Loose stools in a parrot. Loose stools in a budgerigar, what to do? Why does vomiting and diarrhea occur in parrots?

Liquid diarrhea budgerigar means serious problems with his health. During such an upset stomach, the bird spends most of its time sitting in one position, may refuse to eat, and looks lethargic. Any of these signs can be either a consequence of a nervous breakdown in a pet or indicate the onset of a disease. In this article we will look at what exactly causes diarrhea in birds and how to treat it.

Diarrhea in a wavy pet is quite frequent droppings, mostly of the liquid type. Liquid droppings can be either green or with blood clots. Sometimes the discharge may turn gray. This happens when the well-coordinated functioning of the bird’s gastrointestinal tract malfunctions.

Diarrhea is not considered independent. Its appearance is just a prerequisite for the onset of some disease. For example, diarrhea can be caused by two stomach diseases, which have similar causes of occurrence:

  • diarrhea;
  • polyuria.

Loose stool in a budgie means it has diarrhea. With polyuria, the droppings retain their shape, but are accompanied by watery discharge. The occurrence of one of these two diseases also means the beginning of the development of various avian pathologies. If you do not pay attention to such problems in your pet, liver or kidney disease may develop. This often leads to.

Bird behavior when stool is disrupted

If a budgerigar has diarrhea, then it will appearance change noticeably. Instead of daily activity, the pet spends most of its time in one position, either at the bottom of the cage or on a perch, without reacting to the outside world. He often sleeps when he should be awake, does not make sounds, and does not fly. The bird may refuse food, and if it does eat, it will be very little. Sometimes she has half-digested food.

When diarrhea occurs, the parrot looks untidy. His ruffled feathers and internal discomfort caused by an upset stomach give him a ruffled appearance. Upon closer examination, it is clear that the bird's cloaca is severely inflamed, as evidenced by the painful red color of its tissues. And the plumage around is very dirty.

Due to prolonged diarrhea, the budgie begins to rapidly lose weight. Since the plumage does not allow the owner to determine how much weight the pet has lost, it must be palpated. Especially the chest. In this place there is a growth - the keel bone. In a bird that has been sick for a long time, it will stick out strongly, while in a healthy bird it will barely be palpable.

Causes of diarrhea


Any stressful situation can cause diarrhea in a “wavy”. As a rule, a sudden change of environment radically affects not only the mental state of the pet, but also the physical one. Moving to a new home is a huge stress for a bird. Because of her worries, she may become very nervous. This provokes disruptions in her gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to a change of residence, an upset stomach in a pet can be caused by any sudden noise that appears, for example, when the TV or stereo is suddenly turned on. The noisy arrival of guests, the unexpected jump of a cat, the barking of a dog, the sounds of repairs - all this sometimes frightens the parrot so much that its body immediately responds to the fright with diarrhea.

Sometimes a pet's diarrhea may begin due to a quarrel with a neighbor. Especially if he was recently added. Despite the fact that budgerigars are flocking birds, a new neighbor is not always friendly. May work individual characteristics character, in this case the new pet begins to fight for territory. And then the former owner of the cell experiences enormous stress.


If a budgie eats something spoiled or containing toxic substances, diarrhea cannot be avoided. Poisoning is possible if your pet consumes the following:

  • house plants;
  • liquids for washing floors or dishes;
  • sour sprouted grain;
  • sour soaked grain mixture;
  • grains spoiled by mold or bacteria;
  • a lot of greenery;
  • rotten vegetables, fruits or berries;
  • food or drinks from the host's table;
  • stale or dirty water.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor not only the quality and freshness, but also what a parrot can chew while on a walk in the owner’s apartment. Without supervision, the bird is capable of eating anything. This could not only upset her stomach, but could also lead to death.

Infections, diseases, inflammations

A budgie may have loose droppings if it has picked up some kind of infection from a sick bird. Also, as mentioned above, many avian diseases begin with diarrhea. For example, a similar phenomenon can be caused by a cold that appears due to the fact that the cage with the parrot is hanging in a draft or the room where the pet lives is very cold - much below twenty-five degrees.

Diseases of vital organs in a parrot, such as kidney, liver or intestinal diseases, begin with a disorder of its gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea.

If a bird has an inflamed goiter (a sac-like expansion of the esophagus on the right side of the chest), then undigested or already spoiled food enters the stomach. As a result, at the exit it turns into either liquid droppings or watery discharge with undigested pieces of food.

