...

There she dismembered Chaos itself into pieces,

Gaia, having created a full-breasted figure, followed by Uranus,

To cover her everywhere with the wave of the Ocean

The starry world, and a lot of noisy participation.

In the dance She moved from the cold to the heat,

Admiring the waves of Pontal.

The wind arose, generated by this game,

He was suitable for creation and she liked him.

Turning around, she caught the cold wind,

Squeeze your palms, warming them a little,

Immediately there arose the Great Serpent-the Whole Eye,

The serpent Ophion looked at the state.

Passionately wanting to warm up, Eurynoma hurries

Speed ​​up the dance, boiling into a frantic dance.

In an instant in Ophion, captured by a mighty desire,

Passion manifested itself in response with the force of a groan.

The loins are divine, the Snake embraced and entwined them,

To enjoy the desire to possess me

Miraculously, Nikta Blackwing and dance take off.

A reciprocal desire immediately flared up within Her.

The night conceived a Child unknown to the world,

Next, having already turned into the Sea Dove,

The womb of Erebus sat down in waves,

And the World Egg laid from Herself!

The silver light shone, overshadowing the Egg!

The seven wind flew away, as Nikta asked,

And he went down to hatch the hatchling.

Time passed - It split into two parts.

Thus appeared Eros, who is called Fanet!

The most beautiful and brave of the host of Gods.

Wings are golden, bisexual, appear He could

In the images of different...initial Minutes.

In the image Zeus created spring, and then


Autumn created Ophion with a similar phenomenon,

IDionis-Zagreem closed the world with a lock.


Greatest Kron, immortal progenitor of the worlds!

Cunning, all-powerful Titan, unbendingly impassive,

You destroy yourself and create again beautifully

What he destroyed, making sure the passage of time was correct!

Your unbreakable threads converge

The whole Universe, oh, Kron, loudly and eloquently!

The ancestor of events of great significance,

Hear our prayers ahead of events.

You are awarded beauty, which is unusual for the people

The lower worlds, oh divine Providence of the sky.

Oh, cunning one, weaken the attraction of captivity

His chain, strengthening the earth's rock.

(full text of the hymns on the website - Hymns of Orpheus)

Life without love has no meaning
Love is the water of life,
Drink it with both heart and soul.

What does the mystery of hearts look like?
To the abyss, where you will see your end...
You will disappear like a speck of dust in Him,
When you understand why we live here...

Every pain brings healing.
Ask the toughest question! and look...
The beautiful answer will be reborn from within!
Build a ship... and the Ocean will come in an instant!

Your mind is unable to comprehend Nothingness.
Love is a sea of ​​worldly oblivion.
Between the fact that there is power and service - She!
The Lover's Path is an abyss without a bottom...

If you didn't take off, who broke your wings?
And who at that moment you didn’t recognize in yourself...

He who has seen through the Truth knows no compulsion.
He serves Us as the Desire of eternal burning.

This world is like a Tree, but we are
Unripe, growing fruits...

Coming to the Truth! Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise.

Know, constant, who is free from the clock,
A liberated spirit knows no fetters.
And for those who know Time, life is patience.
There is only one way to leave slavery, through frenzy...

He who is naked is afraid to change his clothes,
He who is poor is in a hurry to protect his wealth.
The worldly man owns nothing
Only death explains to him what, why...
The rich man finds out that he has no gold with him,
And the smart one will understand that talent is light...

When you forget about your own self,
That happiness will find you with love.

Sew up your eyes, let your heart become your eye.
And with this eye you will see a different world.

An ignorant person does not see the beauty of a rose, but clings to its thorns.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.

Make friends with smart people, because each other is a fool
Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed
Not weak, ugly and unlucky
There is no need to be afraid of such a death
Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life.
Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

The worst loneliness is to remain among those who do not understand you.

Find the sweetness in your heart
Then you can find the sweetness in everyone's heart.

When wise men teach a fool,
They throw the crops into salt licks,
And no matter how you darn - wider than yesterday,
Tomorrow there will be a hole of nonsense.

Why do you knock on every stranger's door?
Go and knock on the door of your own Heart.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams:
the echo of our scream in the mountains always comes back to us.