Other reasons

Also, diarrhea in a “wavy” can begin in the following cases:

If your budgie has diarrhea, immediate treatment is necessary. When this condition lasts more than a day in a pet, there is a great threat to both the health of the bird and its life.

For example, indigestion for too long causes the cloacal sphincter muscles to become stretched and may eventually prolapse. Gradually, the fallen part dries out, causing itching in the bird. If the parrot begins to peck at it, trying to get rid of discomfort, then these movements will cause bleeding and quick death.

Cleaning and necessary conditions

Treatment should begin with basic hygiene procedure. First of all, you need to wash the cloaca and soiled plumage of the bird with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion. This is followed by a thorough review of its contents. Everything that is possible is disinfected with steam, the rest with a soap solution. After this, the solution must be washed off with clean water, all objects are dried, and new bedding is laid on the bottom of the cage.

A clean parrot is placed in a clean cage and hung in a quiet, calm place. An optimal microclimate is created around: humidity about sixty percent, twenty-five degrees, no drafts. If the bird gets chills, it needs to be warmed up using a forty-watt lamp.

Basic methods of healing

Completely change the bird's diet - no fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, or berries for now. It is best to initially give your parrot empty rice porridge cooked in water. Drinking water must be clean - it must be changed as often as possible. You can add a decoction of chamomile, blueberries or St. John's wort to it. Remember - such decoctions should not sit in the cage for more than three hours. After this time they deteriorate.

After this, treatment must be continued with medications such as Smecta or activated carbon. Powder or crushed tablet (half a gram per bird) of charcoal is added once a day to slightly moistened food. By the way, you need to throw out all the old food and buy new one, preferably in a sealed package.

You can also use the drug "Gamavit", adding it to water at the rate of half a milligram of medicine per fifty milliliters of clean water. The course lasts at least a week. Dry bacteria will also help in treatment, helping to restore intestinal microflora. For example, budgerigars are given Vetom 1.1 or Lactobifadol according to the attached instructions.

If none of the above helps and the budgerigar’s diarrhea still does not go away, then the bird has big problems with health. Especially if she started vomiting. In this case, she needs an urgent examination by a veterinarian. After passing the bird's tests, the doctor will be able to find out the cause of the pet's stomach upset and prescribe treatment.

Difficulty defecating

Constipation in a budgie does not occur as often as diarrhea. The cause of such a gastrointestinal disorder in a pet may be feeding low-quality or expired food, mainly stale grains or foods high in fat.

When constipated, the pet looks depressed. He may beat his tail and squeak pitifully, indicating with such actions that he is experiencing some discomfort during bowel movements. If you look at bird droppings, you can see that it consists of a very dense substance, the volume of which is larger than usual.

To cure constipation in a budgie, you must first throw out the old food and buy a new one, which will contain at least two to four percent flaxseed.

Then you need to drip Vaseline or castor oil directly into your pet’s beak. For convenience, it is best to use a pipette. About three to four drops per day will be sufficient. If treatment does not help, you can inject a small amount of one of these oils directly into the bird's cloaca using the same pipette or syringe, after removing the needle from it.

If nothing helps your parrot, you should consult a veterinarian for advice.

Has your parrot had problems with bowel movements?

Sometimes our feathered pets reduce their activity and look far from cheerful. The reason for this bad mood may be an upset stomach in the parrot, and as a result, diarrhea.

This condition is quite dangerous and in rare cases can cause the death of a pet. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the behavior of the parrot and carry out timely prevention of the disease.

If prevention does not help, then in order to avoid adverse consequences, it is worth showing it to a veterinarian, who can determine both the causes of the disease and prevent its further development.

In any case, the presence of too loose stool in a parrot should serve as a signal for the owner to take immediate action. Which ones? This will be discussed below.

Possible reasons

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of the intestines, liver and kidneys.
  • Food poisoning: stale water, sour grain, dirty food, excess greens, rotten fruit.
  • Lack of millet grains in the diet.
  • Goiter inflammation.
  • Treatment with antibiotics.
  • Drafts at the location of the cage.
  • Stressful situations: fighting with a cagemate, severe fear and change of environment.

Actions for diarrhea in a parrot

  1. First of all, you need to decide what the parrot is susceptible to. These bowel movements may not be caused by diarrhea, but by polyuria. It is easy to distinguish by looking at the excrement, since diarrhea is a soft, shapeless mass. Whereas in polyuria, the excrement retains a solid, uniform shape with some watery discharge.
  2. Oddly enough, the cause of diarrhea in a pet parrot can be simple noise or loud music. If it is impossible to get rid of the noise, then it is worth moving his cage to a fairly quiet place, you can temporarily transport him to friends or relatives. This way you can clearly see whether noise is the root cause of the disease. If it is not possible to transport your pet or eliminate the noise, you can create background noise that will have a calming effect on the parrot. Classical music, the sounds of the sea or the cries of birds are perfect for this.
  3. The cage should be cleaned well and covered with clean paper. Under no circumstances should you save the remains of the previous food, which may contain bacteria that cause diarrhea.
  4. If your pet has consumed fruit, you should reduce the amount of fruit or remove it from the diet altogether for a while. Perhaps the cause of diarrhea was a rotting fruit or a spoiled product that inadvertently got into the parrot's food.
  5. If some time ago the parrot was treated for other diseases and was prescribed antibiotics or other medications, then it was against their background that diarrhea developed.
  6. One of the most common causes of diarrhea in parrots is a lack of calcium in their body. If the pet refuses to peck at the calcium bar, then it should be crushed and added to the food. Some people specially soften eggshells in a coffee grinder and add a small amount to food and drink.
  7. Do not forget that during any illness the parrot feels unwell and often experiences chills. To make his conditions of stay during recovery more comfortable, and the treatment to bring tangible benefits, it is necessary to warm up the bird’s cage. To do this, install a not very bright lamp, with a power of no more than 60 watts, at a distance of half a meter from the cage. The lamp should be turned on for three to four hours during the day. This can not only warm the parrot, but also kill pathogens. Warming cannot be done, only in cases of blood admixtures in the droppings.
  8. The drug “Gamavit” has a good healing effect on diarrhea. It must be added to the drinking bowl in the amount of 0.5 milligrams of the drug per 50 milligrams of water. If you want to achieve quick results, you can drop 4 drops directly into the beak with a pipette. And even if all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, it is worth finishing the course of treatment with the drug, which lasts 7 days.
  9. Dry bacteria that heal the intestinal microflora also have a good effect on the body of a feathered pet. The most reliable drug is Vetom 1.1. It must be given twice a day by adding one drop to the parrot's water bowl. The course of treatment should be continued for seven days.
  10. When all of the above measures have not had any positive effect on the pet’s health, then you should show it to a veterinarian, who will conduct a more thorough study and identify the real cause of the diarrhea. Since in this case, the pet’s health problems can be much more serious.

Most often, pet birds get sick due to lack of proper care. In order for your pet to feel good, you must follow all the rules for keeping it. Make sure that the light and temperature conditions are observed, it is very important to purchase only high-quality food, and also ensure that the wavy’s diet contains all the necessary vitamins. It is imperative to thoroughly clean the cage and regularly wash the drinking bowls well so that germs do not appear there. Pay attention to the presence of unwanted odors, substances, and plants. One of the most common problems is loose stool in a budgie; it is important to know what to do in this case, what are the causes and treatment of this disease.

It is important to establish the reason why your budgie has loose stools. Sometimes more serious illnesses can manifest as diarrhea. In addition, loose stools in a budgerigar can be of different types, and treatment is different. Take a closer look at your pet's stool. If the excrement is watery, but has a clear shape, then it is polyuria. If they are soft and shapeless, then it is diarrhea.

With diarrhea, the wavy, as a rule, refuses food, becomes lethargic, silent, dirty feathers can be seen under the tail, and the cloaca is inflamed. If this goes on long enough, your budgie may lose weight. At visual inspection it may not be too noticeable. Gently pick up your budgie and feel its keel bone. U healthy bird it protrudes only slightly. If it protrudes quite strongly, then this indicates that the budgerigar has had loose stools for several days, and this has led to dehydration of the bird’s body.

The most common cause of diarrhea in a parrot is poor quality food. It may contain unwanted microorganisms. Also, the cause may be a large number of grains or sour water. If millet is not included in the diet for several days, he may develop diarrhea. If you observe loose stools in your budgie, the first thing to do is to thoroughly wash the drinkers and feeders and buy new food.

Lack of calcium can also cause diarrhea. If your budgerigar has loose stools for this reason, then treatment involves introducing special vitamin supplements into the diet; you can add crushed eggshells to the food. Make sure that plants, foods from your table, sprays, deodorants and other similar products that are poisonous to it do not enter the wavy’s body.