A smart person wants to control himself, but a child wants sweets.

Someone asked me: what is this knowledge that I speak of and how to feel the love that I mention.
I answered: if you don’t know, what should I say? And if you know, what should I tell you?

Every loss is a gain. Every gain is a loss.

Your job is not to look for love, but only to look for and find barriers
inside yourself, the very ones that you erected to hide from it.

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to become an animal.
I died like an animal and I became a Man.
What should I be afraid of?
When have I suffered the loss of dying?

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.

So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.

If one day you find yourself in great trouble, do not turn to the Almighty with the words: “Oh Almighty, I am in great trouble.” Tell trouble: “I have a Great Supreme One.”

And as for the thought - from her game
Sometimes entire worlds depend.

I lived on the edge of madness. Wanting to know the reasons, he knocked on the door.
It opened. I was knocking from inside!

What seems like a stone to an ordinary person is a pearl to someone who knows.

You love yourself, admiring yourself,
You are protected from me by a strong wall,
You yourself are that barrier, you yourself are that barrier.

Without being awake in heart, you and I can hardly
Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.

Jalaluddin Rumi

Life without love has no meaning
Love is the water of life,
Drink it with both heart and soul.

What does the mystery of hearts look like?
To the abyss, where you will see your end...
You will disappear like a speck of dust in Him,
When you understand why we live here...

Every pain brings healing.
Ask the toughest question! and look...
The beautiful answer will be reborn from within!
Build a ship... and the Ocean will come in an instant!

Your mind is unable to comprehend Nothingness.
Love is a sea of ​​worldly oblivion.
Between the fact that there is power and service - She!
The Lover's Path is an abyss without a bottom...

If you didn't take off, who broke your wings?
And who at that moment you didn’t recognize in yourself...

He who has seen through the Truth knows no compulsion.
He serves Us as the Desire of eternal burning.

This world is like a Tree, but we are
Unripe, growing fruits...

Coming to the Truth! Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise.

Know, constant, who is free from the clock,
A liberated spirit knows no fetters.
And for those who know Time, life is patience.
There is only one way to leave slavery, through frenzy...

He who is naked is afraid to change his clothes,
He who is poor is in a hurry to protect his wealth.
The worldly man owns nothing
Only death explains to him what, why...
The rich man finds out that he has no gold with him,
And the smart one will understand that talent is light...

When you forget about your own self,
That happiness will find you with love.

Sew up your eyes, let your heart become your eye.
And with this eye you will see a different world.

An ignorant person does not see the beauty of a rose, but clings to its thorns.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.

Make friends with smart people, because each other is a fool
Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed
Not weak, ugly and unlucky
There is no need to be afraid of such a death
Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life.
Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

The worst loneliness is to remain among those who do not understand you.

Find the sweetness in your heart
Then you can find the sweetness in everyone's heart.

When wise men teach a fool,
They throw the crops into salt licks,
And no matter how you darn - wider than yesterday,
Tomorrow there will be a hole of nonsense.

Why do you knock on every stranger's door?
Go and knock on the door of your own Heart.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams:
the echo of our scream in the mountains always comes back to us.

A smart person wants to control himself, but a child wants sweets.

Someone asked me: what is this knowledge that I speak of and how to feel the love that I mention.
I answered: if you don’t know, what should I say? And if you know, what should I tell you?

Every loss is a gain. Every gain is a loss.

Your job is not to look for love, but only to look for and find barriers
inside yourself, the very ones that you erected to hide from it.

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to become an animal.
I died like an animal and I became a Man.
What should I be afraid of?
When have I suffered the loss of dying?

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.

So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.

If one day you find yourself in great trouble, do not turn to the Almighty with the words: “Oh Almighty, I am in great trouble.” Tell trouble: “I have a Great Supreme One.”

And as for the thought - from her game
Sometimes entire worlds depend.

I lived on the edge of madness. Wanting to know the reasons, he knocked on the door.
It opened. I was knocking from inside!

What seems like a stone to an ordinary person is a pearl to someone who knows.

You love yourself, admiring yourself,
You are protected from me by a strong wall,
You yourself are that barrier, you yourself are that barrier.

Without being awake in heart, you and I can hardly
Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.

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