Another reason why your budgie has loose stools could be stress. Each bird's body reacts differently, and diarrhea also occurs. Stress can be caused by moving, severe nervous shock, the appearance of other pets in the house, or lack of attention to the wavy. If loose stool in a budgerigar is caused by stress, what should you do? Find out the cause of your pet’s worries in order to eliminate it in time. If this is a change of environment, then the bird will need a couple of days to adapt. If stress is caused by the presence of another animal, isolate it from the parrot. If your pet suffers from lack of attention, try to spend more time with him, talk calmly and affectionately.

An unexpected reason why a budgie has loose stools is a draft. If a bird is in uncomfortable conditions and is constantly exposed to cold air, then its body’s defenses are reduced. With reduced immunity, even the smallest microbe or virus is enough to make the bird sick.

A budgerigar has loose stools, what should the owner do?

You need to start by cleaning the parrot's feathers; you can gently wipe them with a damp cloth or towel. If your pet is not afraid of water, you can give him a bath. Be sure to thoroughly wash and disinfect the cage, all dishes and toys. Only let the bird into an already dry and ventilated cage.

Ensure compliance temperature regime. A sick bird is weakened and may lack own strength to warm her body, so make sure she is warm and comfortable. You can warm up the cage several times a day with a 60 W lamp (no more). You need to place the lamp at a distance of about half a meter. However, if there is blood in the bird's droppings, then heating can only worsen the situation.

Place the cage in a quiet place to eliminate the possibility of nervous disorders. Some parrots are calmed by quiet classical music.

Exclude fruits and greens from the wavy's diet during illness. If the cause of the disease is not clearly determined, try giving the bird a different grain mixture. After some time, see if the diarrhea continues. If the diarrhea went away, then the cause was in the food.

Add a small amount of St. John's wort or chamomile solution to the drinking bowl. If diarrhea has been going on for several days, you can add a little activated carbon, enterosgel or smecta to your food or drink.

If your budgerigar's loose stools don't go away, what to do?

When you have done everything you could to improve your pet’s well-being, but the diarrhea still does not go away, you need to contact a veterinary clinic. Your parrot may be seriously ill. Then the parrot will need to be tested and examined in order to make an accurate diagnosis. If possible, take your pet's excrement with you to make the veterinarian's job easier and make a diagnosis faster. The veterinarian will also be able to tell if the diarrhea is caused by the medication that was previously used to treat the wavy.

If your budgerigar has loose stools, the doctor may prescribe some medications for treatment. Gamavit, which should be added to the drinker, copes well with diarrhea in birds. As a rule, treatment lasts 7 days. In more difficult cases, you can drip 4 drops of medicine directly into the parrot's beak. This will make the medicine work faster.

Dry bacteria will help improve the functioning of the wavy's intestines. To do this, you need to add the medicine Vetom 1.1 to the drinking bowl twice a day. The course of treatment also lasts 7 days.

In any case, it is better not to self-treat your pet, but, if possible, seek help from a specialist. This will avoid errors in establishing the diagnosis and cause of the disease, as well as unpleasant consequences improper treatment.

We have long considered our pets as full members of the family. Thanks to our care and attention, they are cheerful, active and healthy. But if they suddenly get sick, we always feel sad, because it takes a lot of effort to treat them.

Parrots are creatures that are quite resistant to infections, but they can still get sick.

Diarrhea in a budgie often confuses many owners, because the food is normal and the water is clean. What could be the reasons for the parrot getting sick? And how to deal with this? Treatment of this disease requires a very competent approach.

As a rule, diarrhea in a budgie is not a disease itself, but only a symptom that characterizes a particular disease.

As a rule, the signs of almost all ailments in birds manifest themselves in the same way:

  • the parrot becomes inactive;
  • stops tweeting and singing;
  • eats poorly or refuses food altogether;
  • sits on the bottom and does not walk or cannot take off;
  • the plumage becomes dull, the look is apathetic;
  • loose stools are observed for a long time;
  • the bird may be breathing heavily;
  • makes strange sounds similar to coughing;
  • there may be vomiting.

Under no circumstances should a budgerigar be left with such symptoms; treatment in this case is mandatory, otherwise it may die. This must be done immediately, immediately, since all metabolic processes in a small bird occur very quickly and the count of its life goes by the clock.

What could be the reason for diarrhea?

If you notice loose stools in your pet, you must remember that dehydration occurs quickly in a bird and can cause death.

The reasons why wavy has diarrhea may be the following diseases:

  1. Infection.
    The bird could have become infected from a sick individual in a pet store or from unscrupulous breeders, or quarantine rules were violated.
  2. Goiter inflammation.
    This disease can appear from poor-quality food and is characterized by the fact that throughout the entire illness the birds experience loose stools and regurgitation of any food that gets inside. Without treatment, the bird quickly dies.
  3. Diseases internal organs, for example, intestines, kidneys or liver.
    Budgerigars have a very delicate gastrointestinal tract and poor quality food can cause one of these diseases.
  4. Poisoning.
    A parrot can be poisoned not only by poor-quality food, but also by toxic plants, which can often be found in abundance in the owners’ apartments. Frequently, wavy birds fly and try “on their beak” everything that catches their eye, out of curiosity, not realizing that this can be deadly.
  5. Stressful state.
    Sometimes, when changing its place of residence, a bird goes to the toilet poorly, and sometimes this can occur when living together with other parrots. Birds often start real wars for food, for a place on the perch, and the weaker ones receive serious physical and moral injuries.
  6. Poor quality water.
    This reason is the most common cause of diseases in parrots. Bacteria multiply quickly in water, making it a real poison for birds. In this case, it is necessary to treat very quickly, before the infection spreads to other birds.
  7. Overfeeding with green food.

Caring for your pets is the key to their health. For example, loose stools stressful situation there is no need to treat with any special methods, but it is necessary to monitor the condition of the wavy.

And vomiting in females during the nesting period is quite logical, this is how she shows her readiness for procreation and the appearance of young animals. However, it is very important to do regular bird inspections. If a budgerigar has smooth plumage and a clean beak, then there is no reason to worry.

On the contrary, it is important to take timely measures if symptoms appear:

  • cracks or growths appear on the beak;
  • the bird goes to the toilet loosely, and its stool is irregular;
  • The parrot sits lethargic and apathetic at the bottom of the cage.

How to treat a bowel disorder

If you notice that your pet has loose stools, you should immediately try to find out the reasons and begin treatment. This must be done quickly, because the more often the bird goes to the toilet, the more dehydration it becomes and the closer it will die.

What measures should be taken at the very first moment?

  1. First of all, clean the feathers around the cloaca from dirt. The condition of this part of the bird’s body can tell a lot in diagnosing the disease.
  2. Keep the bird warm. Most diseases cause an increase in temperature, while others take away the bird’s strength to warm itself. To ensure that your pet is in optimal conditions during illness, eliminate drafts, create a temperature near the cage of approximately 25 degrees and a humidity of 60-70%.
  3. If there are red spots in your parrot's droppings, then under no circumstances should you warm the parrot.
  4. In the place where the bird cage is located, you must maintain silence. Noise and sharp sounds can cause additional stress in the pet and, as a result, the bird will go to the toilet loosely.
  5. Analyze what has changed in the last few days. If at this time you changed the diet or gave the wavy unusual or unfamiliar food, try to draw a conclusion and return it to its usual menu. Another cause of the disease can be poor quality food. Check the packaging for leaks and check the smell of the feed mixture. There should be no smell of bitterness or rot in it. Also, check the food for the presence of insects and their larvae.
  6. During illness, a budgie can be given rice porridge cooked in water. Under no circumstances give him milk or products derived from it, this will further worsen the parrot’s condition. Also, do not add salt, spices, or oil to the porridge.
  7. Eliminate fruits and vegetables, as well as greens.
  8. Inspect the feeders carefully; if there is diarrhea, the parrot goes to the toilet anywhere and droppings can get into the feed.

Many wavy owners ask on forums whether diarrhea can be cured without seeing a doctor. Many people have a problem contacting an ornithologist, since these specialists are often seen in large regional centers, and it can be difficult for bird owners to get to them.

There are measures that help treat loose stools in parrots, however, it is very important not to miss the moment when contacting a specialist is necessary.

In order to strengthen the stool, the bird can be given a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort. A mixture of herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Afterwards you need to strain and add to the drinker.

The adsorbent should be given in small quantities according to the scheme 3 times a day for 2 days.

You can give:

  • smecta;
  • polyphepane;
  • filtrum;
  • enterosgel;
  • enterodes;
  • activated carbon.

If the parrot’s condition does not improve, then urgently take it to the veterinarian.

You can feed the wavy only with the following products:

  • millet;
  • rice and rice water;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • clean water.

Also, you can treat diarrhea in wavy with medications. If you suspect an infection in a bird, and it is impossible to get a consultation with an ornithologist in a timely manner, add the immunomodulatory agent Gamavit to the drinker. Dilute 0.5 ml with 50 ml of water. For severe diarrhea, you can instill 2 drops into the beak 2 times a day. The course of treatment with Gamavit is a week.

Many forum members note that diarrhea can be effectively treated with the help of dry bacteria. However, again, only if it is not an infection. If your parrot goes to the toilet frequently, but there are no other symptoms, then the problem may be with the food. To improve digestion, the drug “Vetom 1.1” helps. It should be given 1 drop 2 times a day for 7 days.

Almost all of us have pets that are full-fledged members of the family. We look after our pets with special trepidation and care and closely monitor their health. But sometimes animals do get sick, and it takes a lot of time and effort to treat them. Many people have budgies at home; these cute and funny birds cheer up their owners with their cheerful chirps from the very morning. These pets have a high resistance to various diseases, but budgies can still get sick. For example, treatment of diarrhea in budgies requires the owners to carefully and carefully care for the birds.

Attentive owners will immediately notice the first symptoms of one or another. How can you tell if your budgie is sick? Very simple. A sick bird becomes inactive, loses activity, stops chirping, refuses food, sits at the bottom of the cage and does not react to anything. The feathers of a bird can also be a sign of the disease; in a sick individual they are ruffled, become dull and brittle. A sick bird may have difficulty breathing and make plaintive sounds.

One of the common diseases of parrots

A disease such as diarrhea in a budgie often becomes the main cause of its death.

Causes of diarrhea in a budgie

When owners notice unusual discharge of liquid intestinal contents, they wonder why their budgie has diarrhea? There may be several reasons for this disease:

  1. Infectious disease, i.e. the parrot became infected from an already sick individual;
  2. Goiter inflammation; A goiter is a sac-like expansion of the esophagus, which is located to the right of the sternum;
  3. Disease of internal organs; it could be a disease of the intestines, kidneys, liver;
  4. Poisoning; many parrots fly around the apartment and try to taste everything that catches their eye, because of this, poisoning can occur;
  5. Stress; if the pet does not live in a cage alone, then the fight with other individuals for food, water or a female can lead to stress for the pet;
  6. Poor quality feed and water;
  7. Excess greens in food

Attentive owners carefully monitor their pets every day. A sign such as vomiting, especially in females, is not a cause for concern. Sometimes a female expresses her readiness to communicate with a male in order to breed offspring. It is worth checking the birds regularly; a smooth and clean beak surface indicates that the bird is healthy. But if cracks appear on the horny surface, you should contact a veterinarian. As a rule, healthy individuals rest, sitting on one leg; if you notice a pet in a position on two legs, lethargic and joyless, you should think about its health.

How to help your pet cope with illness

Many people have not a single budgerigar living at home, but a whole group of them. What should you do if one of your budgerigars is diarrhea? First of all, it must be isolated from communication with other individuals in order to avoid infection. In a cage with a sick parrot, you should install an infrared lamp that will work day and night, cover the bottom of the cage with white paper to make it easier to monitor the secretions, install two perches in the cage so that the parrot can choose where it is most convenient for him to settle.

What to feed a sick parrot

If it happens that your budgie is diarrhea, you should change its diet. You can feed and water a sick bird with the following products:

3) chamomile decoction;

5) rice water

Fruits, vegetables, and greens should be excluded from the bird’s diet.

Sometimes diarrhea can accompany other signs of illness. If you notice that your pet has diarrhea accompanied by signs such as:

  • vomit;
  • indifference to everything around;
  • ruffled feathers;
  • refusal to eat

This indicates that the pet is developing a pathology, and if measures are not taken, it may die. If diarrhea and the above mentioned symptoms last more than one day, the parrot should be immediately shown to a veterinarian, who, after a thorough examination, will prescribe treatment. As a rule, for recovery budgies it takes two to three days, after which it is necessary to wash the pet under warm water and thoroughly disinfect the cage.

To avoid diarrhea and other diseases in budgies, it is important to remember about hygiene: regularly wash the cage and bowl for food and water; you need to carefully monitor your diet: it should be varied and rich in vitamins and minerals, parrots especially need vitamins in winter; If you let your parrot fly around the apartment, be careful that it does not peck at anything, especially house plants, which may contain toxic substances.

Care, love and simple rules of care are the key to a strong friendship between a person and a pet!

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